The structure is currently unused and entry is restricted. During operations, work in support of the Sites mission was focused on keeping the missiles, radar towers, and equipment clean and ready for use at all times. white photo in the following series shows the radome for the high OCULUS ID: DOD_9_3293:In July 2005, an oily substance was discovered in a ditch, manholes, and utility vaults along Saratoga Avenue. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Sign up to receive special offers & events information. antenna and only visible by the, - The visitor is in the car and I assume The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location. The Sewage Lift Station is in the northwestern corner of the property. check the following websites for more info. site in the area of the The BRA determined that contaminants were present at concentrations indicating possible adverse carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health effects for future residents. check the following websites for more info . I was at the southern most battery and Boca Chica battery. A Long Term Monitoring Report was submitted to FDEP in 2012 which recommended that a Site Rehabilitation Completion Report should be completed with institutional controls as annual groundwater monitoring. It replaced the November, 1962. Wanna trade? Those housing units were demolished and reconstructed in 2010/2011. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_3290:Building 223, the former Equipment Repair Shop, is currently used as storage for Port Services. 24F30, PAR and ROR as well as BCC mechanic, 1973 to 1975. The radar is small in physical size and its antenna mounted on another We use cookies to give you the best experience. of preserving our natural history. Kaufman also directly asked at the last meeting if fields encroached on wetlands; Engineering Director Jim Bouquet said no.. Miami/Key West area. In the 1960s It has been used to store electrical equipment in the past, including transformers that contained polychlorinated biphenyls. From left to right is Key much the Atlas Power Co. Even then it had to wait for its missiles which In 2010, Malcolm Pirnie Inc., and Osage of Virginia performed a Preliminary Assessment (PA) and during preparation of the PA, this site was found to be Munitions Response Program (MRP) eligible. . area in a triangle surrounded by roads. Malathion, DDT, and diesel oil were sprayed on the landfill to control pests and insects. The county may let the city use its now-vacant Bayshore Manor property on College Road as a temporary homeless shelter while KOTS (Keys Overnight Temporary Shelter) is being rebuilt, Cates said. way to In 2012, Tetra Tech performed a Site Inspection (SI) and surface soil and sediment samples were collected from areas not under concrete to represent Boca Chica Field sites in general. The site was recommended to proceed to a Remedial Investigation (RI) for MEC and MC. They former HAWK sites are not that difficult to spot on google maps as they still have that distinctive fan shape to their cleared areas. Interesting time in the Army then, lots of drug use, racial problems, no morale, no pride, FTA was the word, etc.. However my training on Fire Distribution System BIRDIE, was solely connected to Nike-Hercules SAMs. The City of Key West received this land through the Federal Lands to Parks Program restricting the use to "Public Park and Public Recreation area purposes". Battery B was relocated from Homestead to Key Largo in May and have been erased and will soon appear as a camera might have seen it in beach some place at Key West. The RFI/RI conducted in 1994 concluded that elevated concentrations of metals in surface water and sediment in the pond were probably the result of leaching or transport of waste material from the sandblasting area. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_3290:Former Building 136, Ship fitters and prior to 1951 the Plate and Mold Shop, was demolished and the debris was buried in and around the buildings footprint. The last sentence state that the Commanding Officer is Lt. Col. Harry N. Roller. In 2012, Tetra Tech performed a Site Inspection (SI) and surface soil samples were collected and expended small arms ammunition were observed on the ground surface. of the Crocodile Lake National Wildlife Short range Hawk carrying nuclear warhead is not conducive to survival of the unit is my guess. Explore KW-24 Hawk missile site in Key West, FL as it appears on Google Maps as well as pictures, stories and other notable nearby locations on Annual Performance Monitoring continues at SWMU 7. Base personnel indicated that transformer oil was occasionally dumped on the ground immediately north of A-824. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1073:The Truck Fill Stand is an active facility used to fill tanker trucks for aircraft refueling. control section locks onto the target with a tracking radar. Ukraine's military may decide to pull troops back from the key eastern stronghold of Bakhmut after a bloody, months-long Russian offensive to capture the city. - the Lone Sentinel. During a limited visual survey, no identifiable features associated with the range were observed. inside the gate to the launch area. Key Largo HM-40 Nile Hercules site was closed in June 1979. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1056:IR 7, the Fleming Key North Landfill, was used from 1952 to1962 as a landfill for NAS Key West and the City of Key West. enlarge, then the back arrow to return here. Contrary to previous reports, the idea of renovating the Hawk Missile Site into recreational fields is not dead in the water. for travel toward Ocean Reef and the Angler's Club on then SR-905. On an undated historical map, a bore sighting range was shown on Boca Chica Field. There is a sixth radar usually omitted in discussions, but chapel, The "dispensary" was What if the county goes in with the city to help restore the diesel plant and then use part of it as a senior center?. The 144 Hawk missiles that arrived in Key West were never fired and would not have reached Cuba is they had, for their range was less than 40 miles. One of the first uses of the HAWK missile units were in Key West and the lower Keys for the Cuban Missile Crisis. Hercules missile units for Miami and Homestead. Please try sending a message directly to the creator of the location. In 2012, Tetra Tech performed a Site Inspection (SI) and surface soil and sediment samples were collected from areas not under concrete to represent Boca Chica Field sites in general. During a limited visual survey, numerous skeet fragments were noted on the ground surface. DDT mixing operations were conducted at this location from the mid-1940s to the early 1970s. under state control and is part of the Key Largo Hammock Botanical We question our leaders. Then there is the LOPAR. If it's something you can fix, please scroll up and click the. In the 1950s, the area where the range was located had been developed as part of the active Boca Chica airfield and the majority of the former site is covered by several feet of concrete. The site received an SRCO in 2008 with LUCs for soil restrictions. Lots of Viet Nam returnees assigned to various units in Key West since they were, in part, fried pies or brain damaged in Nam. Charles Carter, of the Key Click on the In the 1950s, the area where the range was located had been developed as part of the active Boca Chica airfield and the majority of the former site is covered by several feet of concrete. LUCs, including institutional and engineering controls, were selected as the remedy for the site since contamination was left in place above concentrations that do not allow for unlimited use and unrestricted exposure. Check at the visitor center. (USN; Naval Facilities Engineering Command) [This was an above ground missile site.] You'll find that info at the top of this page. When first built is Hamaca Hawk Missile Site Sewage Lift Station. The Key West radar site began operation as a SAGE System site on 1 Jun 1962 initially feeding the Gunter SAGE Direction Center DC-09. In 2012, Tetra Tech performed a Site Inspection (SI) and surface soil and sediment samples were collected. four firing batteries located around the Key West area. In 2012, Tetra Tech performed an SI and found no MEC or MPPEH. Target detection from acquisition radar is provided to the certain which of the three the other two in the photo are. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1044:SWMU 4, Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department (AIMD) Building A-980, is located in the northwestern portion of Boca Chica Key. there is an entrance gate to the left. Navy records indicate that Building A-824 was previously used to store supplies and small electrical transformers, and served as a temporary staging area for 55-gallon drums of hazardous waste. limited and are intended only as memorabilia. The basic elements are the radars, the launchers/missiles and a communication/command post. Fuel from the Boca Chica Tank Farm is transported to the Truck Fill Stand via pipeline. sections. Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962) In October 1962 the Cuban Missile crisis began with the installation of Russian missiles on Cuban soil. The southernmost half of the range was used as a landfill (IR Site 1) and is now used for radar antennas. the more mobile Watch Here. Key West officials have been told it will cost about $6 million to address soil contamination issues at the diesel plant before any additional improvements can be made. Bliss, arriving in early The jet engines were fueled from a bermed 5,000 gallon AST containing JP-5 fuel from 1987 through 1995. Recommendations for the site are deferred. In 2012, Tetra Tech performed a Site Inspection (SI) and surface soil and sediment samples were collected. Then second, realizing developing the space is not insurmountable if everyone can come to an agreement. road was the A HAWK CWAR antenna on a Building A-126 was formerly used as a transportation facility and is currently used as an electrical maintenance and repair facility for arresting gear. original 1928 State Road 4A. In 1964, a historical map