Topless Lake, Topless Lake is in the Thompson Chain of Lakes, Lincoln County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed, Upper Carter Pond, Fergus County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed. These restrictions apply to all rivers and streams in the counties. The permanent decal is valid until the current owner sells the watercraft. Beaver Creek Reservoir, Hill County: Closed to motorboats over 10 horsepower; boats must travel at no-wake speed. Closed to boating, sailing, floating, swimming, personal watercraft use, and waterfowl hunting. Located just outside the charming town of Bigfork, this park provides public access for launching your boat and swimming in the refreshing water of Flathead Lake. Closed to motorboats over 10 horsepower Extinguishers approved for motorboats are hand-portable of either B-1 or B-II classification. Home . Helena Valley Regulating Reservoir, Lewis & Clark County: Manually powered or electric motors only. Do not operate your boat within 20 feet of the exterior boundary of a designated swimming area marked by white and orange buoys. Big Bear Lake 13. You can launch just a half-mile south of Bigfork at the 67-acre Wayfarer State Park. Other dams not listed here may also be posted for restricted access. Spokane Creek Bay within 500 feet from mouth of bay as buoyed. Parking. Lake Arrowhead 9. These rules of the road are the traffic laws of Montana's waterways. The area covers approximately 91,778 acres. Included in these paragraphs is a brief overview of the department and its responsibilities. All operators and riders must wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket, or personal flotation device (PFD). The exceptions include: All watercraft operating on public lakes and reservoirs in the western fishing district that are 35 acres or fewer of surface water are limited to a no-wake speed. There are a lot of other reasons given and they can be found at Contact the County Sheriff's Office or the federal agency for the area where you will be boating to find out if any additional regulations are in effect. Enter your official identification and contact details. A weekend boater gets hung out to dry when she joins the enthusiastic fray of Radio Control Sailboat Racing. Savage Lake, Lincoln County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed during the hours of 5 AM 10 AM and 7 PM 11 PM each day. Allrequired equipment (see below)and a copy of the rental agreement must be on board rented vessels. It's described as being almost 20 feet in length, although skeptics point to a 181-pound sturgeon on display at the Polson-Flathead Historical Museum believed to have been caught in the lake. The commonly used diver down warning flags are: Boating accident reportsare required by law and provide valuable information for use in the prevention of future boating accidents. Some, however, ask that you visit the other 49 states before coming here. Docks are to be used only for loading and unloading unless otherwise posted. The following public use restrictions are in effect for reasons of public health, safety or protection of property. Children 12 years old or younger may not operate a motorboat or a personal watercraft powered by a motor rated at more than 10 horsepower unless accompanied by someone 18 years of age or older. Only authorized exceptions such as search and rescue craft are exempt. More restrictive noise standards are in effect for Flathead Lake (Flathead and Lake Counties), Echo Lake (Flathead County) and Swan Lake (Lake County) because of population density and heavy recreational use. Similar to a temporary flight restriction for aircraft, the boating restriction creates a no-public-boating zone on the surface water in order to ensure public and firefighter safety during wildfire response. Bootjack Lake, Bootjack Lake is in the Thompson Chain of Lakes, Lincoln County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed, Bozeman Pond, Gallatin County: Closed to all motorboats, Branum Pond, Custer County: Closed to all motorboats. From Flathead Lake, there's usually a snow-capped mountain in sight. They'll be on a boat or on a raft and look down and see rocks and then look again and realize the rocks are 12 feet beneath the water. Flathead River (South Fork), Flathead County: Closed to all motorboats from Spotted Bear Creek into the wilderness. "It's water surrounded by mountains that is untouched, clear, and pristine. Water skiers must not approach within 50 feet of swimmers or enter a designated swimming area. This reservoir is one of Virginia's premier fisheries, offering outstanding fishing and other recreational opportunities. In addition, one U.S. Coast Guard-approved Type IV throwable device must be on board and be immediately available for use. Previously, Flathead Lake had no restrictions against houseboats. Motorboats 40 feet to not more than 65 feet long must have at least three B-1 or one B-1 , and one B-II fire extinguishers. Concrete boat launch. Missouri River, Contact the Bureau of Land Management for seasonal boating restrictions on the "wild and scenic" portion of river from Fort Benton to James Kipp Recreation Area (Fred Robinson Bridge). Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks maintains . The way to complete the Flathead Indian reservation recreation permit form on the internet: To get started on the form, use the Fill camp; Sign Online button or tick the preview image of the document. Authorized officers of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks enforce Montana's boat and water safety laws. For additional information and daily fire updates, visit and follow the CSKT Division of Fires Facebook page. Hauser Reservoir, Lewis & Clark County: Closed to all watercraft from October 15 to December 15, the upper end of reservoir from Canyon Ferry Dam to below Brown's Gulch as marked. Do not operate a boat within 75 feet of a person engaged in fishing or hunting waterfowl unless it is unavoidable. All of the partners responding to and working to suppress the Boulder 2700 Fire appreciate the publics cooperation to adhere to this temporary boating restriction. When a fixed fire extinguishing system is installed and operational in the machinery space of a boat, one less B-1 fire extinguisher is required. 39706 Timber Lake Rd, Lakeside, MT 59922. This is a pretty big deal for people who are not members of CSKT, as the Flathead Reservation hunting, fishing and recreation fees have increased significantly.. Bighorn River, Big Horn County: Closed to all motorboats from Afterbay Dam to the Bighorn Fishing Acess Site. The application fee is $5. Boats must be launched from established launching areas if provided. Hauser Reservoir, Lewis & Clark County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed in the following areas: Lakeside Marina and Hauser Lake State Park at Black Sandy beach within 300 feet of the docks or as buoyed. From Canyon Ferry Dam to Riverside boat ramp. Johnson Reservoir, Dawson County: Manually powered or electric motors only, Lake Alva, Missoula County: Boats must travel at no wake speed, Lake Dinah, Missoula County: Closed to all motorboats, Lake Elmo, Yellowstone County: Manually powered or electric motors only. The following lakes located with the Thompson Chain of Lakes in Lincoln county: Echo Lake in Flathead County is limited to a 200 feet from shoreline no wake speed except for the following areas: (a) the upper three islands in the southwest corner of section 5, approximately 1/4 mile southeast of the entrance of Blackies Bay; (b) the narrow corridor that serves as the entrance and exit to Blackies Bay located in the northwest corner of Echo Lake; and (c) the narrow corridor that serves as the entrance and exit to Causeway Bay located in the northeast corner of Echo Lake. The Bigfork Summer Playhouse is celebrating 50 years of providing live theater productions. Smith River, Requires a recreational float permit, Cascade, Meagher Counties: Closed to all motorboats, South Sandstone Reservoir, Fallon County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed, Spook Lake, Missoula County: Manually powered or electric motors only, Spring Meadow Lake, Lewis & Clark County: Closed to all motorboats, Summit Lake, Missoula County: Manually powered or electric motors only. Sailboard operators (wind-surfers) under 15 years of age must wear a life jacket at all times. The license enables one to fish from March 1 through the end of February of the following year. Are motor boats allowed on Flathead Lake? The boat owner is responsible for permanently affixing the HIN number on the boat and having the boat inspected by a peace officer. Riverside Park on the Flathead River has a ramp and so does Sacajawea Park at the northern end of the Armed Forces Memorial Bridge. All motorboats, sailboats, andpersonal watercraftthat are numbered must display two validation decals, one on each side of the boats bow behind the boats number. . Fishing regulations around Flathead Lake A fishing license allows a person to fish for and possess any fish or aquatic invertebrate authorized by the state's fishing regulations. Lake trout: 100 daily and in possession, only 1 over 36 inches, and all fish 30 to 36 inches must be released. Like other traffic laws, they are legally binding on vessel operators. Those include the Flathead Conservation District, Flathead River Commission, Flathead Basin Commission, Fish Wildlife and Parks, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, the National Park. They always tell me they don't have clear water like this in the Midwest or on the East Coast.". Remember to stay out of the way of any aircraft needing to dip or scoop water from the lake when boating. 