TJ Klune Adele Uphaus When local author TJ Klune finished his. There are so many messages in this beautifully written story. I recently picked it up again to revisit the comfort of the magical house in the Cerulean Sea and fondly discovered once more why it comes so highly recommended by readers on TikTok. Linus himself is a lovable protagonist despite his prickliness, and Klune aptly handles his evolving feelings and morals. TJ KLUNE is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling, Lambda Literary Award-winning author of The House in the Cerulean Sea, The Extraordinaries, and more. Linus and Arthur are both queer characters, but this isn't a central plotline of the story. The House in the Cerulean Sea Travis Klune 2021-09-16 An enchanting story, masterfully told, The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune is about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected place - and realizing that family could be yours. Both, in their own ways, are different forms of wish fulfillment. I am held up to the sun, and it shines right through me. Linus faints dead away on reading the first file, belonging to Lucy (short for Lucifer), the 6-year-old reputed to be the child of Satan, but as time passes and he investigates further, he starts, for the first time, to question some of the things Extremely Upper Management has been telling him about these kids. Linus Baker leads a quiet, solitary life. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. All rights reserved. I've read it twice and understand why Goodreads and TikTok readers love it so much. I loved this book. The two had met for the first time in person one year earlier at the 2012 GayRomLit Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. People say that this book is WONDERFUL! What honesty! I loved how the author cleverly wove quantum physics into the story. I still noticed this slow build during my second read, but also picked up on so many little clues to the climax and conclusion that I enjoyed the steady ride through the children's daily education, outdoor adventures, and Linus' work correspondences. The characters he meets there will steal your heart. It comes from a place of anger and an unhappiness at the state of the world, and a sincere wish to right the wrongs we see. Mild-mannered government caseworker Linus Baker is sent on a secret assignment to an island orphanage he's never even heard of. Seeing the similarities of this event take place in the current-day Southern United States, Klune felt a need to write a story celebrating children's differences and to show the positive effects of giving children a safe and supportive place to be themselves. These scratches are a history. [2], Klune's first book, Bear, Otter and the Kid, was published in 2011. I tear. To begin with, I would like to express some general thoughts on the two books. The House in the Cerulean Sea is an adult fantasy novel, originally published on March 17, 2020. I wish that the lesson they took from the book is one of kindness and charity, in giving people the benefit of the doubt. An enchanting story, masterfully told, The House in the Cerulean Sea is about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected placeand realizing that family is yours. Hardcover - 17 March 2020. Am I wrong? This ultimately resulted in T. J. Klune, a prominent queer author, wanting to commit suicide during Pride Month and needing to up his dose of antidepressants to cope. I've read it twice and understand why Goodreads and TikTok readers love it so much. Published on Feb 13, 2023. It has become one of my favorites of al time. The House in the Cerulean Sea is a work of classic children's literature written for adults and children alike, with the perspective and delicacy of the modern day. I usually blog each morning while my son takes an online class but last week I traded that in for daily breakfast in bed with my daughter while we snuggled up to watch iCarly. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Katherine Fiorillo is a freelance content writer specializing in books, lifestyle, and e-commerce.Katherine has a B.A. And Mr Klunes detractors believe they are combating some harm that he is doing with his little fantasy novel. As far as I can tell, Mr Klune is not fronting a specific story about First Nation people and neither is it marketed that way at all. In 2013, he wrote a magical realist novel, Into This River I Drown, while processing the death of his father. Powerful Stories About Martin Luther King Jr. So, this is it? ', "Lucy looked up from the Chuck Berry record. One common thread I see is that many who are angry at Mr Klune did not even realise that he was drawing inspiration from the Sixties Scoop initially, with some even saying that they adored the book before they learned about that unseen aspect of it. I dont always like the fantasy type either. The House in the Cerulean Sea is a fantasy novel by TJ Klune, published in March 2020. How dare people read strong connections between crimes against indigenous people into a book that was admittedly inspired by those crimes! Some indigenous folks may, and others may not, take issue with the book. It is like being wrapped up in a big gay blanket. Follow. But, man, would it be worth encouraging you to give THITCS another try? Love wins in this