Her appreciation for whats new in ag comes from her dad and uncles who sold farm equipment, herbicides, fertilizer, grain bins and seed products. The goal is to improve efficiency and safety of critical field operations. As a result, support technicians may diagnose and fix problems without going to the field. The product offers both dicamba- and glyphosate-tolerance. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. But what happens with the next generation is the big question. But now, as more is being learned about the harmful effects of soil compaction, the farm machinery industry is placing more emphasis on materials that lessen the weight of farm vehicles and equipment while also improving fuel economy, says Douglas Otto, engineer with CNH and program chair of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). SFP (Specialty Fertilizer Products) sells two products, NutriSphere-N and More Than Manure, to help reduce N loss in N fertilizer and manure. And individual farmers are able to share their stories in quick updates through social media with the farming community. But companies are racing to meet demand. The top 4 are: agriculture, rural, grinding and livestock. So although you might see some synonyms of agriculture in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with agriculture - you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common agriculture terms by using the menu below, and there's also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get agriculture words starting with a particular letter. A 2007 Iowa State University (ISU) survey found that 28% of the states farmland was owned by someone older than 74 years. , Farm Industry News is launching the A to Z alphabet of technologies changing agriculture. Now it is integrated with accounting software programs called farm management information systems (FMIS) to help farmers manage their business. Also called a soil improvement or soil conditioner. They dont want wasteful, harmful food production. At a recent media event, DuPont Pioneer representatives said the company is working on drought-tolerant soybeans by using its proprietary Accelerated Yield Technology and by leveraging its Aquamax technology in corn. American - (adjective) American farmers produce wheat which is sold abroad. -Lynn Grooms, Blog: More than enough biodiesel capacity to satisfy RIN requirements, The social media has gathered steam in agriculture. Monsanto's Genuity DroughtGard corn hybrids are now available to farmers in the Western Great Plains through a stewarded commercial introduction. They also record machine performance data and alert owners and/or dealers when problems occur. H is for Hay An A to Z about Agriculture, I is for Irrigation Water Use & Conservation on the Farm, J is for Juggling Juggling Roles is Really Common in Rural Areas & Small Towns, K is for Kale Kale is a Winter Crop & a Power Food, M is for Moo! Copyright 2023. The new polymers also aid flowability of seed in the increasingly more precise and expensive planters. Today, two companies have introduced vehicles that drive without human operators. But a commercial release of a drought-tolerant soybeans is not yet planned. Now called RFS2, the program includes diesel (in addition to gasoline) and increased the volume of renewable fuel required to be blended into transportation fuel from 9 billion gallons in 2008 to 36 billion gallons by 2022. Y is for Yams or Are They Sweet Potatoes? A decade ago, it could have taken an entire year to generate the same amount of data. -Karen McMahon, Article: Current farmland prices in line with farmland returns and interest rates, Blog: Champaign County, Illinois, farmland draws $15,375/acre, Article: Farmland tenure in the U.S. and in Illinois, Article: 2013 Buyers forecast: Farmland myths, With the explosion in seed treatments and expensive seed traits, a final polymer coating on the seed makes big sense (cents). The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with agricultural, and as you go down . It provides us with food, fuel, and so more things. The top 4 are: education, economy, environmental and energy. The tractor is outfitted with sensors, cameras, radar, GPS and guidance equipment to safely navigate through the field. She joined the staff in 1998 as senior editor and previously worked on the companys National Hog Farmer magazine. Her appreciation for whats new in ag comes from her dad and uncles who sold farm equipment, herbicides, fertilizer, grain bins and seed products. partnered CropMetrics, a data management company, this year to offers Sector VRI and Zone VRI, which allows for varying the speed of the irrigation system and turning on and off individual sprinklers. One German robot is built to sense crop conditions, apply chemicals and even pull weeds. For example, some of the machines developed recently make more use of aluminum because of its strength and low weight, Otto says. Im an English Instructor at Dhaka University. Copyright 2023 Vocabulary University . Wednesday morning, Brenda posted this comment to my post on irrigation: Jfor juggling? I know, its not a glamorous word but having lived in areas that are rain-fed [], It wasnt too long ago that I was talking with someone and they started describing something they saw and didnt know the right words to use. Micronutrient deficiencies vary by soil type (particularly sandy soils), pH, soil conditions and region. Please click here to see any active alerts. But what happens with the next generation is the big question. The complete A to Z list of technology changing the agriculture industry.Other Readers LikeTop 10 technologies for the farm20 technologies changing agriculture  As part of A to Z Week, Farm Industry News is launching the A to Z alphabet of technologies changing agriculture. The OptRx crop sensors from AgLeader may be mounted on any type of vehicle and is available for corn and wheat production. It is used with Topcons X20 console and linked to the Maplink program.Trimble now offers a handheld version of its GreenSeeker crop sensor that the company first released in 2009. These mounds of data have become big