"I feel called to lead our schools.". I am grateful for her numerous contributions to our community. At her swearing-in ceremony, Oakley announced plans to meet with families, educators, and leaders to discuss their hopes and dreams for the future of Guilford County Schools. The Guilford County Commissioners voted to postpone a vote on granting $7.1 million to Guilford County Schools at its April 18 meeting. The public schools have become a cesspool of horrible performance. Remove the Doctor also, youll get more respect as a Mrs.. Required fields are marked *. In May, the Guilford County School Board appointed Oakley acting superintendent during the transition period. A Guilford County native, Oakley is a long-time educator and administrator who is passionate about helping all students thrive. "We [as board members]need to be mindful of the power of our words and actions. The Guilford County Board of Education looked all over the country and then found what they wanted standing right in front of them. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Contact Jessie Pounds at 336-373-7002 and follow @JessiePounds on Twitter. From drummer boy to drumstick dude: A&T's Harvey Thompson, US-China hearings: Committee chair warns of 'existential struggle', A mystery object being dragged into the center of our galaxy is perplexing scientists, Deadly train collision in Greece kills dozens, Asteroid samples suggest origin of life on Earth may have come via impact. Is computer science necessary for students to graduate? The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. Your email address will not be published. *Follow WFDD's Keri Brown on Twitter @kerib_news, Video Shared On Facebook By GCS Board Member Sparks Controversy. Dont expect too much.Arent these the same goofuses that brought her in here? GCS plan was replicated by districts across the country and won top awards from the North Carolina School Public Relations Association (NCSPRA) and the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). "The Goshen community has recently seen an uptick of violent incidents, including gang and gun violence," GCS Superintendent Dr. Steven Hope said in the statement. She cant possibly be any worse than Contreras. Guilford County school officials said regardless of what decision the Board of Education makes, they're still going to be very focused on having a safe and orderly learning environment at all 125 schools in the system. This story has already been told in Syracuse NY. Most recently, she helped GCS secure the North Carolina School Public Relations Gold Award for the GCS Reopening Plan in 2021. Enough with the hired consultants. Get the Android Weather app from Google Play, Students pepper-sprayed at anti-racism protest, GPD officer resigns after Golden Gate Dr standoff, Man steals bus at JFK airport, drives through NYC, COVID fraudster extradited after year on the run, February ranks as Triads 2nd warmest on record, Triad ends meteorological winter with no snow, Bats back in NC as warm weather returns early, Springs blooming early in parts of North Carolina, Traffic stop led to discovery of womans brain tumor, Whale watchers surprised by pair of playful whales. In the Spotlight: Tara McKenzie Sandercock . Indeed, the harmfrom curbing suspensions had a disparate impact by race and socioeconomic status. Eden noted in the New York Post that another study by a University of Georgia professor found that efforts to decrease the racial-suspension gap actually increase the racial achievement gap. Joshua Kinslerfoundthat in public schools with discipline problems, it hurts those innocent African American children academically to keep disruptive students in the classroom, and cutting out-of-school suspensions in those schoolswidensthe black-white academic achievement gap. To read the article in its entirety, go to: https://www.intellectualtakeout.org/article/racial-gap-suspensions-due-racism. Just prior to Tuesday nights meeting, two groups demonstrated outside the school administration building for different reasons. >> WITHIN THE LAST HOUR, THE BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTED 8-TO-1 TO APPOINT DR. WHITNEY OAKLEY, TO THE POSITION. Suspensions are due to poor behavior regardless of race. Their private jets now spew out as much carbon as a small European country. GCS is a great place to learn, work and grow. Teachers have a tough job and a lot of todays parents dont help the situation, Your email address will not be published. FYI, the wholesale price of natural gas has more than quadrupled since President Trump left office. Heres everything you need to know about The Grinch sequel, plus the best books your kid can check out now. She said that one of the reasons for her decision was that she could not continue to serve while Contreras was superintendent. Hire a private enterprise CEO who has built a business in goods and bad times. Guilford County Schools superintendent among those 'under serious consideration' for U.S. education secretary, CNN reports top story Guilford County Schools superintendent among those 'under. Dr. Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. Who do you think will benefit from this equation? GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C. Former Guilford County Schools (GCS) Superintendent Dr. Sharon Contreras made a $20,000 donation to Guilford Education Alliance (GEA) to help pay off GCS student. There was a problem saving your notification. The next decade is the most consequential decade for our children and community. photo: Creative Commons / Maksim Sokolov (Maxergon) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4./deed.en. Turn on account notifications to keep up with all new content. Its like they say, incompetence is rewarded by advancement. This is the reason that parents are refusing to send their children to public schools. Oakley brings more than 20 years of . After suspensions were curbed in New York City, the Manhattan Institutes Max Eden found that schools where more than 90% of students were minorities experienced the worst effects on school climate and safety. Ph: (336) 763-4170 GCS SCHOOLS HAVE TWO PRIORITIESTO TEACH OUR CHILDREN AND TO DO IT IN A SAFE ENVIRONMENTGCS FAILS TO ACHIEVE BOTH AND IS ABOUT TO MAKE IT WORSE. It is always disappointing to feel that someone that you work for has that kind of strong opinion about you, Contreras said. Throughout her career, Oakley has received several recognitions and awards for her extraordinary vision and leadership, including The Triad Business Journal 40 Leaders Under 40 Award, Wachovia Piedmont-Triad/Central Regions Principal of the Year award in 2010 and the Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding visual and performing arts programming in 2020. Good news for Guilford County Schools. The vote to renew the contract was 5-2 with board members Anita Sharpe and Linda. Allows her to delete suspensions, at her discretion, via PowerSchool. Oakley has spent most of her career serving the students and families of Guilford County. The next decade is the most consequential decade for our children and community. Some responses were well thought out; others gave opinions without any particular support. His firm is now planning a mixed-use project on the former site of the News & Observer newspaper. P.O. Please subscribe to keep reading. In 2017, she came under fire after an email she sent to a GCS employee went public about wanting to get the board to fire Superintendent Sharon Contreras. What took so long there is a God after all. Oakley is a graduate of East Carolina University, has a masters from Greensboro College and a doctorate in education from the University of North Carolina Greensboro. Your last sentence is the key. Dr. Charlene Green, a local anesthesiologist who also spoke during the public comment period, said health care workers continue to care for COVID-19 patients with the utmost respect in the midst of an exhausting pandemic. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern. At her swearing-in ceremony, Oakley announced plans to meet with families, educators, and leaders to discuss their hopes and dreams for the future of Guilford County Schools. [3] Grier served as the superintendent of Guilford County Schools for fewer than eight years. Posted by John Hammer | Jan 14, 2022 | News. 25, No. Updated: 8:43 AM EDT June 29, 2021 GREENSBORO, N.C. Guilford County School Board Members said they are stepping up security to protect superintendent Sharon Contreras and other district. The new superintendent said she wishes she could have told her younger self that the first day of school is not scary, but exciting. It means there are students in the classroom that create a fearful and stressful environment which in turns hurts the students that want to learn. 2 Days Ago. Businesses and families are already moving to Guilford County because of the quality of education we provide, said Board Vice Chairperson Winston McGregor. "In 2020 and 2022, voters overwhelmingly supported the passage of $2 billion in school bondsto build, rebuild and renovate schools across the district, as well as to provide safety and technology upgrades to schools. The lies that have come out of the school district concerning the advances that this woman has made are limitless. The new online platform allows readers to connect and interact with each other as well as the journalists. Green made the announcement at the close of the Guilford County Board of Education meeting this evening. OAKLEY HAD BEEN SERVING AS THE *INTERIM SUPERINTENDENT SINCE JULY. Hurry up and hit the road! GUILFORD COUNTY SCHOOLS OFFICALLY HAS A NEW SUPERINTENDENT. In the article written by Hans Bader in February 2019 called Is the Racial Gap in Suspensions Due to Racism? he states:Amundson called for reducing suspensions of students of color. But that could harm innocent African-Americans by reducing their ability to learn and be safe. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of WXII-TV. I feel that was stepping over the lines of autonomy," Hayes says. GCS plan was replicated by districts across the country and won top awards from the North Carolina School Public Relations Association (NCSPRA) and the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). Readers of The Rhino Times will be able to rely on rhinotimes.com for daily coverage and opinions of Greensboro while gaining insider access to important Guilford County work sessions and events. We dont want another blue state refugee. Dr. Whitney Oakley served as interim superintendent and is now the official superintendent. She played a critical role in the safe reopening of schools following the COVID-19 pandemic, leading the 164-member re-entry task force comprised of parents, teachers, staff and community members. 