I notified the school and they told me I was all set. I was allowed to come back in 2019. But, you would have to prove to them you did not have any convictions. Me and my family are long time SENTRI users. There is no conviction nor on record, but assuming this will flag on my Sentri pass and remove me from the program? I got a notification saying my status was approved later that day. I believe my school has not updated my information correctly. Thanks for the advice. Hi, The prosecutor enrolled me in pretrial diversion program (with no guilt). If I re-apply past the 10 year mark of the last infraction Ill be nearly two years sober. Do you think I would be wasting my time and money by applying for a Global Entry application? I was arrested for sleeping in the car intoxicated, which was a DWI at first but then went down to a misdemeanor DWAI. When evaluating offers, please review the financial institutions Terms and Conditions. Am I safe to simply do the interview at the airport given I have already successfully appealed to Ombudsman or is there a chance they will ask for more information and deny again? Feel free to contact me if that happens. Do they look at incident reports? My dad doesnt even have a traffic ticket . Reading the comments, it basically seems like 2 offenses no matter how far back (10+) or minor, is enough cause for immediate denial, correct? We were awoken by police officers who indicated we were breaking laws by being parked in a car past park closing. Would that incident still be on my record? Email just says other for reason. In May of this year I had a DUI arrest but as I was under the legal limit charges were never filed and the prosecutor has told my attorney that they do not plan to file charges though the statute of limitations does not expire until May of next year. I am not familiar with that type of violation, however. They denied me again but I appealed 2 months shy of the full 10 years now it is well over 10 years. I was neither taken into the police station nor fingerprinted, photographed, or booked. I have an adjudication withheld in Florida of a grand theft 3rd degree felony that has been sealed not expunged. The only way to know is to apply. I have had clients who renewed their TSA/Precheck despite having been revoked from the Trusted Traveler program. Even background checks were never as thorough as to do more than read a computer check. Our partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews of their products or services. However, you can't use your Global Entry card to travel through NEXUS lanes when traveling to Canada. Does he have any chance of getting Sentri? I was neither taken into the police station nor fingerprinted, photographed, or booked. Can I apply for TSA pre check if global was denied ? Somehow that interaction with missing school got his whole family revoked of their sentri or global entry. My stepson was convicted of drug possesion in 2013. I have never been questioned or fined or anything. Roughly 6 years ago I was detained and penalized ($500) and released for undeclared medication. IN the interview he mentioned how he had an incident 10 years ago with a MIP for drinking alcohol in public. Fast forward to this past March 2022. I plead no contest. A FOIA request could provide details on this incident. Here's what they say: That person NEVER LIVED in that house, but we are screwed with cbp records and of course sentri, we applied for reconsideration and explained that we have nothing to do with the inmate but we were denied again. This was a single arrest producing multiple charges: Possession of Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E drugs, Larceny over $100, and Receiving Stolen Goods. He said he was very sorry but its a strict liability violation. Am I going to be able to renew it? I would amend that answer if you receive an interview. I was planning on bringing the docs I have with me but wasnt sure what I should submit I have a PDF copy of the signed motion to dismiss with an order of dismissal but it doesnt even state the original charge on there? Im an American citizen who was denied entry into the UK because they said I could not convince them that I was a tourist, which I was. It doesnt matter whether you have completed probation, had a boderline BAC of 0.8, and had your record expunged. Question about Sentry and Global entry revoking. Be sure to bring all required documentation, your passport, and an alternate form of identification to your interview. He had sentri as well as my whole family. Even though did not have a felony conviction, the incident made me deportable. Cards that cover the cost of Global Entry, Bank of America Premium Rewards credit card, Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card, Citi / AAdvantage Executive World Elite Mastercard, IHG Rewards Premier Business Credit Card, Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant American Express Card, TSA PreCheck or Global Entry credit cards what you need to know, You want a travel credit card that prioritizes whats important to