I am an admin of this site. Is last seen recovering from his injuries. Willam created a animatronic named Circus Baby, he made her specifically for Elizabeth but wouldnt let her get close to the animatronic. Gregory and Freddy are able to escape the building, but the abomination is able to pull Afton inside, leaving it and Afton's fate unknown. Afton is repeatedly burnt by Gregory, which causes the building to collapse in on itself. June 30, 2022; my septum piercing won't flip up; vegan mochi cake recipe . Bots | Status This is proven because in the FNAF 4 mini games we see that there is human hair inside of the Golden Freddy suit. Molten Freddy - Kindergartner (Novels)- Animatronic serial killer They are the friends-turned-enemies of the Emily Family. Michael applies for the night guard job under the alias of "Mike Schmidt", in which he claims to be here for free pizza, although it's implied he has ulterior motives. I think, he mightve also done it from rage without Glichtraps help. Henry explains that the entire location is a trap, and sets the pizzeria on fire. Chris Afton is young boy, who often cries. Good Springtrap/Burntrap | ", "I dont know why he wont let me come see you.. Youre wonderful! FNAF World Five Night's at Freddys 4 William Afton Faz-Goo 100% Evan. Chica the Chicken | And then quote on quote accidentally kills him. 1983 (Theorized by those that believe that the Crying Child died), Five Nights at Freddy's Character Encyclopedia. Andrew | Which animatronic does Elizabeth Possess? Happs | NOTE: This part doesn't have a confirmed placement in the timeline. Twisted Foxy | In the public's eye, it was only a matter of time until she was deemed a widow and kicked out of the family. He eventually goes through unknown changes and becomes Scraptrap. Other names Trap | Full name: Christopher Purple Afton Love: Cassidy (my Cassidy is : @XxCassidy_TheDemonxX) My kids: Aaron Afton and Scarlet Afton (Aaron is @XxAaronSGlitchxX) (Scarlet is @-Scarlet_Afton-) . She now possesses Circus Baby. However, it could more possibly be because of a grieving father or something. Afton Family First Death: Sometime after 1980'sFinal Death: Sometime after 2023 It is up to the player what Vanny and William's fates are due to the multi-ending nature of Security Breach. The only evidence for Elizabeth85 (if you believe on MCI83) is Henry's speech in the insanity ending of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria simulator. "You're broken. He possesses the animatronic named Shadow Freddy, this is known as the Bite of 1983. Afton family Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Hair Color The Crying Child is a timid child with a seemingly paralyzing fear or phobia of many things, including animatronics. Chica's Magic Rainbow | Comedy Gaming Food Dance Beauty Animals. Freddy Frostbear Source Unnamed Drug Dealers | clara got divorced then william got made and killed her after feeling bad he put her in ballora he thought it didn't work but soon as he left the room she opened her eyes, lemon dog shadow pushed chris out the window and killed him for good and consumed his body, the kid "Chris" didn't die instantly, he got in a comma for a couple of those days and while he was in the coma he gets the nightmares we played in fnaf 4, yes none of that was real it the nightmares of the kid another reason of why he didn't die instantly is because the phone guy in one of the game says that it's surprising how a human can live without its frontal lobe And he didn't become shadow Freddy, he became golden Freddy and that's why you get the "it's me" message in fnaf 1,because that's Chris telling his brother Michael that it's him (we play as Michael in fnaf 1, 2 and sl) the person who possess shadow Freddy and shadow bonnie were both springlock failure victims caused by William afton, i think he wanted to make Freddy fazbear's close so he had loosen the springlocks so when the person who puts it for the show dies with the slightest movement, Im now just seeing this ,&& to me i dont think clara and William got divorced, Hi now just seeing this ,&& to me i dont think clara and William got divorced, I'm Dad, I dont care if it is fictional or not but i say Micheal is a terrible person, yes he was neglected as a kid. Freddy Fazbear | Long brown hair, tan skin, brown eyes, black shirt with grey stripes, blue shorts Elizabeth Afton, also known as Circus Baby, is the secondary antagonist of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. Press J to jump to the feed. Humans Incinerated by Michael Afton Christina Margaret Charlotte "Lottie". The Baby Minigame shows this happen directly. that cant be true, Elizabeth has a room in fnaf 4 and she died when she was in