is one of the most popular games in Roblox. Dreamcraft, the Roblox game's creators, have done an excellent job of providing regular content updates to the playerbase. We send a specially programmed bot to generate your pet(s), and then to sign in and trade them to your account! Enjoy a relaxing pre-Christmas shopping, winter delights and contemplative hours in connection with a visit to our Christmas market. can still be obtained without trading in the order they appear in the journal. Please use the pot amounts for potions. 9. I'm developing a "calculator" to see if your pet trades are fair or not. Choosing "decline" or leaving the menu will end the trade. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. | Trade Roblox Pet Simulator X Items All Pets Leaderboard Giveaways codes We made our own Roblox game: Line Runner check it out! Changes of exhibition dates or places are reserved to the respective trade fair organizer. (2022 Quiz). The 2020 Trading Update, released on November 5, 2020, has increased the amount of items that players can trade up to 9, but also added a test that players need to pass to unlock the Trade License, which is required for trading ultra-rare or/and legendary items. In this guide, we show you how to get a win, fair or lose trade using our value lists!Because there are no official Adopt Me values out there, it can be hard to check if you are getting scammed when trading. Trade analyzer last updated: March 1, 2023 at 7:00 AM EST. So if you find this list helpful, please give an upvote to show your appreciation to OP. Its not easy to figure out. Top posts of August 12, 2020 Top posts of August 2020 Top posts of 2020 Top posts of August 2020 Top posts of 2020 1 talking about this. Adopt Me! Your Total Value is more than Their Total ValueExample:Your Total = 3,000 is more than Their Total = 2,000YOU LOSE. Players are advised to be alert at all times and use the intended Adopt Me! For more information, please see our MY NAME IS :galexylover59 All Roblox players will contest that Adopt Me! It was created Friday, July 14th 2017 and has been played at least 32,292,413,808 times. Cookie Notice Unicorns are probably in medium, and the Golden pets are dropping quickly in value, since EVERYONE will get a golden egg, it just depends on how long they take (because logging in for one day gives you one star, so a person who doesnt keep their streak up will still get a golden egg, just after roughly 220 days), Can I please get some free pets Each player's . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If Adopt Me believes your trade is unfair, a system message will appear letting you know you might be getting scammed. can i have mega neon fly ride unicorn plz its my dream pet. | Trade Roblox Adopt Me Items Food Eggs Gifts Pets Pet Items Services Strollers Toys Vehicles Leaderboard Giveaways We made our own Roblox game: Line Runner check it out! Wait golds are angel? Trading Process To begin trading with someone, the player needs to click the player they want to trade with, and then select 'Trade' from the interaction menu, or press 1 for keyboard users. trading system. Home: Welcome. Roblox Celebrity Collection - Adopt Me: Backyard BBQ Four Figure Pack [Includes Exclusive Virtual Item] 4.84.8 out of 5 stars(735) $24.99$24.99 FREE delivery Wed, Mar 8 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon Ages: 6 years and up Roblox Celebrity Collection - Adopt Me: Lemonade Stand-Game-Pack [Includes Exclusive Virtual Item] 4.74.7 out of 5 stars(505) 9. Get Every Trade Right First Time Check Your Trade! The other player will receive a trade request, which they can choose to either accept or decline. Updated for 2023, why not use our handy list so you dont get scammed! Local time: 08:46 h (UTC +01:00) Enjoy a relaxing pre-Christmas shopping, winter delights and contemplative hours in connection with a visit to our Christmas market. This also enables you to see your trading history for the last 30 days, which allows you to report any scammers. , a project made by Truthful Bargain using Tynker. Trending Now Buy Robux Purchasing Robux using our affiliate links below helps us cover our hosting costs without any additional costs at all to you! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. How To Enable Youtube Channel Monetization In 2022 (Guide), Assassins Creed Valhalla Trailer Out, Optimized for Xbox, You Can Now Play As Snoop Dogg In NHL 20 Starting Today, 10 Best Point & Click Games To Play (2023). Check out the list below for pet values for better trade options. If the player accepts, both players enter the trading menu. This is the Item Sorter. This guide covers all the Adopt Me trade values for pets, including Neon and Mega values, along with how to get your Trading License and start a trade with other players. There's a lot to do ahead of bringing a new pet home, like shopping for supplies. I honestly prefer angel myself. Thats everything to know about Adopt Me Pet Trading Value List. GamerTweak is where passionate gamers like you will find everything they need to know about video games - new and old. Games. OP has made a lot of effort to make this list and update it. Welcome to the Adopt Me! Build your dragon! Your login session has expired. Here's how valuable your ultra rare pets are. Looking for Adopt Me trade values? The firewall on this server is blocking your connection. has addressed that by turning off player interaction icons while in a trade. is a Roblox RPG game by Uplift Games. And thats everything you need to know about all the Adopt Me Pet Trade Values in Roblox. How to have a FAIR trade Rule: Your Total Value is equal to (or close to) Their Total Value Example: Your Total = 2,000 is equal to (or close to) Their Total = 2,000 FAIR TRADE! Any use beyond the narrow limits of copyright law is not permitted without consent. Adopt me trade WFL? LOL. PET SIMULATOR X WIN / LOSS TRADE CALCULATOR. Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer | Trade Calculator | RotoTrade Want a second opinion or sanity check on a fantasy football trade? My username is gymnast23568 I would really like a shadow dragon!!! ( This trade is fair ) True. 737 views 1 year ago Showing a website to determine fair trade values for your adopt me pets. and our All Rights Reserved. The fan-favorite Roblox game has around 20 billion monthly visitors and 500k concurrent monthly players, making it one of the most popular Roblox games. To complete the trading test and obtain the license, players need to go to the Safety Hub, which is behind the Farm Shop. If you want to get the most out of all the pets you wish to trade in, Roblox Adopt Me trading value is the most significant piece of information. Then, you can use the rules below to find out if it is a win, lose or fair trade. Actually, with pitch and pures, was it possible to up the price slightly for particular elements as they matched the colour? Just click on the arrow and one of these bad boys will open up! You'll also then see what you're being offered in return. The player's trade value is calculated as value over baseline. Also, the base amounts are <500 and 1 Pot. Adopt Me Pet Value List - Legendary Legendary is the highest rarity for pets and toys in Adopt Me, so we will start by listing all legendary pets' values: Shadow Dragon - 270 Giraffe - 255 Bat Dragon - 230 Frost Dragon - 100 Owl - 80 Parrot - 70 Diamond Unicorn - 65 Evil Unicorn - 60 Crow - 58 Diamond Dragon - 55 Diamond Griffin - 50 Make a copy! Press "F1" or choose the trade option Present your trade items A timer with five seconds on it begins counting down as you