Credit: Penndel Fire Company. The first accident occurred at around 4.30pm, according to local reports. North Wales, PA (April 10, 2022) Injuries stemmed from a serious multi-vehicle crash that took place on a read more, Canonsburg, PA (December 21, 2022) Around 8:46 a.m. on the morning of Wednesday, December 21, a fatal head-on read more, Philadelphia, PA (January 26, 2023) Around 3:30 a.m. on the morning of Thursday, January 26, a pedestrian was read more, Birdsboro, PA (September 11, 2022) On Monday night, September 5, a possible DUI accident caused injuries at an read more, Halifax, PA (March 16, 2022) On Wednesday morning, March 16, a man was killed in a fatal car read more, Oxford, PA (July 19, 2022) A woman was killed in a fatal head-on collision that took place on read more, Harrisburg, PA (April 17, 2022) Before 2 p.m. on the afternoon of Sunday, April 17, a multi-vehicle collision read more, Royersford, PA (September 3, 2022) Around 9:20 p.m. on Friday night, September 2, a two-vehicle collision with injuries read more, Jonestown, PA (October 22, 2022) On Saturday, October 22, a service member was killed in a fatal car read more, Maxatawny Township, PA (December 2, 2022) A man was killed in a fatal car accident that took place read more. In Pennsylvania, truck accidents amounted to 5.7% of all vehicle crashes, 10.7% of all fatal crashes, and 5.5% of all injury crashes in 2018. I felt like he was testing his luck, he was testing our luck, and then his luck ran out and so did five other people.". In 2020, even with less roadway traffic, fatalities increased to 1,129. Other crashes were reported at mile markers 87, 87.5, and 88, according to PennLive. PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Philadelphia police are working to find the hit-and-run driver who injured a PennDOT employee. Provide their name, address, registration number, and driver's license to others involved in the accident, Assist any injured persons (including yourself), Photographs of the crash scene and any damages, Contact information for any drivers or passengers involved in the crash. Regardless, going to the hospital after a crash starts a paper trail that can be used to support the legitimacy of your claim down the road. If you're involved in a truck accident in Pennsylvania, there are 5 critical steps to take: Following an accident, Pennsylvania drivers are required by law to: Once you're safe, it's important to start gathering evidence. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Just over half of all Pennsylvania two-vehicle truck crashes involve passenger cars. Our truck accident attorneys in Philadelphia understand the complexity and challenging nature of truck accident cases. Lebanon, PA (May 9, 2022) Around noon on Saturday, May 7, one person was killed in a fatal truck accident in Lebanon. Read More 1 killed after three tractor-trailers collide on I-80 in Centre County Pennsylvania Snow Shoe I-80 source: Bing We are always saddened by these accidents but hope that, through awareness members of our community will take precautions to avoid these accidents. The footage shows the truck cruising along on a snow-covered Interstate 81 in Schuylkill around 11 a.m. when the massive pileup appears suddenly in front of the driver too late for him to stop. The different statistics may result from different data collection methods or differences in the classification of a truck as large or heavy.. The death toll fell dramatically in 2009, both in Pennsylvania and across the nation. Others could be at fault for a truck accident, including: In Pennsylvania, the legal theory of "respondeat superior" can be used to hold a company responsible for a truck accident caused by its truck driver employee. . Even if you believe you weren't seriously injured and you didn't suffer significant financial losses after a wreck, we recommend consulting an attorney to make sure you're not missing anything or falling into any common traps. Truck accidents often cause serious injury and death. Committed within the scope of the employee's employment and in furtherance of the employer's business. When he reaches to pick it up, he accidentally slams on his brakes. Two of the victims were in critical condition, he said. The court determines that Dan was 60% at fault for the accident, while Ben was 40% at fault. A man was killed in a crash on Wednesday in Lancaster County. The multi-vehicle crash happened around 9 a.m. in the southbound lanes of I-81 between U.S. 22/322 West Lewistown/State College and the Wertzville Road exits. As more and more trucking accidents become prevalent, more lives are lost every year. At Edelstein Martin & Nelson, we have aggressively fought to protect the rights of those who have lost loved ones in fatal truck accidents over the years. It's one thing to be rear-ended by a 2,000 pound Mazda Miata, but it's another thing altogether to be rear-ended by an 80,000-pound semi-truck. Some injuries, including serious internal injuries, don't show symptoms until hours or even days after an accident. Man killed after trailer crashes off Pa. Turnpike bridge: Police. Pedestrians are the victims of 7% to 8% of fatal large truck crashes. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 3,852 people died in large truck accidents in 2015, the most recent statistics available. The Taurus was being operated by Jenna Paulaski, 21, of Ewing Township, New Jersey, when she slammed head-on . Most of these laws are found in Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code and cover things like: In truck accident cases, determining who's at fault usually means determining who was negligent (i.e., failed to exercise reasonable care). This story has been shared 117,894 times. The photos depicted in this post are not representative of the actual accident scene. 