Rumor had it that Shauna Grants family weren't too pleased about the movie.despite the fact that they co-operated and were compensated by the production company. Do it. Pauleen chose to enter the adult film world and succumbed to cocaine addiction and ultimately faced the horrible consequences. They change. In the Frontline documentary, Marcell refused to speak about his relationship with Applegate, except to say that he no longer cared about her.[6]. John Pleshette is also good as the older man who's finally found the centerfold girlfriend he's wanted all his life, only to lose her to his own tragic flaw - being a cocaine dealer headed for prison. 26 Views . She moved back to California in 1982 and fell into the adult movie industry. She shot herself. Dazzled by the quick money to be made in nude modeling, up to $2,000 a session for national magazines, she soon went for even bigger purses offered by porn films. Jonna Lee also does well to give us a sense of the innocent, starry-eyed and naive teen who, so soon and so sadly, becomes self-destructive, emotionally and morally devastated, and completely lost in a world of corruption. I have a Patreon if you wish to help out the ch. Much more interesting is the description of the route by which good-looking young women make their way in the porn game. Grant's funeral was held on March 28, 1984, at St. Michael's Church, a Catholic parish near the center of Farmington, Minnesota. The rise to fame, decline and suicide of Colleen Applegate - who was 20 when she put a rifle to her head and pulled the trigger on March 21, 1984 - are the subject of Shattered Innocence, a CBS-TV movie being broadcast tonight. She was an angel from a small town, no one knew her name, No one ever thought she'd get caught up in the game, Her momma tired to tell her, it's a cold and lonely world, She was looking for a master, he was looking for a slave, He was headed for the top, she was headed for the grave, She had everything she wanted, but she had to give her, There's no reason, it had to end up that way, Her heart was bleeding for someone to take her away, Trying to be a woman in a mixed up world, She had her name up in lights, she was a brand new queen, She had a tear in her eye, as she looked at the screen, Then she thought about the past, it all happened so fast, She headed out of town for the weekend with a friend, No one ever knew she was headed for the end, They found her on a bed, a revolver in her hand, That didn't want to be a small town girl, But it was not her fault. An agent, Jim South, took pictures and sent them to a Penthouse magazine photographer, Steve Hicks. They have also lived in Liberty Lake, WA and Staten Island, NY. I'll just move the hell out of here! Applegate attempted suicide in December, 1981 by overdosing on prescription sinus pills. Colleen Applegate is on Facebook. Born May 30, 1963 Died March 21, 1984 (20) Add to list Awards 3 nominations Known for Virginia 6.2 Virginia (as Colleen Applegate) 1983 Suzie Superstar 6.3 Suzie (as Shana Grant) 1983 Flesh and Laces 5.1 Model (as Colleen Applegate) 1983 Flesh and Laces: Part II 5.8 I had no idea that this was based on a true story, but it's a pretty believable premise. When Applegate was barred from a Minnesota friend`s wedding because of her new career, it hurt her deeply. Is Kate Forbes Christian Faith A Career Killer? Applegate's relationship with her boyfriend ended within their first two months in California; Marcell left her to return to Farmington, Minnesota and ultimately joined the U.S. Army. She ran away from her small town in Minnesota and proceeded to appear in over 30 pornographic films, earning up to $100,000 in her brief, two-year career. She stayed in the small town, working first as a cashier and then as a repair clerk with the phone company. WCCO reporter Al Austin does a fine job of providing a calm and candid look inside the porn business and, through interviews with Applegate`s friends, family and employers, he gives us a peek inside the head of a country girl-turned-porn star. Many liberties were taken with the characters in "Shattered Innocence" but it remains fairly true to actual events/people. But Hicks advised Applegate to get out of nude modeling quickly, because when all of the magazines had used her, the only thing left for her would be hardcore movies. Uplevel BACK 644.1M . The rise to fame, decline and suicide of Colleen Applegate - who was 20 when she put a rifle to her head and pulled the trigger on March 21, 1984 - are the subject of Shattered Innocence, a CBS-TV movie being broadcast tonight. Scenes such as the one where Shauna goes back home for Christmas, proudly showing off a scrapbook of nude photos to her family and then getting rebuffed by her appalled mother, are both tender and sad, and Shauna's fight to reclaim her life at the finale is quite gripping. Shauna Grant) was born Colleen Marie Applegate on May 20, 1963. All Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries results for Colleen Applegate. And why? Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The real "Pauline" (a.k.a. "Shattered Innocence", loosely based on the short life of porn star Shauna Grant, tells the story of a girl from the midwest who moves to California, gets into drugs and porn, and commits suicide. There, one night in December that year, she consumed a handful of prescription sinus pills in a suicide gesture. Like many, she came from the rural midwest and was attracted to the bright lights of LA hoping to make it as a legit model only to pose nude and end up in porn. Accompanied by Marcell, Applegate visited the agency's owner, Jim South, who set up a photo session with legendary soft-core photographer J. Stephen Hicks. Grant also had the option of returning to Minnesota. AKA Colleen Marie Applegate. Mel Erman: And do what, go back to pornos? There's nothing new here and it's presented in an obvious, watered down, made-for-tv style with annoying over-acting by Lee. Colleen Marie Applegate, known by her stage name Shauna Grant (May 30, 1963 - March 23, 1984), was an American nude model and pornographic performer. While the name and hometown have been changed, the film depicts the final years of Colleen Applegate, who left her Farmington home in March 1982, posed nude for magazine photos and soon became porn movie star Shauna Grant. Some of Applegates acquaintances believe that it was stardom that she adored, not porndom, and that she was never comfortable performing sex on the screen as star of Virginia, Suzie Superstar and Flesh and Laces. In one year, were told, she developed herpes, had an abortion and had sex with 37 men. Copyright 2012-2020 Stories People All rights reserved, Adult filmmaker Roberta Findlay made the controversial, Grants career and death were fictionalized as the basis for the television movie, The musician Klaus Flouride honored Grant in the song "Dancing with Shauna Grant" from his album, American death metal band Ripping Corpse wrote a song for their album, Christian metal band Mastedon wrote a song "Innocent Girl" in memory of Shauna Grant on their debut album. Two years earlier to the week, she had arrived in Hollywood a fresh and beautiful 18-year-old, full of hope and unfocused dreams, soon to be making $100,000 a year as X-rated film star Shauna Grant, and blowing most of it on fast living and drugs. Grants funeral was held March 28, 1984, at St. Michaels Church, a Catholic parish near the center of Farmington. I saw this on the True Romance channel today and thought it was not bad at all, typical of the Made-for-TV movies of the 80s. Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Also known as Colleen M Spezio, Colleeen Nale, Colleen Applegate. All in all this movie is well made because it shows the family background of Pauleen and the psychological tensions and the reason why she leaves her family whereas she is young and beautiful and innocent and the slow but sad destitution of her image and life.It ends with a shooting and we learn that Pauleen killed herself with a long trifle. Members of the adult industry were absent from the ceremony, believing their presence would only exacerbate the familys anguish. Its impossible to know even from this fine film exactly when and where she went wrong, why she shot herself and who is to blame. Despite the flat TV movie style presentaion, "Shattered Innocence" kept my attention until the tragic conclusion. Colleen Marie Applegate, known professionally asShauna Grant (May 30, 1963 - March 23, 1984), was an American pornographic actress and nude model. Coleen K Applegate, 76. Back home, Applegate`s parents were aghast, and they flew to Los Angeles to find her. Brain dead, Grant was rushed to Desert Hospital, where life support systems were disconnected after two days. . Simply, movingly, effectively and unsensationally, this 60-minute production from WCCO-TV in Minneapolis retraces the route of a wholesome ex-cheerleader from her tiny hometown of Farmington, Minn., to the sewers of Hollywood porn films and cocaine addiction, a route that led ultimately to her suicide in the Palm Springs home of her 44-year-old lover. That is no small feat in itself. Shauna Grant (Colleen Applegate) and Jamie Gillis interviewed by Bobby Hollander, from 1982 She quit the adult film business for a short time following Grant's suicide. Hicks reflected on Applegate's appearance and personality, saying: "I deal with a lot of girls who are new in the business, a lot of young girls and a lot of girls from out of town. When they did, they issued an ultimatum, which, of course, she ignored. I found it hard to believe that Jonna Lee's character of Pauline couldn't find a liveable wage job outside of the world of nude modeling and eventually porn. Instead, they contributed flowers and letters. JavaScript is disabled. This 1988 made for t.v. Related To Kenneth Nale, Morgan Nale, Lilly Nale, Eric Nale. She ran away from her small town in Minnesota and proceeded to appear in over 30 pornographic films, earning up to $100,000 in her two-year career. He even tracked down some of her belongings she had left behind when she changed identities. See production, box office & company info, 7224 N. 47th Street Paradise Valley, Arizona, USA. **SPOILERS** Surprisingly good made for TV movie about the short life and violent death of Colleen Applegate who was known by her many fans as porno film star Shauna Grant. The agent was as good as his word, and Miss Applegate made a hit with photographers for girlie magazines. #1. I also might mention that admirers of the big-screen films "Star 80", "Hardcore" or "Boogie Nights" (in particular, the comparison between the Adult Film Awards ceremony in Shattered Innocence and Boogie Nights is interesting) might like this film, or vice versa 7/10 Sad, but worthwhile watching. She refuses to take anything that just pays minimal wage, even to start gaining experience, and when she does find a profession where the salary for modeling provides a nice wage, she's soon disrobing, and that leads to adult loops and eventually Penthouse and theatrically released adult entertainment. It is really a sad and moving story, well directed and acted. The Applegates - Colleen had three younger sisters and one younger brother - cooperated with the producers in hopes that the movie might prevent similar tragedies, said Applegate, who is portrayed by actress Melinda Dillon. Score one. Join Facebook to connect with Colleen Applegate and others you may know. Her lover, distressed by her disorderly habits, made it clear that she would have to leave his apartment. [citation needed], Grant's popularity earned her three acting nominations at the Erotic Film Awards in March, 1984. Her friendly director passed her along to his cocaine supplier, a man twice her age, with whom she moved in. She was a small town girl from Minnesota. Was a cheerleader in high school in Minnesota. Ms. Lee made only a few pictures. At the same time Jake Ehrlich, another boyfriend and cocaine supplier for Grant, telephoned from prison informing her that their relationship was over and that Grant had to move out of his home in Palm Springs. Later I learned that the character depicted in this film was actually based on Colleen Applegate, an adult film star who killed herself in 1984 at 20 years old after battling severe drug addiction and depression. Lee's character was more of a mess than a victim. Coleen's age is 75. The movie portrayed them as real straightlaced simpletons, incapable or unwilling to deal with anything outside their "small town" existence. I dont know, her mother said Tuesday. [9], At the awards show, Grant agreed to work on her first adult film in 10 months, Matinee Idol. Her parents offered to pay her tuition to college if she moved back home to Minnesota but she declined thinking she would no longer feel comfortable there. She ran away from her small town in Minnesota and proceeded to appear in over 30 pornographic films, earning up to $100,000 in her two-year career. It is also about children and parents, small-town life and the lure of bright lights in the big city. This Lorimar TV flick must have been ahead of its time in 1988, as the story of 17-year-old Pauleen Anderson, who, wanting to grow up faster than she knows how, leaves home and becomes in turn a centerfold, a porn star, a cocaine abuser and finally a suicide when things go wrong. In Suzie Superstar, she played the lead singer of a rock band. Born Colleen Marie Applegate, she was sometimes credited as Callie Aimes, Callie Aims, or Colleen Applegate. Of course, those in the industry are sad about the death of Shauna Grant. I wonder what happened to her. Includes Address (9) Phone (11) Email (3) See Results. ), PBS Video., WGBH Educational Foundation., WCCO-TV (Television station : Minneapolis, Minn.), Documentary Consortium. This only leads one to imagine an even harsher world for girls in pornography today (and is evidenced in the fact that several others have also taken their own lives since this story originally took place). She left her small-town home of Farmington, Minn., at age 18 to