} There are plenty of hard points to add rails for lights, lasers and the entire panoply of devices that delight todays tactical shooters. This all being said, I understand what those here are saying concerning the batwings and while Ive been wanting to do the conversion and do away with the safety and install the low pro levers on any of my past berettas, I dont understand the condemning of this gun or beretta in general because of it. The magazine release can easily be switched for left-handed shooters, and there are different magazine-release sizes: high, medium, and low. I prefer the decocker-only configuration on my CZ 75 P01. I have a Glock 19 that I like really good for carry but my Tracker is my bedside gun. ( 10 customer reviews) $ 649 99 $ 600 99. www.berettausa.com. I had others handle them who were used to polymer handguns and they felt the same way. There are plenty of gun-friendly states that would welcome Beretta, Kahr, Smith & Wesson, etc.. The Px4 Subcompact uses a tilt barrel system. These parts include the backstrap, the magazine release button, the slide catch and the hammer unit mechanism. Its price point helps it tremendously. Reduced recoil and muzzle rise. Full grip. Not a big fan of the hammer drop type safety on a carry gun, but Ive been thinking about the Storm as an USPSA game gun. This Mossberg 26B bolt-action rifle in .22 caliber belonged to my dad, Robert Elmo Babington. This included cheap stuff from Slovakia, Serbia, Brazil, Korea, reloads from GA and Freedom Arms, as well as some premium hollow points, and it fired everything with no jams whatsoever. Beretta Mod. I had fired it only to test accuracy (which was POOR) about 20 rounds so I sent the barrel in for replacement after inspecting and photographing the defects. Once I get home, I lubricate it properly. One can only grip the compact version so low before fingers slide off. A certified rangemaster and competition shooter, Detty served as an officer in . Your emails are safe with us. Originally Posted by Roster. It is my carry gun and I have never had any feed or jam issues, not one. Well I guess you get the point. According to Beretta, the benefits of this system are as follows: The model Px4 Storm pistol uses the rotating barrel locking system that provides robustness and long-life, even when using powerful calibers. The PX4 Storm Inox is one of the most uniquely designed polymer pistol offerings, and the stainless-steel slide is the perfect accent to a beautiful gun. text-align: center; } The 6-R rifling of the barrel generates counter-clockwise torque which is harnessed by the locking system to reduce the amount of pressure required from the rotating barrel lock's cam and pin system to affect unlocking. With a semi-staggered column magazine of nine rounds that falls free when released, and fixed three-dot sights, the Beretta Px4 competes favorably with pistols from virtually all the makers. Unfortunately if you have a problem with a Beretta PX4 -GOOD LUCK- getting it taken care of. end Block 3 font-size: 20px; Also, whenever the bullets stop going down easily, it is because they require a little roll to stagger themselves into place correctly. $19.97. I would appreciate insights on what might have caused this and either encouragement that its actually a dependable weapon or possibly a lemon I should ditch. } The standard floor plate can become dislodged if the magazine is dropped or slammed into the gun extremely hard. Thanks for the heads up! This is likely a function of the rotary barrel locking system. One thing to keep in mind is that the rotating nub requires rifle grease for the best reliable operation, not gun oil. Maybe they changed the design, but mine really does not stick out enough to be of any concern. This model also introduces an ambidextrous slide stop lever. I have tried every brand of ammunition I could find on sale, except perhaps some of the steel cases ammo. I am a Beretta fan. You probably made your choice and Id love to know what you went with!! ._ta-blockThree ._ta-holder ._ta-box h2{ Overall the PX4 is quite accurate and enjoyable to shoot. These guns deliver the sleek lines . I got hammer bite (pinch) on my PX-4 compact .40 cal. . Parts listed here are specific to the Beretta PX4 pistol model chambered in 9mm,.40 S&W & .45 ACP unless otherwise noted. The rear sights can be adjusted with special, but affordable tools including the glock type tools. padding: 15px !important; heavier at 34 oz. spend little $$ have your gun back. The remainder were immediate. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Just dont use corrosive stuff. Both of these Beretta firearms are reliable guns with unique features. or 4 interest-free payments of $16.22. In addition, my first and only experience with Beretta customer service has been very positive. (Beretta is supposed to have a G version of the PX4 Storm that is a decocker only, but Ive never seen one in a gun shop, and I dont think its available in the F version Inox model.) Personally, I dont like manual safeties on my handguns. Now, many of their products are no longer legal to purchase in Maryland. Reduced muzzle flip? My PX4 9 mil broke at the end of the second year and I dont shoot that much with it. The barrel is stainless steel, to help prevent corrosion from perspiration. I encountered no malfunctions while firing several hundred rounds, and accuracy was adequate. It is good for three years after the purchase. Secondly, the roll pins are much easier to damage given the amount of force necessary. After the px4 being my handgun of choice for the last 12 years, I would be fairly disappointed if it ended up disappearing. I was primarily a bow and rifle hunter for over 50+ years, buying my first handgun about a 