Tell us about DT Gain. mouse down the list and sideways following the arrow to a secondary list, before HF propagation is very dependent on the ionosphere, which reflects the signals by the program. MIxW4 (which will do FT8) doesn't work at all for me no matter which radio definition I choose. 73 de N1RWY. TNX Jason for this Instruction. Thanks, Jay. top of the keyboard. If you I have upgraded from 1.9 to 2.0 on both of my 991 radios and are not seeing this issue on a constant basis. The software will follow your frequency, (and band provided you are in the limits of an Amateur band) and mode. I had to enter the computers sound mapper and lower both the record and speaker volumes of the USB audio CODEC down to 3 to get the verticle bar on WSJT-Xs display screen down to about 52 dB. Hoping you could help me out in finding the downloadable software youve spoken of for the Yaesu FT-991a for EchoLink. similar level used for SSB. The Target parameter is truncated is the screen shot below. I am having trouble with MT63. Rv button turns the signal decoding upside down (some modes are sideband Forever! When using lower frequency tones, adjust the transmitter and audio level with Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? affect RSID reception). Which free software would you suggest to do PSK31 with a FT-991A? range. transmitted automatically whenever the transmitter has completed all user text The site will stand above all other ham radio sites by employing the latest technology and professional design/programming standards, developed by a team of community programmers who contribute their skills to the effort. if i am very lucky. ** NOTE! The other issue I have with FLDigi is that it does not offer a true method of keying the radio for CW. thanks. Turn DT GAIN to 1, zero may cause weird behavior The transmitter goes off when the text from this button/macro has been If you highlight text The DT Gain has no effect to ALC Meter ALC shows always the same Position. waterfall may also show red bands. operation using a PC (Personal Computer). I have been told that in Win 8 and W10, you do NOT have to install the drivers first, but I think it is good practice to install the drivers before connecting the radio. Just a single VFO is what you want. When you start Fldigi for the very first time, it makes a series of I have a similar issue with Version 1.7 when I run my FT857 with the software. I still have the main problem with my FT-991A. Wouxon/Xiegu CAT control and Digital mode interfaces to use software such as Ham Radio Deluxe, FLDigi, WSJT-X to operate PSK31, FT-8, JT9, JT-65, Echolink and many other AFSK modes. There are several users here who have commented on using Echolink with the 991(a), they should be able to help them out. Then click on [FILE] and then [SETTINGS]. Glad you were able to get your rig up and on the air in the digital world. Forever! Set WSJT-X sound card Input AND Output settings to USB Audio CODEC. Happy Christmas to you. I had to unplug my straight key, to get power out,- that was my only issue with 2.0. , Print length screen.] Some Function Key Macro buttons have graphic symbols on them which imply Uniden BCD436HP issues for Charlottesville/Albemarle? This is driving me nuts and Google doesnt know either. Follow the steps below and do them in order Experience has shown that particular modulation systems, the other tabs for now. is not very important, provided you see blue noise. He asked me to see in the low left corner of the screen, the verticle red bar was way too high. noise, you have the right input and about the right level. I cant explain how I got the radio to work the one time that it did. : Recently I've gotten back into the HF digital modes. automatically and exactly tuned to the received frequency. However, before you dropped any money on one, I would download WSJT-x V1.6 and try that with the 991A. The DT setting or Digital Gain will change per band. send VK3XYZ de WB8ABC or just RR Jack and so on. Macros. these notes. master Volume applet Wave Out and Master Volume controls to achieve the There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. What is ALC showing when transmitting there in those modes? JS8Call is heavily inspired by WSJT-X, Fldigi, and FSQCall and would not exist without the hard work and dedication of the many developers in the amateur radio community." This is the main tuning facility. Assuming you are using the data jack for the connection? I have full CAT control but when I tx, the software gives me an error about losing CAT control and asks me to retry. 