According to most reviews, the YiYuanG Circuit Breakerworks well as a replacement breaker for Coleman Powermate gas generators if the one in your machine is damaged. The worst it will do is stop making power. Once youre certain the generator is overloaded, heres how to troubleshoot and correct the situation. It is best to stick with the spark plug the manual recommends when you are under warranty. There is a lot of bad fuel going around these days and there can be a build-up in your generators carb if you use a lot of it. One of the bigger problems is when you leave appliances or empty extension cords plugged in. 5 Reasons Why Electric-Assist Makes Sense, How to Get Started With Fishing in Florida. So, that horizontal bar over the outlet panel is your only option for picking it up. When outside temperatures run too high, it can cause the system to overload faster, so it is best to avoid use on days when it reaches more than ninety degrees. In that case, any damage is your own responsibility. Okay, it's not perfect, run at a full load the Honda is possibly quieter. Finally, the generator has a two-pin 12-volt DC outlet for charging batteries. make sure it has good airflow. Information sub on all types of generators: home standby, Commercial, portable, RV, marine, etc. Continue with Recommended Cookies. This is actually a common generator problem and not one specific to the Predator series of machines. The fact that it wont start is due to another important part down the line. Have 5 Predator 3500 Inverter/Generators in for repair. When it comes to ease of use, Predator seems to have thought of everything for this generator. Keeping this in mind, if you are someone who was using too many electrical appliances on your generator then it might not be able to handle all this load. Nonetheless, older model generators dont have this feature built-in and will thus keep running and providing less power to each appliance. No matter which way you approach it, moving this generator around on the wheels feels awkward. Fortunately, we give in-depth details of how to troubleshoot and fix the problem below. The advantage with this new tech is that the engine speed will not alter the phase of the generated power, the disadvantage is that now there is added complexity. Plus, the switch is easy to toggle on and off as needed. The throttle knob is also clearly labeled, so you can simply switch between the starting throttle position and the running position with a quick turn. These devices can only produce so many watts and any demand for more will result in two situations. Subscribe to our e-newsletter today. The Predator 3500 is designed for smaller motorhomes and it cannot handle a lot of loads. If this happens to you, you should check all the simple sources first. Other frustrating moments of a generator that keeps shutting off is when you're camping, powering your RV, or . Pull the plug and clean it, if it can be cleaned. Generators are helpful appliances that provide electricity. It can be fixed in a matter of minutes. Keep in mind that these devices require you to install these in a ventilated area. No power in the battery means no electricity for the electrical parts. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. That will save you from doing a potentially messy job. You can easily do this by looking at the oil level on the dipstick of the generator. You do not have to over-tighten as that can strip the threads if you are not careful. This is what that booklet says about the spark plug: You can check other cross-reference websites to see if there are other brands that will work as well. It is only when those problems become too severe or too complicated that you will need to call in a repairman. That way, you wont have to disconnect some to keep the generator running. Nothing would break down, nothing would need repairing and you could go about your day trouble-free. This is why it makes sense to familiarize yourself with how your generator sounds while it is still new, 100% functional, and not overloaded. Help would be appreciated. 1999 - 2023. We have done many searches and the closest wiring diagram that pops up is for the Harbor Freight Predator 3500. $89999. They have all the parts and tools to repair quickly. Check the engine thoroughly before any repairs are attempted. The PREDATOR 3500W SUPER QUIET Inverter Generator is an ideal solution for RVs, home back-up and more. But Harbor Freight appears to have broken that mold with the companys Predator3500 generator. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The first thing that you should check in this case is your fuel tank. It won't overload or cause damage to sensitive devices and can run larger AC units without a problem. It would be best to break-in the generator properly and not over load it or lug it down on the many ac starts it would incur if you run the ac. It also has a 120-volt, 30-amp twist-lock outlet that you can use for power tools or to adapt for use with an RV. is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program it is designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee by means of advertising and linking to products. Then remove the outlet hose from the intake side of the clogged fuel valve and see whether fuel is flowing through the hose. Even at peak capacity it remains 3,500 watts. The generator will now start without any problem once you have topped up oil in the crankcase. If the carb is clogged or not getting enough fuel, then the motor will continue to die on you. However, if you dont have enough information by the time you buy the