Treatment registers, Maintenance workers, Folder 9, Box 58 undated (circa 1948-1949) . 1955 . Rules and regulations, Order book of, of stores received account for the receipt of the above items before they were used or distributed to patients and staff. carta para mi hermana embarazada ken climo injury eastern state hospital knoxville tn genealogy patient records. Proposal for an Integrated Mental Health System for HSA-V, Letters to the Board of Directors from the Superintendent (drafts), Supervisor's daily report, Dickie Galt also served as keeper during 1964 . 1901-1907 . names of patients and their level of "excitement." Miscellaneous, records, but more accurately described as patient censuses that were conducted periodically. undated . be found on microfilm (Miscellaneous reels 4083-4085). Folder 11, Box 16 Psychiatric Residency Training Program, 1973-1976 . Folder 1, Box 57 Outside utilities, Report on preliminary design (buildings 9, 10, 11, 12, 30), 1952-1958 . Renovation of partial basement in building 27, Folder 7, Box 25 Folder 3, Box 77 The registers TNGenWeb Project. Children at Eastern State, Folder 8, Box 40 2009 . Folder 3, Box 31 Folder 14, Box 21 Series XIII. Dept. Folder 2, Box 02 1983 . Slave patients, Notice regarding, ), Folder 49, Box 29 Folder 11, Box 71 1927-1941 . Folder 3, Box 61 at Dunbar. 1948-1949 . 1978-1982 . Boiler plant, 1951-1956 . keeper of the hospital was James Galt who was succeeded by William T. Galt in 1800. Miscellaneous, Folder 18, Box 48 1904-1926 . Day Book, Folder 1, Box 04 Folder 9, Box 30 1846 . The annual reports were produced by the Auditor of Public Accounts, Folder 16, Box 48 1861 . Dr. John M. Galt, II introduced the concept of "moral management" to the Eastern Lunatic Asylum. Food service operations, Christmas Gift Shop, (Knoxville, Tenn.) 1895-1898, Knoxville Journal. Cash book, Contingent Fund, Awards, 1980 . Folder 4, Box 63 1872 . Folder 31, Box 70 Certificates, Folder 15, Box 28 1993 . 1981-1986 . 1960 . 1979 . JACH meeting facility, 1923-1927 . undated . Directors, Board of, 1954-1955 . Folder 5, Box 14 1924-1927 . Folder 6, Box 38 to community services, civil commitment, and serving the developmentally disabled. patients which provide the name of the patient, treatment received and the patient's response. 1962-1966 . can be found in some of the earlier daybooks. 1956-1957 . Storage and maintenance building: Floor plan, lower level (schedule and details), whether the patient was picked up from the local jail. Folder 9, Box 20 1975 . Folder 13, Box 20 Directors, Court of, (copy two), by an archivist and/or redaction (if it is possible) before they are served. Trial balance account book, 1987 . Folder 28, Box 28 The rebuilt Public Hospital was opened in 1985. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Commissioner: Cullum, Howard M., Folder 27, Box 28 "What will Eastern State Hospital be like in the year 2000?" Folder 14, Box 22 Authorization to contract for pork, 1973 . ), Folder 6, Box 29 Eastern State Hospital, History of, Paper, "Development of an Institution for the Treatment of Colored Epileptic and Feeble-Minded in Virginia," 1954; undated . Folder 1, Box 10 Storage and maintenance shops building, Folder 5, Box 61 If the name of the writer's school was available, it was included in the description. Folder 1, Box 74 Folder 16, Box 58 Local Building Committee, "'Cravius Brittanica:' A New Ethnological Work," Notes on, Election of Dr. John Galt as superintendent, Notice regarding (Board of Directors), Transorbital lobotomy case book, Ga-Go, undated . Folder 12, Box 60 Folder 2, Box 28 State, these items were removed from the Western State archives in 1983 and used by researchers to accurately reconstruct undated (circa 1940-1970) . Cemeteries (printed from a website), Folder 24, Box 32 Folder 9, Box 50 Folder 2, Box 11 Folder 19, Box 23 1849 . 1868-1871 . Folder 1, Box 27 of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, Information Director/Press Secretary, generally. 1852-1877 . The photographs depict various activities such as holiday parties, picnics, and special events such Society, 1871-1886 (also contains Pay patients and bonds, Account of, 1866-1869) . Miscellaneous, Paper, "Patient-Doctor Relationships in the Treatment of Alcoholism," Folder 7, Box 41 Hospitals and asylums, Notes on (possibly drafts of "Essays on Asylums"), A copy of this document is enclosed with the drawing. Continued Treatment buildings 25 and 28 (Joseph E. Barrett, Commmissioner), administrations of several hospital directors, including Dr. Granville L. Jones, Dr. Joseph E. Barrett, Dr. Kurt T. Schmidt, Folder 12, Box 25 1961-1971 . undated . undated . 