After all, it was the film that gave us Julia Stiles drunkenly dancing to Biggies Hypnotize on a kitchen table, the fashion phenomenon known as Frankenflops, and of course, the young talent who was taken away from us too soon, Heath Ledger. See also: So, then Bianca says that I was right, Cameron jibbers to Michael as they get ready together for Bogies party. The film jump-started the careers of stars Julia Stiles, Heath Ledger, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It's very easy to miss, but the first person in the door is poor Nigel and his plate of Brie. Emily Brecade <> Spoilers A spontaneous paintball date? Tell me you havent progressed to full-on hallucinations.. I do like tulle skirts though just have no occasion to wear them unfortunately. I like my Sketchers, but I love my Prada backpack., See also: Your little Rambo look is out, Kat, Joey Eat-Me Donner sneers from his cherry red convertible. Not only that, but suddenly I associated reading with something other than entertainment: suddenly it was a signifier of a certain way of being, a sense of self that I coveted. In any case, the scene with the "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" ballad at the soccer practice is a can't-miss for all you love saps. I kind of doubt it. GradeSaver "Ten Things I Hate About You Summary". I try to get them from everywhere so it doesnt just look like I went to Nordstrom, and so that the characters look like theyve bought their things over time, Tillman explains. Kats prom dress from "Ten Things I Hate About You" 100 7 comments Best Add a Comment goodoldyoung 2 yr. ago From someone else's research. Kat Stratford: I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. For me, that movie is the 1999 classic 10 Things I Hate About You starring Julia Stiles, Heath Ledger, Larisa Oleynik, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Heath Ledger singing "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" in a striped button-down is perhaps one of my all-time favourite scenes in a movie. Emily Brecade <> Synopsis 8 hours ago, by Monica Sisavat Since the film was shot in Seattle, Tillman was able to thrift a lot of the costumes on location, but she also sourced in New York and L.A., tapping vintage shops and costume rental houses. The year 1999 was important for teen cinema, as evidenced by the countless movie scenes etched in our memories from those twelve months. Where was Charmed Filmed? But it made sense to us, so we fought for it. It necessarily supposes that a happy ending is a married one (lol), and the whole course of events advances towards that goal. For the 20th anniversary of 10 Things I Hate About You, we talk to costume designer Kim Tillman about the costumes seen on Julia Stiles, Larisa Oleynik, and Heath Ledger. Would love to see a series of these posts for different outfits seen in films! We both loved what the other sent. When he tells his new friend, Michael Eckman, about his crush, Michael informs Cameron that the Stratford sisters are notorious for not being allowed to date. Join me at the Prom. Film Credits 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) Rated PG-13 For Crude Sex-Related Humor and Dialogue, Alcohol and Drug-Related Scenes 94 minutes Cast Heath Ledger as Patrick Verona Julia Stiles as Katarina Stratford Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Cameron James Larisa Oleynik as Bianca Stratford David Krumholtz as Michael Eckman Written by Kirsten Smith [5] There are no best friends in Shakespeares plays, because why have a best friend when you can simply monologue to the audience? The actual "Hamlet" quote is "I must be cruel only to be kind.". [Everyone looks at each other, waiting to see who goes first, Kat finally raises her hand]. Bianca looked as sweet as can be in this pink floral-print cardigan. What is the streaming release date of 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) in Japan? Director Gil Junger Writers Karen McCullah Kirsten Smith Right? Maybe we would still have fallen in love if we didnt. Even Miss Perky knows who Kat is. She expresses her opinion no matter what people think, causing her to be sent to the principals office after irritating one of her teachers, Mr. Morgan. Love, William S. At said prom, when Mandella runs up to Kat to ask her if shes seen William, who told her to meet him there, Kat is disturbed. The Plastics from Mean Girls -view here. But in romantic comedies, everyone needs someone to talk to, otherwise the audience would have no idea what was going on. [2] Later, due in large part to Kats influence, I would see this exact smile transplanted onto my own fathers face, when he saw me draw blood and get red carded out of a soccer game. We all have that one movie that you can watch on repeat a million times and never get sick of. But it hints at something quite compelling: a character so obsessed with a literary figure (who is possibly a construction, by the way, dont tell Mandella) that she wishes her own death so she might meet himan even more extreme version of the preference-as-personality syndrome. There are some hilarious out-takes afterwards.). At prom, Joey is frustrated that Bianca chose Cameron over him, and he confronts Patrick about their arrangement. So: by now Im thirteen. It also changed my life. I love how you have recreated it, the skirt in particular is gorgeous. Maybe it's the same kids who crash through the glass doors at Bogey's party. Great finds. Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? You did a great job! Susan May Pratt: the girl morbidly obsessed with Shakespeare; the girl who speaks in headlines. He's the teacher who Kat flashes to help Patrick sneak out of detention. Think about this: every romantic coupling in this film is directly brought about by the man taking on the preferences of the woman in some way, so as to win heror so as to be a better match for her, as if preferences were what made people click. I felt really strongly about those [costumes] being the culmination of the romances, that they should look like their true, romantic selves, Tillman says. Then Released on March 31, 1999, 10 Things I Hate About You grossed over $60 million and received generally positive reviews from critics. When I tell people this, they usually laugh, as though thats embarrassing, or a lie. But theres also Mandella. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Maybe even probably. Francine Prose once put it this way in the New York Times: as we may dimly recall learning in high school, marriage is a metaphor for order and harmony restored, for the broken, disrupted world mended and made right. Gemma After all, it is a known fact that Sylvia Plath, applied at the correct time, can change everything. Army brat. Shes not going to wear a big, puffy dress. . :], Such a wonderful idea for a blog post. But clothes are only the most obvious indicator of what 10 Things I Hate About You suggests about who we are, and why. Love this pink look Jamie, I love this look so much! These are both real books written by radio host Laura Schlessinger. We want to know what we are because its the only way we can know where we belong. Regardless, I liked that she was a reader; no one I knew outside my family really was. Patrick pressures Kat to go to the prom with him, but she becomes suspicious of his persistence and refuses. Letters to Cleo then performs it at prom. Meanwhile, Kat gets drunk and Patrick drives her home. Mandella, who always looks as though she is perpetually weighing whether to hit the Renaissance Fair after school, is wearing a truly horrible orange jacket, maybe corduroy, embroidered with multicolored flowers, over what appears to be a red and white vest, which is worn in turn over a long lacy poet top, finished with suede knee-high lace-up boots, and wait, is that, yes, a snood. Love this movie and now I am going to have to go back and watch it :)xo, Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Why not. Back then, slip dresses were in vogue. Bailey was the editor of "The National Era,"an anti-slavery newspaper. You'll only need a darling pair to last long enough to capture for the photos. Imagine the utter thrill Travel outside of popular areas of San Diego County such as downtown, La Jolla, & Balboa Park. (Everything but the beak and feet.) Hes tough and Kat is tough so, perfect match, right? Cameran lucentio Other new kid. You might be able to have it custom made for not too much moneymy sister had a similar dress for prom '99. . Theyre bopping to the beat, singing along. Now I cant verify that information anywhere, of course, but I choose to believe it anyway. (As opposed to a bitter, self-righteous hag who has no friends?) In the film, Bianca's pretty in pink prom dress -- or prom crop top with a hot pink tulle skirt, as it should be called -- is way too chic to ignore.The separate pieces give it a relaxed feel but the . How can we forget Bianca's red minidress paired with her mother's pearl necklace? HipposIsHorse 20 hr. Sadly, no, she says, barely looking up from her book. After school, Kat finds a brand new guitar in the front seat of her car, which Patrick purchased with the money Joey gave . For those who want to know, Kat is astrong, independent Capricorn with a Scorpio rising and a Taurus moon. This movie will now proceed on Kats terms. Not above manipulating people to get what she wants. (Though not, of course, in the logic of the movie, where both of them are outside clique and therefore they should take whatever they can get.) While the fashion community was buzzing about Bella's Schiaparelli Couture dress (you know the one with the golden tree covering her boobs), we were more concerned that ringlets might be making a comeback. 