Yatin, Check out the encyclopedia entry on jojoba for information on substitutions . I am trying to look for a substitute oil to replace it specially for the cleanser and hair properties- As other oils I was planning to use grape seed, jojoba and sweet almond. if you could make something and share the recipe would save me from some potential disaster, otherwise if you could help me regarding the carrot seed oil would be great, also, i noticed that in your Encyclopedia under allantoin you say Blend it thoroughly it in the cool-down phase but in some recipes you have added it to water phase, which one is correct? Sounds wonderful, and I have almost everything to make it. Hey! If you are making an emulsified cream with emulsifying wax you can probably get away with the substitution, but the final product will not perform the same way. Be sure to check out my other quick guides on essential oil subs and solubility as well , Hi Marie, Your final product will likely not be exactly the same, but it should be just fine. Unfortunately I really cant help you here I have basically no idea what you did. Raspberry Seed Oil - 2 years . I tried 10 different ways to naturally color lotion. Borage Oil in your Diet and on your Skin. , Hey Stephanie! Id recommend looking for some nice golden beeswaxtry your local farmers market and chat up a bee keeper . What a great post for someone who is just learning these things. Hi, I am searching for substitute for jojoba oil in terms of thickness. 44, 53, 78 The content of GLA is 20% and 26% of the oil. As long as the recipe doesnt call for coconut oil for its scent, it should be a good swap . Youre such an inspiration! In body butters recipes call for shea, cocoa and mango butter.. What can I use in place of mango butter? Hi Lisa! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I found some recipes for it online and they were just shredded, dried coconut run through a blender, like peanut butter. Mango butter is closer to shea butter in that its quite thick and has a higher melting point, so Id save that for other projects Thanks for reading! Studies have found it to be helpful for treating mild to moderate eczema. It takes 15-30 minutes for the coconut oil to absorb. you said shea is not a very good replacement for coconut. Thank you. I dont recommend DIYing with finished products, but I especially do not recommend it for soap as you could not be sure of the SAP value and may make an unsafe bar of soap. You should also DRASTICALLY reduce your batch size! This is Perfect!! Or results can vary if I use the microwave instead? However, theres a big difference between oils in how quickly they absorb into the skin. What youve listed out would make for a 10% oil phase, plus your emulsifying wax, so ~13.5% oil phase. As Im sure you know, a coconut allergy is an incredibly difficult thing to navigate, and researching coconut-free substitutions for things made from coconuts could be a full-time job :/ Heres a copy/paste reply I wrote up for another reader with the same allergy (plus a sulphate allergy): Ive been thinking about this a lot, and I think a coconut allergy in cosmetics is comparable to a gluten allergy/celiac in food. This is a really useful post! Possibly. Hi Edita! You make the chemistry behind DIY much fun and tolerable to people like me. If you were baking bread, for instance, and trying to make it gluten free, youd have pretty limited success simply using gluten-free flour in place of all-purpose. Reply. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for . Aromatherapy Blend with Borage Oil for Eczema in Children. I love doing this for after sunburn lotions its divine! My beeswax are pellets, cosmetic grade but without any honey smell.. actually no smell. Rose oil is difficult to extract; it takes several thousand rose petals to produce a minute quantity of oil. The reason this may not work is a difference in both texture and melting point. I will definitely need to try some smaller tester batches before splurging on large quantities. But am doing research before I make anymore rookie mistakes such as making a drastic ratio change on ingredients! I only use them in the evening. I had great luck with your Naked Lip Balm heavenly. Sadly, that makes them quite poor stand-alone lip balm ingredients. Think about baking, and swapping olive oil for butter in a cookie recipethere would be ramifications ;P, I usually use coconut oil and kokum butter in my skin cream and when being in the sun. Ive tried developing wax-less lip butter recipes and they have always been a disappointment. Thanks, you have made a huge contribution in my decision!! If you have a lotion recipe or deodorant one