Natto foods have very distinctive smell and flavour so that you need consider where and when to eat them. Perhaps his stroke was "provoked" and the risk is now gone? I just turned 80 and the low BP and blood work always draws comments. For humans, we really dont know if nattokinase increases longevity or not. All rights reserved. One was perfectly healthy and had a stroke 2 weeks after his second shot. He is changing my meds from Brilinta to Eliquis due to the one AFib episode (feel like its a death sentence). 1 Nattokinase may work in multiple ways. Nattokinase is an enzyme extracted from traditional Japanese fermented soybeans and has been shown to an effective enzyme in improving various hypercoagulation-associated parameters; it looks very promising as an oral enzyme in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Started 100mg NK. As supplements are totally unregulated, the blood thinning effects you get from bottle to bottle may not be the same. As the Japanese are the longest-lived people on this planet, could it be the natto? I am not familiar with this vitamin can you give us some more insight into this vitamin? This is why aspirin is largely ineffective against atrial fibrillation strokes. Stopped those about 11 months later. And when it comes to vitamin K2, no other food on this planet comes anywhere close to natto. Because it can help remove deposits, such as those formed by excess calcium, plus fight inflammation, serrepeptase may also be useful in stroke prevention. Because of these effects, scientists continue to study the enzyme to treat symptoms of respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchitis. Thrombolytic effect of nattokinase on a chemically induced thrombosis model in a rat. container vents open (or lids ajar) to allow any remaining condensation to escape, 15. Thank you. Thus, if you have had a problem with bleeding in the past, or are currently taking a blood thinner, do not eat natto or take a nattokinase supplement without talking to your doctor first. When I first tried natto, Ill admit I was grossed out. Any thoughts please? . Talk to your doctor before adding the food or supplement to your diet to ensure you wont experience any of these health risks:, Excessive bleeding can occur when you take nattokinase along with some medical drugs. Until a nattokinase longevity study is done, the best data we have are from the natto eating Japanese population. Natto is produced by a fermentation process by adding . Please let me know if you want my calculations relating to omega-3 and omega-6. However, you can take supplements wherever you like. There are people who took Olive leaf extract 750mg 2 to 3 times a day and it kept their bp under control. Hi, Kat, I think the only thing in your heal n soothe that thins blood is ginger. Discard water It has a built-in balancing mechanism that promotes both fibrinolysis and fibrinogenesis. I am not a MD, so just my opinions. I think taking vitamin K2(Mk7) and D3 is a far better idea. Thanks. Hope that helps and makes sense. Efficacy and safety of aronia, red ginseng, shiitake mushroom, and nattokinase mixture on insulin resistance in prediabetic adults: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. I until recently drank a glass of red wine with lunch 6-8oz only. Given that natto can be easily purchased at your local Asian grocery store, or shipped over ice from an online source, most people should have no problem obtaining natto. This thread has been so helpful and it seems like SK would be my best option. So I stopped taking anything, except Hawthorn Blend. Chang, Y. Y., Liu, J. S., Lai, S. L., Wu, H. S., and Lan, M. Y. Cerebellar hemorrhage provoked by combined use of nattokinase and aspirin in a patient with cerebral microbleeds. ;-). Both are said to help to thin blood. In the nattokinase group, plaque size decreased by 36.6%. Thx! Add drained soybeans, beluga, barley and diced sweet potatoes to inner bowl, 5. Select a condition to view a list of vitamins. Effect of NSK-SD on Blood Pressure by Oral Administration. and dry bowls with kitchen paper. I was maintained an Plavix following the stroke with no side effects. It has been shown that serrapeptase does not need to be "enteric coated." Is it safe to eat Nattokinese while I am also on statin to lower cholesterol? Interactions. And if you havent read it yet, pick up your copy now to find out why this best selling book has consistently maintained a 4.9-star rating on Amazon! Its nice getting this information about it, and nice hearing that it might prevent blood clots on long flights (Im considering a trip to France in the fall). Best of luck! You CAN get too much of a good thing and increase your risk of a hemorrhagic stroke or other bleeding problem Wow what an informative site! Close lid and lock by turning central handle from Open to Close, 6. Ibuprophen should be OK only if you really need it. Taking nattokinase can increase aspirins effects, however, which could lead to an unexpected amount of bleeding. Yes I do have a kickass naturopath ever since I got my DVT last March. Children 1 year of age and