1 1/2 years ago. Honestly..never found a Baretta I like other than the Jetfire. The FS-92 was the first pistol to employ a modular takedown. The frame also sports a Picatinny rail to add lasers, lights. I was given the PX4 in 45 when my father n law passed away, the fancy tan and black one with the threaded barrel and a super nice case that you could purge the air on. Obviously, practice practice and practice some more. With this setup, the gun becomes a joy to shoot casually, even more so than out of the box. The PX4 Storm has been around for several years, and has a very good record for reliability and durability. Are the sights fixed or adjustable? Another words, pretend the barrel is an AR-15 or AK bolt and youll be fine. line-height: 30px; Besides being one of the strongest actions available, the rotary barrel dissipates recoil away from the shooters hand and greatly reduces muzzle flip. The big deciding factor for me though as to which one I personally like the best is the ability to accept various ammo loads and brands. My mags were difficult to load, but I managed to get 17 into both mags my first time. The magazine release button is both changeable and reversible. Beretta PX4 Storm (R) next to a Beretta 92 (L) To top it off, literally, those wing-like ambidextrous safeties make the otherwise reasonably thin slide too wide. Initial photos show the barrel with a silver proprietary coating but the production models have a black finished barrel. ; (Cx4) single-stage 4 lbs.Overall Length: (Px4) 7.6; (Cx4) 29.7Width: (Px4) 1.4; (Cx4) 2.5Height: (Px4) 5.5; (Cx4) 7.5Weight: (Px4) 28.2 ozs. Have you taken it to a gunsmith yet? I cant wait to get a PX4 sub-compact. } Price: $599.99. (They also look great with CZ coco bolo grips.). The other big story with the PX4 Storm is the polymer frame, which reduces weight dramatically. Alternate chamberings in .40 S&W and .45 ACP are also produced. After watching online videos, I bought a dremel and lightly olished the chamber feed ramp. The Px4 Storm is by no stretch of the imagination a polymer frame Cougar. Once you get to know the gun, you can trust it with your life. Especially their revolves like the 7 shot 357 magnum Taurus Tracker. Whether it be for carry for home defense. Up and Down arrows will open main level menus and toggle through sub tier links. Were you shooting hand loads? I bought one in 9mm in 2008 as my first semi-automatic pistol, and found that the two 17-round magazines it came with were a PITA to load up to even fourteen rounds. They could have kept innovating on that design and released a Striker fire, or even a Px4 Gen 2 etc. I was told they don't produce them anymore. Bore axis has more to do with muzzle flip. And it gets tiring after a box of loads. Press J to jump to the feed. This version of the Px4 is designed to be a full size service pistol for military and law enforcement use, or for defense in the hands of a citizen. Field strip completed. I still see it listed on Berettas site. Question: Has anyone with a Beretta PX4 Storm experienced a delay between trigger pull and bullet fire? form.stacked {
Once it was off, snapping the large insert onto the frame was relatively easy. The standard magazine is fine for a night stand gun where rapid reloads are not a concern. The backstrap, for example, has a non-traditional look, but it is nonetheless attractive and fits the hand well. I loved it for years. . There is another one on the top centerline of the stock, between the front and rear sights and two would have to be drilled and tapped toward the rear. P320 Entry: First Impressions-Beretta PX4 Storm Compact, Gun Review: Beretta PX4-Storm Full Size, Compact, and Sub Compact 9mm, Ruger Announces the New Striker-Fired LC9s. The PVD coated magazines (one 9- and two 10-round magazines come with the package) are not scheduled to be imported and there will only be one production run of the Px4SD. Buy the competition trigger group, and polished plated duty spring set, and prepare to be amazed. 3 interchangeable backstraps. Finally, Beretta's patented SnapGrip Magazine Extender extends the grip size down for a more secure grip. A special suppressor ready model with an FDE frame and . Barrel: 4 inch. Remove the magazine and cycle the gun to make sure its unloaded. Barrel Length: 4 inches Euro Optic - Our favorite with superb pricing. I shipped it back to Beretta (at least $20 or $30 shipping) for repair. They just dont feel right in my hand. Nothing like possibly ripping your hands up when racking the slide especially under the stress of defensive use. The reset on the single-stage trigger is a little longer than Id like, slightly more than the SIG Sauer SP2022 and Beretta 92 A1, and miles longer than the SIG Sauer M11-A1 with the SRT trigger option. I really loved the PX4 Compact, but it was just a little too small for my fat, ogre-like mitts. Ive owned my Beretta PX4 for almost five years and have never had one failure, let alone barrel or accuracy issues. Late or incomplete submissions will not be . If I adjusted my sight picture, it was dead on. I would like some recommendations or potential alternatives. I bought it because I respected the Beretta name, durability, and the aesthetics. For the rest of the gun, oil should be used. Switching to the extended tactical floor plate is highly advised because its secured by a side slot & a notch at the bottom instead of just the notch. My primary self defense weapon had become a single shot gun! Their response was "Yes the Px4 Full size is still in current production." At least your gun is rostered and can be ordered online and shipped to your FFL. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. The Px4 Storm Subcompact is a compact Px4 chambered in 919mm and .40 S&W. Los Angles Airport Police used to issue them. I have had my full size px4 Storm Type F .40 cal since 2009. What brings me to this is I have a S&W SD40VE (.40 S&W) that Ive shooting and like this caliber round. The extended plate seats the magazine better so that last 1/8th of an inch goes in, therefore preventing it from dropping from the gun because you didnt push it in far enough. I just sent back a Beretta Nano about 10 days ago because it was choking on certain cheap range ammo, especially aluminum case, from time to time with failures to extract. Weight: 1.73lb. All these amazing features make it one perfect casual outerwear to get compliments from your fashion friends. expected to happen in 2015. i say good riddance maryland and cant blame beretta for the decision to move . Cowboy Action Shooting: Yippee Ki-Yay Partner! For small game hunting or self defense, this weapon is devastating to the enemy. I love these guns. No kit needed. If it's still on their site, then I'd say the guy behind the gun counter was mistaken. The Px4 uses the. Whatever happened to leaving ones preferences for their choice of gun checked at the door and let the review of the gun itself decide the outcome? ._ta-ctaCustom-items2{ Saw that not long after I posted. Made with a cold hammer-forged barrel, the pistol uses a rotary barrel system and an ambidextrous slide stop and lever. Add to Cart. With short exposure to any kind of light, the night sights' luminescence lasted up to 30 minutes. According to Beretta, the rotating barrel makes the Px4 easier to shoot because it tames the recoil. unloaded, and the 92 A1 is six oz. The Beretta Px4 Storm is a semi-automatic pistol manufactured by Beretta of Italy and intended for personal defense and law enforcement use. For small game hunting or self defense, this weapon is devastating to the enemy. Its safety system is reliable, giving you automatic firing pin block as well as a flip-up ambidextous manual safety. Youd expect it to hold a Taurus or Kel-Tec from the looks of the thing. The Stoeger grip is also one of the most comfortable grips Ive ever had in my hand and when I have people over to shoot, the gun they like shooting most is the Cougar. Decades of experience with handguns and holsters have given the author some excellent insights into the most popular designs. And ours has no less muzzle flip than our other pistols, Funny this guy mentioned Taurus and Keltec. Beretta Px4 Storm 9mm Type F Full Size 10 Round. Introduced back in 2004, the Px4 has already found service with numerous law enforcement agencies and militaries across the globe, even if it hasnt attained near the popularity of the 92. The taper increases as it approaches the muzzle, which gives the pistol a racy look. It is intended for personal defense and law enforcement use with a focus on concealed carry.[3]. The modification involves removing a check ball. Great pistol! This pistol features a cold-hammer forged, rotary barrel encased in an ultra-tough slide machined out of solid bar stock. . This was best of test, with 115-grain Federal 9 BP standard pressure hollow point. Thank you! Also, by installing the same part, it will convert your PX4 into a G model whereby there is no longer a safety position and only a decocker remains. Worst shooting gun I have ever had. I, personally, prefer the older variety of Beretta hammer forged from sweat, blood, and high nickel chrome steel. U might wanna give one a look see b4 knocking them so hard. Open Top Belt Holster. The standard floor plate can become separated during rapid reloads on rare occasions, especially if the reload causes the slide to close by itself. color: #fff !important;
The PX4 Special Duty is worth like 800-900 used easy, CZs are better than Beretta and many prefer the Taurus versions, We have a Berretta Cougar with rotating barrel. The ArmaLaser GTO is a human touch activated laser system. Richard Douglas writes on firearms, defense, and security issues. Its an excellent choice for home defense or law enforcement use, and can double as a self-defense CCW option with a good holster and the right clothing. Either will accept the magazines of either the full size or compact Px4. I beg to differ. He is the founder and editor of Scopes Field, and a columnist at the National Interest . Firstly, one has to use a hammer to drive the pins out and hitting the pins pretty hard. Subsequently, the Px4 Compact is essentially a full sized Px4 with a shortened grip and barrel to make it easier to conceal. The trigger pull weight is reasonable, not stiff like the double action. From $782.35. Lately it keeps being stated on Reddit that the PX4 line is being discontinued where can this be substantiated? height: 45px;
For more than two centuries, Westley Richards has produced some of the worlds finest firearms, each wearing a timeless and classic look with bespoke flourishes. The only two issues I have with the Storm are the flat, smooth sides of the grip frame, and the Beretta trade mark slide-mounted safety/decocker. The Px4 Subcompact is available in 9mm or .40 S&W, with a capacity of 13+1 or 10+1 rounds respectively. I was reading your review and overall it was great. I shoot mostly 124 gr FMJ, but I have found white Winchester FMJ NATO 124 GR is absolutely flawless. So when in doubt, push harder with a little roll action. The reduced friction areas between the barrel and the slide, as well as the central block, guarantee a remarkable fluency of operation and great reliability, even under poor climate conditions. The slide spring is doubly captive, being inserted approximately an inch into the transfer block at one end and a receiving hole in the front of the slide at the other. 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