The player can encounter several different lone prisoners in multiple regions who will ask the player to shoot their leg shackles. Once arriving at the clinic, the man will state that he can not feel his arm anymore and become unconscious. The player can encounter a tourist from New York in West Elizabeth who is lost on his way back to Strawberry. The player can question or antagonize them. He repeatedly claims that people can be saved and reside together with him for eternity simply by expressing a desire to be saved. The player can rob, hogtie or kill him, and if looted he will have a gold nugget in him. The player can encounter a man around the area of New Hanover. If the player sets up camp around the Roanoke regions again after receiving the first death threat from the Murfrees, he will be immediately attacked by two of them. He will state that he is in pain and then the player has the option to give him a whiskey or a health cure to ease the pain; the man will become frustrated if given the health cure, since it would not stop him from bleeding out. If the player interacts with him, he asks if they want a copy of his book and that it will cost fifty dollars. Recommended Lure: Special River Lure Legendary Lake. He will start a fight and after knocking him out he will have a Volcanic Pistol or a M1899 Pistol if you have acquired one already. The player can encounter the bartender outside Doyle's Tavern in Saint Denis. Or, you can click on the individual fish pages to see where to find their location. If the player decides to buy it from him, they discover that the book was actually a fraud, and so they can later return to Donahue and ask for a refund. The player can fake surrender and shoot both of them. His camp is littered with portraits of naked women, dolls, and a pair of handcuffs. The lawmen will shoot back if the player attacks them or follows them to close. A Machete can be obtained from one of the Murfrees. Subsequently, Norris attempts to flee after the player becomes visibly irritated with him. He tells the player that rats have infested his tavern and will pay the player to get rid of rats. If a prisoner is helped, he will give the player a robbery tip. The driver will notice Arthur and calls out for help. k block st bernard's hospital 47 6 042-532028 , 042-532027 The dying second lawman shoots and kills the third prisoner. Sometimes, the vampire may not be there as there are likely too many NPCs in the area. The player has the option to free the wanted fugitive or collect the bounty for the fugitive. Fortunately, money does get a little easier to come by the more you progress in the story, plus youll likely have your preferred money-making methods down to a tee by this point, too. The lawmen are guarding the prisoners as they break up some rocks. He will greet the protagonist when approached and show them where they can find the plant. The player can antagonize them which will result in gaining Honor. For the third encounter, he can be tracked back to his cave, where he will set his wolves on the player. One of the men will tell the player that their last batch of moonshine has failed. The player will eventually find his friend dead near a dead tree with rocks and the player will inform the hunter. If the player intervenes, they will gain honor and the man will attack them with a knife. Saw an opportunity andjacked a small steamboat. #3 - South of Emerald Ranch. To find the Red Dead Redemption 2 vampire, you'll need to find clues written on walls around Saint Denis. However, looting the man lowers the protagonist's honor. The boy is happy that the player was able to find the dog and the dog is happy to see the boy. The other man will tell people mind their own business. A black couple can be heard crying for help, while getting attacked by three members of the Skinner Brothers, for camping in their territory. To get a boat in Red Dead Redemption 2, youll need to have advanced in the story a little bit. If the encounter is observed without interfering, they will leave the town. The final Vampire Graffiti is quite easy to find. The player can encounter a black prostitute named Daisy at Doyle's Tavern in Saint Denis. The one at Flatneck Station unlocks after Who is Not without Sin (Chapter 2). The protagonist can help the man by disarming the trap and can choose to give him a health cure and a whiskey to ease the pain. He will then burn the bodies, instead of burying them. If the player beats him, he gives money to the player and punches his horse for making him lose. The player can choose to intervene or not. He will show off by drawing it and pointing it at his friend, who plays along and raises his hands in mock surrender. Don't like Ads? The second Vampire Graffiti in the city is found near the city's Gunsmith. If antagonize is chosen, Arthur will threaten the man to leave or he will kill him. By intervening, the player will gain honor. On several occasions while traveling the player may encounter Blind Man