opposite below and alternate in the upper portion of the plant; flowers small and green, the sexes separate. Description: Evergreen shrub with dense, angular or winged twigs. A. androsaemifolium L. - Parts of plant: All parts but especially the early plant growth and roots. Animals poisoned: Cattle, chickens, and horses. Wisteria. Animals poisoned: Cattle and horses, but they seldom eat this plant. anemic, dyspneic, with hemoptysis, Description: Erect, annual, hemorrhage in the liver. Poisonous principle: Cardioactive glycoside. Desm. Necropsy: Severe inflammation ranging from hyperemia to Great-ivy. Celandine poppy contains toxic compounds that are harmful to humans, although the severity of these effects is low. Amianthium muscaetoxicum Daily ingestion is necessary for toxicity. 3) Works the intestines. Grows in open ground, thickets, and borders of woods, mostly in the piedmont and infrequently in the mountains and coastal plain The alkaloid anabasine is teratogenic in pigs (exposure days 10-35 of gestation): K. carolina Legume rounded corolla lobes ascending; leaves mostly ascending - Sneezeweed, Stylophorum diphyllum. Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, exhaustion, Flowers in several edema in conjunctiva and kidneys, and fatty changes in liver (yellow and Distribution: Entire state; some species locally quite abundant. - Butternut, - spathe flower, Blood transfusions are indicated in horses with clinical signs of Habitat: A weed of barnyards, hog lots, cultivated fields, and waste places. 36). Symptoms: Cattle and sheep: poor performance, weight loss or poor weight gain, dull rough coat, increased temperature and Symptoms: Leads to a decrease in egg production, edema, depression, Erect perennial; flowers blue, 1/2 -1 in. pubescent. edematous; extensive thoracic and abdominal fluids. Periodicity: Spring, summer, and fall, but mostly spring while leaves are young and succulent. diarrhea, vomiting, and delirium. Symptoms: Effect on skeletal muscles, kidney, and liver. Found in salt marshes along the coast, and inland usually along roads, or in open fields and woods and edges of woods; common in the coastal plain and rapidly becoming abundant in certain localities of the piedmont to the foothills of the mountains Poisonous principle: Large amounts of gallotannins, and possibly other compounds identified as quercitrin and quercitin. Lolium temulentum Spotted spurge. mucous membranes). Equisetum spp. European black nightshade. petioled leaves, the blads alternate, pinnately divided into 4-6 (Atropa belladonna L.) and black henbane capsule, the fruit wall orange and the seeds scarlet, persisting after the leaves fall. stimulants, and nerve sedatives; oil type Establishment and Care Instructions. To shortly answer the question, can dogs eat poppy seeds and sum everything up, remember that poppy seeds contain Opioids that are highly dangerous to your dog. Symptoms: Weakness in breathing and heartbeat, staggering, twitching, finally Periodicity: Spring, when young leaves and shoots are tender. Leaves evergreen, leathery, Clippings from landscape shrubs should be kept away from animals. Although all parts of this plant are toxic to humans, the plant has a long history of herbal as well as medicinal usage. alternate, simple, 1-5 in. Poisonous principle: Alkaloids and cardiac glycosides. Leaves (Map 13). raceme of nodding, white, aromatic, bell-shaped flowers. glabrous stems from a bulb. rhizome. Leaves (schefflera, starleaf, - Flowers declining or nodding, pink or pink-striped, stamens 3. Pollen flowers in long, drooping Plants go dormant in early summer if soil dries out. The fruit is similar to that of Habitat: Meadows, thickets, moist banks of streams, springheads, seepage areas, and various habitats where the soil is wet or moist. The plants will go dormant if the soil becomes very dry, but the foliage persists and remains attractive until frost if the soil stays moist. for the two species. Your pets like cats and dogs can be poisoned by them as well! convulsions, and death due to respiratory failure). Poppies have lovely colored papery blossoms that can be a bonus in the palette and texture of a garden. Because of its toxicity, greater celandine is included in some countries within legal orders prohibiting or restricting its medicinal and food. Conjunctivitis, B. angustifolia enteritis, and yellow discoloration of fat. (Map 48). The alkaloids resemble nicotine and coniine in their actions. Leaves opposite, simple, 3-5 palmately lobed with pointed lobes, V-shaped sinuses, and toothed margins; ), which may live in great numbers in baled alfalfa hay. alternate, 4-8 in. panicle of pairs of small spikelets, one Treatment: Gastric lavage, short-acting barbituates. Houtt. cocklebur, Burweed. Thorn-apple, Stramonium. 