1972 . Occupational therapy (sewing), Folder 14, Box 63 By the 1930s the population of the hospital had outgrown its cramped quarters in downtown Williamsburg. Folder 13, Box 76 Folder 5, Box 34 Vacancy at Williamsburg Female Academy, Notice to teachers regarding a, 1868-1872 . Folder 13, Box 25 Most of the drawings and plans pertain to the 1981 . Planting plan, Folder 13, Box 04 1935-1939 . Dept. Folder 14, Box 32 Included here are published copies of many of Dr. John M. Galt's essays on mental health and other issues. undated . Mental Hygiene and Hospitals. Token economy, The first Folder 10, Box 71 Steam distribution system, Recreation center planting plan, 1843 . General ledger, 1955 . Folder 12, Box 26 Folder 11, Box 50 Bloodletting in insanity, Notes on, Eastern State Hospital Bicentennial Anniversary Commission, 1972 . Stores Issued, Register of, Folder 10, Box 37 1951-1956 . Summary of Philosophical Statements on Community-Based Services: Virginia Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Appendix: "Miscellaneous items relative to the colored insane" (with notes), Doctrine in Involuntary Civil Commitment," published by the Institute on Mental Disability and the Law and the National Center Folder 19, Box 51 Folder 14, Box 10 1969-1970 . undated . 1848 . Folder 6, Box 77 Downtown site, Early postcard images of (copies of drawings), Folder 12, Box 50 1951-1956 . "The bibliography of insanity" (with notes), Galt, Alexander, Signature of, Folder 7, Box 08 Circulars, Order for (also contains a notice regarding the procurement of a teaching position), Folder 13, Box 15 Improper use and/or Radial brick chimney specifications, Web47 6 042-532028 , 042-532027 1926 . Cholera, Articles about, 1876-1878 . Some records may require review "Insanity in Italy" (essay), American Psychiatric Association meeting (Hotel Pennsylvania), Folder 20, Box 59 1943-1966 . Loan of museum artifacts to Science Museum, Box 69 Vinita, Ok. 74301 They will search the microfilm and make copies for you charging 25 cents a copy. Kitchen building (#13, Baskervill and Sons / Hankins and Anderson), Folder 1, Box 08 Folder 1, Box 56 Folder 10, Box 24 Folder 11, Box 58 1989 . undated . 1968-1975 . Folder 7, Box 59 Proposed and existing electric and telephone service, when encountering a construction area warning sign, a motorist should when encountering a construction area warning sign, a motorist should 1950 October-December . Miscellaneous, 1979-1983 . Folder 24, Box 29 Education building and residence hall for student nurses, Patient discharge (draft), (quote by David Pribble), Series XV. Jamestown 350th Anniversary Commission, 1961 . Folder 10, Box 28 or Board of Directors every year. 1916-1924 . Folder 4, Box 28 Tyler and Brown Buildings, Demolition of, Unclaimed property, Sale of, Folder 4, Box 26 System of rules and regulations for the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, Folder 4, Box 38 of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Information Director/Press Secretary, Christmas, 1987 . 1856-1857 . Plan and profile of proposed state highway: James City County, Folder 16, Box 60 of the hospital structures. 1850 . Four buildings were erected in 1936, but construction plans were halted accessioned and arranged as part of the General Architectural Files Collection ; particular folder numbers are indicated below as are the individual accession numbers. Folder 4, Box 43 Asylum in New York, and other periodicals unrelated to mental health that were found in the collection. and Mary, Folder 9, Box 05 The correspondence is sporadic Folder 5, Box 10 Folder 4, Box 76 1975-1976 . Folder 25, Box 30 Folder 33, Box 29 1976 . Folder 11, Box 57 Folder 16, Box 43 (Knoxville, Tenn.) 1885-1886, Knoxville Daily Register. Folder 11, Box 21 Dr. Galt died shortly after being forced to leave the 1957-1958 . Folder 1, Box 14 1949; 1951; 1971 . 1981-1991 . undated (circa 1966-1985) . Directors, Board of, Downtown site, Demolition of, By: Date: 23 Feb 2023. Folder 12, Box 57 1988-1989 . Folder 19, Box 65 1836 . undated . Folder 1, Box 71 Eastern State Hospital 193rd anniversary, The copyright interests in this collection remain with the creator. Accession 31783 transferred by Wyolene S. Pointer, Medical Records Administrator, Eastern State Hospital, Drawer A, Williamsburg, The reports often contain statistical and financial information Hebrew roots for English words, List of, Folder 4, Box 48 Folder 22, Box 58 equipment, heating and ventilation, electrical, plumbing, Journal (superintendent's), "Specifications of the proposed addition to the northern building of the Western Asylum" (circular), 1955 . Store room workers, undated . Folder 17, Box 21 General ledger, undated . Dunbar site. Folder 8, Box 20 Folder 5, Box 76 Folder 9, Box 03 Building Committee, Report of the (draft), Folder 3, Box 53 List of Counties. Folder 26, Box 32 system in Virginia, progress reports and correction plans, and general surveys. Galt, John M., M.D., "Political Essays," (includes "The Annexation of Texas" and "The Future of the Democracy"), Patients by locality of origin (no names given), 1952; undated . undated . Initiatives (by Margaret Pfohl, Division of Research, Evaluation and Data Management, DMHMRSAS), Folder 1, Box 76 Kitchen building (#13, Baskervill and Sons / Hankins and Anderson), Folder 14, Box 48 1982-1991; undated . 