book. This is why we have driven this gay man tothoughts of suicide? ', "'Like you're mad. House In The Cerulean Sea is a charming fantasy novel about Linus Baker, an employee of the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. Again, I am not opposed to anyone wanting to read whatever it is they want into any text but I just want to spend a minute here to ask ourselves: what harm are we averting, mitigating, or neutralising here exactly by attacking Mr Klune? Right out of the gates, it has a lot about it that I love in fantasy novels: Who is just a regular person in a world where magic exists. I am not much of a religion guy but I think it is important to have faith that no matter how unlikely it is, we can be anything we want. He couldnt believe that such a creature existed without his knowledge. But the fact that there was a weapon of mass destruction in the body of a six-year-old and the world wasnt prepared was simply shocking. Anyway, just through Id offer another perspective. But I prevailed, and am now at the halfway mark. It's a beautiful book' - Charlaine Harris, number one New York Times bestselling author From the moment Linus steps onto the island, the story takes on a soft and warm aesthetic as we meet heartwarming characters who have found a safe haven from people who not only misunderstand them, but often lash out with prejudice, aggression, and fear. I cant help wondering ifthey even read the same book I did. Linus Baker. Common Sense Media. What a beautiful and insightful comment! I have holes. suggesting a diversity update. I suspect I am liable to dislocate a shoulder if I try to reach as far as that. The Time Travelers Wife is an example of a book like this and that book is most definitely fantasy! What damage had The House in the Cerulean Sea done to indigenous people? But there arent any moving statues in this book. And Mr Klunes detractors believe they are combating some harm that he is doing with his little fantasy novel. An enchanting story, masterfully told, The House in the Cerulean Sea is about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected placeand realizing that family is yours. A dangerous task. Perhaps the main lesson in The House in the Cerulean Sea is not to judge others based on their appearance. So true. Does that make sense? The opposite, if anything. Just like I always tell all of you to do! Theres a lot more going on with this story than just magical creatures and pixie dust. It wasnt easy to say goodbye to Lucy and leaving him with his newfound family when we moved our entire household from one island to another last year, and I cannot help but think of him as I read the explanation for Lucys name in T. J. Klunes The House in the Cerulean Sea. TJ Klune's The House in the Cerulean Sea made an immediate splash in the bookish zeitgeist upon its March 2020 debut. Maybe one of them doesnt like fantasy books and everyone else does lol. Its the belief that we are capable of making meaningful changes to the world we live in by performing small, seemingly trivial actions. 'I loved it. I am parched parchment. Forty-year-old Linus Baker, career bureaucrat in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth, is a gray, shriveled, downtrodden soul when his latest assignment from Extremely Upper Management sends him to THE HOUSE IN THE CERULEAN SEA, aka Marsyas Island Orphanage. AvaChannary. It's the type of book that reminds you of being outside on a sunny day with a cool breeze blowing through. House in the Cerulean Sea By Ccile Tasson, Tj Klune and T. J. Klune A magical island. The House in the Cerulean Sea is brilliant and gentle, the narrative slipping on like a well-worn sweater while performing a certain magic that makes it all feel fresh. HAHAHAHAHA! In the words of Helen, "A house isn't always the house we live in. Travis John Klune (born May 20, 1982) is an American author of fantasy and romantic fiction featuring gay and LGBTQ+ characters. The cost to you is exactly the same and I receive a tiny commission off of your purchases. I wish that the lesson they took from the book is one of kindness and charity, in giving people the benefit of the doubt. How Do I Protect My Young Child from Cyberbullying? Light me on fire, and I burn. We must believe that all of us are, by and large, good people. I read this book for the first time in the early weeks of the pandemic, just after it was published, and found the sweet story to be a simply enjoyable read. It brings heartwarming moments, sure to bring a smile to any reader's face and just a general fuzzy feeling at the end of the book. If we do not believe these half-lies, these fables, why do we even try? I think it is fun, healthy even, for every child to have a fuzzy idea of what any individual can realistically achieve, because we all get more than our fair share of crippling doubt when we grow upand should dream while we still can. He also falls in love and discovers unsuspected depths of courage, loyalty, and tenacity in himself. His task, in theory: look into the well-being of the orphanage's six young residents. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. (LogOut/ House in the Cerulean Sea was a story born from the Sixties Scoop, which refers to Canada removing indigenous children from their own families and placing them into white families, which went on for about twenty years and is still having an effect today. There are many villains in the world, and I remain unconvinced that T. J. Klune is one of them. Sign up for our newsletter to get honest reviews on top products & services delivered weekly to your inbox. Klune is a queer author whose works often explore supernatural elements. See our. Fuck realism. Promise. If you don't know what Canadian residential schools are, this was a government effort towards cultural assimilation of First Nations carried out by Catholic and Protestant churches. There is a particular passage in The House in the Cerulean Sea that stuck with me and after everything that had transpired in the past few weeks for Mr Klune, it had taken on new significance. Librarian insisted that this descriptor be added. The writing itself was good! [11] Other novels written by Klune include the queer werewolf series Green Creek, the queer superhero series The Extraordinaries, the contemporary romance How to be a Normal Person and the comedic fantasy series Tales from Verania. We won't share this comment without your permission. *Please share this page with your book and blog loving friends! Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa:, +60321818626, +60127985220 Ilham tower - equilibrium in the city | kuala lumpur, malaysia Klune incorporates many real world problems in his book, such as child abuse, discrimination, and segregation. What age is The House in the Cerulean Sea for? Like-minded people building it up to a roar. Daisy, 11, used her powers to throw a chair at another kid, Marcus. The House in The Cerulean Sea by T.J Klune is a multi-award winner. Without the worlds knowledge. Right out of the gates, it has a lot about it that I love in fantasy: Maybe I just find the idea of fantasy heroes being no different from you and I to be appealing, and can identify better with a protagonist who isonly able to do things that I can do. Granted, I am an avid fantasy reader but I would recommend it to anyone! This exclusive trade paperback edition of The House on the Cerulean Sea includes gorgeous full-color stenciled edges matching the beautiful cover design.. A NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY, and WASHINGTON POST BESTSELLER! The argument for that accusation, if I follow their logic correctly, is that since Linus is a regular human interacting with an underclass of magic beings, he is a stand-in for white people (even though he has as much a chance of being white as Talia or Lucy, who are magical children). Here are three reasons "The House in the Cerulean Sea" is just as great as everyone says. The House in the Cerulean Sea is an uncomplicated feel-good book that is full of fantastical creatures and tells a well-meaning, upbeat story about acceptance and inclusivity. The parents' guide to what's in this book. are exposed, and Linus must make a choice: destroy a home or watch the world burn.An. Parents need to know that The House in the Cerulean Sea is a fantasy novel by TJ Klune, aimed at an adult audience but finding many appreciative teen readers. Light me on fire, and I burn. This particular Naga is Malaysian, born and bred. It's also the people we choose to surround ourselves with" (281). As James Baldwin wisely noted "Children have never been very good at . He wanted to be able to write a novel that had an accurate representation of queer relationships, that were not stereotypical, instead were seen as relatable and positive. As Linus's adventures at The House in the Cerulean Sea continue, both he and the reader are drawn into its world, delighted by its residents, and more and more inclined to doubt the prejudice that finds them so dangerous. Profiting from both the cultural and literal genocide of indigenous people. Our main issues relate to its location (in the mesmerising Gulf of Thailand), stunning landscapes (it's surrounded by cerulean seas that gently lap golden beaches fringed with coconut palm trees), onsite restaurants (that focus on organic produce and fresh seafood direct from local fishermen) and VIP lounge (the one with a breathtaking sea-view . And you know what? Being queer. It is idealistic to a fault. At forty, he lives in a tiny house with a devious cat and his old records. Change). I put to you that not even Mr Klunes harshest critics believe that a reasonable person reading this book would come away with the idea that indigenous children should be forcibly adopted by white parents or placed in residential schools. Why bother? In much the same way, I think the people who have picketed and railed against The House of the Cerulean Sea in recent weeks probably also hold the sincere belief that they are doing something good and positive. If you buy them, we may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our partners. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider I didnt see anyallusionsin the texteitherand read it as an allegory for discrimination against queer people. I alternated between smiling to myself and tearing up when I read it. Its estimated that over 20,000 indigenous children were taken, and it wasnt until 2017 that the families of those affected reached a financial settlement with the Canadian government totaling over eight hundred million dollars. It was really well-written and heartfelt. Linus Baker is a by-the-book case worker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. However, the book is more nuanced than this suggests. Pub Date: March 17, 2020. ', "'He didn't,' J-Bone said. It is charmingly uncomplicated and wears its heart of its dust jacketand sometimes, that is precisely what we need. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The House in the Cerulean Sea is an enchanting love story, masterfully told, about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected placeand realizing that family is yours. Its the best book I read this yearand I suspect it will remain, always, one of the sweetest books I have ever read. On its own. His novel Into This River I Drown won the Lambda Literary Award for Best Gay Romance in 2014. I am but paper. Learn more >. That trauma may be impacted by the author expressly taking the crimes against their ancestors and turning them into a whimsical story where the victims (the magical beings/indigenous people) are happy in their boarding home. And it was quite apparent to all who met him that Lucy is a boy and because we live in a deeply gendered society, people naturally wondered why we named him thatand I, naturally a troll, enjoyed everyones bafflement so much that I was not always forthright with the explanation. I don't read fantasy novels often, usually finding it too challenging to keep track of magic rules, fantastical species, and complicated worlds. 10+ house in the cerulean sea controversy most standard Wikipedia (Eng) Bach Le October 11, 2022 0 Comment Globalizethis aggregates house in the cerulean sea controversy information to help you offer the best information support options. And then the main character meets a sprite. I wonder if that could make the story more tolerable for you? Im so happy I did!!!! While people do gravitate towards colours for subjective reasons, and some don't even notice what colour they are wearing, it has become increasingly hard to distance yourself. No made up worlds, no moving statues, no levitating blocks, etc. Im so sorry I went a bit MIA last week. Not to mention that a reveal in the story directly contradicts the core principle of the Sixties Scoop (which is based on the belief that these kids should be removed from their own people). A really lovely book for middle grade, YA, and adult readers! You are looking : the house in the cerulean sea controversy Contents 1.So, about that 'House in the Cerulean Sea' controversy? I simply lack the uncompromising purity of thought some of his critics possess in order to see what they are seeing. And I understand why they did it. TJ KLUNE is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling, Lambda Literary Award-winning author of The House in the Cerulean Sea, The Extraordinaries, and more. Linus suggests that perhaps some type of "extreme emotion state" triggered her powers. And furthermore, Linus ethnicity was never clarified in the book, not even once. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. It's far more about "found" family and speaking up for those who don't have a voice. Also, an attraction that cannot be denied is building between him and Arthur Parnassus, though he's doing his best to deny it. Or maybe I am just getting old. This ultimately resulted in T. J. Klune, a prominent queer author, wanting to commit suicide during Pride Month and needing to up his dose of antidepressants to cope. A great story on so many levels and so right for the time that we are living in. Maybe I just find the idea of fantasy heroes being no different from you and I to be appealing, and can identify better with a protagonist who isonly able to do things that I can do. He'd probably wake up with a headache and nothing more. By writing The House in the Cerulean Sea, they said that Mr Klune is. In Priestley's . . Thats page 1. Maybe pictures would have helped me to want to continue reading?? The messages about acceptance, loyalty, and tolerance are beautiful, as are the themes about embracing diversity and valuing people for their character. Though he isn't given many details about the home or its residents, Extremely Upper Management tells Linus he must carefully observe all activities and behaviors of the children and their foster parent, Arthur Parnassus, and report back. It is like being wrapped up in a big gay blanket. Thank you for this insightful comment! Due to the prevalence of pen names in M/M romantic fiction, he wrote under the pseudonym TJ Klune. The story follows Linus Baker, a 40-year-old Case Worker from the Department in Charge of Magical Youths as he travels to this highly classified location, burdened with the task of figuring out if the children are being adequately cared for (and if they, particularly Lucy, are likely to bring about the end of the world). The heartwarming, imaginative story follows a caseworker on an island of magical youth. Without spoiling anything, it's so tremendously written that you don't realize small hints had been left throughout the story until all the pieces harmoniously come together. And I feel thatthose who said he glamourised residential schools in the bookare doing so in incredibly bad faith since the whole point of the book tries to make is that such state-run facilities are bad. One of Publishers Weekly's "Most Anticipated Books of Spring 2020" The House in the Cerulean Sea is an