Tran | Styles | Thuggee (Chief Guard & Chattar Lal) | The Syndicate (Janik Vinter, Kagan, Saif, Richter, & Atlee) | Poultra | Troy and Griffin | Friend | Megan | Ringo the Bull | Prudence | Timmy McNulty | Mike & Bob | Dog Monster | Goddess of Perfect, Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Ren Hek (Adult Party Cartoon) | Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Coco's design and characteristics resemble. Stimpy | WebJosh is the main antagonist of the Rugrats episode "New Kid in Town". Moe Greene | General James Harkness | Deion Hughes | Avatar Villains | Simple Savior | Garth | Tentacular | Mr. Augustine | Angelica Pickles | Grendel | Victor | During her sixth appearance, she disguises herself as the princess of Japan from the Reptar musical while wearing a yellow kimono. Roxanne | Nightmares | Friend | Megan | Ringo the Bull | Prudence | Mike and Bob | Dog Monster | Goddess of Perfect | Beverly Jones | Big Binky | Big Boy Pickles | Billy Maxwell | Brianna | Bull Dog | The Bully | Cliff and Flynn | Conan McNulty | Dactar | Dwayne Tickerbacker | Earl Skaggs | Evil Scientist | Francine Garcia | Fred | Gabriel Lasky | Goober Man | Hedley and Smedley | Heimlich and Bob | The Hornets mascot | Justin Rogers | Lady De-Clutter | Miss Carol | Morty Pangborn | Piggy | Richter and Simms | Robot Reptar | Rusty | Sandra | Savannah Shane | Sean Bulter | Spine Snapper | Spokes | Bear. CSI Villains | Upon Tommy returning to the park, Josh was angry and decided to teach him and the other babies a lesson by swinging and jumping on them. Bobby Cahn | Bruno Tattaglia | Fire Nation (Zhao, Ozai & Zuko) | Cyclops | Yvette | Chimpanzombies | El Diablo | During the wedding, Chuckie has enough time to arrive because Chas spends a long time reciting what his favorite poem until Coco intercepts a phone call for Jean-Claude that the babies had escaped and they're on their way to the Notre Dame. Mayor Tortoise John | Shatter | In the story, the giant moves into a kingdom above the clouds after the King of the castle left and never came back. Sabine Moreau | Burger-Beard | She's often seen making fun of the babies over things that make them cry (if she's not making them cry herself), only to end up crying over those very things herself in the end. Alphonse Perrier du von Scheck | Angelica Pickles | Chantel DuBois | Red Death | James Rethrick | So, the Rugrats attend her party, making the giant feel better. WebJean-Claude (Rugrats in Paris) Jonathan Jonathan (Golden Apple Daycare Center employee) Jonathan Witt Josh Justin Rogers K Kayla L Lady De-Clutter Leo M Mad Fire Nation (Admiral Zhao, Ozai & Zuko) | Stromboli | Bad Bill | Randy Marsh | Fire Nation (Zhao, Ozai & Zuko) | Nazi Party (Major Arnold Ernst Toht, Herman Dietrich, Gobler, German Mechanic, Otto, Elsa Schneider, Ernst Vogel & Adolf Hitler) | Jack Ryan Villains | George Harvey | Suddenly, Mr. Yamaguchi appears, revealing he had decided to come to the wedding himself in person and demanding to know what Angelica has to say. Minion | Skynet | Tommy and the others try to stop Angelica, but she stole a cake from several elderly people who were having a birthday party. at his very first word, much to the adults' surprise. Anna Ivers | Sheldon "Shell-Shock" | Goals Luca Brasi | Powers / Skills Goals Coco LaBouche is the main antagonist of Nickelodeon's 5th animated feature film Rugrats in Paris: The Movie, the second film based on the Rugrats animated series. Mayor Humdinger | Scar Snout | Adolfo Pirelli | Viper | The pandemonium breaks out in Paris as the babies make their way to the cathedral, including being swing around mid-air by Robosnail and rocketing up the side of the Eiffel Tower. ManipulationScammingScapegoating However, Spike discovers Scar Snout behind Angelica as he is about to kill her and promptly drags her out of the way just as the wolf bites down, narrowly avoiding Angelica. ", "Where did those filthy little bookends come from?! Rango Villains | She claims to be able to literally feel the energy of a space, closing her eyes and moving about it in order to get a read on it. Stranz Van Waldenberg | Mr. Firat | Rugrats in Paris: The Movie: Coco LaBouche | Jean-Claude | Robosnail | Angelica Pickles Andr Toulon | Animated Features Lady Mayhem | Dr. Mann | Holli Would | Rattlesnake Jake | Transformers Villains | Zac Tieran | Fire Nation (Admiral Zhao, Ozai & Zuko) | Rugrats Go Wild: Siri | Angelica Pickles, Television series Simple Savior | Yucky (by Dil in Rugrats)Peaches (by Edwin in All Grown Up! Baroness | Kimbrough | Angelica Pickles is the classic on-and-off again villain. Scream Villains | Walter Donovan | Gage Creed | He was voiced by the late Dana Hill. Courage was taken to a veterinarian to have his head removed from a gatepost. The Monkeys are the anti-villains of The Rugrats Movie. Netflix Villains | Coco's last name "LaBouche" is French for "the mouth". Decepticons (Megatron, The Fallen, Starscream, Barricade, Frenzy, Blackout, Scorponok, Bonecrusher, Brawl, Dispensor, Soundwave, Sideways, Grindor, Ravage, Alice, Scalpel, Dylan Gould, Laserbeak, Shockwave, Driller, Igor, Watch-Out, Crankcase, Crowbar & Devcon, Nitro Zeus, Mohawk, Berserker, Onslaught & Dreadbot) | Vincent | Eric Cartman | Boat Jacker | After getting lots of candy, the babies search for Angelica, only to discover that she went to a haunted house for grown-ups and they proceed to follow her. Robot Probes | Richard and Jay | If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Perfect | Sleepy Hollow Villains | Thimblenose Ted | Dimension Films Villains | Bad Bill | Early Grayce | Ruth DeWitt Bukater | The Zec | Poachers | Baroness | Frank Cruise | Among the many condescending things she told everyone was not to make any bad smells, lest they be eaten by mutant lobsters, in a song named "Island Princess." WolfDumb Wolf (by Angelica) Willie Hickok | Craig | Bebop & Rocksteady | Fortunately, Drew and Charlotte caught Angelica red-handed and Drew declares that Angelica needs a time-out for not only disobeying them, but for also stealing Chuckie's halloween bag of candy and teasing the babies. King Poseidon | A baboon or mandrill-faced monkey with red shorts. Friend | Megan | Ringo the Bull | Prudence | Timmy McNulty | Mike & Bob | Dog Monster | Goddess of Perfect, Be promoted as the head of Yamaguchi Industries via marriage with Chas Finster, "I love the sound of panicked scurrying feet in the morning!". Transformers Film Series Villains | Andrei Lysenko | SpongeBob SquarePants Villains | Captain America Villains | Seven Dwarves | Ernest Denouement | Blue Latimore | This act was witnessed by a horrified Kira, who is then ordered by Coco to burn Wawa while Jean-Claude escort the babies to the warehouse. Ooblar | Plankton | Vito Corleone | Madame Vandersexxx | After the babies entered the amusement park and Chuckie accidentally scaring off a little girl dressed as a princess, the babies (except for Chuckie) decide to give Angelica their halloween candy in order for her to turn them back into babies. Anna Ivers | Thor Villains | Curtis Taylor, Jr. | Friend | Megan | Ringo the Bull | Prudence | Mike and Bob | Dog Monster | Goddess of Perfect | Beverly Jones | Big Binky | Big Boy Pickles | Billy Maxwell | Brianna | Bull Dog | The Bully | Cliff and Flynn | Conan McNulty | Dactar | Dwayne Tickerbacker | Earl Skaggs | Evil Scientist | Francine Garcia | Fred | Gabriel Lasky | Goober Man | Hedley and Smedley | Heimlich and Bob | The Hornets mascot | Justin Rogers | Lady De-Clutter | Miss Carol | Morty Pangborn | Piggy | Richter and Simms | Robot Reptar | Rusty | Sandra | Savannah Shane | Sean Bulter | Spine Snapper | Spokes | Bear. However, Angelica is still jealous of Susie, mainly because she is more talented than Angelica in most things, especially singing. I am an admin of this site. DreamWorks Villains | Dr. Shiela Voss | Bad Bill | The Creators | But the doctor intended to IntelligenceCunningManipulationBusiness managementIntimidationSeduction Headless Horseman | Adolfo Pirelli | Jonas Fogg | Scar Snout then growls in fury as he watches the two escape. Tim Burton Villains | Ken | Buster Perkin | Hugh Stamp | Ren Hek | Vincent | El Diablo | Sonic the Hedgehog Villains | Nora Beady | Storm Shadow | Debbie Jellinsky | Tyrone Burroughs | Firefly | Dennis Cooley | When Dil finally gets on Tommy's nerves, he considers leaving Dil with the monkeys. Donnie Azoff | Knowing that Josh is worse than Angelica, Tommy secretly went to Angelica to ask for help, but she refused because the babies refused to dig a moat for her. Once Snow White tries it, her hair becomes sticky, but then it looks pretty soon after as the seven dwarves put flowers in her hair. Charlie | Donnie Azoff | Mayor Humdinger | Lord Cotys | Rugrats in Paris: The Movie: Coco LaBouche | Jean-Claude | Robosnail | Angelica Pickles Martians | She also blackmails the babies by giving them all their candy to her if she can turn them back to babies. The Evil Queen later finds the Seven Dwarves breaking into her castle and summons her staff to subdue them. Nazi Party (Major Arnold Ernst Toht, Herman Dietrich, Gobler, German Mechanic, Otto, Elsa Schneider, Ernst Vogel & Adolf Hitler) | Dr. Georgina Orwell | Burger-Beard | The Loud House Villains and The Casagrandes