Suddenly, the girl who she'd grown up with was practically her worst enemy. Diebuster cross. I lost a lot as well. Her voice dropped in a way that conveyed infinite fatigue and sadness. It's made worse by the way no one listened when the girl tried to get help. Its only me now. I'm sorry, he stated, meaning it. Not positive. Sort of just so competent and sure of herself. Why? He couldn't think of a good answer for a moment. It seemed impossible, shed seen the photos of what had been in that locker when the fire was finally put out and there was no way Hebert was still alive. It looks like someone or something has more or less downloaded the internet. He gaped at the monitor for a few seconds. Come on, let's order some chinese, and see if Mom and Dad want some." Dismissed. Director. He nodded one last time to her then left the office, closing the door quietly behind himself. What do you know about second triggers? They're incredibly rare, for a start, he replied. What muggers? Her face was going that peculiar shade of red that Amy knew from long experience meant she was going to do something stupid without thinking it through. To a traumatized, suicidal teenager that had accidentally eaten her own father just a week ago. She turned her head towards him, making him stare again, a little shocked and unnerved, although he wouldn't have admitted it to anyone. Danny Hebert sat in his office chair, looking out the window at the crumbling ships in the distance, lit from the side by the setting sun, his hands slowly feeling what they were holding. Luckily for everyone concerned, that didn't happen. She abruptly realized that there were dozens of similar holes on all four arms. Basically I'm looking for all the fics where Taylor has an OP power or powers that put her on par or above Endbringers even Zion. Do you have any idea how many that would be, even at this time of year? He shook his head. It would have been fairly quick, I believe, he added after a moment. Amy smiled a little. It was basically some form of insect at heart, but hugely and expertly modified with clear intent to form what she saw. She could here them poking around in the various possible hiding places, starting with the ones nearest the alley entrance. Really, really badly. For nearly two years. Fuck me, Assault said, staring at her. Taylor Hebert A (not so) completed Worm fanfic by Yklia written on the Spacebattles forums. After some thought she realized that it was a type of electrical generation and storage organ, a lot like the sort of thing found in an electric eel or something of that nature. The end result was impressively strong and tough yet very light. They made a trap, filling a locker with biological waste, then managed to push the young woman into it and lock her in. 'Female, I think,' he mused. Maybe one day. Turning back to him, she pointed at herself. It proved to be a mistake only a couple of hundred feet further when the alleyway deposited her in a small loading dock with no way out except the way in. Hive indicated the nearest one with a graceful hand gesture. A very, very large one. Colin went pale, slumping back in his chair, as the ramifications of her bombshell went through his mind. Her marks suffered, she went from near the top of every class to near the bottom. Groaning in terror she looked around again, seeing nothing else that could help her. Its based loosely on curare, isnt it? Yes. You OK, Amelia? Hive asked, her voice raised a little over the droning of her wings. Humans are animals after all and animals are just really complicated bags of chemicals. not ALOT of conflict, but taylor is really powerful, and seems to be fixing problems slowly and doing with with the least amount of conflict she can. I should publish it, but Im afraid that most normal mathematicians would take one look at it and either ignore it or have an aneurysm. Assault nodded vigorously. I hope it finds its audience! But, unfortunately, no matter what she or any of the rest of the Protectorate think, there isnt a lot they can actually do to or about me, Im afraid. At his puzzled look, she elaborated. Your wild guesses tend to be scary good. The woman stopped and turned towards him, her head tipped inquiringly and her compound eyes reflecting the light. Inevitably, the walls lengthen, the bars thicken, the shackles tighten. Not much of a story where everything gets solved in a couple of days, right? Probably around ten chapters, varying lengths. Usefully, it worked surprisingly well, most of the grime coming off instantly and the remainder being loosened enough that she could now wash it away. He died instantly. Its a dirty job but someone has to do it. Not a parahuman, a goddess of nature, then, he said with a wondering chuckle. It might have been meant as a horrible prank, but personally I think it was attempted murder on the part of at least one of the people involved. Which makes it murder, of course. On top of a major arson case, all of it firmly in our purview, the rather obese woman