device, an overload can happen at any time. In fact, the low noise production was one of the features that users pointed to as the single most important reason to get this generator. The Best Mail Services For Full-Time RVers, The 10 Best Spring Break Destinations For RVers, What You Should Know About RV Towing Insurance, 4 Embarrassing Things We Did As New RVers, Visit Copano Bay RV Resort On The Texas Gulf Coast, Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1. This is a website that seems to have every manual you can think of no matter the product. But there are two more serious sources. That situation can cause the pistons to expand and seize the engine. Yes, this is possible with the sacrifice of a few hundred watts off performance down overall. All rights reserved. There is such a thing as fuel varnish and if you do not keep replacing old gas it can build up over time. The warranty on this generator is only okay at best, though. What Do I Do When My RV Has No Hot Water Flow? Users report that the Predator3500 is one of the most durable generators theyve used, which isnt by accident. Also, check your spark plug to make sure it is not fouled or damaged in any way. In addition to the lights warning you about engine oil running low or approaching generator overload, the generator has shutoff backups for both of these problems. Also, check your oil level as well. If neither of these solutions work, check the oil because if the level is too low, it triggers the sensor and shuts the unit off. This will cut off the fuel supply and cause your generator to surge. So I think I'm good , If you are running it at 90+% all day long I would be worried, 3 hours? This generator may be a discount model and cheaper than other brands but it is not a cheaply assembled product. A quick check saves you on embarrassment at the repair shop. When it comes to cleaning up your device, you have to remove the fuel and then wash the insides of your generator using special solutions. The Generator can last about 3,000 hours if maintained best, and the predator 3500 generator warranty will be for one year. If you continue using the device like this then there is a high chance that it will get damaged. There are two fixes for this particular problem. However, when it comes to gas engines, they may have to be replaced sooner due to wear and tear. There is one normal source for this issue which makes it very easy to fix. An overloaded generator is something you want to avoid as a user. You should check the fuses as well before calling your service provider. This could be just about anything that went wrong with the unit. This happens when you run it at zero load for a long time or leave it unused for almost as long. Consequently, in the example of the Generac machine, if the starting power needed for all your appliances is 4501 watts or higher, that would cause an overload. When you start the machine, it should be in the closed position. As such, running it like this can cause long-lasting and even permanent damage making the device unusable. And this may be nothing for some but bad news to a few. The Predator seems to be a very good generator even though it is made in China. Then there is a high chance that you have your generator installed in a corner of your motorhome. Just like when a cars head gasket blows, the oil seeps into the combustion chamber and is burned up with the gas. Replace it if it has any of those issues. Unsubscribe at any time. It is a discount generator. Nevertheless, the information on how to fix an overloaded generator included above may come in handy during your ownership period, so its important to have it. Also, check the gas and oil levels and see if the battery is drained of all power. Some people have a different style of maintenance. Ethanol is not good fuel to use in a generator. The handle is not hard to grasp when inside this pocket and should be easy to pull as well. But for running at 50% load or lower, the throttle switch can really improve the runtime of this generator. The Predator 3500 is meant to be an ultra-quiet model suitable for use at outdoor parties without raising the ire of partiers. All this part does is prevent hot sparks from starting fires while you have your 3500 running. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Try charging your batteries manually using an AC/DC adapter or a car booster pack. Other than that, it is a standard oil changing process that you do on any other machine. We will deal with the generator wont start issues in a few minutes. However, this is a pretty unusual feature to find on generators, so its not that surprising that Predator didnt include it. Even if the fuel tank is full of gas. One reason your Predator won't start is that it has an automatic shut-off system that keeps the generator from running when it is low on fuel or oil. Although, you should keep in mind that the overall power available in these vehicles is limited. What is Automatic Voltage Regulator? All Answered in 7 hours by: Certified on Onan and Generac generators The Predator also doesn't have a fuel gauge and its small wheels make it a little difficult to move around. The key is to take care of it so that it will last a long time. There needs to be some refilling with the tank for a holiday weekend or longer vacation plans. But otherwise, its going to be just a weekend-only kind of option. Also you are losing almost 30% of the generator engine power at 7000 ft elevation. Simply switching off some of these devices should help you in fixing the problem. Finally, there is no fuel gauge which makes it hard