enchanting love story, masterfully told, about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected placeand realizing that family is yours. Coincidentally, The House in the Cerulean Sea is about found families and islands, and it features someplace called the Marsyas Island Orphanage which is the home of an orphan named Lucyshort for Lucifer, for he is the Antichristwhere he lived with five other "dangerous" children: a gnome, a sprite, a wyvern, a were-Pomeranian, and a bellhop 400 pp. An enchanting story, masterfully told, The House in the Cerulean Sea is about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected place--and realizing that family is yours. My absolute favorite part of this book is the appearance of one magical child named Lucy, who is (quite literally) the son of Satan. Calliope isn't the tamest of cats and he thought it was crucial that you know that. We must believe that all of us are, by and large, good people. I hope youll like the other two. Maybe I enjoy the subversion as a sort of rebellion against the speciesof overpowered adolescent Chosen Ones who overpopulate the fantasy stories of my youth. New comments cannot be posted. Linus Baker is a man leading an ordinary, boring life slaving away at his job as a case worker for orphanages under the care of the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. And if I can offer any criticism of The House in the Cerulean Sea, its that the book is pure wish fulfillment. I just absolutely hate this type of fantasy. BUT its about real people who do fantastical things. I love this review so much! Well, 2 things actually: #1 I wasnt excited to read them before but now Im REALLY not exited to read them.but I will! Trivialising the tragedy by turning it into a feel good fantasy analogue story. Trivialising the tragedy by turning it into a feel good fantasy analogue story. Sure, we can say that it is unreasonable (trivialising, even) to fantasise about how one man is able to dismantle systemic racism with a little help from some of his friends, but I would say it is equally unreasonable to believe that by directing hate to an author who wrote a book which is only tenuously linked to a tragedy that had befallen First Nation people, they have done even the least bit of good for them. Now, while I am not white, I am also not an indigenous First Nation person either, and I dont think anyone should listen to me but just in case you are, I wish to say I believe one has to be deeply uncharitable to read such heinous crimes into Mr Klunes book. As Arthur and Linus grow closer, long-held secrets are exposed, and Linus must make a choice: destroy a home or watch the world burn. It is wish-fulfillment. 'I loved it. Why I Stopped Reading The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ KluneBut You Shouldnt! Pick it back up and please finish it! It is based on a middle-aged, stodgy compatibility and a growing realization that both men wish the magical children to be . to read? Its a fantastical story but one that has its feetsomewhatrooted in reality, compared to THITCS. Readers can't get enough of this magical story. With heartwarming characters, a comforting aesthetic, and a mind-blowing ending, it's a thoroughly enjoyable read from cover to cover. Pick a magical being and create the story of that person's discovery - how the person came to the notice of the Department. I have Midnight Library in my kindle queue! In the following passage, he discovers an unconscious record store clerk, who's been (magically) thrown against the wall by the 6-year-old boy he tried to capture and exorcise: "Linus glanced down at Marty again. Marcus As a kid, I loved those stories of some random farm boy discovering that he is literally chosen by fate to brandish earthshaking magic to vanquish evil. They tell things for others to read, but they only see the words, and not what the words are written upon. I really liked the children characters, especially Lucy who could be both mischievous and vulnerable. I listened to it on audio, where the voiceover artist gave each character their own voice. An Indie Next Pick! As a Case Worker at the Department in Charge Of Magical Youth, he spends his days overseeing the well-being of children in . They only knew because he informed them, and I daresay some of his haters only learned about the Sixties Scoop and residential schools because he chose to use his platform to talk about it. Sure, we can say that it is unreasonable (trivialising, even) to fantasise about how one man is able to dismantle systemic racism with a little help from some of his friends, but I would say it is equally unreasonable to believe that by directing hate to an author who wrote a book which is only tenuously linked to a tragedy that had befallen First Nation people, they have done even the least bit of good for them. Coincidentally, The House in the Cerulean Sea is about found families and islands, and it features someplace called the Marsyas Island Orphanage which is the home of an orphan named Lucyshort for Lucifer, for he is the Antichristwhere he lived with five other "dangerous" children: a gnome, a sprite, a wyvern, a were-Pomeranian, and a bellhop It was about this time that Linus felt his vision gray yet again at the thought ofof this child. 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