Once all the players had assembled in the living room, Dan emerged wearing almost all black with his Bible. So to be able to sell her on the fact that there was sympathy was something that I was like, "Hey, this is something that happened that I didn't expect. It's like, you've got to drag me out of the house. And it kind of proves that you obviously have been dishonest in the past, because you're trying to do all this stuff to prove a point. Because that's another dude who could totally win it, and let's get his ass out. I'm not going to have time to tell him. It's too important to him. Dan was not going to win. That's two votes. SHANE MEANEY: I'd stick to Ian, 100 percent. Dan was "dead" in the game until he hatched a plan in solitary confinement. And it made me question Britney at that point. JENN ARROYO: We're all thinking "This is signed, sealed and delivered, baby!" This whole thing is a complete hail Mary. "The one and only Jenn City. It was just him filling me in on what I didn't know before. Dan earned the trust and loyalty of his friends and he never lost Chloe's love or friendship even after their marriage ended. I'm not proud to say that, but that's how I was able to deliver that to her. I knew that Frank wisened up, and he actually was making the right play. IAN TERRY: He looked pale and he looked sick. Click here if you would like to make a donation. One of the most well-known parts of the funeral service is the eulogy reading. I don't like having to vote out those that I feel like I already have a connection with because I've seen them on TV. I'm like, "You know I need these points, so why are you doing this?" I trusted her implicitly. It was a culmination of all of Dan's hard work and the power of his mist. One of the things he talked about was that he wanted to be considered the best. Carlton Donaldson, 23, of. At 6.30am on the day of the funeral, the Queen's lying in state will end, and in the morning the coffin will be taken in procession from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey for the funeral . I think that it's about to come my way. I said, "Okay," and I ran up to the Big Brother booth where we talk to the houseguests from. I didn't have any sympathy for any of them at that point. Chris was a Diary Room producer from my first season and now he's one of the executive producers. That was my moment to just internally go nuts, but don't show a sliver of it externally. No matter if Dan and I never talk again, I'm still going to feel that way. Frank has not dropped Britney's name, but I see Ian breathing heavily, shaking, looking back and forth. JOE ARVIN: I was, "What the hell? BRITNEY HAYNES: I really thought this is Dan's way of saying some parting words because he knows he's going home. Stop crying, Britney.". We were supposed to ride to the end. I can't blame somebody for making a move to get the win. Think again.) So I was like, "Can I really, for three weeks, on a daily basis, just drink a ton of water, and have protein shakes?" I see Britney's mouth drop and Ian's like "No! How did it happen? . Yeah, it felt great to pull that pin and fing drop that bomb. ", DANIELLE MURPHREE: That motherer! DANIELLE MURPHREE: I still would've done the same thing. I would rather be sitting on the block in my little safe hole, because I knew that I probably wasn't going to get evicted by the people in the house and that I was not going to be the one to walk out. They worked on opposite sides of the house, they've been really against each other for the majority of the time. But watching it work on everyone, and seeing all the tears, I'm like, "This guy is brilliant! I thought when I picked you that you would have similar qualities to Memphis Garrett, and through my own fault, I was wrong. IAN TERRY: I wasn't happy about it, to be honest, and the reason is that I already had the Veto in hand, and we didn't really know how the Veto ceremony was going to work. I wouldn't care. JENN ARROYO: People were mega-pissed at him. He likes those pranks, and he likes to be annoying as a joke sometimes. Frank messes up and I get another chance to go head-to-head against Jenn, and I lose to Jenn who hasn't won anything. But celebrating the Mass at the altar will be Italian Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the dean of the College of Cardinals. DAN GHEESLING: I walk in the house and I'm upset. 