This is because pisces placements can truly be themselves online, but theyre really shy in person. April 06, 2012 3 notes. Moon-Neptune aspects. Moon in 4th= Nostalgic aura, maybe an area around the house is filled with memories and nostalgic pictures perhaps there mother. Hillarysss 2021 all rights reserved (Divine Hillary / Hills). I dont see this often but Pisces placements especially the rising tend to be very weird people who usually have very eccentric interests, they usually keep it hidden though. Do not repost, plagiarize, reword, copy, do not claim as your own. They could give off an Aquarius vibe. why do taurus women look so good with bangs?? A Place For Good Astrology Posts on Tumblr astrology-reference leglitastrology isastrobitch Follow Anonymous asked: What placements make someone magnetic? It will make a much more direct / blunt influence (1,13,25,37,49). This skill comes with practice and adopting the mindset of how would I want someone to speak to me?. They know precisely how to read a person and what to say to make them feel seen and heard (which is very important to people) without being forceful or disingenuous. Seriously, Capricorn rising men be having all the women over them and the women are just straight up models but know their worth so just wouldnt settle for someone;). A lot tend to be little nerds and have a lot of interesting interests. Pisces risings can be somewhat aggressive and possessive when it comes to their own material things & belongings, and somewhat impatient. They have since young seen vivid images of the future and may have experienced Deja Vu. Here are the 23 magnetic personality traits that can help you identify a magnetic person or strive to be one yourself: Trait #1. Magnetic people always stand up straight, look you in the eye when they talk, and use confident gestures (such as gently patting your shoulder for reassurance). Whoever can get through your shell is sincerely so lucky to you have you in their life, youll take care of them and yourselves forever. Pluto - Ascendant individuals did/ do you guys ever feel like you were being watched? Aries in your chart is where you are a leader. Beautiful hair and the eyes are more bright with the Leo influence. alone time is everything for a scorpio moon, Originally posted by tzuyuuyu-deactivated20210729. But they may have the tendency to not trust anything at all. The magical beautiful but dangerous Sirene . they should draw their imagination, its really beautiful, cancer moons probably have felt their families emotions when younger or probably still do! Uranus - Ascendant aspects are very unpredictable and at worse you cant rely on them too much because at times they cant trust themselves because of how unexpected they can be. Virgo placements tend to be skeptical of Astrology at first. So people with such placements can be your soulmate. Yall fall in love with anyone thatunderstands you. Even if so many people like you, you wish someone could just want something deeper. Women with Mars - Ascendant / Prominent Mars & Lilith are seen as very sexy & desirable by the opposite sex. Someone with a Leo rising with a Cancer sun will have a dreamy appearance with sparkly eyes. They may fall into very bad episodes themselves. venus in 7th how does it feel to be perfect? Neptune dominants / Neptune in 1st have a way of attracting people but they are usually not aware, some can be blind to obviously things like red flags. Age 10-30 is a good range. They infuse life into parties by entertaining guests, and this is one of the many . Any text will do. Your Rising Sign is Your Personality If you want to know what astrology has to say about your personality, you have to look at your rising sign or your ascendant. Scorpio + Leo in a chart can make someone prone to being easily jealous. Sun- Ascendant do you guys have really good vision? But, it comes through the mind a lot. Leo. why have so many libras been in so many relationships either that or they are so picky who theyre with. Taurus: Food, family history, music, your shared values. Okay, I know opposite moon signs are similar, but sagittarius and geminis are sooooo fucking similarr. Lilith in 10th individuals (Choose whatever Lilith) tend to have people trying to tame them down or control them in career life and perhaps spread rumors. People are normally turned off by me. If you have a libra rising/ moon Im just gonna assume you dont know your worth. Pisces placements because their sister sign is Virgo, also tend to overwork themselves, but in a much more negative way they feel as if they need to achieve something to feel whole. Neptune in 10 | 1st individuals be careful of copycats you may say you are aware but these placements tend to not notice when people mimic them until later on. It may take a while & later on in life for the individual to find solid friends who they trust. not sure what to call it). Pisces placements growing up were most likely told their eyes were big or/and very pretty. However, people tend to misunderstand their abilities. uranus square midheaven probably would get into