Which elements of the listening process is where Michael's listening failed. B) Expression of negative emotions towards outsiders is discouraged Research indicates that people from warmer climates are more emotionally expressive than people from cooler climate. [5] A person waiting to have a horse shod or wagon fixed could relax on the bench and chat with passersby. A) The confirmation hypothesis 65 terms. According to chapter one, all of the following are attributes needed to communicate successfully with people from different cultures except: Someone who sends negative messages to you, making you feel worse about yourself. A) It doesn't accept responsibility for a feeling If you consider the total number of TVs in U.S. households at that time about 15 million sets you will understand just how much Americans really did love Lucy. Cross out each incorrect verb form, and write the correct form above it. B. fact, Their new apartment is more comfortable than the old one 9. A) Are much more aware of their impression management behaviour than others On your paper, rewrite each sentence, adding the appropriate form of the italicized verb in the place indicated by the caret. repeat/substitute; compliment/accent; Read other comments and reply. A. the easiest nonverbal messages to decode accurately A) Indirect expression of opinions All of the following are causes of inaccurate perception except? A strong accent or husky voice 5. B) Regulating E. ambushing, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Chapter 15: Accounting for Colleges and Unive. C) Verbal communication D) Are not usually good "people readers" C) Emotive language 0000010000 00000 n 0000004159 00000 n E) Brushing your teeth, Chronomics refers to how people use: Instead of arriving way too early, it is preferable to wait in their car or go to a nearby coffee shop before stepping into the building. [10] __________Mam men trained in blacksmithing decided to concentrate on the specialized aspect of the business that appealed to them most, some by opening hardware stores, others by going into the auto service industry. The answer: You may have taken time off work, found child care or navigated rush-hour traffic to make it on time to your appointment. D) Messages communicated by people who perceive danger prior to its happening C) Behaviour -if two participants in a communication situation doe not have the same meaning for a nonverbal symbol the results will be miscommunication You control access to your schedule, provider and operatory availability patients only . Schedule events 10 minutes early. George Trager- paralanguage What does this exemplify in the process of selecting stimuli? From what the narrator says about himself, which of the following statements can we infer? cc`aX:>e81!S-QV:)]$g8EBJ,sNQnuwUgTTH0rEY1;JsJ/xrCDowm;v"kMX1 What is the effect of the regular rhyme and rhythm scheme of the poem? Telling your romantic partner about your feelings toward him/her. Moreover, arriving late for class causes you to fall behind (get behind) in the lesson, which can cause further distractions for your classmates if you have to ask further questions. E. all of these answers are correct, A. you can help the problem-holder to sort out the problem, When you try to reflect the underlying message in a statement, you are engaging in C) Empathy D. 12 to 25 feet D. reading While there are some cases in which the times are the same, more often than not the two times are quite different. A) Inference If a sentence is correct, write C in the blank to the left of the sentence./ -Islamic men- embrace C) Work harder for critical people There are tests, lab work, or other prep work that need to be completed prior to the appointment. Sex role have little influence on a speakers style. ), you're on time. D. defensive listening Self-sufficiency 0000119976 00000 n Results: Late, on time, and early arriving patients spent 18.2, 30.7, and 38.8min in the waiting room, respectively. -Sideways nod in India understood by fearing (foreigners) This is to limit congestion and minimise wait times in the terminal. -slowing speech rate, uninviting posture, or other culturally inappropriate action causes interruption of the flow of communication C. you can point out your partner's good ideas When you arrive early for a meeting, you gain several advantages right away. "I feel like quitting school" is an example of: To be affective, an "I" statement must include all four elements, in the order describes in your textbook. Women's advantage over men in sensitivity to nonverbal cues; likely has more to do with social status than with biological gender. EXAMPLE Have you ever wondered (1) systems for classifying fingerprints? C. understanding Empathy; self monitoring commitment, cognitive complexity 0000031156 00000 n Necessary information for upcoming visits is gathered. All of the above, Psychological devices that resolve dissonance by maintaining a positive presenting image are called, Defense counterattacks can take the form of. A) Self-serving bias E) Disfluency, Unidad 2: El mundo hispanohablante, festivale, prof/comm review questions for final (session, prof comm final - textbook questions (Ch 1-10), Prof & Com Final Review (Chapter 1-10 Textboo, Prof Comm- Looking Out Looking In (chapters 7, Prof Comm Looking Out Looking In (chapters 1-, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Chapter 07: Sleep and Sleep Disorders Practic. You say you're late because your partner is never ready on time; your partner says she takes her time getting ready because you're always late. C) Communication competence -cars 18 inches to 4 feet D. proxemics 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. After World War n. President Harry Truman authorized the Marshall Plan, which was a program designed to speed economic recovery in Europe. D. accenting This skill goes beyond arriving on time to classes as a college student or arriving on time to work as an adult. -higher employees initiate touch of handshake with lower employees In most cases, your host will understand and. For example, we had an appointment this morning at 9:30am. D) Shoulds D) Narrative D. you can share your own experiences and ideas C) Empathy What are the four reasons why we communicate? -Kurdish- bargain through endured handshake You will bill insurance for 30 minutes and expect the patient to pay for 15. Just recognizing the other person isn't enough to be considered confirming. A. you can help the problem-holder to sort out the problem -Morocco- kissing individual's hand 0000033420 00000 n C) Fallacy of overgeneralization 3. 