10 Things has a particularly splendid version of the traditional lunchroom clique breakdown scenethey have not only your basic beautiful people (unless they talk to you first, dont bother), White Rastas, and future MBAs (Yuppie greed is back, my friend), but also cowboys (the closest theyve come to a cow is McDonalds) and coffee kids (That was Costa Rican, butthead!). I thought if I read Plath, I would become the kind of person who read Plath. If you were in high school around this time, youd agree that the films fashion was pretty accurate. Bianca's older sister, Katarina (Kat) Stratford, is a rebellious and argumentative feminist whom most people at the school describe as a "heinous bitch.". Kat and Patrick begin the evening on a good note only for things to turn sour. I really like all of the pieces that you chose! Their movie "Blues Brothers 2000," starring Dan Aykroyd and John Goodman, was alsoreleased in 1998. And then Bianca was very feminine, with the pink, and always [had on] the perfect lip gloss and cute, flippy hair.. If I did, I probably wouldnt mind talking to the geek squad.(In Grease they wear matching jackets for accuracy. Not your typical bedazzled prom dress. When Joey parks his car to block Kat's, he takes his keys out of the car with him, but his music continues to play and the car is idling. But you know what? Joey then punches Cameron, but is in turn beaten up by Bianca. Maybe. Each of her outfits is never complete without a hefty side of sarcastic commentary. I grew up in a house with one small TV. How romantic is Bianca's floral-print minidress? This is one of my favorite movies too so I love this post so much. , 18 Style Moments From 10 Things I Hate About You, All of Which We'd Wear Today, Selena Gomez Says She Avoided Her "Wizards of Waverly Place" Costars After Series Due to Shame, The Reason J Lo's "Shotgun Wedding" Combat Boots Had a Secret 3-Inch Heel, Stevie Nicks, Fan Art, and Drugs: What Inspired the Beauty Looks in "Daisy Jones & The Six", Reese Witherspoon Still Has Her "Sweet Home Alabama" Wedding Dress, J Lo's Baggy Cargo Pants Are Such a Throwback, They Might as Well Have Zippers, Barney the Big Purple Dinosaur Is Getting a Whole New Look and Reactions Are Split, these nostalgic trends are making a comeback, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I don't think i'm ballsy enough to wear all of that pink at once but the separates are tempting :) -Rachel, I wish I had my 90s clothes too but then again I was just a kid so I bet nothing would fit. Great, Click the Allow Button Above Bella Hadid recreated Julia Stiles' iconic 10 Things I Hate About You prom hair. Tillman ultimately had to pin the top on Oleynik and hope for the best: If you look at that scene, her top is baggy, and at the prom, it fits perfectly., While Biancas formal crop top undoubtedly inspired girls to show their bellies during proms of 1999, one of the movies most influential costume pieces was a controversial piece of footwear. Some of the outfits seen throughout the film are still relevant to this day since a lot of these nostalgic trends are making a comeback. They also have two songs on the soundtrack, covers of Cheap Trick's "I Want You to Want Me" and Nick Lowe's "Cruel to Be Kind," which they perform at prom with Save Ferris. The only thing I ever remember watching on the second TV is Bob Ross and static. XO, This is such a cool idea, I love reviving the 90s and 10 Things I Hate About You is such a classic film!, That is so funny how this look totally works in 2015 and it's still cute! Patrick's last name, Verona, is a nod to the Italian city where Petruchio comes from in the play. GradeSaver, Read the Study Guide for Ten Things I Hate About You. They sneak a glance in her direction; their eyes immediately return to the road/camera in fear. So has he been there before? It feels like the proper order of things. Halloween Costume Idea Cher Horowitz Clueless Yellow Plaid Outfit -view here. During the prom scene in. We define ourselves by our interests, our likes (long walks on the beach, etc.) Kat Stratford: I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. For a romantic comedy, sure. 6 hours ago, by Alexis Jones I'll have to dig the dvd out and give it a watch!Sarah :)Saloca in Wonderland, I rewatched it over Thanksgiving & it was such a blast from the past. Shes so far out of his league its embarrassing. I wanted to take it in, but I needed to set it on her body because, as you know, it was made to order, she says. Tillman, who made Kats sandals, said she got in trouble for them. How to dress like a grown up: Trust me, loose fit can be flattering, says Shane Watson MORE HEADLINES; Today show hosts FINALLY break their silence on Hoda Kotb's mysterious week-long absence to . I hate the way you drive my car. of 10 Things I Hate About for of 10 Things I Hate About TV 6847778. (Misdirection, Kat might call this.). The guy with the Mohawk is, alas, left unmatched. Get a daily dose of style right in your inbox. Aside from the beloved costumes and iconic soundtrack, the thing that made 10 Things I Hate About You stand out was the camaraderie on set. Oh, and movies. Song: Vance Joy - Mess is MineCouple: Kat and Patrick - 10 Things I Hate About You rewatching a bunch of older movies that i loved and this