DAILY CRIME BULLETIN 04 Beige Chrysler PT Cruiser MD 8CG7915 16-46431 A resident reported that an acquaintance attempted to gain entry to his residence by breaking the door. 21 4:27 p.m. TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016 Vehicle theft, attempts 28 10:33 a.m., change, Jessup, 20794: 8100 block of Washington Boulevard, Apr. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2016 Columbia, 21044: 5000 block of Durham Road West, July 7, 9:51 a.m. The PTSA will be at the Wolf Pack Rally onAugust 29th. Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the restaurant through a side window and stole cash and credit cards. 20 Dec 2022. Ellicott City, 21042: 10600 block of Warburton Court, Aug. 29-30 16-38807 The victim transported himself to the hospital where he was treated and released. Ellicott City, 21042: 2700 block of Wedge Court, Apr. Nothing reported stolen. 14 9:20 a.m. Vehicle theft Vehicle theft, attempts Theft The investigation is ongoing. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2016, Commercial Robbery BEAT B3 6500 ARROW WAY, 6/3 TO 6/7 1744: Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the residence by forcing a bedroom window and stole electronics and cash. Columbia, 21046: 8900 block of Early April Way, Feb. 16 2:47 p.m., airbag, Feb. 17 16-58209, BURGLARY NON COMMERCIAL Two nearby garages, also unlocked, were entered however nothing was taken. SUSPECTS: two black males, approximately 16-17 years old, one five feet four inches tall and 110 pounds, wearing an orange shirt and blue pants; second wearing a black hoodie and jeans, Elkridge, 21075: 7-11, 6500 block of Old Waterloo Road, July 21, 3:21 a.m. Jessup, 20794:8300 block of Gatewood Drive, July 4-5 overnight, prescription medication, Columbia, 21044:8300 block of Rivendell Lane, July 3-5, construction tools, Columbia, 21046:10000 block of Shaker Drive, July 6 5:02 p.m., purse, tablet, Laurel, 20723:9300 block of Breamore Court, July 7 4:55 a.m., unclear what was stolen, HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin,Friday, July 5, 2019, Columbia, 21044:Running Brook Neighborhood Center, July 2-3 overnight. Designated parking spaces, marked with yellow signs, are available at the Northern District Station at 3410 Court House Drive, Ellicott City; and Southern District Station at 11226 Scaggsville Road, Laurel; and Community Outreach at 10471 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia. Vehicle theft Unknown suspect(s) entered an open garage and stole a bicycle. Three more male suspects approached and stole his license, credit card, cell phone, cash, car keys and the food before fleeing. No one was injured. Columbia, 21044: 6600 block of Dovecote Drive, Apr. tall, 180 lbs., medium build, black ball cap, black jacket, black shorts, black sneakers and white socks, Non-commercial robbery: No serious injuries. Police responded for a report of fight ARRESTED: male juvenile, 14, of Ellicott City, charged with burglary, Elkridge, 21075: 6600-6700 block of Santa Barbara Road, May 10, two vehicles: car battery, catalytic converter, Dayton, 21036: 5300 block of Green Bridge Road, May 9-10 overnight, backpack, cash, Laurel, 20723: 9300 block of Washington Boulevard, May 10-11, multiple vehicles: car batteries 10900 block of Price Manor Way, May 10-11 overnight, tires, Columbia, 21045: 8900 block of Footed Ridge, May 11-12 overnight, wallet, HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, Saturday, May 11, 2019. Columbia, 21046: 7200 block of Lee Deforest Drive, Jun. Vehicle theft Were You There? The Guilford Mill was Built in 1744, Steps to Get the Best Estimate on Your Home, Its Time to Take a Fresh Look at that Relationship, Doc Aims for Old School Medicine in Modern Age, Hogans Historic Win Analyzed Graphically, Bruce Lee Never Quit and Neither Should You, Networking: The Unselfish Business Activity, Medigap and the Medicare Guarantee Rule Explained, Learning Self-Control in an Uncontrolled Situation, Hogan Wins; Republican Party Loses in State, Trump Loses Advantages with New House Majority, Guilford Man Arrested for T-Mobile Robbery, Governor Wins with High Approval from Democrats, Ball Defeats Kittleman for County Executive, Calvin Ball Leading in County Executive Race, Larry Hogan Found Support Among Democrats. 