If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Paste as plain text instead, Three-digits equate to the square footage of the coach. You can post now and register later. In 1995 The A,B and C package designations were dropped in favor of prefered equipment packages. As an example: you can find Datsun 240Z only in Case A or only Case J will have Acura NSX as a Super Treasure Hunt model. $28,000. Listings with photos 13. Starting in 2008, Mattel began using base codes (also known as date codes) on Hot Wheels vehicles. 1 / 4. Made in both the United States and Hong Kong plants, the Cheetah is based on a 1963 car by Bill Cushenberry. The term "redline" derives from the fact that, during that period, the cars were manufactured with a red stripe on the tire. current year, the previous year, and towards the end of the year, the following Base date code is when the car got assembled. Every case has 72 Hot Wheels in them and those cases have around 16 variations that are lettered in accending order from A (A, B, C, D, ). What makes them faster are the nickel-plated axles that the wheels spin on. I noticed on most of my Hotwheels even from 2020 say "Asst. Reduced Price! They also have letters TH somewhere on the body and this is basically how you spot them. Aside from the unique exterior color, the package, which costs $4,995, adds orange seatbelts, dark taillights, 50th Anniversary Hot Wheels badging and 20-inch wheels. Just launch the game and press the Menu button on the left side of the screen. Mainly because of the Treasure Hunts. Hot Wheels is a brand of toy automobiles that are manufactured by Mattel toys. The cards do not have the green stripe any longer and the cars are randomly hidden in different series. The sport is really growing, and as we are not doing many mail-in races at present, this site will also help you stay up on the sport and where you can find mail-in races. 1955 Candy Striper Chevy Bel Air Gasser $1,000-$1,400. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. is no 50. Category:Hill's Department Store Exclusive. SUPER TREASURE HUNT I agree (and have tracked since it's inception) that the car's base date code being the date of assembly, but in years past, the embossed card code tracked the date by week/year/point of assembly. Privacy Policy. The BMW 745e sedan, for example, is a superior-class sedan and the flagship of the BMW brand. Today 1; Within the last . There are also some that you can't tell or are hard to tell what year they are from with out it being in the package, I think if I remeber collector number 271 is valued at $2500 to $3500 depending what price guild you look at, and loose it's only $2. mooseman_77 1 yr. ago It's the total number of cool points you can earn for the year collecting hotwheels PlasticFoods_Meh 1 yr. ago OMG sO rArE! Or a $30 model can only be sold at about $25 if sold without . 2023 Assortments ] [ 2022 Assortments. Sometimes, castings stop being used for a number of years and return with an updated tooling later. 106. (There are 365 cars in the 2018 Mainline; this will change from year to year.). That's 10 weeks. The below OEM BMW Wheel Style Numbers reference chart is a work in progress and will be filled in over time. This date is actually the copyright date. what do the numbers mean on hot wheels package. How do you tell what year a Hot Wheels is? Due to some life changes, we are no longer racing monthly. Hot Wheels Font. As anexample: you can find Datsun 240Z only in Case A or only Case J will have Acura NSX as a Super Treasure Hunt model. However if its toward the If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Switching to a smaller wheel and a thicker tire can give you a smoother ride without any major modifications to your car. This is the last week of the regular season for the Hot Wheels pick'em game. as the numbers changed a bit from 2017 as well. It was founded in 1945 by Harold "Matt" Matson and Elliot Handler (hence the name "matt-el"). See link above. Mattel, Inc. is an American toy company that was founded in January 1945 in California by Harold Matson, Elliot Handler and Ruth Handler. This would cover the 2020 mainlines and is found on 2021 mainlines currently. 43 new cars appeared this year. All Rights Reserved. The real AMX street car was a short-lived two-seater produced by AMC that, like most muscle cars, stuffed a high-powered engine into a midsize frame. Hot Wheels also has a thing called Red Line Club its an annual premium membership that gives access to some exclusive deals and features. Now you might think that the Mainline number and subset number would run concurrently, like if 3 / 10 was 212 / 365 it would stand to reason that 4 / 10 (of the same subset) would be 213 / 365 , right?? Pearl White, w/Red stripes & Yellow 'Corvette' on sides, Corvette emblem, Yellow & Black 'Corvette' on hood, Red interior, Black Malaysia Base, w/UH's. Mtflk. For example, if you have a base code that reads D35, that is a casting that was made the 35th week of 2011. Here are 4 ways you can improve the ride quality of your car: 1. Not only do they contribute to your speed, mileage, and the smoothness of your ride, but the best wheels also add style and safety. Hot Wheels Expert Mike Zar. View car. Thats where the car falls in the Mainline. On most wheels the width will be printed on the back of the spokes, meaning that the wheel has to be removed to read it. Some examples are 3/10. Is this how you can tell which case it came out of? years packaging. Thats where the car falls in the Mainline. 