Cassidy on the roadside, where he will ask the player for money. In Saint Denis, the player may encounter Anders Helgerson a spokesman and leader of the Chelonia cult. The player can encounter a man camping in the woods. Its by no means the fastest way to explore the world, and is limited in where it can go, but itll definitely come in handy if you want to do a spot of fishing every once in a while. The player can befriend Micky over subsequent encounters, and learn that he was not a soldier at all, and after "A Fork in the Road", when encountering Mickey again, he will be upset and tell the player that he was one of the only friends he had. If the player disarms the man, they will gain honor. The player can help the hunter or do nothing. In Valentine or Van Horn Trading Post only, the player may witness two men in a duel. #2 - South of Strawberry. You never know is your #1 source for all things related to Red Dead Redemption 2. This Legendary Fish guide details everything you need to know about preparing to catch and these more than average fish. Bury him, boys!". After defeating the man, the player can return to the other man. When traveling the road just south of Lenora View during the day, a man will beckon the player to come look over the edge of the cliff that the road runs along. There will be no consequence for beating him up or killing him. The player can encounter a drunk wagon driver who has crashed his wagon and has killed his horse. In one of the encounters, the player talks to a man, who will rant about not finding any gold and then he eventually finds some gold. Get. If not, the protagonist will tell the police officer about how they saved the man's life. Once you're in the right place, use the lure we suggested above. The two Lemoyne Raiders will take the wagon. The man stands up and the two Murfrees walk away; both can be killed by the player. Here are 20 Hidden Locations Only Experts Found In Red Dead Redemption 2. Head on! If the player chooses not to inter. The protagonist will be asked to shoot bottles, and must shoot as many as possible without missing. He asks the player for help, and thanks the protagonist after safely making it back. When the player sets up camp in Roanoke Ridge a dirty looking woman turns up. While crossing bridges in O'Driscoll territories, the player may be ambushed by a group of them, two or four of which shall appear in front of him from behind rocks or trees, and two others who will sneak from the other end of the bridge to kill him. Two other outlaws, Earl and Bobbie, appear on horses pointing weapons at the player. Am I the only one who wishes we got . This mission can be acquired from two possible locations i.e. He thanks the player and points toward some Oleander Sage, warning the player not to eat it like he did. Then they can choose to split the money or lie to the man and keep the money for themselves. That's all 4 table games you need for 100% completion in Red Dead Redemption 2! As they are leaving, his wife will ask if he has fed the horses and if he has brought enough water for the journey. Click the links below to jump to Know what you're looking to catch? The same man that player has helped can be encountered in Saint Denis. The first encounter the owner possesses a Volcanic Pistol. You will find one of the prisoners is killed by the owner. If the player chooses to intervene, they will be forced to dispatch the O'Driscoll's and one of the passengers will subsequently express thanks for the assistance. If the player paddles or navigates too far away from the bounds of the map, then the boat will sink and the player will immediately jump out of the boat and drown unable to get back onto the boat. This fish is located close to Saint Denis. This man can be re-encountered later on, and the same choice is presented. The man bets that his horse named Ariel is faster than the player's horse and challenges the protagonist to race him to a random location in Ambarino. Sheriff Malloy asks him if he has any last words before judgement. Clue 1. "; 8 to 12 mounted Lemoyne Raiders will appear and attack the player. Aside from specific missions, encounters with rival gangs are restricted to the areas they control or operate: Aside from specific missions or exploits, the following gangs can only be encountered after the epilogue: Although not registered in the compendium as gangs per se, the following factions behave in gang-like pattern towards the player: Usually, neither looting nor violence towards rival gangs in front of witnesses or authorities incur in wanted level, with the only exception being mobsters (as it is stated in-game that their boss controls the Saint Denis police). However, you'll unlock additional bait after accepting A Fisher of Fish. Afterward, the winner challenges everyone else around them. The dog can be found under a nearby water tower, and the player attempts to convince the dog to follow him. Most of them happen more than once, and some may be character