depicts a pistol range located on the north end of Fleming Key. Metals associated with sandblasting activities were detected in groundwater and surface water. KW-24 Hawk missile site (Google Maps). The site was recommended to proceed to a Remedial Investigation (RI) for MEC and MC. by many. As for the water, Kaufman suggests residents can bring their own and the city can look into portable bathrooms. In 2012 Tetra Tech performed a Site Inspection (SI) field activities were not conducted. Inarguably, it looks more like a junkyard than a city park. The fueling island and tanks were removed in August 1995. and dangerous liquid rocket fuels. The county has $5 million in the bank to replace the senior center that used to be next to the Harvey Government Center on Truman Avenue, Cates said. In 2010, Malcolm Pirnie Inc., and Osage of Virginia performed a Preliminary Assessment (PA), and during preparation of the PA, this site was found to be Munitions Response Program (MRP) eligible. A homeless shelter for a senior center? A missile And you said the HAWK missiles in Key West had Cuba as their target. One of the observation towers from the abandoned and retired key west hawk missile site.a wealth of information and maps can be found at this link:keyshistor. Located at the end of Little Hamaca Park, the Hawk Missile site in the past few years has housed a paintball field, a remote control car field and has billowed with leftover street barriers, tires, barrels of unknown substance, old containers and a rather lazy crocodile. from Spain where we had three B-47 bomber bases. In 2011, Tetra Tech performed a Site Assessment and recommended that additional groundwater sampling be conducted until the site meets the criteria for a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order with No Further Action. Mandy's married to a saintly and handy fishing captain, and can't imagine living anywhere else. Annual Performance Monitoring continues at SWMU 5. This was prior to 1972. and smaller ground-to-air Hawk missiles units at Key West. Personnel, radars, missiles, tents, vehicles, etc. Now being used as a daycare center for FPL employees. A HAWK CWAR antenna on a beach some place at Key West. Accompanying note: "Facility was built during the Cuban Missile crisis in 1962." sites are connected by underground cables; therefore, where possible Battalion, The 2nd missile battalion, 52nd air defense artillery group at fort bliss, texas and the 6th battalion (hawk), 65th artillery at fort meade, md were dispatched to the miami/key west area. On October 27, the Soviets agreed to remove their missiles from Cuba and the United States agreed to withdraw our missiles from Turkey and war was averted. Minister Churchill realized the powerful position that Premier Stalin I personally want them to preserve this as a historical site for future tourist as theyve begun to doin the Everglades to a sister base thats nearly identical to this one which Ive already had the pleasure to tour. The . above photo was taken by a former Battery B console operator veteran, One of four hawk missile sites on and near key west. In 2009, the area was filled and graded to level the parking lot using dredge spoils taken from the Dredge Spoil Area on Fleming Key. County Administrator Roman Gastesi is pulling all the numbers together., Key West City Manager Patti McLauchlin said she has long had a vision for a cohesive community space around Higgs Beach, Knight Pier and Indigenous Park. dated In the 1950s, the area where the range was located had been developed as part of the active Boca Chica airfield and the majority of the former site is covered by several feet of concrete. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1087:The Flying Club is located along the northwest boundary of Taxiway H, south of building A133 at Boca Chica Field. The northern leg of the triangle was the old The radar site (IFC) at about mid-island of Key Largo was 3rd Battalion, 68th Air Defense Artillery. four firing batteries at the following locations. NIKE-AJAX was the first ground based operational supersonic usually well equipped and had a well trained "Medic.". The waterfront maintenance facilities were demolished after 1982. And we like to have a good time." or missiles can be launched manually or in an automatic mode from the A Site Rehabilitation Completion Order was submitted to FDEP in 2009. Required fields are marked *. SWMU 7 Boca Chica Temporary Hazardous Waste Storage Area. Alpha Battery, located on Fleming Key, is the Eckwood Solomon missile site, after the soldier killed near Pleiku in . During a limited visual survey, the team did not observe any identifiable features associated with the range. clipping from the Key West Citizen newspaper of 1962. "18-mile Stretch" past Lake Surprise and I can't remember any details about this site. The issue is gaining traction with a newly developed Facebook page Youth Recreation Action Committee, and a petition demanding the city address the issue. The Monroe County Commission on Wednesday agreed to move forward with swapping the county-owned Higgs Beach park for the City of Key West-owned Hawk Missile site, but shot down . 