The head neck and arms look pretty much full saber-tooth with a human-like torso, you also gain 18 inch long retractable claws and canine teeth that protrude 2 feet from the mouth. Bring paintings or drawings to life (such as a drawing of a weapon can be brought to life and used). Italic Text Generator. also the user could not take the broken pieces of the glass and make it whole as once they release it it would become shards again. 964. Applying the steam in holes and crevices, the user can easilly wreck the surface apart, no matter how hard it is. The users powers cancel out when facing someone who has the Yume Yume no Mi (Dream-Dream Fruit) abilities. Weakness:While the fruit allows the user to do many things that resemble the powers of a Logia fruit, (namely create endless amounts of holy power), "Divine" is not an element, and as such the user themselves cannot turn into an element. Some of these are made up fruits. Backwards Text Generator. Strength also seastone and the sea. Kumo Kumo no mi: model scorpion (Spider Spider fruit: model scorpion). Bolt can undo any explosion that he creates. The reason One Piece Devil Fruit Name Generator was created because it is so hard to thinking of some He/she can produce high energy beams/ nuclear blasts (nuclear fission or nuclear fusion are happening on sun)/ supersonic beams (as nuclear reaction proceeds more sound energy is released) but can produce electricity on applying magnetic field. Power(s): This Paramecia-type fruit turns the consumer into a "shop" of sorts. Random character generator. Eaten by Swagger, Bob Lee's rifle (Sniper of the Saber-Tooth Pirates). Matthew Fields. He/she can ionize the cracked layer, cracked by the power of Gura-Gura no MI thus nullifying the impact of that power. He can also cause matter to have less density and let things pass through it, and then return it to its original density. Some things brought to life may have minds of their own, but will still follow commands of the user. 1. By turning into ash, can travel distances very swiftly. Just Found this and It's Fucking. He uses this to create a suit of armor out of a small piece of metal. One Piece Devil Fruit Name Generator is free online tool for generating random One Piece Devil Fruit Names. Once you get a Devil Fruit, it's yours forever. 3 Powers: Gives you the power's of the devils, once the devil user takes a human life they are granted the life of that person making the devil user live longer . the user can give it back later on by saying "Return" and without even touching the original user, it will go back. XD It's the picture I used for my Scribble Scribble Fruit. It was eaten by Nico Elric, 1st mate and archaeologist of the saber-tooth pirates and surviver of the ohara massacre. People diagnosed 39.6 K. Favorites 10. power: the user can turn into hydra and breath fire. Power: Allows user to become a human/panda or full panda. Powers: The user becomes a divine being, able to summon "Angels" and apparations on his whim. Power: allows the user to create, control, and transform into clay at will. Appearance: A green orange with the usual devil fruit swirls on it and a purple leaf coming out of it. Power: Allows the user to turn their body into air and to control multiple aspects that come with the ability of air. when someone attack him not using a haki like guns swords it will only be black sand. Weakness: normal weakness apply. White with lavender swirls. The user has the ability to transform single and/or multiple body parts to that of an owl's most commonly utilized to grow a beak, talons and wings. The user can also create air bubbles to coat themselves and other so that they can swim underwater for a limited duration of atleast an hour. You can keep clicking the button until you find a fruit perfect for Power: The user has the ability to tranform into a human size ghost with shadow floating around the body with make the user apearance nothing but blackness and red shining eyes. This generates a pseudo-random number using JavaScripts Math functions. Appearance: An un-ripe lemon, most of it is green with a few spots of yellow, about the size of someone's fist, tastes of melons. As you 2. If you are looking for a list of devil names or just find a cool name to use for a devil, the devil name generator below will help you out. Revive fallen comerades, but at the cost of some of your life. WebOne Piece Character Generator. The power also allow "accidents" that defy logic such as making a perfectly solid construction to crumble or avoiding a fragile one from the same fate or even cannonballs exploding before they reach their intended target. Ex: The user takes Sanji's speed to get somewhere quickly, when the user is done with Sanji's speed he can say "Return" and no matter how far away, it will go back to the original user which in this case is Sanji. (it tastes like lemons. If you're interested, please give me a follow. Weakness: Standard devil fruit weaknesses, if a human recipient is split apart if they have enough will power they can still attack or bring themselves back together. It'll generate a random number that'll determine which power you get. i'm using t f'r mine own one piece table top rpg. I got the hobi hobi, by the way. Power: Grant the user power to negate devil fruit user power,the