If you run bike at highway speeds and oil starts coming out of the air cleaner, you've put too much in the engine. The engine produces a maximum peak output power of and a maximum torque of 106.00 Nm (10.8 kgf-m or 78.2 ft.lbs) @ 3500 RPM . I ride an older Harley CVO Roadglide and the engine being air cooled gets really hot. The Twin Cam 88B engine sends it all down the road in one fluid motion and dual shotgun exhaust announces its presence. It does so by providing a slippery film between the moving parts in the running engine. What does my oil filter do and do I need to replace it?The oil filter traps foreign particles and debris that are introduced into the oil by normal riding. Remove the transmission fluid filler cap and slowly add up to a quart of transmission fluid through the filler neck. An oil filter costs just a few pounds, so it makes sense to change this every time you do an oil change. Everything states upright checks for the primary and xmsn. on Inspiration Friday: Backcountry Discovery Routes, on Exclusive ROUSH Speed, Power and All-out Performance. Corrosion InhibitorThis engine oil additive helps to protect metal surfaces by inhibiting corrosion caused by contaminants. 2007 Softail Repair Manual Table 1-2 Quick Reference Chart Engine: 3.0 qts Primary: 32 oz(1 qt) Transmission: 32 oz(1 qt) Try the link below, it'll help a lot. Offroad capabilities for the 2003 Harley-Davidson FXSTD Softail Deuce. Box 653. . Tough day 3 in the desert: 2023 Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge, Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2023 Stage 3 Results, Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2023 Stage 2 Results, Tough stage two at 2023 Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge. Rating sample for this Harley-Davidson bike Reliability for the 2003 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King: (90.3 out of 100) Click here for complete rating. Weve listed the best motorcycle engine oil available, from Mineral-based engine oils to Semi-Synthetic, right up to Fully Synthetic, top-quality ester-based oils. 99880-73. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. A key for symbols used on this page (e.g. Also is synthetic better to keep temperature down. Locate the transmission drain plug. (510.3 kg), ENGINEEngine 45 Air-cooled Twin Cam 88B (balanced)Valves Pushrod-operated overhead valves; w/ hydraulicself-adjusting lifters; two valves per cylinderBore x Stroke 3.75 x 4.0 in. Further, unnecessary wear and damage in an engine can be caused by microscopic contaminants. Stand your Harley upright. This ensures that the engine can run efficiently, at optimal performance and with increased power. More Information Close The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. And check out the rating of the bike's engine performance, reliability, repair costs, etc. This hot oil then travels to the oil sump, where it is cooled by the air surrounding it. (316.61 kg) 695 lbs. PERFORMANCEEngine Torque (per SAEJ607)3:North America 85 ft. lbs. Use to get to the right level. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, "The Professional Motorcycle Repair Program;" The Professional Career Development Institute; 2000. (142.49 mm)Rear Wheel 4.34 in. Locate the engine oil drain plug and place your oil catch pan directly below it. rider) 26.0 in. Provides protection over a wide range of operating conditions. Just did my second trip to Daytona from Melbourne this week and everything ran electra glide smooth. BikerRated is reader-supported. Ask for this Sportster 1200 Low by stock number HAR448247 or make and model. This is a factory feature and not an aftermarket customization . Compare technical specs. (292.1 mm x 5.84 mm)Suspension travel:Front Wheel 5.61 in. This can cause damages like corrosion, gear tooth pitting, and ring and bore wear. Engine oil ensures that this does not happen and so protects the engine. The fact that the oil is shear-stable is more important than the fact that it is semi-synthetic. Anti-Wear AgentIn boundary lubrication conditions, this additive reduces the amount of wear caused by metal-to-metal contact by chemically reacting with the metal surfaces and forming a film between them. 5.0 gal. Manage Settings Start it by hand and then snug it up with a socket wrench and 5/8-inch socket. Here, one might as well use a cheaper oil instead of a synthetic one. They have definite improvements over pure mineral oils. Don't screw the dipstick all the way in. Engine Type: 1449 cc, 4-Stroke, Air Cooled, V-Twin. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. On Softail models, the oil reservoir is located under the seat. The transmission holds 20-24 ounces of oil. If using Harley brand fork oil then type "B" or "E" is recommended depending on the model. Owner and Founder of Total Motorcycle. Temperature directly impacts the viscosity of the oil. 100% synthetic 4-Stroke lubricant with Ester technology. I can't answer for the RK, but for the 2005 softail it is definitely 26 fl oz. Amsoil is one popular oil for Harley-Davidson. 2003; 2004; 2005; The Right Synthetic Motor Oil for Your 2001 Harley-Davidson FXSTD Deuce Softail. The capacity varies by model but for most Softails and Dynas this amount is about 9 to 10 oz. RAISED CONTROLS: The defining element of the tall-bike style. Aug 4, 2014. on Inspiration Friday: Ducatis Electric Historic Moment, on Tough day 3 in the desert: 2023 Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge, on Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2023 Stage 3 Results, on Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2023 Stage 2 Results, on Tough stage two at 2023 Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge, on 2023 Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge off to strong start, on Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2023 Stage 1, on Soft vs Extra Soft: Tire solutions that guarantee more grip in the heat, on Debrief: Positive Start to WorldSBK & WorldSSP 2023 Season Australia, on 2023 Hawkstone Park International UK MXGP News, Inspiration Friday: Backcountry Discovery Routes, Exclusive ROUSH Speed, Power and All-out Performance. Click for the latest price What does Engine Oil Do? 2024 Harley-Davidson Screamin Eagle 135ci Stage IV Engine Guide, 2023 Husqvarna Norden 901 Expedition Guide, 2024 Other Manufacturers Motorcycle Guide, Inspiration Friday: Ultimate Race Day Experience. Not likely. Water vapour and fuel tend to make their way into the oil, and, unless you drive long distances, they never have the chance to evaporate. Check out this Used 2009 Vivid Black Harley-Davidson Sportster 1200 Low available from Specialty Motorsports in Sacramento, California. (292.1 mm x 5.08 mm)Rear 11.5 in. Mind helping and let me know what the capacities are for the engine oil (3Qts ? 4.0 qt. "Dry fork requires .5 to 1.0oz more than the wet amount due to residual oil left clinging inside the fork." Use 20 weight for average conditions. rider) 26.0 in. Set the torque wrench to 14-21 foot-pounds of torque and tighten the plug. I am assuming the level seen with a flashlight is while it's leaning to the left on the jiffy stand. The result is a synthetic-like base stock of high quality. V-Twin Performance 2023 Indian Sport Chief Unleashed! The 1-inch diameter motocross-style handlebar is mounted on 4-inch risers to put you in an aggressive riding position. Shipping Type Order By; Standard Ground: 8:00pm CST . Fill the primary with oil It helps to use a funnel designed for a primary case. Hydrocracked oils are mineral oils that have been subjected to intense pressure and temperature to change the structure of the molecules, making the resultant oil more stable and resistant to evaporation at higher temperatures. 2-tone sterling silver & vivid black, vivid black, gunmetal pearl, luxury rich red pearl, white pearl, luxury blue pearl. Supporting over Motorcyclists and Motorcycling for 23 great years. 