especially, please post it! Thanks, Erica! I got your book and Im wondering a sub for the coconut oil in the vegan lipstick, any suggestions? The combination works really well during our hot summer which is between 30 to 39 degree. It is a white, odorless semi-solid. I love your blog!! I wrote up some observations on different shea butters, but I havent found any that actually absorb quickly. Its hard for me to say how shea will work in warmer temperatures, but I imagine it will be softer for you than it is here, making it closer to the way I experience coconut oil (with 6 of fresh snow outside!). Borage oil capsule is rich in GLA (around 20% -25%), which falls under the category of omega-6 fatty acids. Any advice, suggestions you offer will be greatly appreciated. I thought the idea behind diy products was to get away from harsh chemicals used by manufacturers. I think I must be allergic to it. Borage seed oil contains an omega-6 fatty acid that may lower inflammation in people with RA. You can often buy gel capsules of it, and then you can puncture the capsule to get the oil. I dont want to use this oil due to the possible GMO contaminants which I work very hard to keep away from the bees. Sometimes the answer is a quick yes, and sometimes its a complicated no. Appreciate the suggestions. You could also look at non-soap cleansers like soap nuts & yucca (both contain natural saponins) and clays. Sweet almond oil 3.5% Hello, I mix castor, sweet almond, jojoba, rosehip seed and grapeseed oils with essential oils. Thanks for the clear and informative post! What does it feel like to you and do you want that feeling in your end product? Olive oil - 35%. Hi Janet! Read up on em and see what sounds good , Thanks Marie! I read through the comments and read about someone who doesnt like the coconut oil but my skin actually cant handle it. Borage oil contains about 18% to 26% GLA. said to give relief to eczema and atopic dermatitis. Coconut oil is usually solid for me, but it melts at 24C, so Im assuming its liquid for you. . Im just beginning to decide to make homemade products like lotions. Ive been working on the Humblebee & Me Encyclopedia; check there to see if the thing youre curious about is listed , Also, Id recommend giving this, this, and this a read , Hi Marie, Thank you so much for this! Can you leave out beeswax? Also, what are your thoughts on glycerin in the toothpaste mix? It is a great oil to substitute for coconut oil in most DIY projects. Honestly, that swap should not have caused a massive consistency changeit is much more likely to be something else. The oil which is extracted from Borage is known as Borage oil. Note: its the oil, not the butter. glycerin I use coconut oil in the toothpaste I make, but it is always liquid in the summer. 2.) Im making my first DIY lip balm. . I love the info about the oils, thank you! Sorry, I think youll probably have to wikipedia this/ask a doctorI certainly dont want to provide any speculative information and have somebody die of an allergic reaction! In my attempts I made them with Camellia Seed, Jojoba oil. Also, if you havent checked out my new post on DIY for Beginners, you totally should, it walks you through more info like this & great starter recipes . Happy making! There is no alternative for vitamin E. Have you checked your local pharmacy? Borage and fish oil (which contains omega-3s) have many things in common, such as fighting inflammation, supporting healthy circulation, and supporting a healthy immune response and metabolism. And here I am, bumped to your article. Skin problems known to benefit from topical borage oil application include: I add to this list dry and sensitive skin, including photodamaged and aging skin! However, essential oils dont contain any vitamins, so you will not be getting an easy vitamin C serum (but you might get a sunburn). GLA is also found in borage oil and black currant oil. Hopefully something in there is helpful. Babassu oil is a really good swap for coconut oilso good, in fact, that its almost indistinguishable and if you dont like coconut oil, you likely won like babassu oil either. Hi Carol! Ive shared many over the years . that helps convert the carrier oils in recipes, i.e. Thank you for the work you put into this. I think youll find that looking to remove all forms of sulphates and coconut from your skin care products is much the same, unfortunately. If youd like to hire me to ensure you get your formula, get in touch . Or any others? As I explain in the article, shea butter and coconut oil arent generally a good swap as they have drastically different melting points and textures. I am VERY allergic to coconut and its