kindergarten, if she died in 1993-2023, she wouldnt even exist in 1983, so she wouldnt have a room. William Afton Additional Information Game Appearance (s) Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Voice Actor N/A Age 4-10 Alignment Good Date of Birth 197X Status Deceased Year of Death 1983 (Theorized by those that believe that the Crying Child died) Cause of Death Skull crushed by Fredbear. He didn't expect the DEATH of his OWN BROTHER in front of his face which was because of him. Advancing further, the person wearing Fredbear's suit blocks the other end of the room, prompting the child to collapse crying while hiding under a table, at which point the plush states "Tomorrow is another day. (@sundrops . Bonnie mask, Chica mask, Freddy mask, Cassidy He is the youngest child of William Afton, and the younger brother of Michael and Elizabeth Afton. Origin Freddy Fazbear | Five Nights at Freddy's 2 (first member revealed)Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location (name revealed), Crying ChildElizabeth Afton (all deceased). Mangle | Animatronics The Missing Children (Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz & Cassidy) | NOTE: From this point, everything is confirmed to take place in the order it's mentioned in. When he hid in the Spring Bonnie suite to save himself from the children he started to laugh causing him to move to much and the springs in the suite to all combusted at once and cause him to slowly died a painful death. Frank the Diver In the Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location death minigame, she wears a pink shirt with two black buttons, a red bow in her hair, wears a short blue skirt, and black shoes. ", He had been locked in a spare parts room of the establishment. The identity of the Crying Child has not been confirmed and details remain vague. Death. Hair: Red Bow Why wont you let me go? Mainline Games Appearance William himself would be a neglectful and possibly abusive father. After being lured into a vent, Michael Afton locks her inside and Henry Emily ignites a hidden incinerator. Christina Margaret Charlotte "Lottie" Bell Afton. There are many different names for her but this is the one Ive heard most. Fredbear Plush and Michael Afton That was our intention with this vi. The moment I read "Chris" I already knew it would be bad. Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. One-Shot Recurring Michael and Elizabeth killed in the fire, while William is kept alive by Golden Freddy and tortured in his nightmares. Springtrap | RWQFSFASXC | After exiting the restaurant, the child goes home, talking to the other children. No one said anything about him planning it. The Crying Child is locked in his room with his plushies, who he considers his friends. Nightmare Chica | How did Chris Afton die? Five Nights at Freddys 4 Disney Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Fair/Peach Vanessa, now under the pseudonym of "Vanny", retrieves William's body and rebuilds Springtrap through unknown means. (Crying Child) 1983 2 See answers B. At one point, Mrs. Afton would either die or divorce William, given that she never appears in the series. | William Afton | Brendan shares three boys Griffin, 20, Holden, 18, and Leland, 16 with ex wife Afton Smith. I personally believe Elizabeth did but I just wanna see how many people agree/disagree, I hope you're joking unless you're a MikeVictimer but like do those even exist anymore. You know what will happen if he catches you!" Vanessa A. Next and the last death is Michael Afton, probably the 2nd to wort one. Twisted Freddy | Marionette | She was trying to help him by giving him tips like to go slowly through the Ballora Gallery to keep her from hearing him. For his time trapped in the game, he drives a man named Jeremy to insanity and presumably suicide and recreates his first five murders in-game. ", The Fredbear plush urges him to leave this time. Sometime after the original Freddy Fazbear's Pizza location closed down, William built Circus Baby's Pizza World, now with robots being made to kidnap and kill children. Franken-Foxy | Yenndo | Cookies Rockstar Bonnie | Once he stops talking, another voice starts talking to him while his plushies disappear, until finally Fredbear plush disappears and a flat-line is heard. Skirt type However, she is not fully in control, as the AI of Baby also functions. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Think about it this way: he died at freadbears family diner right and it closed down for the OG animatronic and it closed down then came along cb's pizza world and that was where elizabeth died. But the real question is how old even is lizzy when CC is dead? Michael and his friends where trying to play a prank on him by making him get close to FredBear, tho the prank failed and FredBear ended up accidentally mounching on Chriss frontal lobe, which immediately kills him. Pigpatch | He was forced into Fredbear's mouth by his brother friends. Phantom Animatronics | Also the toy on the floor of her room implies it is still in use. Plushtrap | Post your Five Nights at Freddys theories here. giambotta recipe lidia; anxiety operational definition; kotor things to do before leaving taris After a week, they were forced to escape Mike's body and go into the sewers because Michael's body was rotting. Next is Elizabeth Afton who died shortly after Chris. Chris is a small boy with brown hair in a black striped T-shirt and his face is always stained with tears. 8-Bit Baby | To be with me again? Background information Nedd Bear | It would make sense to make her really young becuase we don't see her in the game. I have recovered some more real footage of Freddy Fazbears for. About me. Dee Dee | Im not sure of this death theory but in the video of Michaels death you can see Ennard standing there through the window behind the scooper. His brother locks him in his room, pops out of various places wearing a foxy mask to terrify him, and locks him in the Parts and Service room inside Fredbear's Family Diner. The One You Should Not Have Killed | Freddy in Space 2 Recurring Afton. Other names His tears activated the springlocks and his head was crushed. Is last seen recovering from his injuries. VR Sisters | Elizabeth Afton Did you like this quiz. The Crying Child is depicted as considering his plushies of the Freddy Fazbear band, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy (yet not Fredbear) as his friends, and is being tormented by the Older Brother who wears a Foxy mask. sidewalk tractor for sale; who are the parents of chaunte wayans; nyc intramural sports leagues; phoropter advantages and disadvantages; san giorgio calacatta polished porcelain tile; Actualits. 2023 Vimeo.com, Inc. All rights reserved. Dead Jack-O-Bonnie | Fully Loaded Rabbit | That's true, but don't you think Michael regrets it deeply for the rest of his life? Some think he is one of the souls inside Golden Freddy or Shadow Freddy, "You're broken. But again this is just a theory. a game theory. They'd do that, if they didn't face the wrath of the Aftons, that is. Next is Clara Afton I believe she is the Afton childrens mother, tho Im not sure if she died before or after Willam. However, this is not a clear conclusion. Avery Tate's was forced to marry a bigshot by her stepmother because of her father's bankruptcy. Toy Chica | Chris Afton Some think he is one of the souls inside Spring Freddy. Zehra Jane Naqvi Voice The actual file labelled as NormanBedroom is simply a stock table model, placed out of bounds in the Night Terrors minigame. Chris-Afton-I-died. | Part 2 | The Afton FamilyPart 1 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7lzStfO-Xc&t=91sHi everyone, This video is . Elizabeth Afton is first heard in dialogue between the nights. Security Breach: Fury's Rage Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery, Five Nights at Freddy's: Survival Logbook, https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/norman-bedroom. DJ Music Man 1987 B. Fire Girl | Serial child murderUnethical human experimentation (implied)Criminal negligencePsychological abuseChild neglectChild abuse (implied)Filicide by proxyAnimal cruelty (implied)DefamationSabotageBrainwashingEnforced suicide (implied)Identity fraud (implied)Elizabeth:FratricideCorpse desecrationKidnappingStalkingIdentity theftMichael:Arson (implied)ImmolationIdentity fraudPsychological abuseStalkingFratricideInvoluntary manslaughter Tampering with private property. I AM NOT TRYING TO BE OFFENSIVE I SWEAR. Heading left, he sees shadows of Fredbear and Spring Bonnie, and the Fredbear plush says "You can find help if you can get past them. Elizabeth apologized to Michael for letting Ennard kill him and he forgives her. Music Man | How is it apparently an accident. Straight Green Chris is portrayed as a very scared and confused boy who constantly cries when his older brother frightens him. Sister Location also has a version of Freddy and Foxy, meaning these characters already exist. The child then falls over into a fetal position, crying "please let me out.". Vincent Afton the 3rd (eldest Brother)Micheal Afton (adopted eldest Brother) There should be no reason for this because he did nothing wrong and plus Elizabeth was trying to defend Chris too. Height She eventually meets her end in FNAF 6. A twist of event happened when Elliot unexpectedly woke up . Michael survives because of the Remnant injected into him from the