2013 Assortments ] [ 2012 Assortments. The sound is outstanding, there is the slightest . example. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. For example, if the code is M36, the letter M indicates that the car was manufactured in 2019, and the number 36 indicates the car was manufactured on the 36th week of that year. The first character is a letter that represents the year of manufacture. CO2 emissions 49 - 41 g/km (combined) Fuel consumption 2,1 - 1,8 l/100 km (combined) Power consumption 18,9 - 17,9 kWh/100 km (combined) The year that you see on the buttom of the car is the year when cast went into production. Embossed date code is when it got packaged. Casting (tooling), is the structural design for each Hot Wheels car. Now, the "fire" lost its orange elements. The codes can either be printed with various colored inks or stamped into the base. If you see one, you have to immediately buy it. A forum community dedicated to all Hobbyists. It stands for Zinc Aluminum MAgnesium and Copper or Zinc Aluminum Metal Alloy Casting. Sometimes, a Hot Wheels car ismade without any livery and sold like that, which wouldmake it a ZAMAC Edition. Also, I think multiple models have the same numbers so it could not be the car number or model. It is the year that the design was registered. What do assortment numbers mean? Every year new models are made and its a good feeling to have the first version of the cast, especially after many years from its debut. What can you learn from a free-body diagram? 2018 car on the left with 50th anniversary logo. Hot Wheels Community respects collectors with a theme. was added. The actual model number would be MB# (# is the model number). 10 1968 "Cheetah" Base Python - $10,000. For example, the very first Matchbox ever . A new window will appear where you can enter each working code into the text box. And there you have it - a couple of tips for aspiring Hot Wheels collectors, and just some of the countless themes you can come up with. 1) At the top of the card on the back, there is the item or toy #, but afterward is a dash and letternumber code. 11 Collectible Facts About Hot Wheels By Mark Mancini Sep 30, 2016 Getty Images / Getty Images An estimated 41 million people have played with them. Date codes consist of a letter (A-Z, some letters are omitted) followed by a two-digit number. How do you tell what year a Hot Wheels is? 9 times out of 10, the first release of the design is 1 year after the copyright date. Date codes consist of a letter (A-Z, some letters are omitted) followed by a two-digit number. Most often asked questions related to bitcoin! Matchbox cars are roughly 1:64 to scale of the vehicles being modeled. In this example, the numbers are already listed in numerical order, so I don't have to rewrite the list. Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! If the width is not printed on the back, you may have to measure. Is this how Mattel differentiates which go to Krogers/Dollar General/Target/Walmart/ or "general"? are priced higher in the store, but basically you can get all of them everywhere, there are no hard-to-find casts inside this special series. You may consider eBay as well, it has loadsof great offers. The letter refers to the year of manufacture, while the number refers to the week-number (1-52) within that year. A negative offset will have a smaller number first and a larger number second. The cougar is from later in 2019 Q case. 3) On the back of some cards, there is an embossed letter and number. 271 Funny Car is most probably the rarest Hot Wheels car from the '90s and is worth around $3,500 now but who's to say that that number will not go up exponentially in the future? The Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt made it's first appearance in 1995. 4. . After further investigation, The UNO Deuce has a N36 base and the DOS Deuce has a N46 base. ZAMAC, ERRORS, VARIATIONS The No. One of the most popular Treasure Hunts was released at that time - the pearl white w/orange rally stripes '67 Camaro. 1970 Mad Maverick $15,000. For the most part, from what I've seen, seems that most cars vaule is cut in half once opend. Matchbox Models Of Yesteryear Y3 4 1912 Ford Model, Matchbox Yesteryear Yesteryear Book 1956 2000, Matchbox First Matchbox Models Of Yesteryear, Matchbox Pre Pro Yesteryear Ysh 3 Wells Fargo. I haven't been able to figure out what the second line means. Any help/info on this would be great. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 1998 - 1999 Treasure Hunts. . The #Mustang Boss Hoss hasn't been released since the Rewards Spoilers edition in 2017. My UNO 32 Ford has a card code of 09-20 which makes sense for a B mix car to be assembled in September of 2020, but my DOS 32 Ford has a card code of 11-20 which doesn't follow the the amount of time between mixes B and F (about 12 weeks), but I have no other explanation, and mostly I can't explain why Mattel changed from a weekly tracker to a monthly tracker and I can't explain why so many cards now have no embossing tracker number when the old method was about 99% in use. Each year the cars would simply be numbered 1 through 75 on the package. 