27th Sep 2019, 7:41pm Daniel Weyman leaves behind his six-year-old daughter Ruby Those were the words of the half-sister of Bognor dad Daniel Weyman, who died in hospital following an incident in Belmont Street just before 1.50am on Sunday. I was just going to say, "You're dead to me," but I truly don't want to make someone upset, so even though it doesn't make for as good TV I said, "In this game you're dead to me" instead. DAN GHEESLING: Yeah, I remember that. . Queen Elizabeth's funeral took place on Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. And I'm just looking at everybody, like, "You can't be serious. That made them think that he didn't really deserve to win because he had used all of these unfair tools like his Bible and his ring, and grandfather's cross to gain trust with people, and that shouldn't be allowed. I don't think it's going to work, but it's the only thing I can do to try and stay in this game. IAN TERRY: I was just like, "Hey, what the hell is this, man?" We ended up being surprised at what we learned. ", DAN GHEESLING: Shane fulfilled a certain role in the house. I like to hear something good about myself too, but I thought that would disarm people, and it gives people the illusion that this is it for me and I want to enjoy these last couple of days because I know they're my last couple of days. In another master plan, Dan convinced Danielle to use the POV on him ultimately causing her showmance partner Shane Meaney to go on the block due to the lack of remaining houseguests. He loved gatherings, especially tailgates involving Auburn Tigers and Atlanta Falcons football. On day 68. He was insinuating that these lights messed with his eyes, and that he was in pain, or he was messed up. BRITNEY HAYNES: Dan was supposed to throw the competition. And my phone rang in my office and it was [co-executive producer] Heath Luman, who calls me and says, "Hey, this just happened. Nobody really wanted to send her home except for Dan. I got it. And the genesis of that strategy would harken back to both season 10 and the seething rage Dan was feeling at Danielle over the just-completed Veto competition. Be a gentlemen. Early China: Around the Funeral of Lao Dan T he crucial importance of funerary rites in early China would seem to be reflected not only in an abundance of writings devoted to describing -frequently from an idealised standpoint not exempt of normative ends -the complex set of practices, speeches, attire and objects that accompany the proceedings of these ceremonies but also, and in particular . I do remember it just took a few minutes to process, like, "I'm gonna save Dan? To really answer that, I'd have to lock myself in the Big Brother house for a year, and then re-watch every season. Danielle was a very smart player. Because at that point I don't think she did have really anyone to go to. My initial reaction was I felt bad for him, but it was all part of his plan. It was how everything happened at the end with me. So many different things were going through my brain. DAN GHEESLING: It's almost like you're playing a game of Clue and you know the murderer and you know who's about to get murdered, and you know you're going to win. It's taken a long time for me to get strong though, to be honest. DAN GHEESLING: I had to run through it 100 times in my head at least, and that's how I operate in the game. And in that moment when Dan shook his head, there was something very unlikeable about Dan. He was my favorite on that season for sure, and really, probably in my top five favorite players ever. JENN ARROYO: I'm sure he did meet a lesbian, but she probably just didn't want to get all into it. I really don't. You've got Joe, who says he wouldn't piss on Dan if he were on fire. Britney was eventually voted out by the house (receiving only Ian's vote to stay), followed in order by Frank, Joe, and Jenn. It's the worst-case scenario, but I'm not willing to give up. I let you guys down, the producers. And why are you answering questions?" 'My sweet Dan, my whole body is aching, down to the deepest part of my soul,' his wife Susie . JOE ARVIN: Everybody's freakin' crying. I was like, this guy is going to win this whole damn thing, and I felt like no one else was really paying attention. I immediately realized he's not being a team player. And now he's saying something very similar to what Mike Boogie said the round before. I had tried Chef Joe's slop cookies. He lived life to the full with a full heart. You've got to get every question from here on out if you want to stay in this game.". This is it. I hated him for a while after the show and I had really been searching my soul on it. I wanted to make sure she got every piece of that punishment. They're like, "Yes, you did.". They also believed it was as he told Danielle meant to gain her sympathy with the jury. There's also a possibility that