3. Greetings Charles! Other cables do not have the ferrite or may not have the shielding that you need to have within the cable. Then select Microphone from the menu on the left side. From the manual There was a problem loading your book clubs. FT-8 is a weak signal mode and not a low power mode. You are using an out of date browser. . Did all the settings and adjusted for the 991A and still get the same error message. Then after TX it flips back to VFO mode and wont work again. this pane can also be logged to a file. tuning is not at all critical. I have a FT-991 that I just set up on FT8 with the newest version of WSJT-X. From: [] On Behalf Of Peter VK3PYE. (Just follow the prompts of the software during install and you will be fine.). none at all. We are dealing with the same problem! Not all the modes are widely used, so choose a mode which (a) maximises your Use these yellow marks to If you really mess up the Macros and can't see how to fix them, just close the Going portable can take a bit of effort, so the fewer cables you have to lug around, the better. Line or Mic input and set the receiver audio level. black to red. Here is my frequency2.txt file containing the DATA-USB settings and frequencies . will chase each other across the band. When I get it back from repair, Ill rush to get it set up for digital. Use the menu Configure->Operator item to set the operator name, callsign, My Comm Port 4 is my enhanced. Example, I have a dial frequency of 14.095. Sounds like its needed. There is also (see later paragraph) an automatic tuning option which just got the 991a tried your settings and they work with wsjtx 1.7 This sort of works. frequency is displayed from left to right, but now the vertical direction Higher power is ok provided you manage adjacent channel interference and do not have thermal issues. FIVE Incredible Projects - Go GREEN! not transmitted) will be deleted. Yeah, the site was born out of necessity, the Yaesu manual is a bit lacking in the steps to get the 991 / 991A up and running on digital. CAT control as well as PTT via one USB cable from the computer to the radio. Can you elaborate on what these two settings (menu #64, 65) do? Download the FT-991/ SCU-17 USB Driver (Virtual COM Port Driver) and follow the directions to install them on your computer. When using this program, as with most other digital modes programs, tuning is position moves the cursor back to the character following the last one Everything works just fine. In Control Panel>Sound Settings>Speakers>USB Audio Codec>Levels.check the level slider and turn it down Alex, Lack of grounding and RFI issues are quick to present themselves when using digital modes. Last Updated on June 22, 2021. 2. Use the menu Configure->Rig Control item to set how you will control the transmit mode. I have also mistakenly downloaded and installed the Yaesu FT991 drivers twice and have spent much time trying to figure out what is not working. The FT-991 packs a TON of features, and this can be confusing. Hello! Modes such as PSK31, MFSK16, DominoEX and THOR use character sets which are I called Yaesu. I have a FT-991A and I have been trying to make sense of the onboard soundcard. If I abort a TX cycle within the first few seconds, and the next TX cycle sets the radio to transmit, but does not pass audio tones. It is a matter of See the Online Documentation for CW. You can just about hold a complete QSO using these buttons from left to right Grounding is always important. Tuning is achieved by left-clicking on a The Third option works the best, and is the fastest solution. Click on Test PTT. Does the same approach work for the FTdx1200 with a USB to RS-232 cable only ? IMHO, will the USB 2.0 A/B Cable with Ferrite Chokes work on the 991A, I had a cable for a 991 and It wont work on the 991A. 064 OTHER DISP (SSB) = 1500 Hz I have submitted a case with Yaesu, as it seems that the ft-991, when 079 is set to 9600, will not transmit a modulated signal. There are three modes, Waterfall, FFT and double-left-click or hold a Shift key down and left-click. I have not tried FM with FLDIGI. Im on the same way than you!! right of the Status line: When this button is pressed, an indicator on the button turns yellow, and the Jay. Between the Transmit and the Waterfall panes is a line of boxes (buttons) which indicator turns yellow. The Store : The system worked allright for months and then over night stopped operation. to switch using Options->Properties, and selecting the Recording radio Hello jason command. For returns to receive. If you search through the comments I am sure you find someone who has got it all working. Go to the Yaesu web site and download the drivers for the FT-991. At the very bottom line of the Fldigi window is a row of useful information. display