you. So, my questions to you are: If it continues to happen you could consider DHS Trip Redress. Ten years is not an official policy. Discuss the matter with the supervisor. The criteria is on the Trusted Traveler website. He has Parkinsons (at the time of his wet reckless he was undiagnosed and alcohol was basically self medicating it because nervousness in social situations greatly aggravates Parkinsons) and even with medication any kind of interview like that will leave him very shaky, hard to talk. HI! My opinion only is that the program generally likes to see ten years pass without any negative incidents. I have never heard of someone receiving GE with a felony conviction. Would Global Entry be able to find this even though I was a minor when it happened? Ten years is not an official policy. It sounds like you have a good reinstatement argument with the Ombudsmans office. So when I apply for Global Entry, do I say yes or no to arrests, conviction, etc? Regardless, tell the truth on your Global Entry application and during the interview. We traveled a lot and used the pre check included without any issues. [], Written by Steven Hubbard, Senior Data Scientist and Robin Lundh, Research Manager Black immigrants make up a vital part of Americas rich cultural life. Thank you for keeping up with this website and blog post ALOT of info here. I got it expunged in 2018. I disclosed 3 misdemeanor convictions for DUI on my application. have a conviction for Domestic Violence from back in 1994 and then it was expunged in 1996, i had no run-ins with the law, do you think i can still get my global entry approved? Should I mentione this offense from 50+ years ago? I recommend obtaining a certified copy of the court disposition and submitting it as part of the application. Looking at the Global Entry website, they list much more serious offenses as reasons for denial. I filed for a waiver and it was approved. Nothing was ever said to me in the in person interview, I didnt know to ask the officer anything. Is there any process I can follow? How to correct that is anyones guess. I applied for and was approved for global entry and travelled internationally a dozen times without any problems. I have heard of people who have been rejected/revoked from the Trusted Traveler program who were approved for TSA PreCheck. Got a speeding ticket when I was a minor (had JUST turned the age to get to license), supposedly got it removed for obtaining it. She will soon get her gallbladder removed. Waiting for the application to be processed. like you said my residencies might have triggered some database, the CBP officer also told me that he had to ask me these questions because it looks suspicious getting multiple residencies within a short period, i tried to explain that getting them makes investing in real estate much easier for me there. I have copies of the courts decision documents to dismiss the case. 2nd one was when i was 18 years old and i was charged with a misdemeanor for theft again. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) should reduce the number of children who age out of green card eligibility. Greetings! I got home to find out it was approved then revoked 2 minutes later. Here are our picks for the best travel credit cards of 2023, including those best for: Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred Card, No annual fee: Bank of America Travel Rewards credit card, Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card, Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve, Luxury perks: The Platinum Card from American Express, Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred Credit Card, About the author: Natasha Gabrielle is a freelance writer and traveler. Yes. I imagine that you would have to make a reinstatement argument to the Ombudsman. Should I just give up? Id like to apply for Global Entry but I dont want to waste my $100 fee or get into a huge hassle about it all. I 100% HAVE HAD NO PRIOR INCIDENTS. Or should I indicate that I do have a low-level misdemeanor on my record and to hope for mercy from the interviewer? I applied for Global Entry and went to the interview Jun 2021, I was not asked to bring in any documents and didnt. Click on the "SENTRI" tab. I had a customs violation about 15 years ago. Please enter information exactly as it is stated on your passport and review your application thoroughly before you submit it. Have been convicted of any criminal offense or have pending criminal charges or outstanding warrants (to include driving under the influence); Have been found in violation of any customs, immigration or agriculture regulations or laws in any country; Are the subject of an ongoing investigation by any federal, state or local law enforcement agency; SENTRI is the only program that allows preapproved, low-risk travelers to reenter the U.S. from Mexico on foot or by vehicle using special SENTRI lanes at the land border ports. The probation was completed in late 2011. When I landed, I looked in my bag (5+ hours had elapsed and it was late) and saw no fruit. I have a sentry, days ago my son received a DUI. I have heard of people being rejected or revoked on this basis. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition, minutes, or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. I had an unfortunate arrest and solicitation charge 3 years ago, which was dismissed after a no contest plea and 6-month diversion. Had disturbing the peace conviction 40 years ago. Does that count as a criminal offense, and will it mean that I can not get global entry? My wife has lived in the U.S. for 20 years and was approved a Unlawful Presence Waiver in 2018. Global Entry: Which is Better? I apply for SENTRI 10/23/2021. TIA! CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before reinstating an applicant. Is there any way to get approved now or in the future? Years later, I applied and was granted a SENTRI card. Dont remember I have since been able to get one of the doors to function and provide access to the rear seats of the vehicle. Also, should I go ahead and get my TSA approval while waiting to hear back from the global entry? Additionally, your Sentri card receives all the same benefits as Global Entry, meaning you can use it for expedited processing at participating US Airports. Hello, my husband just applied for Global Entry and we are waiting to see if he gets approved. Should I even bother applying for Global Entry? If you were not approved at the interview, you were likely denied. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. I saw my case and its not even considered a felony and the alcohol % is the minor. Hi, my sentri got taken by customs this morning. I had a violation of law for firecrackers I bought at walmart in PA and brought to NY back in 2002 , I voluntarily disclosed this information . How should I have answered that question? Get more smart money moves straight to your inbox. Please consult with a Canadian lawyer about entry requirements to Canada. I recently applied and its been 11 years since the conviction but a couple weeks shy of 10 years of completion of the probation. No, with a criminal record, she is in eligible for SENTRI. I went to the interview with the supervisor and she asked me a bunch of questions and asked if I knew the people she mentioned (most of them were my family members, and a few I did not recognize). Thoughts on ever getting it TT back? Should I even bother with renewal? Might not even need it then. Hi Chris, Hi! I had my records sealed which I know means nothing to the feds. I was never charged and the case was dismissed. If I get the charge expunged do I still have to mention it in the interview? Will they deny the sentri pass? After completion of the program they dismissed the case. On the application, there is a question re: Have you ever been arrested or had charges that were expunged or removed? Hello, I applied back in 2019 to Sentri Pass prog but got denied for not meeting requirements. The offense (even though expunged) has been reported on every SF-85 within the time frames on the forms. Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Bank of America Travel Rewards credit card. If your travel to Cuba was not authorized, CBP could deny as a possible Treasury Department violation. Is by any chance apply for second reconsideration? Both programs are valuable and can make your travel experience easier. I had 2 juvenile misdemeanors, age 15 and 16. Lol screw the USA. My family and I have always taken care of ourselves in this type of thing, so it wasnt us. Here are our picks for the. My sentri was revoke too together with my children. Is there a chance they would approve a Sentri / Nexus Pass? Ten years might be long enough for CBP, but the only way to know is to apply and, of course, declare the incident. I do not believe such incidents expire on a persons record. They were already separated at the time and my brother had no contact with her, which is why he wasnt even aware of it until now ( over 4 years later). I have an Global Entry in March. You might consider DHS TRIP Redress. I am not a criminal lawyer. Is that felony automatically bars me from the SENTRI program? I am 60 years old and had a DUI over twenty years ago. Hi , I came to USA without inspection in 2011 and I applied for asylum within first year and been able to work with work permit for years . My status expires in 2023 and I submitted my renewal the day after I was eligible to renew due to the long waits I heard about. Do you think they might approve me with that letter of the DO. I have recently applied and received residency cards from Mexico and Panama and on my way back from a trip to Panama a CBP officer looked at my passport and walked me to a room where another officer asked me questions about what i was doing on my recent trips to UK, Mexico and Panama and asked me if i was born in Yemen and how i got my US citizenship, everything seemed okay i answered all his questions he walked me out and 3 days later i get a notice that my GE has been revoked reason: You do not meet program eligibility requirements. I have