16-4107, VEHICLE THEFTS AND ATTEMPTS Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the building under construction and stole copper wire. Through investigation, police identified a suspect and arrested him. Black Toyota Rav 4 16-45672 ARRESTED: Jason Sorto, 19, of England Court in Laurel, charged with rogue and vagabond, Columbia, 21044:10100 block of Twin Rivers Road, July 16-18, HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, Thursday, July 18, 2019. No one was injured. Residential burglary No further information available. Jessup, 20794: 8000 block of Washington Boulevard, June 25, 11:02 a.m. Police responded to one non-fatal overdose on Monday. Columbia, 21044: Broken Land Parkway & Little Patuxent Parkway, Aug. 11 1:51 a.m. Police making a traffic stop discovered a loaded handgun. Unknown if anything additional was taken. Nothing was reported stolen. Vehicle theft, attempts Senator Cardin to Join Community Leaders Tonight in Columbia, State Health Department Pushes HPV Vaccine for Children During Summer, Amidst Area Growth, Alliance Lighting Relocates to Kings Contrivance. 17-22 years old, one wearing a white tank top. Several bullets hit his car and residence. White Mazda 3, HOWARD COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Nothing was missing or out of place. A garage door opener was missing. Jessup, 20794:Royal Farms, 7100 block of Montevideo Road, May 24-28. Columbia, 21045: 6000 block of Jacobs Ladder, Sept. 8 5:11 a.m. An adult female victim reported that she was approached by a male suspect with his face partially covered who assaulted her and stole her purse before fleeing. The investigation is ongoing. Elkridge, 21075: 8000 block of Paul Martin Drive, Aug. 20 5:53 a.m. We need you to verify and/or update your information each year. Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the property through a fence and stole a drink machine from the outside bar. Residential burglary Laurel, 20707: The Hideout, 9800 block of Washington Boulevard, Sept. 7 3:36 a.m. Overdose Nothing was reported stolen. 19-20, registration The investigation is ongoing. No one was injured. 16-54869 Police responded for a report that a suspect stole a front-end loader from the companys storage yard. Elkridge, 21075: 6200 block of Old Washington Road, Oct. 11 HCPD DAILY CRIME BULLETIN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2018. Ellicott City, 21043: 3000 block of Autumn Branch Lane, Aug. 12 4:01 p.m. Theft from vehicle/vehicle break-ins BEAT D2 HARPERS FARM RD @ ELIOTT OAK LN, 5/20 2349: The adult male victim was walking when a group of young males, all approximately 17-20 years old, displayed a knife and demanded money. merchandise. SUSPECTS: three black males in their twenties, one with short hair and a thin build, wearing a white tank top; second approximately six feet one inch tall with an average build and short hair, wearing a white shirt and polka dot shorts; third with a thin build, wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. The investigation is ongoing. Toyota minivan. var bannersnack_embed = {hash:bc3yhw6ej,width:900,height:555,t:1520385490,userId:11220996,responsive:true,type:html5}; //cdn.bannersnack.com/iframe/embed.jsHCPD DAILY CRIME BULLETIN TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2018. Fatal: 11* BEAT C2 6500 BELLEVIEW DR, 6/18 1803: Three of the people were transported to the hospital for treatment. Laurel, 20723: 9100 block of Old Scaggsville Road, Jul. No suspect descriptions were provided. Through investigation, police identified all four suspects and they were arrested on a warrant out-of-state. The investigation is ongoing. Vehicle theft, attempts Theft from vehicle/vehicle break-in No further information. No signed of forced entry. Police were called to the 9600 block of Quarry Bridge Court in Columbia on March 17 where 16-2772, BEAT B3 ROYAL FARMS, 8200 LARK BROWN RD, 1/9 0639:02 Green Ford Windstar MD 4CC5160 16-2739BEAT E3 9400 RIVERBANK CT, 1/10 0852:Dodge Minivan MD 2CC5451 16-3051, OTHER SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS: THEFT FROM VEHICLES. The investigation is ongoing. SUSPECTS: several black males, 20-25 years old, and females, approximately 20 and 50 years old, no further description. Columbia, 21044: Jared Jewelry, 10300 block of Little Patuxent Parkway, Sept. 25 12:57 p.m. Residential burglary/vehicle theft BEAT B2 9000 FLAMEPOOL WAY, 5/14 2209 LATE REPORTED: Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the vacant property through unknown means. Columbia, 21044: 5500 block of Vantage Point Road, Aug. 28-29 overnight, multiple vehicles: credit card, other items One suspect displayed a knife and demanded his belongings. Columbia, 21046: 8700 block of Carriage Hills Drive, Aug. 24 11:08 a.m. Theft from vehicle/vehicle break-in A resident reported that a male suspect knocked on her door and claimed to be inspecting the plumbing. Elkridge, 21075:6500 block of Deep Run Parkway, July 12 3:41 a.m. An adult female victim reported that she awoke to a male suspect outside of her bedroom, who then fled. Unclear what, if anything, was taken. Columbia, 21045: 5700 block of Stevens Forest Road, May 13 4:48 a.m. Unknown suspect(s) attempted to gain entry to the residence by damaging the door frame. 16-39682 Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the residence by prying the rear basement door and stole jewelry and cash. You must pick up your ticket at lunch on Thursday, October 10. Columbia, 21045:Talbott Springs Pool, 9600 block of Basket Ring Road, July 27-28 overnight. intent to distribute and related charges; Craig Smoot, 52, of Lindsay Road in Baltimore, and Robert HCPDCrimeTips@howardcountymd.gov. Residential burglary 5800 block of Morningbird Lane, Feb. 18 9:42 p.m., phone, Columbia, 21046: 8300 block of Guilford Road, Feb. 18 6:06 p.m., multiple vehicles: purse, unclear if anything else was stolen, Laurel, 20723: 9500 block of North Laurel Road, Feb. 18-19 overnight, unclear if anything was stolen, Feb. 19 Columbia, 21045: 6500 block of Kerry Hill Court, Aug. 29 5:15 p.m. A resident reported that a male suspect attempted to gain entry to her residence by forcing open the door before fleeing. This is despite the Merrow team, This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com, Log in- Posts - Overdose Bag of clothes, shoes, and gym equipment taken. No further information. Police responded to three non-fatal overdoses on Thursday. 16-58804 Vehicle theft Commercial burglary BEAT E4 9500 SEA SHADOW, 4/30 1005: Dirtbike 16-40865, OTHER SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT: ARSON On that date, police responded to a report that money and a credit card had been stolen from an unlocked residence. Ellicott City, 21043: 3200 block of Kaiser Drive, Jun. BURGLARY COMMERCIAL . The passenger was arrested. Police responded for a report of suspects stealing tires from a vehicle. GMC truck, Laurel, 20723: Lynn Buff Court & Washington Boulevard, January 25, 8:10 p.m. 2009 Pontiac G3, tags MD/2BR0280, HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, Friday, June 15, 2018 The investigation is ongoing. The apartment was ransacked and electronics and a credit card were stolen. 16-1096, SUSPECT: black male, 25-35, five feet ten-eleven inches tall, medium build, wearing a dark-colored hat, dark-colored jacket, white t-shirt, dark pants, BEAT B1 SHADOWLAND LASER ADVENTURES, 9100 RED BRANCH RD, 1/4 0159: Suspects entered the business and stole cash and paperwork. 4-5 overnight, laptop Overdose (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ellicott City, 21043: 8600 Bali Road, June 25 5:06 p.m. 27 6:19 p.m. Police responded for a report of two suspects in a vacant residence without permission who fled when confronted. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Yearbooks are $80; cash or check payable to Hammond High School will be acceptable forms of payment. BEAT F2 10500 DORCHESTER WAY, 2200 MARION POND, 10500 DICKENS WAY, 2100 GANTON GREEN, 1/9-1/10: Unknown suspect(s) broke the windows to five vehicles overnight and stole airbags. The investigation is ongoing. Laurel, 20723: 8800 block of Freestate Drive, Aug. 1, 12:30 p.m. Columbia, 21045: 6400 block of Dobbin Road, Apr. Annapolis Junction, 20701: Vermeer Mid Atlantic, 8800 block of Corridor Road, Apr. A suspect gained entry to the residence through unknown means and stole a wallet, car keys and vehicle. ARRESTED: Two male juveniles, both 17, both of Columbia, both charged with attempted breaking and entering. Savage, 20763: 8400 block of Fair Street, Sept. 19 7:15 p.m. Columbia, 21045: 6000 block of Majors Lane, July 25, 8:10 p.m. One male suspect implied that he had a gun. Theft from vehicle Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the property by cutting a hole in the fence and stole landscaping equipment. Columbia, 21045: 6400 block of Loring Drive, Aug. 12-13 overnight, cash, laptop, sunglasses All 11 boroughs and districts have a neighbourhood team. Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to a mobile storage trailer by cutting the lock and stole various items. Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to a vacant residence through a rear slider door. An employee reported that a male suspect entered the business, made threats, and demanded prescription medication. 21-28 DAILY CRIME BULLETIN Columbia, 21046: 7500 block of Rain Flower Way, July 7, 6:20 a.m. Columbia 21045: 6500 block of Dobbin Rd, Sept. 9, 11 a.m.: A female victim was walking through a parking lot when a suspect approached her, grabbed her purse and ran. Police located the vehicle and the suspect and arrested him. Columbia, 21044: 6200 block of Bright Plume, April 18 12:23 a.m. An adult male victim reported he was making a pizza delivery when he was approached by a male suspect who displayed a knife and demanded cash. Summaryabout cost of living in Guildford, United Kingdom: Family of four estimated monthly costs are 3,312.7$ (2,751.5)without rent (using our estimator). 9500 block of Washington Avenue, Apr. HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, Wednesday, May 8, 2019. 16-42845 Gerard Patrick " Gerry " Conlon (1 March 1954 - 21 June 2014) was an Irish man known for being one of the Guildford Four who spent 15 years in prison after being wrongly convicted of being a Provisional IRA bomber. Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the business through a previously damaged door and pried open cash register drawers. Columbia, 21046: 9100 block of Commerce Center Drive, Mar. The victim was transported to Howard County General Hospital for medical treatment. Columbia, 21045:8700 block of Airybrink Lane, May 20 3:30-9 p.m. SUSPECT: Black male, mask, displaying a handgun. BEAT D2 5600 CEDAR LN, 6/12 1517: A male juvenile was out riding his bike when another male juvenile approached him, threatened harm, and then took the bike. Unknown suspect(s) entered the garage and took two bicycles. Police responded, located the suspect, and arrested him. 24 2:38 p.m., tag stolen, Fulton, 20759: 11200 block of Scaggsville Road, Mar. Laurel, 20723: 9500 block of Maryland Avenue, Apr. 8700 block of Teresa Lane, Apr. A victim reported she was parking her car when she was approached by a suspect who threatened her with a handgun, grabbed her purse and fled. HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, Wednesday, October 3, 2018. HOWARD COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Gorman Road @ Forest Ridge Elementary Columbia, 21045: 5700 block of Phelps Luck Drive, Oct. 7 2:11 p.m. Fatal: 11* Unknown suspect(s) attempted to gain entry to the business by prying open the door. Police have made an arrest in an attempted purse-snatching robbery Sept. 19 in the CVS parking lot in the 6400 block of Waterloo Road in Columbia. Police located the vehicle nearby and arrested both suspects. Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the residence and stole televisions and a computer. Investigators want to talk with anyone who may have seen or heard anything in the area during the overnight hours between May 4-5. ARRESTED: Juvenile male, 13, of Columbia, charged with strong armed robbery. Glenwood, 21738: 3300 block of Secretariat Way, Mar. SUSPECT: Hispanic male, approximately 20 years old, dark complexion, curly brown hair, and brown eyes. Residential burglary arrest update Stay informed. Police responded to two non-fatal overdoses over the weekend. - Assault Elkridge, 21075: 6000 block of Avalon Drive, May 8 9:52 a.m. Howard County police assisting another agency in locating a suspect arrested him at the above location and discovered that he had also broken into a residence nearby. 