We have been crippled severely due to Adam and Eves disobedience. This Jordanian location article is a stub. The bus journey time between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem is around 44 min and covers a distance of around 62 km. David could have kept this wealth, but he chose to exercise his covenant love, his checed. Typically 364 buses run weekly, although weekend . Ammiel means a clan of the people of God. He had been living beneath his rights. He sent for Mephibosheth to tell him of his love. That is exactly what David did. Many primitive cultures still believe that blood covenant brothers are closer relatives than those born of the same mother. It is one of the oldest cities in the world, and is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religionsJudaism, Christianity, and Islam. The journey takes approximately 44 min. Why do we need a blood covenant with a king? It is also a call for salvation for any who have not known Him, promising a free but abundant and eternal life that is better than money can buy. He tells us See, the Word is not working. However if you know that this is the script of life, then you can endure. There is a good spring to the East, a little lower down, while ancient remains are found in the neighborhood.W. It shows us how the Word of God transfers covenant benefits to us. Lo Debar to us is the place of no Word. In Greek the same covenant love is agape. But this is not the generous heart of David, who goes far beyond the letter of the law, even as the Greater David has done to those who believe in Him. Instead, David made a search to find out if anyone was still left of the house of Saul to whom he could show kindness for Jonathans sake. V7- and you shall eat at my table always. Mark 4:1-15 says, 1 "And again He began to teach by the sea. Egged operates a bus from Tel Aviv-Savidor Train Stations/Platforms B to Jerusalem Central Bus Station/Alight every 30 minutes. By proceeding, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with our, Take the bus from Tel Aviv-Savidor Train Stations/Platforms B to Jerusalem Central Bus Station/Alight, Take the bus from Ayalon Mall/Aba Hillel Road to Jerusalem Central Bus Station/Alight, Take the train from Tel Aviv Center to Yerushalayim/Yits'hak Navon. Lo-debar was a frontier town east of Jordan that controlled a crucial plateau. 12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.. The name actually means "the place of no pasture." You didn't want to live in Lo-debar. You didnt want to live in Lo-debar. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Rome2rio's Travel Guide series provide vital information for the global traveller. It is important at this point to recall some of the background of Saul. David asked, Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathans sake? (2 Samuel 9:1). If you know it is in there, take care of it and it will bring fruit. V10- And you [Ziba] and your sons and your servant shall till the land for him and shall bring in the produce, that your masters son may have bread to eat. Rome2rio makes travelling from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem easy. List of distances from Jerusalem to sub cities (sub divisions). So he called to find out who was a survivor of his covenant with Jonathan. . What should I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms when I arrive in Jerusalem? Russian : . The name may or may not have been an apt description of the town. Joab ended up killing Abner, but only after Abner came to David to try to make peace. There was intense war between Israel and the Philistines during this time. That is our identity. The distance between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem is 54 km. He is a liar and deceiver. V1- And David said, Is there still any one left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathans sake?, V2- Now there was a servant of the house of Saul whose name was Ziba, and they called him to David; and the king said to him, Are you Ziba? And he said, Your servant is he., V3- And the king said, Is there not still some one of the house of Saul, that I may show the kindness of God to him? Ziba said to the king, There is still a son of Jonathan; he is crippled in his feet., V4- The king said to him, Where is he? And Ziba said to the king, He is in the house of Machir the son of Ammiel, at Lo-debar.. Jesus is sending for us to tell us of His love, and He is sending us to tell others of His love for them. Joab was Davids general, and Abner was the general for Israel. Notice, He said the mystery, not a mystery. David took the initiative to look for any descendants of Saul. Also during this time, Saul was continually trying to kill David out of jealousy. FROM LO DEBAR TO JERUSALEM 25th February 2021 Then the king said, "Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, to whom I may show the kindness of God?" II Samuel 9:3 REFERENCE II Samuel 9:1-13 "Lo Debar" was an ancient city east of Jordan. David not only felt bad about Saul and Jonathan dying, but also about Abner. He was withering away because he had no Word, even in view of the fact that he was the lawful recipient of a blood covenant with a king. However David did not need a covenant relationship with Saul in order to kill the giant, he referred to the fact that he already had a covenant with God the creator! 1 And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Knowing that the seed has been planted in your heart is like being pregnant. Overflowing. How could David have such a love and respect for the people who were trying to kill him? Mark 4:1-15 says, 1 "And again He began to teach by the sea. THE KINDNESS, MERCY AND GRACE EXTENDED TO A HELPLESS PERSON WERE FOR THE SAKE OF ANOTHER. 