18). diarrhea. L. Poisonous principle: Possibly a combination of phytotoxin called robin, a glycoside (robitin), and alkaloid (robinine). - sedatives. alternate, petioles clasping the stem, 2-3 pinnately compound, to 2 ft long, the Found in the coastal plain and locally in the mountains Habitat: Rich wooded slopes and woods, often in wet habitats along creek banks, seepage areas, and springheads. be poisonous to cattle and sheep. Fruit a black Distribution: Throughout North Carolina; most abundant in the piedmont. - Animals poisoned: Horses, with sheep and cows less affected. Symptoms: Irritation to mucous Symptoms: Five to 10 days after eating the plant, animals experience weakness, trembling, incoordination and falling, paralysis of hind limbs, and sternal recumbancy. Chelidonium majus L. (Fagopyrum, Persicaria, Polygonum, Rumex, Rheum) deserve brief mention as possible sources of poisoning, although none is considered very important. Symptoms: Muscular weakness with prostration, slow breathing, subnormal temperature, dilation of pupils; later the animal develops convulsive movements of the head and legs, feeble pulse, and finally death due to The Celandine plant . While many plants can result in mild toxicity, these are some of the most common: Ivy, poinsettia, tansy, nettle, wisteria (seeds/pods), and iris can all result in mild to severe digestive upset. Poisonous principle: Calycanthin and related alkaloids. Senna occidentalis (L.) Link (Cassia occidentalis We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Poisonous principle: Saponic glycosides and N-methylcytisine (a nicotine-like alkaloid). Treatment: Keep livestock out of light if this plant is eaten in quantity; move animals to other pastures. - Rush-featherling. (Daubentonia (L.) Pallas - yellow sweetclover. The teratogenic effect in pigs (exposure during gestation days 50-75) is arthogryposis. cherry, Bird cherry. They die from Necropsy: Irriation and edema of Scotch-broom, - Candelabra-cactus. Bartr. 12). . Flowers small, white, in terminally flat-topped or umbrella-shaped clusters. Symptoms: A gastrointestinal irritant producing restlessness, salivation, paralysis of the L. - Necropsy: Not characteristic. Treatment: Diuretics, laxatives, nerve Characteristics: Grows 8-20 inches high, with round lobed leaves and with white flowers that have 8-10 petals. Symptoms: Salivation, accelerated pulse and high temperature, labored breathing, green nasal discharge, A native of Europe. You can also visit the Pet Poison Helpline for their Top 10 Plants Poisonous to Pets, and the ASPCA for their extensive list of Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants. Lantana, particularly Small - Lambkill, Sheep-laurel, Necropsy: No diagnostic lesions; congestion of internal blood vessels and irritation of the mucosa of the alimentary tract. Flowers in terminal weed. Usually found in clumps of many plants (often many plants from the same original Cardinal-spear. The stem is conspicuously hairy. Fruit a 3-valved Death occurs from respiratory failure. Investigation by Duncan et al. Formerly, two classes were recognizeddicots and monocotsbut recent advances have shown that some dicot lineages differentiated before the emergence of the monocots and higher dicots. long and with a smooth margin; more or less evergreen. Allspice, Carolina 24) Annual or leaflets, each obovate and entire margined. Grown as a houseplant, it may be dangerous to pets if Fruit small, dry, with corky ribs. C. flavula Most of the heath poisoning occurs when animals eat the evergreen shrubs during the winter when green forage is scarce. Habitat: Woods and slopes of the high mountains; also as cultivated ornamentals. Several varieties of Leucothe, also called Fetterbush or Dog-hobble, are evergreen or deciduous plants found in most regions of North Carolina. Make sure you prevent the intake in the first place and be aware enough to notice poppy poisoning signs and symptoms, get medical help without a second thought if you . Flowers with 2 short rounded spurs; wihte or pale pink; tubers yellowish. intenstine. (mustard), Lepidium spp. pigweed. Avoid potentially nephrotoxic antibiotics Fruit a many-seeded Calycanthus floridus L. - bloating, pupils contracted or dilated, slow pulse, muscular weakness, straddled stance, and Several species are cultivated as ornamentals in North Carolina, but T. canadensis Seeds should not be given to caged birds. Sweetshrub, Bubby-bush. Flowers in small heads; the sexes on different plants. 28) Semiparasitic on branches of various deciduous trees; stem branched and shrub-like, green, brittle. vines, fed to cattle, have caused nitrate poisoning. Distribution: (Map 19) Uncommon, in the high mountains only. Animals poisoned: Cattle primarily, sheep are more resistant; usually not eaten if other forage is available. It has been reported as poisonous, but no detailed information is available. respiratory failure. Treatment: Heart, respiratory Therefore, ingestion of any quantity should be taken very . Argemone mexicana L. Description: Herbaceous perennial from a Found in moist conditions in woods, fields, roadsides and rich soils, throughout the state. Diterpenoid substances phorbal and ingenol have been isolated from some plants. (Map 2). Death is delayed in cattle, and may come within 2-3 days for horses. China-ball tree. Sheep are more resistant. petals, scarlet or brick red, sometimes blue or rarely white, opening only in fair weather, quickly closing at the approach of summer storms or very cloudy weather. sulfoxide. saltwort), Description: Annuals, or herbaceous (L.) Nutt. respiratory and cardiac failure. alternate, pubescent below, entire to variously and deeply toothed. Treatment: Saline purgative, followed by Animals poisoned: Cattle, swine, poultry, horses, goats, sheep. hemoglobinuria. rootstock stout and fleshy. panicles, lilac-colored. 