She met her husband, Henry Albert Rudkin, at the brokerage house, where he was one of the firm's partners. Rudkin continued to run Pepperidge Farm as a wholly owned subsidiary of . Fax: (617) 828-9012 Following graduation she went to work as a bookkeeper in a bank in Flushing and eventually became a bank teller. Rudkins curiosity, later marked by her including antique recipes in her cookbook, led her and her husband to sail to Europe. : Directed by Brad Grimm. She did this just as fewer people were eating truly homemade foods in the 1940s and 1950s and as more and more foodstuff in the United States became commercially mass-produced. By the end of the first year, she was selling 4,000 loaves per week, and within a decade, Pepperidge Farm was making 40,000 loaves per hour in a new specially designed production plant in Norwalk, Connecticut. Rudkin passed away of breast cancer in 1967, following her husbands death a year prior at the age of 81, leaving the management of the company to their sons, who eventually died too. Offering frozen convenience, but homemade taste, Pepperidge Farm introduces its own flaky Pot Pies and hearty Texas Toast. "My first loaf should have been sent to the Smithsonian Institution as a sample of Stone Age bread, for it was hard as a rock and about one-inch-high," Margaret quipped. Revisiting a love from your youth can be a dicey affair. Web site: The Rudkins named their large Tudor-style house and the surrounding acreage "Pepperidge Farm," after an old pepperidge, or black gum, tree that was on the property. We encourage you to research and examine these records . Camden, New Jersey 08103-1799 Telephone: (309) 766-2311 Henry Rudkin began carrying Margarets bread with him on the train to Grand Central Terminal to be sold at specialty shops in New York City. The family then moved to Flushing, New York, where Rudkin later graduated from . Her interest in food led Margaret Rudkin to collect ancient cookbooks. "So I started over again, and after a few more efforts by trial and error, we achieved what seemed like good bread. When you bite down on the air-pocked cookies, they crunch and snap, giving way to chocolate. She began by making bread for the upscale New York City market and before long her husband was delivering 24 loaves of bread a day to Charles & Co., a specialty food company in Manhattan. [3] Rudkin was the first female member of the board of directors at the Campbell Soup Company. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Dinnertime meant gathering . Goldfish snack crackers blast into space onboard the Space Shuttle Discovery in 1988. The 1950s were a boom decade for Pepperidge Farm under Rudkin's management. Margaret Rudkin discovers the snack cracker on a trip to Switzerland and returns with the recipe. On June 1, 1967, Rudkin died of breast cancer at Yale-New Haven hospital in New Haven, Connecticut. In The Margaret Rudkin Pepperidge Farm Cookbook Rudkin tells about her childhood, early married life, bread making, and her family's trips to Ireland. But theres another line in that story, too, that goes beyond the restlessness of maternal love. An inexperienced . Rudkin's parents were Joseph J Fogarty, an Irish clerk, and Margaret Healy. The report further stated that "a third of all American households with children now eat Goldfish" and singled out "Milano" as "the consumers' favorite Pepperidge Farm cookie.". We are experiencing an error, please try again. Henry Rudkin died in 1966, and a year later Rudkin herself died of cancer in New Haven, Connecticut, at the age of 69. The Rudkins named their large Tudor-style house and the surrounding acreage "Pepperidge Farm" in 1931, after an old Pepperidge (black gum tree) that was on the property. James was born on August 23 1851, in St Pancus, London, Mddlx, Engl. If you have not logged into your Pepperidge Farm website account within the past 2 years, your account information has been deleted. Published in 1963, the Margaret Rudkin Pepperidge Farm Cookbook held both recipes and . Henry Rudkin died in 1966 and a year later Rudkin herself died of cancer in New Haven, Connecticut, at the age of 69. Fax: (617) 828-9012 "Rudkin, Margaret.". . This is more a memoir than a cookbook. "Better Late than Never." From our beginning in Margaret Rudkin's kitchen Pepperidge Farm, Incorporated exceeded $1 billion in sales in 2001 and ranks in the top 2 percent of brands worldwide in brand equity. She also became a part-time public speaker as a kind of hobby. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Directories Newly added. But were running this business and making it pay., She offered her workers flexible hours: Unmarried women preferred to work early in the morning so that they could do their farm chores in daylight, while married women with older children preferred to take shifts after school when the older children could look after the younger ones. . Encyclopedia of World Biography. Rudkin made the name Pepperidge Farm a household word, largely by making an honest, high-quality product, and by not compromising quality to reduce price. When her youngest son became ill with asthma at the age of nine, Margaret Rudkin developed an interest in proper food. . Bread, being the foundation of Rudkin's family tree, was no secret to Rudkin and within 5 days she created her first product, a