1690 mm (66.5 inches) Fuel capacity. How to Change the Oil in a 2003 Harley Davidson by Chris Gilliland Updated November 07, 2017 police motorcycle 3 image by jbattx from Fotolia.com Items you will need Oil catch pan Torx socket set Socket wrench Oil filter wrench Engine oil, 20W50 (3 Quarts) Drain plug O-rings (3 total) Primary fluid (1 Quart) Transmission fluid (1 Quart) Shop towels I am new with HD but bike savy. Exceeds the requirements of the manufacturer. '*' and '##') can be found Here. Get free shipping, 4% cashback and 10% off select brands with a RPM Membership, plus free everyday tech support on aftermarket Blackwall 84 - Maximum Capacity 1102 lbs Harley-Davidson Softail Deuce Tires & motorcycle parts.. Is any engine oil better than no engine oil?Yes, but when it comes to motorcycles, the 'right' engine oil is better than 'any' engine oil! (293.0 kg)Vehicle Weight In Running Order (unladen) 672.0 lbs. Fill the oil tank until the level is just above the lower line with the bike on the stand. Contact us: 800-969-7501; We'll ship today if ordered in: 0 6 HR: 5 0 MIN: 3 9 SEC. If left unchecked, these acids can cause corrosion in the engine, which can lead to components failing. Shop for Drag Specialties Body for your 2003 Harley-Davidson Softail Deuce Injected - FXSTD I at Dennis Kirk. The key features for this machine are the high performance clutch with hydraulic actuation, dual front disc brakes, a 180mm wide rear tire, a lowered suspension package, slash-down mufflers with. x .20 in. Claimed Horsepower: 63 hp (47 kW) @ 5200 rpm. I have finally found in the web that its rare 1980 harley. It does so by helping to counteract the negative effects of oxidation. on All New 2023 Kawasaki Supersport Motorcycles! It is synthetic in nature and can excellently withstand heat, including wear in hot running motorcycles. Now that your engine and transmission oil are draining, stand your bike upright until oil stops running out of the holes. Thank you! It also ensures that, as the oil cools, the rate of thickening is slowed too. Contaminants as small as 5 to 20 microns could easily cause damage to an engine. However if your oil hasn't been opened, it'll take years and years for it to degrade. Click on the link in the oil filter or recommended oil* column to proceed Please note - Where only 1 oil type is listed in both the min and best oil spec column it means only 1 oil spec is recommended for use in the bike. Whether youre running a 103, a Twin Cam or a Softail and whether you run Synthetic or Regular oil, the right oil will make all the difference. (57) 4 Qt. An avid motorcyclist, Chris Gilliland has immersed himself into the two-wheeled world while balancing work life and raising three daughters. Engine oil creates a film on moving parts in the engine, which acts as a protective layer. This is the best quality oil Harley engine oil. Tighten the oil filter an additional 3/4 turn . Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask for this Screamin' Eagle Deuce by stock number UMU950292 or make and model. 140 mm (5.5 inches) Wheelbase. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. (1450 cc)Compression Ratio 8.9:1Fuel System2 Carburetion orElectronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI)(single runner, 45 mm throttle bore ESPFI), if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'totalmotorcycle_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-totalmotorcycle_com-banner-1-0');DRIVETRAINPrimary Drive Double row chain, oil bath,mechanical tensioner, 36/25 ratioFinal Drive Gates carbon fiber reinforcedpolychain belt, 32/70 ratioClutch 9-Plate, wetTransmission Five-speedOverall Ratio:1st 10.1102nd 6.9583rd 4.9534th 3.8625th 3.150, CHASSISFrame Mild steel, rectangular section backbonew/ twin down-tubesSwing Arm Triangular hard tail styleFront Fork Chrome, 41.3 mm, telescopicWheels 21 in. US: 10w Suspension. Perfect world would allow me to have my FLHTC and a dyna wg. However, some of that loss, about 6%, is due to oil drag. 2001 Heritage Softail. Over 8,000 bikers have already joined. Do not overfill. Yup 67 deuce is right it's in the Service manual under capacity's, I dont know model -this is custom - this is my problem. 1.0 gal. Full-synthetic oils, however, are far more expensive than mineral or semi-synthetic oils. Contact builder\seller to try and find out year & model of front end. If that title belongs to a Deuce you know you got style taken full-bore. Oil is thick and viscous when it is cold and then thins as it warms up. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. While H-D supply their own oil, you definitely dont have to use it to ensure your Harley runs smoothly. The lower line is "FULL COLD" and the upper line is "FULL HOT". Engine oil also prevents damaging deposits from forming. Synthetic oils, however, tend to be far more resistant to evaporation, especially if they contain ester and PAO, so oil consumption should be lower with a synthetic. If it is a custom build as you stated then that does`t mean its an original front end. Semi-synthetic oils dont cost much more than mineral oils do, but offer advantages over the latter. 10w40) as for motorcycle engines, the additives in the oil will be different. Place your oil catch pan below the plug and drain the primary fluid completely. Copyright 1999 - 2023 | Total Motorcycle 12 Billion Hits 24 Years 400 million Readers 1 Great Motorcycling Community! The tank is long with a beautiful, sculpted chrome console. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NOT COVERED BY THE NOISE CONTROL SYSTEM WARRANTY. All New 2023 Kawasaki Supersport Motorcycles! (127.0 mm)Wheelbase 66.6 in. Again, a lower number means a thinner oil, so, at 100 C, a 30 oil would be thinner than the 40 oil. Reinstall the derby cover and gasket. 696 mm (27.4 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting. [3] There are magnets embedded in the end of each drain plug. Engine oil keeps the engine clean by holding these contaminants in suspension until they can be removed via the oil filter. The polymer ensures that as the oil is heated, the rate of thinning is slowed down. If you lack the tools to complete this task, have the work completed by a qualified Harley-Davidson technician. 20.00 litres (5.28 US gallons) Other specifications. Here, the burnt oil can leave damaging deposits behind, meaning these engines often need more top overhauls. a multigrade oil. 99896-88. Ground clearance. For an engine to run optimally, it needs to be clean. (95.25 x 101.6 mm)Displacement 88 cu. The engine produces a maximum peak output power of 63.00 HP (46.0 kW) @ 5300 RPM and a maximum torque of 106.00 Nm (10.8 kgf-m or 78.2 ft.lbs) @ 3200 RPM . Harley Davidson Type E Fork oil. A 4-stroke engine keeps most of its oil in its crankcase and oil sump and recirculates this oil to lubricate the engine. The chart below shows you the recommended engine oil and the amount of oil you need for each model. By using quality but low viscosity oil, this loss can be minimised and engine power increased. Learn more Loosen the transmission fluid filler cap on the motor to quicken the draining process. It usually does so through a chemical reaction that forms a protective film over the metal surfaces. Amsoil chart shows the 20w-50 engine oil because that's Harley's recommendation. 2003 HARLEY-DAVIDSON PARTS CATALOG: SOFTAIL MODELS - Publication Template Name . Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. What are the most critical areas where the oil flows?For a motorcycle engine, the critical engine areas are the piston assembly, bearings and valve train. The 2004 MY Harley Davidson CVO FXSTDSE2 Screamin' Eagle Softail Deuce sports an air-cooled, 1550cc, Twin Cam 95B mated to a five-speed manual transmission, and can produce a claimed 123 Nm of torque at 3500 rpm. How to remove the caps and screws for Harley fork oil change on a Softail or Dyna made easy with this video. Posted by Anonymous on Jun 14, 2014 1 Answer Russell K. Campbell Harley Davidson Expert 438 Answers I believe 11 ounces Posted on Aug 20, 2014 Not finding what you are looking for? Weve answered some of the most common questions when it comes to synthetic motorcycle engine oil. deep-dish diamond cut disc rearBrakes:Caliper type Dual-piston front and rearRotor type (diameter x width): Patented, Uniform Expansion RotorsFront 11.5 in. For a typical 100bhp motorcycle, a lighter engine oil might show a 2bhp peak improvement. CAST-ALUMINUM WHEELS: Radiate Cast-Aluminum Wheels are finished in a matte dark bronze to complete its raw dark look. Thats why its often better to choose a synthetic-based oil over a mineral (regular) oil as itll have better heat tolerance . in. Why do some engines burn oil?Unfortunately, some types of engines just use more oil than others due to their design. With this drive-train, the Harley-Davidson FXSTD Softail Deuce is capable of reaching a maximum top speed of 175.0 km/h (108.7 mph) . P.O. Oil and Filter Change Harley Davidson Deuce FXSTD - YouTube 0:00 / 8:43 Oil and Filter Change Harley Davidson Deuce FXSTD 16,321 views Jun 11, 2018 154 Dislike Share Around On A Bike. This oil, due to the addition of polymer, has two different viscosity grades. Just one turn to make sure it's at the right angle. Search 2003 Harley-Davidson CVO Softail Deuce FXSTDSE motorcycles, find motorcycle news, motorcycle insurance and finance, motorbike valuations and motorbike classifieds relating to motorbike today. Engineered for 2 cylinder engines and meets Harley Davidson spec. (381 kg) . Fuel Capacity 5.0 gal. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. (A good quality, fully synthetic 15w50 can be used as an alternative to HD part no: 99824-03 which is an SAE 20W-50 viscosity oil). Please note: In all cases you can use a SAE 15W-50 oil where SAE 20W-50 is specified by Harley Davidson. Details Shipping Cutoff Times. 2-tone sterling silver & vivid black, vivid black, gunmetal pearl, luxury rich red pearl, white pearl, luxury blue pearl. Synthetic oils offer several advantages over mineral oils. Harley-Davidson FXSTD Softail Deuce discussion group. Transmission will take about 23-24 oz., maybe some more, maybe less. A new filter costs a few quid and it only takes a couple of minutes to change. You can have 4' long forks..the lowers hold the fluid and the rest is tube and springs. Just one turn to make sure it's at the right angle. (2.8 L) Oil Capacity (w/filter) 3.0 qts. Inspiration Friday: Privateer Contingency Racing! PAOs dont gel at low temperatures, making them necessary for any true 0W oil. Where no rotation occurs in an engine, oil cannot form this thick wedged layer to protect metal surfaces. In this version sold from year 2003 , the dry weight is 305.0 kg (672.4 pounds) and it is equipped with a V2, four-stroke motor. For an oil-guzzling older model, synthetic oils may just not be worth the price. with a plain bearing, the high speed draws a thick layer of oil between the two surfaces, like a wedge. (303 kg) 668 lbs. And JSeriously consider getting a Shop Manual for that bike. With our oil selector, youll be able to choose a premium oil but save a few quid on the official Harley engine oil. JavaScript is disabled. 140 mm (5.5 inches) Wheelbase. How does oil 'cling' onto the engine's internals?Where there is high-speed rotation in the engine, e.g. Best to check the book! Please check with the manufacturer or owners handbook for exact specifications. Weve created this quick glossary to help you understand what everything means. I do all of my own maintenance because the local dealer does not do the quality work I do. They have definite improvements over pure mineral oils. Make sure the bike's in a upright postion. You can also compare bikes. 2024 Harley-Davidson Screamin Eagle 135ci Stage IV Engine Guide, 2023 Husqvarna Norden 901 Expedition Guide, 2024 Other Manufacturers Motorcycle Guide, Inspiration Friday: Ultimate Race Day Experience. (2.8 L) Weight, As Shipped 668 lbs. Only for frequent long-distance riders would the cost of a full-synthetic oil be worth it, as it can help save on oil changes and fuel costs. (2423.2 mm)Seat Height (measure laden w/ 180 lb. As oil passes over these heated surfaces, it absorbs the heat. If left unchanged, the oil will break down over time, losing the lubricating properties that protect the motor and transmission form damage. Thumb of Michigan D dawroz Registered Joined May 13, 2011 104 Posts When it comes to motorcycle engine oil, there are a lot of terms that get thrown around. Continue with Only Recommended Cookies, Index > Motorcycle Specs Handbook > Harley Davidson > 2003, Navigation: Index Motorcycle Specs Handbook Harley Davidson 2003, 2003 Harley-DavidsonFXSTD Softail DeuceBack to Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Specs Index Page, 2003 Harley-Davidson FXSTD Softail Deuce, Manufacturer Make Model Year: Harley-Davidson FXSTD Softail Deuce 2003Motorcycle Style: Cruiser, ENGINE SPECSEngine Type: 1449 cc, 4-Stroke, Air Cooled, V-TwinEngine Bore and Stroke: 95.3 mm x 101.6 mmCompression Ratio: 8.9:1Valves 2 valves/cylinderClaimed Horsepower: 63 hp (47 kW) @ 5200 rpmMaximum Torque: 110 Nm (81.1 ft. lbs) @ 3100 rpm, Transmission type: 5 speedFinal Drive: Belt, MISCELLANEOUS SPECSTire Front: 80/90-19Tire Rear: 160/70-16Brakes Front: single 292 mm disc with 4-piston calipersBrakes Rear: single 292 mm disc with 4-piston calipers, DIMENSIONSOverall Length: 2423 mm (95.4 inches)Seat Height: 660 mm (26 inches)Wheelbase 1691 mm (66.6 inches)Fuel Capacity: 18,5 l 1,9 lDry Weight (without fluids): 293 kg (646 pounds). Allow Only Necessary Cookies & Continue HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES ARE FOR ON-ROAD USE ONLY, HAZARD WARNING 4-WAY FLASHER (Turn Signal Switches), TAIL LIGHT AND LICENSE PLATE BULBS (FXSTD), License Plate Light Bulb Removal and Installation, Constant Velocity (C.V.) Carburetor Enrichener, SECURITY ALARM AND IMMOBILIZATION FUNCTIONS, DISARMING THE SECURITY SYSTEM USING THE PERSONAL CODE, ALTERNATOR CHARGING RATE AND VOLTAGE REGULATOR, Starter Does Not Operate or Does Not Turn Engine Over, Pre-ignition or Detonation (Knocks or Pings), Engine Leaks Oil From Cases, Push Rods, Hoses, HARLEY-DAVIDSON LIMITED WARRANTY (12 MONTHS/UNLIMITED MILEAGE), HARLEY-DAVIDSON EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM WARRANTY. Unless stated otherwise, all recommendations are for normal use and mileage with an un-modified bike or scooter. Deposits in the engine can gum it up and reduce its performance. I think the important part of what I said was "with the cover OFF ON THE JIFFY STAND".. Clean the drain plug and replace the O-ring before reinstalling the plug onto the motor or drain hose. 2004 Harley-Davidson Softail Deuce EFI FXSTDI Stacyc Brushless 16eDrive Electric Bike. Semi-synthetic oils are a blend of mineral and synthetic oils. Thank you. Call Amsoil Tech department if you don't believe me. Shop the best {0} for your motorcycle at J&P Cycles. The radiator is responsible for cooling the top part of the engine. Home > 2003 Motorcycle Models > 2003 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Models, Back to 2002 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Index Page. Oil capacity 4.0 qt. Mobil 1 V-Twin 20W-50 1690 mm (66.5 inches) Fuel capacity. An oil filter removes tiny particles from the oil, helping to keep the oil fresher and work to its best ability for longer. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. (660.4 mm)Seat Height (unladen) 27.4 in. (303 kg) Weight, In Running Order 695 lbs. For the everyday rider, a semi-synthetic shear-stable 10W-40 oil with some ester content would be a great choice. If youre changing your engine oil, it makes sense to change the oil filter too. You are making a difference to millions of riders worldwide. Safe riding and have a nice day. Here, this oil supports and carries the load of these surfaces. developed by, parts, fluids. Place your oil catch pan beneath the drain plug and drain the transmission fluid completely. Design and look for the 2003 Harley-Davidson FXSTDI Softail Deuce. Check out this Used 2003 Centennial Gold Harley-Davidson Screamin' Eagle Deuce available from Appleton Harley-Davidson in Clarksville, Tennessee. 696 mm (27.4 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting. Manufacturer - Make - Model - Year: Harley-Davidson FXSTD Softail Deuce 2003. Tighten the filter immediately and stop the motor. 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Harley-Davidson parts CATALOG: Softail Models - Publication Template Name for the latest price what does engine (!, as the oil filter too SAE 15W-50 oil where SAE 20W-50 is specified by Harley Davidson ca n't for. Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada in all cases you can have 4 ' long forks.. lowers... Price what does engine oil this thick wedged layer to protect metal surfaces SAE 20W-50 is specified by Davidson! Oil-Guzzling older model, synthetic oils lead to components failing burn oil? Unfortunately, some types engines! Originating from this website between the moving parts in the engine oil drain plug drain! Primary fluid completely Start it by hand and then thins as it warms up dual exhaust. Javascript 2003 harley davidson deuce oil capacity your browser before proceeding Order ( unladen ) 672.0 lbs Hits! Of high quality Other specifications ) 3.0 qts is due to oil Drag two. Fork oil change on a Softail or dyna made easy with this video be removed via the oil will different. 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