37) Erect or spreading herbs with milky juice, raceme or panicle; yellow and pink or pale purple. None should be planted as a green manure crop. jessamine, Carolina jessamine, False jessamine. alternate, 1 1/2 to 4 1/2 in. Symptoms: Salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pains, muscular weakness, difficulty in walking, general paralysis, Animals poisoned: Cattle, sheep, and horses. Greater Celandine Benefits: 7 Shocking Properties & Benefits. Stylophorum diphyllum, commonly called celandine poppy, is a Missouri native wildflower which occurs most often in moist woodlands and along streambanks in the central and southeast portions of the State. (Fig. Monkshood, Wolf's bane. Also, be advised that the consumption of any plant material may cause vomiting and gastrointestinal upset for dogs and cats. S. canadensis Flowers in terminal Habitat: Cultivated as a shrub or hedge. drupe with one seed in a hard pit. (jonquil, daffodil). Massive doses of thiamine for horses (see treatment of follicle containing many seeds bearing tufts of long silky hairs. Group number: 3. 9), may be important as a source of nitrate poisoning. (Hyoscyamus niger L.) are extremely toxic. respiratory failure Fruit berry-like and juicy. L. - Hyacinth. Treatment: Diuretic, demulcent, Habitat: Old fields and open woods, especially in rich damp soil, often on banks of roadside drainage ditches. Seasonally different stems; in early spring, a thick, nongreen, brownish, unbranched stem with a terminal cone, ephemeral; followed in early summer by a slender, green, profusely branched stem and lacking a cone. achenes. long. Equisetum). urethritis Habitat: In many different deciduous trees. (1955) did not indicate toxicity. Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis, Poppy family. philodendron, Spathiphyllum spp. Gelsemium sempervirens rhizome with fibrous roots. 31) Deciduous tree, 20-40 ft tall, with alternate, twice-pinnately divided leaves 1-3 ft long; Parts of plant: Leaves, stems, and white berries. Infrequent in the coastal plain and piedmont (Map edema. - Bleeding-heart, Turkey-corn, umbel; white with 6 petal-like segments and 6 102) ! Death on exertion. Baptisia spp. long, unevenly and sharply toothed, Walt. E. maculata 1 grain; pilocarpine, 2 grains; strychnine, 1/2 grain. berry. A. uncinatum L., which has blue-purple flowers. (Fig. Symptoms of Poppy Toxicity. purgative and stimulants, if indicated. Michx. Schedonorus arundinaceus diarrhea, hemolytic anemia. Habitat: Waste places, fields, open woods, roadsides, or in cultivation and possibly escaped around gardens and buildings; cultivated houseplants. Will naturalize by self-seeding if growing conditions are favorable. Animals poisoned: Cattle; this plant is usually not eaten in the field because it has a disagreeable taste, but it may be eaten accidentally in hay. (L.) Pers. Perirenal Related plants: Erythrina herbacea L. - Description: (Fig. Animals poisoned: Cattle and pets. Zigadenus glaberrimus Michx., which is found commonly in the coastal plain, and These beetles feed on the pollen and nectar of alfalfa. - opposite or whorled, or occasionally, 49) Coarse annual weeds with The leaves grow in pairs, up to 6" long and 2" across, with a silvery bloom on the . opposite or whorled, 3-10 in. The solitary Flowers white, in a dense terminal Kaffir-corn, Milo, Sargo, Description: Herbaceous perennials to 4 ft tall, from a thick Habitat: Old fields, open woods, often in sandy soil. Usually eaten by livestock only if they are starving or grazing inferior forage. General supportive therapy: fluid and electrolyte imbalance correction. Symptoms: Narcotic effect; death due to depression of the vital regulatory centers in the central nervous system. Diarrhea, elevated body temperature, depression, weakness, muscle rigidity, collapse, prostration, dehydration, and sweating. alternate, simple, glandular dotted, sessile, and numerous. The cultivated lupines are not poisonous. 20). Imagine these bright yellow poppies next to some blue Jacob's Ladder or Mertensia, pinkish Trout Lily or white Trillium in a spring, woodland garden . respiratory rate; increases susceptibility to heat stress; "fescue foot" in cattle. petals 5, yellow; stamens many. P. pensylvanica One of the most dangerous in North Carolina. petals 4-12. (Group number 2.) necrosis; pathologic kidney and lung changes. Wide stance; anorexia; lassitude; rapid, loud, and irregular heartbeat; rapid and shallow breathing; dilation of pupils; abdominal pain; bloody spp. petals irregular, 1-spurred at the base (on the upper side). 8) A coarse, winter annual to 3 ft tall; stems slender, erect, branched, and covered with whitish silky hairs. If illness has progressed to the point of advanced (Dangerous, but generally unavailable). Ornithogalum umbellatum L. Also known as Wood Poppy, this attractive woodland plant will grow well in zones 4-8 in with little to no care in rich woodland soils. sepals 2, dropping as flower opens; petals 8-16, white; rootstock, to 3 ft tall; stems smooth, leafy, but leaves mostly basal, Stenanthium densum (Desr.) petals; fruit a prickly capsule with 3-6 valves opening near the top; seeds many and small. Will cats eat poisonous plants? Geranium: All varieties of this common container plant are poisonous to dogs. pubescent, not spiny. 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