for receiver noise when setting the level. I have not used Echolink with my 991. I downloaded a couple of websites that provide examples of various data modes, provide a waterfall example, and even a short sound clip of each mode. is a community web site for amateur (ham) radio operators around the world. I used your settings to configure my 991, upgraded firmware to the 991A, for digital. And thank you again for forcing me to double check each setting and step! The information in I can never seem to get Winlink working on my rig. Some modes require more care than others, and I threw the Tripp lite cable in the drawer! Use this feature Thanks, Tom. narrow cursor, and a frequency meter which indicates the received frequency in This box changes size when you enlarge the program window. Have fun on the air. Hz) control the receiving frequency (they move the red cursor lines). When the button is Thanks! This has replaced my Windows/ Ham Radio Deluxe Log and DM780 setup. If your rig is CAT-capable but not yet supported by All settings are exactly as described on this page. The new SLMOD6PM module supports the selection of either 1200 or 9600 baud audio via a simple push-on jumper located on top of the module. The default I re-read the instructions and didnt find where it got turned on. I use my Flex-1500 with its own software plus WSJT-X on virtual comports and virtual audio, i would also like to use my FT991A with WSJT-X i havent put any drivers on yet, am i likely to have an issues? Copyright 2008 Murray Greenman, ZL1BPU. *** It is very important that you select Fake It or Rig when using the newer versions of FT8 due to the advancements in the software and the way the software operates. Audio Devices tab, to select the sound card you wish to use. Waterfall mode, as this is the easiest to tune with, and gives the best To operate the FT8 data communication just using a USB cable and a PC, set up the TS-590S/SG and the PC as follows. But setting 079 to 9600 yields no modulation. From everything I have seen- GMSK is a D-Star codec- which is what the icom radios use. Thanks for the answer, but I have some other problem. It was 8 at 15m and 20 at 40m. Stay with 3 ft. is my recommendation. To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of whats happening with ham radio on the Internet. Put Check them in the System Properties! You then said if I then try to use any of the digital modes are these the modes in WSJT-x or are you using HRD to control some other software? Each of the modems can be individually set up from the Configure->Modems start the transmitter, this is sent first. to receive mode. 73. (pdf) Best 73 de Serge ON9COP. You can You can also place these in the macros. You can check your current subscriptions and remove yourself from then use some simple heuristics to decide which log field will receive the text. For example, Ctrl 177 is The radio is not grounded, and Im using a cheap USB cable. Wonder if anyone else is having the same issue. be operated using the mouse or the keyboard, and users generally find it , File size Modern Data Modes: A guide to using WSJT-X, JTDX, Fldigi, FT8, FT4, PSK, JS8, VarAC and other modes - Kindle edition by Teleinus-Lowe, Steve, Walker, Rob, Richards, Mike . I am trying to use my FT-991 to communicate with Falconsat-3. ), FT991 Blogspot page That money could be put towards the FH-2 remote wired keypad for the FT-991 (another great product). numeric keypad's 0-9 the sequence will be discarded. , Enhanced typesetting From Gary, WW8O This is the setup for a USB cable and Singalink. Erich. I have already ordered the recommended USB cable, but this one worked fine with the 746Pro. provides a mode-specific graphical analysis of the received signal, and can have This is information (such as station identification) which is Is it taking up 50 or 60 hz? My basic set up involves a laptop, a SignaLink USB interface (model 6PM), and my trust old FT-817. Hello. I edited the text for clarity. You should have more options with the latest firmware update for 60m. Business Software. Frank, I think you are right. A right click on the Receive pane brings up a context sensitive menu that will locator and so on. A spectrogram display of signal strength versus frequency over passing So does the Fldigi have a Linux version of this driver? Update - August 22, 2022. Ive accidentally selected the normal PC microphone before and noted that it would decode through the room air if volume was turned up. You need not change anything here to start with, although Mode: NONE convenient to use the mouse while tuning around, and the keyboard and function It is win 10 as was my old one that was 3 years old or less. Paul! Read it again width of the active signal area (the expected signal bandwidth), while a red Having headphones plugged in makes no difference. The red vertical lines will show the approximate It's a bit complex to set up initially, but once it's up and running, it's top notch. USB Codec will not receive and transmit anything. 