restricted (available only with Arthur or John). If the player antagonizes them, surrenders and then attacks, or tries to ride away, the outlaws will turn hostile and start shooting. The second woman follows nearly the same scenario, but instead asks to be taken to Emerald Ranch. After his initial dialogue with the player, Nigel will proceed to wander through the town he was encountered in, repeatedly and desperately calling Gavin's name. After you're confident in catching normal fish in Red Dead, here are the Legendary Fish lures, bait, and locations you'll need to reel in the big one. #3. The man in the basement is relieved that player is here. The player can encounter him three times. The bartender calls out to the player. A few Lemoyne Raiders will be holding several passengers at gunpoint outside the cars. The player can help the Grays capture the Braithwaite or help the Braithwaite escape. After they are dealt with, it is possible to shoot the rope off and loot the hanged man to obtain the Murfree Brood Prisoner's Note. If the player doesn't report her she can be encountered again, asking for the same favor. In New Hanover, an O'Driscoll will shout "Look who we found! The man will thank them for saving him and will get on a horse to find his wife. When approaching the the two men, they will be spooked and run away or choose to antagonize the men to get lost. Reach the facility and then look for the red brick building to the south of the Saloon. Thanks! The ledger is what you use to not only see how much everyone is contributing and where the money is going, but what upgrades are available to you. It's just to the southwest of the city along the railroad line there in fact, you'll pass right by this location if you follow our recommended . If a horse, stagecoach, train, or wagon simply doesnt cut it for you when it comes to getting around the old west in Red Dead Redemption 2, theres one final method for getting around. The tax collector will state the Lemoyne Raiders put his belongings in a box and allows the player to take whatever they want. His eyes are gouged out and the left side of his face has no skin, as it has been torn off to reveal his bones and is oozing with blood. The boy asks the player if he has seen his dog, and requests that the player helps him find it. You will also get to play Poker automatically in chapter 4 main mission A Fine Night of Debauchery. Legendary BULLHEAD CATFISH & BOAT LOCATION Red Dead Redemption 2 Chaotic D 332 subscribers Subscribe 56K views 4 years ago Location of the Legendary Bullhead Catfish in RDR2. They can especially be found near and around docks and water areas throughout the map, such as the Saint Denis docks. You can also obtain a unique melee weapon by taking down the vampire (the Ornate Dagger), so you definitely need to get involved in this side-quest if you want to see everything the game has to offer. I know I had looked in the area before. You can buy the upgrade in chapter 3 or in chapter 4 - it is on the last page of the register (Camp Boat) and unfortunately costs as much as 450 dollars. Legendary Largemouth Bass location Legendary Chain Pickerel location Legendary Fish location: Dakota River, northwest of Flatneck Station. 12000 Toman per Month 12000 Toman per Month The player can intervene or not intervene. Red Dead Redemption 2 is just a big and exciting game as its . When arriving to Valentine, she gives jewelry as payment for giving her a ride back into town. The stranger standing along the road claims that his horse died and needs a ride. The protagonist can decline and walk away with their winnings, or accept a new bet and try to win more money. Observing a train robbery, the player can intervene to earn honor or watch the passengers getting killed which will result in a loss of honor. Location: San Luis River, East of Rio Del Lobo Rock Necessary Lure: Special Lake Lure Way down by Rio Del Lobo, the Largemouth Bass is easy to spot in the clear water amidst the small frys. The player also has the option to antagonize him. A crying woman will approach the player, cursing them while claiming they killed her husband before falling before them. Arthur can defuse or antagonize the man. Curiously, if the player kills him they can encounter him again in the same spot. A lot of things in the story work on a timeline so if you don't complete something, the next thing won't become an option. Why not check out How to Catch Legendary Fish and Legendary Fish Locations, Legendary Animals and Fish Locations and Map, Talismans and Trinkets Guide: Legendary Animal Perks from the Fence, Horses Guide - Locations, Stats, Bonding, Taming, and Breeds, How to Make Money: Tips, Tricks, Exploits, and Gold Bar Locations, Camp Guide - How to Upgrade, Fast Travel, and All Upgrades, Challenges Guide: Maps, Locations, and Tips, Pre-Order Bonuses and Collector's Editions, Legendary Wolf Location, Skin, and Kill Guide, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, A Complete Guide to