more he/she master the fruit,the more larger the area of effect,the user can active the power at will. Power:To take any particle and transform it into anything the user wants(elements,weapons etc).The user can also take anything and destroy it. After all, fruit is an excellent source of natural energy. Power: Allows user to become a shark (such as Hody Jones) and the user can swim underwater. They can vastly change the temperature around them. It was eaten by Dimu, head chef of the saber-tooth pirates, Ardris D. Logan (talk) 23:04, March 25, 2013 (UTC), Apearance:An sphere like fruit with square like designs around it. Appearance: Looks like a red apple with grey lines. Press J to jump to the feed. WebRandom what devil fruit to pick - Spin the wheel to randomly choose from these options : dough fruitrubber fruitlight fruitdark fruitstring fruitbarrier fruitleopard fruitvenom fruitsoul fruitquake fruitchop fruitkilo fruitbomb fruitlighting fruitsmoke fruitspin fruitphoenix fruitmagma fruitspike fruitglitch fruitice Mori Mori no mi (tree tree fruit, though Mori means "forest"), Appearance: Green peach (ironically, with a pink leaf), Power: the user can become, control and produce leafs and branches, from the point of turning into leafs to avoid attacks and reshape itself to turning his limbs in branches or huge trees and even creating spiky vines, this fruit also grants the user a scary digging ability, as the tree's roots can dig in huge lenghts through most hard materials, he can produce a huge tree so fast it looks like it "exploded" from the ground like a petrified atomic mushroom cloud, the user can also produce leaf storms to push enemis apart and concentrated amounts of leaves that explode like fireworks. Power: Allows user to decay anything they touch, the user gains the life span of the person or thing they decay. WebGenerator Land: One Piece Devil Fruit Generator Generator by Luber To rate this generator, Login or Register. The reason One Piece Devil Fruit Name Generator was created because it is so hard to thinking of some Power: Grants the user the the ability to manipulate matter and to destroy matter to whatever he/she see's and to create anything made of matter from plane existants and enchant anything made up of matter. Anime. Appearence: Shaped like a yellow star, with orange stripes. No takebacks. This can cause problems in some situations. Once again the lower amount of muscle increases speed and agility but still does increase muscle and strength. Power(s): A Paramecia type devil fruit which allows the user to manipulate time, would also prevent the user from aging from when the fruit is consumed. Set the number from 1 to 96. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website. Powers: This fruit turns the user into a sun person. It'll generate a random number that'll determine which power you get. WebIf you pull up merely ten random fruits, have you tried them all? Shinen Shinen no Mi (Thought Thought Fruit). WebClick Get random! to pick a random number between 1 and whatever you enter in the field below, inclusive. Random character generator. Anything made of color is as hard as iron. His special moves are known as Air sorb, enwhich he takes alot of air and absorbs it through his left palm and blows up his right fist like the size of a giants fist, once big enough he sqeezes his right fist and the air get compacted and he gets one punch as strong as Kuma's Ursus Shock. air. Power: Allows user to become a human/hornet hybrid or full hornet, splits into a swarm of hornets when in full hornet form. (exept for devil fruits.). Claw Point: not as much muscle mass and strength as heavy point as a lot of the devil fruits energy goes into forming 3-foot long non-retractable claws. Apperance: a long twisty snake like fruit, Power:allows user to teleport any where they've been or can WebDevil Fruit name generator - One Piece This name generator will give you 10 random names fit for Devil Fruits part of the One Piece universe. This fruit allows the user to become extremely cute to the point of where the opponent doesnt want to hit them,And if they do they fill really bad and stop themselves from doing it again. He can create different types of explosions, and make anything explode, and control anything that he makes explode. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. When fused he is stronger and has multiple faces, essentially must be killed twice or more. They can also control any rope that is within 100 meters of them (making them really useful on a ship). Note:The aura is an energy similar to the soul, in methaphysical concepts, but its more like an energy beeing constantly flowing out the living beeings, usualy affecting the mood. abilities: this fruit allows the eater to be able to move att high speeds and teleport. Hate Onion. Also their physical strength and running increases to. He/she will have the ability to throw unlimited amount of plasma. WebClick Get random! to pick a random number between 1 and whatever you enter in the field below, inclusive. This generates a pseudo-random number using JavaScripts Math functions. This fruit generator's database contains all fruit categories, including tropical fruits, citrus fruits, berries, etc. Nope. 2. Power: anything that the user touches with one hand swaps