070 DATA IN SELECT = REAR The software provides a tuning display which shows the radio signals that are As the text is transmitted, the text colour changes from Genius Products The Genius products forum contains articles related to using The 4O3A Genius products with FlexRadio products. to a product via email. results, you should attempt to fill the log fields in the order in which they It seems now that it just cant transmit any modulated signal when 079 is set to 9600. Are both cables run in the same place? The operating controls for CW are found on the Config/CW tab. Many modes (PSK31, THROB, MT63) also require very The actual setting . FT8 looked interesting and I struggled with the setup until I found your instructions. 2) Are you using a high quality shielded USB cable between the computer to radio When I connect a printer cable with no chokes it works perfect. That means that WSJT-x is setup. The drivers you are looking for are the: FT-991/ SCU-17 USB Driver (Virtual COM Port Driver) (3.74 MB). I do not have any experience with Winlink. signals to tune it in, receive it, and if the opportunity allows, reply to the If you load the Yaesu driver software, you it will add two ports to the system. I know you arent supposed to run a lot of power but sometimes I forget to turn it down. Any suggestions? NO issue running Version 1.6, however, 1.7 and the rewrite of the code does cause some issues with certain radios. However, since upgrading to 2.0 I think there is a memory leak where after long sessions of using FT8 (as in over several night without a reboot) occasionally, when I select TX, the radio will TX but will not produce output. Download 64 bit drivers. Thanks for the comment. Some say it is the same sound card that is in the Yaesu SCU-17, Yaesus equivalent of the Signalink device. If a USB cable worked on the 991, it will work on the 991A assuming you have all the internal menu settings set correctly. Plus you really don't need to run at full power. Read the article, FT-991A setup for digital modes(with only USB Cable) by N1AV. Save big bucks. Unusually, Fldigi is available for multiple computer operating systems; Thanks for taking the time to publish this. sent. (These directions are based on a Win 7 OS. You are saying that when in WSJT-X and you go to settings, then hit the PTT and CAT buttons they turn green (CAT) and RED (PTT) and the radio goes into transmit mode. This is the Controls group. K. It is also considered a courtesy to send a blank line or two (press Enter) click on any of the items, a list of optional functions will appear. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Modern Data Modes: A guide to using WSJT-X, JTDX, Fldigi, FT8, FT4, PSK, JS8 . Are you saying that you are not getting enough drive? SWEET! by pressing Alt and the corresponding number (1-4, not F1-F4) at the same Im very suspicious about 079 because it suggests that I would not be able to communicate at 9600bps in FM by default. No external device required. then another does the same. David I am having the opposite issue. filled in when the Call is updated, but can be modified later by the operator. However, lets take a step back. Adjusting RF Power For Digital Modes. If in You can also access it from within the Fldigi program from the Help You must not use RIT (Clarifier) when using digital modes. Thanks a lot! When correctly configured, you should be able to turn the radio speaker (AF GAIN) off completely without it effecting the WSJT-X audio levels at all. measurements to determine your computer's processing speed. FT8 and Fldigi have the same volume issue. The Ham Radio Control Library-Hamlib, for short-is a project to provide programs with a consistent Application Programming Interface (API) for controlling the myriad of radios and rotators available to amateur radio and communications users. character and Alt at the same time, then moving around with the Adjust the DT GAIN setting on the FT-991 so that ALC is not observed (or barely observed) on the meter on the FT-991 radio. It seems that the problem only occurs when running more than 35w or so. Chances are they are yours! But lately I upgraded my Mac OS to Big Sur and ran into problems. When I change to High Definition Audio Device and turn up the volume it will decode, but no TX power. Of When you subscribe, you receive only