14 . Because there are so few marine pumpout stations in Montana, boaters should check on the local availability of waste disposal stations before using their on-board facilities. Have a chart if you're going to do this; all are easily marked, and visitors need to be aware there are 56 small private lots around the perimeter. Windsurfers wearing a wet suit or dry suit are permitted in designated area. Latest Posts. Along its 185 miles of coastline, the lake provides breathtaking views. Flathead County Road and Bridge Department is a department within the county government that is under the direct control of the Flathead County Board of County Commissioners. Tongue River Reservoir, Big Horn County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed in the following areas: As buoyed in the marina area at Campers Point; the entire Tongue River Reservoir from shoreline to 300 feet from the shoreline from the south point that forms Corral Creek Bay (DNRC cabin site bay), north to the face of the dam, west along the dam face, and south along the west shore of the reservoir to the point where the Tongue River enters the reservoir; Rattlesnake Bay, Campers Point Bay, Pee Wee Point Bay, Cormorant Bay, Corral Creek Bay (DNRC cabin site bay), and Tongue River from the Wyoming border to the Tongue River Reservoir. It may take some discussion and planning, but the rewards of making such a trip to big sky country will be huge an up-close look at some precious Indian territory, vistas that will amaze you, and a connection to one of America's treasures. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. In 2015, the Salish Kootenai tribes will have the option of taking over management of the dam, a move many expect they'll make. Anyone towed by a boat must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket, or personal flotation device (PFD). Enjoy the days on the beautiful lawn which borders two hundred feet of Flathead Lake. PO BOX 1090 . Any equipment that does not fit entirely within the campsite parking-spur must be parked outside the campground in an area designated by the park manager. on Flathead Lake in Woods Bay, MT. Pat Piper has written for many magazines including BoatUS Magazine, Chesapeake Bay Magazine, and Diabetes Health and has written/ghostwritten eight books. The Great Salt Lake in Utah is significantly larger than Flathead but is salt, not fresh water. Boats pulling, taking off with, and landing water skiers will travel in general counterclockwise direction. Learn more Operator Age Limit - Motorboats & Personal Watercraft Speaking of skeptics, others say the sturgeon was trucked in from elsewhere. This is a large lake with large areas that have no sheltered spots so small boats can have difficulty getting in when the waves begin getting large, and they can get that way in a hurry. Mono Lake 12. Rainbow Lake, Rainbow Lake is in the Thompson Chain of Lakes, Lincoln County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed, Rainy Lake, Missoula County: Manually powered or electric motors only. The permanent decal must be displayed on the left (port) bow behind the boats number. A Type V life jacket may be used in place of any life jacket if specifically approved by the U.S. Coast Guard for the activity in which the wearer is engaged. 100' above the dam to 150' below the dam. (Example: MT 1234 AB or MT 1234 - AB). Missouri River(see also Canyon Ferry, Fort Peck, Hauser, and Holter Reservoirs), Gallatin, Broadwater, Lewis & Clark, Cascade Counties: Closed to all motorboats from the Burlington Northern Railway Bridge No. [View map of Restrictions (PDF)]. Exception:upper three islands in the southwest corner of section 5, approximately 1/4 mile southeast of the entrance of Blackies Bay; the narrow corridor that serves as the entrance and exit to Blackies Bay located in the northwest corner of Echo Lake; and the narrow corridor that serves as the entrance and exit to Causeway Bay located in the northeast corner of Echo Lake. All parking regulations are listed on your current dockage lease. It is this vision that has inspired us to establish a . Homemade boats or boats manufactured before 1972 that require registration must first have a hull identification number. Wood Lake, Lewis & Clark County: Closed to all motorboats. It's an oasis and provides a wonderful chance to slow down, step back, and soak it in.". No wake speed is defined as a speed whereby there is no "white" water in the track or path of the vessel or in created waves immediate to the vessel. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Boating Laws Resource Page; Boating Law Enforcement. Boating: With 13 public access cites, all managed by Montana Fish and Wildlife and Parks department, there are plenty of places to drop your watercraft. CAMPING, IMPROVED SITE. 150' above the dam to 900' below the dam. And this brings us to a Lake Flathead fish story. +l^PrgXdgcZr1'[v8B(bAr~;5-?~u If a boat must approach this warning flag, it must do so at a "no wake" speed. Under MCA 61-3-321, all motorboats, personal watercraft, motorized pontoons and sailboats 12 in length and longer must be permanently registered. Letters of application must be sent at least 30 days prior to the scheduled event. Flathead Lake, Flathead County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed from Bigfork Bay to 100 yards west of the Highway 35 bridge, and as buoyed. Under an agreement known as the 1855 Hellgate Treaty, the tribes own 1.3 million acres of the more than 20 million acres on which they originally lived. FLOATING HOUSE on Flathead Lake with waterslide, kayaks, rooftop deck, and more +47 photos About Rooms & beds Amenities Reviews Map Host Policies Rates & availability Know before you go Check Covid restrictions here About this rental House boat 1100 sq. These regulations shall be known and referred to as the "Flathead County Lake and Lakeshore Protection Regulations." 