I was frustrated that she buzzed in and it was easy and she couldn't figure it out. BRITNEY HAYNES: There is not a Big Brother handbook that you have to have any sort of moral compass. I don't think that there is a fair or right way to play Big Brother. I get another chance to save myself because Frank essentially acted outside of the rules!". The Veto competition was a Draw Something challenge hosted by Ian in which players (including Jenn, who was picked by Dan with the Houseguest Choice chip) would have to buzz in and guess the object being drawn. DANIELLE MURPHREE: He's pacing in the backyard. Dan's won the game. A green funeral can be an environmentally-friendly alternative that also saves money. I always wanted to leave my mark on the show, and whether it's the greatest move of all time, I think you can debate that because ultimately it didn't lead to a victory, but I'd like to believe it's one of the most memorable. Roz: [at Dan's funeral] The Dan Fielding I knew was a self-centered, egotistical, boot-licking, no-good sack of slime in a $500 suit. He persevered through what seemed like a level of social anxiety, bless his heart, that I think a lot of people have not had to deal with. It was the first competition she won. He loved the experience, so I wanted to make him feel the experience even more, if that makes sense. And while the funeral saved Dan's life in the game, did it ultimately cost him the win at the end? I was very angry that she went after those points, so that's where I started the thought process. BRITNEY HAYNES: He knows me, and he knows how emotional I am. At the funeral of George Herbert Walker Bush a week ago , unexpected envelopes containing a short note were discovered in the accompanying hymnsheets by several of the ex presidents wives . And I will say this. How did you feel?" To this day, viewers, players, and even the executive producers and the host all believed Dan's anger at the funeral was all a ruse. It was Frank's idea. For Benedict's funeral, Francis will lead the final rites. Knowing that Dan's one of the best of the best, that's a huge ego boost. He sees the puzzle put together before anyone else. When I see Frank's wheels start to turn and him being almost more upset or mad that Ian duped him, I'm like, "Maybe this thing has got a shot to happen. He wrote an article celebrating the 7 year anniversary of "Dan's Funeral" one of the biggest moves in Big Brother and reached out to everyone who was involved. You don't care what you do, who you hurt. I could have just had a normal meeting, but I like to try to make a show the best I can. And then I started questioning everything: "Okay, that doesn't make sense. I thought Britney was a toss-up and I was banking on Danielle, which would have been enough to win. DAN GHEESLING: Britney and I talked a lot about being newlyweds. I wasn't thrilled about these nominations because it meant that there was no way that I could protect both myself and Britney in this round of play, because she's not nominated. And I'm just like, "You know that he doesn't really mean this." He was able to persuade a lot of people in the jury that Dan had played unfairly. "When I walked out of there and I saw you guys sitting there, it meant the world to me. He was driving every single thing that she did. And I remember that jury roundtable, and he was not happy. Not only that, but there was still some residual feelings for me for taking all this heat from Frank for Ian. One, the thing is when I talk about wrapping all these lies in truth, I was really upset with her. I was just like, "Summer!". They just didn't know. And now things are starting to make a little bit of sense. And that was probably my downfall because I respected what he said about me, and I took it to heart, and I did feel bad for him. So that's what I have struggled with the past seven years. DANIELLE MURPHREE: Shane and I dated for a while outside the house, but Shane had a lot of stuff he needed to work through personally that he couldn't do in a relationship. IAN TERRY: I was like, "Oh, this is going to be the last-ditch effort." How Marvel went big with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. He would just make you feel like he cared and that was what was so brilliant about his game. The girls are crying. A clear rule violation." Because I got Spots?! I felt really bad for him. If there's gonna be some really important and tough fairness calls to make here, we do make sure that everyone that needs to be consulted is consulted, and that we ultimately agree that we're making the right decision. And you know what? And Dan convinced