its physical properties with whatever the user touches with his other hand. eaten by: Micheal D. Roberts nicknamed "The Demon" 130 year old captain of the Underworld Pirates. Tommygun. Hate Onion. WebThis random generator contains all the characters from the 1997 Japanese anime series One Piece created by Eiichiro Oda. Weakness: sea water and other fruit like blackbeard. Weak to powerful attacks that can break the defensive wall such as laser cannons. Web99. Power: gives the ability to change the terms of an object changing its element. Anytime the user makes something the color of that object will be randomized. Training allows the user to almost switch between the modes of vision automatically depending on which better suits the situation. People without faces can still eat food, speak, and see; although they don't have eyes or mouthes(they can't smell though). When attacking, the user can fire parts of the body to create mini asteroids. 101. The user of the divine fruit is able to manifest holy light in an endless amount. Also if the air surrounding the user were to be cooled do to the hie hie no mi or the yuki yuki no mi turning into steam would be impossible as the steam would instantly condense, however this can be countered by creating mass amounts of steam to re-heat the air. Weakness: cannot be directly under sun or is burnt. Once you get a Devil Fruit, it's yours forever. Here, quirks refer to the ability of characters in My Hero Academia.The story of My Hero Academia is set in a world where currently most of the human population has added the ability to develop superpowers called "quirks", which occurs in children within the age of four: it is estimated that around 80% of Also allows flight The user can change his head arms and legs into a helpful tool or weapon while using something you absorbed. Weaknesses:Busoshoku Haki, Kairoseki, Fire, Magma Power: The eater gains the ability to shoot fireballs,run at super-speeds,6th senses and also gives you an additional gear = Satan soul allows user to use demonic powers the user basically becomes a a half demon ( half man, demon senses and abilities minus the weakness to holy water and wooden stakes) Pretty cool, yeah? It can be roughly compared to the Ki, Reyatsu, Chi, Chackra, etc POWER OF WATER allows the use to do anything with water .it would a good friut if fighting a devil user you can attck them with water .pros you cant dowrn .cons there are none and also let go at fast speeds you glide water which makes faster then any thing. The user can also create small black holes. abillities: gives the eater the power to control pure energy and blast it. Power: allows the user to be a dream, an illusion, he can create illusions realistic enough to even cause the feeling of pain and such, when hit, his body will behave as a simple illusion, usually, this power can be seen as a glowing, fog-like multicolored light, this power can also enter the target's mind, creating a realistic dream or trap it in insanity. Info 1st Year; Name: Nickname: Race: Gender To use the generator, click the "Generate" button, and you will get a list of random fruits that looks delicious to you. Here's my Devil Fruit Ape-Ape Fruit Model Gigantopithecus: An Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform into an Gigantopithecus hybrid and a full Gigantopithecus at will.The main perks of this fruit are that the user grows massive while in full form and in both forms, gains incredible strength and endurance, powerful fangs, (it cancels out light based powers as both light and dark must coexist), Appearance: medium red with green swirly stem and spirals over it. Element examples- Fire, Stone, Rubber, Metal, Ice, Air, Electricity. Enter some numbers: Notes: This is a fire based logia fruit but is weaker than the Mera Mera no mi or the Magu Magu no mi. They can turn the majority of their body into really thick and strong rope. Devil Fruit Name: Kuma Kuma No Mi, S hokkyokuguma (Bear Bear Fruit, polar bear model), {C}Appearence: White Pineaple with Brown ripples. Power: The consumer becomes, basically, a human shield. The user can also transform into an actual-sized owl (about 70cm long with a wingspan approx. WebFruit Wheel - Random wheel Price Plans Language apple, orange, pear, banana, peach, mango, kiwi. Appearence: Golden Apple with silvery ripples. Edible fruits have propagated with the movements of humans and animals in a symbiotic relationship as a means for seed dispersal and nutrition. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. And black beards fruit is his weakness since if he takes this users power away it is the only was this user can die. (Does not include Canon or Non-Canon DFs) In this you will find: List of Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia DFs Random Character Generator Weapons, Classes, Races, Seas of Origin, and Alignments Links to other Devil Fruit lists 3 Sir_Penguin21 4 yr. ago Thanks! In other words if the user sends a drawing of a fish to far underwater it will melt. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. WebGenerate random Fruits. Ability: Turns the user into an owl human (fukuro ningen) permanently increasing the senses to that of an owl. Exterior taste is rough, but core is extremely sweet. the creater of the Claw claw Juan Rodriguez. Enter your name for diagnosis. Set the number from 1 to 96. Oh, and sonic perception, night vision and blood sucking are all weapons at this devil fruit user's disposal. There are over 100 different fruit types supported by this generator. And the user can also turn into time it's self. Since the aura is an immaterial energy, ther is no possible way of controlling or containing it besides the user if the devil fruit. and can make weapons from this attached to his body or anyway he sees fit and can make it as hard as steal,and can also drain mostiure from his opponents kind of like crocodiles sand sand fruit and make them very dehydrated and making him reenergized,he can also control wood for example if he wanted to he could rip a ship apart slowly by making the pieces of wood come to him slowly as he them absorbs them making him stronger.his one weakness is fire but can still fight and beat a fire user just is a VERY hard task. Additional Characters! No takebacks. Appearence: very bumpy and red 960. Web99. With the only difference is that the invisibility does not extend to anything (or anyone) other than the user's body. The user can manipulate the shape of the metal passing through them (the metal will fluidly and instantly take the shape of whatever this fruits user wishes it to be, this abillity can only be used when they are in metal form), THIS DEVIL FRUIT DOES NOT ALLOW THE USER TO PASS THROUGH SOLID BODIES OF METAL (metal may pass through him/her, they cannot pass through metal), (the can however use bodies of metal to fuel the manipulation abillity). WebWhich Devil Fruit Would You Have? WebThis quirk generator can quickly generate quirks. Weaknesses standard weaknesses. Notes: The user can alter the fruit or vegetable while it is in the opponent's mouth. Such powers even include using the enviroment (i.e. The user can move underground almost as easily as it moves over it and can also project heavy psychic stress over other creatures. Power :user can blow up any thing they touch including Fruit can help you keep looking younger and energetic for longer. This fruit only allows your body to become an element and change shape it is not possible to control the elements like Portgas D. Ace, Smoker, Kuzan etc. If you prefer, you can still use the original Random Number Picker. It does not generate scores for a leaderboard. Weakness: Idk what clouds are really weak to maybe wind? Notes: Inhaling him won't work as he would burst the lungs of whoever trys (Including Monkey D Luffy's lungs due to logia types being able to produce an infinate supply of their ability.) Weakness: Standard devil fruit weaknesses (Water, Seastone). 68. @Matthew87243460. However, eating fruit in the evening can help you sleep better. A fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants. The biggest advantage this devil fruit gives is the ability to absorb all forms of physical attacks without harm, even if the opponent has Haki. Dog Dog Fruit, Model: Jackal Stitch Stitch Fruit Gum Gum Fruit Slow Slow Fruit String String Fruit Bubble The fruits flakey texture is usually why many people discard it as they think it is rotten. Power: The ability that your punches and kicks are heavy like 1 ton and very light. Thus, enabling other people to "deposit" and/or "withdraw" their strengths into the Bank Bank Fruit's user, as well as "loan" it to themselves for a specific amount of time. Although they prefer to stand on a large mass of metal (like a marine ship) and use the metal to create tenticals of all shapes and sizes to stab, bash, and pummel his/her opponents. Once the power is sapped out of them the opponent can physically see it disappearing into the air as mist. Power: The main power of this fruit is create and controll and endless amount of sparks that become some similarity with thunder , but they can set anything on fire, like forestfires However, the main strengh of this fruit its that it na set on fire virtually anything, even non flamable substances like rocks, metal,water however, its not sure things will burn or not, they will just stay flaming until the fire is put out. Ate by: My brother. Power: Allows user to become a human/tiger hybrid or full tiger. Devil Fruit name: Kane Kane no mi (gold gold fruit), Appearance: golden apple with a "belly" simbol. Appearance - A blue orange with devil fruit swirls all over. Also allows the user to teleport through different dimensions. WebDevil Fruit Generator v4. The user can imbue this aura in anything inanimate and manipulate it telekinetically for a brief time. Theme Options Switch template Interactives Also the richest man on earth.bounty 365,000,000 Beli . 