Solving All Treasure Maps, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. In addition, this guide also includes maps that detail the location of all Legendary Fish in RDR2. Eventually the horse will stop. If the player intervenes they must stop the gang member from attacking the man and defeat the other man. The first method is to buy an upgrade to the gang camp, which adds a boat. Started a fire after I was done and it teleported me back to the main land. Again, if the player draws them close enough to any witness or lawman, he'll become wanted. The horse can be taken without losing honor, but looting the horse's dead owner will reduce honor. The player convinces the dog to follow him. Gaming It's all about gaming! The dog then escapes again, causing the boy to chase after it. She will vanish if the player comes too close to her, however she can be observed through binoculars and gun scopes. In alternative, we created a VIP Membership that allows you to browse the site without ads and get some extra features, for a small price. Thats when you play Poker in Story for the first time. The woman will ask the protagonist to untie her and thanks them for saving her life. The very best horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be bought here! If the beverage is given the drunk will thank the player and say that it's fitting that he be drinking the devil brew. The man will similarly race them to a random location in Grizzlies East. The boat is a camp upgrade that will be unlocked once you reach the second camp in Red Dead Redemption 2. The player can encounter two different men camping near Southfield Flats, one of them will initially become hostile to the player's approach, but his friend tells him to calm himself down and that the protagonist might be able to help them. At one of the Lemoyne Raiders' campsites, the player may find that the Raiders have kidnapped a Saint Denis policeman for ransom and are interrogating him. In Ambarino, the player can encounter a man riding an American Standardbred, who will compliment the player's horse. That seems very strange. You must catch these fish and deliver them to him to complete this Stranger Quest. A man notices a man dressed in sailor outfit inside the basement of Rhodes gunsmith with bars on the window. IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR HOURS FROM VAN HORN TO SAINT DENIS.. i sleep reload look for a boat sleep reload look for a damn boat i already finish the game HELP! After exploring what's left of the house and looting a lockbox containing the Explosive Slug Pamphlet, the ruins and the lockbox will disappear if the player leaves the area and will not appear any longer during the rest of the game, despite the house location still being marked in the map. The man will then fight them for intervening. If the player accepts they will have to search for the conman in Strawberry. One of the male patrons calls them "loonies" and one of Lemoyne Raiders grabs the man by the head and slams his head on the bar counter. Afterward, the player can either comfort or antagonize the man. You must play every table game for 100% completion and for the trophy Hobby Horse. The player can encounter a man trying to fight off a lone wolf and calling for help in Big Valley or the Cumberland Forest. The man will notice the them and will ask for help. At Elysian Pool, the player can encounter three Murfrees taking a boat and dumping two bodies they have killed into the water. The player will wake up sometime later in the Saint Denis cemetery with their health core depleted and around 25% of their money gone. Then she will tell them to get out of the area and will run off. Then the protagonist will tell the man to go get the law, and that they will see what they can do. Poker Poker is actually an unmissable part of the story in chapter 4 main mission "A Fine Night of Debauchery". The graffiti is located right above the chair. How to find. One of the Lemoyne Raiders throws a fire bottle at the city hall while the other gang member finishes writing on the building with messages such as "Freedom from Tyranny of Taxation" and "Lemoyne is a free state". If antagonized, they will become hostile and attack the player. As the player is traveling along a road in The Heartlands, they may pass a man trying to calm his horse. Forsythe can be heard preaching the ideology of eugenics and how other races are inferior. Your email address will not be published. The Raiders tell the man that they will be taking the goods, to which he responds that they are crazy. Cookie Notice Red Dead Redemption 2 - FOUND A GIANT BOAT IN SAINT DENIS!! If they are killed, the player will yell that they can camp wherever they want to. I checked all of the locations mentioned in the guide but they're all gone. When the player sets up camp around Tall Trees or Great Plains for the first time, areas where the Skinner Brothers are active, an event can occur where a man grabs the protagonist by their hair and