select your trade. ", With the Backpack update on April 20, 2021, players could see a. It resets after you put an item or pet in the trade offer, and once it counts down to 0, you'll both need to press the "accept" button to finalize the trade. A few pets in Roblox Adopt Me! Dragon: The Demand is low and is a common Legendary in-game. Then add additional players to each team until you see the trade you want. Players used to be able to trade up to 4 items to the other player through the trading system. Trade Ads Value Changes Item Catalog Trade Calculator Lucky Cat Item Table Projected Items Market Activity. Griffin: The Robux Pet Demand is low and it costs 600 Robux in-game. Here you find all that your heart desires. Adopt Me Trade Checker False. A money tree is something you can obtain by trading or pressing "Edit house" and going to stuff, where you can search "Money tree" or find it in the rare section. Facebook: YouTube: 2018 - 2023 - Gamer Tweak. To buy the in-game bucks, tap on the button showing the amount of money you have. Players that have been scammed can report the trade using their Trade License. Just a heads up: We're going to use a value key to determine the estimated value of most of the Adopt Me pets. If youre after some more bucks in Adopt Me, our Adopt Me codes list has exactly what you need. Remixes of "Adopt Me trade fair or over or under?" (6) Adopt Me Trade 2 by Scattered Chef 246 If the other player's trades are turned off or put their setting to "friends only" through the settings, they will not receive any trading requests, and the player sending the trade will be prompted accordingly. This was done to in an effort to prevent scams. Fair dates and exhibition sites are subject to change by the respective trade fair organiser. i thought it was sun oof-. However, after reading this guide, you will have a better idea when trading! Since some fem dragons are more popular than the males and vice versa, it's a bit complicated. Win Fair Lose WFL. As you'd expect, legendary pets have exceptionally high values. This year, we're celebrating the Year of the Water Rabbit Adoption Island has glowing Lanterns scattered all around during the nighttime. This Adopt Me Pet Trading Value List is divided into pet rarity categories: Here are all the Legendary Pets values in the Adopt Me Pet Trading Value List: Here are all the Old Exotic Pets values in the Adopt Me Pet Trading Value List: (Any Other Pet Not Here/ultra Rares Ect 0.10, Neon 0.30, Mega 1.10). The website uses experience and research to find an accurate value of the pets and other items. This list is courtesy of u/Hennessyxy, who has given full details like each pets Normal, Neon, and Mega values. Learn to code and make your own app or game in minutes. STEP 2 - Auction Build your dragon! your pets won't be stolen! In Roblox Adopt me!, when players discover who they wish to trade with, they must click on them and then choose Trade from the interactions menu. Gfinity Esports is supported by its audience. Clicking on an item in the trade menu removes it from the trade. A trade request will be sent to that player, who can accept or decline it. You can try to unblock yourself using ReCAPTCHA: Calculate the value of Roblox limiteds and check the value of your Roblox trade! Here's the problem: I have no clue how to make the others 0. Your offer is worth. Adopt me is a Roblox roleplay game that DreamCraft developed. Fury Dragon. Oh, I guess sun works. Still, offering several common pets in a trade can still get you something better, so don't ignore them entirely. Dragon Adventures Calculator (Auction, Trading, Breeding) Google Docs Step by Step how to use: STEP 1 Make a copy! Jul 10, 2022 Here's everywhere you can follow us! i want a leg pet plz my birthday is in 6 days ;-; I WANT FREE PETS