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It is primarily made from recycled newsprint because the small particles form an insulation material that fits most spaces without disturbing the structure or finish. Made from recycled newspapers, they are easy to install and have a high insulation value. Dense-packed cellulose behaves like a liquid, which allows it to flow into obscure cavities and bypasses, solidifying them. Having an Attainable Home, at the end of the day, is an idea. Your location, local climate, budget, and the type of house you own are some factors that will determine whether or not cellulose insulation is beneficial for you. Cellulose insulation is a type of wood- or paper-based product. INS200 AgriTherm All Borate-Treated Blow-In Insulation. . If you want to improve your indoor air quality and ensure that your living space feels fresh and clean, an effective ventilation system is necessary. Nu-Wool Premium Cellulose Insulation for walls, attics, and floors can be used in new and existing homes to help curb high energy bills. Another common theme reading through customer reviews is that the material doesn't produce too much dust, which is usually the case with other cellulose materials. Your email address will not be published. Read More Top 7 Sites To Get Your Passive Solar House Plans TodayContinue. For instance, loose-fill cellulose can be blown into the attic (or a wall cavity) with the help of a rented blower machine. It is Class One Fire Rated with R-Values ranging between R-11 and R-60 depending on the thickness of the material applied. Applegate C Foam is used for the insulation of concrete masonry units. We use only Applegate Brand stabilized cellulose - which means dust & settling is eliminated. Applegate cellulose insulation creates savings on monthly energy bills while reducing air infiltration. However, the addition of boric acid and borax has made cellulose insulation incredibly fire-resistant. The pros and cons of cellulose insulation are closely tied to the material itself and how it is manufactured and installed. A type of plant fiber, cellulose insulation can make your home more soundproof and draftproof than before. Applegate Insulation Mfg of MI, LLC 1000 Highview Drive Webberville, MI 48892 Phone: 517-521-3545 FAX: 517-521-3597 800-627-7536: Product name : Applegate Loose-Fill Cellulose Insulation Section 2. We know. Cellulose insulation is known to absorb moisture easily, which can be a severe problem if you have a burst pipe or a bad leak in the plumbing. Loose-fill cellulose insulation costs about $0.8 to $1.30 per square foot of coverage. Cel-Pak Premium All Borate Retrofit Insulation 773 Low Dust has a highly effective fire resistance and is Class A Fire Rated. Your home should be your SANCTUARY. Step-by-step instructions for installing Greenfiber insulation in your attic. As a result, the pros and cons will depend on which type of cellulose you have chosen and how (and where) it has been applied. Even for those who arent allergic to mold or mildew, excessive exposure can also cause skin irritation and respiratory issues of various types. Applegate Loose-Fill Cellulose Insulation is often dense packed in new and existing homes and creates less dust than some competitors. Chris Little, President & Owner of Elev8 Builders, shares his views on high performance systems. Experience the sound of silence in this SANCTUARY Home in Scottsdale, AZ. They help protect cellulose insulation from insects, mold, and fire. This video will provide you with helpful tips on what you will need to get started and then walk you through the steps on how to insulate your attic. This article will take a deeper look at what energy-saving ceiling fans are and if they are actually worth your money. We Carry Top Applegate Products Stabilized Cellulose Made from recycled paper fibers and designed to be damp-sprayed into walls and attics Loosefill Cellulose Dense-packed insulation for side-wall cavities, attics, flat decks and vaulted ceilings Find coverage charts, fact sheets, installation instructions and much more. Elizabeth MacLennan is a fact checker and editor with a background in earth sciences and sustainability., Certified Master Distributor of Cool Machines Van Wert, OH. It will cost a minimum of $2 per square foot of insulated space. Applegate Loose Fill Loose-Fill Cellulose Insulation RDS-LF9587 Applegate Bora Spray Loose-Fill Cellulose Insulation RDS-LF9580 . So, lets dive straight in and learn some more about cellulose insulation! Required fields are marked *. This creates an effective R-value that significantly outperforms other insulations. No greenhouse gases are used as propellants during the manufacturing process of cellulose insulation. Applegate was established in 1952 as a heating