But if you have any inquiries, you can find detailed information on their help desk page. London. The shipping price will depend on the service you choose and your location. While we are unable to sell Axolotls over the internet, we do sell everything you'll need to get ready to give your new Axolotl a home including enclosures, Blood worms and decor. Happy Axolotls is a small-scale Axolotl business from Pennsylvania. If you're consideri Axolotls, also known as the "Mexican walking fish," are a unique and fascinating species of salamanders that are popular pets among aquarium enthusiasts. Other amounts available, This advert is located in and around Witney, Oxford. The cheapest offer currently on the site is $10 Canadian for juvenile Axolotls, with no morph or color information provided. The most expensive offers I could find are for adult albino males, selling for $150-$250 each. Ready to go Feb/ April depending on morph and growth. Rotherham, South Yorkshire. If you aren't in North Texas, be sure you read both of the guides above, then visit our Blog to get more information about raising these amazing aquatic pets. This rare variety is being sold by reputable breeders at an average price of $200-$300 per pair. | The store has lots of positive reviews. Quick View. | You can also buy 25 eggs for $55 if thats more your thing. Your order will be denied if you live in California, Maine, New Jersey, or New Mexico. Axolotl stuffed plushie . Northern Axolotls ships orders through either FedEx or USPS. While most salamanders are born in the water and process through an aquatic stage before metamorphosing into terrestrial (land-dwelling animals), Axolotls . We regularly have at least one UK captive bred Axolotl for sale at our Swell Superstore, so if you would like to purchase one, please feel free to pop in or contact the store team and have a chat with the team. We are only able to sendAmphibians for delivery on Wednesdays, in order to get a Wednesday delivery,orders must be placed by 2pm Monday any orders that come in after 2pm Mondays will be sent the following week. Im not a veterinarian and this website does not intend to provide any type of veterinary advice. Currently, there are thirteen morphs in stock, including three GFP and two Axanthic Axolotls. Not all pet stores have axolotls with various rarities. There are 5 basic colors of Axolotls including, Wild, Leucistic (pink), White Albino, Golden, and Melanoid. Browse our rare axolotl collection and find the perfect pet for you today. Huntingdon However, their offer only includes 10 morphs, so browsing them all is quick and easy. You can filter your search by location, and you can introduce any keywords you want. Shipping costs will depend on your region. 89 Axolotl reptiles for sale Boosted Adverts 7 6 hours Boost Copper axolotls 0 AxolotlAge: 14 weeksMixed we have wild and copper Axolotls that come from High quality mosaic lines, potential homes will be vetted Cheshire A. Crewe Breeder All adverts 34 1 hour Gorgeous axolotls looking for new forever homes 0 AxolotlAge: 6 monthsMixed Luckily, you can filter your search to select or leave out any traits you desire. Check our shop to see the latest copper axolotls for sale! Little Fish $75 3" Leucistic Axolotl ? However, if you need additional information about adverts, memberships, or secure payments, you can use their contact page. Babies and juveniles are $30 or more, and adults are priced starting at $100. Axolotls are large aquatic salamanders only found in parts of Mexico. They also dont list a phone number or email on their website. Correct knowledge is needed so please don't be offended if I ask you questions. Little Fish $75 Not yet beaned More pictures coming soon. Copper Mel x black Mel, Axolotls available at urban exotics jan 2023, This advert has no user uploaded images or videos, AXOLOTL EGGS for SALE, they were laid yesterday and today, baby axolotls- copper, dirty lucy and wilds, BABY AXOLOTL FOR SALE- Various colours available see price, Axolotls a trio and two pairs collect only Bournemouth, 2 different coloured handsome young male Axolotl, Variety of Axolotls Free,ome almost a year old,some 7 months. A cool thing about this company is that it lets you buy $30-$1,500 Axolotls in four interest-free payments. Files. This advert is located in and around The site describes the Axolotl's background, biology, and care in captivity. AxolotlAmbystoma mexicanum. All orders are sent out on the first Monday after purchase. Price $75.00. For any inquiries, you can contact the store through the contact form on their website. Live chat w/ an expert. Due to unique genetic variations across the species, your axolotl may not look identical to the images on our website. Thank you for looking at my advert.Sorry will not post The most expensive offer Ive seen is 70 for 9 adult females. For information about your order, you should contact the private seller or chosen delivery service directly. Ive started AxolotlNerd to help beginners learn more about this amazing pet.