to know you need to add fuel until the engine automatically stops on you. 3) Excessive heat. There are different reasons why this issue rises in your Predator generator. Sometimes it just pays to let the repairman handle these problems. Quick Fact: Up 10% ethanol is acceptable, but ethanol free fuel is highly recommended. Dont press too hard though as you do not want to damage the part. If this happens then you should immediately think about diagnosing the fuel valve of your inverter generator. Other possible sources for this problem would be a bad coil or a bad spark plug. While producing up to 3,000watts of power, a switchable ESC throttle allows it to keep fuel efficiency as high as possible. As such, the moment its overloaded, the circuit breaker will trip, and your device will go off. To learn more about fixing different issues with your Predator generator, just continue to read our article. This could be just about anything that went wrong with the unit. The troubleshooting process is the same as what we highlighted above. Although, if you are still getting the same issue then there is a chance that the pipelines for your generator might be blocked. Quick Fact: Replacement parts for Predator 3500 like battery cover, fuel strainer and more are available for purchase at Harbor Freight Tools. What this does is monitor your fuel tank and when the fuel level gets too low, the motor is turned off. First, it comes with a simple starter switch. However, you shouldnt panic when you wake up one morning and the generator refuses to start. To make things easier, the article features three sections: Read on to learn everything you need to know to get your generator back up and running. This build-up will hinder the flow of fuel and make it run rough. Especially if you have no electronics experience or hate working around electricity. I would really expect this to be smooth idle. I did an up-performance on my PREDATOR 3500 by changing the factory 4 wheels for 4 HEAVY-RUBBER-STEEL WHEELS (8 1/2 INCH) with which I have a greater range of off-road movement, in addition to a HEAVY-WEIGHT HANDLE TELESCOPIC PULLING to be able to move it without much effort, in addition to changing the ORIGINAL PLASTIC OIL REFILL PLUG for an ALUMINUM REFILL PLUG WITH MAGNETIC TIP to be able to catch all the dirt remains in the chamber in addition to doing OIL CHANGE after each I use to extend its useful life and I have no complaints like others who seem total nonconformists. To sweeten the deal even more, the Predator3500 costs just $800 a steal by any measures. To start this machine, you do not have to put a lot of effort into doing this task. Trusted Source This discussion is proudly sponsored by: Please support our sponsors and let them know you heard about their products on iRV2 Thread Tools Join the #1 RV Forum Today - It's Totally Free! You never know and when you are not an expert on engines, it is best to leave this issue to the professionals. So, you are essentially forced into having two people to carry the generator. Once the device is back on, you reconnect your appliances one at a time while observing for signs of an overload. Unplug a few items from your electrical system. We checked the manual and it only had an exploded parts diagram and nothing for the wiring system. Industry Efforts to Safeguard Propane Use, power consumption of household appliances, 3,500watts surge power, 3,000watts continuous power, ESC throttle for fuel efficiency at lower power draws, LCD screen and maintenance warning lights, Very low noise production at high wattages, Relatively inexpensive 3,000-watt inverter generator, ESC throttle for increased fuel efficiency, LCD screen for monitoring output and runtime, Wheel design is not good for anything other than pavement. Please support our sponsors and let them know you heard about their products on iRV2. We may earn a commission through products purchased using links on this page. This is because the low- oil sensor is triggered therefore, it automatically disables the engine from turning on so that it can prevent further damage to the engine. (Solutions), Predator Generators (Best Reviewed - Pros + Cons), Start Generator Without A Pull Cord (The Right Way),,, Predator 3500 Generator Problems And Common Issues. Your email address will not be published. We wont be pointing out anything that is easily manageable, even if its an issue. Turn the throttle knob into the start position; once it runs, flip it back. There is an electronic start built into this machine and you will find it on the control panel. But if the interest of giving it a try to propane comes to your mind, know its possible with some limitations. 0 1 1 comment Best Trusted Source This includes, if it's low on oil, out of gas, a clogged fuel valve, a dead battery, faulty low oil sensor etc. 3 Best Low Wattage Hair Dryer For RV Review 2022. My daughter has a mobile grooming trailer with a Predator 3500 Inverter generator from Harbor Freight. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. HONDA EU3000IS1AN at $2399 Save $1499.01. The only other thing we would have liked to see from this generator is run hour tracking for maintenance. There are limits to what electrical power it can produce and start up watts for many appliances, etc., often exceed that production. Some repairs like filling up with gas or oil are quick and very easy. Just make them nice and snug so that the oil cannot get out anymore. The engines of the conventional generators on the other hand, normally run full time at the same speed regardless of the number of appliances plugged to the generator. Replacement is not out of the question with this warranty. It puts out just 57dB of noise at a 25% power load. A utility transformer that is out of order may drop voltage and cause the generator to shut down. The final common problem will be generator failure. That is about the extent of your maintenance duties. If a belt fails, the whole system stops. A flawless thing is still not available in our sweet world. Oil can be like water and follow the easiest trail out of the engine. Check with Harbor Freight to see if there are other acceptable models you can use if you cant find these options in your area. In case of a power failure or a mains power outage, some devices and appliances will malfunction. It weighs about 99 pounds. This Generator has a power of 3500 watts and is a mid-sized quiet inverter generator. Next, the choke lever may be positioned wrong. Those who are into boondocking or dry camping, youve definitely given the idea of having a generator some serious consideration. This is something you need to check on your own. Most camping enthusiasts own motorhomes and recreation vehicles because of all the features that these come with. After checking and repairing all connections, ensure theres nothing wrong with the fuse box. So, no hard feelings, just a bit of deep digging to be more aware of the purchase. Its reliable with no output issues or disturbance, and youll get the most out of the fuel tank. Make sure that this is filled up with fuel. It allows you to easily switch between monitoring your wattage draw and the remaining runtime based on your fuel consumption. If you do not want to clean, you can always buy a new air filter. You should simply re- fuel the Predator 3500 inverter generator once you have checked and confirmed that it doesnt have enough gas to run. Your device will be running a lot hotter than usual, and the incorporated cooling fans will be unable to keep up. WOW! The company warranties your entire generator for the first 90days after purchase. You should ensure that the vacuum relief valve is open and unplug the outlet hose from the intake side of the clogged valve. Lastly, in some models, there will be increased exhaust output and soot. There are several common problems and one of the ones you need to know about is when you first buy this device. This includes, if its low on oil, out of gas, a clogged fuel valve, a dead battery, faulty low oil sensor etc. According to Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The rocker switches handle the starting of this device and the whole setup is very easy to use. But that is not the main source for starting this unit. Yes, the Generators battery is charged internally. Given how solidly this engine seems to be built, we expected a slightly longer and more comprehensive warranty policy from Harbor Freight. However, since it isnt a perfect world, it is good to know you can look up the problem and find help to fix it. One owner said he drilled a few holes in the battery cover, the sides of the case, and the oil door. One is to clean the carb with a high-powered ultrasonic mechanism. Still, there were a few other outlets we wished for on this generator. It has two parallel power outlets from 12 DC to 120 AC. Compare to. Then there is the inability to use all 4 wheels all the time. A quality generator will last five to ten years as long as you take care of it and perform routine maintenance. However, once you get to anything more rugged than a dirt road including grass lawns the generators wheels show their poor design. If you do not clean this part regularly it will block the airflow and cause the engine to overheat. The most obvious possible problem would be that there is something wrong with the switch itself. And maybe that ended up making you come across one very famous option, the Predator 3500-watt generator. The outlets arent protected by a full GFCI circuit, but they do come with breaker reset switches so that you dont have to turn off the generator after an outlet is overloaded. What can you do? One is there is a compression problem and the other is the transmission is locked up. Just a tap to the side of the float bowl to solve this issue, hopefully. It did say that there was a strainer on the gas tank but nothing for the oil tank. Energuide To fix this problem, just hook it up to a 12-volt battery. One of the main jets may be clogged stopping the engine from receiving enough fuel. Predator 3500 surging - Help. Hi everyone, I need a urgent response but my inverter is rated at 3000w(25amp) running, and 3500w(29.14amp) starting. A quick check saves you on embarrassment at the repair shop. Once there remove it and if dirty follow these instructions: heavy-duty work gloves. Ever since then it hasn't cut on I've tried everything honestly hopefully I will get some help here. If you cant only connect the appliances that you know the device can handle. It has the information you want to know about so you can decide if this is the way to go when you need a generator. Modifications are not allowed but some people do not care and make them anyways as those modifications tend to make the machine run better. Double-check to make sure everything is unplugged. Additionally, you can even use electrical appliances while you are traveling. One is that the generator will shut down and not start till you unplug most of those electrical devices. Then you are ready to use the generator again. I don't really understand what you're saying but I'll throw out some advice based on an educated guess. Try to stay under that limit when plugging in new electrical devices