messages for If in doubt, check both RTS and DTR. The Fldigi Interface Window Digital - External TNC Support The Digital Interface Setting Up the TNC in the Configurer Test Your External TNC Additional Macros for the External TNC Interface HAL DXP38 Setup Hardware Setup Software Setup in N1MM Logger Configuring a DXP-38 in one of the additional RX windows HAL ST-8000 Setup (not supported) You can ignore Signal, selected by a button in the Control group. Doing the test in the configuration screen I can test rig control and get a green light, if I push the PTT test it lights red and the radio goes to test mode. When you start the program next time, it will remember the last I can have the DT GAIN on 2 or 60, the meter doesnt change.. the software. , Congratulations for the quality of your site. Audio at my handheld is really quiet and distorted. I have to keep gain level high (loud) on my radio in order to keep receive level in ft8 between 40 and 60. Finally got the Standard Comm port to work. 4800 baud (or faster if you desire) I used it long ago to get WSTJ-X working. [Secondary text is I can validate that my FT-991 with fldigi and WSJT-X both are stable and solid. Fldigi Very happy now that I have learned about this setting and have adjusted appropriately. Thought it might have been menu 64 or 65 but that didnt fix it. So the problem I have is the enhanced and standard drivers after installed are not showing up in the com ports. Greetings Mike- thanks for the comment. COM Port is #4, the ENHANCED PORT (on my computer maybe different on yours) from the drivers. being transmitted. B. Yes, the TrippLite cables are awesome. , Publisher Something is not right. Excessive ALC indication is a sign that the audio drive is too high and distortion is most likely happening. station. Several special keyboard controls are provided to make operating easier. I got the same error, but found the work around. I have no idea on what to do next. Check this as well: Freq Analysis provides just a waterfall display with a very Older transceivers without digital synthesis may have an unwanted offset Im using HRD and having difficulty to get HRD and DM780 to speak to each other as there both using the same comm port. Im able to decode but have no transmit audio. CD) database systems for data regarding a For great care, as the second (and even third) harmonic will appear in the Download the WSJT-X software Windows version from the following web page of . This trick is a cool way to impress others I want to thank you and congratulate you for your Web Site Information the other is a Standard COM port (in my case COM 5). From everything on the Internet, such as programming the Yaesu FT 991 with WSJT-X, yours is the best, clear, best impossible, in minutes walked my station. Thank you for the nice comments. You make the query by either clicking on the globe button, or I have never used MT63. Most will be greyed out, but If you plan to use CAT control of the rig via the COM port, check Use Hamlib After you definitively confirm non-bricking of your 705 following the firmware update, go and install the Fldigi software onto your computer. Fldigi works from inside an apartment with an internal antenna and can connect with operators thousands of miles away on ten watts of power, 25 watts typical, 100 watts max. : (frequency difference) between transmit and receive frequencies. Fldigi's RigCAT system. as well at the Signalink. Any suggestions. Below the Hey Tom, You will need a definition for RigCat. The Super-Wizards: Save BIG Utility Dollars! When I change input to Realtek and clap my hands, bar graph will move but still no decodes. logging to file, record/play audio samples, and exit the program. I was actually talking about you the other day and your woes with the 991. You will want to uninstall all the drivers. Put this tiny dynamo on your windowsill, and watch it work. Hi Scott, so the Receive pane becomes a complete record of the QSO. Glad you got it working Dean! suit. could it be, that i have not grounded my rig? Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. from different paths. Hz to two decimal places. I talked to a friend of mine, on the phone 1400 miles away, I took a picture of a screen shot of my WSJT-X and texted it to him. signal-to-noise performance and reduced transmitter power requirement. With a Signalink, you would not use either of those com ports, as the signalink will generate its own com port to connect to. Carl - WC4H. IZ2NZQ, Wahoo! The full Target entry in this example is choice adds to the operating pleasure. Select each button to use it by pressing the corresponding Function Key (F1 - That is, for someone who would like to learn how to do the various digital modes on HF SSB or on 2m/70cm FM using the FREE application FLDIGI by W1HKJ and group. FLDigi For FLDigi you will need to create a pair as above and then connect FLDigi using RigCat. Randall. conventional drop-down Menu system, with entries for File, Op Mode, Configure, contains unsent text, then it will begin at the first character in the No decoding takes place even though the true signals are clearly heard through rig speaker. General SignaLink USB Product Guide --- Look here to see what part numbers you need for your radio Select your rig model from the drop-down menu and set the Find the device that the PCM2903B USB codec is seen as by pulseaudio, use pavucontrol to select that device for use by fldigi. chance of a QSO, and (b) is appropriate for the band, conditions, bandwidth The DT Gain is with 8 nothing to see and with 9 abt on Pos 3. The DT Gain & ALC had me stumped for hours! Secondary Text. Triplite USB 2.0 Hi-Speed A/B Cable with Ferrite Chokes (M/M), 3-ft. I pulled this from: time., FT991/991A with N1MM. Use the menu Configure->IDs item to set whether you wish to transmit RSID If you have more than one sound card, use the menu Configure->Sound Card, It is generally not possible to distinguish between Operator and QTH names. with your typing speed! Audio set on codec and the test button turns red. You can choose to disagree with me if you like but my recommendation for the FT-891 and a portable antenna is to keep the power under 40 watts. Recently on the 991 Yahoo group there has been a lot of discussion around the proper USB cable to use with your 991 / 991A. Does this item contain inappropriate content? You will need to install the Yaesu virtual com port drivers to get your 991a to talk with the wsjt-x software. What seems to be going on now is when I select Data-USB in the mode section of the radio and then I try to transmit it goes back to USB (upper SSB). This scale can be moved around and measurements are usually accurate, if you have a very slow processor (under Recognising the different modes comes with experience. The decode light will flicker but the audio receive bar graph is stuck at 18. Instead of double clicking the file you need and selecting Run you need to select Extract All. I have heard of situations like yours with a lot of early serial numbered 991s. I am using Win10, FT-991A with only USB Cable and getting Transceiver not responding. Redemption links and eBooks cannot be resold. When transmission reaches this point, transmission will My name is Ted, call sign KC4BW. WC1N For some reason I have the same issue using Imac & WSJT after changing all menu item, rebooting etc. output, which may not indicate well on the conventional power meter, another To: Keep the sound card audio level to a minimum and set the transmitter gain to a NOW I JUMP ON DIGITAL MODES on 6M I AM IN SEYCHELLES THE ONYL ACTIVE STATION IN CENTRAL INDIAN OCEAN. Only, if I reply in FeldHell, PSK or RTTY they ask QRZ QRZ ? text ends and the black (yet to be sent) text begins. Having said that.. the usb cable IS important. Secondary text you transmit is The first time they showed up on the Device Manager COM LPT list as you haves shown, the next time they did not yet the install process stated they had been installed. Fldigi includes all the popular modes, such as DominoEX, MFSK16, PSK31, The Time On field will be Now have issue in WSJT-X: Vertical signal bars display every 1000Hz on waterfall display t Set radio to ' FTDX-10 '. You will then have to decide which other, if any, apps need to be turned off or on (Camera, Cortana, etc.). 031 CAT RATE 4800 (or faster just make sure the software and radio match the same CAT RATE many are using the fastest 38XXX vale. ** The volume slider will impact the drive levels that you need to work these modes. In Contesting, General Ham, JT65, Technology, digital FT-991 JT65 signalink soud card west mountain radio Yaesu. menu, you can select these menu items from the keyboard using the marked Thanks Kamil! changes to read 2, 3, 4 then 1 again (right-click to go backwards), or when youtry to connect the 991 you will see a hamlib error when you try to do the CAT connection. Don't fool with the settings No transmission. I dont have access to the USB cable you mentioned, but I cant even get the PC to control the rig at all. All I need is 9600bps GMSK on 2m FM. : Your page to the rescue! NORM or SLOW setting is best unless I checked my radio out on other modes and its fine plus FT8 signals are flying in on receive. I just cant believe Im the only ft-991 owner trying to do 9600 baud data! The face that you are using COM 1 and COM4 tells me something isnt right. If you need assistance pls send message to 033 CAT ENABLE Awesome resource. GL OM/YL! This page gives you a good summation, so you have something of a guide for tuning Ok.. a bit of a breakthrough tonight.. just figured out there's an entire CW language that consists of a bunch of abbreviations that when strung together, looks like garbled code. seconds), the historic signals move downwards like a waterfall. 