and cooling equipment contractor. With a Class1A fire rating, SANCTUARY insulation contains active fire-resistance materials to slow the spreading of flames and give you more time to evacuate in the case of a fire. substance or mixture: Signal word : No signal word. The material is made of 85 percent recycled paper fibers and is Class One Fire Rated. X$ LU`r1XWD20THK`,0"j\X$DMEH[L`r?B%XId X$D Sanctuary Blow-In or Spray-Applied Insulation. coverage chart does not apply to dry loose-fill application. - Michael Schrauben. Dense-Packed Cellulose This type is typically used to insulate the walls and floors of your living space, both in existing buildings and in newly constructed ones. The water and adhesive enable the cellulose to adhere to the surfaces within the open wall cavities, making it an excellent way to obtain tightly-sealed installations. What's it Made of and How Does it Work? Cellulose insulation is sprayed or blown into walls to create a tight barrier. Looking for a floor insulation option that is both effective and environmentally responsible? On the one hand, it can be considered green because it uses up to 85 percentrecycled materials. Properly applied cellulose insulation, partnered with targeted air sealing, can significantly increase the comfort of your home while dramatically reducing utility bills. Make it as comfortable, quiet, and efficient as possible by adding insulation to build up its thermal envelope. Cellulose has an R-value of 3.2 to 3.5 per inch of thickness, which is higher than fiberglass and some other common insulating materials. The go-to for the easiest way to order would be Home Depot again. The high R-value is because cellulose is mainly made from recycled paper, which comes from wood fiber. Second, when. There are a number of advantages to using cellulose insulation over other types: There are also a few drawbacks to cellulose insulation: With cellulose, eco-friendliness is a debatable issue. Combined with our proprietary U370 firewall design, this formula achieves a 2-Hour Fire Resistance Rating, plus exceptional thermal performance and sound control. This makes the process quick and easy and ensures youll reach the necessary R-value with little effort with our cellulose wall insulation. While other forms of insulation hold the excess moisture on the surface, cellulose absorbs it entirely. Yes my understanding that in most cases cellulose can naturally settle 10-20, decreasing the relative R-Value with it unfortunately. ADD TO CART SERVICE PARTNERS LLC AGLCELL Applegate Loose-Fill Cellulose Insulation, R-19, 57.4 Sq Ft . Cellulose insulation is treated with various non-toxic borate compounds like boric acid and borax. "R" means resistance to heat flow. Bag. The Society of Professional Journalists - Detroit Chapter. Applegate loose-fill cellulose insulation is a premium residential and light building insulation known for the enhanced comfort, safety and energy savings resulting from its use. Identification & What to Do, 6 Eco-Friendly Insulation Options for Your Tiny Home. However, low-dust cellulose uses a dust dampener to solve this problem. Have a question on anything insulation, pricing, or want to place an order? The safe fire-retardant chemicals are also insect, rodent, and pest resistant. Bag. In this second type, moisture introduced into the spray helps the cellulose stick to the wall. Cellulose is one of the greenest building materials in the world, and is non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-irritating. From figuring out the R-Value you need to reach to listing everything you'll need to the process itself, GreenFiber has you covered. Low-dust cellulose is a type of dry cellulose that contains a small amount of oil. The R-foam can effectively re-insulate walls with batt insulation. Applegate Cellulose Insulation is treated with fire retardants. You can install Greenfiber yourself by following a few easy steps. Reduce the impact of noise and discover how a home with Greenfiber insulation can help you enjoy peace of mind. When it comes to insulation equipment, we are a one-stop-shop. Log In to See Price 2012-2022 - Insulation Company of America, LLC - All Rights Reserved. Our experienced crews will completely fill and insulate walls and attic voids, forming a seamless obstruction that significantly reduces the flow of heat and virtually eliminates home air infiltration. Blown-In Insulation Machine Rental Basics, Rigid Foam vs. Fiberglass Insulation Comparison Guide, How to Add Insulation to Walls That Are Closed, What Does Asbestos Insulation Look Like? The R-Value varies between R-13 and R-49 depending on the thickness of cellulose applied. However, before you decide, you should learn a bit about the pros and cons of cellulose insulation. While many people