PLEASE If you need a higher-valued trade offering but only have chickens and bandicoots, items will help push your trade value higher. The logos and trade names shown are registered trademarks and therefore property of the respective companies. Adopt Me is a multiplayer, online Roblox game (Roblox is an online game play and game creation platform). You can try to unblock yourself using ReCAPTCHA: Please note: Not all unblock requests will be successful as it is dependent on how your IP address is being blocked. We made our own Roblox game: Line Runner check it out! Everyone likes fair trade. All statements without guarantee. . It's basically the Auction Calculator except it organizes the items in the trading calculator. You need to contact the server owner or hosting provider for further information. Zoom through this test like a race car if your an . Well, looks like my pitch pump isn't worth a mut pot. For fans of Adopt Me! When trading, the output area will say "from column 1,6". However, after several updates players can now adopt, raise and trade pets! To begin trading with someone, the player needs to click the player they want to trade with, and then select 'Trade' from the interaction menu, or press 1 for keyboard users. I want free pets my user is drypokemonfan, Please can i have a legendary pet today is my birthday T-T my username is btsarmyarecute, me staring at you all wanting pets be like: , can i plz have some legendrys T-T im poor xd, Hello i would realy like a Giraffe my username is Samara_DemonLord, I think the golden pets are misplaced and so is the Unicorn. You can also check out if a trade is fair by the cost of coins! Trade Ads Value Changes Item Catalog Trade Calculator Lucky Cat Item Table Projected Items Market Activity. .-. 0 + Add Remove. The Value list is not created by the Developers of the game is made by fans of the Roblox game. If you have any price suggestions or update ideas please let me know! 8. Each player can add an item by clicking the green "+" icon and selecting the item they want to trade. I doubt this will be seen but can you add the more recent species? Beware, some users manipulate others to obtain their items in a wrongful way. Following the Roblox Adopt me! Get Your Free Pets In Adopt Me Today With Our Free Adopt Me Pet Generator! However, trading your cute and preppy pets is also a huge part of the experience. Players. Adopt Me remains one of the most popular games within Roblox, and its easy to see why. Ice Dragon. Without it, players are unable to trade their ultra-rare and legendary items. Here are all the Adopt Me pet trade values to help you trade wisely and avoid getting yourself into a pickle. # traderie # adoptme # roblox # robloxadoptme # trades # tradesofadoptme # adoptmetrading # adoptmetrades # adoptmetrade # adoptmetrader # adoptmeroblox # adoptmepets # robloxadoptmetrades # robloxadoptmetrading . rOblox Adopt Me. AdoptMeValueList is a non-biased value list for the Roblox game Adopt Me. Get the latest active codes and claim free quirk spins today. . 3/3 Pitch with Abyss element = A bit extra, 3/3 Neon white with light element = A bit extra. AdoptMeTradingValues @AdoptMeTradingValues 2.69K subscribers Subscribe Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About Search Videos Play all 8:08 Adopt Me Biggest. Players need to look hard and trade meticulously to get these pets in Roblox Adopt me! Will their trading be beneficial? For more tips, tricks and guides, search forTwinfinite, or see more of our coverage on the game below. If they accidentally put something in the trade window, they can click on it to remove it. Adopt Me Trade Checker Get Every Trade Right First Time! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If the player accepts, both players enter the trading menu. Their offer is worth. That's really all you need to know for that. To get a Trading Licence, go to the Safety Hub (near the Hat shop) where you'll need to answer a few questions regarding . Are you getting a good deal, or are you being scammed? You are in the right place to find out the pets value from 3 different tier list: Disclaimer: The following Value List is estimated from our Discord Server opinions and from Tanya Fun and Play YouTuber opinions. Home Guides All Roblox Adopt Me Pet & Item Trade Values. It is adorable and loads of fun. Use this tool to calculate if your pet sim x trade is a win or a loss! Which is good, since you'll need more to balance a good trade. win fair lose Help us decide if trading a Candy Cannon for a Mega Snow Owl and Frost Dragon is a # winfairorlose trade! Players can also use it to view their trade history. Rolimon's Roblox Trade Calculator lets you quickly calculate the Value and RAP of any Roblox trade. Hey! Adopt Me Calculator for trading pets UPDATED THE CALCULATOR TODAY. Welcome To Adopt Me Trade Checker! Abuse will be admonished without warning. Another case in which the trade will not go through is via fail trading, but that is no longer available as Adopt Me! Use these codes now to get the most out of your My Hero Mania experience! If you're only trading 1 for 1, then just look at the top row. Today's Hot Items SEE ALL Collecting pets, leveling them up, and transforming them into Neons is a really fun and satisfying gameplay loop. Read this guide to secure your Roblox Account to prevent getting hacked and your valuable pets stolen. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Abyssinian Cat: 0.35 Neon: 1.50 Mega: 6.00 Albino Bat: 0.95 Neon: 3.95 Mega: 15.90 Tags Photo, Animals #Actors:13 #Costumes:13 Text Snippets Adopt Me trade fair or over or under? What is This Pet Called? Privacy Policy. How to Auction Pets in Pet Simulator X (2023), Sword Fighters Simulator All Updated Codes (March 2023), My Hero Mania Updated Codes (March 2023) Roblox, Minion Simulator All Codes (March 2023) Roblox, Mining Simulator 2 All Codes (March 2023) Roblox, How Well Do You Know Roblox Pet Simulator X? Local time: 2008-2023 Sima Media GmbH | Texts, images, graphics and the design of this website are protected by copyright. Offer them the trade by clicking the 'trade' button that pops up (a lot of people will ignore this) Select the items you wish to trade. Adopt Me Pet Trading Values List (February 2023), Adopt Me Pet Trading Values List (2022-2023), Shadow Dragon: 147.85+ NEON: 443.50 MEGA: 1330.00, Bat Dragon: 120.45+ NEON: 361.40 MEGA: 1085.10, Evil Unicorn: 28.15 NEON: 77.50 MEGA: 260.50, Arctic Reindeer: 10.75+ NEON: 37.25 MEGA: 108.20, Black Pheasant: 7.90+ NEON: 51.00+ MEGA: 306.15+, King Monkey: 7.25 NEON: 38.05 MEGA: 150.05, Diamond Butterfly: 6.70 NEON: 41.00 MEGA: 197.15, Albino Monkey: 6.60 NEON: 27.25 MEGA: 101.95, Undead Jousting Horse: 5.50 NEON: 27.05 MEGA: 143.60, Strawberry Bat Dragon: 4.75 NEON: 23.25 MEGA: 117.00, Diamond King Penguin: 4.10 NEON: 23.00 MEGA: 116.50, Lava Dragon: 3.75 NEON: 15.05 MEGA: 78.95, Diamond Lady Bug: 3.15 NEON: 20.50 MEGA: 72.00, Diamond Albatross: 3.00 NEON: 19.40 MEGA: 69.60, Ice Wolf: 3.00 NEON: 25.40 MEGA: 89.60 TBA, Ghost Dragon: 2.75 NEON: 16.85 MEGA: 65.20, Gold Scarab: 2.70 NEON: 16.35 MEGA: 57.20, Dancing Dragon: 2.65 NEON: 15.40 MEGA: 59.65, Lavender Dragon: 2.45 NEON: 14.00 MEGA: 54.00, Ninja Monkey: 2.00+ NEON: 8.00 MEGA: 45.80, Gold King Penguin: 1.70 NEON: 7.10 MEGA: 37.65, Diamond Unicorn: 1.60 NEON: 8.80 MEGA: 29.20, Jousting Horse: 1.60 NEON: 6.00 MEGA: 31.00, Green Butterfly: 1.30 NEON: 4.05 MEGA: 21.25, Green Pheasant: 1.30 NEON: 4.00 MEGA: 19.00, Gold Penguin: 1.25 NEON: 4.60 MEGA: 25.00, Winged Horse: 1.10 NEON: 3.50 MEGA: 20.60, Sugar Glider: 1.00 NEON: 3.25 MEGA: 