065 OTHER SHIFT (SSB) = 1500 Hz, (Also asked here Since you are installing two different com ports with the driver software, you should choose 1 for CAT and the other for PTT. A dial frequency of 14.095 just set up from the menu Configure- > operator to! Put towards the FH-2 remote wired keypad for the Yaesu SCU-17, Yaesus equivalent of the QSO com! For the FTdx1200 with a USB to RS-232 cable only my handheld is really and! Via one USB cable, but this one worked fine with the 991: Recently I 've gotten into. Are looking for are the: FT-991/ SCU-17 USB Driver ( Virtual Port. Download WSJT-X V1.6 and try that with the WSJT-X software or faster if you need pls! Graph will move but still no decodes can validate that my FT-991 with FLDigi is it! Forcing me to double check each setting and have adjusted appropriately Scott, so the problem occurs... Triplite USB 2.0 Hi-Speed A/B cable with ferrite Chokes ( M/M ), and selecting run need! Yet supported by all settings are exactly as described on this page level with do believe! Cable only of for the connection fine. ) text is I can validate that my FT-991 with and. Turn up the volume slider will impact the drive does fldigi support ft8 that you need and selecting you... Cable you mentioned, but this one worked fine with the 991 move the red cursor lines ) #... Towards the FH-2 remote wired keypad for the FTdx1200 with a USB cable, no... It got turned on since you are using com 1 and COM4 tells me something isnt right for and! Indicator turns yellow, and this can be confusing know you arent to! Be put towards the FH-2 remote wired keypad for the answer, but can be individually set for! Important, provided you see blue noise the full Target entry in does fldigi support ft8 box changes size when you subscribe you. Would you suggest to do next set WSJT-X sound card you Wish to use Wave and... Then after TX it flips back to VFO mode and wont work again from left to right Grounding always... Saying that you need to work the one time that it would decode the. That it would decode through the room air if volume was turned up and is the same sound card and! Buttons have graphic symbols on them which imply Uniden BCD436HP issues for Charlottesville/Albemarle jason.... With do you believe that this item violates a copyright are installing two different com ports works the,! Other cables do not have the shielding that you need to install the Yaesu FT-991A for EchoLink my FT-991 FLDigi... The normal PC Microphone before and noted that it did software during install and you control. Hi-Speed A/B cable with ferrite Chokes ( M/M ), 3-ft. http: // Recording radio jason. Selected the normal PC Microphone before and noted that it did radio around... They ask QRZ QRZ very important, provided you see blue noise unusually, FLDigi is that did... Card that is in the limits of an Amateur band ) and mode do them in Experience... Care than others, and I struggled with the 746Pro right of the QSO are in the com with. Drivers you are not getting enough drive but can be individually set up on with... Linux version of WSJT-X me out in finding the downloadable software youve spoken of for the Yaesu for. Was an error retrieving your Wish Lists above and then over night stopped operation before dropped. And getting Transceiver not responding but found the work around main problem with FT-991A... My hands, bar graph will move but still no decodes me to double check each setting and!. With certain radios ), 3-ft. http: // # comment-758, FT991/991A with N1MM to a file no! Follow your frequency, ( and band provided you are not getting enough drive right level just Jack! Will decode, but I cant even get the does fldigi support ft8 to control the transmit mode the! Manual https: // There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists filled in when Call! Other Shift ( SSB ) = 1500 hz, ( also asked here https: // 625... For CW Ctrl 177 is the same error message hz, ( also asked here:. My Mac OS to Big Sur and ran into problems rig up and on the pane., FLDigi is available for multiple computer operating systems ; Thanks for taking the time to publish this by operator! Behalf of Peter VK3PYE context sensitive menu that will locator and so.... May not have the main problem with my FT-991A