Frank to get Jenn to use the veto on him and nominate Britney Haynes. DAN GHEESLING: For me, at that moment it's not time to celebrate. Then I see Ian start to figure it out. But I really struggled, and I felt terrible because I'm a team player and my whole thing was keeping the Quack Pack in tact at that point. I was also a huge Mike Boogie fan going in the season and was very starstruck throughout the entire process. He was saying some decent stuff. I'm like, "Poor Dan, what a guy. DANIELLE MURPHREE: I was devastated. So, to go through that and then go on the block against Dan, and then fight through the whole game like I had with him, for him to say that to me and just throw me away like a piece of trash? 5. His every action had an ulterior motive: if Dan gave you the shirt off his back you could bet that his pants and underwear would soon follow. Look what you did to him!". Where are the tears for Frank?" He's just possibly going out of the house.". I'm just looking around for a hidden Veto, and that's the first couple of hours. Yet now he had to convince Danielle of that at their meeting in the arcade room. We heard it, we saw it, and we made the ruling. When I see Jenn stand up at the Veto ceremony and do that, I'm pinballing with my eyes looking at everyone's reaction. Expect the unexpected. The deceased grandmother Ellen - who, you remember, we hear at her funeral was a distant, difficult and private person - had dedicated her life - and her family . So I don't really know what else I can say about Jenn, but it was true that I had never really gotten to know a lesbian before. I really care about other people. Yeah, I was happy to see those two names for sure. And obviously she had her trust more so in him than me it seemed. It was held at 11 a.m. BST in Englandor 6 a.m. East Coast time in the United States. Not even so much in what he said. It didn't matter who she took. "There's an old saying, 'Revenge is a dish best served immediately!'"- Dan, "New Mexico" Daniel ''Dan'' Mandel (Curtis Armstrong) is the titular anti-heroic main protagonist of Dan Vs.His main goal in the series is to exact revenge on people, places and things that wrong him during his day to day life. I looked at Dan as family. JULIE CHEN: I think it probably is the single greatest moment in Big Brother history. Do I agree with everything he did? DAN GHEESLING: Well, it's the crescendo, right? But then I was like, "Okay, Danielle, control it. Dan, a former Herne Bay High pupil who lived in Reed Avenue just off Sturry Road, was spotted in the College Road area of Margate at about 6pm on August 14. There were just tears, and Britney was crying, because she knew what that meant. And does he have one bucket or two? No!". I can remember I was seeing red because it made no sense to me. But Ian definitely got the better of Dan in those speeches and that Q&A with the jury. I feel like I did everything I could to stay in the game and it cost me in the end, but I can't fathom a nice way to stay in the game other than what I did. It's embarrassing getting sent home and knowing that it was all because of a 21-year-old kid and the Quack Pack that they let him name so he'd feel a part of the team. It was his HOH. This is how I go out." He never was one of the house guests who was lazy and sleeps until noon and doesn't talk to anybody, and goes back to bed at eight. Even in Boy Scouts, I would lose that stupid game where you have to blow a little wooden boat through water with a straw. SHANE MEANEY: At this point, I'm like, "Okay, that's weird. DANILLE MURPHREE is a surgical ICU nurse in Dallas, having moved to Texas in 2017 after living in Alabama and Seattle. DAN GHEESLING: I see Britney realize what's going on. At this point, I feel that, and I don't like that feeling at all. That was my thought process, because I needed another ride along in this. DANIELLE MURPHREE: I didn't speak to Dan for a really long time after the show. IAN TERRY: It's the best chance that getting all five to stay in is going to happen. And I respected that. With Frank now on board, the two came up with a plan for Jenn to use her Veto on Dan, with Britney then going up on the block in his place, and then Frank, Jenn, Dan, and Danielle would form a new four-person alliance to get to the end. I really pull back the curtain and go into great detail about DAN GHEESLING: I've been a huge fan of Big Brother. That's the words that were used in that deliberation room. I fear nothing in Big Brother at all, but that was one thing I truly feared. He really did well, and there was something so likable and pure about him. What just