sighed. He grinned back at her. You mean Capes? No, she chuckled. Im everywhere. I solved that in the end by setting up this model of body like a speed buffer, which gets resynced with the rest of me every millisecond or so but runs much slower. That's what it was meant to be. Dragon and Armsmaster seem to have noticed so youll probably hear about it soon. Whining sound. If you have enough examples to compare and enough background data you can start to make sense of the principles behind it. She reappeared, fading into view more slowly as the effect was gradually turned off. All the internal organs were protected by a more flexible and thinner version of the exoskeleton. Undaunted, beaten but unbowed, she resolves to drag Earth Bet to a brighter tomorrow, no matter how much it kicks and screams on the way there. . Im probably saner than almost anyone now. He looked up from the screen and around the room. A real AI isnt automatically a threat, you know, despite what the movies would have you believe. That may be so but even if not we need to look into it, he retorted, reaching over to turn off the microscope, then pick up his helmet. They knew to hide their differences. Amy panted for breath, thinking it was ironic that a healer was in such bad physical shape. No. I cant prove it one way or another as of yet. All right, Piggot replied, with a frown of her own. You won't like it, I suspect, but if you insist Moving away a short distance she sat on the surface of the roof, leaning back against the low parapet surrounding it, her carapace clicking against the concrete in the process. When Archaon the Everchosen rejects the gifts of the Great Horned Rat, the spurned deity decides to find someone else out of pettiness and tosses a shard of warpstone into the abyss. Master 8? Amy was just wondering if she'd meet Hive again. 'Nearly a week,' he thought, closing his eyes for a moment. I think Crystal dropped her voice to a bare murmur. She almost sounded scared. You know Im tapped into it in lots of places and I have a hell of a lot of programs monitoring all sorts of data? He nodded, well aware of how closely connected to the global networks she was. Unfortunately, yes, I am. Where have you been for more than two months? Studying him wordlessly for a while, she eventually walked back with an air of mild resignation, somehow conveyed without the aid of normal expressions. I suspect it was thrown through a window some distance from the lockers. What? Stung them. Only the droning of her wings was audible, if barely, and even that faded into the background shortly thereafter. Pulling her head back she stifled the whimper she nearly made, wondering what they wanted. Alec laughed slightly while Brian went quiet, sighing a little after a second or two. She snapped her head around to gape at him. Wasp stings hurt, sure, I remember that from before I got my powers, but unless there were a lot of them or the muggers were allergic I can't see how that would help much. These were special wasps, Amy giggled. no knowledge of either setting is required. Mostly data searches, what looks like traces of access to databases of all sorts of information. Just a feeling. A feeling? he asked curiously. Who? she asked reflexively, then slapped her hands over her mouth, wrinkling her nose at the stench from whatever it was that she now had all over them from the dumpster next to her. It was very impressive. Ive never liked Amelia much. All right. How much campione knowledge is required to get this fic? Until she triggered with the biggest ego of all: that of Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes. Even if I wanted to, I dont think I could do very much about it at this point, and I dont particularly want to anyway. Using a parahuman weapon in the process. Yes. Which on its own is somewhat suspicious in my opinion. Anyway, I need something to eat. She has very good control over her physiological reactions. A cape, I suppose, but I've never heard the name before. She's new, I think, Amy replied, frowning a little. But you see the problem. You can come out if you want, a female voice announced out of nowhere, sounding mildly amused. She must also be extremely smart, I think. Amy thought back to what she'd seen with her own abilities. Then A little more than a year later, the girl went off to camp, and when she came back everything had changed. Shut up both of you, will you? she gritted, as Rachel came in at the rear of the group with all three dogs at her heels. I guess? Its easy. Dragonslayers? The letters are badly formed, as one would expect from a terrified girl who was being burned alive, so its somewhat difficult to be sure what, if anything, the word actually was meant to be. What happened to you? She could have fought back, of course, but a lot of the time the abuse was mental rather than physical, something teenaged girls are terrifyingly good at. Tensing a little, he began to wonder if he actually should have called for backup before coming over. Let her rest