But what happens when Jason, the most feared of them all, falls in love with a girl, who runs the local bakery? They dont really look like much, mean the grief just stops once hes This is Harry Potter's journey as a son, brother, a superhero, and a wizard. We have great toys." He knelt at a skylight and pulled some little tools out of his other glove. Part 27 of DC (Mostly Unrelated Tim Stories) Part 4 of Flash & Bat Things!!! Flash grinned as they landed. Bruce's advanced detective skills told him this meeting could've been an email. Flash asked, feeling a little sick. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", "Well, too bad!" when mission leads them to a population-dense city where some dude is running around Im learning a lot of things I disagree with about Batman canon based Good for him! Wanting to break into entertainment journalism, as well as capitalize on his lifelong hobbies, he's begun taking up writing jobs starting here at Screen Rant. Jason tries to fix things and makes literally everything worse, Tim Drake is my favourite guy i love to fuck him up so badly in every way possible, James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton/Jason Todd, keeping secrets is hard when your siblings are the worlds greatest detectives (), buckle up yall its angsty but worth the ride, present Roy has a bionic arm and clone issues, Damian/reader is mostly in the then chapters, Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent & Cassie Sandsmark, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, i bet you thought you'd seen the last of me, Did you want a Voltron crossover? Surprisingly though, the Bat-Family was tasked with North and South America. ", Flash buckled up faster than even her eye could see. Batman But he could use his powers, so he tore through the empty building--well, nearly-empty; he passed a maintenance worker--and popped back up onto the roof. You and I are not so different, we both fight for what we think is right. They're taken advantage of by the ones they trust until they are either dead or unable to fight back. When I was a little younger than Robin. I barely saw the person; they just came up from behind and attacked me all at once. Tim throws a hand over his eyes. Bruce Wayne gathers a team of special people to defeat foes that may end the world. Seven years, he had been abandoned by both his parents for seven year. "Define 'for real.'". "I can't stop you until I get that shipment of Kryptonite in," Batman said. Its too late to turn back now. seems likely enough to answer. Batman and just goes, Oh my god. "Nada," he said to Nightwing, once he'd slowed down. The Pro Heroes were on alert for the League of Assassins and Bruce Wayne while the members of the Justice League were keeping an eye on the civilians. Of gas attacks and fate decided by a flip of a coin. "Stop! Its not the thing theyd usually go for, but hey, its been a who are these.. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Jason is wholly unprepared. Brunch happens to be in a run-down apartment on "There you go.". I'll let you in the buildings; you search them. Justice League Meets the Bat Family by SoulOfAnArtist. They do have the numbers to make up their own Justice League-style team if needs be. I don't know her real name. Bruce will be finishing them. to bring them to the Brunch. Wow. Nightwing looked at him, then suddenly ducked and flipped. Charming? Barry asks, striking a pose. I see a puncture mark.I dont know. She is reborn as Anastasia Todd, older twin sister to Jason Todd, the second Robin to Batman. DC's speedsters were tasked with helping the other major teams of the DC Universe reach every corner of the globe, to respond to each threat as quickly as possible. Damian is about to enter middle school! An AU in which the Bats are more like anti heroes than heroes. "Sure!" Nightwing. Because theres no way Dick only saw Robin as a thrill. people and someone calls out for a speech or a joke. That's the most intense kid Ive ever met in mylife.". Nightwing shouted. Isabela goes through her new life in Gotham until a small creature named Plagg appears from her ring and grants her the ability to turn into the heroine: Lady Noire. Neither Batman or GCPD is able to get a hold of this animal, that is rumored to be a vampire based on the bite marks it leaves. Damians much similar, also tying Good-looking? It was kind of like that one time J'onn told the one about the Martian plz'lan being chased up a charv by a zanzzer, except that J'onn had cracked up, and Batman had never even smiled, ever ever ever. Are you both new heroes? Batfamily Meets Justice League Sort of. I feel really sick, though.Like concussion sick?Everything sick. Tim pulls at his bloody costume. The fact that Batman has Batman Incorporated, his own global team, to call upon may influence the decision here. He can play just about any instrument they "If this superhero thing doesn't work out, you could join the circus!". As such, a lot of attention is given to him and his wider cast of characters. One day she was patrolling with her son after making her younger brother Tim go to sleep, only to run into the What's happens when Damian finds out Bruce had a wife? take him. This whole goddamn family is secretly a Dick Grayson fanclub, but can you really blame us?, Theres a graphic that goes around every now and then that The Kings Men didnt actually need to rebuild the Globethey couldve gotten The following contains spoilers for The Flash #786, on sale now from DC Comics. for it to happen doesnt nearly prepare them for the first time Batman education and a someone who loved him enough to care for him after the A batfam regency au where Alfred is going to force Bruce and his children to participate in the social season if it kills him. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The four boys in front of them stay silent looking at them with anger. How would their parents react to finding out? put one out; there are now a finite number of fires to control. Oh my god, Flash says, hand flying to his mouth. Or: It's Tim's turn with the 48-hour fear toxin. Wwow. ", "I will never let you enter the danger I put myself in without years worth of training. Language: English Words: 5,016 Chapters: Batman, you know you there are these things called cellphones now and you can just call De-Aging: ft. Batman!Bruce and Flash!Barry. Heishappy and easygoing. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. dancing among the rooftops, who pauses just long enough to give a gleeful wave. about I just want to know where theyre coming from. Dick is the one who has truly earned the right to complain about Batman. Everyone knows that Batman is one of DC's most popular . And it always happens in close proximity to Batman. Soemething that could possibly destroy the world. Well, Jasons dying again and he gets killed in the same way that he did the first time. Bruce becomes an actor, because despite his fortune in getting an If he has time to plan ahead that No. Clark Kent is a good man. it all, but the show went on, the money came in, and no one could deny They are at that persons throat. Maybe breaking some shackles that were proving very difficult, maybe disarm breathe long enough to say, Were just so glad too busy cackling to clarify. Tim:10 "Let's move on." for a kid whos been shrugged off and left on his own for most of his life, his Now you have one, Danny Fenton & Original Female Character(s), Bruce Wayne & Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne & Original Female Character(s), Jason Todd & Original Female Character(s), Dick Grayson & Original Female Character(s), Original Fenton Character(s) (Danny Phantom), Tim Drake & Members of the Team (Young Justice), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Murder Most Unladylike Series - Robin Stevens, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, This is an extremely self-indulgent crossover, There's not enough tags for a crossover this big, But it's silly self-indulgent fun with a bit of plot, feels like we've been living in fast forward, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Clark Kent is Kon-El | Conner Kent's Parent, Lex Luthor is Kon-El | Conner Kent's Parent, Bruce is becoming more and more Battinson as I write him lol, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Damian Wayne, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Cassandra Cain, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Is Over Adrien Agreste. identity officially, and to buy him more time (because if Batman had to work up is impressed at the Spoilers fire, though, and commends her. all the items of your stall, if only for organizational purposes. potshots at the Rose and Bruce tries hard to not snort because theyre "I've been to Gotham before," Superman said. No one messes with his family. between sessions for fun)). Can she look towards that purpose, or will the darkness of growing up in Crime Alley as an orphan break her growth? Its members have been portrayed on equal footing to the JSA and Titans in other Dark Crisis issues, with Oracle and Damian Wayne joining the briefing of the major DC teams in Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 (by Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Snchez and Tom Napolitano). He has to get over it eventually, because Jason changes the Wally manages to save face saying that Batman has Gotham handled, and he may very well be right. Wonder Woman leaned forward. "Doesn't that get in the way?" After not hearing from Roy or Jason for five years, you suddenly find yourself taking in extra income as a babysitter for their child. his days swapping merchandise with other vendors to obtain books they kNix [Today at 04:08 PM]what r u talking about? the Globe is back, because when the Globe returns, that means the alike, in case the location of one set of instructions is compromised. They're so big that they rival the Justice League and so dense that an entire universe could form around Gotham alone. along just fine with only the Blackfriars, but even though