holds a knife to their forehead. Shooting the lock and allowing the prisoner to fight the lawman and escape will increase the player's honor. He always has a small camp nearby, decorated with a wooden cross. Connect with Logan on, 2023 is an unofficial Red Dead Redemption 2 fan site and is in no way affiliated with. An oblong shack can be found by going north up Bolden Street. You can freely ride to Saint Denis starting from the beginning of Chapter 2. A similar encounter can be happen in Van Horn where a drunk will ask the player for directions to the train station. If the player decides to watch. The player can encounter a shipwreck south of Flatneck Station or near the Van Horn Trading Post. The player has the choice to mislead or assist the hunter. where is the pagoda in saint denis rdr2. At night, the player can encounter two Murfrees who have tied up a man to a tree. If assisted, she will thank the protagonist for helping her and say that she feels bad that her friend's horse has died. In Saint Denis, two men will be loudly arguing on the sidewalk beneath a balcony on one of the city's poorer streets. On this page we suggest where to find a boat in RDR2. Taking the money back from him will give the player their own money back and more on top. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. One of the most interesting mysteries that has been discovered in Red Dead Redemption 2 is the vampire roaming the city of Saint Denis. The player can decline the offer which will gain them some more honor. If the player returns to the bar shortly afterwards, the bartender will state that woman's name is Daisy. The player can ignore Lemoyne Raiders or provoke them into fighting. The player can attack the Lemoyne Raiders and loot the chest in the back of the wagon. If the player approaches her, they will find that it's actually a Night Folk member in disguise, who will try to stab the player and start calling more of her fellows to attack. Saint Denis is located in the lower right (southeast) of Red Dead 2's map. The player can encounter a prostitute in Valentine, who will ask for help disposing of the body of a client who she claims began attacking her. The player can encounter a man screaming in pain off the side of a road in New Hanover or Scarlett Meadows. In Emerald Ranch, a boy can be seen looking for his dog. Two O'Driscolls are robbing a stagecoach. Pokers becomes availableatFlatneck station near your Chapter 2 camp after completing Main Mission Who is Not without Sin (Chapter 2). When being robbed, one of the two men will refer to the woman as Lydie. The player can intervene to gain honor. In the last encounter, she will talk to the player and invite him to know the tree by which she hanged herself. Great work as always PowerPyx, always appreciated. Probably thats when the others unlock, Ill have to do some testing on old save. Valuable note - The game doesn't tell you that after entering the boat you have to press Triangle/Y to start rowing. A similar encounter will happen at the Strawberry Depot in Strawberry where a man will show off his gun and accidentally shoots himself in the leg. The boy will cry and say "Nono! Dr. Barnes examines the man's arm and sees that the arm is infected and requires amputation. Maybe this video will help? The player can speak with him, and when asked if they want to be saved, choose to answer yes or no. After a short walk, during which the hunter will point out that the trail is fresh, a grizzly bear will emerge from a small stand of trees higher up the slope and charge. The player can encounter a man named Nigel in various locations, who is looking for his lost friend Gavin. In another encounter, two Lemoyne Raiders are seen near the Kamassa River or Bluewater Marsh executing two tax collectors, one of them will be already executed. The following explosion will knock the player off their horse and a group of Murfrees will show up from the woods and attack Arthur. The player can encounter two outlaws arguing over a crashed wagon. At this point the player can walk on and ignore him, or follow him. He will tell the protagonist that he needs a doctor. The player can kill the men and blow open the safe with dynamite. Two soldiers approach the pit and with their weapons drawn at him. He explains things pretty well in terms of getting boats in the game. Honor and the player also has the option to antagonize him second vampire Graffiti is quite easy to his... Antagonize him the links below to jump to know what you 're in the city 's poorer.... In the city 's Gunsmith Nigel in various locations, who plays along and raises his hands mock... Must catch these Fish and deliver them to a random location in Grizzlies East the... His arm anymore and become unconscious or follow him a fire after I was and... Can kill the men to get rid of rats hanged herself a gold nugget in.... Of moonshine has failed guide also includes maps that detail the location all. 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