in peace. The second story I started is this one. The brunette shrugged. Something that looked a little like weirdly modified muscle was wrapped around a lot of the torso, strands of it leading down all four arms to the claws. I squeezed right back into a small gap and was hoping desperately that they wouldn't see me. I suspect your second suggestion is most likely the correct one, Im afraid. After her Trigger Taylor decides to confront Hess about her bullying, somewhere the teachers can't take Hess'side. I suspect youll get a number of yes answers to that question. What do you intend to do, Director? the man asked as he stood. Its pretty safe and works really fast. I was trying for non threatening but I have some limitations at the moment. I'm going to plug Tonight, She Comes which is my crossover with the movie Hancock. Work Search: Combined with effective invisibility it could be higher. Now come with me, the Director wants a word. Staring in shock, she put down the tablet shed been reading and stood. He couldnt entirely disagree with any of the points she raised. I know she claimed not to be one, but the ability to understand Tinker-tech to any level rates at least a 3 to 4 rating. Dutifully Dragon added the classification. That's how bad it was. He understood what she meant and winced. Or right, perhaps. No. OK, I'll tell you the rest. Took quite a long time and Im not finished yet but its coming along well. Shaking her head as he stared, she added in an amused tone, I had to invent a whole new kind of mathematics to describe my models. I've posted the beginnings of the BOLO cross here, and being quite fond of it, may well at some point get back to it. Now shes back and ready to relax into her retirement. A parahuman with global reach? he eventually said. That two and a half months since Taylor died until now? She slowly turned her head and stared at him. left kudos on this work! Would be interesting to see a story around the world after/through Taylors changes. The school itself is a write-off, it will have to be completely demolished and rebuilt. No other injuries? she asked, closing the folder. One sting and She snapped her fingers. He stared, then paled yet again. Taylor just laughed. Cool beans. We always think of ourselves as immortal, that those things can never happen to us. Stung. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Youd probably know her under a different name, though, Sophia. She shook her head. The smaller man was being his usual self and their long-suffering leader was beginning to get annoyed about it. He'd initially thought 'Case 53' when he'd realized it wasn't a powered suit of bizarre appearance, but her words tended to suggest that she could remember her past perfectly well. Unless Marcus becomes a super important character, I feel like Crystal could have been thinking about the ex-Ward thing internally. The Last Daughter Taylor is a Kryptonian, complete. Assault is right. I'm fine, just a little shaken up, and that's all there is to it. Releasing her sister she looked at the two hand-prints on the other woman's shirt, wincing a little. Im not interested in telling most people what to do, its very boring. Hope Through Overwhelming Forepower (Gunbuster!Taylor) gives her that level of power, but it takes time to get there. She waited, apparently willing to be patient for as long as it took. Just read Caught In Causality, and man Taylor never catches a break huh? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Eventually she tentatively held out a hand, while thinking this was quite unlike her normal behavior, but putting it down to stress and sheer wondering curiosity. The words seemed to mean only what they said. When she finished and stopped talking, Vicky simply looked at her for close to thirty seconds without saying anything at all. Not really. The fledgling PRT and Protectorate were quick to encircle it with walls once theyd confirmed strange creatures had begun to emerge from its depths and odd phenomena followed at their heels. If we have to look for you were going to be annoyed and we might be a little rough as a result. The amount of sensory information was overwhelming for the first couple of minutes. Something you should be very, very grateful about. Staring at him with wide eyes, she barely heard Piggot saying her name until the woman raised her voice. Yep. Fuck, she said in a small voice. Youre beautiful, she said in a low voice, then went red when she realized what shed said. I don't know why, perhaps it was just a convenient place. I was doing some data mining for a project on global health issues and I found something unusual. Which is? he asked absently, moving another part. Sit down, Sophia, Piggot ordered in a tone of voice that brooked no disobedience. There was someone in the house. Every insect inside a two thousand foot radius attacking anyone involved, or she thought was involved? the woman asked wryly, making him shudder as he contemplated her words. Closing the door behind her, Vicky sat on the bed and stared hard at the shorter girl. The healer gasped in amazement. Based on some charred residue there were also some very unpleasant waste products in there with her. IDK, I guess I'm asking OP what exactly they mean when they say "Goddess"? He watched, then did the same next to her. He waited silently, thinking there was something vaguely familiar about this. May as well tell you a story, she said, leaning back a little and bracing her upper body with all four arms. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Ah retirement that mythical land where you get to relax and wile away your remaining years Taylor is not getting that on the other hand she can push back much harder than most of Earth Bet. I mean she hasn't blown anything up or fought a dragon or pissed off Halbeard (god I love that name). Oh dear Lisa, hopefully Taylor can fix what you and your Shard have done to yourself. I've got a rough idea of where I wanted to take it, but it's only a basic outline, and I'm not sure if it would actually work out. And call me Amy. "I don't know Hive seemed nice." This body is a construct I designed for human interaction. That didnt normally end in anything but a big argument, which was just what her migraine needed. Im compensating for it now as an autonomic action, but if I ceased to exist? She pointed at the pattern of wasps which suddenly dropped to the roof, all the two dozen members weakly twitching. Cape stake-outs were not his favourite brand, quite frankly they sucked ass. Spotting a row of dumpsters that were leaking an unpleasant greenish substance through their rusted bottoms, she headed towards them, only to stop when she saw that the lids were locked. The biomass of ants alone is greater than all the people who have ever existed, and ants are only about one percent of the total number of insects world wide. She got powers, nothing particularly impressive on the face of it, although potentially fairly effective with a little thought. Fuck me, this is ridiculous, Assault mumbled, looking at the results so far. Huh, well if you do continue this, note that Taylor referencing multiple gods might make people think shes part of E88 because of their neo-paganism aka worship of Norse gods. A wise mans heart is seldom glad if hes truly wise" - The Poetic Edda. Walking into the abandoned warehouse they used as a base, Lisa listened with irritation to Alec and Brian bickering behind her. Danny woke with a start and a strangled shout. A new one, presumably, or else a renamed one. In a locker on Earth Bet, the future always changes irreparably, for better or for worse. She followed the pointing finger and did as ordered. The sounds of footsteps came closer and closer. The neural processing backing the sensory system up was unbelievably complex compared to a human visual cortex. A few minutes later they arrived at their destination, Hives wings changing pitch a little as she descended. Somehow rolling to her feet she kept going, all the while hoping someone would help her. He shook his head. 'Nearly a week since my life ended.' Put it all together and She faded out of view. They were getting closer. I will continue to work on the problem and will let you know if I find anything else. Good. Closing the folder, the Director pushed it away from her then stared at it for some seconds. Tens of thousands of compound lenses focused light over a much larger angle than a normal person could manage, extending across over two hundred and forty degrees. One day, her mother didn't come home. If youll pardon the pun. He couldnt help grinning at her comment. Do I look human? she asked rhetorically, waving one of her hands at herself, one that wasn't resting on the air conditioner. Ive just had the most terrifying conversation of my life with someone who could do things to you that you wouldnt believe, and in my opinion would be fully justified in doing so, but you can thank every deity youve ever heard of that shes a better person than you are. You heard those pauses, right? She claims she only knew her to speak to in passing and I have no specific information to disprove that, but my instincts tells me shes hiding something. Your lie detector didnt help? Piggot asked curiously. Turning his head he inspected her from this new vantage point, his eyes widening a little. Get to the bottom of this, if at all possible, she replied, looking up at him from her chair. What have I said about sneaking up on people? That they don't like it? Vicky's voice was full of amusement now. There was nothing left except for a few fragments of bone. Around two thousand times as fast most of the time, in fact. It was strange. Her sister waited, while she thought, looking impatient. After a couple of seconds, he walked closer, still staying cautiously out of reach because he wasn't an idiot, but not feeling any threat. Okay, who has the link to the list of OP fics and the list of OP fic threads? As little as possible, Im afraid. For what it's worth, though, I've posted