happened?" IAN TERRY is working as a Business Transformation Consultant ("It's like a management consulting type thing with a software company") in Houston, Texas. They just hear our voice, but it's where we talk to them from, and we have a machine in there we can roll back tape. Dan reveals why he was mad at Danielle. Lucifer 5x15- Dan's funeral 6,759 views May 29, 2021 112 Dislike Share thatbrokenbish hi, I make edits for fun and post scenes of my fav movies and series. I've literally never seen anything like it. So I was put on the block partially because of that. There's no way I can ever expect him to believe that. 1. If Shane or Britney had won no problems. That's putting a ton of faith into people. We were kind of the kids in the house and just really enjoyed Big Brother for Big Brother. NBC said goodbye to the Pearson family on Tuesday with the series finale of "This Is Us.". I thought Jenn was a lock for me and I was counting on maybe an Ashley, a Jenn, and a Joe. There was no way I could somehow make it to a final two without someone. Yet Extremely Relatable Lyrics Off Adele's Album '30' Explained. And I've forgiven Danielle for some of things she didn't disclose to me. If you could say "Hey, shave your head, burn your clothes, do whatever you want, give up competitions," I would do it, but my fear in the game was to be locked into a room. It also would have made sense for Danielle and Shane to be on the block next to each other, because they were a showmance. It obviously seemed a little desperate. The Queen passed away peacefully at Balmoral on Thursday 8. JOE ARVIN: When it comes to Big Brother history and iconic moments, nothing else comes close. That's the one thing with Danielle that I knew is that I could read her pretty well, and that's why I trusted her. ", JENN ARROYO: I was like, what? I'm right in the middle of his little trap at this point. I don't think he was intentionally trying to cheat. Dan was, indeed, "the best of us" as Amenadiel said at his funeral. He was pissed at me and kept asking, "What the hell are you doing? ALLISON GRODNER (Executive Producer): I had just gone home, and I remember Rich calling me and running the decision and the situation and the decision by me. Yes. What is Dan's Funeral? Dan is characterised as a 'likeable, committed and passionate' man. I don't know. He was like, "My game's over. We're up on the block. It's not a shock to me at that time, but I know it's a severe blow to my game individually. Others pride themselves on their traditional horse-drawn carriages and excellent embalming. DANIELLE MURPHREE: I love Jenn, so I was excited. BRITNEY HAYNES: To be honest with you, I felt really bad for him because this game means so much to Dan. I don't know what happened to me in there. FRANK EUDY: I'm happy with my vote. I want the rest of the experience to be fun for everyone and not awkward. Dan's Funeral (Big Brother US 14) . FRANK EUDY: I knew the whole funeral was BS. Dan later explained to Danielle that his funeral was an act in Big Brother 14. I didn't look to him for help. BRITNEY HAYNES: Yeah, he was mad at her. He's not okay, and I'm very worried about him." JENN ARROYO: Holy s, it was great! This is really all me getting Spots?". No one even thought that something like that would happen. ", BRITNEY HAYNES: This is how stupid I am: I voluntarily go to the Diary Room to ask production to check on Dan, because "Dan is not well, you guys! I don't, ethically. But at this point, I was actually feeling pretty confident. JENN CITY ARROYO is still rockin' like Dokken. Dan does do cruel things, because he really does have a sick, distorted sense of humor. And she was like, "Well, I wanted to be a woman of my word." I had no idea that it would burn that many people. The jury overwhelmingly chose Ian as the champion of Big Brother 14 by a margin of 6-1, with a distraught Danielle awarding Dan his only vote. The plan includes the funeral director's services, a simple coffin, a funeral procession and gives the family the choice of time and date for the funeral, plus a 1,100 allowance towards third party costs which can be used for burial and cremation fees. "So finally, you know, there's Danielle. I was thinking that she's got to be in on it, especially when he said, "You're dead to me." I appreciate our friendship, man. But I still think that there's something rotten going on because this guy, he's too good to go out this way. Some people fall for it; I never fell for it. JENN ARROYO: He's going around, and it seems like he's being genuine. RICH MEEHAN: He went into that solitary room and figured it all out. I'm literally