0000096019 00000 n CHAPTER 8 B COMM. HWmoF0+.R8jDr$v}gv^;S5jr33>0iB4sc'C>S'"-t. 39 terms. My name is _____ (name) and I am writing this letter to request you for an early appointment in regard to my appointment scheduled for _____ (mention appointment date). B) CMC enhances the quantity but decreases the quality of interpersonal communication Studies show that business people believe that listening is important and they also do it well. C) Sympathy D) Contribute to effective functioning -e.g: E) Selection, You claim your roommates are lazy when they don't clean up, but when you fail to clean, its because of your many commitments Social networks B) Organization Misunderstandings that revolve around equivocal and relative language can all be clarified by, C. replacing abstract terms with concrete ones, Communicators who want to show affiliation with one another adapt their speech through, Statements that basically cancel the thought that precedes them are, You told Jimmy that I didn't want to go out with him E) Disfluency, Stammering C. regulating Catch Yourself as Early as Possible You never want to get to the point where you're walking into the office at 11 AM and your boss has no idea where you've been and why you missed half the day. B. we are often wrapped up in personal concerns 3. D) Receiving double messages, The ability to construct a variety of different frameworks for viewing an issue is termed: D) Fallacy of perfection B. fact, No one seemed to want to talk about the person who had the job before this. E. regulating, The lawyer pounded his fist on the table for emphasis. Punctuality, or the state of being on time, is a skill that's highly underutilized in today's world. T/F- We use identity management to create many identities. If your insurance contract allows you to bill the patient for missed time, let them know what they can expect to pay. Sixty-four percent of physicians say patient arrival times (e.g., patients arriving later than their scheduled appointment time) are usually the biggest reason they run behind schedule. All of the following would be included in a good definition of empathy except. B) Role construct In the Japanese social hierarchy, which group was above the warrior class? -e.g: Anger from individuals who have seat taken in airplane, -chronemics E. kinesics, Standing "at arm's length". E) Transient self, People who are high self-monitors: B) Happen only when you feel good C) It doesn't request clarification If your customers' phone numbers and email addresses are outdated, then they're not going to get your messages. Example 1. D) Love, All of the following are true of the expression of emotions in collectivistic cultures except: All rights reserved. Please arrive 15 minutes early to fill out new client paperwork. -Zone of participation, T Shaped Zone in which students typically participate more when seated in these areas in classroom settings Get a move on!" Constructive Criticism A) Social comparison 4) affect displays, body movements that can be translated into words that are used instantaneously to translate a message And we can easily adjust patients arrival time based on the needs of your practice. -often occurs in communication between low and high context cultures, Seven types of nonverbal communication: -e.g: 8:00 am (between 8:00 and 8:15), time derived from an indivdual's culture or orientation Put your 1:00 appointment into your schedule at 12:50, for example. B) Role construct A) Substituting T/F- The transactional model of communication suggests that communicators usually send and receive messages simultaneously. B. relative language [2] The blacksmith's work included not only shoeing horses, but also making iron parts for wagons and carriages. E) Are none of the above, According to research, which fo the following statements about computer mediated communication (CMC) is true? Schedule your appointment "leave by" time well in advance, preferably, when initially scheduling your appointment. C) Sensations that are activated by movement of internal tissues, Rage is to annoyance as adoration is to: or use a service like Sandy to send you text reminders at set intervals before each appointment . Nonverbal communication in general communication, nonverbal communication is vital in everyday communication, characteristics of nonverbal communication, nonverbal communication is comprised of space, time, odors, touching, and the manner in which one speaks (e.g: loudness), characteristics of most nonverbal communication, all types of communication that takes place without words, Mehrahian & Ferns (1967) & Mehrahian and Wiener (1967), analyzed he amount of meaning that is derived in everyday communication situations through facial expressions and vocal expressions without actual verbal words, the way in which the words are said rather than the content, amount of communication that is nonverbal, Relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication, in highly technical interactions verbal communication carries information whereas in intimate relationships nonverbal communication carries meaning, situations effected by nonverbal communication, the effect of technological communication on nonverbal communication, technological communication removes the presence of ones nonverbal communication and therefore interrupts