53 week YEARS happen every 5 or 6 Years, 2012 , 2017 , 2023 [ 2006 was prior are 53 Calender week Years. So if this new series will have 50 cars in it, they will be number 01/50, 02/50 etc. Sometimes specific wheel sets would run out on a factory and those would be replaced with a different set. Castings released after 2008 are much easier to identify as compared to earlier releases. The font for the name of the casting as well Over 4,000,000,000 (yep, four billion) have been produced since the first was cast in 1968. 2018 Chevrolet Camaro SS Coupe - Opportunity. packaging. Mattel - Mattel Inc. is an American toy company that produces Hot Wheels and other toys. After 60 years in business and too many models to count, Matchbox has produced plenty of die-cast miniatures now considered valuable by collectors. 2019 car is on the left, 2020 car is on the right. In 2017 Mattel made a change to the way they numbered the The font is available in uppercase letters, numbers, diacritical . The Collector Number 271 is worth around $3,500. OEM BMW Wheel Style Number Guide. In short, all three features are highly praised by some collectors. The second and third characters are numbers which represent which week of the year the car was manufactured. VW drag buses though seem to hold there vaule a little better opened then other cars. MORE INFO Excellent Alloy Wheels Europe's Widest Range Of Alloy Wheels For Cars, Vans & 4x4s, With Free UK Delivery On All Sets. The 1995 M-Edition Features: Includes Popular Equipment Pkg and Leather Pkg 2008 Diamond-Encrusted 40th Anniversary Special Edition $60,000. Date codes are typically found on the base and card of Hot Wheels vehicles manufactured since 2008. . This is a 3 digit code that is found on the base of your car. What about prior to 08? I do have a few that say "Asst. It's a simple, yet sad, fact of diecast collecting that removing them from their packages lessens their value. Hot Wheels by Collector Number | Hot Wheels Wiki | Fandom This is a list of Hot Wheels released between 1989 and 1999 and sorted by collector number. Some examples are 3/10. Hot Wheels Mustang Boss Hoss in Spectraflame Red, a 2008 RLC Membership Car. Send us your images so they can be featured here on Diecast Photography. 5785 are short card cases. Both of these 16 Dodge Charger SRTs show 2015 as the copyright date but the red one has a base code of H42 while the blue release shows J32. 2019 C case, no Its Not the Same logo. Note this does not include variations, just the car that came with that number. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The Mustang is from early in Paste as plain text instead, The ##-## Hot Wheels coding seems to coincide with the the 3 digit base codes found on the enclosed castings base codes - either being the same week or within 1 or 2 weeks of each other during the first 2 months of the year - up to week 8 or the end of February. Each mix is produced for between two to four weeks at a time. L2593 are USA long card cases. What do the numbers on the bottom of Hot Wheels mean? The first character is a letter that represents the year of manufacture. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. The R model continues. Beyond that, however, the naming conventions can feel somewhat confusing. 5 When was the 50th anniversary of Hot Wheels? MAINLINEVSSPECIAL SERIES 9 1971 Purple Olds 442 - $12,000. Both cars are 2019 cars, but the car on the right was released later in the year and has the new 2020 logo. Usually they representa tuned version of a normal Mainline, but they have better paintjob, usually more stripes, flames or artwork and the Real Riders (wheels that are rubber rather than plastic and better rims). Avoid bigger wheels if you want a smoother ride. Shop Alloy Wheels Tyres By I dont know for certain, but Id think it would be the series number and model number. RV Model Numbers VS. Actual Length. Today, the Intel Core processor series includes the brand modifiers i3, i5, i7, and i9. This is a list of Hot Wheels released between 1989 and 1999 and sorted by collector number. The car on the left is from a "C" case. Also, this logo is featured on the blister box behind the die-cast model. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. However, if you go too crazy and change your wheel . what do the numbers on hot wheels package mean . I have a 2010 prototype H-24 track stars with a number of 067 but all the price guides say its number 059 its number 3 out of 12 of the series anyone seen this and how much would it be worth. You can post now and register later. Each year HW releases 250 different castings in the mainline. . Some collectors enjoy customising their Hot Wheels models: change wheels, repaint, apply new decals or modify the body. Hot Wheels HW Legends Multipacks Of 6 Toy Cars, Gift For Kids & Collectors $13.99 Hot Wheels Monster Trucks, Remote Control Car, 1:15 Scale Tiger Shark RC With All-Terrain Wheels $54.99 Hot Wheels Car & MEGA Track Pack $23.99 Hot Wheels Color Shifters 1:64 Scale Transforming Vehicles For Kids Ages 3 Years Old & Up $4.49 So you got a race coming up and your looking for the fastest Hot Wheel car. Welcome to Diecast 64. To identify one you have to find the low production symbol on the vehicle. International, to my knowledge, doesn't have that. The beauty of being a collector is the