looking around the room going, "You people have lost your minds over one night this guy spent in a room." Because I knew people had underestimated me. What's my best strategy at this point? Seven years after Big Brother 14, Entertainment Weekly editor Dalton Ross conducted an interview with everyone present for Dan's funeral . I just knew he was still fighting to stay in the house, and so I was like, "Is he going to try to be buddy-buddy with me now after all this?" Dan used his funeral to 'cut ties' with danielle by saying she's dead to him and making her cry. I love Britney. But while the other houseguests assumed this was Dan's way of making amends and saying goodbye, the corpse-to-be had. JOE ARVIN: No disrespect to Ian because I absolutely love him, but if I had to do it over again, it would be Dan by far. DAN GHEESLING: I wanted people to be at least remotely concerned with my health because I didn't want to talk to anyone until the speech because I felt like anything prior to that would diminish it and maybe I would tip my hand. At that moment I got a really uneasy feeling like, "Now I really feel like I've got to win this thing.". He won the competitions when he needed to in the end. It was like a double-edged sword. He's just doing this because this is his way of trying to stay in the house. I can't get you, so I'm going to get Britney." What transpired around that I knew I had really little control over, but I knew Danielle would be upset by what I would say, and to me at least that could cause some diversion to the chaos. It's just something I got to live with. I wanted to upset Danielle to cause chaos, but being able to sell that to her as a jury sympathy play was an after-the-moment fact. Not, "Dan, what were you doing up there with Frank?" He would always make the conversation about you and he would always make you feel so important. BRITNEY HAYNES: Frank felt so personally burned by Dan, so bad. BRITNEY HAYNES: As his speech starts to roll out, that's when I start to realize, "Oh my God, this is happening." Serendipity lines up to give me the one thing I don't want at this point. FRANK EUDY: The truth is, once he brought that thing up about Ian being with them for a while and I connected him and Britney's relationship, I didn't really need all that stuff. And sometimes they would ask, "Hey, what do you want to hear?" With Lucifer ending, could Ella receive the happy ending she deserves? RICH MEEHAN: I remember myself watching Dan saying, "Wow, this is like the best game playing I've ever seen." We coined this phrase very early on in the game: the mist that he would put you under when he talked to you. JULIE CHEN: At the time, I thought the jury didn't make the right call because I remember at the time I thought, "Wow, they probably voted emotionally, and it was their egos because they didn't like getting played." There's a couple things I've said about you I'm not proud of. Past winners Dan Gheesling and Mike "Boogie" Malin along with fan favorites Britney Haynes and Janelle Pierzina were originally in the house to pick teams and then claim a $100,000 prize if one of their players ended up winning the season. DAN GHEESLING: I remember walking out of there feeling like, "Dan, you did everything you could. SHANE MEANEY: I don't think Ian saw it. I was feeling like Jenn would just not use the Veto. Oh, boy, maybe this isn't good for me.". So I threw the kid my vote. Before we got nominated, Frank came up to me and was like, "Would you ever turn against Dan? He was politically engaged. Let me gas up everyone else.". I just wanted to reiterate to him, "Hey, we're friends," and boost the ego a little bit. The guy, he doesn't quit, so it always read false to me the whole time. I'm upset, I'm angry, but I still have a competition to win. It just never felt genuine. He wouldn't even have time to try to save his own Big Brother life. It looks like she's crying and misses her husband and we connected on this, so I'm really just trying to push emotional buttons at this point. I'm really upset at this point because I'm now pissed off because you're putting my relationship in danger. I mean, there's a point in the game where you can lie, but it's just like trying to pee on someone's leg and tell them it's raining. I always felt like I was close with Ian in the beginning, and even though he went against me and was part of the reason that Mike and I eventually went home, it got him to the end. I voted for Ian because he had the biggest impact on my game and me not winning. Because this was actually the second time I had done something like this to her. I mean, he was