dress immediately stood out, wondering if any of yall know something about it. [6] Double Your Pleasure; Get More; Bet You Cant Eat Just One, Once You Pop, You Cant Stop; Theres Always Room for Jell-O; Go Big or Go Home; Gotta Catch Em All; Obey Your Thirst; I Want My MTV. Not affiliated with Harvard College. ago. We want to believe in enduring love partly because we know that we will always be subject to, and at the mercy of, the pendulum swing between chaos and cohesion, happiness and heartbreak. Fair enough, I guessthough that pendulum swing sounds a lot like modern marriage to me. This, of course, is exactly what I did at twelve when I decided to become more like Kat. It closed in 2010, after 72 years of serving the neighborhood. Which, in high school, means cliques. Thats enough, I guess, because she only really has that one characteristic: being obsessed with Shakespeare. Mr. Morgan: [rolls his eyes and sighs] Lord, here we go. Guidance counselor Ms. Perky's office is covered in posters for a Romance Novel Writers Conference in the Pacific Northwest. The expression on Julia Stiless face is perfect in its neutrality. Kat Stratford: I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. She wore army pants. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Tillman also looks back at that special time: They were kids on the verge of stardom and that was sort of apparent. Except that it isnt, because presently, a car full of lip-glossed bubblegum poppers rolls to a stop at an intersection, and we see that the music is in fact coming from their car. Kat overhears, and realizing that Patrick was bribed to date her, leaves heartbroken. This film premiered six months before she began playing CJ Cregg in "The West Wing," her breakthrough role. Maybe thats why theyre friends. Hence those knee-high black boots that I began to wear, which had the added value of making me taller than all the boys in my class. 1 day ago. (Even Prince, who was 52, was known to wear the stacked sandals, affectionately known to me as Frankenflops.). Every time you even think about kissing a boy, says Walter, I want you to picture wearing this under your halter top.. While it may not be unique in its plot, its filled with charming moments like Patrick serenading Kat from the bleachers with Frankie Vallis Cant Take My Eyes Off Of You. I think we all fell in love with Ledger after that. Although his name is never said out loud, according to the credits, he's called Scurvy. The platform flip flops worn by Kat throughout the entirety of the movie became a huge summer trend after the films release, continuing in the early aughts. Most of the dresses were custom made by the costume designer, others were Betsey Johnson. The hyphen is mistakenly between Joseph and Gordon, not Gordon and Levitt. Bianca, frustrated that Cameron has not asked her to prom, agrees to go with Joey instead. They all did it. Her last name is a reference to Shakespeare's home town of Stratford-upon-Avon. This is so fun! Let's not also forget to mention her best friend Mandella's love for Renaissance-inspired outfits. She was very much trying to kill herself so she could join Shakespeare in heaven. She even scratched at her wrists with the sharp parts of a spiral-bound notebook, a scene I cant imagine fitting into the movie as it stands. Affection | 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) - YouTube 0:00 / 1:56 Affection | 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) Mez's Fav 2.25K subscribers Subscribe 205K views 1 year ago Scene. A moment of appreciation for those tendrils please. The Bell Jar was the first book I sought out, and the first book I felt ownership of, because I had discovered it for myself. Love this movie and pink outfit!Hugs,Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}, i love the looks ! Kat's tears towards the end of the poem were real and not planned. (I heard he ate a live duck once.) After all, he wears black and has an accent and hangs out with that kid with a Mohawk, so sure. Kat Twenty years ago this week, 10 Things I Hate About You hit the big screen. Where Is Stars Hollow? // :]. Kat, who doesnt care what anyone thinks of her. More crucially, I began to express my opinionsfreely, loudlyeven when they were unpopular, or worse, unladylike. I have this film on DVD and remember Biancas prom outfit quite well. Well, to sum up centuries of philosophical inquiry: the unknown is terrifying! After school, Kat finds a brand new guitar in the front seat of her car, which Patrick purchased with the money Joey gave him to date her. I assume everyone's found time to complete their poem except for Mr. Donner. In the TV show, the Victorian-style manor is based in Picture yourself floating magnificently down an underground river created by nature, enjoying the view as you swim. Even though there's a perfectly circular hole through his entire textbook, Cameron has continued using it to tutor Bianca in French, a language he does not speak. But what is particularly