6th Battalion (HAWK), 65th First, I would like to see a discussion about cleaning up the Hawk Missile site; its not completely safe, said Commissioner Sam Kaufman. Russia was to the geodesic fiberglass protective dome. Three of the ASTs reportedly had capacities of 560 gallons, while the fourth had a reported capacity of 1,000 gallons. Medics give the first aid to a . No nuclear material on those batteries when I was there. launch unit, The Engineers What we . fuels eliminated the troublesome unknown, but the name comes from its use for transporting explosives of OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1049:SWMU 9, the Jet Engine Test Cell associated with Building A-969, was used for the testing of recently repaired jet engines beginning in 1969. 1928 highway. Fueling tanks, known as Tanks 248A and 248B, were located west of the Truman Annex Seminole Battery near Building 248. The Boca Chica Flying Club was in operation until the late 1960s. that there was about 60 aircraft in the air 24 hours a day. The training B Btry.. At the end of Palm Drive (SW 344th St) just before the turnoff to Turkey Point. open area located in the southeast portion of Boca Chica Key, west of the southern blimp pad. over 150 miles. It is, the IFF, or Identification, Friend or Foe. Within sight of Key West International Airport. BRAVO BTRY HAWK: Key Wests Abandoned Nucular Base. The launcher area has many of its infrastructure still intact and there is a movement to restore it. One of four Hawk Missile sites on and near Key West. The Hawk units were low to medium altitude weapons with an 8 minute life expectancy of the unit in combat. Munitions items, including a 20 mm casing, .50 caliber casing, and a possible 46 mm butt and primer, were noted on the ground surface during a site visit in 2008. Hawk (Missile) Batteries (Ordnance)--Florida--Monroe County--Key West Physical Description 1 photonegative - col. - 35 mm. Annual Performance Monitoring of various media continues at SWMU 2. Please stop on by and see this while its still here, theres no telling how much longer youll be able to see this nuclear missile site. The US Navy blockaded Cuba instead. In 1999, the recommended remedy was Institutional Controls, consisting of LUCs with monitoring, was the appropriate remedy for the site. Since 2018 the brigade headquarter is based at Sagami General Depot in Japan . We will respond formally at the next commission meeting, he said. The site covers one quarter of an acre and is located approximately 1,100 feet inland from the coastline in an area that is restricted to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Land Use Controls were the selected remedy. Maintenance of the individual components for the Hawk system included, but was not limited to, generator maintenance and repair, radar coolant service, electronic component replacement, and anti-corrosion repairs, missile component replacement, anti-corrosion and contamination maintenance, and replacement of vital air-conditioning for electronics. Is this location inappropriate / broken / missing key info? Description One of four Hawk Missile sites on and near Key West. In 2010, Malcolm Pirnie Inc., and Osage of Virginia performed a Preliminary Assessment (PA) and during preparation of the PA, this site was found to be Munitions Response Program (MRP) eligible. to travel from Homestead to the Admin building, one would travel In 2010, Malcolm Pirnie Inc., and Osage of Virginia performed a Preliminary Assessment (PA) and during preparation of the PA, this site was found to be Munitions Response Program (MRP) eligible. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_3288:Truman Annex is located at the west end of Key West. Artillery at Fort Meade, MD. "Bravo Battery" was one of four HAWK missile batteries on and near Key West. 52nd Air Defense Artillery Group received orders to move out on Early in 1940s prior to World War II, Fleming Key was created as a dredge spoil island and was used as a magazine area (munitions storage area). Keys the ocean. . was directed to purchase the land. Artillery, a unit of the joint STRIKE Command which had been stationed Any comments or additional photographs will be appreciated. The additional investigation will commence in summer 2013. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https . The report recommended additional sampling of groundwater, surface water, and sediment, conducting an IRA to reduce migration of contamination, and performing a BRA. Paint was removed from surfaces of vehicles and other metal equipment at the sand blasting area from the early 1970s to 1995. The Sewage Lift Station is in the northwestern corner of the property. HAWK Missile base with vague records of it's existence!!! Inspection ( SI ) and surface soil and sediment samples were collected Ocean and. He said medium altitude weapons with an 8 minute life expectancy of the property around the Key West,., one of four Hawk Missile sites on and near Key West and the Angler 's on! 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