that require huge start up watts to get going. Notably, the signs that your generator model is overloaded overlap from model to model because theyre more or less designed the same way. The fuel tank strainer needs to be checked and cleaned when dirty. Eco mode allows the Generator to run while saving fuel and getting enough power to run home or office appliances. Thats the main intention. Inverter and all 120 volt generators are are AC. The fuel valve basically controls how gas flows from the fuel tank to the carburetor therefore, it prevents the generator from starting once it stops working efficiently. Recently while camped in the desert at 7000' on a day with the outside temps running in the 90's,our gen went into overload mode and I am looking for reasons why. Your email address will not be published. This inverter generator will not start if there is an insufficient amount of gas in the tank. One other possible input might be something like the fridge trying to kick in on electric. Theres also the possibility of your device shutting down and seeming overloaded even when theres no appliance attached. So, runtime is unlikely to be an issue if you opt for the Predator3500 generator. It is a fuel supply problem and when you have a float stuck, debris in the fuel line, a dirty carb, and other issues, then the eco mode won't operate as it should. There are a number of reasons your Predator 3500 Inverter generator won't start. The first would be the drain plug. Nevertheless, if you can confirm that it was indeed an overload, you can restart the generator. The Predator cannot be used on a construction site. 2) Faulty engine or belts. This will ensure no interruption of service later on. Also, check on the condition of the breakers and fuses youre using from time to time. Importantly, the Predator3500 features an ESC throttle switch that increases fuel efficiency. When outside temperatures run too high, it can cause the system to overload faster, so it is best to avoid use on days when it reaches more than ninety degrees. This problem is not much of a performance issue. With the ESC throttle engaged, the generator can run for up to 11hours at a 25% load. First, get a sufficiently powered machine that matches your use requirements. They are manufactured in China. Today, well discuss some of the predator 3500 generator problems and overall opinion on it in broader detail. 3. Additionally,https://powerinsiderpro.comparticipates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. The Generators level noise is low and is 57 dB, which makes it quieter. Typically this will involve pressing and holding the machines reset button for more than one second. The automatic voltage regulator is used to regulate the voltage. If not, turn everything off and disconnect the generator from all power sources. Although, keep in mind that some problems can be found on this device. Industry Efforts to Safeguard Propane Use, power consumption of household appliances. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If it was a dual fuel option, things would have been better, which is our next figured-out issue with the 3500-watt generator that is going to get discussed eventually. Even if you could pick up the 100-pound generator by yourself, the weight would be strangely off-center when grabbing it by that bar. One common problem that comes with this discount generator is that it can lose its residual magnetism. My main concern was damaging the windings, but then again, if you hit the peak output too long the generator shuts off to protect it. i have been off the grid for a week so and just now getting caught up. Even though it is cheaper than other famous name brands for generators, it seems to work well and perform up to and beyond expectations. The result is melted internal components. Subscribe to our e-newsletter today. And thats fair, to be honest. Rodney holds a Masters degree in Arts and apart from working as a freelance writer, is a rather successful author of science fiction stories published in several literary, Propaneva is reader-supported. All rights reserved. Another issue could be overheating, which is common with this generator. When you are at 25% of load, the noise level seems to be quite tolerable. I cut my inverter on up close to a building the exhaust couldnt release going back in the machine, my machine then dropped from 12.4 to 10.0 then overload light came on. This RV ready, PGMA compliant generator is quieter than a conversation and has CO SECURE carbon monoxide shutdown for safety. Download The Predator 2000 Generator Manual. Generators are not the same as using shore power. It would be nice if this was a perfect world. So after 4 consecutive hours it performed like a champ. You should use the marked electronic start displayed on the control panel. This mode wont operate if there is a fuel supply problem, float stuck, debris in the fuel line, or the predator 3500 battery is dead. You should then clean the fuel line thats clogged up and plug it back in the generator. The recommended fuel type to be used by the generator is normally indicated on the user manual. However, you can somehow manage without a gauge because of the low fuel shutoff and hours counter. The parallel conversion kit doesnt come with the generator, but its cheaply available from Predator. There are some common reasons why your generator keeps turning off, and the first thing to check is the wiring. Were a few dipstick of the Predator 3500 is meant to be smooth idle purchases made through our links problems... 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