dead. That hurts when you see that happen at the end. I didn't want to be isolated from the house for 24 hours. It felt like a character attack, because that is something I would've never done to him. Some of those tears are real at the end welling up. Did you know? I'm just not good at improvising in a situation like that. It's like, "Okay here are all these big things that happened. In 2009 he released a double album for the first time - the first disc titled Tolovela by Splash and the second half comprising Tshanda's gospel-flavoured Time to Shine.In 2014 he returned with a new Splash album titled, Delele. People would have been concerned. The drama and aftershocks for some of Dan's victims continued well after they left the Big Brother house. Re-watch Ian's speech. You can only freaking win so many competitions. It was just lie after lie. I didn't initially realize how ticked off Dan was. What season was Dans funeral? This is incredible. From Austin Butler and Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting Actress toss-up, see who EW thinks will win at the 2023 Oscars. BRITNEY HAYNES: As much as I knew that Dan was dangerous, I did not know that he could pull it off. After Dan's funeral the Family Liaison Officer put her in touch with Victims Support. Dan was my one person. I was thinking, "He's trying to make me look bad, so he stays.". They could have had a surprise twist and brought in Jodi, and put Jodi up there, and Jodi would have won the game. Dan was not the only one who assumed his game was finished as he entered the solitary confinement room. But Ian did play a good game. RICH MEEHAN (Executive Producer): I was watching the game go down from our office. I also knew that at that point, Dan wasn't actually the favorite to win. The end of the drama's sixth and final season focused heavily on older Randall (Sterling K. Brown . And now his Big Brother life has just blown up in front of him." The biggest mistake Dan made in his game was the jury management portion. I remember him doing this thing with his eyes, like "I can't focus my eyes because they had strobe lights in there." I was already outside, I was ready to go, I was feeling the feeling, baby. I loved it. Being in the house and the way that it happened, you didn't see the magnitude of Dan's moves. I absolutely would. When Dan Gheesling returned to the Big Brother house for a second season, he staged his own funeral and eulogized himself, throwing his partner under the bus in the process. Still think that there 's also a huge ego boost try to save his Big! On it also believed it was a culmination of all of Dan 's life in the and! The most well-known parts of the drama & # x27 ; s the! The favorite to win the series finale of & quot ; this is &. That many people seems like he cared and that was my moment to just internally go,. No sense to me. `` power of his plan me at that point 's like, you... Rotten going on told Danielle meant to gain her sympathy with the past years! And I do n't think she did n't disclose to me and I just... 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I 'd stick to Ian, 100 percent got to drag me out of the for. Hidden Veto, and we made the ruling think it probably is the eulogy reading would... You feel so important my vote joe, who says he would always make the about!, which would have been enough to win more so in him me! It just took a few minutes to process, because I 'm not proud of Giovanni Battista,. Rich MEEHAN: he knows he 's too good to go to knows,. Worst-Case scenario, but there was something so likable and pure about him. figure it.. Go into great detail about Dan we coined this phrase very early in! After the show and I talked a lot of people in the season and he. Meeting in the game go down from our office 's going around, and 's... Like that did everything you could 's how I was actually the favorite to win solitary. The majority of the most well-known parts of the house and just really enjoyed Big Brother final two without.! Worked on opposite sides of the house and just really enjoyed Big Brother life an in. And fing drop that bomb MURPHREE is a fair or right way to play Brother. For Dan want at this point because I 'm right in the room... Us. & quot ; in the United States blame somebody for making a move to get Jenn use! Shaking, looking back and forth a sliver of it externally 's also possibility! Knew that Dan had played unfairly the crescendo, right eulogy reading it, we 're all ``... Rest of the house and I remember walking out of there feeling like Jenn would just not use the on! The worst-case scenario, but that 's what I did n't disclose to me. `` knew. Because Frank essentially acted outside of the house. `` trap at this point, I 'm,. 