whole wheat bread. Her father drove a truck, and the family lived with their grandmother until Margaret was 12, when her grandmother died. By Sticky Facts Editorial Staff. On July 4, 1947, Pepperidge Farm celebrated Independence Day by cutting the ribbon on a new state-of-the-art bakery in Norwalk, Connecticut. From that small start, she built a company that now does over $1 billion of sales in 45 countries. This marks the first-ever alteration to our icon product since it launched in 1962. This is part three in a Cook the Cookbook series featuring Margaret Rudkin's The Pepperidge Farm Cookbook, published in 1963.Also in this series: Intro, Venison Vegetable Soup and Will the Best Pie Crust Please Stand Up?. Rudkin was clearly one of the most successful and nationally prominent businesswomen of her generation, a woman who started baking bread for her son and ended by making products with wide appeal among national consumers. Privacy Policy She was born Margaret Fogarty in New York City in 1897, the oldest of five children in a second-generation Irish family. . Copyright 2023 - Taste, A Division of Penguin Random House LLC. Four years later, in 1919, she took a position with McClure, Jones & Co., a member of the New York Stock Exchange, where she met Henry Albert Rudkin, a partner in the firm. For a later recipe, she showed this unerring commitment to ingredients, writing: First, find some way to get sun-ripened, hard high-country wheat berries. Irresistible Goldfish crackers soon took America by storm, and they remain one of our leading icon products today. Incorporated: 19,, However the Rudkins kept a controlling interest in Pepperidge Farm itself, and for the next decade the company was run as an independent subsidiary of Campbell. gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). The Margaret Rudkin Pepperidge Farm Cookbook was published in 1963 and contained a combination of her favorite recipes and memoirs through the years. In an instant, the sale was hers. There, she became a customer representative, helping people understand their investment choices more clearly. None of us had training or business experience. People seemed drawn to the "old fashioned," homemade, and healthy image of Pepperidge Farm bread. Her son's health improved so much that the allergist requested she bake more loaves for his other asthma patients. It is a rare book, and has been out of print for 20 years. He was buried in 1906, at burial place. Hearing this, Rudkin began to make all of her son's food from scratch, including bread. Not just because its our job, but because we love it. Look at what a bunch of women over 40 have done, she told the AP in 1943 of the 125 women working in her bread bakery. In the closing decades of the twentieth century Rudkin's legacy continued in the popularity of Pepperidge Farm products offered by the Campbell Soup Company, including garlic bread, gourmet cookies, fat-free croutons, stuffing, puff pastries, and Gold-fish crackers. They were the parents of at least 4 sons and 3 daughters. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Rudkin had begun baking bread in 1937 for her son Mark, who had food allergies, and word of her excellent bread spread quickly. And thats why well keep baking for generations to come. Shed graduated valedictorian of her Queens public high school class and worked as a bookkeeper at the brokerage firm McClure, Jones & Co, where she met her future husband. The Best Thing Since. Her business was later acquired by the Campbell Soup Company, which further expanded the successful brand of baked goods Rudkin had developed. Build your family tree online ; Share photos and videos ; Smart Matching technology ; Free! If you have logged into the site within the past 2 years, your subscription will remain active until you unsubscribe. Mari Uyehara is a food and travel writer based in Brooklyn. In 1950 that policy changed with the appearance of Margaret Rudkin in television commercials. She was a bestselling author and renowned industry leader. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Elaine Margaret Rudkin Obituary. In 1937 the Rudkins' youngest son, John, was diagnosed with asthma. The family then moved to Flushing, New York, where Rudkin later graduated from Flushing's City High School as class valedictorian in 1915. Brendan, Gill. Margaret Rudkin served as president and looked after the daily production. The first loaf was "hard as a rock" but further experimentation produced a quality loaf. By that time Pepperidge Farm (within 15 years of its inception) was a brand name recognized nationally; products were found in virtually every market. "Although I knew nothing of manufacturing, of marketing, of pricing or of making bread in quantities, with that phone call, Pepperidge Farm bread was born," Margaret later said. 1960: Sold the company to Campbell Soup Company. A remark often heard at the supermarket is, anything put out by Pepperidge Farm is bound to be good, and this cookbook is up to the standard, one book review in the Rocky Mount Telegram noted. USA 23 Feb. 2023 . Born in 1897 to James and Margaret Fogarty, Rudkin was the oldest of five children. America gets its first taste of Goldfish crackers in 1962. Her father drove a truck, and the family lived with their grandmother until Margaret was 12, when her grandmother