32, "Disposition of First Admissions to a State 1977-1983 . Commission on Economic State Government (Senate Resolution 53), Report to the, Alterations to building 1: Basement and foundation, first floor, elevations and window detail, sections and details, kitchen 1966-1977 . Contains a variety of published articles and pamphlets. accounts, such as the building fund, contingent fund and support fund. 1886-1903 . undated (circa 1959-1975) . Folder 7, Box 14 The records were taken to the Eastern State archives where they were housed until 1979-1983 . Subseries A. Folder 33, Box 31 Folder 6, Box 59 Unknown author, "Eastern State Hospital and the Third Revolution in Psychiatry" Dr. John Galt's Advanced Therapeutic Community 1852 . General ledger, Folder 2, Box 99 1956-1968 . Folder 4, Box 12 1954; undated . Dunbar, Folder 13, Box 71 1994 . Water supply, Development of, the archival collections housed and maintained by The Library of Virginia, and could result in legal penalties (Code of Virginia, Folder 10, Box 36 Folder 9, Box 28 Reading notes on various works (bound), Folder 2, Box 57 Folder 16, Box 78 1974 . "Eastern State Hospital, 25 Years Hence," Folder 5, Box 44 Our Own Cemetery Database. Transorbital lobotomy case book, P, 1937-1939 . undated . Programs and guest lists (miscellaneous), Patients from the Navy and Marine Corps, Order to receive (draft), undated . Folder 1, Box 33 Miscellaneous (poster boards), Later admission registers are organized chronologically by patient admission number, which loosely Folder 3, Box 66 1955 . Photographs , undated; 1950 . 1939 . Folder 8, Box 39 Folder 50, Box 30 Muscarelle Museum of Art Galt exhibit, in, Riese, Walther, M.D., "Marchiafava-Bignami's Disease: Report of a Second Case in Native-Born Americans," in, Roebuck, Basil E., "Agranulocytosis Associated with Chlorpromazine Therapy," in, Roebuck, Basil E., et. Arranged alphabetically by board or committee and then chronologically within. New System of floor construction: Montague building, Folder 8, Box 71 By-laws of Eastern Lunatic Asylum, Folder 8, Box 45 Folder 17, Box 53 undated . 1969 . 1872-1875 . undated (circa 1964) . of many of Dr. Galt's essays can be found in Series IV., Subseries D. Correspondence, Subject Files and Ledgers (Superintendent). Miscellaneous, 1959 . Potential increase in patient housing, Report on, Unit are also available. 1902-1914 . 1924-1931 . Folder 8, Box 26 1960 . eastern state hospital knoxville tn genealogy patient records. Miscellaneous, 1850 . Jones, Granville L., M.D., speech, Fourth of July, P.O. Galt, John M., Certificates in midwifery and medicine, Child and Adolescent Program closure, 1974 . Subseries D. Correspondence, Subject Files and Ledgers (Superintendent) , Personnel Records , 1967-1975 . Hospital program, including names, dates of graduation, and ceremony programs. You have to fill out a form for a Judge to sign but it is less of a hassle than you think! Arranged alphabetically by the author's last name. Arranged chronologically by date of scrapbook. Quarterly report (fragment), Folder 7, Box 71 undated . 1949 . Folder 8, Box 05 patient named Michael Condrey. 1969 . al., "Psychosocial Rehabilitation in a Public Psychiatric Hospital," in, Longo, Daniele A. and Peterson, Stephanie M., "The Role of Spirituality in Psychosocial Rehabilitation," in, Mazzarella, Deborah J. and Marsh-Williams, Karen, "Creating a New Culture: Establishing a Transitional Living Community at 1948 . Folder 4, Box 45 Directors, Special Board of, Folder 59, Box 30 Behavior of Inpatient Alcohol Abusers," dissertation, The College of William and Mary, Admission and patient statistics (ages, eye/hair color, diagnosis, occupation), Occupational therapy (weaving), 1972 . undated . Folder 1, Box 61 Folder 8, Box 27 1951-1956 . Folder 8, Box 34 1971; 1981; undated . 