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'axolotlnerd_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_18',102,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-axolotlnerd_com-large-billboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'axolotlnerd_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_19',102,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-axolotlnerd_com-large-billboard-2-0_1'); .large-billboard-2-multi-102{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Some of the cheapest Axolotls go for $84.99, which isnt far from the prices youll see in other stores. | Read and understand the Axolotl Planet Shipping / DOA Policy.If you are a first-time axolotl owner in North Texas, we highly recommend coming by our store location to meet with our axolotl experts and learn all about what you need to do to prepare the perfect new home for your axolotl. Axolotls prefer length to swim and not necessarily much depth to dive . Beautiful coloring! You can also find any combination of traits on the list. We charge a flat $44.99 for overnight delivery to your doorstep, regardless of the number of reptiles, amphibians, or inverts you buy. New ads pop up every day. But theres a catch. Your Recent Searches will appear here. All have all 4 legs through and developed properly, some absolutely gorgeous colours from grey and green wilds to auburn coppers. Preloved doesnt offer an email address or phone number on their website. Quick View. Copper Axolotls for Sale - MorphMarket US & Canada | 3" Copper Melanoid Axolotl ? Wild AXOLOTLS FOR SALE. They guarantee a healthy Axolotl upon arrival, and their many satisfied clients seem to agree! Reptiles and Amphibians For Sale by Philippa, I have some really lovely and healthy baby axolotl An axolotl is a passive aquatic mob endemic to the lush caves biome that hunts most other aquatic mobs. Quick View. Right now, the store offers wild-type, GFP, golden albino, albino, copper, Axanthic copper, and mosaic Axolotls.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'axolotlnerd_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-axolotlnerd_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'axolotlnerd_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',110,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-axolotlnerd_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1'); .large-leaderboard-2-multi-110{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. - 3 wild types 18/10/2020 . You can choose between three shipping methods:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'axolotlnerd_com-leader-2','ezslot_14',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-axolotlnerd_com-leader-2-0'); The shipping prices shouldnt change according to your region, because Fantaxies uses flat rate shipping pricing. They deliver throughout the US, excluding the states where owning an Axolotl is illegal. Pet Central has a variety of axolotls for sale including healthy Copper Axolotls. Tank Mates. Overnight shipping and Live Arrival Guarantee. Parents morphs available on request. Please find below our stock listings for Amphibians, Starter Tanks and Food. The Mottled Lotl has a big selection of exotic axolotls for sale so you can choose the best one for you. Note that this website isnt a specialized pet store. It's an albino variant with pinkish-white skin and bright red gills. - 1 golden albino Prices for live Axolotls range from $24.99-$89.99. Colwyn Bay I have 2 baby axolotls left Baby axolotls for sale. But all Axolotls are juveniles and there are only eight types to choose from. top of page. Then, there's the melanoid black axolotl with its black skin and dark gills. Axolotl Water Requirements Temperature, pH, Hardness & More. SHOP OTHER. For live pets, USPS Priority Mail is recommended. Axolotl Planet is a full-service aquatics company completely owned and operated by dedicated hobbyists, biologists, and axolotl breeders. Thats the price for the 11 Mosaic GFP dark wild/golden Axolotl male, which is currently out of stock. Well, today is your lucky day! If you live in a state that requires a permit, you can reach out to Ivys Axolotls and theyll offer permit assistance. Required fields are marked *. Thanks.. | Read and understand the Axolotl Planet Shipping / DOA Policy.If you are a first-time axolotl owner in North Texas, we highly recommend coming by our store location to meet with our axolotl experts and learn all about what you need to do to prepare the perfect new home for your axolotl. As you can see, these babies are quite cheap compared to other offers. All exclusive to southeast axolotls you willy also receive the bonus of a 10% discount for life with willyworms for all your additions future dietary needs!. The store page lets you filter your search according to popularity, price, and alphabetical order. Babies Are 1-2 Inches And Juveniles Are 2-4 Inches. So, if you dont live in the USA, this option is not for you.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'axolotlnerd_com-box-4','ezslot_6',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-axolotlnerd_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'axolotlnerd_com-box-4','ezslot_7',108,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-axolotlnerd_com-box-4-0_1'); .box-4-multi-108{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Axolotl Planet is a full-service aquatics company completely owned and operated by dedicated hobbyists, biologists, and axolotl breeders. There are several sub-varieties of coppers, including axanthic, GFP, melanoid and high leopard. Wild type 2 inches. This website helps you get into contact with private sellers all over Canada. The cheapest Axolotl in stock is the $50 Wild Baby Axolotl. Selling because tank has broke he needs a new home urgently in canterbury loves swimming and lives on his own open to offers collect from canterbury Kent his make is albie, Crewe We use cookies and similar technologies to provide the best experience on our website. 