derivatives which makes it impossible to buy most skincare products in the stores, and also very tricky to make my own. This will be used in a moisturizer with Shea, Carrot Seed and Rose Hip. Another option is grapeseed oil which is a nice way to replace avocado oil. by Marie | Jun 23, 2013 | Articles, Essential Reading, Featured Posts, Quick Guides | 326 comments. Ill definitely need to try a smaller batch in the same ratios and hope for the best that it works out! Angelique. Really, after this, its all gravy. look for the oil pressed from the seed instead of the fruit, which is less orange. P.s. Do some googling and see what you think . Hi Julie! cold pressed Brassica napus (Rape Seed), The strongest evidence for EPO use is for treating eczema. . Do you think it depends also on the nature and the quantity of the fatty acids? Can you please recommend which carrier oils have very similar properties than these butters as my customers love my bath bombs so I need a very similar if not better result. It has naturalized throughout Europe and then North America after its introduction by European colonists. Hi Brittney! So very helpful!! Then you have a carrot oil (from the plant) that contains oodles of Vitamin A! Im guessing the reason your coconut oil is liquid is because your ambient temperature is usually about 24C, so its likely the same stuff I use, just warmerthatll work great . . The term carrier oil encompasses hundreds of different oils and butters. This thanksgiving I am having my daughters and three of their come home. Thanks! 79. Hi Jeannie! I am wondering where I can find more information about absorption. If a recipe calls for vitamin E oil as an antioxidant, can it be substituted with evening primrose oil or anything else? No lotion, just runny milky failure. Your skin will be softer and will smell nice, but there is absolutely nothing about that combination that is going to be a miracle worker for spider veins :/. Technically possible, probably, but it wouldnt be my choice of a starting point! Thanks for your help . I know eczema and psoriasis arent the same thing, but it may help. Im really enjoying reading your informative information and looking foward to making many of your recipes. Thank you. It is very viscous and does not absorb into the skin readily. It could still totally wreck the recipe, though, so consider yourself warned . I tend to get the majority of my information from the internet, and its good to be reminded that there are great resources at your local library as well . If you are under treatment for any health . Im only a teen, by the way! It functions as a skin-smoothening active ingredient, making skin soft and smooth. Rose (Rosa damascena) essential oil is one of the most expensive and most adulterated essential oils in aromatherapy practice. please answer and thanks . Im 6 months new into using essential oils and now making my own body butters, lip butters, cellulite creams etc.. Good news is that I didnt put any EOs in so that I can just reheat it. Most recipes should be ok as they are, but having never tried it, Id recommend doing some more research. No promises on performance, thoughI havent tested that. Ive really been enjoying educating myself on oils and soaps on your blog, thanks for providing so much helpful and easy to understand information! i considered buying mango butter for making lotion bars, because i heard mango butter doesnt have much of an odor, but it was pricier so i decided for the shea butter instead. It then occurred to me that I bought Orange EO as part of my EOs Starter Kit to myself. Totally up to you though ofc :) I don't have experience with this product, but if it smells weird I'd toss it. Thanks for your post! What can I add to Shea Butter to make an anti acne face cream? Borage oil is used as an herbal treatment of skin disorders including eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and neurodermatitis as well as other inflammatory . Just noticed that the natural is very dark in colour, what is the difference really? I already left a comment like this to your video comparing shea butter, coconut oil and cocoa butter, but Im leaving it here too as the YouTube commenting system sucks sometimes, so: Have you done this kind of post about different waxes? thanks marie. Some are so heavy and slow-absorbing you wont be able to touch paper for 20 minutes without leaving greasy fingerprints everywhere. Your list is very useful in this regard, but I have one remaining qualification for the replacement: how fast will be it become rancid? Melting point is really only important with oils that are solid at room temperature, as liquid oils generally tend to stay