Dont know where you live in Canada, but if anywhere near Vancouver, BC, I will be giving 5 Wellness Series lectures for Factors Group discussing bone health in Vancouver Oct 22-24. Should I introduce the strontium gradually, building up from one pill to two to three over a period of time or should I take one pill three times a day? You could try taking 150 mg of magnesium citrate along with your Strontium Boost. Im now not certain where youre getting your information, but great I may drop down to 1/4 the dosage though. Some foods provide feelings of satiety for a longer duration than . Each session included a 15-min warm-up period. RE strontium at a lower dose I agree with you, and so does Dr. Wright. Obviously, strontium-89 is not strontium citrate, but Ive provided a couple of the references on this below if youre interested. I then decided to e-mail the authors; I asked Li, Doctors Mumby and Colbert, about the discrepancy. That's why our formula contains over 12 different supplements in one. Moise H, Adachi JD, Chettle DR, Pejovi-Mili A. Well, I have to admit that I often forgot to take my strontium (and still often forget to take it as I try to take it at lunch time and am frequently working or out then) so it was the AlgaeCal Plus that made the difference for me. I recently wrote a blog on this, which is posted in the blog section of AlgaeCals website, so I would not recommmend taking fluoride, but given how much of our water in the US is fluoridated, we are surely getting this much (probably more, which may not be good). is he board certified, etc.? : i would like to know in what dosages do one has to take strontium citrate and calcium ect.. i changed to strontium citrate [ costs about a third of ranelate]about 3 months ago after being on ranelate for 5years.. i had a bmd in january and it showed a small improvement which i am grateful for i`m 63yrs and excited to see next year`s results i am changing my calcium from Biogen Calmag Max Absorption[with120ug K2 ect to Real Thing Bone Revolution an organic sea veg calsium mineral mix these products we get in south africa.. further i take everthing in stride,,, had a couple of falls with no fractures perhaps i`m just lucky referring to other letters of people having a lot of fractures nice writing to you forgive the errors, english is my second language regards.. patricia. for vitamin D is 400 IUs and the plain and plus give 1000 IUs and 800 IUs respectively, but they both say they deliver 100% of the D.V., shouldnt it say 250% and 200% correspondingly? The scientific facts are so different from these assertions, its unclear why they publish such misinformation. Outside of 2 studies conducted more than 50 years ago in which WAY more strontium was consumed along with virtually no calcium and ricket-like bone malformations occurred, the only adverse health effects noted in the peer reviewed medical literature with strontium are seen the patented drug version, strontium ranelate, which significantly increases risk for VTE and DRESS syndrome plus a number of other unpleasant but less deadly effects. thank you I did include the top commonly eaten sources of calcium youll see that many vegetables are good sources of calcium, especially leafy greens, broccoli, etc., as are sesame seeds and tofu. Natural strontium citrate has never been found to cause any harmful effects with one caveat: to maintain proper balance between calcium and strontium, more calcium than strontium must be consumed, preferably twice as much calcium. Hi Moyra, (2) The first study cited by Genuis et al. Just enjoy giving your boxer his sardines. Epub 2010 Sep 26. In contrast, ranelic acid is an unnatural, lately created in a lab, compound, which, the research indicates, increases your risk for venous thromboembolism and DRESS syndrome, among other unpleasant side effects. You just want to take strontium at a time when you are not also consuming calcium since the two minerals compete for absorption (and calcium always wins, so you will get little benefit from your strontium if you take it when also consuming calcium). The new-forming bone in the trabecular part of your bones is far more active and incorporates more strontium ions than the cortical bone. Weve come a very long way since vitamins were discovered 100 years ago! Riedel C, Zimmermann EA, Zustin J, et al. This means that youll reach the recommended 1200mg of calcium each day, all through food sources! I appreciate your patience! No toxicity has ever been shown for K2 (MK-7) at any dose used even in studies in which subjects took more than 800 mcg/day. 2) Delannoy P, Bazot D, Marie PJ. If you have reason to believe YOUR thyroid function might be affected (e.g., you have had other issues with thyroid function prior or currently), why not use a lower dose of strontium for yourself and check its efficacy in YOU after 3-6 months? In additional to calcium-containing foods, foods that contain alginate (found in kelp) lower strontium absorption, and so do certain medications, including quinolone antibiotics, and medications that contain aluminum hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide. Strontium does not cause hair loss, so we need to look elsewhere to determine why that is occurring. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The intestinal permeabilities of 14 drugs and three drug-like compounds with different absorption mechanisms in rat and human jejunum were determined by in situ intestinal perfusion. The only really good food source of vitamin A is liver, which few of us consume regularly any more (and if you do eat it, PLEASE be sure to only consume organic liver!) The volunteer was recruited in December 2008, as part of the Ryerson and McMaster University Strontium in Bone Research Study and measured at twice weekly, weekly and monthly intervals. Epub 2016 Oct 21. It is pretty value sufficient for me. I hope this answers your question and again, am delighted to hear your bones are in excellent health! (We also do not eat meats, just fish, so its a turkey free zone around here as well, but I will fix LOTS of other things tomorrow morning as well a Brussels sprouts souffle that no one believes contains Brussels sprouts :-), fresh cranberry salad, green beans and potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes and yams. Ill quote them: strontium may interact with estrogens to promote carcinogenesis among young [premenopausal] women, because young women have more estrogens and estrogen receptors., Chen LJ, Tang LY, He JR, et al. bdcdgfeeedcg. Spector. Both minerals share a common carrier system in the intestinal wall, which will always choose to transport calcium rather than strontium from our digestive tract into our bloodstream. If I end up having dairy foods (like cottage cheese or yogurt or cheese) at lunch, I just take the strontium around 4 pm with a dairy free snack. Let us know if you have any questions that we can help with! AlgaeCal Plus provides more calcium than this amount of strontium and surely with your dietary intake of calcium, you will be getting quite a bit more than 680 mg. Re Drs Best strontium if it is strontium citrate, it should be fine. Strontium ranelate given to intact rats at doses up to 900 mg/kg/day increases bone resistance, cortical and trabecular bone volume, micro-architecture, bone mass, and total ALP activity, thus indicating a bone-forming activity and an improvement of overall bone tissue quality. After 24 hours, the mean strontium signal rose in both the finger and ankle, and strontium levels continued to increase in both finger and ankle throughout the length of the study. Another fact: strontium is the only trace mineral present in human bone whose level in bone correlates with bone compressive strength, i.e., resistance to fracture. By 120 h, the increase was statistically significant at 0.68 0.07 and 0.93 0.05, respectively. I have never seen anything suggesting strontium causes hair loss. Moving forward in fall prevention: an intervention to improve balance among older adults in real-world settings. Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. PMID: 22614439, Hope this helps answer your really great questions, Lara. Thanks for all the time that you take to answer our many questions. You can definitely take your strontium first thing in the morning! If you are going to use up your current supplement, be sure you are getting twice as much calcium as strontium from your food and the supplements you are taking. Human beings cannot properly fully digest gluten even if no apparent digestive upset occurs, it still is provoking at least 5 different and very nasty immune system reactions, plus causing a leaky gut. Strontium carbonate notably is found in cathode ray tubes in old television sets. Osteocalcin: Osteocalcin is the vitamin K-dependent protein that, when activated by K2, delivers calcium into bone. The range that it should be was given as less than 61. Strontium is eliminated by our kidneys, so it may accumulate in patients with chronic kidney disease, as their kidneys ability to filter the blood is compromised. In men, a small loss is detected in 40-year olds, which increases to a loss of about -0.8% per year into old age. I am just now going back over all the research on strontium and will be posting a full article on all this in the very near future. old and going through menopause, I did research that showed estrogen increases bone mass. I believe these are open to the public. As you likely know, rat and human absorption mechanisms are similar, albeit not equivalent. An acidic pH, which many of us typically have because we eat the standard Western diet, contributes to bone loss. I have been speaking to a clinical and technical instructor for the International Society for Clinical Densitometry on an osteoporosis support group who says, about the study The effect of bone strontium on BMD is different for different manufacturers DXA systems, that in order to use the correction factors developed in this study still requires knowing how much calcium was replaced by strontium. Some medicines need to be taken "before food" or "on an empty stomach". How quickly our kidneys filter creatinine from the bloodstream, which is called the creatinine clearance rate, provides a measure of how effectively your kidneys are filtering your blood. Has a horrible title, though Stay Young & Sexy with BHRT. Eventually, I expect we will be able to get our full genetic template. If your bones are currently in great shape, you may still wish to consider supplementing with strontium citrate at a dose of 340 milligrams per day. Hi Robert, Its the dream team for building bone density thats noticeable via DEXA scan just six months after starting daily use. GENTLE + EASY TO DIGEST: Natures Nectar's Bone Builder is made with essential vitamins and minerals that are easy-to-digest and gentle on the body, even when taken on an empty stomach. Strontium and calcium share a common carrier system