a lot of scandals in their career if theyre not aware of what they say / do! They are somehow able to put your mind at ease and make you feel like everything is really going to be okay. Sagittarius placements hold their beliefs up high. Mercury in Scorpio / Mercury in 8th individuals are also more prone to intrusive thoughts and a dirty (most likely sexual) mind. This big personality is always looking for ways to better themselves (and others). These people have such beautiful intense eyes that stare right into your soul making you re-think all your life choices. Could have conflicting emotions and may try to fight themselves on things. From personal experience Libra risings have somewhat of a hard problem opening up, they have this image of themselves they dont want to be seen different at times. probably liked to bring a big purse and flex, ive noticed a lot of leo suns have blonde hair with waves, Leo venus is literally the definition of loyal if loved and respected, Mars in Libra youre passive aggresive and you know this, venus in virgo some of yall can appear unlikeable to people at first but then people tend to like you a lot after they get to know u?? They bring change into your life for the better theyll make your world flip just for it to build up into something better. . synastry astrology tumblr astrology blog astrology astrology observations astro thoughts . Nonetheless, people also get drawn towards them without realising that Leos are big-time attention seekers. Since Saturn rules Ink and Venus is Aesthetic. They are also healers they are gifted with the ability to heal especially Virgo placements. They could have very loud coughs, etc. (Early education). sag moons are so brutal they will not lie to make u feel better? They both hate unoriginal stuff. a lot of aries risings had freckles? A lot also overwork themselves to feel good, theyre over achievers but at what cost? Libra moons are the definition of sweethearts and truly try to keep things peaceful and pleasing and theyre the true suckers for aesthetically pleasing things, they wont tell you this but a lot do wear their hearts on their sleeves. Also Ive noticed people with this placement tend to attract people who misunderstand what they say and at worse can twist it. Even if they are not considered 'conveniently attractive' there is . They may be natural leaders, but can . People with Sun in 2nd may have some drive or attraction towards making a lot of money this lifetime. For example; Person has Leo rising with Pholus opposites their rising, they may find themselves changing their hair a lot (Leo risings are known for hair). One way you can distinguish a Libra rising is by their smile and maybe existen dimples. (research based) Spirits tend to live in their houses especially ones that have passed away that they love. They may also have siblings who are considered very attractive. Its said the sign of your 11th is how your friend sees you / how you take care of your friends. You guys sure can be sociable but you guys keep a lot more inside than people tend to take notes on. Chiron in 3rd individuals tend to be incredibly misunderstood in communication, people may take their wording weirdly and miss underestimate a lot. They usually inspire & may others feel more confident. (Mars & Especially Venus) Either that or theyve been wanting kids since young age. Because of their eagerness to learn about people and what makes them happy, they have a vast knowledge and a wise outlook on situations. You'll always know where you stand with them, and this trait helps encourage others to see and accept themselves for who they are. Venus in Gemini / Venus in Air signs may be okay with being friends they once had a silly crush on. They love brainstorming new ideas alone and with others and always give credit where it's due (unlike toxic personalities). April 25, 2022; Virgo: Health, diet, work (especially their complaints about their work) Libra: Fashion, the arts, Hollywood gossip. Spending time with a magnetic personality is a wonderful and inspiring experience. Do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations, I dont wanna see this anywhere else. Pisces placements can be as paranoid as stereotypical Virgos can be. People may try to use their kindness. Gemini placements tend to have hooded eyes from what Ive seen or more smaller shaped. Mercuries in 9th house is a very big know it all placement in my opinion, people with this placement are very savy and knowledgeable and will not let you forget that theyre hella intelligent. #8. if your chiron is in 3rd youre telling me people usually think youredumb because you process thoughts way differently. Saturn dominants give me big daddy energy. I really love them. People with Venus in 6th when sick / ill may like to work to feel better. You all love to break rules, but you all will kill somebody if your own boundaries are closed. It is known to be the planet of spirituality, enlightenment and liberation. This relaxed outlook allows them to work well with others and have a knack for bringing out the creative side in