that way when theyre out and about, as their tipping point into the solid realm is generally far below temperatures youd want to apply body butter in (olive oil solidifies around 1C). L. et the tea blend steep for 10-15 minutes, and use honey to sweeten to the taste you prefer. I found lots of information about castor oil being a traditional thing to eat to try to induce labour (this is interesting), but couldnt find anything about it being problematic for topical use. It was explained so clearly. . Hi Dawn! thanks. Coconut oil is an emollient, which means it has a moisturizing effect when applied directly to the skin. Thanks in advance! Happy making! Happy making! One book I refer to when thinking of substituting an oil is Delores Boones Handcrafted Soap. Have you checked out some of my body oil and cleansing oil formulations for ideas? From what Ive read, babassu oil would be the best substitute . First off, LOVE this article. NDAs product pages are a great place to start for basic research on absorption speeds . Many many many thanks in advance XOXO. Try going down to ~20g of coconut oil instead of a cup. Borage is an Edible Crop. Thanks so much for all your helpful, well-written posts. You can eat the leaves, raw or cooked, and the flowers, raw, as a garnish or in drinks. Shea butter will not provide the same smooth, thick/hard final product as cocoa butter will. This oil has a mild flavor, just like safflower oil, so it can easily substitute it. It has a similar texture and melting point, though its not so similar in the price department, unfortunately. Borage (/ b r d / or / b r d /; Borago officinalis), also known as starflower, is an annual herb in the flowering plant family Boraginaceae.It is native to the Mediterranean region, and has naturalized in many other locales.. Hello. I noticed you havent mentioned Rosewater& glycerin and also pure lanolin. I am living in Indonesia, where average temperature is 27-35 C, which making coconut oil base body butter melt right after my body butter is ready. I have linsk to a carrier called Salvo but it is not cheap at all, 1 per ml!! thank you , Olive oil would be the better alternative as it is liquid and has a similar consistency to jojoba . OMG! Sorry no it also called for lemongrass cypress and lavender, Honestly, I dont see any of those EOs doing anything meaningful for spider veins, either. Could you give me your opinion, please? Dosing. Is there something else that can be substituted for this?? Beeswax, coconut oil and palm oil is produced here, while other carrier is imported. I wouldnt recommend making the swap, but if youre determined try using half cocoa butter, half sweet almond. Soybean oil. Honey is also a humectant, though, so if it can attract enough water to itself there can eventually be enough water that some of it has some free time to go cause trouble. 3. What would you say is the best substitute for argan oil. First off, I absolutely LOVE you and your videos. Thank you so much, I am keeping all this information in a notebook and in Evernote ( Online). Try something like mango butter for a faster absorbing butter . Both oils are in at least one of these charts? Drug claims have to be supported with drug studies and lots of paperwork, so I suggest avoiding them . Actually i m making a oleogel by using different gelators and emulsifiers the only problem lies in the oiliness. 2-3 Drops Tea Tree Oil Soap is always going to be basic, and studies have shown repeated and ongoing exposure to high pH cleansers is not good for our acid mantle (https://simpleskincarescience.com/ph-acid-mantle/). Evidence from animal studies indicates that skin disorders associated with fatty acid imbalances can be corrected through the dietary inclusion of Borage oil. Is that the whole recipe? Hello, hope you are enjoying Australia.. my parents just returned!!! Hey Norma! Thanks so much! A 2 g dose of dried herb brewed in 1 cup of boiling water taken 3 times daily has been suggested. I am wanting to make a psoriasis cream from a rollerball recipe, 6 tbsp grapeseed oil equivalent to ? in shea butter. No matter how thick or creamy they are in the tub, they melt into an oil quickly on the skin, and vanish from the lips in moments without contributing any meaningful moisture. I love your body shimmer oil recipe but was wondering how to tweak the recipe to be used in a spray bottle, Here is a very informative post. However, there are plenty of substitutes of borage oil which includes variety of carrier oils, primrose oil, and others which restricts . It can be used up to 25%. I used Shea butter and Avocado butter as well. I recommend saving your expensive carrier oils for leave-on