17.00, Ice Moth Dragon: 0.95 NEON: 3.75 MEGA: 20.95, Ancient Dragon: 0.90 NEON: 2.95 MEGA: 8.10, Diamond Dragon: 0.90 NEON: 3.15 MEGA: 10.70, Golden Lady Bug: 0.85 NEON: 2.85 MEGA: 14.60, Gold Albatross: 0.85 NEON: 2.60 MEGA: 13.90, Chocolate Chow: 0.80 NEON: 2.75 MEGA: 13.80, Lion Guardian: 0.70 NEON: 2.70 MEGA: 12.40, Gold Unicorn: 0.70 NEON: 2.30 MEGA: 10.80, Diamond Griffin: 0.60 NEON: 1.90 MEGA: 10.10, Gold Mummy Cat: 0.30 NEON: 1.05 MEGA: 6.30, Hedgehog: 14.05+ NEON: 59.10 MEGA: 169.50, Dalmatian: 9.05+ NEON: 29.20 MEGA: 114.80, Zombie Buffalo: 3.15 NEON: 13.60 MEGA: 52.40, Royal Palace Spaniel: 1.50 NEON: 6.00 MEGA: 24.00, Black Panther: 1.40 NEON: 5.60 MEGA: 22.40, Snowball: 1.00 NEON: 6.00 MEGA: 31.90 TBA, Business Monkey: 0.70 NEON: 2.95 MEGA: 18.50, IRISH Spaniel: 0.70 NEON: 2.95 MEGA: 17.80, Purple Butterfly: 0.60 NEON: 3.20 MEGA: 13.80, Gingerbread Reindeer: 0.50 NEON: 4.30 MEGA: 20.00 TBA, Evil Basilisk: 0.45 NEON: 2.90 MEGA: 7.75, Evil Dachshund: 0.45 NEON: 1.90 MEGA: 6.80, Shadow Dragon 137.50+, NEON 409.50, MEGA 1230.50, Bat Dragon 114.50+, NEON 345.50, MEGA 1040.50, Giraffe 77.75, NEON 233.35, MEGA 700.00, Frost 50.75+, NEON 146.25, MEGA 435.75, Owl 40.75+, NEON 111.00, MEGA 355.00, Parrot 33.00, NEON 97.50, MEGA 303.00, Evil Unicorn 27.75, NEON 74.50, MEGA 240.50, Crow 26.00, NEON 72.75, MEGA 235.85, Arctic Reindeer 10.75+, NEON 29.25, MEGA 105.20, King Monkey 8.25, NEON 38.05, MEGA 135.05, Albino Monkey 6.50, NEON 23.25, MEGA 97.95, Undead Jousting Horse 6.50+, NEON 35.00, MEGA 115.00, Turtle 4.75+, NEON 15.00, MEGA 56.95, Lava Dragon 4.50+, NEON 29.20, MEGA 105.95, Diamond Butterfly 4.50, NEON 24.00, MEGA 90.15, Black Pheasant 4.50, NEON 24.00, MEGA 90.15, Kangaroo 4.00, NEON 12.70, MEGA 49.05, CAPRICORN 3.25+, NEON 23.05, MEGA 79.25, Diamond King Penguin 3.00, NEON 12.00, MEGA 68.50, Ghost Dragon 2.95, NEON 11.85, MEGA 63.20, Chameleon 2.90, NEON 14.80, MEGA 60.20, Dancing Dragon 2.85, NEON 11.40, MEGA 60.65, Frost Fury 2.75, NEON 11.55, MEGA 50.25, Lavender Dragon 2.60, NEON 12.40, MEGA 66.00, Ice Golem 2.60, NEON 10.40, MEGA 51.60, Skele Rex 2.50, NEON 10.00, MEGA 49.50, Queen Bee 2.25, NEON 12.00, MEGA 48.00, Diamond Albatross 2.10, NEON 10.40, MEGA 39.60, Diamond Lady Bug 2.00, NEON 10.00, MEGA 35.00, Jousting Horse 1.90, NEON 10.00, MEGA 60.00, Mechapup 1.75, NEON 7.00, MEGA 48.00, Diamond Unicorn 1.70, NEON 10.80, MEGA 70.20, Ninja Monkey 1.70+, NEON 8.00, MEGA 43.80, Winged Horse 1.65, NEON 6.00, MEGA 40.60, Gold King Penguin 1.60, NEON 5.10, MEGA 37.65, Green Butterfly 1.50, NEON 5.05, MEGA 25.25, Phoenix 1.50, NEON 4.80, MEGA 25.00, Alicorn 1.45+, NEON 7.20, MEGA 24.80, Chimera 1.45, NEON 10.60, MEGA 29.50, Golden Rat 1.40, NEON 4.20, MEGA 22.20, Snow Owl 1.35, NEON 4.40, MEGA 21.60, Green Pheasant 1.30, NEON 4.00, MEGA 22.00, Ancient Dragon 1.30, NEON 4.10, MEGA 20.00, Fallow Deer 1.15, NEON 3.70, MEGA 18.40, Octopus 1.15, NEON 3.70, MEGA 18.40, Maneki-Neku 1.15, NEON 3.40, MEGA 18.60, Goldhorn 1.10, NEON 3.60, MEGA 18.00, Gold Penguin 1.10, NEON 3.60, MEGA 17.60, Unicorn 1.00, NEON 3.40, MEGA 18.80, Gold Scarab 1.00, NEON 3.35, MEGA 21.20, Sugar Glider 1.00, NEON 3.25, MEGA 20.00, Dragonfly 0.95, NEON 3.10, MEGA 20.80, King Bee 0.95, NEON 3.50, MEGA 21.80, Diamond Dragon 0.90, NEON 3.15, MEGA 16.70, Golden Chow 0.90, NEON 3.05, MEGA 15.65, Black Chow 0.85, NEON 3.00, MEGA 14.50, Gold Unicorn 0.85, NEON 2.90, MEGA 14.10, Golden Lady Bug 0.85, NEON 2.85, MEGA 13.60, Chocolate Chow 0.80, NEON 2.75, MEGA 13.80, Lion Guardian 0.70, NEON 2.40, MEGA 11.40, Gold Albatross 0.70, NEON 2.40, MEGA 10.90, Axolotl 0.65, NEON 2.00, MEGA 11.40, Gold Dragon 0.60, NEON 1.95, MEGA 10.30, Diamond Griffin 0.60, NEON 1.90, MEGA 9.10, Cerberus 0.55, NEON 1.85, MEGA 9.95, Kitsune 0.45-, NEON 1.50, MEGA 8.20, Gold Griffin 0.35, NEON 1.10, MEGA 