heard of hundreds of cases where people who were born in countries that were on the trump travel ban or people with Muslim sounding names had their GE revoked. I was arrested in 2002. Should I disclose this, what are the chances of it coming up and what are the chances of denial for this. The border agent said that I would have a 6 month ban on return, but as I didnt have to return within 6 months, I never knew if the ban was officially placed and registered. Benefits for Sentri Members Will I have a chance of getting approved? We have a letter from the governor giving him his rights back. I expect they would deny you initially. Does a pretrial diversion count against you? Any thoughts as to my chances of approval? My wife had a computer fraud felony over 30 years ago, has never been an issue or been seen by any of her employers even though she disclosed it to them. This has only happened once in my long international travel history. The sentence was withheld adjudication. The officer now stated I had to wait now 10 years to apply and my husband as well because he knew I ad DACA. They will see 3 total arrests on my adult record, 1 DUI conviction in 2011, and two dismissed misdemeanors from over 20 years ago, and of course, I would admit those arrests if asked in the interview. Yes. The Collapse of Customer Service at the Trusted Traveler Program for SENTRI, Global Entry pass holders Part 1. Would it be better to wait and see what happens at my court appearance before attending my interview? This is the second time my sentri card was taking, the first time it was for a personal clash, when I cross the border they ask me, what I have to declare from Mexico?, if nothing, I say nothing, 99.9999 Im on my way, if I do I always declare it, This one agent was screwing with me and I did call him a fPocho, he toke my card, I said I would not live the booth intel I could talk to the supervisor, the supervisor come over and they were going back and forth of who was going to keep my sentri card? Why? Consider re-applying. I was issued Pre-Check in July of 2017. How can I clarify that I was unaware of my sisters legal situation? We rent a room in a house. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. Should I bother applying?? It costs more but includes Global Entry perks. I am 48, when I was 18 or 19 (30 years ago which would have been 1991/1992), I received an underage drinking ticket. Now my whole family had sentri revoked my mom my sister my brother in law . Hello, I was charged with burglary and then the court dropped it to a misdemeanor and expunged it off my record 11 years ago. I live in Mexico and if I need to get my records, Id likely have to go in person and thats not going to happen. I will repost if/when I hear back from the Ombudsman. How do I get a FBI background check? I recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition to submit at the interview. I can bring a copy of the court disposition to the interview but want to check if I have a chance on getting it before trying. Will the CWOF cause them to decline my application? Is it worth reapplying at this point? That was about 20 years ago. Pictures and finger prints were taken. Is there any place I can call or visit to check what happened? Mr. Manley, your professional insight would be greatly appreciated. I also have a DUI which was expunged from my record. Ten years is not an official rule or policy. You likely should wait a certain period before re-applying as CBP generally likes to see the passage of time without any negative events. Then, my 5 year global entry renewal was done by paying the fee and shortly thereafter my global entry was revoked. She ordered a fake ID before going to college and it was confiscated by Customs while being shipped and her GE was revoked in 2020. The DA declined to bring any charges and I never received a charge and never went to court. a juvenile detention, that would or should not be considered an adult criminal conviction. Have you heard of people being denied again after winning the appeal with Ombudsman? In 2017 I received a ticket for a city ordinance violation (no arrest/misdemeanor just paid a fine to have it removed from my record). Its a criminal conviction and TTP could deny on that basis. My brother served time for trying to smuggle people and they deport him. I guess if I am denied or conditionally approved, Ill get the court records from my DUI and hope for the best if I get to the interview stage. Im wondering how they treat these petty misdemeanors for juveniles. I knew I was drunk, so I asked a bartender for a ride home. How long a wait is anyones guess. They also invited me to reapply. Feel free to call me sometime. I have nothing else on my record. She had asked if i had been to jail and I said It was over 30 plus years it was for steaing soemthing. Thanks. CBP does not publish opinions on eligibility, but I do not believe someone can get approved with two convictions. The problem is that CBP knows nothing about basic customer service. Wondering if its a waste of time. CBP will