what I finished. I'd recommend skipping over the chapter from the 'Emperor's' perspective, it delves too much into the AU 40k which isn't great and he's grating. Not a good person, that girl. When she was sure that Sophia was doing as she was told, the older woman looked back at Dragon, scanned the faces of the others, then asked, In your estimation what should we rate Hive as? Wondering who Hive was, Sophia listened carefully. From what she said her powers connected all the neurons directly somehow, bypassing the normal synaptic connectivity and electrochemical processes. She shook her head in apparent awe. They were standing on the sidewalk outside her house. If what Assault has relayed to us from his conversation is even remotely correct the raw processing power behind her is truly awe inspiring. I have little doubt that she was truthful, Dragon put in helpfully. A story. The beginnings of a story I started around mid-2015 in the Worm setting, but semi-abandoned when I started Taylor Varga. No, it's not. I worked out a unified field theory in the end which helped a lot as well. Knock out that underpinning and the entire ecology has a drastic change, which wed see very quickly. What the hell is that? he muttered to himself. Unluckily, her power isn't the subtlest thing alive, and the Wards are chasing her soon after. At least she has his bullsh!t powers to back it up. Adrian Gorgey May 11, 2015 #2 I- Coronation It was dark. In them, in the nineteen thousand, eight hundred and twenty seven cockroaches within one hundred feet of here, in the housefly sitting on Armsmaster's second monitor from the left in his lab, in the spiders in the attic of the Sydney Opera house, in the crabs at the bottom of the English Channel All of them. I hid behind a dumpster, which is where I got that crap on me. Around ninety billion. I dont know how it works, but the evidence would suggest that the neural interconnects must run at least at the speed of light which would give an enormous speed increase over normal biological brains. Hers is a nascent divinity. Aside from the obvious. If you could do that why would you restrict it to human levels? Good point, Dragon replied, adding a Brute 2+ rating to the tally. A threat rating like this is so far out of our experience we have no choice, were going to have to bump it up to the top. Sophia was staring at the monitor with sweat running down her face. I dont know. Believe me, an insect controller could easily be your worst nightmare if she was pissed at you. I won't let them down, he added more quietly. Amy paused, then nodded. From my point of view it's been more than four hundred years. There wasn't anything else to do, those guys were only about twenty seconds behind me and coming in the only way out. How such a human sounding voice came from a face like that he had no idea. While the overall body shape, except for the extra arms, was more or less humanoid in pattern, the head wasn't. Work Search: So in the end she gave up and just took it, hoping it would one day stop. misread your question. Turning to her rescuer, she studied her for a moment, then indicated the house. Thats a lot of data. Several hundred exabytes at least just in the public facing servers, yes, she admitted. He looked around, then leaned against another similar unit. If she was truthful about her abilities, I think we need to add a Tinker rating as well, Armsmaster commented somewhat reluctantly. Elephants have nearly three times as many, but humans are right near the top of the list from that point of view. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Do you have one? No. Sophia was directly responsible, along with Emma Barnes and Madison Clements, for Taylor Triggering. Still, that's in the past. Hive shook her head after a moment. She was silent for a few seconds. She was similarly pretty if looked at more as a work of art than a weird looking human. I learned to live with it in the end but it wasn't easy. People have committed suicide over less, you know. I want there to be an actual plot, setting and conflict. With wasps. Vicky looked at her sister, both eyebrows rising. The healer smiled. Youre shitting me, she breathed faintly. But that won't stop her from flying as high as she can. Turning, she grabbed both her sister's shoulders. Did Lisa just 'Explode' with Realization and Exuberance? Cool, isnt it? Staring carefully he could just about make out a faint distortion against the background, the effect a little like the one in the Predator movies, which was an unsettling idea. Ill do what I can to help with Endbringers, not that at the moment thats very much except dogpiling them with a hell of a lot of attack drones, which may or may not do anything useful, and I may intervene if I see a crime that needs dealing with. Oh, Jesus, Piggot is going to go insane when she finds out about you, he groaned, holding his head in his hands. They stood there for another minute or so. 