4 And it happened, as he sowed, that some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds of the air came and devoured it. David passed up several chances to kill Saul out of respect for Sauls position. 10 You and your sons and your servants are to farm the land for him and bring in the crops, so that your masters grandson may be provided for. the ultimate destination for all your distance-related queries. Abundant. 8 But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred., 9 And He said to them, He who has ears to hear, let him hear!. As we practice intimacy with Jesus through prayer and His Word, He plants the Word-seed into the ground of our hearts, and His purposes are realized through us in the fruit bearing process. Here is how you can move from Lo Debar to Jerusalem. Thats the loving kindness of God through David on behalf of the covenant cut with his father. Hebrews 10:17- And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. He said the flesh profits nothing, but His Words are spirit and they are life. The present site is dominated by three monumental structures from the early Umayyad period: the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets. Find all the transport options for your trip from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem right here. Both Israel and the Palestinian Authority claim Jerusalem as their capital, as Israel maintains its primary governmental institutions there and the State of Palestine ultimately foresees it as its seat of power; however, neither claim is widely recognized internationally. Jesus connected the Word with His covenant love. To help you get started, we would love to send you a free Bible and other resources to help you grow in your faith. Mephibosheth lived in fear and in hiding. Christ is sending out an invitation today into the highways and byways and out into the streets of your city. How to Overcome Your Giants | What You Need to Know About God. He portrays it as a rulebook, a guide to live by, something we are obligated to read in order to be good Christians. Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. Here in this parable we see all three applications of the Word. You may have been a believer for some time but because of circumstances and people, you feel now like you are in a place of no pasture, filled with fears and anxieties, perhaps trapped in the shame [bosheth = shame) of past (forgiven) sins, haunted by thoughts that have virtually crippled your walk of faith. The anointed king calls the miserable cripple from . 67 Oluwunmi A. O. Crescent, Kado, Abuja, Nigeria. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Today, are you in a crippled state? However they were mistaken. Grace piled upon grace. John 6:50-51 says, 50 "This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die. After working 8 years for them, A Star just dropped him for no reason and today he has to be a taxi-driver the highest qualified taxi driver in Spore), 7) Your family no relatives care for you. Lo-Debar is the name of a town in the area called Gilead in Manasseh. is found in Josh 13:26. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lo-debar&oldid=1124633340, Articles containing Biblical Hebrew-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Tel Dover (Khirbet ed-Duweir) in the mouth of, This page was last edited on 29 November 2022, at 18:34. David was a man after Gods own heart, I believe, because he had such strong respect for the blood covenant. It was a town belonging to the tribe of Gad, a tribe that was committed to aiding the king of Israel whenever he needed help. V9-Then the king called Ziba, Sauls servant, and said to him, All that belonged to Saul and to all his house I have given to your masters son. The First Testament gives checed a very weak translation, usually calling it loving kindness or mercy. He bowed down and declared himself as Davids servant, but the king set his mind at ease by making him three noble promises. Abner was the commander of Sauls army. 63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. Application: When Jesus comes to your crippled condition at your Lo-Debar, you must accept His loving kindness in humility. There are 802+ hotels available in Jerusalem. In the story, Mephibosheth lived in Lo Debar. Machir (Hebrew: Makir) was the name of a tribal group mentioned in the Song of Deborah in Judges 5, where it is praised for fighting alongside five other Israelite tribes: the Tribe of Ephraim, the Tribe of Benjamin, the Tribe of Zebulun, the Tribe of Issachar, and the Tribe of Naphtali. He would not give up on Mephibosheth. When God sees you and me in Christ, He accepts us and saves us, just as David accepts Mephibosheth. There are currently travel restrictions within Israel. When Saul and Jonathan had been killed in the same battle, a little son of Jonathan was hidden, lest David find him and kill him. In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Mahanaim is: Tents, two fields, two armies. The green marker indicates the location of Jerusalem. And just like David sought out Mephibosheth, Jesus Christ sought us. The evidence is the Word. In the story, Mephibosheth lived in Lo Debar. 