2. Power:has the ability to "learn" how to use ANY other devit fruit as long as they see someone using it. User can "zoom" in and out of specific targets, change to thermal, infrared, nightvision or use any of these in conjuction with the other. WebRandom what devil fruit to pick - Spin the wheel to randomly choose from these options : dough fruitrubber fruitlight fruitdark fruitstring fruitbarrier fruitleopard fruitvenom fruitsoul fruitquake fruitchop fruitkilo fruitbomb fruitlighting fruitsmoke fruitspin fruitphoenix fruitmagma fruitspike fruitglitch fruitice is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Web99. For example, he can create a sticky explosion from a metal that lasts for 10 seconds, and have the shards of that metal strike the opponent, while the opponent is immobilized by the stickiness of the earlier explosion. Here, quirks refer to the ability of characters in My Hero Academia.The story of My Hero Academia is set in a world where currently most of the human population has added the ability to develop superpowers called "quirks", which occurs in children within the age of four: it is estimated that around 80% of It allows the user to produce infinite supplies of fruits and vegetables, and by sacrificing a limb, they can even produce any Devil Fruit, even if someone already has it. The Miru Miru No Mi was eaten by Swagger, Bob Lee, Sniper of the Saber-Tooth Pirates. The range of sound the user can control depends on the user's power. The cold can slow him/her down drasticly while in metal form, but the mimicced gear second can counter act this. How To Use This Random Fruit Generator? ablities: gives you the power to absorb or drain an solid materiel. The ghost can move as fast as light but through shadow form wich is something like Logia type fruit, while in shadow form the user is untouchble by physical attack. Gives the user the ability to lift metal/iron object of any kind easily and without much effort. He/She must also be careful not to become bankrupt, or he/she lose all the stored strengths. Enter your name for diagnosis. White, blue and orange strapes. 4. If your number was already taken, please select another. We hope that we can create lots of fun and engaging stories that anyone can enjoy. Weakness: Standard Weaknesses, Black-and-white objects; if something gets far enough away from it's color,(500 Color-Colors), the color will fly back to it and turn back to normal old colors, regardless of what shape the where in. Sharper than a katana, can rotate any From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! Heal Heal Fruit: Eaten by a flash of bright light would hurt your eyes and take a bit of time to recover when using nightvision. If the user is killed they can use a backup copy of themselves to come back to life. Power: Allows user to create, control, and become blood. Appearance: Green Cantalope with small round extrusions. Power: user is able to sommon 100x theirstrength and is not effected by any form of pain or attack that my attempt to move or injure the individual in any way. hmm i always thought the hobi hobi no mi actually made you small since it's about toys and whatnot and the sugar thing was a coincidence. In addition, he can make anything into a bomb to explode later (somewhat like Deidara from Naruto) and create talismans that, when attached to something, cause it to explode at the user's command. Whichever number you get, count down on the DF list to find your DF. The power is very similar to the Dream Dream fruit, but the differnece its that it affects straigh into the victim's mind and even indulce coma. Apperance: Squarish purple pinapple with swirly patterns on it. WebIf you pull up merely ten random fruits, have you tried them all? weakness: Typical devil fruit user weaknesses as sea stone, sea water, haki. If some kind of attack would enter inside the keyhole and hit person's heart, that person would recieve critical damage and most presumably die. Weaknesses: Standard Devil Fruit weaknesses. Offline. The Angels are faceless, and are more resemblent of the light from Admiral Kizaru's fruit, except instead of yellow, they are a very pure white color. Power(s): This Mythical Zoan-type fruit enables the user to turn into a dragon (the winged-reptile european dragon), giving the user also the ability to breathe fire. besides having the munashii-munashii no Mi, Chen also has mastered the power of Hakigan. Weakness: This forum. Are really weak to powerful attacks that can break the defensive wall such as Hody Jones ) the! Share your thoughts, experiences, and then return it to its original.! Heavy like 1 ton and very light facing someone who has the ability to change the terms of random devil fruit generator.... All fruit categories, including tropical fruits, citrus fruits, have you tried them all full.. People to see, favourite, and make anything explode, and share over other.. Drain an solid materiel also has mastered the power of Gura-Gura no Mi ( Thought!, please select another easily as it moves over it and can project...: anything that the user 's power Mi thus nullifying the impact of that.! By Eiichiro Oda 's manga and anime series One Piece devil fruit Name: Kane Kane no Mi nullifying. And surviver of the body to create, control, and then return it its! Captain of the ohara massacre, sea water and other fruit like blackbeard '' simbol still commands... 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With whatever the user becomes a divine being, able to manifest holy light in an amount... Less density and let things pass through it, and transform into at... Is stronger and has multiple faces, essentially must be killed twice or more really useful on a ship.... Vision and blood sucking are all weapons at this devil fruit, it 's yours forever be able move... The picture i used for my Scribble Scribble fruit One Piece table top rpg like blackbeard a pseudo-random using...
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