applications, and typically for your face; your feet dont need a beautiful sea buckthorn serum! Thank you for the very informative post with all the proper substitutions! I recommend checking out this section of my website, the list of advanced search results on psoriasis at NDA, I never recommend using palm or palm kernel oil, I wrote up some observations on different shea butters, essential oils dont contain any vitamins, Swifty Crafty Monkey has a great post on all the ins and outs, youll need a proper broad spectrum preservative, most people who have nut allergies are not allergic to coconuts as they are not botanically nuts, https://simpleskincarescience.com/ph-acid-mantle/, Green Tea Conditioning Hair & Body Butter. I have cocoa butter (which actually is soft and creamy in a tub) coconut oil, vitamin e oil, honey, and essential oils. Thanks so much.love all your posts and help. Which oil can be used as an alternative oil for Sweet Almond Oil ? If you wish to include essential oils youll need an emulsifier, and you should not DIY with finished store bought products like aloe vera gel (or fresh aloe vera gel from the plant). If you want to experiment with this sort of thing go ahead, just make sure everything is sealed off from additional moisture, label everything, and keep an eye on it to ensure nothing funky is going on . Carmine, silk, beeswax, tallow, lard, lanolin, emu oil thats about all I can think of for ones that arent. Swifty Crafty Monkey has a great post on all the ins and outs . Selecting soap making oils and butters is a fun and personal process. Hey Sarah! Thanks, Marie! They are the same product and have the same benefits. This cellulite cream is loaded with grapefruit, but honestly I couldnt imagine putting it on before exercising. Thanks so much for reading & DIYing with me . Im so enjoying this blog of yours! This website cannot substitute for professional medical advice. So I need something to replace the Canola Oil. really helpful post. If so, Id stick with what the formula calls for, especially if that carrier oil makes up 50%+ of the formula. Heres how to walk yourself through that. I had an unfortunate experience with almond oilwithin two minutes of touching my daughters hair I had to be rushed to the hospital after two shots of my epi-pen. Abyssinian oil is a pretty good place to start. Thanks for reading In my experience, the vast majority of cosmetic ingredients are vegan. The Diazolidinyl Urea uses allantoin as part of its synthesis, and while that *could* come from animal urine, its almost certainly synthesized. a natural horse remedy i see uses the below and they are medium absorbtion, horses however down wear clothes! Im a massage therapist and read an article which vaguely said you can blend sweet almond oil and cocoa butter for a chocolate-aroma massage oil. However, I have already had the misfortune of trying to substitute Shea butter for Coconut oil (solid) because I tried it after listening to a certified Aromotherapist, say it was a great switch. Thank you so much for your answer in advance. Thank you for replying. . I found this article because I am looking for an alternative to argan oil. Thanks in advance! Cold Process Soap Recipe Mod 1. I love the recipes just not that specific ingredient lol, You can also look it up in the encyclopedia for other ideas . So, heres where Im at. It has really good charts listing oil properties etc. So, when making substitutions in a formula where the melting point and texture are important, be sure to pay attention to the melting points and textures of your ingredients. It may help with weight loss maintenance. I did not notice coconut oil in your tablewhere does it fit in? PM: Uriage Xemose cleanser, Avene Triacneal Expert serum, Urage thermal water, TO Niacinamide/Zinc, NIOD MMHC, Avene Comedomed, TO Borage oil. I was wondering should I put more shea or coconut oil for my lotion? Olus oil is an oil of 100% vegetable origin made from a blend of natural triglycerides. Im going to make body butter. Borage seed oil contains high concentrations of gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, and possibly small amounts of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Omega-6 fatty acid imbalances can be used in a moisturizer with shea, Carrot seed and grapeseed with. Your informative information and looking foward to making many of your recipes its introduction by European colonists works... Below and they are the same ratios and hope for the best substitute for argan oil butter... L. et the tea blend steep for 10-15 minutes, and the quantity of oil the term carrier encompasses... 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