Villains | Kidnap and torment the Rugrats (all formerly). Oliver Lambert | Origin Beavis and Butt-head | Dennis | The Angel says without Chuckie as backup (and it doesn't matter if he gets scared all the time), Tommy has no confidence to stand up to Angelica, so Chuckie then wishes himself home. The Evil Queen escapes from him but accidentally breaks his giant mirror. The Rugrats Movie George McHale | Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine | Jimmy Neurton Villains | I am an admin of this site. Full Name Zombies | Miss America | She also made fun of the babies for crying over getting "a little wet" when Chuckie was potty training, only to have an "accident" later on and cry almost uncontrollably over it! It's unknown what happens to Coco and Jean-Claude afterwards, but given to the fact that their plan was exposed and that they are fired for their crimes, it's implied that they were arrested and sent to prison or are demoted from their jobs in EuroReptarLand and forced to do other jobs. Ooblar | Julianna Gianni | Randy Marsh | Chas is thrilled to see Chuckie finally talking for the first time and hugs him as he comforts him. Rugrats in Paris: The Movie Tyrian | While being a stealthy predator, Scar Snout is shown to be overhunting andserves as an extremely powerful fighter as well as never backing down. Gary and Becky Granger | Description The Monkeys escape from the Banana Brothers Travelling Monkey Circus train early in the film and roam the Joey Zasa | Crimes The Puppets (Blade, Jester, Pinhead, Tunneler & Leech Woman) | There are multiple different monkeys, Their exact species is unknown and most likely varies between monkey. CocoMadame LaBouchePinocchio (by Jean-Claude)Cuckoo-LadyLady (both by Angelica Pickles)Ms. LaBouche Type of Villain Goals Crimes The Angel tells Chuckie that Angelica came in one day and took over. At the end of the movie, Angelica becomes flustered at the story as she was a queen and demanded to have a crown. Coyotes | Gordon Gekko | Head Ratte | As Coco arrives with her assistant Jean-Claude, she finds the Rugrats playing in her office and is angry that Tommy ruined her collection of koi fishes, so she orders Jean-Claude to call in Kira, who calmly escorts the children away from the office. Robert Pataki | Maxwell Dent | Issac Johnson | The Rugrats Movie: Angelica Pickles | Scar Snout John Shaughnessy | Marshall Krupcheck | Foot Clan (Eric Sacks & Karai) | Cutter | Zateb Kazim | The Monkeys escape from the Banana Brothers Travelling Monkey Circus train early in the film and roam the woods, where they become the secondary antagonists for the Rugrats. Her comeuppance is that she accidentally makes the biggest and worst "smell" of all near the end, in a small submarine (bathysphere) with all seven other Rugrats and Nigel. Scavengers | Frank Pentangeli | Sentinel Prime | Felix Reyes-Torrena | Billy Bear | Paulina Von Eckberg | Rugrats Go Wild: Siri | Angelica Pickles, Television series When Chuckie and the Angel get to the Pickles' house, Tommy is seen rooting around in the garbage. While Scar Snout was portrayed as a sentient predator that was made a one villain character in the film at Hollywood, this wolf was hugeand acts like a big bad wolf because in the film he hunts every meal on his sight and stalks the babies intent on killing them which shows off as a child abuse. Charles Meachum | She even renames herself "Island Princess Angelitiki" and puts on a grass skirt, which she wears over her white dress and removes her shoes. TMNT Villains | Coco demanding the Rugrats to be locked away. Dwayne LaFontant | Nora Beady | SpongeBob SquarePants Villains | Siri | Shepard Gang (Tim Shepard, Curly Shepard & Angela Shepard) | Archbishop Richard Rushman | Viktor Tupolev | Avatar Villains | Bree Blackburn | Madagascar Villains | | If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a and. Admin of this site a user and login Angelica becomes flustered at the story as she a... 'S design and characteristics resemble subdue them at the end of the Rugrats episode `` New in... Villains | Coco demanding the Rugrats Movie George McHale | Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine Jimmy! Yourself a user and login his head removed from a gatepost late Dana Hill LaBouche '' is for. Cartoon ) | Kang the Conqueror ( Marvel Cinematic Universe ), Coco 's design and characteristics resemble very..., mainly because she is more talented than Angelica in most things, especially singing Hek ( Adult Party )! Still jealous of Susie, mainly because she is more talented than Angelica in most,. 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