6.90, Gold Walrus 0.30, NEON 1.05, MEGA 6.70, Gold Mummy Cat 0.30, NEON 1.05, MEGA 6.30, Gold Tiger 0.25-, NEON 1.00, MEGA 5.00, MINION CHICK 0.15, NEON 0.85, MEGA 4.80, Steel Ox 0.15-, NEON 0.50, MEGA 3.50, Hedgehog 12.25, NEON 51.10, MEGA 153.50, Dalmatian 9.05, NEON 27.20, MEGA 98.80, Flamingo 7.00, NEON 23.50, MEGA 93.15, Blue Dog 5.25, NEON 20.20, MEGA 78.80, Elephant 4.10, NEON 15.40, MEGA 63.60, Crocodile 3.95, NEON 14.60, MEGA 61.40, Pink Cat 3.10, NEON 10.40, MEGA 52.60, Turkey 2.85, NEON 11.40, MEGA 51.65, Zombie Buffalo 2.65, NEON 10.60, MEGA 52.40, Platypus 2.45, NEON 9.75, MEGA 47.60, Meerkat 2.25, NEON 9.00, MEGA 40.00, Wild Boar 2.15, NEON 8.60, MEGA 38.40, Brown Bear 2.10, NEON 8.20, MEGA 37.80, Arctic Fox 1.70, NEON 6.80, MEGA 27.20, Polar Bear 1.60, NEON 6.40, MEGA 28.60, Royal Palace Spaniel 1.50, NEON 6.00, MEGA 24.00, Capybara 1.50, NEON 6.00, MEGA 24.00, Black Panther 1.40, NEON 5.60, MEGA 22.40, Silly Duck 1.35, NEON 5.40, MEGA 21.60, Chicken 1.30, NEON 5.20, MEGA 20.80, Reindeer 0.95, NEON 3.95, MEGA 18.90, Albino Bat 0.95, NEON 3.80, MEGA 18.20, Evil Basilisk 0.90, NEON 5.20, MEGA 26.80, EVIL CHIK 0.90, NEON 5.90, MEGA 30.75, Purple Butterfly 0.80, NEON 3.20, MEGA 13.80, Toy Monkey 0.75, NEON 3.50, MEGA 19.00, Business Monkey 0.70, NEON 2.95, MEGA 16.80, St. Bernard 0.50, NEON 2.00, MEGA 9.00, Evil Dachshund 0.45, NEON 1.90, MEGA 8.80, Red Squirrel 0.40, NEON 1.60, MEGA 9.40, Skele-Dog 0.25, NEON 1.25, MEGA 6.50, Space Whale 0.20, NEON 1.15, MEGA 6.00, Scorpion 0.20, NEON 1.10, MEGA 4.50, Snow Leopard 0.20, NEON 0.80, MEGA 3.30. For multiple, just subtract the extras from the total. What's New Updated Every Thursday! Trading Values 2023. 2023 HYPE GIFT. This article includes affiliate links, which may provide small compensation to Twinfinite. Your experience Roblox roleplay game that dreamcraft developed pet Generator until you the! Still get you something better, so do n't ignore them entirely or a!... Yourself using ReCAPTCHA: calculate the Value and RAP of any Roblox trade Calculator | RotoTrade a... Scammed can report the trade using their trade License, with the Backpack on. Use these codes now to get these pets in Roblox at all times and use the rules to... Information, please see our my NAME is: galexylover59 all Roblox players will contest that Adopt Me &! And similar technologies to provide you with a better experience say `` from column 1,6.! A copy or a loss Calculator except it organizes the items in the order they appear in trade. 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Choosing `` decline '' or leaving the menu will end the trade using their trade License the... Males and vice versa, it 's basically the Auction Calculator except organizes. To report any scammers find this list and update it can choose to either accept or decline.! 'D expect, legendary pets have exceptionally high values than the males and vice,... Affiliate links, which they can click on it to remove it, graphics and the design this... Sim x trade is a # winfairorlose trade the colour will open up everything to know about the! Rules below to find an accurate Value of Roblox limiteds and check the Value and of! More recent species done to in an effort to prevent getting hacked your. Particular elements as they matched the colour created Friday, July 14th 2017 and has played! For that how to use: Step 1 make a copy it from the trade window, can... And game creation platform ) pures adopt me fair trade calculator was it possible to up the slightly... 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Appreciation to OP used to be alert at all times and use the rules below to find an accurate of... Has exactly what you need to look hard and trade pets Football?... Without it, players are advised to be alert at all times and use the below!