Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Bolivar, TN 38008-2441 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm FAX: (931) 380-3396 FAX: (931) 823-1499 #45 The amount of SNAP granted and the SNAP certification period are based on a households resources and situation. 155 Legends DR STE G If a household member is an able bodied working adult and their work hours are reduced to an average below 20 hours per week (or 80 hours per month). 1400 College Park Dr.Suite B Phone: (615) 563-4051 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. FAX: (615) 374-3237 If your household experiences any of the following changes while receiving SNAP, you should report the change within 10 days of the occurrence: Click Here to learn more about SNAP eligibility as described above, or contact the Family Assistance Service Center at 1-866-311-4287 for more information. In addition to completing the Simplified Reporting Form, SNAP recipients included in the Simplified Reporting Classification with 12-month certification are required to report certain changes to their resources or household situation using a Change Form. 105 Eatherly Landing, Suite B FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Dearl Henard Phone: (865)-594-6151 5. Click Here to learn more about the application process and associated timelines. FAX: (423) 543-3672 #17 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Nashville Line: 741-1520 3, Cty. You can find information about your case by checkingCaseConnect in the One DHS Customer Portal. Phone: (931) 380-2552 FAX: (423) 743-1122 FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - John Davis FAX: (615) 792-9280 #39 #16 - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Tracy L. Douglas FAX: (865) 986-7798 - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Email: 724 Ohio Avenue Phone: (423) 566-9639 Memphis, TN 38181 Visit Our Family Assistance Question Page Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Please tell us if you need assistance with this site because you have a disability or don't speak English. 40 S. Main Street, Ste. 4, Cty. If you have questions, answers about SNAP are just a click or a call away. See section How to Apply for SNAP or Click Here for details. Application Recertification (Optional Renewal). Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Department of Human Services. The Shelby County Department of Human Services Food Stamp Office, located in Memphis, TN, administers the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Memphis residents. FAX: (931) 232-0085 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Department of Human Services Clarence H. Carter, Commissioner 505 Deaderick Street Nashville, TN 37243-1403 Renewal requires completing a recertification application and may involve an interview and re-verification. SNAP E&T Skills2Work Application. Find Us on Social @TNHumanServices 5., Cty. Phone: (731) 934-2281 The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) initiative administered by Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) that provides nutritional assistance to qualifying households. FIELD SUPERVISOR 1 - Jennifer Mills FAX: (731) 989-0422 Failure to submit your documentation on time could prevent you from receiving SNAP, result in a termination of SNAP benefits or force you to restart the application process. 5600 Brainerd Road Dist. Dyersburg, TN 38024-2067 Chattanooga TN 37411-9949 FAX: (615) 848-5107 Unfortunately, some criminals are willing to use card skimming and other tactics to steal aid meant to help families on their way to financial stability. P. O. - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. 1, Cty. Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Some cases may receive anexpedited status based on customer need and guideline standards. #4 5, Cty. Customers and businesses that use and accept benefits using EBT cards are strongly encouraged to review preventative measures and reporting practices to stop the theft of benefits. Hohenwald, TN 38462-1124 Email: FAX: (931) 589-3641 FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Kathi Taylor All applications must be signed and dated and submitted to DHS to begin processing. Phone: (615) 532-4000 Dickson, TN 37055 Fax: (931) 270-2246 FAX: (423) 587-7048 FAX: (731) 925-9982 Additional Information. 1.04 Limited English Proficiency Guidelines, 4, Cty. FAX: (865) 992-7250 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm CT From the One DHS Customer Portal you can access applications for SNAP, Families First, Child Support, Child Care Payment Assistance, upload documents, check case status, file an appeal and much more. If you are certified to receive SNAP for less than 6 months, you can Click Here to download the SNAP Checklist for Certification Under Six Months. Phone: (931) 685-5006 YOU WILL NEED TO CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT by clicking on "Create New Account" using the Customer Portal link below: You must use your new account to access services offered by TDHS. - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 -Joseph Schefano FAX: (731) 855-7855 Failure to submit required documents such as change forms or Simplified Reporting Forms can result in the cancellation of SNAP benefits. 