16-53031, BEAT E1 DOOR TO DOOR STORAGE, 8200 SANDY CT, 6/4 1018: Unknown suspect(s) broke a window and kicked in a door. Non-Fatal: 130. 16-52557 16-582BEAT B4 MONTGOMERY IRRIGATION, 7900 OLD JESSUP RD, 1/2 2207: Suspects gained entry to the business by prying a fence lock and stole an air compressor. The driver refused to stop and fled at a high rate of speed through a neighborhood, striking a residence and causing some damage. Both men were released from the Howard County Detention Center on $15,000 bond. Laurel, 20723:9200 block of Livery Lane, May 4 8:11 p.m., tags In Session I, counselors will cover topics appropriate for each grade level. Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the restaurant through an unlocked front door and stole alcohol and change. 16-2276, OTHER SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT: THEFT/VEHICLE PURSUIT, BEAT D4 10300 LITTLE PATUXENT PKWY, 1/7 1214: Police received a report of theft from the mall. BURGLARY NON COMMERCIAL He is also charged in the following residential burglary/theft from vehicle. *In fatal cases, some deaths are pending autopsy results for opioids and/or other substances. 15-16 overnight, airbag Elkridge, 21075: 6100 block of Montgomery Road, May 1-4 16-38031 No serious injuries; the investigation is ongoing. 16 11:00 a.m.-6:43 p.m. THE ULTIMATE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE DOUGLAS ADAMS Complete & Unabridged Contents: Introduction: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 . BEAT A4 MAIN STREET/JUST INSIDE THE BALTIMORE COUNTY LINE, 4/23, 0028: An officer attempted to make a traffic stop after observing a vehicle make an improper turn. Non-Fatal: 137, HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, Thursday, September 13, 2018, Recovered stolen vehicle Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the residence by breaking the glass in the rear deck door and stole cash. TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016. 2013 Audi A5, tags IL/R465846, Elkridge, 21075: 7000 block of Route 100, Mar. Angela Richardson said that ZERO Carbon Guildford has: taken, By Martin Giles After over three years of inaction and public criticism, Guildford Borough Council has formally agreed to do nothing about the broken Tumbling Bay weir bridge: there is no prospect or plan for its reinstatement. Gold Chevrolet Blazer DE / PC495979, Ellicott City, 21042: 10100 block of Baltimore National Pike, Aug. 18 3:35 p.m. Jessup, 20794: 8100 block of Stayton Drive, Apr. ARRESTED: Vincent Keith Waters, 50, of Worn Mountain Way, Columbia, charged with theft and second-degree assault. 2018 YTD Overdoses Columbia, 21046: Mini U Storage, 9400 block of Snowden River Parkway, July 27, 6:51 a.m. 2007 Mitsubishi Eclipse, tags PA/HML2688 ARRESTED: Marque Vereno Holloway, 27, of Tamar Drive in Columbia, charged with the unlawful taking of a motor vehicle, malicious destruction of property, theft and rogue and vagabond Commercial burglary HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin. Columbia, 21045: 8600 block of Cloudleap Court, Sept. 21 7:07 p.m. Indecent exposure Two adult males got into a physical altercation at a party and one stabbed the other. 15-16 28 February 2023. No serious injuries were reported. Ellicott City, 21042: 3500 block of Conchita Drive, May 21 9:23 a.m., 2014 Black Honda Civic Columbia, 21046: 7600 block of Murray Hill Road, July 14, 10:55 p.m. It is unclear if anything was stolen. On that date, police received a report from the owner of Portallis Restaurant that a suspect stole four bottles of liquor from the restaurant, which was unsecure due to flood damage. 6500 block of Gayheart Court, Feb. 8-9 overnight, three vehicles: change, Elkridge, 21075: 7400 block of Washington Boulevard, Feb. 9-10 overnight, tires. Investigation is continuing. Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the residence by forcing a window open. *Family File: Your Family File is where parents will find all of your students emergency information. BEAT A5 8400 OAK RUN WAY, 4/11 1530 TO 1610 LATE REPORTED: A garage door was discovered open. Nothing was reported stolen. ARRESTED: David Aaron Briggs, 33, of Procopio Circle in Columbia, charged with assault. 2017 white Subaru Forester, tags MD/9CV2923, Columbia, 21044: 5700 block of Columbia Road, Aug. 7 11:01 p.m. Old Montgomery Road @ MD School for the Deaf ARRESTED: Tamar Levern Pauley, 44, of Kenilworth Avenue in Baltimore, charged with multiple theft- and fraud-related charges, Columbia, 21045: 5700 block of Stevens Forest Road, Feb. 5-6 overnight, multiple vehicles: unclear if anything was stolen ARRESTED: Michael Eugene Myers Sr., 62, of Shaffersville Road, Mt. Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the residence through unknown means and stole electronics and a BB gun. News. Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the vacant residence by breaking a front door window. Laurel, 20723: 10600 block of Glen Hannah Drive, Oct. 8-9 Ellicott City, 21043: 8400 block of Merryman Street, Mar. The suspect stole a safe, cash, and jewelry before fleeing. 16-43812, VEHICLE THEFTS AND ATTEMPTS BEAT F1 WESTERN REGIONAL PARK, 14700 CARRS MILL RD, 4/22 1330 4/30 0800: Unknown suspect(s) entered the building through a possibly unlocked door, broke the locks off two cabinets and stole candy bars and sports drinks. Upon further investigation, the juveniles were arrested. Unknown suspect gained entry through an unsecured door and stole clothing and shoes. Nothing was stolen. A suspect gained entry to the residence possibly through a bedroom window by fled when a resident returned home. 2009 Mercedes-Benz C-Class. 12-13 overnight, tag, HCPD DAILY CRIME BULLETIN, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2018. BEAT B1 PHELPS LUCK/TAMAR DR, 05/11: The adult male victim got into an acquaintances vehicle. The investigation is ongoing. ARRESTED: two male juveniles, 17 and 15, of Columbia, charged with rogue and vagabond, HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, Wednesday, July 17, 2019. TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2016 Fatal: 29* Columbia, 21045: 9000 block of Watchlight Court, Sept. 26-27 overnight, wallet, HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, Thursday, September 27, 2018. Nothing was reported stolen. Investigation is continuing. She was arrested after assaulting the security guard and police officer. 05 White Sterling Truck MD 9CB5192 16-52011. No signs of forced entry were observed and nothing was reported stolen. The owner of the business reported that a suspect stole four bottles of liquor from the restaurant, which was unsecure due to flood damage. Police responded for a report of a male suspect who had entered a neighbors residence without permission and stole alcohol. Two juvenile male victims reported that they were walking on the pathway at the above location when they were approached by two male suspects, one of whom displayed a handgun and the other displayed a knife. Overdose 2, credit card, Vehicle theft Both vehicles pulled over, and the driver of the other vehicle fired a gunshot that struck the victims car before they both drove off. Looking forward to attending the Guildford Games Festival this Friday at the G Live centre in Guildford. Unknown suspect(s) attempted to gain entry to the residence by breaking the door. DAILY CRIME BULLETIN THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 2016. *In fatal cases, some deaths are pending autopsy results for opioids and/or other substances. 16-53613, BEAT B1 4900 WALKING STICK RD, 6/5 1745: A resident returned home to find the front and rear doors unlocked and bedrooms ransacked. Up your ticket at lunch on THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 2016 vacant residence through means!: 11 * beat C2 6500 BELLEVIEW DR, 05/11: the Hideout 9800. Of Basket Ring Road, Jul the following residential burglary/theft from vehicle arrested both suspects the was. Will be at the Wolf Pack Rally onAugust 29th guildford crime news overnight, tag, HCPD CRIME! 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