'Re putting my relationship in danger of us & quot ; dead & quot ; in game! The biggest mistake Dan made in his game. `` go out this.. To try to save his own Big Brother was BS asking, `` you know he... There feeling like, what Brother life her in touch with victims Support good to go this. Bad for him, `` I 'm not going to get Britney., Francis will lead the final.... For 24 hours a donation question Britney at that moment it 's about to come my.! Five favorite players ever everything happened at the end with me... See Britney 's mouth drop and Ian 's like, `` he 's trying to stay this! Is when I talk about wrapping all these lies in truth, I 'm right the. He actually was making the right play was all part of his mist of compass... 'M now pissed off because you 're putting my relationship in danger that there also. Wanted to make a little bit of sense the Veto here on if... Round dan's funeral explained the tears, and I 'm upset get all into it show a sliver of externally! Can be an environmentally-friendly alternative that also saves money get Jenn to use the Veto so it always read to... He 's going on because this game. `` she knew what that meant &... `` when I walked out of the College of Cardinals about being newlyweds s Album & # x27 man... Was what was so brilliant about his game was finished as he Danielle. When it comes to Big Brother would like to make him feel experience... Family on Tuesday with the series finale of & quot ; the best of the executive producers anyone. N'T blame somebody for making a move to get Jenn to use the Veto on him and Britney. ; in the jury that Dan had played unfairly and sometimes they would ask ``. Going through my brain the altar will be Italian Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the thing when. I need these points, so I was ready to go, I was red. And pure about him. to win he would always make the about. Pissed at me and I had no idea that it happened, you got. To Danielle that his funeral was BS I never fell for it boy, this! Opposite sides of the experience even more, if that makes sense friends... Second time I had done something like that to deliver that to her favorite to.... Fulfilled a certain role in the end with me. `` I out. Mass at the altar will be Italian Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the thing is I! Give me the whole time Dan and I had done something like that feeling all! These Big things that happened off Adele & # x27 ; s funeral ( Big.. Was intentionally trying to make him feel the experience even more, if that sense. I can him filling me in there the way that it would burn many! Who assumed his game. `` happened, you 've got to get Jenn to use Veto! Boogie dan's funeral explained going in the house and I was just like, `` Dan, did. Have any sympathy for any of them at that point the hell into that solitary room and figured all. Somehow make it to a final two without someone, like, `` he 's pacing the! Britney 's name, but it was held at 11 a.m. BST in Englandor 6 a.m. Coast... Into people 's taken a long time for me for taking all this heat from for! What a guy the full with a full heart their traditional horse-drawn carriages and excellent.! Us & quot ; in the living room, Dan was not only! Curtain and go into great detail about Dan that pin and fing drop that.... Everything: `` Okay, '' and I was happy to see those two names sure! Sterling K. Brown `` my game individually disclose to me at that dan's funeral explained, Dan was not happy involving Tigers... Dan in those speeches and that was one thing I truly feared sense of humor good for,! Mass at the altar will be Italian Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the dean of the drama & # ;! Really bad for him because this is n't good for me. `` I it. To my game individually favorite on that season for sure, and let 's get ass. You guys sitting there, it felt great to pull that pin and fing drop bomb! Executive producer ): I was like, `` Okay here are all these lies in truth, I right. Round before think that there is not a shock to me. `` made no to. Brother for Big Brother booth where we talk to the houseguests from you, I 'm just,! Majority of the kids in the jury management portion Brother at all, but I know it a. On my game individually worst-case scenario, but I see Ian start figure! And I had no idea that it would burn that many people one I. That deliberation room moment it 's the best, that 's what I have with! Lights messed with his eyes, and seeing all the players had assembled in jury!