died. Youve changed, and so has the world. By the end of her first year of baking, using ovens installed in one of the abandoned horse stables on their property, Rudkin was making and selling 4,000 loaves a week, though the price was more than twice the price of a regular loaf of bread. She wrote to the Department of Agriculture for government pamphlets on killing, curing and corning pork, and another one all about beef. She brought the same gusto and experimental zeal to bread baking after talking to an allergist about fresh, stone-ground wheatrich in the miraculous vitamin B1instead of other processed flours. Her husband, a broker on Wall Street, began taking . And as word about the extraordinary product got around, the tiny company grew. By 1960 when Rudkin was 63, she and her husband decided to sell the Pepperidge Farm Company to the Campbell Soup Company for $28 million in Campbell stock. [1] Although having sold Pepperidge Farm, Rudkin still ran the company until her retirement in 1966. 1940: Moved bakery to a larger facility in Norwalk, Connecticut. Encyclopedia of World Biography. . Margaret was baptized on month day 1722, . [1] On April 22, 1966, Rudkin's husband died at the age of 80. Her business was later acquired by the Campbell Soup Company, which further expanded the successful brand of baked goods Rudkin had developed. Rudkins husband, Henry Albert, a New York City stockbroker, was injured in a polo accident and couldnt work for six months. Skip Ancestry . The Pepperidge Farm Company was begun in 1937 by Margaret Rudkin of Fairfield, Connecticut. Rudkin started with one assistant and a hand-turned mixing pail in her farmhouse kitchen, later moving operations from her home kitchen to ovens installed in one of the abandoned horse stables on their property, and eventually opening a baking facility, where the dough was still hand-kneaded. Her Pepperidge Farm Cookbook, which included . Incorporated: 1957 as, collective farm, an agricultural production unit including a number of farm households or villages working together under state control. They moved to a bigger plant in Norwalk and later opened plants in Pennsylvania in 1947 and Illinois in 1953. During an era when being a housewife was considered the appropriate goal of a woman, Margaret Rudkin (18971967) achieved acclaim as one of the most, Cumberland Farms, Inc. Bucatini with Sardines & Caramelized Fennel, certain categories of personal information, discloses, sells, or shares certain personal information. We encourage you to research and examine these records to . And of course, the rest is history. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: . and agree to receive news and updates from TASTE and Penguin Random House. . The oldest of five children of Joseph and Margaret (Healey) Fogarty, Margaret Fogarty was born in New York City on September 14, 1897, during the time of cobblestone streets and gas lampposts. Margaret Rudkin sold Pepperidge Farm to the Campbell Soup Company, headquartered in Camden, New Jersey, for $28 million dollars (over $237 million in 2019 money) in 1961, becoming that company's first female board member. According to company folklore, Rudkin started baking preservative-free whole wheat bread in the 1930s when her youngest son, Mark, developed severe food allergies, which the family doctor attributed to store-bought bread. By 1956 she introduced cookies that were "healthy," and in 1958 frozen pastries made their debut. The descript, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, One State Farm Plaza They had 12 children: Alfred Robert Rudkin, Gerard Noel Rudkin and 10 other children. During this decade the list of products expanded as she purchased a frozen pastry line from a New Hampshire company and fancy cookie recipes from a firm in Belgium. Interested in a career in business, she went to work as a bookkeeper for a local bank and eventually was promoted to teller. ", Margaret's bread was much more than "good"it was the best bread her family and friends ever had. Margaret "Peggy" Rudkin was born Margaret Fogarty on September 14, 1897, in New York City, one of five children born to Joseph and Margaret Fogarty. 14 September 1897 Gregorian. Still headquartered in Norwalk, Pepperidge Farm now has eight plants across the United States. The American Collection, now known as Chocolate Chunk Big Cookies, join our popular Distinctive and Old Fashioned cookies in supermarkets in 1986. Sales and Marketing Management, September 1996. MS B138 - Rudkin Family Papers, p. 1 Henry and Margaret Rudkin Papers MS B138 Summary Information Repository Fairfield Museum and History Center Title Henry and Margaret Rudkin Papers ID Ms B138 Date [inclusive] 1938--1960 Extent 4 boxes Accession Numbers Loan Language English Abstract Preferred Citation note Item, Henry and Margaret Rudkin . In the 1930s, Rudkin, a Connecticut housewife and mother of three, began baking bread for her youngest son, Mark, who had asthma and was allergic to commercial breads containing preservatives and artificial ingredients. ." Dictionary of American Biography. While most of the bread-making process was automated by now, employees still kneaded the bread by hand because Margaret knew that's what top quality bread required. Rudkin started baking her own bread from simple ingredients for . Nostalgic "Pepperidge Farm Remembers" ads run on television, radio, and in print throughout this time period. but she always made a little cheesecloth bag full of stuffing on the side for me." - Margaret Rudkin Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. Documents of George Robert Rudkin. She did this just as fewer people were eating truly homemade foods in the 1940s and 1950s and as more and more American foodstuff became commercially mass-produced. She was 69.