in the intestinal wall, which will. If you have your vit D3, calcium, magnesium, boron, etc., needs already covered, and all you are looking for is a vit K2 supplement, then I would suggest Life Extensions product, Super K with Advanced K2 Complex it contains K1, MK-4 (very small amount though) and MK-7 (effective dose). Ranelic acid is a synthetic chemical that belongs to the same family of toxins as benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). any way if it does and i hope it will i want to thank and congratulate you on the Hi Ann, Any issues? Re your question above, best outcome would be if very little of either the strontium or the citrate were excreted. Hi JoAnn, I project that in another 20 years (maybe even sooner), we will be able to have genetic tests run that will clearly indicate for each of us our specific needs and susceptibilities. Our bodies have tremendous capacity to heal once the factors that are harming us are removed. I have been taking Pure Encapsulations Strontium as per doctors suggestion, but have run out of it. Since being diagnosed with osteoporosis [-3.5 spine, -2.7 L. femoral neck] and Osteopenia [2.1 L. hip, 2.2 Rt hip. Yes, I do think strontium citrate may be of significant help to postmenopausal women with low bone density. It is overwhelming me to find the right combination of products that will give me the amount of vitamins and minerals recommended to maintain my health, as well as improve my bone density and bone health. Heres the math on this: 1.04% x .915 (100%-8.5% = 91.5) = an increase in BMD of 0.95. Prescrire Int. OK to your questions: I have been taking strontium citrate for two years. (I have a copy of your last book and have read it from cover to cover.) Thanks again for your response. And increased bone density is closely correlated with lowered risk of breaking a bone. Gail, Hi Gail, Hi Carol, I will be getting a dexa scan in a couple of months. Read more about Phytates & Calcium Absorption. Wnt signaling: Wnt signaling is involved in osteoblast production & activity; strontium triggers Wnt signaling. Our susceptibility to thumb joint pain increases as we age. If you have a copy of Your Bones, 2nd edition, you can use the Foods Rich in Calcium table in the book to quickly get a good estimate of the amount of calcium your foods are providing for you. Strontium can be taken with or without food. PHD, MBA - Head of Research & Development Center of Bone Diseases, Lausanne University Hospital CHUV, Switzerland. The end result was that more calcium (Ca2+) was deposited in AlgaeCal treated cells (2.0-fold more than controls, 1.0-fold more than calcium carbonate, and 4.0-fold more than calcium citrate-treated cells). After a week or so, you can try increasing to 2 capsules of Strontium Boost again. Which of the LE products do you recommend? Thanks so much! We are not routiney so there aren't set times when there must be . But strontium ions replaces less than one calcium ion out of 10, so the overestimation is not great enough to discount DEXA results showing improvements in BMD. Riedel C, Zimmermann EA, Zustin J, et al. Ranelic acids only claim to fame is that it is SUPPOSED to be inert. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. There are a number of important to me differences between the algae used in New Chapter Bone Strength Take Care (Aquamin) and that which is used for AlgaeCal (Algas calcareus). A bottle of Strontium Boost will be good for 2.5 years. Hi Connie, DXA only checks BMD, which is a measure of quantity. Im also taking an EPA supplement that has 1536 mg. Im also thankful I can and I love salmon! Thanks for responding!!! Meat from free range, pastured animals should be good for you when consumed in small amounts along with plenty of vegetables. You want both of these to be used inside your body the strontium, to build bone, and the citrate, to help make your overall pH more alkaline. What do you recommend for me age 74 with fine bonesand osteoporosis with the above BMD results? Here it is copied below: Re strontium citrate not specifically being shown in the research: It has been clearly stated in the research that the strontium ions, NOT ranelic acid (ranelate) are what are producing the beneficial effects on bone. I am confused what dose I should now be using. (2004). Strontium carbonate administration increased both the extent of osteoblast surface and the amount of bone matrix formed, confirming that strontium increases trabecular bone formation in humans with osteoporosis. I am now taking Algaecal for about a month. I thought this might be in one of the two papers you kindly provided links to, but I could not find anything re thyroid in these, and I have seen nothing suggesting this in any of the papers on natural forms of strontium that I have read. Susan, strontium citrate is very safe to take and we are not aware of any interactions between strontium citrate and both Warfarin or Metoprolol. AlgaeCal Plus is giving you 350 mg, an amount that perfectly balances the 720 mg of calcium it provides. If you are producing higher amounts of the pro-carcinogenic forms of estrogen, dietary changes, such as consuming more cruciferous vegetables and fewer pro-inflammatory processed foods, and some very safe herbal supplements can lower your production of potentially harmful estrogens. That goes for both the density and the tensile quality of your bones. I want to build bone but am apprehensive about replacing calcium with strontium. Certain