sense of community that comes with it and there's no shame in being a newbie. A negative offset wheel has less rim in behind the hub of your ATV and more rim out in front of the hub. For example, if the code is M36, the letter "M" indicates that the car was manufactured in 2019, and the number "36" indicates the car was manufactured on the 36th week of that year. How do I know if my Hotwheels are valuable? Heres the twist, some of the mainline cars are harder to find, because they were produced in fewer quantities and are called Treasure Hunts. base variations). The miniatures are often licensed reproductions of actual production cars from both the mass-market and racing worlds, and are among the company's best-selling and . If youve got questions about a casting, feel free to ask ->Contact Us. Pretty easy to remember. The 2018 Chevrolet Camaro SS Hot Wheels Edition, By the Numbers. Case letters are mirrored to the back of the cards. . For example, a model or replica that can usually be sold for $25 can only be sold at about $20 if sold without its box. Its definitely cool to have a collection of those and most of the time they look nicer than the mainline models, but you dont get the thrill like going on a search of a Treasure Hunt gem. The last model on our list is the Lamborghini Aventador Gold edition. A good idea is to join forums like hotwheelscollectors.com for news, tips, and trends. As of about two years ago, there are only 7 that have been authenticated so that leaves only 5 original Funny Cars to be found and verified. Dk. Collectors use info like that either to make sure theyve collected all the items in a series, or just to better identify the models. You can still access all the old race results pages and videos. 2019 Mainline cars were out of 250. Officially known among Hot Wheels heads as the Hot Wheels Collector Number 271 with a blue card, there are only 12 of these in existence. Meals On Wheels of Tampa prepares and packages its meals fresh, daily out of the commercial kitchen. Your link has been automatically embedded. Business immediately took off. It is what it is. Hot Wheels Guide - 200 to 299 Collector Numbers. Your previous content has been restored. It could be hard to tell this 2019 car apart from 2020 cars. (There are 365 cars in the 2018 Mainline; this will change from year to year.). It gets a bit more complicated, next to basic models and treasure hunts there isa handful of Super Treasure Hunt cars that are even more rare and collectors are interested mainly in them. Now go, prove that youre a man/strong independent woman by building a proper stand for your collection. It was styled using a '60 Pontiac and a '61 Corvair, with a small block Ford engine . Error is basically a model that has something weird on it because of some situation. Yes I have searched this Forum Community and didnt see any answers, but I am sure someone will prove me wrong haha. Now Redlines sometimes make a comeback in special series models anyways, extremely rare and pricey. year's cars - which start coming out before the end of the year. This chart can be quick referenced via the main . Price (as Tested): $46,995 ($49,485)*. Thanks! Upload or insert images from URL. Live in the USA, comment with your states initials, and respond to my message. Maybe there are some exceptions, but that is the general rule. Mechanically, the Hot Wheels Edition Camaros do not differ from their standard counterparts--the V-6 models use the same 323hp DOHC 3.6-liter engine with either a six-speed automatic or six-speed manual, while the SS runs the 426hp 6.2L LS3 engine when backed by a six-speed manual; the 400hp L99 is the only choice when selecting an SS with the On their first year they made 16 castings and are now known as The Original Sweet Sixteen and cost tonns of money. NB! MSGcoopApril 8, 2021 in Hot Wheels Mainline Cars & More. The model number indicates the item was in the collection out of how many. The top right side of the blister pack had a number/number (number slash number). Previously this was the hub for information related to monthly races hosted by Diecast 64. What is that number for? Ground Effects Package, Hot Wheels Edition, Preferred Equipment Group 2SS, Satin Graphite. They follow three different formats, based on the letters and numbers before the dash. In the Guide FTE=Copper OH5SP's. Q : 12. Those dates could be the same. WHAT SHOULD YOU COLLECT A list of Hot Wheels known as date codes consist of a letter that represents the year..... Mattel toys many models to count, matchbox has produced plenty of die-cast miniatures now considered valuable by.! Some letters are omitted ) followed by a two-digit number font is available in letters... Digit code that is the model number indicates the item was in the.... Ride quality of your car produced for between two to four weeks at time... Is the slightest there is the general rule do I know if my even! This will change from year to year. ) by building a proper stand for your collection meals,... Cars would simply be numbered 1 through 75 on the back, you have to buy... More rim out in front of the year that the Wheels spin on sad fact... Has the new 2020 logo less rim in behind the hub of your car i7, respond! The BMW brand few that say & quot ; general & quot ; Asst number... 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