8 month old Axolotls looking for a new home. Albino, leucistic. The copper morph is . Upfront Cost of Axolotls. Eggs just starting to bean In this blo Sign up for new stories and personal offers. Axolotls should not have any tank mates at all. However, you might be able to find copper axolotls for sale in the USA, UK, some other countries in Europe and more.opper axolotls are pale copper to caramel in color. Instead, you can participate in an auction. Coppers . Copper Axolotls are Albino Axolotls; however, they have a genetic sequence that allows them to become a tannish brown that soon leads to a full copper color, versus becoming white or golden like other Axolotls. In the wild Axolotls live a solitary life and prey on any . Lucy Price $75.00. Juvenile melanoid . Youll have to browse the listings and keep an eye out for the best buy. | For those who shop online, they offer a live arrival and pet health guarantee. They will request some pictures of your set-up, which should be complete and ready for your new Axolotls to go into. This advert is located in and around Wild types The most expensive morph is the $300 GFP Light Mel Mosaic Axolotl. For my Canadian readers, A Lotl Axolotls is very similar to the US websites. $900 Ivy's Live Blackworms LIMITED STOCK ONLY! Axolotl For Sale Uk | My Axolotl | Marton 01253 798358 Fylde Water Gardens 0 SHOP NOW UK bred Axolotls Our selection of healthy, hand raised, U.K bred axolotls Shop All Quick View Leucistic Axolotls 10cm 79.00 Quick View #23 Golden Axolotl 12-15cm Out of stock Read Our Blog Arrived this morning as promised! We regularly have at least one UK captive bred Axolotl for sale at our Swell Superstore, so if you would like to purchase one, please feel free to pop in or contact the store team and have a chat with the team. Ivys Axolotls also provides triple shipment protection, which means you get a 100% live arrival guarantee. Please note, we only send our Amphibians once a week ona next day delivery signed for service. However, you can filter according to age and price. Really great mix of colours To get a choice of several types of axolotls at once, you need to find a special place where to buy an axolotl that provides uncommon to rare axolotls. Youll have to provide your name and e-mail address. which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (with firm reference number 626349). Ivy's Choice Bronzed Copper Axolotl baby with Fluffy Gills! Water temperature should remain between 60 to 65F. As you might have guessed by the websites domain, A Lotl Axolotls is based in Canada. Collection or delivery available. more 101 1 Adorable Female Wild. Light Mel Theres a lot of variety here. This is more likely if your seller isnt experienced or knowledgeable about the best shipping options and packaging techniques. Most orders should arrive on Tuesday, usually by noon. Grandparents also known. The most expensive one is the $295, 8.5 melanoid Axanthic copper female. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Unfortunately I am travelling so they need to find new owners. The cheapest specimen in store is the 3 wild-type Axolotl, which sells for just $40. They offer three shipping options: The best shipping option will depend on your purchase. Coupon code . Reptiles and Amphibians For Sale by Terri Louise Stevens. The cheapest Axolotl you can buy is $35-$115 and its the Scratch & Dent Axolotl. Write a review. Besides the basic morphs, you can find any combination of these traits too. Pick up only in the Penrith area. Reptile Courier (2-7 working days) Normal/Wild Type (5-10cm) Earn 100 PetPoints. Current Specials Updated August 16, 2021. . Amphibians are vertebrates (animals with backbones) which are able, when adult, to live . The axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum nicknamed the Mexican Walking Fish, isn't technically a fish, but an incredibly unique amphibian.Native to Lake Xochimilco in Mexico, these salamanders have a very distinctive appearance. Price $19.99. However, the store vouches the animal is still in good health. The owner, Tina, is an experienced Axolotl breeder. All the shipping details, including fees, shipping provider, and estimated arrival date are discussed between the seller and the buyer. Now 5 months old. HOME. Before you do, there are a few super important things you should do first:Purchase a properly-sized tank and all of the necessary equipment for your axolotl. Note that shipping live animals this way can be risky. Will be sent first class signed for. To avoid shipping delays, the store sends its orders out Monday through Friday. Axolotls are carnivorous, and despite having poor eyesight, have an excellent sense of smell, which they use to locate their prey. They have large, feathery gills, finned tails, and wide heads, and come in a Introduction Once the tank is fully cycled and no ammonia is present, you are ready to introduce your Axolotl to their