olderDose is based on body weight and must be determined by your doctor. Hope that helps! I am a big fan of the enzymes discussed here and also a substance called Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) Look up a video by Dr. kalcker, the foremost expert on CDS called "CDS for newbies". Since her stroke, she now reluctantly takes a proven atrial fibrillation blood thinner. A 26-week study randomized 82 volunteers to take either 6,000 fibrinolytic units (300 mg) of nattokinase daily.5 In people taking nattokinase, both the arterial wall thickness, and the size of arterial plaques significantly decreased. Research suggests that supplement intake is just as effective as consuming natto. Cefdinir is an antibiotic that can treat several types of bacterial infections in adults and children. My doctor put me HCTZ 12.5mg and Simvastatin 20mg. Experientia 1987;43:1110-1. okay to take nattokinase with coffee, juices, tea, and other supplements. If you are a worm, nattokinase will help you live an extra six days. I wonder, did you tell your doctors about all the stuff you are taking? (not medicated) I used to smoke and as a result Mr. Emphysema knows my name. First Im glad I found you. That made my pressure after a time, very low. To sort this out, they gave various doses and measured the effect in rabbits. This online natto was shipped over ice. For those not familiar with vitamin K2, vitamin K2 helps to keep calcium out of your arteries and into your bones where it belongs. BTW: I appreciate your feedback! 67mg of d alpha tocopherol succinate. View abstract. I want to to Nattokinase on a long term basis for all of its benefits but mainly because of its ability to attack the spike protein in acute covid. The reason why I now buy it from a local Asian grocery store is that by the time online natto arrived at my house the ice was always melted and they charge more than my local Asian grocery store. Good Health Naturally 2000 FU Delayed Release. Wire the Zio. Anyways, after the stroke I stopped the TRT cold turkey and of course stopped the Tadalafil. It is recommended that you take nattokinase after a meal, because within one hour after taking nattokinase, the effects contained in it can exert a thrombolytic effect. I have a hard time swallowing capsules. Anecdotally, I have seen a stroke in one of my atrial fibrillation patients who faithfully took her nattokinase. Oh, I never got vaxxed either because something deep down told me to not do it. I have been taking nattokinase 2000FU 2-3X/day on empty stomach for a DVT in lower leg with very good results much less swelling and pain in only a week. Can I open up the nattokinase and mix it into some liquid and take it that way? JMHO, Thank you for your comments i was wondering if i could have his/her name & contact info. Japan Technology Transfer Association (JTTAS), 1998, pp 13.. Daily nattokinase supplementation was remarkably better at reducing plaque size (36.6% plaque reduction) that causes hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) compared to statin treatment (11.5% plaque reduction) in 82 patients. Park S, Kim CJ, Ha KC, et al. It doesnt taste good but knowing how good it is for me makes it tolerable. Suzuki Y, Kondo K, Matsumoto Y, et al. Research shows that nattokinase can shrink blockage-causing nasal polyps and thin mucus, improving airflow while reducing discomfort. 2. In addition to fibrinogen and factors VII and VIII, another study showed that nattokinase also works on platelets. My DVT was lower leg and was quite long. (I think it was a result of fosamax). While nattokinase will never prevent every case of heart disease, some interesting research in rabbits shows that nattokinase can help to repair damaged arteries. We currently have no information for NATTOKINASE overview. I admit, I am not a fan of MDs these days, most are Big Pharma tools. Nattos health benefits and its distinct taste and smell are thanks to this unique enzyme. Had the stroke in April 2022 and it basically effected coordination on my right side. Information on this website is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. So that is why I am taking the the Heal & soothe. I suffered a stroke in 2017. Urano T, Ihara H, Umemura K, et al. Thus, the vitamin K2 and nattokinase in natto likely cancel each other out when it comes to the risk of bleeding. And it is for this reason that most doctors recommend that you frequently get up and walk around when traveling. Got it any dosage recommendations? If I did I would have taken steps to prevent a reoccurrence. Pour inoculant culture equally over each batch of natto in yogurt bowls and stir For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version. For that post-viral illness, I would look into Ivermectin, D3 and Zinc. After the Afib diagnosis I was told to stop the Plavix and prescribed Eliquis. All the best! Nattokinase has powerful effects on your health, including: Studies show that nattokinase dissolves blood clots which helps maintain good blood vessel structure, improves blood flow, and lowers the risk of heart disease. I'd prefer waiting an hour (30 minutes at least) after the Nattokinase dose before eating (or drinking anything but water, coffee or tea) and two hours AFTER eating/drinking anything is when to take the Nattokinase. ingredients to cool to ~40C (use sterilized thermometer), 10. When soybeans go through fermentation, the bacteria used activates nattokinase and gives the food its cheese-like flavor and a range of scientifically-backed health benefits. Sumi H, Hamada H, Tsushima H, et al. I sure wish you well Wow! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Nutricost Nattokinase 2,000FU - 120 Capsules at the best online prices at eBay! For those reasons I started making my own anti-inflammatory natto, using a pressure cooker to cook the ingredients and a yoghurt maker to culture the batch.. With a little research and some experimentation I have been able to produce natto that not only tastes and smells good, and, if claims made in US Patent No. I think that taking both together will be expensive and redundant. I was on TRT and one other prescription drug called Tadalafil. How about topical DMSO (and magnesium oil) on the bad leg? I've also had friends who have serious side effects from the vax. I am grateful that you have responded to my question that was asked on October 21. In choosing between eating natto or taking a nattokinase supplement, I have always gone with natto. Sometimes, people with chronic sinusitis may need surgery to clear nasal passages.. Yang NC, Chou CW, Chen CY, Hwang KL, Yang YC. I'm looking for help for my 32 yr old son who had the shot and now has blood clots near his heart and constant left side pain. I am also considering drinking a small amount of DMSO with juice but with the enzymes might be a little much Natto is the only food source of nattokinase, but you can also buy it as a supplement. Every time I have been vaccinated my d dimer goes up which is terrifying. If your pipes are clogged (have them checked if you have not already) serrapeptase is great, but again. Will that negate the natto's effectiveness. I take 5mg rosuvastatin and coq10 ubiquinol. I had auto accident in 2018 and have had pain ever since. I also take Qucertin, ubiniquol and digestive enzymes and the usual multi cal/mag D, B complex. Please note that I have no relationship whatsoever with this company. Most of my heart patients are scared to death of blood thinners. When it comes to enzymes, your body is going to use what it needs and then flush the rest. If you are interested I could PM you his story. T Kumazawa, K Sato, H Seno, A Ishii, O Suzuki (01 April 1995). Based on all IMO advicegoing to swop Nattokinese for Lumberkinese because of my DVT. 13. People do this all the time thoughthese are just some things to be aware of. I have become a follower of Anthony Williams who is followed by millions. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm abnormality. Cefdinir is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria such as bronchitis (infection of the airway tubes leading to the lungs); pneumonia; and infections of the skin, ears, sinuses, throat, and tonsils.. Cefdinir is in a class of medications called cephalosporin antibiotics. One study shows that a nattokinase supplement lowers the risk of blood clots after long plane. With supplements, you really never know what you are getting. Dietary supplementation with fermented soybeans suppresses intimal thickening. Biol Pharm Bull 1995;18:1387-91. Attach lids firmly and (wearing safety Two common anti-platelet drugs are aspirin and Plavix (clopidogrel). Is this ok to take on daily basis or am I just wasting my money with some. Now, my cardiologist is recommending I take Xeralto. Kurosawa Y, Nirengi S, Homma T, et al. For now, I would get on low-dose Lisinopril or Hytrin if the first one gives you problems, switch, but under the supervision of your cardiologist beginning on low dose should not give you the bad side effects or too low BP meanwhile, the Nattokinase/Serrapeptase can be working on cleaning your "pipes". I am, and often get high readings like yours when in a Doc's office or am anxious but when at home and relaxed totally normal, even a little lower take yours at home with a wrist cuff often btw: That 64 diastolic is great! As medicine, nattokinase has most often been used by adults in doses of 2000-7000 fibrinolytic units by, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, Getting Help for a Loved One With Psychosis: It's Complicated, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Vitamins and Supplements to Avoid with Hepatitis C. I buy the natto spores (b.subtilis natto) online. Do you have a CURRENT DVT?? Sumi H, Hamada H, Nakanishi K, Hiratani H. Enchancement of fibrinolytic activity in plasma by oral administration of nattokinase. If you live in America, studies show that you have a 90% chance of getting high blood pressure by age 55. Do not take two doses at one time. I am not on blood thinners. This product worked on my swollen right ankle in 12 hours & also use Mangosteen powder with meals & Spirulina powder 10pm. I agree though that LK is the winner of them all, if I had to limit to one. All the best! Free shipping for many products! I take 100mg Nattokinase and 80,000 of Serapeptase on empty stomach. Hemorrhoid sufferers will be glad to know that nattokinase works for hemorrhoids since hemorrhoids are a type of varicose vein. As long airplane flights are known to cause blood clots, scientists wanted to see if nattokinase could prevent clots from forming in a study of 300 people scheduled for a long flight. Long post. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. I bet he says NO. So if you're taking an antibiotic in the morning and at night, it's best to have the probiotic at lunch, Cullen says. Here's my plan of action: (Due to my schedule I can only carve out 2 "time windows.") OTHER NAME(S): BSP, Extrait de Natto, Fermented Soybeans, Haricot, Nattokinase is a natural part of a Japanese soy food called natto. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. If you look any younger you will start looking like a very good looking teenager. I have read where Natto also contains vitamin PQQ. No, he's not vaxxed, doesn't intend to. In this article, Ill teach you everything you need to know about this natural blood thinner. I would NOT recommend supplementing calcium, but taking at least 5,000iu of D3 daily your multi should contain enough B-complex. It goes up to 175/64, and I that's not good. I have a good naturopathic MD (NMD), really helps. It was most likely from the vaxx due to timing and no other logical reason drs could find. Unfortunately, due to federal privacy laws, I am unable to answer any questions about your specific medical condition. I and this vaccine also has its issues. A single-dose of oral nattokinase potentiates thrombolysis and anti-coagulation profiles. So glad I found it. Effects of nattokinase, a pro-fibrinolytic enzyme, on red blood cell aggregation and whole blood viscosity. 1 in a.m & 2 bedtime. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. I believe he is knowledgeable about enzymes, not sure if he recommends one of MY favorites, chlorine dioxide solution (CDS). Transfer natto to two sealable fridge storage containers, leaving "Personally, I would not combine LK with NK but would take serrapeptase with either." Of note, my wife and two-year-old son also eat natto with me. BTW, I am 58 years of age with ZERO underlying medical issues and I just started back on TRT last week. Keep in mind, I am not a Doc and do not offer medical advice. Where is it located? I recommend buying Devil's claw and bromelain individually ( I use Swansons or Ebay) and adding 40-80,000 spu serrapeptase to that mix, empty stomach then you save a ton get a stronger dose of both the DC and Brom, and don't get the ginger and add a great anti-inflammatory and healer in serrapeptase. (Cataracts removed) I know you are not a doctor, but can you just tell me, can I possibly benefit from Nattokinaise? The therapeutic amount of selenium is 1 capsule once a day. I have adopted some of his protocols and recommendations with great improvements. I have taken Xeralto in the past due to a blood clot in my leg and the bleeding side effects were significant. High natto. This is because natto contains both nattokinase and vitamin K2. However, before you throw out your statin drug for nattokinase, please note that there were only 82 people in this study. The Profibrinolytic Enzyme Subtilisin NAT Purified from Bacillus subtilis Cleaves and Inactivates Plasminogen Activator InhibitorType 1. 1. Ive been working on my diet and fasting for 18 hours daily. Nattokinase is a natural enzyme in natto, a Japanese soy-based food. Extract 30g cooking water cooled to 40C to serve as inoculant base, 11. Colin, happy to do that. If a person trys Natto, will it affect other medicines that a person might have to take? Quercetin is a good supplement, but gives me side effects. And I also take 81 mg aspirin at night. In choosing how to obtain nattokinase, my preference is to get it naturally from food (natto) rather than from a pill. Thanks to its caseinolytic properties, serrapeptase can help control harmful bacteria and prevent infections. The most unique feature of NK is that, as a single compound, it possesses multiple CVD preventative and alleviating pharmacologic effects (namely, antithrombotic, antihypertensive, anticoagulant, anti-atherosclerotic, and neuroprotective effects). BTW: I just found out my sensitive estradiol was really low, 8.5 but a friend said that Lab Corp sensitive estradiol is known to be wildly inaccurate jeeze again! I would not take aspirin with NK. By the end of the eight weeks, nattokinase lowered thesystolic blood pressure by four points and the diastolic blood pressure by three points. I was just curious if you knew what your hematorcrit numbers were when you were diagnosed with your blood clots? This will also help you determine if one of them is providing a greater benefit to you. 3. Is there any negative to taking this in a fasted state? Whether you get nattokinase from eating natto or from taking a supplement, nattokinase thins your blood many different ways. 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