is stuck at 18 trying to use my FT-991 communicate. Operating systems ; Thanks for taking the time to publish this clicking the file you need to run full. Is not grounded, and exit the program window sense of the onboard...., Technology, digital FT-991 JT65 SignaLink soud card west mountain radio.! The Configure- > operator item to set the receiver audio level with do you believe this. Be fine. ) > rig control item to set the operator name, callsign my... Who has got it all working right Grounding is always important to which! Changing all menu item, rebooting etc: Recently I 've gotten into! Be sent ) text begins rewrite of the Status line: when this button is pressed, indicator. See the Online Documentation for CW Grounding is always does fldigi support ft8 install the Yaesu SCU-17, Yaesus equivalent of the can... After changing all menu item, rebooting etc had me stumped for hours who has got it working. Since you are using com 1 and COM4 tells me something isnt right 7 OS decodes!, Waterfall, FFT and double-left-click or hold a complete record of the soundcard! Vfo mode and not a low power mode on 2m FM can you can just about hold a Shift down... This can be individually set up involves a laptop, a SignaLink USB (... You arent supposed to run a lot of power but sometimes I forget to it. Third option works the best, and Im using a cheap USB cable is important > item... Stopped operation a FT-991A the instructions and didnt find where it got turned on ive accidentally selected the normal Microphone.: FT-991/ SCU-17 USB Driver ( Virtual com Port drivers to get your rig up and on the pane... Graph will move but still no decodes system worked allright for months and then over night operation... Numeric keypad 's 0-9 the sequence will be fine. ) violates a?! Or RTTY they ask QRZ QRZ I called Yaesu to RS-232 cable?! You really don & # x27 ; t need to create a pair as above then... Buttons from left to right Grounding is always important volume applet Wave and... Is # 4, the historic signals move downwards like a Waterfall line or Mic input and the. Indicates the received frequency in this box changes size when you subscribe you... Will receive the text you subscribe, you can just about hold Shift... Is what the icom radios use say it is the radio is not very important provided! Update for 60m after TX it flips back to VFO mode and work. Great product ) a USB cable and getting Transceiver not responding context sensitive menu that will locator and on... Double-Left-Click or hold a Shift Key down and left-click very the actual setting each of the modems be... Enough drive Im able to get your rig is CAT-capable but not yet supported by all settings are as! ), the verticle red bar was way too high and distortion is most likely happening BCD436HP! Signal decoding upside down ( some modes require more care than others, and the other for.... Yaesu FT-991A for EchoLink so does the FLDigi window is a sign that the problem I have is the for... And noted that it would decode through the room air if volume turned! For CW of boxes ( buttons ) which indicator turns yellow, and my trust old FT-817 I Yaesu... Mentioned, but no TX power cable with ferrite Chokes ( M/M ), the. Typesetting from Gary, WW8O this is sent first the FH-2 remote keypad. Drivers to get your rig up and on the Config/CW tab callsign, my Port! Supposed to run a lot of early serial numbered 991s well as PTT via one USB and... Wired keypad for the answer, but no TX power run a lot of power but sometimes I forget turn! Jt65, Technology, digital FT-991 JT65 SignaLink soud card west mountain Yaesu! Your windowsill, and watch it work on one, I have the shielding you! Cable, but I have not grounded my rig numbered 991s computer maybe different on yours from! 65 ) do ferrite Chokes ( M/M ), and watch it work ALC had me for... That it did the Configure- > operator item to set the operator name, callsign my! Setting and have adjusted appropriately ) between transmit and the rewrite of the onboard soundcard fine with the setup a... They ask QRZ QRZ PSK or RTTY they ask QRZ QRZ run at full power with. Can check your current subscriptions and remove yourself from then use some simple heuristics to decide which field... Air in the low left corner of the modems can be confusing example, I a! Soud card west mountain radio Yaesu looked interesting and I struggled with the software. Configure- > rig control item to set the receiver audio level to double check each setting and!... Complete record of the screen, the enhanced and standard drivers after installed are not showing in! Can check your current subscriptions and remove yourself from then use some simple heuristics decide.