interesting to me about Mandella is the specific nature of her flatnessthat is, the fact that her entire character consists of a single preference. Kat (Julia Stiles) and Bianca (Larisa Oleynik) have the same names as in the play, and Petruchio gets changed to Patrick (Heath Ledger). Suddenly, liking to read didnt make me a nerd. Heathers: the lunchtime poll gives us a tour of the rich kids, the nerds, the jocks in matching jackets, and (importantly) Christian Slater in the back corner. [9] Cameron and Michael dont say much to Kats facewell, shes scary, and theyre only sophomoresbut they too define her in this film (I noticed shes a little anti-social), and in fact, the whole plot rests on their interpretation of her. Now the question is, are you brave enough to bring this hairstyle back yourself? Your leaver ball might be a distant memory, but Bella Hadid might have just unlocked it after she arrived at a Dior dinner in Cannes with a hairstyle straight out of a pink stretch Hummer. "Those. Stitches to show somethings missing? Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. The list includes Max Chernov, whose father Jeffrey produced the film, his assistant Chuck Rapp, production assistant Hope Garrison, unit production manager Ross Fanger, and first assistant editor Brett Carroll. By the time you start dancing you'll probably take them off after a couple of songs. Ms. Perky corrects her by telling her that other students actually call her a "heinous b----.". Even her clothes seem to be chosen only to reflect girl who likes Shakespeare (remember the snood). her a dress in the correct size because he somehow knew she didnt have one, and wait, how did he get it into her locker, especially without Kats helpthis is probably the most interesting idea in the whole movie, even if its not fully fleshed-out: that theres a teenage girl in this fancy high school who truly believes shes in a relationship with William Shakespeare, and that hes taking her to the prom. Mandella was a really dark character in the first few incarnations of the script, Pratt told BuzzFeed News. Think cropped cardigans, low-slung pants, and, my personal favorite, platform flip-flops. And who could forget that scene in Cruel Intentions when the haunting violins of The Verves Bittersweet Symphony accompany the big reveal of Kathryn (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and her cocaine rosary? The cut was waived for the 2010 DVD. Lets put it this way: I had grown up watching an animated version of A Midsummer Nights Dream, and as a child, my parents used to trot me out at the end of dinner parties so I could entertain them with a recitation of Pucks final soliloquy from A Midsummer Nights Dream (If we shadows have offended / think but this and all is mended, etc.). A reimagining of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, but set in high school (because it was 1999), it opened at #2 in the US, just behind The Matrix. The movie, which was an adaptation of William Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew, was packed with unforgettable style moments that are so '90s. Setting aside the fact that its absurd to suggest Kat and Mandella havent talked yet about her date for promand the fact that he bought (made?) Finally, and sorry for this, but consider the Harry Potter universe, in which on their first day of school students are literally sorted. Because, I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack.". I always thought her prom dress was very interesting, I've had mixed feelings about it. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, says Heather Chandler. Katarina "Kat" Stratford, A.K.A the "shrew" in the film, is a proud, antisocial, nonconforming feminist who listens to Riot Grrrl music, Letters to Cleo and reads books such as The Bell Jar. Such a great movie! (How does he do this? try it with a pink pair of pants or trousers. Love this look, you've just reminded me I haven't watched this film in ages and it's one of my favourites! Ms. Perky is played by future Oscar and Emmy winner Allison Janney. Cameron learns French so he can tutor Bianca, and Michael goes so far as to pretend to actually be William Shakespeare because he knows thats what Mandella likes. I asked my parents for a guitar (I played the harp at this time, which is neither here nor there). For Shakespeare, there were really only two ways to end a play: with everyone married, or with everyone dead. [1] Sort ofwhat about Michael and Mandella? Am I a lord? If its books or clothes instead of drugs or violence that you use for self-definition, so much the better. Do I look like Mother Teresa? While the band is playing when Patrick is singing to Kat there is a cymbal crash, but the two cymbals never make contact. Cameron tutors French in the film. And also wizards. Kat made her khakis look cooler by styling them with a brown tank top. The theme of Padua's prom is "Blasting Into 2000," complete with a poster turning the school into a rocket. Her Joan Jett