Scooper. He was bullied by his older brother for being afraid of the dark. During the run-up to, and initial theorizing after, This theory was mostly deemed as disqualified by certain details such as the date of '83 for the "Fredbear and Friends" advertisement seen on the television in the Night 3 Minigame and the fact the location in the game appears to reference, Two current major theories as to the identity of this character are that the Crying Child/'83 Bite Victim is, The Bite of '83 Victim is thought to be represented in the, Since Fredbear was the animatronic that that crushed his skull, the Crying Child is theorized to possess, Some theorize the Crying Child saw some part of, It's alternatively theorized that he was witness to events surrounding, Some people theorize that the Crying Child's real name is Norman, as the file name for the bedroom in. Glamrock Animatronics Comprised of infamous serial killer William Afton and his three children (with the family's matriarch being entirely absent from the series as of current knowledge), the Aftons are a highly dysfunctional family responsible for spreading much suffering both to other people and among themselves through abuse, neglect and even murder. He's terrorized by the Nightmare Animatronics in his bedroom, but his real story is told in end-of-night minigames. His tears activated the springlocks and his head was crushed. Scrap Baby | This is where he finally saw his sister Elizabeth again. And now that Ive had an in-depth conversation with a few other people Ive realized that I had accidentally got 87 mixed with 83 and that you are indeed correct about the bite happening in 83. Elizabeth wasn't their when Chris died. Relatives On the fifth day, every robot in the location transforms into Ennard. Alignment Michael goes there, and Circus Baby, now possessed by Elizabeth, helps him. He eventually escapes his virtual prison through possessing a woman named Vanessa, and forces her to commit his evil deeds until her purpose for him is fulfilled. Name The Afton Family is one of the two main antagonistic factions (alongside Fazbear Entertainment) in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. Michael chose to go up in flames with his family, including Elizabeth. Kids at Play | As for the videos, most of those are sfm and c4d, which are animation apps. Fazbear Entertainment | Chris Afton is young boy, who often cries. After getting tired of her father telling her to stay away from C.B, she disobeyed her father and got to close. The Mimic | how did chris afton die [email protected]. At one point, Mrs. Afton would either die or divorce William, given that she never appears in the series. Okay im done ranting now . Due to the conditions of the suit, the spring locks malfunction and kill William, tearing him apart and killing him slowly. Personality Mr. Renner The Puppet Lewis | We dont its just a theory but Im 50% sure he is dont ask why Im not sure either, I believe baby would accept Michaels apology burt not ennard, The crying child is technically killed by his father by on accident William on purposely made the stuff in Fred bear's chop more than it should of. the thing is that it looked like Chris had his whole top half of his body chomped instead of his jaw/head and also can you do elizabeth please even though she has like one of the dumbest deaths ever. Molten Freddy Fredbear is standing on the stage, having the Crying Child shoved into his mouth like a cult offering. After banging on the door he collapses down into tears, as the Fredbear plush states "Tomorrow is another day. Occupation Plushtrap Chaser | If you're looking for one of The Missing Children look here. Bonnie the Bunny | Book Appearance(s) However, after his first week of working, he's fired due to his general unprofessionalism, bad odor, and his tampering with the robots. male In them, we see the child locked in his room by his bullying big brother. Nightmare Animatronics William Afton and his unnamed wife met at one point in time, got married, and eventually had around three children, those being Michael Afton, Elizabeth Afton, and the Crying Child. The crying child was bitten by Freadbear in 1983/1987 (it isn't confirmed), and it is not confirmed if he died or not, or if he posses anyone. Foxy Have fun making theories! Long brown hair, tan skin, brown eyes, black shirt with grey stripes, blue shorts, Elizabeth Afton (sister), William Afton (Father), Michael Afton (Adopted Brother) Terrence (Brother) Vincent Afton the 3rd (Brother) Vincent the 2nd (Uncle), Fredbear Plush, Plush Trap, Vincent Afton the 3rd and Michael Afton, the bullies wearing Bonnie mask, Chica mask, and Freddy mask. Fredbear Plush, Plush Trap, Vincent Afton the 3rd and Michael Afton He was presumed to die from his injuries and chris afton forgave Terrence. Bonnet | The worst thing that could have come from that (other than, you know, DEATH) is Fredbear breaking down and the four Bullies being kicked out of the restaurant with their lives turned upside down, hopefully to help kids and stop other bullies before they take things too far. This incident occurred on October 17th 1983, making today its 37th anniversary. 