business for companies, ready to step in to store, manage and analyze the information for the end purpose of helping farmers make better business decisions. But when I moved from Memphis to [], Ive had lots of cow-related suggestions for the A to Z series so many that I think some friends may do a whole cattle series next year! But zoonoses doesnt have a space and it is a really serious topic for livestock farmers and ranchers. Increasingly, telematics systems are being offered as standard equipment on tractors, combines and sprayers as manufacturers look for ways to help customers boost efficiency and improve customer service and reduce warranty costs. But the Russian-built Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) is playing an increasingly important role in high-end navigation systems used in agriculture and other industries. Agriculture - (noun) Agriculture used to play a much larger role in the economy. As well, it plays a good role in our environment and economizing. Originally, RFS required 7.5 billion gallons of renewable fuel to be blended into gasoline by 2012. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. SFP (Specialty Fertilizer Products) sells two products, NutriSphere-N and More Than Manure, to help reduce N loss in N fertilizer and manure. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. farm eress. More biological products are being incorporated into conventional corn and soybean farming as part of a pest management and/or plant health program. Other companies providing newer N-loss protection products include:Agrium offers a controlled-released N fertilizer product, called ESN (Environmentally Smart Nitrogen). As University of Illinois professor Fred Below says, it is understood that adequate levels of P and K are necessary for corn production and growers need soil tests to identify any deficiencies. -John Pocock. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. The advanced biofuels and products include biodiesel-ester, biogas, butanol, ethanol, renewable crude oil, renewable diesel-hydrocarbon, renewable jet fuel and renewable gasoline. The Renewable Fuel Standard compliance program is based on the use of renewable identification numbers (RINs) that are assigned to batches of renewable fuel by producers and importers of those fuels. Qualify. SCRABBLE is a registered trademark. Number 8860726. -Kathy Huting, In spite of the huge rise in farmland values, the majority of farmland remains in the hands of farmers and their families. It is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell that runs electric motors on the tractor. Just think, there is alfalfa, beef, cheese, dairy, etc. I Completed My Masters in English at Dhaka University and Working 8 Years as an English Instructor. Positive Words that Start with Q. Also called livestock farming or grazing. And crops tend to start with the seed (I say tend because there are a few like olives that work off cuttings). Agriculture Words . This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Also called the Third Agricultural Revolution. -Karen McMahon, Aluminum, magnesium and titanium alloy shave been used for years in the aerospace and automotive industries to reduce the weight, carbon emission and fuel consumption of the structural designs. They were talking about a town I hadnt been too but they [], The number of words that come to mind for the letter F was astonishing. So that people learn about various types of agriculture words. KentFarms _LA lobbied for cattle (Angus cattle to be clear) and several people echoed that cows would be a perfect choice and others suggested corn. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with farming, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. Karen grew up on a crop and livestock farm outside of LeMars, IA, and earned her journalism degree from South Dakota State University. A branch of economics concerned with the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food, fiber, and other products of agriculture. -David Hest. The Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) is working to develop compliance standards that will ensure that data collected can be shared across the different platforms. Big-name manufacturing companies, such as Valmont, Reinke, and T-L Irrigation have come out with variable-rate-irrigation (VRI) equipment that automatically applies just the right amount of water to areas of a field that need it most. Watch for updates on these two systems along with newcomers to the technology. Optimum Aquamax corn leaves are slower to roll in water-limited environments. Four examples of these electrified platforms are the John Deere 7030 Series E-Premium tractors, the AGCO RoGator E sprayer, the Belarus Tractor International 3023 tractor, and the Rauch EDR fertilizer spreader. Today, two companies have introduced vehicles that drive without human operators. -John Pocock, Video: RoundupReady Xtend from Monsanto provides flexible weed control, Article: DuPont Poineer brings 39 new soybean products to market for 2013, Article: Synenta, Bayer CropScience to develop HPPD-tolerant soybean trait, Article: First 3-way gene stack in soybeans announced by Dow AgroSciences, M.S. Below is a massive list of agricultural words - that is, words related to agricultural. These mounds of data have become big business for companies, ready to step in to store, manage and analyze the information for the end purpose of helping farmers make better business decisions. CCAN busController area network, called CAN bus for short, is an integrated electronics network that originated in the auto industry. So when equipment leaves the fenced-in area, the telematics system sends a text message or e-mail alert. Also called molecular farming, molecular pharming, and biopharming. In: Jakobsson, Christine: Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture 1: Sustainable Agriculture. Agricultural engineers are studying how to exploit those forms of tractor power to improve efficiencies of the tractor implement system. They wanted me to understand, but it was sort of like they were speaking a different language. -Kathy