think about insulating for the winter, somehow they forget its importance for the summer. Environmentally friendly insulation made of 85 percent recycled paper fiber that is treated for flame resistance giving it a Class One Fire Rating. Installers know of Applegate because of it's ease of installation as it produces less dust than competitors during installation. In wet cellulose, the presence of water makes the material doubly resistant to fire. Shortly after they finished lunch, Grayson started coughing. For this reason, cellulose insulation is considered an eco-friendly home product. There are four major products and they are as follows. With open walls, you can install fiberglass roll insulation, although spray-applied foam insulation is also possible. If you plan to tackle your cellulose installation as a do-it-yourself project, GreenFiber has a section on the company's website that walks you through the process. Which, in turn, keeps the material from sagging and settling. As a result, it can be used to solve air movement problems in parts of the house that are difficult to access or repair. Using pure, natural boric, Applegate's Bora-Spray Stabilized Cellulose Insulation is an exceptional sulfate-free cellulose insulation. It will also determine the number of bags that you will need for your project. The release of excessive dust during installation is one of the only drawbacks of cellulose insulation. SERVICE PARTNERS LLC CEL-CSP-LF-25P Carbon Smart Plus Cellulose Blow In Insulation, 25-Lbs. Who Are the Best Cellulose Insulation Manufacturers? What Is the Best Insulation for 2x4 and 2x6 Walls? You know your home needs new or updated insulation, and you are considering cellulose, but you want to make sure you are getting the best material. How cellulose insulation gives you unmatched fire protection. While R-Value is one way of comparing insulations the higher the R-Value, the better the insulation performance, it is just one of the factors that determine how an insulation product will perform in the real world. R & D Services, Inc. It usually costs between $0.8 and $1.20 per square foot of insulation. Using less insulating material has two advantagesit reduces the overall cost of insulation and decreases the weight of the cellulose on the drywall. Applegate R Foam is the best solution for the re-insulation of walls with a low insulation performance. Cellulose insulation's source paper in its raw state is combustible. Cellulose insulation is the oldest form of home insulation available on the market. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2621536, 'f08e28f6-9307-423f-a71b-31f3e1682cdb', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Amanda previously has worked as a breaking news and crime reporter, TV news producer, and editor in It produces less dust than other loose-fill insulations. CEILINGS. We're happy to say that it's still possible. We feel that, through the use of superior building materials and the appropriate practices, we can create sanctuaries at home, allowing people to tune out the noise that they live with on a daily basis and spend more time together., Debunking 6 Common Myths About Cellulose Insulation, Carbon Impact of Insulation: Putting Cellulose to the Test, Applegate-Greenfiber Announces New Branding, APPLEGATE GREENFIBER EXPANDS IN THE SOUTHWEST, Your guide to installing cellulose insulation for sidewall retrofit applications, Using Cellulose for a Net-Zero Accessory Dwelling Unit, How Cellulose Insulation Restores Wellness in Your Home, Embodied Carbon and the Built Environment: Get the Facts, Dial Up Comfort with a Well-Insulated Home, Comparing your options for home insulation: fiberglass vs. cellulose. However, no bleaching is involved in recycling paper into cellulose since it will be shredded and pulverized during the manufacturing process. Applegate Loose-Fill Cellulose Reference File: RDS-LF9587 Minimum installed thickness determined according to ASTM C1374 using a Krendl 500 with gate at 5 and air at 6.5. If appropriately installed, cellulose will enhance your comfort, improve your indoor air quality, and keep your home safe from fire hazards. Material should not be applied where temperatures may exceed 180 degrees F. (i.e. Hazards identification Classification of the Not classified. Applegate Bora-Spray Loose-Fill Cellulose Insulation Fact Sheet Fact Sheets 1.06 MB | PDF INS515 Fact Sheet Fact Sheets 869.62 KB | PDF INS550 Fact Sheet Fact Sheets 710.89 KB | PDF INS506LD Attic Card Coverage Charts 621.89 KB | PDF INS765LD Attic Card Coverage Charts 472.91 KB | PDF . This blown-incellulose insulation is a green product made from recycled paper products, treated with boron-based chemicals to make it fire retardant. 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