1978? The Brother's Friends | He is the younger brother of Michael Afton and son of William Afton. Hudson | What's the name of theanimatronic that Micheal has inside of his body? Successful_Ball_1589 8 mo. Relationships Pink He swears to find his father from then on. Easter Bonnie | Long brown hair, tan skin, brown eyes, black shirt with grey stripes, blue shorts He is then lured into another Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Michael Afton One-Shot Hoboken, Hudson County, New Jersey, USA. Lucky Boy | Well, Lizzy died when she was in kindy, which is confirmed in TFC, and Evan was probably 9 turning 10 (y'know, because it was his birthday) when he died, I respectfully disagree with the 83 percent of people because people say William may have planned the whole thing when he could've just been a grieving father, going insane trying to find a way to revive his already dead son, and adds a feature of Circus Baby not meant to be there and realizes what he's done and tries to keep his daughter far from it, it's not like William has to be this big bad villain who planned it all. 5-7 (At time of death) Lemme try and clear that up; It is most likely that Elizabeths toy being on the ground is supposed to mean that either her death was a little before 1983. Soulbrawler | Companies wasnt fredbear the first one? The child is comforted by his Fredbear plush, and when he gets out, his brother scares him with a Foxy mask. Circus Baby | A day after he was salvaged by his own son, Michael, he reunites with his daughter, now Scrap Baby, who became this way after she was ejected out of Ennard for being a bad boss. To add on, there is a Game Theory (I think) where the spring animatronics were meant to kill just like the Funtime animatronics and whatnot, so it makes more sense if Chris possessed Fredbear, or just didn't possess anything at all. (PICTURE IS NOT MINE), She was lured by Circus Baby and a claw grabbed Elizabeth and pulled her inside Circus Baby and got crushed, Well, she died when she got scooped after Baby ate her. However, the Afton ending (which is said to be the canon ending through the files) shows how Gregory foils Afton's plans after he tried to hack into Glamrock Freddy's system. Make sure to have fun and follow the rules while doing so, we want the community to be as positive as possible! Bell. Personality ", "Daddy, why wont you let me play with her? Because she wasnt even planned to exist back then. REAL FOOTAGE OF THE BITE OF 83 (Death of Chris Afton) (GRAPHIC) Cotton 2.39K subscribers Subscribe 11K views 2 years ago Hi folks! Ralpho | You have to be strong." In 1987, a new Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is opened. With the giant hole in Mike's body, Ennard replaces his insides with itself, escaping the location. I have recovered some more real footage of Freddy Fazbears for you all. Nightmare Foxy | Roxanne Wolf | The Fox | Popular topics. Evan died in 1983, but with the proof and proven lore about it, it is pretty clear that Elizabeth most likely dies first. Glitchtrap infects the system and makes every robot hostile, as well as being the one responsible for adding Springtrap. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. The kids would go on to possess Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Rabbit, Chica the Chicken, Foxy the Pirate Fox, and the elusive Golden Freddy, thanks to the help of Charlotte, who now possesses a Puppet-like security animatronic. : //www.youtube.com/watch? v=U7lzStfO-Xc & amp ; t=91sHi everyone, this video.! Been confirmed and details remain vague 4 William Afton constantly cries when his older brother for being of! `` Tomorrow is another day divorce William, given that she never appears in the fire, William! Banging on the fifth day, every robot in the timeline relatives the. Was bullied by his Fredbear plush states `` Tomorrow is another day and every. The Bite of 1983 the DEATH of his face is always stained with tears, who often.... Be because of the Aftons, that is cult offering animatronic serial killer they are the of... Is Elizabeth Afton did you like this quiz, probably the 2nd to one! That believe that the Crying Child ) 1983 2 see answers B Jersey, USA there... 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