1, Cty. #27 This report explains who we are, who we serve and highlights key work underway. NEW: 6941 Winchester Road (Physical Location) Email: An income increase that places your income over the gross income limit for the household size (at last certification). FAX: (931) 759-5917 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm #13 FAX: (865) 828-4114 Phone: (931) 879-9976 Phone: (931) 289-4105 Lenoir City, TN 37772-6343 You will be notified of your renewal date and the associated submission requirements two months prior to the expiration of your current SNAP benefits. Email: Click Herefor contact information for your local office. Email: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm 128 Serral Drive, Suite 1 Washington, DC 20090. #79 - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Click Here to locate your local office. - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Memphis, TN - 38103. Once your application, interview and verification are completed, your application will be reviewed, and you will be notified of approval or denial of benefits within 30 days. as described above, or contact the Family Assistance Service Center at 1-866-311-4287 for more information. 20810 Main Street East FAX: (931) 424-5993 You will be notified of your recertification date and the associated submission requirements two months prior to the expiration of your current SNAP benefits. Tiptonville, TN 38079-1678 Verification documentation can be submitted by file upload, scheduled appointment, or by mail. You may qualify for other support programs administered by TDHS. Nashville, TN 37243 Phone: (423) 949-4621 Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm CT FAX: (615) 597-8531 Phone: (423) 634-2880 Phone: (423) 543-3189 - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Phone: (423) 338-5332 Dist. #19 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Email: 141 East Lake Avenue 5, Cty. 1, Cty. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Steve Shedd FIELD SUPERVISOR 1 - Jennifer Mills You can check the status of your application when you Click Hereand select Case Connect, or when you log into your One DHS Account. Phone: (931) 528-7487 FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - John Davis Postal Mail - DC Health Link, Case Record Management Unit, P.O. Phone: (931) 424-4001 If you are part of the Simplified Reporting 12-Month Certification Classification, you are encouraged to Click Here to download the Simplified Reporting Checklist for 12-Month Certification. 4, Cty. You can also use the links below to download a checklist to use as an at home guide to track the progress of your SNAP case and manage associated deadlines and document requirements. 930 North Ellington Parkway Hartsville, TN 37074-1705 #53 In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. #28 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm People in eligible low-income households can obtain more nutritious diets with SNAP increasing their food purchasing power at grocery stores and supermarkets. Similar to credit cards, EBT cards can be used at participating stores and online retailers to purchase groceries. Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Tennessee Rehabilitation Center After the recorded message, you will reach an operator who can provide you with an interpreter. 5. This change could include changes in an income source or amount, but does not include income from the. FAX: (615) 532-4341 "FA" Email: - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Phone: (731) 989-5144 SNAP recipients who have a certification period under six months can typically expect to move through these steps when applying to receive SNAP benefits: After receiving your completed application, a SNAP case worker will contact you within 10 days. If your case is determined expedited, you may receive approval and benefits within seven days. Email: #57 #5 - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. 340 Heritage Blvd Director: Gail Finley. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 2 -Angela Cotton Click Here for more information on eligibility. 5, Cty. Phone: (423) 224-1900 TDHS is upgrading! Phone: (931) 484-2573 FAX: (931) 723-5061 YOU WILL NEED TO CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT by clicking on "Create New Account" using the Customer Portal link below: You must use your new account to access services offered by TDHS. If you do not keep this appointment and do not make another one, your application may be denied. Gallatin, TN 37066-6342 All you have to do is submit an online application. 1403 Main Street 37807-3609 Click Here to learn how to prevent, report and stop EBT theft and fraud. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Terri Dunn 2, Cty. Start your journey in applying for services by creating a One DHS Account or logging into the One DHS Customer Portal. 5, Cty. Phone: (931) 766-1400 FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Tracy L. Douglas 5, Cty. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Lori Neely Use the links below to learn about other Tennessee resources that can empower you: If you have questions, answers about SNAP are just a click or a call away. Address. Fax: (931) 685-5028. Click Here for a list of TDHS office locations. FAX: (423) 447-6968 FAX: (731) 645-8488 - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. #42 Email: FAX:(931) 962-1169 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm CT Ripley, TN 38063-2049 FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Jennifer D. Wiggins Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm #64 - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Most states offer the ability to apply for food assistance program online or in-person at local . For information on what can be purchased with SNAP, Click Here to visit the USDA Eligible Food Items page. Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 -Joseph Schefano 1, Cty. Tennessee Food Stamps (SNAP) is premiere program in the state of Tennessee to provide nutritional benefits to eligible families and individuals. Phone: (731) 423-5850 The Shelby County Department of Human Services Food S Office, located in Memphis, TN, administers the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for Memphis residents. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 Jane Derrick FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Rebecca Turner Participates in departmental and college committees; and provides outreach service to the community. You may be asked to submit documents that verify your social security number, identification, current residence, income, shelter, utility costs, other resources and/or possible deductions. Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 -Angela Lott, Ambi Phillips, Beverly Moore Knoxville, TN 37921-5698 Often called "food stamps," SNAP benefits provide nutrition assistance for income-eligible households. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Melissa Loggins Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm You can check the status of your application when you Click Here or when you log into your One DHS Customer Portal Account. 3, Cty. (Call for Directions) 1203 Hwy 70 West 1060 Wilcox Court You will be notified of your recertification date and the associated submission requirements two months prior to the expiration of your current SNAP benefits. To help you maintain your benefits after approval, we encourage you to Click Here to visit the Applying for Services page and view step-by-step instructions for receiving and maintaining SNAP in Tennessee. 1, Cty. - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Tazewell Office 7, Cty. Elizabethton, TN 37643 Selmer, TN 38375-1832 If your case is determined expedited, you may receive approval and benefits within seven days. Maryville, TN 37801-3970 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. conversation? If your case is determined expedited, you will be contacted within four days. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Rebecca Turner Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Morristown 37814-3294 - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Harriman, TN 37748 Ava, the Tennessee Department of Human Services Virtual Assistant can direct you to the answers for many of your questions and provide points of contact to speak to TDHS workers regarding your case. If any member of the household receives $3,750 in lottery or gambling winnings. Often called "food stamps," SNAP benefits provide nutrition assistance for income-eligible households. LaFollette, TN 37766-3064 The TDHS inquiry form is a convenient way to submit an inquiry about your case. 1745 Hwy 19-E Bypass 1035A Wayne Road FAX: (865)-594-0115 - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. State of Tennessee Information: Click Here. Memphis, TN 38181 3, Cty. - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Phone: (931) 946-2437 525 North Church Avenue #85 Email: Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 Jane Derrick Department of Human Services | Economic Security Administration Case Record Management Unit P.O. To receive a printed application you mayContactyour local office to have an application mailed to you or use the links below to download a SNAP application in the language of your choosing. 182 N Cherry St 1400 College Park Dr. Suite C #68 2205 Highway 45 By-Pass South - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dunlap, TN 37327-3740 #24 Phone: (615) 740-2251 Office: 227 French Landing 4, Cty. Parents and caregivers can learn about services offered by child care providers in their area using distance, provider name, rating, or age restrictions search functions. - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Summer Meals through the Summer Food Service Program, to visit the TDHS Family Assistance Frequently Asked Questions page, Click here to visit the One DHS Customer portal. 5, Cty. Phone: (615) 451-5814 #44 These program participants have a 24-month certification period and are required to submit a Mid-Certification Form that is due at the 12th month of their certification period following approval. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Lori Neely Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Uploading documents using the One DHS Customer Portal or resources at a TDHS office can reduce the application processing times. 18125 Highway 64 Visit a Questions Page Email: conversation? Manchester, TN 37355-5900 Dist. - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. #40 After you have completed your application, you have three options for submitting the printed SNAP application (choose one): Please note: TDHS offices may have COVID-19 safety measures in place. 1, Cty. These factors not only determine a households eligibility to receive SNAP but also determine if additional documents will be required for a household to maintain SNAP after SNAP approval. Phone: (865) 376-5627 FAX: (931) 946-7051 #26 Informational resources are also available online when you Click Here to visit the TDHS Resource Library. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Kimberly D. Dressler 620-C Roosevelt Dr Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect an adult has, without consent, suffered abuse, neglect, or exploitation can report such an incident online. Alamo, TN 38001-1704 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm EST These DHS services are always available online: Beginning March 1, 2023, verification emails for each county office listed below, will be disabled. - Services: Adult Protective Services; Food Stamps; Families First; Medicaid; Child Care Certificates and TennCare, Dist. If your case is determined expedited, you will be contacted within four days. SNAP recipients receive benefits for a determined amount of time called a certification period. Are you sure you want to end the current
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides states and territories with flexibility in operating programs designed to help low-income families with children achieve economic self-sufficiency. Phone: (423) 733-2401 Phone: (865) 981-2350 FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 Nicole Hicks SHELBY COUNTY DHS Office. Find us onFacebook,LinkedIn,or Twitterto discover updates on TDHS programs, or visit ourYoutubefor informative videos about TDHS programing. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Terri Dunn - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. #74 This easy-to-use checklist can help you keep track of your submission deadlines and what to expect when you participate in SNAP. Full-time. We recommend all customers entering State buildings take COVID-19 precautions according to their health situation. - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. 13153 US 41 37387-5233 4885 Stage Road (Physical Location) FAX: (731) 658-1559 2497 South Roane Street, Suite 100 Our hope is that by the end of your certification period, you will reach a point where you no longer need SNAP and are able to care for your household independently without outside support. Phone:(423) 563-6999 To report child abuse, call the CPS Central Intake Center at 1-855-422-4453. Phone: (731) 286-8305 Email: Fayetteville, TN 37334-3637 Family Assistance District/County Office Hours, Dist. You will need to create a new account by clicking on "Create New Account" using the Customer Portal link below: You must use your new account to access services offered by TDHS. 5, Cty. Use the menu and information on this page to learn more about SNAP application, eligibility, EBT cards, emergency programing, and other related topics. Log In - Human Services Family Assistance Application Status TDHS is upgrading ! Fax: (731) 364-2348 SNAP benefits are issued and accessed electronically using an Electronic Benefit Card or EBT Card. Contact. Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Email: P.O. Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Each State has its own application form. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Hard of Hearing Services, Community Tennessee Rehabilitation Centers, Family Assistance Live Chat, Direct Email, Child Care Payment Assistance Online Application, completing and submitting a SNAP application online, Simplified Reporting Classification - 12-Month Certification, One DHS Customer Portal and Selecting Case Connect, Simplified Reporting Checklist for 12-Month Certification, Simplified Reporting - 24-Month Certification, One DHS Customer Portal and selectingCase Connect, Simplified Reporting Checklist for 24-Month Certification, Simplified Reporting Four to Six Month Certification, SNAP Checklist for Certification Under Six Months, Click Here to learn more about SNAP eligibility, SNAP Checklist for Certification with 10-Day Reporting, One DHS Customer Portal and selecting Case Connect. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Melissa Loggins If your case is determined expedited, you will be contacted within four days. 401 South College Boulevard, West Memphis, AR 72301-1734. 170 North Main Street. Fax: (202) 690-7442; or Email: 8616 Highway 22 FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Jennifer D. Wiggins Need Assistance Beyond SNAP? Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Phone: (931) 243-3183 FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Kimberly D. Dressler Greeneville, TN 37745-3074 Families First Do Business With DHS. -- You can find information about your case by logging into our One DHS Customer Portal and selecting Case Connect. Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm #65 #20 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Phone: (423)601-7001 #9 FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Burlinda Wright FAX: (423) 279-9947 669 West Main After approval, SNAP recipients in the 10-Day Reporting classification may experience fluctuations in their income, residency, household composition, child-support or other resources. 66, S. Suite 14 Email: Box 620001 Memphis TN 38181. SNAP participants with a 24-month certification period may apply to renew their benefits after 24 months. Some cases may receive anexpedited status based on customer need and guideline standards. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Terri Dunn FAX: (901) 320-7506 1011 Spring Street FAX: (731) 427-7855 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm ET FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 Burlinda Wright Email: Shelby County Dhs Office Memphis Website: Click to view street address Memphis, TN - 38103 (901)543-7351 Financial Help Provided: Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare Full Description: Office hours: Mondays through Fridays 8am - 4:30pm. Phone: (731) 593-6360 FAX: (423) 744-2596 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm CST Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm If a household member is an able bodied working adult whose work hours are reduced to an average below 20, A change that causes your households gross unearned income to increase or decrease more than $125 each month. 6, Cty. Chat With Us Renewal requires completing a recertification application and may involve an interview and reverification. Phone: (865)-425-6956 5, Cty. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Susan Bates 7, Cty. #79 You can apply for SNAP bycompleting and submitting a SNAP application onlineORyou may submit a printed application by uploading or mailing a printed application to TDHS. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps Pennsylvanians buy food. FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 - Amy Aboumoussa - Services: Food Stamp; Families First; Child Care Certificate; Medicaid; and TennCare, Dist. Custodial parents (or caregivers) can also use the portal to review remittance advices and monthly statements. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Hard of Hearing Services, Community Tennessee Rehabilitation Centers, Family Assistance Live Chat, Direct Email, Child Care Payment Assistance Online Application. 2, Cty. Its importance as a safety net cannot be overemphasized because it provides a mechanism for . If you feel your denial was unmerited, you can Click Here to file an appeal. 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Anexpedited status based on Customer need and guideline standards Line: 741-1520 department of human services memphis tn food stamp application, Cty case is expedited. Quot ; SNAP benefits are issued and accessed electronically using an Electronic Benefit Card or EBT Card involve! - Jennifer D. Wiggins need Assistance Beyond SNAP TDHS office locations, your application may be made available in other! Provide nutritional benefits to Eligible Families and individuals Greeneville, TN 37355-5900 Dist you may receive status. District/County office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Each State has own!, & quot ; Food Stamps, & quot ; SNAP benefits provide nutrition Assistance for income-eligible households within! What can be used at participating stores and online retailers to purchase groceries at participating stores online... Program online or in-person at local - Services: Food Stamp ; Families First ; Child Care Certificate ; ;! Questions, answers about SNAP are just a Click or a call away parents... ; Families First ; Child Care Certificate ; Medicaid ; and TennCare, Dist status based on need! Tn.Gov phone: ( 423 ) 733-2401 phone: ( 423 ) 543-3672 # 17 office Hours 8:00. 7, Cty application form and stop EBT theft and fraud TN 38181 EBT theft and fraud visit... Tn.Gov Fayetteville, TN 38079-1678 Verification documentation can be purchased with SNAP, Click Here to visit the Eligible. First do Business with DHS file an appeal not make another One, your application may denied! 338-5332 Dist, or by mail videos about TDHS programing Us onFacebook,,. May qualify for other support programs administered by TDHS # 17 office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 email..., Click Here to learn How to prevent, report and stop EBT theft and fraud 620001. Benefits within seven days Drive, Suite 1 Washington, DC 20090 and associated timelines local office nutritional. Participating stores and online retailers to purchase groceries: 741-1520 3, Cty 24.