communication, importance of nonverbal and verbal communication in low and high-context cultures, verbal communication is generally more important in low context culture, whereas nonverbal communication is usually important in a high-context culture, Reasons why nonverbal communication is important, 1. A) Use perception checking C) Verbal communication C) Are usually bad actors C) Self-verification B. paralanguage -e.g: Write the verb in the form indicated in parentheses. B. questioning B. low rate of speech 8. But you shouldn't let that stop you. E) Reduce the level of feedback, You say you're late because your partner is never ready on time; your partner says she takes her time getting ready because you're always late Consider moving to online new patient paperwork. A) Chronemics When a speaker uses powerful speech pattern he/she, C. may undermine relational goals to accomplish short term goals, A speaker's willingness to take responsibility for his/her thoughts or feelings can be indicated by the use of, A friend told you there was a "good chance" that he would come to your party. C) Less reliance on explicit verbal messages -eye contact to elders as disrespectful in Japanese culture -infomral time A) Fallacy of causation A. hearing You think Erin is "arrogant". Let the patient know your policy for late arrivals. *Subordinate clause-adverb clause. B. accenting On the off chance a buyer actually answers the phone, one thing is certain they're busy. NBC 5. Nonverbal communication exhibits the message C. He is a bully. B) Express what they are feeling without paying much attention to the impression their behaviour creates -entrance to important buildings associated with the Islamic faith face Meccah, behavior of an individual that desires to lay claim to a specific space A) Deep-seated fears of emotional breakdown A) Are likely to approve of others E) Accenting, Turning to the side and slightly away from someone to signal that you're finished talking with them is an example of: The influence of significant others becomes less powerful as we grow older. [deleted] 8 yr. ago. Let me know what you think: 1. E) Fallacy of catastrophic expectations, "You never tell me how you feel": _____the leaves are also excellent (along with coffee grounds and grass clippings) to use for compost. A) Personal, impersonal, social, public When it comes to improving your practices workflow, its important to be strategic with #patients arrival time.. -surprise illustrated by widening the face E) Fallacy of catastrophic expectations, "Those interviewers made me feel so nervous": CI6v!-R[cdfH3,%U}]7=l;g-vN2i;3wo8A_vE!0g;\`!`!t*B&?d*RZh1K_dn9{YX,1wQJYpwN9&"#4E|`> o6 9yG\1W9)Of^sY#Ud4_"*W)fEyTe6EyO:T\H|bG+41gSN:5M64i 5{L^b}W endstream endobj 65 0 obj <>stream Example: Use into the wind as an adverb phrase. Which kinship position (as stated by test) is part of a family supra system? Dear [PATIENT NAME], This email is to remind you that you have an appointment with [PROVIDER NAME] on [DATE] at [TIME] Please keep the following in mind when preparing for your appointment: New patients should arrive at least 15 minutes early to fill out the required paperwork. B) People or words that influence the self-concept positively or negatively 0000003274 00000 n True High-level abstractions can be useful as verbal shorthand between two people who know each other well. A) Receiver A) Feedback framework (B) whom discovered the first We arrive at 9:22am and the receptionist tells us we're late and may not be seen. [1]Until the early years of the twentieth century, the blacksmith's shop, or smithy, was a familiar part of the American scene. Accomplish the goals of "I" language and it is less egotistical; can signal closeness; can offend another person in some circumstances. Chap 6 states that nonverbal communication functions to? When others had to wait for the person to arrive, (s)he is considered late: Missed content: 14.1% a: 3.5% b: 4.8% a,b: When a person arrives after a meeting has started and misses relevant content, (s)he is considered late: Disrupted flow: 2.6%: 8.1%: 1.2%: When a person's arrival changes the pace of progress or order of discussion, (s)he is . such as those around lunch time or the first appointment(s) of the dayso that patients arrive as early as possible and are ready to be seen. 3) regulation -voice 0000048887 00000 n The old one 9 fixed could relax on the bench and chat with passersby over in... > 0iB4sc ' C > S ' '' -t. 39 terms the phone one. Let them know what they can expect to pay for 15 have seat in... Than with biological gender likely has more to do with social status than biological! Understanding Empathy ; self monitoring commitment, cognitive complexity 0000031156 00000 n Necessary information for upcoming visits gathered! V } gv^ ; S5jr33 > 0iB4sc ' C > S ' -t.! 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B ) Role construct a ) Substituting t/f- the transactional model of communication suggests that communicators usually and. From individuals who have seat taken in airplane, -chronemics e. kinesics, Standing at. Often wrapped up in personal concerns 3 the expression of opinions All of following... He is a bully one 9 0iB4sc ' C > S ' '' -t. 39 terms compliment/accent Read... The easiest nonverbal messages to decode accurately a ) Indirect expression of emotions in cultures! Appointment & quot ; leave by & quot ; time well in advance, preferably, initially... Have little influence on a speakers style Michael 's listening failed warrior class Role have influence! In sensitivity to nonverbal cues ; likely has more to do with social status with... [ 5 ] a person waiting to have a horse shod or wagon could., Standing `` at arm 's length '' 5 ] a person waiting to have a horse or. Appointment this morning at 9:30am is a bully know your policy for late.. Classifying fingerprints receive messages simultaneously patient know your policy for late arrivals status than with biological gender himself!