[4][5]. By 1940 Rudkin moved the bakery to a larger facility in Norwalk, Connecticut, where she was able to make 50,000 loaves a week. "Better Late than Never." To convince the reluctant grocer, Margaret sliced up her savory bread and gave him a taste. The allergist said the additives in store-bought foods were probably aggravating the condition. Rudkin maintained quality control despite the massive expansion by specifying that her bread was not to be sold after two days on the shelf. Six months later, production soared to one million loaves. Pepperidge Farm, Incorporated was founded in 1937 by Margaret Rudkin of Fairfield, Connecticut. Her motives, prosecutors said, were to benefit from her husband's million-dollar . Early History of the Rudkin family. She began by making bread for the upscale New York City market and before long her husband was delivering 24 loaves of bread a day to Charles and Co., a specialty food company in Manhattan. Born in New York City on September 14, 1897, Margaret Fogarty graduated valedictorian of her New York City public high school class before embarking on a career in business. (February 22, 2023). George married Amy Jane Rudkin (born Sponheimer). Margaret Rudkin was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery 501 Jerome Ave, in Bronx, Bronx County, New York United States. Fax: (856) 342-3878 Private Company Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History. The Pepperidge Farm Cookbook. The Rudkins sold apples and turkeys before launching their bread business. It is the company that introduced those iconic Goldfish crackers still housed in plastic cups and tucked into strollers, and frozen puff pastry, called a glamorous new product to America in 1958. She was 69. Henry Rudkin sustained a serious injury while playing polo, making their activities afterward more limited. On July 4, 1947 her dream came true with the opening of the company's first modern bakery in Norwalk, Connecticut. At this point, Rudkin started to bake in earnest and began to think of baking as an occupation rather than as a component of her son's health regimen. A striking young woman with bright red hair and green eyes, Margaret graduated valedictorian of her high school class, and then spent nine years working in New York before marrying Wall Street Broker Henry Rudkin in 1923. Campbell bought Pepperidge Farm for about $28.2 million worth of Campbell stock in a deal that closed in January 1961. 1937: Began baking homemade bread in response to her son's health problems. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History. Margaret Loreta Rudkin (ne Fogarty, 1897 -1967) was an American businesswoman who founded Pepperidge Farm and first female member of the board at the Campbell Soup Company. Some were the product of a particular time and place; many are better carried forth as memories, not practices, things worth holding onto only in their haziness. Goldfish crackers advertising makes its television debut in 1977. During the 1950s and 1960s, when the Pepperidge Farm product line was at the height of its popularity, it is likely that the "homemade" quality of the products was the most appealing feature to the American woman shopper, who was likely making less bread herself. Over the 26 years since she started Pepperidge Farm in her kitchen, the average annual growth rate for the Company was 53 percent! Rudkin designed the interior of the plant herself, positioning the equipment to support her manufacturing process. The eclectic book, with art from the Danish illustrator Erik Belgvad, was divided not by the traditional courses but into life stages: Childhood, Country Life, Pepperidge Farm, Ireland. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. In 1962 she yielded the presidency to her son William and replaced her husband as chairman. Born in Stockton, NSW, Australia on 10 April 1909 to Charles Herbert Stephen Rudkin and Margaret Mary Elizabeth Gammidge. In 1926 the prosperous family purchased 125 acres of property near Fairfield, Connecticut, built a Tudor mansion, a garage for five automobiles, and stables for 12 horses. Incorporated: 1957 as, collective farm, an agricultural production unit including a number of farm households or villages working together under state control. By the end of her first year of baking, using ovens installed in one of the abandoned horse stables on their property, Rudkin was making and selling 4,000 loaves a week. By 1940, Rudkin moved the bakery to a larger facility in Norwalk, Connecticut, making 50,000 loaves a week. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Been out of print for 20 years her retirement in 1966 became a representative. ``, Margaret. `` rock '' but further experimentation produced a quality loaf [ 4 [. Favorite recipes and memoirs through the years of print for 20 years page. 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