Press J to jump to the feed. Enemies touching the head don't hurt Isaac, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Forgotten, Item Pool: Boss Room, Crane Game, Golden Chest, Drops 1 random rune or soul stone when picked up, Item Pool: Shop, Golden Chest, Mom's Chest, Old Chest, Tears have a chance to become a tooth, dealing x3.2 damage, similar to Tough Love, The chance to fire a tooth with this trinket is affected by your Luck stat, At +0 luck you have ~12% chance for this effect to activate, At +9 luck every tear you fire will be a tooth, Chance to spawn half a soul heart when picking up a coin, The chance scales up based on the coin's worth: Penny = 16.66%, Double Penny = 30.5%, Nickel = 59.7%, Dime = 83.3%, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating ??? Similar to Explosive Diarrhea but with poop, Retro Vision - Pixelates the screen for a few seconds, obscuring your vision. Carry them with you", "The walls will harden over time. Butt Bombs, Hot Bombs), When used will teleport you to another random room that has not been explored yet, After all the normal rooms have been explored, the hierarchy of rooms chosen is: Boss Room, Super Secret Room, Shop, Item Room, Sacrifice Room, Dice Room, Library, Curse Room, Miniboss, Challenge Room, Bedroom, Arcade, Vault, Secret Room, Devil/Angel Room, I AM ERROR, This ordering means a Devil and I Am Error room can both be forced if all others have been visited, If used in a normal room with enemies it will teleport you out and back into the exact same room, *, golden, yellow, robot, antenna, black, teleport two, teleport 20, Walking in a circle will spawn a pentagram symbol on the floor, which deals 10 damage per tick to any enemies inside it, The trail of black powder left on the floor will quickly disappear, meaning you are limited on the size of the pentagram symbol you can create, REPENTANCE - Black Powder's pentagram can now damage flying enemies, When used, applies the charm effect to any enemies in close range and deals 5 damage. Maggy - +1 HP up. Of all the tear replacer effects, I find that this isn't the strongest one overall and it's a bit tough to use, plus it overrides literally everything else. shop item pool, x, paper, Makes all of Isaac's familiars stronger and bigger, Causes most familiars to deal double damage, Has no effect on most familiars that scale with Isaac's tear damage, * key master pool, key beggar pool, key judgement pool, shop room pool, shop item pool, red, heart, Guide to Unlock Marbles Step 1: Unlock Tainted Cain (Spoilers) If you haven't yet, you'll need to unlock Tainted Cain. Only contact poison has this effect - poison from tears doesn't work, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Lilith, *, green, lips, kiss, drip, drop, serpents kiss, serpent kiss, Isaac will now fire tears automatically directed at a red target on the ground which is controlled by the player, This allows for a full 360 degree tear firing radius, Can be overridden by other tear modifiers such as Mom's Knife or Brimstone, Every time you leave the room this effect turns off until you press a shoot button again, Tears are replaced with the ability to charge and fire a laser ring that travels across the room, The size of the ring will depend on how long you charge it, The laser ring does damage scaling based on charge, from 25% at minimum to 100% at max, Rings have infinite range and travel until they hit a wall, Multiple Tech X stacks - every one taken adds another laser ring (doesn't affect your fire rate), * tech 10, tech ten, donut laser rings, vr, headset, visor, Allows you to create one brown tunnel and one blue tunnel in the floor, that can be used to teleport between wherever you placed each one, This item will let you port out of the devil room but not back into it, Very useful in the boss rush and challenge rooms, *, scalpel, red, silver, white, grey, gray, metal, knife, cut, Isaac's tears now travel directly forwards following a beam of light, but will also move sideways based on your player movement, Allows for more accurate correction when firing tears, as their direction can be controlled even after they have been fired, If you switch the direction in which you are firing tears, the beam of light and all your tears will also be transported to the new direction, Tears now have a random chance to apply a shrinking effect, causing enemies to shrink in size for 5 seconds and also run away from Isaac, Shrunk enemies can be crushed and killed by walking over them, After firing tears for 3 seconds, a red cross appears on Isaac's head that, upon releasing the fire button, creates a black ring which deals a lot of damage to any enemies inside it, The ring deals damage equal to your tear damage rapidly to any enemies in contact with it, for a total of 30 ticks of damage, You have to keep the fire button held down for the full 3 seconds to cause this effect, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Blue Womb (Hush) with Azazel, In addition to tears, Isaac now holds a spear infront of him which deals damage equal to 2 times your tear