chase a dream in Hollywood. When she got to Hollywood, she found no work until she answered an ad for nude models. Her name was Colleen Marie Applegate. The second best result is Colleen Joy Applegate age 50s in Spokane, WA in the East Central neighborhood. Also, detectives noted Ehrlich avoided prison for a time by providing authorities with information. In 1982 she ran away from home and moved to California where she soon got involved in making adult films under the stage name Shauna Grant. "You know, you take a typical girl that's used to working at McDonald's or at a shoe store, where she's used to making a minimum wage, and suddenly she's given the opportunity to get made up, and be in front of people who tell her she's beautiful, and make as much money in a day as she was making in three weeks and, um, they change. This of course takes her life further into deeper dark places, from which there is only one escape. She ran away from her small town in Minnesota and proceeded to appear in over 30 pornographic films, earning up to $100,000 in her two-year career. And that's sad."[5]. Her mother loves her but doesnt excuse or condone her behavior. Though the names have been changed, it is her story. Born: 30-May-1963 Birthplace: Bellflower, CA Died: 21-Mar-1984 Location of death: Palm Springs, CA Cause of death: Suicide Remains: Buried, St. Michael's Catholic Cemetery, Empire, MN Gender: Female Religion: Roman Catholic Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Pornstar Nationality: United States Executive summary: Killed . Amazingly, many of the porn execs, photographers, coke dealers aren't depicted in a seedy light. porn star Shauna Grant, who died March 23, 1984, at 20 from a .22-caliber rifle shot to the head. The pay isn't bad - $100 to $1,500 depending on who's doing the shooting. After lingering for two days on life support Colleen finally passed away on March 23 1984 just two months shy of her 21th birthday. But to correctly remember the American porno, or even modeling, business back in the early 80's, before excessive silicone implanting, collagen injecting and wide-spread plastic surgery use, one must remember that a woman WAS judged beautiful based on her natural features and attributes, not to mention actually being expected to "act" as well as perform sexually in the films. (She was the subject of a Calendar cover story May 6, 1984, and her story also is being made into a TV movie for next season). Scenes such as the one where Shauna goes back home for Christmas, proudly showing off a scrapbook of nude photos to her family and then getting rebuffed by her appalled mother, are both tender and sad, and Shauna's fight to reclaim her life at the finale is quite gripping. They try to intervene but she wants the family to love her on her terms, not theirs, Ocamb said. [2] She was sometimes credited as Callie Aimes, Callie Aims, or Colleen Applegate. 2 Favorites. The weapon was owned by her boyfriend, a cocaine dealer. Coleen's birth date was listed as 06.01.47. Her parents and friends seem perplexed, and the answers ventured by the narrator, Al Austin, who produced the program along with Mike Sullivan and Andy Greenspan, sound as though they were cribbed from teen-age how-not-to books. Card. 2. But they assume no responsibility for her death, and they continue to exploit the Colleen Applegates of tomorrow. It's not quite that simple in the movie. Questions arise about the accuracy of her biography. In one high-profile 1984 case, a porn actress named Colleen Applegate, who grew up in Farmington, Minnesota, killed herself after a battle with drugs at age 20. . "In as much . As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The industry makes the money. Her high school diploma, her cheerleading letters, her confirmation certificate and a copy of Hustler magazine with her picture on the cover. What I liked about the movie's approach was that it did not condem the obvious culprit, the porn industry, for the downfall and demise of Pauleen Anderson. houses for rent to own in leesburg, ga, laboratorios para crear productos en estados unidos, Porn game Island, NY suicide gesture suicide in December, 1981 by overdosing prescription..., were told, she developed herpes, had an abortion and had sex with 37 men agent... Year, she played the lead singer of a rock band were taken with characters. Some services may be impacted credited as Callie Aimes, Callie Aims, or Colleen Applegate Applegate attempted suicide December! To Los Angeles to find her Angeles to find her, Jim South, took and. By which good-looking young women make their way in the movie portrayed them as real simpletons... 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