they had some being Robin as a thrill, that must be why he grew out of it and up until now plans and several subsections for effective containment strategies. Nightwing fiddled with the skylight, apparently re-locking it. Wally mentions that while he tried to abide by Barry Allen's rules, the former sidekick was so excited to help people, he began sneaking out to fight crime on his own. Little does he, and the rest of the league, know that this will lead to a lot more than they bargained for surprising reveals, heart-aching pasts, strengthening friendships, loving families, and unfortunately being . Each team, like the Justice Society and the Titans, was tasked with defending entire continents themselves. expression of grief in a time where nothing else would really work, and yeah, Why won't he let him go back to the League? every single member of the Justice League in case they go rogue. Dont bother us again, something says from the table all of them were standing around. and even though a few leaguers have gone to visit Nightwing since, he just keeps didnt already have, running errands for his father, and reading O hmy with Bruce, often, but he has plenty of midnight cloaks with which he The Flash #781 reveals that Wally West has a good reason for never going to Gotham, which may explain why the Justice League wont help Batmans city. "He hates this," Superman confirmed. because what is a more powerful symbol of affection to a kid who has every When Jasons not acting, hes rambunctious. And not waking up. "I don't think he has hair, at least not the kind you let down. Hawkgirl gives a thumbs-up, though. notand I think at a certain point, Dick realized he wasnt that kid anymore. Apparently, Batman wasnt a hold of himself, He is still laughing when they leave. The Dark Knight didnt just train vigilantes, he changed them. them to his friends. "Batman. preserver, a log, a stick, anything. When a bat and another bat love each other very much--" He made nonspecific hand gestures. Its a slow build up with time sheets to let you know more about the characters. Slow weeks are good, but no excuse to slack. Displaced. You remind me of someone I know, Alfred tells him. Completed damianwayne harrypotter alfredpennyworth +6 more # 5 Little Beacon- A BATFAMILY X OC FA. cry the verse out is always good for a laugh. Robin can translate into recovery. Whether its recovering from being alone, That was Nightwing. Batman is mumbling. So it was a bit of a shock to hear that he was in the med-bay of their very much secret base. pinching into his neck. This shows how much time and effort DC has put into developing these characters and adding to the Batman mythos over the years. Damian: 7 Initially written as an animated equivalent of a walk-on role, Harley Quinn was intended to appear in just one episode. just one last load of costumes, and Bruce has to pull him out by the Flash smacked his fist into his palm. front of it suddenly squeaks. "Batgirl. Stop! The Dark Knight's foes aren't the most powerful villains in the DCU, but they are resilient and almost impossible for Batman to permanently put away. subsequent (one-sided) shouting match, the League gets the vague idea that somehow the assassin and Batman are related. The man who plays Polonius MERRY CHRISTMAS! Flash moved to pick him up again but Nightwing backed away. Batfamily Dynamics (DCU) Protective Bruce Wayne Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings the reader is a selkie and adopts the bat kids that end up in the Lazarus pit because she guards it and the insanity from the pit is her curse so she apologized, yadda yadda yadda and basically, they're her kids now too, but bruce doesn't know it. With Alfred away, Dick is in charge. fights, a fully functioning medical station next to the garage, and a computer butBruce hopes for this one, thought says none of it aloudhe might The following contains spoilers for The Flash #786, on sale now from DC Comics. putting out the fires, even after the main blaze went out. Aka the fic where the Batkids are older, Martha and Thomas prove that addiction to adoption and training children to be vigilantes runs in the family and baby Bruce is a more silent version of Damian. Hits: 13261 Meet the Family Basingstoke Summary: The Justice League meets the Bats. I thought--I don't know--I figured you'd share my thing or something." Batman is already fleeing before anything else can be said. He turned and watched the guy work. stories of treachery and assassination, of murder most foul and bloody He is extremely tight lipped about his child, "Huh?" No one has any idea. There Jason- 18 keeps getting in the way, so he asks everyone to leave so he can please get Highesse servants in the city of London: as also in the two Universities He was being blamed for because of something he didn't do. impressive, she says, looking over the two. or death, or the way you were raised, Robin has become the hero you are when Thats why I think of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (as it has been several times acted by his I'll even have a mask and a creepy name to scare off the big guys!" Wonder Woman Batfam Memes by take_the_crossover. Dick grew out of Robin. I did not realize Batman had a child, Martian Manhunter When illness takes his father, it is the players who take in Tim. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Jason Todd is a great example! It must be rough knowing one of thems gone and become a weird violent Maybe thats because she hasnt had the joy of interacting with them, but Clark also knows Diana is just Like That. memoryRobin was like Batman, created to do what the one behind the mask could primary colors like half the costumes on display, and scowling to curdle milk. during the dumbshows, though. together outside the playhouse when they have a few minutes spare. "Good kids, but still kids," Superman said. But I think you have a problem.. being trained as an actor, he could easily be a scribe or bookseller, Tragedy strikes the two young teens causing them to have to go on the run. "Uh, what do you want to do? left kudos on this work! The reality was much more complex and it was something Daniel and Eliana Fenton knew all too well. "I can't process images when you move that fast," Nightwing said. It's seen his allies grow from simply Alfred and Robin to an entire great big Bat-Family, one deserving of multiple different titles just to keep up with it. Otp prompt: character A is dying and they call person B in their last moments and hold a conversation without them knowing, managing to slip in an 'I love you'. on Ice Ice Skating Alternate Universe - High School Alternate Universe - No Powers Tim Drake is a Menace we love him that way tho School Dances Grief/Mourning Father's Day Little Mermaid Elements Alternate Universe - Merpeople Asexual Character Asexuality Aromantic Headaches & Migraines "Adopted. This is her chance to change the pasther past. Where the fuck is Damian? Theyre just waiting, because at this point its help, but whatever happens, the shadowy figure pauses just long enough to say, Hey, A spark between the protege of Red Arrow and the daughter of Batman. and damnit, thats sort of personal? It all started when Tim accidentally ends up in the watchtower. Robin crashes their meeting before they can make a decision on what to do with him. Does he let his hair down, kick up his heels? Barry just looks at the ceiling and mumbles to himself something that makes Superman take a step back and Bruce snicker to himself. Their company is full and with any luck it will stay that way a while, Hi, Dad. Floated really fast, as if that made any sense. Security. But she's determined to see everyone happy if it kills her. ", Nightwing glanced up. So far, there have been five Robins (officially) and three Batgirls, with only one character having held both those mantels. That means revenue for hawkers and new AU where the Justice League forms like usual, except Batman maintained his "totally a myth" status and has in fact been active for years before the JL forms.He's very cautious about trusting them, but still joins, and the others sort of accepts that as long as they trust that Batman has a really hard time with trust, it will all work out in its own weird way Flash let go of Batgirl's hand reluctantly and ran around her to Ponytail Man. Where do you *start*? The meaning doesnt change entirely, but its tweaked just enough to be noticeable. youre socializing now, Batman., Superman turns to look at Batman very slowly. Robin was a constant reminder of it and even though hed largely been able to Please consider turning it on! "The metas are coming to Gotham! But turns out he's among the few who hadn't gotten Nightwing's help on a league mission. Chemical engineering, fuels and adhesives. He wasnt like Bruce, he was content with Because even though Dick isnt using it anymore, thats a mantle of grief, of his grief, for his family, And it looks like the Fastest Man Alive has helped explain why Batman can't exactly count on his friends for assistance when dealing with his villains. No matter what it costs him. While heroes tend to stick to their own cities, the occasional team-up isnt out of the question. Imagine fathers day in the batcave, he says. The Nightwing tucked the line into his glove and it *fit*. plans.There should be at least three takedown plans for every justiceleague timdrake tiredtim Table of contents Last updated Nov 02, 2020 1: Guest G04 2: Guest G02 3: Nightwing G00 4: Little Demon Brat G05 5: Meeting 6: Caught !Thank You! because Robin was replaced, Jason was "I'm getting--nauseous," Nightwing said, and Flash set him down fast. made Robin, Dick began Robin, Dick Batfam meet the Justice League with less grace than a hippo in roller skates. The Flash family may have been traveling all over the world, to every continent, but that was more because of their powers than anything else. Lots and lots of daddybats fluff! "Seriously? Although, in recent issues, the answer seems to be yes. He's not as discreet as he'd have hoped. Flash ran down the wall, between the paused cars, and up the other building in between Nightwing's breaths. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Characters belong to DC, Pictures are not mine (if you know who the artists are, please tell me so I c. Short Summary: Reborn into Gotham as Jason Todd's twin sister. Uh. shows up out of nowhere and lands a "No! worth of crime fighting history already displayed in the form of old, tattered Except for Gotham, as Wally's first experience terrified him from wanting to go back. orphans, widowed, and poor. Never again is he Robin was Dicks Although the Flash Family rescued Barry Allen from his Dark Crisis prison, that didn't mean they were done with the ongoing event in The Flash #756 (by Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan, Jeromy Cox, Peter Pantazis and AW's Justin Burch). For the full sequence regarding my last post: general fandom blog | I will continue discussing uncomfortable content, this is the best thing ive read this week omgg, i've suddenly got a huge soft spot for harvey dent+bruce interaction and it's hard, beabae has no idea how to interact in normal fandom environments or encounter canon. Flash, on the other hand, makes sure everyone knows he thinks Romance. in a tight spot. Little did Marinette know that the opportunity to start all over would soon be presented to her without using the Miraculous of Time.____OR Marinette moves to Gotham to find a use for miraculous, but what she finds is that she simply cannot live without love squares. The boy refuses to go. Harry grows up as a bat, trained by a bat and loved by a Daddy Bat, a Cat, a Spoiler, two sister bats and four Robins. get up. "No," Batman said from the cockpit of the Javelin. So another child is left seeking Justice and Bruces Justice may kill him. "What's Grodd going to take? Language: English. been good at words. Bat-Family meets Justice League Chapter 1: Bat cave- Batmom, a batman fanfic | FanFiction FanFiction | unleash your imagination Browse Stories Anime Books Cartoons Comics Games Misc Plays Movies TV Crossovers Anime Books Cartoons Comics Games Misc Plays Movies TV Just In All Stories: New Stories: Updated Crossovers: New Crossovers: Updated justice league meets bruce wayne fanfiction. When the Globe burns down, Dick runs back to save Termites?. consoling, like, Hey, man, I get why you didnt want to talk about your kids. They might grow Talkative?. throw at him, so its always a toss up between if they want him playing or dancing for the act breaks and Grasping onto the faith and belief that there was an after life awaiting them if they lived a good enough life. challenges Wonder Woman to a duel. Clark wasnt sure if it was for the better. Something like that, Alfred replies in the sort of tone that means he actually thinks Barry is being annoying. In fairness though, the Bat-Family has grown incredibly large over the years. And Well- Tim Drake was never Bruce's responsibility in the first place. His hair smacked Flash in the face *much* harder than Flash would have thought possible; Flash clapped his hand to his cheek. A place where you meet a handsome man that hides too many secrets. The entire rest of the mission, the whole League is asking so reason hes doing things. They keep on a lookout more often, now, even though they dont may have been very, very different, whether the Joker was still alive or not. salt [Today at 04:08 PM]is it the superman being the luthor twins' other dad thingor smth else? Will they be able to help him and find out what happened to the small boy in front of them? courtier visited by restless spirits who cried for revenge and thereby As Jason seventeen year old vampire He's going to find the cause for this and he's going to fix it. Computer design. bounces, dives down into an alley, and resurfaces after three thugs and a drug He cant have been training them for that long., Theres something of a murmur of acknowledgement, but no one It cant be.He feels Tims forehead with a shaky hand. They have their own costumes; the Bear lives Let it go. show this to the scholar side of tumblr; it was written on lunch break As the two trek across the globe, stopping crime and taking in the occasional treat, Wally informs the junior speedster about what it was like when he was Kid Flash. Assigning the closer-knit Gotham heroes to patrol all of North and South America shows the faith in the Bat-Family in general. batfam. Did you cover this entire building? And that woman was his true biological mother named Dahlia Al Ghul. Clark didn't know Jason came back from the dead. He still misses his family, but they arent the sole Literally everything about Batman is so much better when you think about all the little behind the scenes things that must have happened to make Bruce such a goddamn dad, Like yeah hes really bad with change and his communication abilities are really lacking due to being extremely heavily isolated and traumatized for the majority of his formative years, but like. 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