medications want you to either take or avoid taking on an empty stomach. But remember, YOUR body may prefer a lesser dose, period. You can wear a hat and put sunscreen on your face to prevent wrinkling and age spots, but leave at least your arms and legs bare and sunbathe. Moreover, too much fiber and fructose in fruits can also make slow down your digestive system if eaten on an empty stomach. Now this really bothers me I am 47 and cant think of not taking any calcium supplement. A few, marked low sodium, will be low in salt, but they are also going to be low in all the good things you need to build bones! What all this means is that infection with Clostridia is not at all uncommon and in people who are infected with Clostridia, consuming citrate turns up the activity of this pathogenic bacteria, which produces and releases some really toxic stuff that can cause all the symptoms you mention. So, Im writing you directly with a brief summary of some of the relevant information provided in my update on strontium, which I hope will allay your concerns. Not only are there no contraindications between the aromatase inhibitors and any of the minerals or vitamins in AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost or the omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin and astaxanthin in Triple Power, but each of these nutritional supplements will help lessen the bone loss! I take at night on an empty stomach & within a short amount of time I have very loose stools. muscle weakness or limp feeling; numbness or tingly feeling in your hands or feet, or around your mouth; severe stomach pain, ongoing diarrhea or vomiting; black, bloody, or tarry stools; or. Indeed, strontium only overestimates BMD by an average of 10%.5 strontium) to bind to Ca3(PO4)2. MANY people are deficient in iodine for a variety of reasons I summarized in a 2 part review paper I wrote on iodine for Longevity Medicine Review (here is a link to Part I As I expect you know, our bodies cannot produce thyroid hormone without sufficient iodine (T4 requires 4 iodine molecules, T3 requires 3 of them). The AM packet contains 1g of strontium citrate. Thanks, Hi sml, Strange. vertebral fracture in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Strontium ranelate the prescription drug form of strontium is associated with a very serious rash-like syndrome called DRESS syndrome, so if you were taking that, I would be telling you to head to the emergency room right away!. Ive tried taking only one capsule, and even one half capsule with some mashed applesauce or banana. I remember when my mother was dying from hip fracture + congestive heart failure along with my 23 year old cat, who we were giving fluids several times a day because of her kidney failure I was so stressed out and sad that I lost TONS of hair. They base their claims on these 2 studies: But in both cases the authors of the studies drew POSITIVE conclusions about strontiums bone supporting role, yet the uncredentialed author of the website drew negative conclusions! Since the volunteer had no prior history of strontium based medications or supplementation, baseline natural strontium levels were obtained followed by a 24h measurement of first intake of strontium citrate supplements (680 mg Sr/day). Conversely, some supplements, and many foods . Regardless of whether the form used was natural strontium citrate or the drug strontium ranelate, the maximum dose used has been 680 mg/d. Most importantly, vitamin K2 was not used in Plan 2, but was included in Plan 3 as MK-7 (100 mcg). Regarding strontium/thyroid Thanks for sending me the PMID. Also read the labels on the processed foods you eat anything that comes in a can, box or plastic package and has a bunch of chemicals added. One very important factor to consider is vitamin A. Vitamin A is the key nutrient required for immune tolerance (vitamin A is involved in causing the immune system to produce regulatory T cells of the IL-10 strain, which help tune down and resolve inflammation), and many of us are not getting adequate vitamin A, which also works in partnership with vitamin D and should be consumed in comparable amounts for the optimal benefits derived from both nutrients. Though there was no noticeable adverse effect it was only 41 mg day-1, maybe long term supplementation at 16.6 times that much could pose an issue. The two-capsule dose of strontium citrate = 680 mg, which provides 236 mg of elemental strontium + 440 mg of citrate. Total Magnesium 300mg. If you want to read more about all this, the head of the research team primarily involved (now at Harvard) is Alessio Fassano, MD. Strontium citrate is also very safe, again, no adverse effects have been seen with natural forms of strontium (ie strontium citrate) if more calcium is being consumed than strontium. He was taking all this impassively, for the most part ignoring her, but giving the occasional monosyllabic answer. Bone. Could this be due to the Strontium and if yes, how should I taper off of it? Please do give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 where our Bone Health Consultants can go through your medication list to see how to best incorporate AlgaeCal into your current medication/supplement schedule. 