look at the facts and circumstances behind any criminal violation no matter how long ago it took place. I would estimate that CBP would initially deny you. After ten years, they should clear it from your record. We are currently in the process of applying for a spousal visa. He merely gave me a 9-digit PASSID # and advised me to return within a certain amount of time with any further explanations (I let it go at the time so that timeframe to do so has since expired). I have no court records of the event. They put me under driver, I applied in 2015 for the sentri and the denied it. You should obtain certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. I travel internationally a couple times a year, always without incident. CBP could potentially deny or revoke a membership under a close association as an indication of risk grounds. In summary, an applicant with one very minor violation and a solid ten years of rehabilitation should be able to qualify for the Trusted Traveler Program. 2 arrests. Thanks! If the case was thrown out in trial, you likely do not have a criminal violation over the incident. Interview talked about it was not a big deal and I was granted Global Pass. It may take hours and if you make a mistake your application can be denied. The appeal was denied, citing previous violation as the reason. I decided to contact the DOJ and in a phone conversation the DOJ agent stated that the DOJ only uses fingerprint records to report criminal history. Feel free to call or email me directly. If the case was thrown out in trial, you likely do not have a criminal violation over the incident. I have TSA Pre check and when I got that the person who did my paperwork said I should apply for Global. I did not realize a cigar from Cuba was a violation. Traveling for work I applied for TSA PreCheck and was approved. CBP could reject over that. I was told back then that is not considered a conviction. All financial products, shopping products and services are presented without warranty. I even used to work for the DOT/FAA/DHS/TSA and had clearance to bypass check points for several years. Never went to jail. In addition, I would go to the records department of the applicable courthouse. Hi, I was charged with a violation of NYC administrative code (littering) over 10 years ago. After the diversion program in 2017 the court filed a judgment to dismiss the complaint with prejudice. 25 Feb/23. I have those court documents from the attorney. Hi I would like to know the outcome of your case? That sounds like a complex issue. I couldnt find out why (despite many attempts), so I reapplied. About 40 years ago, he committed a felony, served time. Would it be safe for me to state on my Global Pass application that I do not have a criminal record? Im 69 years old and applied 2 weeks ago for Global Entry, as I am married to a Thai and she has a house in Thailand that I visit once or twice a year. Can I get a Sentri Pass? This doesnt considered conviction. Do I have to wait? Four years ago she plead guilty to Negligent Driving for a single vehicle car accident (no property damage, just her car) after having consumed alcohol. Was interrogated about juvenile records during a GE interview I felt that to NOT be under the parameters of questioning about criminal history since I was never convicted of any crime as a juvenile under age 18. I want to apply for the global entry but the only reason that stops me is that Ive heard is that if a direct family member had federal convictions in the past that they will denied me is it true ? I do not generally get involved in the application process John. is it a waste of time for me to apply? That information should be in the transcripts. I find it hard to believe that a DUI is not considered a criminal offense. I was never convicted from what I can remember but how can I get a complete dossier of everything to go through? Once that happens, you could then decide to apply for reinstatement or reconsideration with the Ombudsman through your Trusted Traveler Profile. If you can get it expunged, do that . CBP needs to do a better job with people who have had old customs violations. I was stopped at a Border Patrol checkpoint and a drug dog alerted the officer, they found medical marijuana, presented my medical recommendation but they confiscated the drugs in fall of 2011 A few years ago I applied for sentri and was denied because of it. If the case was thrown out in trial, you likely do not have a criminal violation over the incident. Is there a chance of even getting to an interview to show them the records? Hello John, I went through the Sentri lane at San Ysidro last week and the automatic sliding doors on my van malfunctioned. I plan on bringing the letter from Ombudsman saying that they have overturned the denial/revocation of your membership.. Back then that is not considered a criminal record that I do generally! I applied in 2015 for the DOT/FAA/DHS/TSA and had clearance to bypass check points for several years asked! 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