1.2 AUTHORITY These regulations are adopted under the authority of the State of Montana, 75-7-207, M.C.A., which requires local governing bodies to adopt regulations regarding the issuance or denial of Boats that are properly registered in another state or country may operate in Montana for up to 90 consecutive days. Closed to all public access below ordinary high-water mark from the south side of West Rosebud Creek from the powerhouse to the USGS concrete weir. Take a look at the new fees that were approved on January 4, 2022 and will be effective March 1, 2022: . Cle Elum Lake 15. copyright 2023 Exception:motorboats less than 26 feet long that are propelled by an outboard motor and are completely open construction (no closed spaces where gasoline fumes may be trapped) are not required to have a fire extinguisher. Boat owners should remove each red decal or cover it with the new orange decal. Boat owners must obtain a certificate of ownership (title) and certificate of number (registration) and pay allfeesto the County Treasurer in the county where the owner resides. Flathead Lake is the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River. Make sure you have a VHF radio and cell phone, warm clothing, and rain gear on board. "People are surprised by Flathead Lake," local resident Robert McDonald will tell you. The 2023 Sailing Convention for Women draws female sailors from different generations and backgrounds to share their knowledge, skills, and camaraderie. Our RV Resort has 60 spacious lots right across the street from Flathead Lake in Big Arm Montana. It is your responsibility to know and follow established rules and regulations. [View map of Restrictions (PDF)], Blackfoot River, Missoula, Powell Counties: Closed to all motorized watercraft from the headwaters to the confluence with the Clark Fork River. Walleye, sauger and their hybrids between 15 inches and 18 inches, channel and flathead catfish between 15 inches and 24 inches and largemouth and smallmouth bass between 12 inches and 15 inches may be kept . Enjoy camping in the trees, picnicking on the grassy area overlooking the lake, or hiking through the mature forest where wildflowers abound from spring to late fall. Boaters must stay at least 200 feet away from a "diver down" flag. Flathead Lake -----north of Flathead Indian Reservation boundary Catch-and-release for Cutthroat Trout. Do not anchor in a position that obstructs a passageway ordinarily used by other vessels. The permanent decal is valid until the current owner sells the watercraft. There must be a wearable life jacket (Type I, II, or III) for each person on vessels less than 16 feet long (including canoes and kayaks of any length). Now here's a place so special that the locals prefer we not even write about it, fearing we'll encourage too many folks to visit. Written permission from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is necessary to conduct a boating race, regatta or other marine event on Montana's waters. The latest validation decals are red and willexpire February 28, 2023. Open 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. Special Restrictions- Boats restricted to 5 mph (no wake). To the north, you'll see the peaks from the 1.4-million-acre and century-old Glacier National Park. Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620-0701. When fishing the Middle Fork of the Flathead River from park lands or bridges, a Montana fishing license is required, and state regulations are applicable. "Montana is known for fast changing weather," she tells them, "and here on the lake that's very true. I will pass you on any starboard (right) side. The lake itself is ringed by vacation homes of increasing size and elegance, as more and more individuals from outside Montana build exotic homes on the lake. The truck he and Charley traveled across the country in was named "Rocinante" after the trustworthy horse in Cervantes' "Don Quixote." Check out the online auction and this beautiful wooden boat HERE! A fire extinguisher is classified by the type of fire it is meant to extinguish and its size. Boat Launch/Marina: No Marina. The Type V life jacket must be worn at all times to be acceptable. Clearwater River, Missoula County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed from the outlet of Seeley lake to the first bridge downstream from Camp Paxson swim dock; and from Boy Scout Road Bridge north of Seeley Lake to the mouth of Clearwater River at the north end of Seeley Lake. View the quick reference onUnderstanding Montana's Required Boat Decals. David Link - Kila/Smith Lake Advisory Paul Mutascio - Community Foundation for a Better Bigfork Linda Tutvedt - Flathead Combined Training Association Call to Order A meeting of the Board of Directors for Flathead County Weed, Parks & Recreation was held in the conference room at 311 FFA Drive, Kalispell, Montana on August 25, 2014. When meeting head on, keep to the right. Bigfork is also home to the Whitewater Festival in May that attracts kayakers from around the country, the Festival of the Arts in August that celebrates the playhouse and galleries, and Tamarack Time in October where the harvest is the star attraction. Crater Lake 3. Owners of Discover . This is considered a spectacular place for hiking and the trails are relatively easy. Motorized watercraft towing a skier from or to a dock or the shore, except that watercraft must travel the most direct route through the no-wake zone. Boats will be allowed into the marina when the lake level is 2891.5 feet (1.5 feet below full pool) or above. Closed to all public access below ordinary high-water mark from the dam to 4,400' below the dam to the east end of the Tailrace Island adjacent to the Rainbow dam powerhouse. It is roughly 34 miles long and five miles wide. Above the lake, the Flathead River flows through the upper Flathead Valley, home to such popular towns as Whitefish and Kalispell. Exception:Missouri River down river from Headwaters State Park. Boats from out of state or country which will not be in Montana for more than 90 consecutive days are exempt from registration. ft 1 bedroom 1 bed Sleeps 12 1 bathroom 1 full bath Spaces Kitchen Deck/Patio Dining Area Whitefish River, Flathead County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed from its confluence with Whitefish Lake to the bridge on the JP Road. Holter Lake (upper), Lewis & Clark County: No water skiing on Saturday and Sunday and all legal holidays from the mouth of the canyon on upper Holter Lake to Gates of the Mountains near Mann Gulch, as marked. These lakes have been determined 35 acres or less by means of the 1:100,000-scale hydrography layer within the departments geographic information system (GIS). 119.4 at Broadwater Bay in Great Falls to Black Eagle. Boats may not be left unattended while moored or attached to a public boat dock. ARM 12.8.212defines the rules for boating and swimming areas. The app is available on both Apple and Google platforms. RESTRICTIONS AT DAMS. Permits and special restrictions are in place on some of the rivers in Montana as a way to protect the recreational experience and the river resources. Between the dam and 300' downstream and the reservoir between the dam and the boat barrier. Check your fuel tank before going out. Quiet hours are enforced from 10:00pm to 7:00am. The boating season is approximately June 10th through October 10th depending on the lake level. Both motorized and non-motorized watercraft are allowed on Flathead Lake, so whether by jetski or canoe it's easy to explore the 191 square miles of . Between sunset and sunrise and at other times of restricted visibility, vessels in operation must display navigational lights. B/+,{N It is illegal to discharge any garbage, refuse, waste, or sewage into or near the water. Cooney Reservoir, Carbon County: Boats must travel at no-wake speed in all of Willow Creek arm as buoyed; and in North Shore and Marshall Cover within 300 feet of dock as buoyed. They are quick to tell you there's nothing to see, nothing to do, and the trout and salmon are already gone and have moved to Canada. A temporary boating restriction is in effect on Flathead Lake at Skidoo Bay adjacent to the Boulder 2700 Fire within the exterior boundaries of the Flathead Indian Reservation. Big Arm has a pebble beach (sand beaches don't exist here) and is home base for many visitors with boats. The Flathead and Swan rivers, both of which run through Bigfork, feed fresh water into Flathead Lake year-round. It is on display at the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas, California. Top Flathead Lake pontoon boat rentals. Morony Reservoir, Cascade County: Closed to all boating, sailing, floating, swimming, personal watercraft use, and waterfowl hunting. Closed to all public access below ordinary high-water mark from the dam to the east end of Ryan Island. Lake Hefner 17. Polson, MT 59860 27cm. All boats, trailers, rigs and motorized vehicles must fit entirely within the campsite parking-spur provided. 5. . An accident must be reported immediately to the local sheriffs office or game warden if it caused: The operator of a boat involved in a collision, accident, or other casualty must: Boating accident report forms are available from the county sheriff's office, game wardens, or anyMontana Fish, Wildlife & Parks office. Display navigational lights health, safety or protection of property us to public. ( PDF ) ] water into Flathead Lake, '' local resident Robert will... Pool ) or above mountains that is untouched, clear, and Diabetes health and has written/ghostwritten eight.... Manually powered or electric motors only sent at least 30 days prior to the East Coast. `` is base. 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