Huting, Gallery: Top agricultural mobile apps for your smartphone, Video: New Field 360 Services app launched by Pioneer at Commodity Classic, Article: New smartphone and tablet applications bring decision making tools to the field, Article: Download the free National Farm Machinery Show app, Article: John Deere introduces Mobile Farm Manager app, Article: From Corn & Soybean Digest - 32 apps to help you farm, AutonomousFive years ago we predicted the introduction of autonomous tractors and we were right. agricultural engineering A branch of engineering concerned with agricultural production and processing. Air Emissions from Agricultural Practices, CERCLA and EPCRA Reporting Requirements for Air Releases of Hazardous Substances at Farms, Agricultural Air Quality Conservation Measures Reference Guide for Cropping Systems and General Land Management, Agricultural Air Quality Conservation Measures Reference Guide for Poultry and Livestock Production Systems, Emission Standards for Farm Equipment - Boilers, Emission Standards for Farm Equipment - Engines, Farms, Ranches, and Rural Communities Committee (FRRCC), Land Revitalization, including UrbanAgriculture, National Service Center for Environmental Publications, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC), National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP), Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) see, Disasters (SeeNatural Events and Disasters). yields. Many manufacturers offer these data management solutions. I cant cite anything in particular that is coming in the next year that will revolutionize the way we think about this. Other UAVs, like the WineHawk platform (, ), though priced higher, produce precise and consistent results. So when equipment leaves the fenced-in area, the telematics system sends a text message or e-mail alert. After looking at words beginning with Q, you may want to check out words that end in Q or words containing Q. Factors that play into this are moisture, nutrients, crop residue, tillage practices and pest control. Some studies have shown that electrical power is a cheaper way to go, Otto says. While there is confusion over the product category itself, which includes biorationals, biostimulants and biopesticides, there is no doubt it will grow. Receivers that can receive both GPS and GLONASS satellite signals often are called GNSS (global navigation satellite system) receivers. EPA developed the RIN system to ensure that biofuels are being blended by obligated parties (entities that refine, blend or import more than 10,000 gallons of gas or diesel) to meet their biomass-based diesel or ethanol volume requirements in the RFS. When the cart is filled, the tractor operator retakes control. Reinke variable rate irrigation (VRI) is now available for growers. Blog: First look: Versatile tractor on tracks? Instead, he speculates that the land will be transferred to families. Corn, soybeans bounce back after Tuesdays severe slump, Calf prices strengthen, cattle herd shrinking. My A to Z Challenge on Agriculture, N is for Nutrients Nutrients Are So Critical in Agriculture, O is for Olive Insight on California Olive Production VIDEO, P is for Prairie & Growing Pinto Beans on the North Dakota Prairie, Fiber Quality Testing on Every Bale of US Cotton VIDEO, R is for Reading Must Reads for the Farm, Agricultural Magazines & Books, S is for Seed It All Starts with a Seed, T is for Tillage Understanding When tillage begins, other arts will follow., U is for Urban Agriculture Growing More Food in the City, V is for Viticulture Cultivating Grapes for Wine Making, W is for Wheat Semolina Can Get Chefs Talking Wheat. Enlist E3 soybeans will offer tolerance to Dow AgroSciences new 2,4-D product, glyphosate and glufosinate. The company describes the process as a funnel where their DNA data points flow, and where gene mapping, breeding, trait integration, precision phenotyping and finally, product development happens. -Kathy Huting, Article: Genome offers clue to functions of destructive wheat fungus, Article: Strengthening a billion-dollar gene in soybeans, Article: Stronger corn? But those of us in the industry know that we need to move to lighter-weight materials that also carry the durability required in farming. Why would someone choose the life of a farmer/rancher? Below are 40 words that start with Q that are considered positive: Quadruple. CRW resistance may develop in six to seven years if techniques are not used to slow it. If you don't find what you're looking for in the list below, or if there's some sort of bug and it's not displaying agriculture related words, please send me feedback using this page. Because these lightweight materials cost more than standard steel, theyve had limited use in agriculture. Seed companies have their own proprietary technology for this software. For example, Valley Irrigation this year added QuickStart (QS) prescription writing to its Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) product, allowing growers to customize their water application throughout their field. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. So using a navigation receiver that can access both GPS and GLONASS satellites helps assure the best possible accuracy by roughly doubling the potential number of navigation satellites that can be accessed. New Holland Agriculture reaffirms its role as the Clean Energy Leader by announcing the release of the second-generation hydrogen-powered NH2TM tractor. As part of a word in the Western Great Plains through a stewarded commercial introduction of a management! 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Some studies have shown that electrical power is a cheaper way to go, Otto.. Both GPS and GLONASS satellite signals often are called GNSS ( global navigation satellite system ) receivers motors... Optimum Aquamax corn leaves are slower to roll in water-limited environments copyright resides them... Ccan busController area network, called ESN ( Environmentally Smart Nitrogen ) because these lightweight materials more. As an English Instructor equipment leaves the fenced-in area, the social media has steam.