877-256-6933. "That bus went up an embankment, rolled over and then was subsequently struck by two tractor-trailers.". In Pennsylvania, workers' compensation is "no-fault" insurance. The FMCSA requires commercial truckers to carry at least $750,000 in liability insurance. Call us for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation, and case evaluation. Tweet this Common causes of truck accidents Sunday's crash occurred when a tour bus lost control after passing a FedEx tractor-trailer, causing it to hit the concrete median barrier and forcing it up an embankment before it rolled onto its side. Faulty tires and brakes are the most common equipment-related causes of truck crashes. Parts: 1 2 3 Fatal car crashes and road traffic accidents in Aliquippa "This woman had a busted lip. Sixteen percent of these deaths were truck occupants, 69 percent were occupants of cars and other passenger vehicles, and 15 percent were pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. The first thing an injury victim should do after a Pennsylvania truck accident is to seek medical attention. A Mercedes Benz and second UPS struck also hit vehicles in the crash. Pennsylvania Truck Accidents, Lawsuits and Injury Compensation, A guide to semi truck accidents and how they differ from car accidents. Plane makes emergency . No further details have been released. A Washington County man died Wednesday in a head-on collision in Independence Township. Multiple victims were reported trapped in vehicles, including the overturned bus, and had to be rescued, authorities said. Thanks for contacting us. You may find that after the loss of a loved one, the insurance company involved in your claim will try to take advantage of you. Pennsylvania workers' compensation pays medical expenses, wage loss benefits, and death benefits for certain family members. A truck accident can lead to catastrophic results in the blink of an eye. A Pennsylvania Fatal Truck Accident Lawyer Will Hold Negligent Trucking Companies Accountable. Dan rear-ends Ben's car, resulting in Ben being paralyzed. A recent study published by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that trucks account for 4% of the country's highway traffic, but are involved in 10% of fatal road crashes. "Im going to be honest with you, I believe the driver was driving recklessly the entire time honestly," Brady said. MIFFLIN COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ)- A 2-year-old was killed over the weekend in Mifflin County after what was described by police to be a "tragic accident" when . The public can access commonly requested crash and fatality information as well as create their own custom searches with the Hofmann, 17, was killed - and four other individuals were injured - in the single-vehicle crash Sunday afternoon in Liberty Township. Fifty-two percent of large truck occupant deaths in 2015 occurred in crashes in which vehicles rolled over. Gun Found In School + Ritual House + Fort Pitt Tunnel, Local Brand Advisor offers services in Pittsburgh. Read more, Please fill out the form or call (800) 734-4134 now, SEO Advantage, Inc. SEOLegal Division,Lawyer Marketing 2023-02-27 Roadnow. The FMCSA investigated the actions that lead to truck accidents and found that they could generally be broken down as follows: Still have questions? 855-866-5529. . Shays side of the second trucks passenger cab was crushed when it struck the first trucks flat rack, the report said. This is not a solicitation for business, and this information should not be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. "People were crying, people were bleeding," Brady, who caught the bus when it stopped in New York City where he had spent the holidays vacationing. Most fatal truck accidents occur between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., although about 10% of deadly accidents occur between 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Another 10% occur between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Crashes on weekdays are more common than crashes on weekends. Helpful Legal Advice Is Only A Question Away. Residents and people traveling through the area should expect heavy delays. In these cases, consider hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer. The average speed of a truck involved in a fatal accident was 55 mph. All files are in PDF format unless otherwise noted. While some low-speed collisions only cause property damage, large trucks account for thousands of injury accidents and a disproportionate share of fatal crashes. Under this theory, the employer is liable for the actions of its employee so long as the acts were: Sometimes, both the truck driver (or other party associated with the truck) and the motorist involved in the collision are at fault. The discount bus is associated with Ohio Coach, according to the New York Times. In 2021, and in line with trends seen across the nation, traffic fatalities increased again, jumping by about 9% to 1,230. On the downside, fault-based insurance policies are generally more expensive than no-fault insurance policies and you may need to wait longer to receive compensation. "As they were traveling, that bus was headed on a downhill grade and the bus was unable to negotiate a corner," Limani said. Davis Winkie is a senior reporter covering the Army, specializing in accountability reporting, personnel issues and military justice. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Dukes of Hazzard General Lee wrecked in crash, Off-duty NYPD cops husband dies in Rockland County car wreck, Two cyclists killed, 11 seriously hurt after pickup truck plows into group in Arizona, Two die in high-speed crash while trying to flee US Border Patrol. According to the report from the . CENTRE COUNTY, PA. (THECOUNT) Derrick Hofmann, Prospect, Pennsylvania, has been identified as the teenage victim in a Sunday fatal vehicle collision in Centre County. ABC News' Ahmad Hemingway and Benjamin Stein contributed to this report. Parts of Interstate 78 have also been shut down as a result of another multi-vehicle crash, local media outlets report. He said it remains unclear what countries the bus passengers are from, but said most spoke either Japanese or Spanish. Use our. Pennsylvania state police have charged a Lebanon man with vehicular homicide for causing a van occupied by six men to crash along Interstate 78 in Berks County, killing a fellow passenger. Texas was first with 1,358, followed by California, 846; Florida, 693 and Georgia, 514. type a number or name to filter. Lebanon, PA (May 9, 2022) - Around noon on Saturday, May 7, one person was killed in a fatal truck accident in Lebanon. About 53 percent of deaths in large truck crashes in 2015 occurred on major roadways other than interstates and freeways, 30 percent occurred on interstates and freeways and 14 percent occurred on minor roads. Rape survivor slams Gabby Petito Utah cop over handling of her case, 'Dark details' about boyfriend of US swim champ who mysteriously died, Disturbing red flags of Lindsay Clancy's psychosis before she 'killed 3 kids', Mysterious powder swamps US skies as residents report dust-covered cars, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Multiple vehicles and trucks were involved in a massive pile-up crash on Thursday. Search: Call Now 24/7 - Free Consultation! Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Statistics that record the number of fatal crashes, however, do not tell the whole story. 98 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 Fatal car crashes and road traffic accidents in Pennsylvania We gathered a large database of info about fatal car accidents since year 1975 - including exact location, maps, summary graphs, details about each incident and more. Often, other vehicles on the road are unable to stop in time to avoid a collision with the jackknifed truck. No accidents found in I-80 PA, but you may find more info for each exit below. When a large truck strikes a smaller passenger vehicle from behind, there is a high risk of fatal injuries. The interstate was shut down by Pennsylvania State Police, who guided drivers off the road near exit 90. The other three troops involved in the accident Shays passenger and the two soldiers in the first truck were treated and released at a local hospital. Disclaimer: As a well-respected member of the community, we at Edelstein, Martin & Nelson strive to improve the overall safety and quality of life for everyone who drives on our roads and highways. The number of people killed in truck accidents has risen since 2009 as well, from 3,380 people in 2009 to 4,657 people in 2017 (the last year for which data is available). 78.0% of drivers in fatal accidents were male. And this lady was looking for one of her kids.". Tour Bus In Deadly PA Turnpike Crash Had No Seatbelts, PA Turnpike Crash: Five People Killed Identified, PA Turnpike Crash: 5 Dead, 60 Injured As Tour Bus Flips. Fatal accidents usually occur on interstate highways or the Turnpike, where high speeds reduce a drivers likelihood of surviving a crash. Our priority right now is taking care of the family and soldiers, ensuring they have all the resources they need during this critical time, Army Maj. Gen. Mark Schindler said. As a result, trucks are dangerous and can cause extensive damages and even death. There are a number of different parties that may be held financially responsible for the victims wrongful death. UPDATE 1/8 - State police have identified one of the people in the double fatal propane truck crash that happened Friday afternoon in Clearfield County. A MASSIVE crash shut down parts of a Pennsylvania interstate on Thursday after 20 vehicles, including a bus and FedEx truck, were involved in multiple collisions. We will correct the inaccurate information or will remove the post completely. White Oak, PA (April 23, 2022) - On Friday afternoon, April 22, a man was killed in a fatal car accident that took place on a roadway in White Oak. He said the majority of the passengers on the bus were foreign tourists. "I felt him swerving in and out of lanes. Crashes between two cars have become more survivable over the years, thanks to airbags and crumple zones that absorb the force of head-on collisions. In 2017, 2,860 people were injured in a collision with a heavy truck. Such accidents are common in snowy weather or when the roadways are icy. When a truck jackknifes, the cab is facing the other direction. On the downside, you won't (except in rare circumstances) be able to recover damages for emotional distress or pain and suffering. Our marketing agency in Pittsburgh is ready to help right now! Common driver errors include: Driver fatigue is a particularly serious problem in the trucking industry. Most tractor-trailers are authorized to operate with a total weight of 80,000 pounds, so a 35,000-pound semi can carry 45,000 pounds of cargo. This could lead to devastating crashes. Updated: Feb 28, 2023 / 11:54 AM EST. Disclaimer:As well-respected members of the community, we at Edelstein, Martin & Nelson strive to improve the overall safety and quality of life for everyone who drives on our roads and highways. Independent sources were used to create this post including news stories, witness statements, social media posts, and first-hand accounts about the accident and injuries involved. Pennsylvania State Police said the double-fatal crash early Sunday morning on I-295 in Middletown Township is believed to have been caused by a Ford Taurus traveling down the highway in the wrong direction. Gun Found in I-80 PA, but you may find more info for each exit below multi-vehicle,... A head-on collision in Independence Township is not a solicitation for business, case! Lives are lost fatal truck accident in pennsylvania year this woman had a busted lip interstate highways or the Turnpike where. 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