1) Boivin G, Deloffre P, Perrat B, et al. But in taking them separately, does strontium replace calcium in the bones? Epub 2016 Oct 21. A few years ago now, I also started to experience pain in my thumb joints (and sometimes other fingers as well), which would clear out after a few days. I was thinking of ordering mine from Vita Cost but see brands. I just started taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Citrate. It would be very helpful if you could send me the lab data specifics here 1.03 what? You should also know that your BMD score will be impacted if you have your DXA run on a different machine from the one used for your prior DXA. 2. Thank you!! Strontium ranelate comes with risks of unwanted side effects. Most of us eat the same foods over and over and do not vary what we eat all that much. These areas include our bones (specifically our osteoblasts and chondrocytes in bone), also adipose tissue, the lining of our blood vessels (called the vascular endothelium), the smooth muscle cells in the aorta (the main artery of the body), and numerous sites in the brain. This is quite unusual and definitely not something we would expect. Trabecular bone is the soft, spongy, more metabolically-active inner portion of our bones. A total of 48 drugs were selected for oral bioavailability comparison. Just finished your book-absolutely brilliant. In sum, calcium has plenty to do for us in addition to its use in maintaining healthy bones and teeth. For ease and convenience, most people take their Strontium Boost at night right before bed. But like I said if you think you are reacting to something stop using it. You can take either AlgaeCal Plus or Strontium Boost with a meal. I took a look on PubMed to check for the most recent papers found a number of others confirming this association. Interestingly, according to one study, 170 mg of strontium per day was more effective than 680 mg per day for reducing fracture risk.. Would silica be a good supplement instead of Strontium? Will I benefit by combining the estradiol with your product? 5 people found this helpful. Do you have any suggestions that might help? My husband, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, is approaching age 70 and still playing basketball with men half his age; I had him read my review and he has started taking strontium at a half dose as well to protect his knees as I also showed him some good studies showing strontium helps maintain healthy cartilage in the joints. In other words, for every 10 calcium ions your bones absorb, they will absorb less than 1 strontium ion. If you would like to stop taking Strontium Boost until youre feeling better, there is no need to taper off. I also found interesting the researchers comment that iodine insufficiency might have been a contributing factor. Alternatively, some foods can interact with . Lara, Keep working ,impressive job! Toxicology 7, 11-21. One of strontium's isotopes Strontium-90 has a more sinister reputation. Most people get somewhere around 400 mg/day or more of calcium from their normal diet (e.g., milk, yogurt, cheese, leafy greens, soymilks and yogurts, etc., also enriched with calcium in Your Bones, I provide a full listing of the foods rich in calcium, how much is in a typical serving, so you can figure out what YOU are getting). Supplements should always be taken with food, both to provide a buffer if your stomach acid production is good and to trigger sufficient stomach acid production if your ability to produce stomach acid has begun to decline. For protein, I add in a hard boiled omega-3-rich egg or 1/2 cup of beans (black beans, garbanzos, lentils, pinto beans, etc), or a couple of ounces of omega-3 rich fish (canned sardines, salmon, mackerel all are extremely low in mercury, quick and easy to fix). Hope this helps and that you will sail through menopause and emerge even stronger and healthier also you may notice that your itis conditions significantly improve or even vanish with the help of AlgaeCal Plus and Triple Power. With exercise, this is reducing the overweight problem and settling a diabetic tendency by assisting metformin; blood sugar is very well in control. Ill be following this research and will report the results. Thanks again for your reply. Strontium ranelate (PROTELOS), a new chemical entity containing stable strontium (Sr), was tested for its capacity to influence bone quality and quantity. Children 1-13 years: 15 micrograms (600 IU) The immune system may react more strongly to some bacteria, such as those that cause lyme disease (borrelia burgdorferi), than others. Once again I am taking 7000 D3 and am needing about another 100 mcg of MK7 (90 mcg is also OK). Lara. The drug form has been shown to greatly increase risk for venous thromboembolism (blood clot formation in the deep veins very dangerous) and DRESS syndrome (if you develop a rash while taking strontium ranelate, see your doctor IMMEDIATELY; DRESS syndrome is very serious, requires quick treatment and possibly hospitalization). I just had another DEXA scan and the results are also normal, but less good than 3 years ago. Triple Power delivers EPA/DHA and two potent anti-inflammatory compounds curcumin and astaxanthin. I have read some articles about using a lower dose of strontium. ) the first study cited by Genuis et al ( PO4 ) 2 should now be using to! About another 100 mcg ) I taper off using a lower dose I agree with you, even..., Lara not strontium citrate, but giving the occasional monosyllabic answer all the time that take! Likely know, rat and human absorption mechanisms are similar, albeit not equivalent K2 was not in... 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Patrick Sullivan Obituary New York,
Articles W