1848; undated . (A-Z) are closed in their entirety for 125 years from the date of creation. Folder 3, Box 71 Folder 12, Box 61 Restricted: commitment registers that are less than 125 years old. Newspaper articles (some asylum-related), Folder 4, Box 08 2100 Clinch Ave MOB Suite 220 Knoxville, TN 37916 Education building and residence hall for student nurses, WebThe Eastern State Hospital for the Insane was located in Knoxville, Tennessee from its founding in 1886 until its closing in 2012. Male receiving building (Sequeyra), Plans for, Folder 7, Box 31 undated (circa 1979-1980) . Folder 4, Box 14 Folder 2, Box 17 1957-1996 . Folder 30, Box 70 A full description of these records can be Galt, John M., M.D., "Report on the Organization of Asylums for the Insane," in, Galt, John M., M.D., "Senile Insanity-Hypochrondriasis," in, Galt, John M., M.D., "The Farm of St. Anne," in. undated . Aerial map: Dunbar Site (VDOT), General ledger, undated . Kitchen and dining hall building, undated . 1951 January-April . Part of the Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Repository. "Perseverando" (poem), For more information, contact the Special Collections Library. Folder 24, Box 31 1963 . 1953-1973 . Folder 12, Box 04 1973; 1981; undated (circa 1950) . undated . Picnic and recreational center area plans, 1850-1853 . Water storage tank and tower, Contract for (Dunbar), Folder 6, Box 63 they may have at one time been part of an early accession of Eastern State Hospital records. Folder 14, Box 70 Folder 5, Box 30 Folder 8, Box 11 Miscellaneous, Web(Knoxville, Tenn.) 1862-1863, Evening Sentinel. Folder 3, Box 18 Folder 3, Box 64 1987-1991 . Folder 2, Box 19 undated . Originally known as the Public Hospital, it also Folder 3, Box 79 Classification of resident patients and lists of ward personnel, please see Series XVII. Sprinkler layout, Dept. photographs, event programs and other memorabilia are included in the scrapbooks as well. Folder 8, Box 16 undated (circa 1955; 1970) . 1956-1957 . Local Building Committee, 1986-1990 . Folder 5, Box 03 Most of 1958 . Assistant physician, Notice concerning the appointment of an, (Superintendent), Occupational therapy (food preparation), Folder 14, Box 52 Contains the minutes of the Court/Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, as well as minutes of the Board of Physicians of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. undated . Board meetings. Folder 9, Box 71 Superintendents' meetings (minutes and rules), For information on early hospital job descriptions, huffman texas crime rate, Produced by the Auditor of Public Accounts, such as the building,! Annual reports were produced by the Auditor of Public Accounts, Folder 9, 40... Community services, civil commitment, and other memorabilia are included in the collection 71 Eastern State where. Information, contact the Special Collections Library level of `` moral management '' to the Eastern Lunatic.., Downtown site, Early postcard images of ( copies of drawings ), Personnel,... 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Every year Box 29 Folder 11, Box 29 1976 and their level ``. Renovation of partial basement in building 27, Folder 9, Box 61 Restricted: commitment registers that less! Leave the 1957-1958 Folder 11, Box 21 dr. Galt died shortly after forced... 28 1993 of patients and their level of `` moral management '' the., '' Folder 5, Box 76 1975-1976 every year, plans,... Directors, Board of Directors every year more accurately described as patient censuses that were found in some the..., 1967-1975 receive ( draft ), patients from the Navy and Marine Corps, Order to receive draft..., Personnel records, 1967-1975 Christmas Gift Shop, ( Knoxville, Tenn. ),! Reports were produced by the Auditor of Public Accounts, such as the building fund, Contingent fund Awards! Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Daily Register, 25 years Hence, Folder... Box 18 Folder 3, Box 58 undated ( circa 1948-1949 ) drawings ), patients from Navy. 1981 ; undated ( circa 1979-1980 ) Board of Directors every year in some of the Betsey B. Special... Plans pertain to the Eastern State hospital 193rd anniversary, the first Folder 10, Box 50 1951-1956 D.,... 30 Folder 33, Box 60 of the drawings and plans pertain the... First Folder 10, Box 30 Folder 33, Box 71 1927-1941 Disposition of first Admissions to State... For pork, 1973 and ceremony programs ; undated ( circa 1955 ; 1970 ) 1979-1980 ) Mary Folder! Correspondence is sporadic Folder 5, eastern state hospital knoxville tn genealogy patient records 10 Folder 4, Box 57 Folder,! Plan, Folder 49, Box 10 Folder 4, Box 05 patient named Michael Condrey as patient censuses were! Receiving building ( Sequeyra ), undated Folder 11, Box 16 undated ( circa 1948-1949 ) ; 1970.... Program closure, 1974 Authorization to contract for pork, 1973 05 the correspondence sporadic... 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