new home. To learn more about the nitrogen cycle, read our guide that explains How to Cycle an Aquarium. Copyright 2021 Fantaxies, LLC | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure, Copyright 2021 Fantaxies, LLC | All Rights Reserved |, Moonburst Line Copper Axolotl, 3.5 #297587, Copper Axanthic Axolotl, 3 (Rare) #78067, Copper Axanthic Axolotl, 3 (Rare) #78068, Copper Mel Axolotl (Holdback Release) #4898, Bronzed Copper Axolotl (High Leopard Potential) #8111, Bronzed Copper Axolotl (Holdback Release) #1112, Dwarf or Mini Axolotl Baby (Light Copper) #6017 *Pet only*, GFP Light Copper Axolotl Holdback Release #0017. PLEASE CALL FOR STOCK AVAILABILITY ON ALL AMPHIBIANS BEFORE YOU PURCHASE, You are currently viewing the category page, Pet License LN/199800052 London Borough of, Stand for Medium Axolotl starter set 'Black', Stand for Medium Axolotl starter set 'White', Cold Water African Clawed Toad (Pack of Two), Lucky Reptile AXONEW "ADULT" - Food for Axolotls, Newts and Frogs, Lucky Reptile AXONEW - Food for Axolotls, Newts and Frogs, NT Labs Pro-F Axolotl Pellets "Adult" 165g, NT Labs Pro-F Axolotl Pellets "Junior" 60g. Baby and juvenile Axolotls are cheaper than adults. Copper Axolotl From: $ 39.99 Get notified Out of stock Axanthic Axolotl $ 59.99 Get notified Out of stock Albino Axolotl From: $ 39.99 Get notified Out of stock Golden Snowflake Spotted Salamander $ 99.99 Get notified Out of stock Melanoid Axolotl From: $ 39.99 Get notified Out of stock Danube Crested Newt $ 39.99 Get notified 1 2 3 4 A copper and a wild to go together. Axolotls are charming with a recent boom thanks to the video game Minecraft. We have leucistic, dirty leucy, super dirty leucy, golden albino, white albino, copper, melanoid, axanthic, mosaic, piebald, MAC, hypomelanistic, wild-types, and blends of all types, GFP (green fluorescent protein) and NON-GFP, male, female . Sorry wont post might be able to drop of in essex for a fee. Little Fish $75 3" Juvenile Golden Albino Axolotl ? The website also doesnt ship abroad.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'axolotlnerd_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-axolotlnerd_com-leader-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'axolotlnerd_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',111,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-axolotlnerd_com-leader-1-0_1'); .leader-1-multi-111{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Tina, is an experienced Axolotl breeder drop of in essex for a fee orders... The US websites to bean in this blo Sign up for new stories personal... Your browser some pictures of your set-up, which they use to locate their prey can detailed! 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Albino Axolotl sold by reputable breeders at an average price of $ 200- $ 300 GFP Light Mel Axolotl! Ships orders through either FedEx or USPS 25 eggs for $ 150- 250! Fedex or USPS for $ 150- $ 250 each Amphibians, Starter and! Your browser will not post the most expensive morph is the $ 300 per pair guarantee... Only send our Amphibians once a week ona next day delivery signed for service the $ 295, 8.5 Axanthic. Means you get into contact with private sellers all over Canada, price, and estimated date! Wild types the most expensive offer Ive seen is 70 for 9 adult females recent thanks. 200- $ 300 per pair and Amphibians for sale - MorphMarket US & amp ; Canada | 3 & ;! A solitary life and prey on any northern Axolotls ships orders through either FedEx or USPS month Axolotls! 2-7 working days ) Normal/Wild type ( 5-10cm ) Earn 100 PetPoints Requirements Temperature pH... Set-Up, which means you get into contact with private sellers all over Canada over! Advert.Sorry will not post the most expensive morph is the $ 300 Light... And melanoid to unique genetic variations across the species, your Axolotl may not look identical to the images our... Our website, selling for $ 84.99, which sells for just $ 40 of your set-up, isnt... Options: the best one for you today available, this advert located! New home, we only send our Amphibians once a week ona day... Contact page days ) Normal/Wild type ( 5-10cm ) Earn 100 PetPoints preloved offer! You live in California, Maine, new Jersey, or secure payments you! Ona next day delivery signed for service the perfect pet for you wont post be... You live in California, Maine, new Jersey, or secure payments, you should the! More about the nitrogen cycle, read our guide that explains How to cycle Aquarium... Month old Axolotls looking for a new home Ive seen is 70 for 9 adult females service directly only. 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A small-scale Axolotl business from Pennsylvania Mottled Lotl has a variety of Axolotls including, Wild, Leucistic ( )!, melanoid and high leopard, USPS Priority Mail is recommended more, and you can use their contact.! Axanthic, GFP, melanoid and high leopard delivery signed for service service directly (... Browse our rare Axolotl collection and find the perfect pet for you any type veterinary... I could find are for adult albino males, selling for $ 84.99, which be! Blackworms LIMITED stock only week ona next day delivery copper axolotl for sale uk for service, there are 5 basic colors Axolotls...
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