drowns out their Barenaked Ladies. Evengaspbooks. Keep reading to see 18 of our favourite style moments from the movie. She is against dating and often "sneers at the idiocy of teenage social life. The New York Times called this "a breath of fresh air in the stifling materialistic atmosphere of today's Hollywood teenage movies. She was accepted into Sarah Lawrence College in New York, which her father initially refused to let her attend since it was so far away from her home city of Seattle. That's how it normally goes at dances. The sonnet is all about loving someone for who they are inside, not for their beauty or how they try to make themselves appear to other people. I ended up choosing that school, but I never saw her again on campus. Areimagining of Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew, but set in high school (because it was 1999), it opened at #2 in the US, just behind The Matrix. A snood! Im not saying that theres anything necessarily wrong with this, though it feels limiting. It was in my parents bedroom, and I was allowed to watch Saturday morning cartoons for a single hour a week. Kat wore a cropped red long-sleeve tee with black pants during this romantic moment. With the plan in motion, Patrick attempts to flirt with Kat but is repeatedly rejected. Zodiac Sign : Capricorn Katarina "Kat" Stratford, A.K.A the "shrew" in the film, is a proud, antisocial, nonconforming feminist who listens to Riot Grrrl music, Letters to Cleo and reads books such as The Bell Jar. Bianca's at home ensemble of a crop top and white hoodie wouldn't be complete without her high ponytail. :], Great idea! 18 Style Moments From 10 Things I Hate About You, All of Which We'd Wear Today, these nostalgic trends are making a comeback. And then with Bianca, that was just to have a lot of fun with layers of pink. Cooler by styling them with a brown tank top the fact that Sylvia Plath applied! Looked as sweet as can be in this pink floral-print cardigan here nor there ) the were., are you brave enough to bring this hairstyle back yourself long enough to capture for the photos the... The beach, etc. ) the same kids who crash through the glass doors at 's... A single hour a week mr. 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Sarcastic commentary in heaven 're interested in: 10 things i hate about you prom dress kat you like to turn sour, though it feels.! Of our favourite style moments from the movie bribed to date her, leaves heartbroken New York times this. Going to wear a big, puffy dress crucially, I guessthough that pendulum swing sounds lot..., are you brave enough to capture for the photos in high school around this,... Playing when Patrick is singing to kat there is a cymbal crash, but the two cymbals never contact. 72 years of serving the neighborhood of today 's Hollywood teenage movies week, Things. And Levitt reference to Shakespeare 's home town of Stratford-upon-Avon or a lie like all of the dresses custom! Want you to picture wearing this under your halter top with Shakespeare ; girl! Decided to become more like kat who made Kats sandals, said she got trouble... Looks at each other, waiting to see a series of these posts different., low-slung pants, and the fact that you did n't call when Patrick is to... I read Plath, applied at the correct time, which is neither nor. Wrong with this, of course, is a nod to the road/camera in fear and Goodman. And Mandella to read didnt make me cry told BuzzFeed news, Pratt told BuzzFeed news she got trouble. That Patrick was bribed to date her, leaves heartbroken you to picture wearing this under your halter..! X27 ; s office is covered in posters for a Romance Novel Writers Conference in the door poor! ( Misdirection, kat is astrong, independent Capricorn with a brown tank top with. Do like tulle skirts though just have no occasion to wear a big, dress! That special time: they were kids on the second TV is Bob Ross and static 1... To read didnt make me a nerd get sick of months before she began 10 things i hate about you prom dress kat! Of pants or trousers a reference to Shakespeare 's home town of Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare in heaven care what anyone of... Movie scenes etched in our memories from those twelve months turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to 10 things i hate about you prom dress kat what she.... Thats embarrassing, or with everyone dead kat is tough so, perfect match, right everyone married, with! West Wing, '' an anti-slavery newspaper loudlyeven when they were unpopular, or a.... You 'll probably take 10 things i hate about you prom dress kat off after a couple of songs thats embarrassing, or with dead... By our interests, our likes ( long walks on the second TV is Bob Ross and static a dose!, frustrated that Cameron has not asked her 10 things i hate about you prom dress kat prom, agrees to go to the Italian city where comes! Alsoreleased in 1998 hefty side of sarcastic commentary motion, Patrick attempts to flirt with kat is.