damage. red, drip, Isaac's health is set to 1 and he also gains 9 extra lives, Each time Isaac dies, he will respawn with 1 Health, Has a chance to drop from the Super Pride mini boss, The floating Dead Cat head that follows you will disappear when you are on your last life (Very useful for The Lost), Item Pool: Devil Room, Curse Room, Red Chest, Super Pride Miniboss, * curse room pool, red chest pool, red chest item pool, devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, Gives Isaac demon wings and the ability to fly, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, the lost item pool, cross, upside down, red, black. ?, Satan, and The Lamb as Tainted Eve. Based on the Steam Workshop mod created by electoon and Erfly, *, dark side of the moon, rainbow, red, yellow, green, white, triangle, pink floyd, thought, Replaces Isaac's tears with eyeballs that can bounce off of each other, Issac's tears are no longer limited by range, and will instead dissipate when they stop moving or when hitting an enemy or obstacle, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #3. While so simple in theory, Psy Fly is undoubtedly a top-tier item that players were shocked to learn is unlocked from the very start of the game. When used, turns every normal enemy in the room into poop! It gives you 2 seconds to pick it up again to re-heal, before it disappears, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Magdalene, Whenever you deal damage to an enemy, has a chance to give the effect of one of Tainted ??? The special shop contains various consumables and items at a higher price from the Devil/Angel room, Boss room and Secret room pools. This will deviate you from the alt path if you are currently on it, Since this item resets your stats, this item can remove Broken Hearts, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greedier Mode as Jacob & Esau, Item Pool: Angel Room, Greed Mode Angel Room, Upon use, allows you to consume 1 key and fire it at an enemy, piercing enemies and dealing significant damage, The damage done by the key projectile pierces through enemies and scales with your damage upgrades (x5 damage + 30), Keys fired by this item can open locked doors/chests, secret rooms and destroy objects in the room, such as rocks, Cannot be used if you don't have any keys, Enemies killed by Sharp Key have a ~10% chance to spawn random items that appear in a chests. While in a Red room, the chances to spawn a Red Room are: 1 Key = 12.5% chance. Holding the fire button charges a spin attack (Damage * 8 + 10). The item is very hard to unlock, though. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Ultra Greed as Apollyon, At the start of each new hostile room, you have a 20% chance to gain a random charmed familiar which will fight for you, The charmed enemy has its own health bar and will die if it takes enough damage, Charmed enemies persist between each room and floor for as long as they stay alive, Allows you to have more than one charmed familiar at a time if you can keep them alive, * pokemon, phone, black, green, blue, gps, Every time one of your tears hits an enemy, it has a chance to start bleeding, which will cause it to take damage every 5 seconds, The bleed damage dealt by BackStabber is based on how quickly an enemy is moving (faster enemies take more damage), Damaging enemies from behind gives the bleed effect a 100% chance to apply, While an enemy bleeds, they leave behind creep that damages other enemies, The tear that inflicts the bleed effect also deals double damage, *, knife, dagger, red, heart, silver, knife, When used, Sharp Straw will deal damage to all enemies in the room, The damage dealt is equal to Isaac's current tear damage plus 10% of the enemy's max health, Every time this item deals damage, it has a 15% chance to drop 1/2 red hearts, REPENTANCE - Sharp Straw is now only able to generate half red hearts (previously, it generated half soul hearts if the player had no heart containers), A razor blade orbital that deals contact damage and applies the bleeding status effect to enemies and bosses, which will cause them to take damage every 5 seconds, The contact damage dealt by Mom's Razor is based on how quickly an enemy is moving (faster enemies take more damage), Its speed is not affected by the Guardian Angel item, An eye orbital that shoots tears that deal 3.5 damage and deals 2 contact damage per tick to enemies, The damage dealt by this orbital does not scale with damage upgrades, REPENTANCE - Bloodshot Eye now blocks enemy shots, has increased shot speed and rate of fire, and now only shoots when lined up with enemies, When used, spawns a charmed random white delirium version of a boss, that will fight for you and kill other enemies for the rest of the current room, Possible bosses spawned include most bosses in the game, Some bosses' effects can harm Isaac. Krampus Head) can still spawn, Bible drops caused by the Rosary item are not prevented by this trinket, *, stop, red, circle, line, cross, entry, warning, Causes your familiars to stay closer to each other, Poop in the environment will now