people. With North node in 12th these individuals attract people who wanna push them on a different path. Example; relationships. People with natal mercury retrograde may experience devices glitching on them more & technology problems. People with Mercury in 6th for example may like to write / communicate their thoughts. People who are around them cant help but smile and try to be like them (they never force their personality on others). Jupiter shows the Husband. Scorpio placements ideal date is to snuggle up in a cozy room and watch some mysteries together. (Especially Virgo placements), People with Ceres in Air signs / Air houses may give comfort to others more verbally and intellectually than nurturing. Leo placements love protecting their loved ones (Especially Mars) no one touch my babies mess with them Ill kill you having their loyalty is soo lucky. That one person who already knew the culprit of crime shows? If you have mars in 4th youdefinitely rebel over anything your parents say & argue every day over pointless things at times. They have the talent to be able to fore-see disaster before it happens but they tend to have a very strong energy. magnetic personality in astrology tumblrrest api gzip compression c#. They use this energy to help inspire others to get up, learn something new, and contribute to the world. Libra placements are the type to glam up look pretty but just be at home doing nothing. On a positive note.. they always come up with really innovative ideas like wow how did you think about that? Jupiter in Virgo individuals tend to get stressed easily / a lot tend to complain about school / education. (Theory), 8th house placements generally are more open minded to the darker side of things and they can acknowledge their darker side when developed. But they may have the tendency to not trust anything at all. . Pluto in 10th individuals may hide secrets from the public eye & do it very well. Capricorn mercuries say what they mean & have a power tone to it. Theyre very adaptable. Whatever planet is in your 1st, you will attract or / and people confuse you of. Karmic experiences with friend groups. also gets a lot of surgeries in life or well want to sometimes nesssecary, cancer sun females blow up because of their beauty, scorpio risings like when their friends are comfortable with the like a homey feeling and they like to let them vent :), virgo moons never show off their achieves so humble, venus in libra vedic wise can show good sibling that u can look up to good influence, sag moons like to visit haunted places?? Mercury in 1st people have this effect on being whoever you want them to be. Strong emotions. Cancer rising women after giving birth tend to grow bigger breasts and overall body weight when giving birth and tend to become more curvaceous from what Ive noticed. They will cut off a toxic friend and will never look back! abandoned places? (Check other placements). i swear omg looking like whole models yall. (Not a serious crush). People who have a well-groomed appearance are more approachable. If you have an aquarius chiron Im gonna assume you have never found friends that let you be weird. Scorpio risings with Aquarius in 4th did you feel like the odd one out in your family? 3. They may be known for their internet / media presence as well. cancer rules 4th house! Fire moons love running especially Aries. They tend to put unrealistic standards on themselves. But for real yall are the most intense yet passionate lovers . Earth placements are the type to stay with things for a long time, they are not the type to get the brand new models right away. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. If you have capricorn placements (especially capricorn moon) or/and virgo placements Im just gonna assume you expect the worst case sceneraio 24/7. Scorpio moon is a very psychic placement but not a lot of people mention this enough. They have power. Libra placements especially the Moon are very artistic and creative people, they have very pleasing thoughts they could put into work and can be liked because of this. HOWEVER, there is a tendency to attract people with not the best intentions and situations as well. every leo placement ive met rots in low self esteem, yet theyre so beautiful in every way, why do virgo placements get fixated on one thing and then leave it??? Magnetic people have the ability to make friends easily with their warm and honest personalities. In fact, Leo is the King-Queen of magnetism, a title they adore and maintain. pisces risings.. we get it.. the only compliment you get is from your eyes.. mars opposition / square pluto.. be careful of your words yall scar people .. yall have anger issues too, pisces placement culture is having to put 1000 alarms because your sleepy ass cant wake upcant even see the snooze button , leo venus culture is being loyal asf but loving attention too much. Even if they arent conventionally attractive it doesnt matter youd be attracted to them anyways they have this charisma and intense enthusiasm about them. (Theory I made but also some research