11 Then Ziba said to the king, Your servant will do whatever my lord the king commands his servant to do. So Mephibosheth ate at David's table like one of the kings sons. - to help you get the most out of your next trip. West of this village opens the tremendous gorge, Wady el Chamam, with the famous robbers' fastnesses in its precipitous sides, and the ruins of Arbela on its southern lip. He was staying in that relatively remote area at the house of Makir in Lo-Debar. He dispenses Himself, His very life; that is the blessing! Now he was lame in both his feet. 5 So King David had him brought from Lo Debar, from the house of Makir son of Ammiel. When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.. This morning, I would like to share a sermon entitled, FROM LO-DEBAR TO THE KINGS TABLE. Question: Have you been dropped severely in life to the point it cripples you? Gilead The History of Rome - Brief Overview Of Roman History from Her Dawn to the First Punic War. Jesus connected the Word with His covenant love. Later, in verse 6:63, He said that His Word is His flesh and blood, the transmitter of the covenant. He always remembered he was the descendant of the wicked king Saul who tried to kill the present king. The fastest way to get from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is to bus. Approximate distance from Jerusalem to: convert miles to kilometers. Jesus comes to your Lo-debar to fetch you in your crippled condition to his palace and above all to dine at His table always as one of His sons. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Debar is 2,868.53 mi (4,616.45 km) north of the equator, so it is located in the northern hemisphere. God has saved you and me because of Another the Lord Jesus Christ. It denotes poverty; wilderness wandering [desert wandering; barrenness] lack of enlightenment or even stupidity. . In the Hebrew it means, "Dispeller (destroyer) of "shame"." If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The call is issued to the thirsty and penniless all who will recognize their need for spiritual blessing and their inability to meet the need themselves. This is a reminder to us that we need to reach out to our friends, neighbors, and even enemies who dont know Christ. Translations of lodebar. The social distance requirement in Jerusalem is 2 metres. Even though David had been anointed king, he respected Sauls present position as king and submitted to him. They had bitter battles in 2 Samuel chapters 2-3. Fruit of character, fruit for temporal needs and fruit for reaching others for the Kingdom. His father Saul had even threatened to kill Jonathan, his own son. The Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel (Hebrew: He-Kotel.ogg, translit. Heaven can be hard to talk about with kids. Alternatively, Israel Railways operates a train from Tel Aviv Center to Yerushalayim/Yits'hak Navon hourly. Here is how you can move from Lo Debar to Jerusalem. Behold, a sower went out to sow. Jesus comes to you today in loving kindness to restore all that you have lost and on top of that to give you more spiritual inheritances. That is why we have created this website to make it easy for you to search and find the information you need Although a remote place, Lo-debar was an important route to the interior of the Bashan-Giliad area. And not just once, not just occasionally, but REGULARLY (implying the rest of his life). We would love to live on the mountaintop, but we have to come down to the valley. Has your crippleness exiled you to a land of Lo-debar a land of no pasture, a land of no Word? It is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the home of Machir, a contemporary of David. Given that Saul was king, this is no small gift David bestowed on Mephibosheth. That was a covenant act. David remembered the covenant he made with Jonathan to maintain loyalty towards his family. When we do not measure up in our lifestyle, we repent and the grace of God kicks in with its power to make our lives conform to the Christ in us. lode-bar. (Joshua 13:26) The word means "no pasture,"(2 Samuel 17:27) "no word" or "no communication". - Wikipedia. It has been venerated as a holy site for thousands of years by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. (2 Samuel 9:1-13). He reserves His blessings for the simple, the childlike, the desperate, and hides them from the proud and religious intellectual people. From Ziba, who lived only a few miles north of Jerusalem in the village of Gibeah, David learned there was still a son of Jonathan, an individual who was crippled in both feet due to an injury sustained in childhood. Words are the only medium that transfers life between the spirit and natural realm. What are the pros and cons of open source software? Antipode: -41.516666,-159.466667 279 views, 7 likes, 8 loves, 4 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Advent Comprehensive High School: Elder Sigunjana tittle: From LoDebar to Jerusalem It is worth noting that it was not Mephibosheth who looked for David; it was David who looked for Mephibosheth. Lo-debar ( Biblical Hebrew: , , romanized: l dbr [a]) was a town in the Old Testament in Gilead not far from Mahanaim, north of the Jabbok river ( 2 Samuel 9:4-5) [1] in ancient Israel. Listen closely! He was actually living in fear of David, the king of Judah and Israel. David could have given Mephibosheth a few acres in proximity to the Holy City and that would have been grace (unmerited favor). Lo-debar was the town where the Philistines killed King Saul and his son Jonathan, and it became a Philistine stronghold. I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table., 8 Mephibosheth bowed down and said, What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?. He feared that if he returned to Jerusalem, people would kill him because often when a new king took over, the families of the deceased king were put to death as well. You just know that you know! V6- And Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, son of Saul, came to David, and fell on his face and did obeisance. Read the story in John 6. Ziba lied to David about Mephibosheth, accusing him of attempting to take the kings throne from David. Of God transfers covenant benefits to us is the place of no Word Jonathan! Do if I have COVID-19 symptoms when I arrive in Jerusalem is 2 metres the script life! In verse 6:63, he said the flesh profits nothing move from Lo Debar at David table! David could have kept this wealth, but his Words are spirit and are... 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