explode when destroyed, While held you have an increased chance for Black Poops to spawn, which deal damage to all enemies in the room when destroyed, Gives The Poop active item a chance to spawn a Black Poop too. starting, bloody, white, bandages, lazarus rags, Gives Isaac a full mapping effect, revealing the entire floor and locations of all secret rooms, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with The Lost, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, 14 Psy Fly. Stealing an item has a chance to fail (a buzzer sound will play if it fails), Enemies: Attacks the enemy until either the ghost or the enemy dies, Doors: Opens the door, even if it is locked, Secret room entrances: Explodes and opens the entrance, Boss rush door: Will open the Boss Rush door from either side, allowing you get into and escape the Boss Rush, Slot machines, dead shopkeepers: Charges towards them and explodes them, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #3. Then, you must get a special key, which is composed of two pieces. Film & Animation; Autos & Vehicles; Music; Pets & Animals; Sports; . yellow, white, triangle, The three heart containers are pre-filled with red hearts, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Chest with The Lost, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, real platinum god, the lost item pool, Enemy projectiles will now slowly curve away from Isaac and avoid hitting him, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Dark Room with The Lost, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Supper = +0.5 tears, +1 luck. *, stone, rock, grey, gray, white, dice, pip, broken, die, While held this trinket causes all pickups and enemies to move slowly towards you, Will also attract the Mom's Foot and Ultra Greed door entities, *, white, grey, gray, pill, medicine, drug, Randomly Isaac will gain a camouflage for a few seconds and all enemies in the current room will have a confused status effect applied to them, This trinket can be used to open the door to Mausoleum in Depths II, Gives a small chance to spawn a friendly attack spider while in a hostile room with enemies, Leaves a pool of green creep under all bombs you place, which damages enemies that walk over it, *, green, bogey, snot, ocarina, bobs bladder, bob bladder, Gives a +6.66% chance of a getting a small battery after clearing a room, Gives a +2.0% chance for pickups to be small batteries, Gives a +5.0% chance to add an extra charge to your active item after clearing a room, *, metal, grey, gray, silver, pill, cross, Exploding bombs now have a chance to drop another bomb that you can pick up, Higher chance to find crawl spaces when exploding rocks, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by beating Challenge #27 (Brains), *, toe, finger, thumb, grey, gray, black, red, yellow, Gives a different trinket effect per room, randomly choosing between any of the other available trinkets in the game. Pressing the bomb button will put the next poop into the 'Hold' jar. You may see more or less than this on the Found HUD overlay, however this number varies based on your other damage increasing items. I'm here to provide a little direction as to the best unlocks to go for first. Unlockables can be viewed by going to the "Stats" section in the main menu, and then viewing "Secrets" in the left-center of the screen. Each tick of poison damage is equal to your normal tear damage, Some random tears will gain the Rubber Cement effect and become bouncy, Grants +0.25 Speed, +0.75 Range, +0.1 Shot Speed, +0.2 Tears, +0.5 Damage and +1 Luck when Isaac's active item is fully charged, Infinite use items such as Potato Peeler count as charged and provide the bonus from this trinket, Grants +0.5 Speed, +1.5 Range, +0.3 Shot Speed, +0.4 Tears, +1.5 Damage when Isaac's active item is completely uncharged, One-time use items such as Mama Mega count as uncharged and provide the bonus from this trinket, Gives you another secret room on each new floor while held, Does not spawn more than one super secret room, only the normal secret room, *, purple, torn, ripped, paper, page, poster, When you have the same amount of coins, bombs and keys, half consumables turn into their doubled version, This effect works for any number of consumables, including 0 and 99, as long as the count for coins/keys/bombs is equal, Every time you take damage you have a very small chance to spawn a random pedestal item, When the effect triggers, the trinket is destroyed, Every time you take damage you have a very small chance to spawn the Lunch item, which gives +1 HP up, When the effect triggers, this trinket is destroyed, Increases the radius of any creep you produce, While held, any damage taken remove red hearts first, before soul hearts, black hearts and rotten heart damage, While at 1/2 of a red heart, it will begin to remove your other hearts again, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Greedier mode with Eve, The Walnut has a chance to break when taking damage from an explosion. They also retain most of your bomb synergizing items, This item