behind this). They are free-spirited people and this makes them so attractive:) Theyre ready for everything as long as youre willing to stay with them of course during all times when they arent as bold. I really love Cancer Venuses / Venus in 4th they do their best to take care of everyone but needs to at times take care of themselves more. They provide everyone a safe home especially for venting and etc. magnetic personality in vedic astrologynew york sculpture park November 9, 2022 . Mercury - Ascendant natives tend to be known as pretty smart growing up they most likely had a lot of knowledge since they were young like they are the type to be studying Astrology at age 10/11. People are usually attracted to these natives but they dont know why either. Virgo mars tend to like formal and mature approaches, they hate arguements and are the least to entertain anything childish or have people that they know arent good for them around. (Trine, sextile, conjuction, benefit most from this). Virgo risings tend to have good metabolism but check the rest of the chart. They may protect their family at all costs perhaps their mother but look at the whole chart. Their honest faces are always open and approachable, and you don't feel judged when you speak to them. Master-mind energy. (Love yall though). Pisces venuses are scarier than scorpio venuses. like it refills their energy a lot! open ur eyes sometimes will you, sag moon women are so pretty for no reason, why do taurus always have some cartoon profile picture or their favorite celebirity as their pfp, aries sun males will ask for nudes right away, we need more of taurus venus theyre so amazing, scorpio venus have a life and stop tracking ur partners location on life360 ok, cancer moons are such good friends but sometimes very inconsistent as well. pisces risings, yall are very intuitive but will ignore it cause you like somebody yall are the type to ask for guidance but you know the answer?? Its no mistake though.. a Scorpio placement may be personally be very different than you originally thought. People overlook the sign of the 7th house yes so much stuff can tell you your future spouse details but this will tell you the most accurate out of all. Ketu's connection with the zodiac signs. People with Saturn in Virgo are very picky and are prone to not liking what they do often, they feel as if they have to be better. You always feel a sense of warmth and safety when approaching a person with that x-factor. :**:, People with Taurus placements especially the Moon may very much love when their food is very well put together (pleasing to look at). Wanna know if someone has major Pisces placements? (Vedic Astrology + more on my blog<3), Theory I made but also some research behind this). Moon likes being in Cancer hence it is very dominant. iiiJade on Twitter mentioned how people with Libra & Scorpio in their chart can get away with problems regarding with law and this is so true Ive been thinking about this before they observed it and as someone with both of these placements I can confirm. One of the things that makes this personality magnetic is the fact that they know their own worth. Mercury in 12th individuals struggle to be heard and people tend to ignore them and what they have to say quite often. Aries placements could benefit a lot from taking care of their third eye chakra (They rule the head & just a theory. Gemini I.C (Pisces Rising) could have more of a talkative & chatty household that could be more emotionally detached. ? no i havent, they treat you like a whole baby.. its kind of cute tho, i swear having cancer + leo in a chart makes someone very petty and dramatic exposing myself but its true, venus in leo were that bitch in high school that started drama but somehow wasnt necessarily in it?? If you have chiron in retrograde im so sorry, you all neglected your pain in a past life & have to deal with strong pain very young. Mars rules Aries (Ascendant) and Mars from 10th fully as. This is because the Sun likes being in Leo and Sun represents the ego. A magnetic person has this fantastic ability of being able to make you feel like you're the only person in the room. If they suspect you.. its over.. theyll play their cards right until they get exactly what they need to see. If they dont have the answer, theyll make it their goal to find out and get back to you. Like yall.. Having a gemini moon tells me that when you finally leave your room you tell your parents/ siblings random knowledge no one asked you about and then you leave again. (#1108), do not repost or plagiarize or reword my work plz wosndodj ok thank u, painfully emotional bored, pls do not take this seriously this is not profesional of me but im bored, Cancer venuses way of flirting is have you eaten today? People with heavy Saturn on their chart get two sides of the coins. Pluto in 10th individuals are a threat to a lot of people in terms of career. Get started on your journey of self-improvement by checking out our article on 13 ways to be a more caring person. 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