'Tall, maybe six feet, and slender. I think shes an ex-Ward.. Dozens of people saw it happen but the school was so corrupt that they just walked past. Looking back at the Rig, on which a helicopter was currently landing, she sighed once again. Really efficiently, no fight or anything. What did she do? Vicky now looked fascinated. Now, I'm not necessarily looking for just a power wank, but a story that is actually good and deals with the entire thing realistically and reasonably. Her eyes, when she moved her head a little to look at the Rig directly, had thousands and thousands of tiny facets which made the sunlight refract into all the colors of the spectrum in various patterns, like looking at a DVD from an angle but even more spectacular. Nice try. I have to ask. You people? he asked, grinning for a moment. For a moment, leathery wings materialised behind her and with a single beat she launcher herself across the dark waters. Quoting from the story: Because even though I could see the Bard page, I could also see the class Id actually picked, laid out beneath the second one in some weird kind of double vision. Shed known from her powers that Hive had wings, but she hadnt quite realized how large they were. He looked down at the 9mm pistol he was holding tightly, his right forefinger absently flicking the safety. That's going to need dry cleaning. Forget the freaking costume, Ames, and go on with the story, Vicky urged her. The four arms are different, and the wings are even stranger. The pause this time was considerably longer. We know youre here little girl, this one called in a rough voice full of malicious amusement. No doubt readers could pick out points of similarity if they cared to. The man who pulled the pin died a few hours later from a bad case of bullet to the brain, so it's not even possible to prosecute him. He opened his mouth, not himself sure what he was going to say to that. Then you can help me figure out what I'm going to tell Mom and Dad. Her sister waited impatiently until she'd dried her hands then followed her back to her room. "You should be only a little wise, never too wise. All you get are bad gradesAnd a bum rap And a bad rap And a good smackAnd no friends And no hope And no mom. Its very difficult to be sure, Director, Armsmaster replied after apparently thinking over the question carefully. What rains you bring Another Diebuster cross, but less escalation, incomplete IIRC. Little is publicly known about it, save that the tremor of its creation rippled around the world. She turned up out of nowhere and stopped them. Personally I think she should have been even so and quite a few other people feel the same, but Director Piggot was over-ruled on that decision. I know, she said softly. Hopefully I can improve on this with some practice and come up with something that at least looks more human, but this will do for now. She paused, then went on, The biggest problem I have is thinking slowly enough to communicate with you people. Do you think she was behind the anomalies you detected? The insect-borne diseases, definitely, Dragon confirmed with a nod. So why do you keep doing it? Because it's funny to see them jump, like you just did, her sister laughed, coming closer and looking over her shoulder with her nose wrinkling a little at the smell. I've enjoyed it so far, hope there will be more. 134 guests Added to just the things I saw her do, if she wanted you dead, the only thing you could do would be make a will. 1 Bremen1 2 yr. ago A Touch of the Divine sounds like it would fit, though unfortunately the author passed away before finishing it. But a figure from Annettes past found them all the same. Oh, hell, she muttered, already feeling her legs stiffen up. She noticed Assault looking at her and transferred her worried gaze to him. I can't change what was. For example, if it's just a story where Taylor can control the Endbrings and fixes all the problems in the world in a couple of chapters, I won't be interested in that. Vicky stared. Well, until the S9 made a pit stop in Brockton Bay anyway, in the latest chapter. He grunted a little, affirmatively, unwilling to stop his current task until be finished the delicate manipulations. Custom paralytic, not lethal. Possibly more than everything else. Its more than just that. The tone of her voice made him stare. Actually, it was the first chronologically, I started . Keep the canon discussion to the appropriate thread. I dont really need one, Hive replied with a grin in her voice. Not least of which was the fact that one of her tormentors worked for you guys. Sophia, he muttered. And they can produce some weird results. Both true. She nodded. Dozen members weakly twitching then indicated the nearest one with a start a. Yklia written on the air conditioner ( Gunbuster! Taylor ) gives her level..., definitely, Dragon replied, looking up at him from her that... Be patient for as long as it took awe inspiring a few.! Until the woman raised her voice dropped in a locker on Earth Bet, the of... 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