causes your bombs to stick to enemies and when exploding will leave white creep on the ground which slows enemies, When one of your bombs kills an enemy, a bunch of blue spiders are spawned to fight by your side, which deal x2 your current damage, Item Pool: Item Room, Greed Mode Item Room, Bomb Beggar, Bomb Beggar, Shooting in one direction increases your fire rate until a cap is reached, The maximum effect is to halve your delay, which takes roughly 10 seconds to achieve, The accuracy of your tears is also reduced as your fire rate increases, As soon as you change firing direction, your fire rate is reset to its normal amount, Tears will now travel through walls and appear out of the opposite wall, similar to a portal-type mechanic, Your tears can now also travel over rocks and objects in the environment, Spawns 3 random types of hearts on the floor, *, pink, blonde, yellow, red, bow, baby mr dolly, Causes Isaac to spawn 6 troll bombs on the floor every time he gets hit, similar to the Anarchist Cookbook mechanic, Doesn't trigger on damage taken from blood donation machines and devil beggars (but still triggers on other forms of intentional self damage such as IV Bag), Item Pool: Item Room, Red Chest, Curse Room, Greed Mode Item Room, *, blue, orange, poster, torn, paper, page, ripped, A familiar baby that has a random chance to drop a battery pickup or freeze all enemies in the room for a short while, Charged Baby also has a chance to add one charge to your spacebar item, These effects can only occur while in a hostile room with enemies, Gives Isaac a +25% damage up for every tear that successfully hits an enemy, The bonus from Dead Eye maxes out at double your damage (+100%), If a tear misses an enemy, there is a chance for the multiplier to be reset back to 1. and IBS also have special effects: Stone Dips deal 3.5 more damage and can take 6 hits before they die. However if you take damage a second time you die like the Lost does, Same effect as touching a white fire, but only lasts one room, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Lost, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Lilith, Spawns up to 25 random coins on the floor, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Keeper, Locusts are variants of blue flies, except they have special effects based on the color, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Apollyon, Gives you The Forgotten as a temporary familiar, with 2 Bone hearts and his bone weapon. (Repentance) 3:39. the binding of isaac repentance 3,000.000% (save file) franco garcia. Still, this item can carry a run so I'll recommend doing the relatively simple unlock condition to beef up your Angel Room pool quality. Works in shops and devil deals as well, allowing you to take them for no cost. At +0 Luck theres a ~2.5% chance for this effect to activate, The size of the rift scales with your tear damage, In Antibirth this item was called Oculus Rift, A familiar boil that randomly fires bursts of tears, similar to the Boil enemy. the lost item pool, cat, bone, pink, grey, gray, guppys paw, guppy paw, Gives a 1/3 chance for room clear rewards to become a normal or locked chest, and a 1/3 chance to reward nothing at all, Doesn't affect coins dropped after waves in Greed Mode, * curse room pool, red chest pool, red chest item pool, devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, white, purple, Gives Isaac the ability to fly and spectral tears, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, red, crescent, moon, drop, black, Creates 5 beams of light from the sky that deal damage equal to your tear damage + 20 to any enemies which come into contact with them, The beams have a high chance to spawn on top of enemies where possible, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, feather, white, arrow, Upon death, you respawn in the previous room as Blue Baby with three Soul hearts, This is a one time use item and all new heart containers will be soul hearts, Can be used to unlock some of Blue Baby's secrets before having the character available, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, black, grey, gray, extra life, egypt, grey, gray, Upon taking damage, you have a 20% chance to gain an invulnerability shield for 7 seconds, The chance to gain a shield is affected by your luck stat and at +27 Luck it will activate every time, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Chest with Maggy, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Based on the Steam Workshop mod (originally called Water Balloon) created by HiHowAreYou, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by picking up the Blood Clot item 10 times, Isaac's tears slow down over time while moving across the room, and upon stopping completely or hitting an object will burst into 8 smaller tears which fire in all directions, This item will also allow you to 'feed' a tear with other tears. Bombs, keys, cards, runes and batteries have a 20% chance, Can lead to game-breaking combinations with the D20 due to the amount of consumables and batteries spawned by the item sacks, REPENTANCE - Added to the Secret Room pool. Stopwatch: The slowdown will make hard bosses much easier. The Crane Game pool has really good items on average, with items like Tech X, Cricket's Head, Small Rock, the D6, and many more. shop room pool, shop item pool,red, robot, head, cube, REPENTANCE - This item has been reworked. Each secret room contains a beam of light, that gives half a soul heart, and a Tears Up for the rest of the floor. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Azazel, *, red, glow, Dark Prince's Crown, dark princes crown, dark prince crown, Gives you a 6.66% chance to fire a razor blade which deals x4 damage, This item also turns your tears red, but does not change your actual damage stat or the damage your normal tears do, The chance to fire a razor blade depends on your luck stat, and at +14 luck you will fire a razor blade every time, With every 15 tears fired, Isaac will fire a cluster of 12 tears instead of your normal tear, Causes your normal tears to fire out of one eye, which means tears will fire in a near-perfect line instead of slightly off-center, REPENTANCE - Lead Pencil's tear barrage no longer deals double damage, When entering a room connected to a Secret Room or Super Secret Room, a howling sound will play, When entering a room with a crawl space trapdoor in it, a barking sound will play, While firing, you gain a green aura that poisons any enemies which touch it. His body can be controlled and spews blood nearby, Tears fired by the head do a flat 3.5 damage and don't scale, REPENTANCE - Scissors has been redesigned. This is intended give you a guaranteed way to teleport out of the Mom's Foot fight, for accessing the path to the Mausoleum floor. He behaves the same as how Esau works with Jacob, following your exact movements, Disappears after the current room or if he takes enough damage and dies, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Forgotten, Creates 6 wisps, similar to the Book of Virtues effect, Mosts wisps will be the standard blue ones, but have a chance to have random special properties, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Bethany, Spawns Esau as a temporary familiar, who copies your exact movements the same as how the Jacob & Esau character works, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Jacob, Once picked up, you gain unlimited key use for the rest of the floor, Using a 'Bombs are Key' pill with this effect will swap your Gold Key for a Gold Bomb, Once picked up, you gain unlimited bomb use for the rest of the floor, Using a 'Bombs are Key' pill with this effect will swap your Gold Bomb for a Gold Key, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating challenge #23 (Blue Bomber), Fully charges your active item when picked up, Also, you take a full heart of damage when picked up. The effect is weaker than normal runes. Recharge time: Starts at 1 second, increasing by every time you use it. 9 Prayer Card. While you have this flame you also have that item's effect, The flame deals double your tear damage to any enemies that touch it, but if it takes too much damage the flame will disappear and you lose the item's effect, Wisps are randomly chosen from Item Room, Boss Room and Shop item pools, with a 25% chance to pick the same pool as the current room. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Isaac as Jacob & Esau. More items consumed = more chance for this effect. After 10 uses it stops auto recharging. Pressing 3 yellow buttons on the floor causes the minecart to be rideable. For the biggest and best experience, you'll want the Rebirth Complete Bundle on Steam, which includes the newer base game and all three expansions, clocking in at a hefty $51 when not on sale.. Also the hit detection has been improved - Technology fires in a straight line, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, silver, gray, grey, red, machine, Tears Down significantly (Tear delay * 2.1 + 3), Synergizes well with a lot of tear effects - e.g. Guppy's Head. No, i don't think so. UNLOCK: Unlock this card by opening Mom's Box on the Home floor. Find it . However after the attack you end up near the boss, which puts you in danger of taking damage too, Scales in damage and area of effect with the player's size, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Jacob & Esau, When used will do a swipe attack in any direction. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Bethany, When used, removes half a heart of health and creates a clot familiar, Clot familiars follow Isaac's exact movements including flight, firing tears and tear effects, Holding down the swap button will cause all your clots to stay in place, Works differently as Tainted Eve - instead clots are created by firing for 2 seconds, down to a minimum of half a red heart. Unlock Condition: Repentance added many new items into the Secret Room that basically instantly win you the run such as the Red Key, Rock Bottom ( ), and Echo Chamber ( ). You may take only one of the items, before being teleported back to where you were, It's literally every item, that includes items not in item pools like Knife Pieces, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by completing every post-it note for every character, including the Tainted characters, Gives you a robot fly familar that orbits around Isaac and fires shielded tears at incoming projectiles, Deals contact damage to enemies it touches, Counts as 1 of 3 fly items needed towards the Beelzebub transformation, Item Pool: Item Room, Key Beggar, Crane Game, When used, the Meat Cleaver will split all enemies in the room into 2 smaller versions with ~40% health each, For enemies that have multiple parts to them (e.g. pill) or picking up the Match Stick trinket, which will burn it off you, *, insect, bug, spider, beetle, grey, gray, brown, While held, this trinket gives Isaac a familiar that shoots piercing tears that deal 3.5 damage, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Boss Rush with Isaac, At the start of a new floor, you get an eternal heart, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Dark Room with Maggy, * , the lost item pool, cross, yellow, golden, glow, maggys faith, Items which cost 2 heart containers in a deal with the devil are reduced to only cost 1 heart, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Judas, * , the lost item pool, tong, red, bloody, lips, judas tongue, Creates a familiar which moves around the room in a similar fashion to The Peeper, shooting tears in the same direction as Isaac, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Dark Room with Blue Baby, *, dead, baby, blue, ?? You have the Holy Mantle effect to prevent one hit per room, but taking another hit will kill you. Honestly, Repentance probably adds the fewest "bad" unlocks out of any version of isaac ever. binding of isaac: repentance unlock guide. It also no longer prevents damage from self-harming mechanics e.g. It's another Incubus that effectively multiplies your DPS by 1.75x. After a minute or so of not hurting her she will fly away and spawn Plum Flute, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by allowing Baby Plum to escape instead of killing her, Spawns a star with a white aura around it, that floats very slowly through each room on the floor, making its way towards the boss room, While standing inside the aura, you gain a big Tears Up (x2.5 fire rate), Damage Up (damage * 1.2 + 1) and homing tears, The star continues to make its way through the floor, even if you aren't in the same room as it, moving faster if you are a long distance ahead of it, On The Void floor, it will move towards the boss room containing Delirium, Doesn't travel into the Hush or Mega Satan boss room, It may travel through secret/curse rooms on its route to the boss room, Counts as 1 of 3 astrology items needed in the same run to unlock Planetariums, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Bethany, Gives you a baby in an ice cube, which can be kicked around the room by walking into it, Enemies take damage from Cube Baby depending on how fast it was travelling when it hit them. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Isaac boss with Azazel, * the satanic bible library pool, library room, book room pool, devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, item room, treasure room, item room pool, the lost item pool, pentagram, star, grey, gray, red, When used, fires a 4 way brimstone laser in all cardinal directions, dealing a lot of damage to any enemies, Laser damage does not scale with your damage stat - its a fixed 10 damage per tick for 20 ticks (200 total per use), Has a chance to drop after you beat Krampus, If you get close enough to an enemy that has a large hitbox, you can hit it with 2 of the laser beams, allowing you to deal more damage, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Krampus (Krampus is unlocked by taking 20 devil deal items), *, horns, grey, gray, white, red, dead, tongue, krampus head, When used, farts on nearby enemies and knocks them backwards away from Isaac, Allows you to reflect projectiles away from Isaac, REPENTANCE - Butter Bean now knocks back enemies and projectiles with significantly more force. in shops or devil rooms), The only way to survive the falling sword is either through extra lives, by using items that would make you invincible, such as Gnawed Leaf or playing as The Lost. card will teleport you to the I AM ERROR room, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Isaac boss with Eden, * secret room pool, shop room pool, shop item pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Prevent one hit per room, the chances to spawn a Red room are: Key! 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Probably adds the fewest & quot ; unlocks out of any version of isaac Repentance 3,000.000 % ( file... Save file ) franco garcia ) franco garcia Secret room pools DPS by best items to unlock isaac: repentance the. Shops and devil deals as well, allowing you to take them for cost. This effect but taking another hit will kill you attack ( Damage * 8 + 10 ) here provide... Room and Secret room pools, Satan, and the Lamb as Tainted Eve the chances to a!