69-year-old suffers stroke in his home; Realtor showing house leaves him there. As we expected on this controversial issue, we received a variety of responses. Box Address sales@rhinotimes.com, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Civitas Poll Shows NC GOP Senate Race Tightening, Storm Makes County Double Down On State Of Emergency. Sharpe also asked the board for an investigation into how the email got out, instead they voted to find a way to prevent future issues. We have chosen to stand up for themALL. Students, teachers, administrators, bus drivers and staff are leaving our public schools. In fact, she will be the first superintendent who grew up through GCS. You may read that Putin has now stopped natural gas exports to Germany, and by effect, Europe. Any questions send to: takebackourschools.gcs@gmail.com. Under the proposal, there's no automatic "home" school to which a student is assigned. Contreras is NOT qualified to manage a lemonade stand, much less anything to do with education. A Guilford County native, Oakley is a long-time educator and administrator who is passionate about helping all students thrive. Book Worm. NC lawmakers ponder that. We are thrilled to announce that earlier this month, the Board of Education unanimously named Dr. Whitney Oakley to serve as acting superintendent for Guilford County Schools (GCS) from July 11- August 31 and then to assume the position of interim superintendent September 1st and will serve until the board appoints a new superintendent. It was an honor to work and learn from Dr. Contreras, a transformational and visionary leader, said Dr. Oakley. "To be honest, I didn't really want to speak tonight," he began. In 2003, we announced that our denomination would be formally considering the role of women in the church, we invited members and pastors to send us their research. Whitney Oakley was sworn in as the. I sure the GC School System will thrive under her leadership. GCS board has hired 4 supers since all the schools in the county were merged Jerry Weast (dr. You have permission to edit this article. Under Oakleys leadership as chief academic officer, the district achieved the highest graduation rate in GCS history (91.8%), including the highest graduation rate for Black and Hispanic students. If you are a business person looking to hire a young person, would you not expect them to be able to communicate in English, write a complete sentence, do simple math (add, subtract, multiply and divide) without the use of a calculator? Fax: (336) 763-2585, P.O. Connect the dots. ARKANSAS TURFGRASS: This article was a collaborative effort by turfgrass professionals. Mr Nelson I agree 100% with you on the state of our schools but I have to say also the schools cant educate the children by themselves parents have to get involved. Golf Course Superintendent. At Tuesday nights school board meeting, Sharpe apologized. The problem is systemic. Thank you. Take Back Our Schools GCS was rallying against the mask mandate. 'First homegrown superintendent' announced in Guilford County Schools, >> BREAKING NEWS AT 5 OCLOCK. Garrett complained about a lack of communication between her and Contreras and not being included in the decision-making process. We are still living with the residue of the past.. Oakley will also be announcing her transition team in the next few weeks. IT IS WHERE I DECIDED TO RAISE MY FAMILY AND DEDICATE MY CAREER. Read court documents, court records online and search Trellis.law comprehensive legal database for any state court documents. Now she will be working for a non profit meaning she will make money without taxation, she was only considered for dept of Ed because she is black and deaf tg she did not get that job, but whomever gets her hold your wallets shes coming! Guilford County School Superintendent Sharon Contreras announced in a letter to school employees on Friday, Jan. 14 that she would be leaving at the end of the school year. Same for businesses everywhere, only Big Business will survive well all be working for them. But her tenure as Guilford County School superintendent has not been without controversy. Someone in NC won $2M in Saturdays Powerball drawing, Swing State with Mark Walker & Odell Cleveland, Medical marijuana sees better chance of passing in, These are the countries that have banned TikTok. 216 W. Market Street, Suite-A, The vote to hire Oakley was 8-1. During a recent school board meeting for Guilford County Schools (GCS), American Indian Education Coordinator Stephen Bell introduced himself with a mixture of appreciation and chagrin. He initially served as an athletic coach and later as a teacher. If interested in doing more research, read about the Parkland Shooting in the book Why Meadow Died. Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MWBE) Program, Social Emotional Learning and Character Education, Teaching, Learning & Professional Development, Monticello-Brown Summit Elementary School, Triangle Lake Montessori Elementary School, Welborn Academy of Science and Technology, Dr. Whitney Oakley Named Next Superintendent of Guilford County Schools, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Boss, basketball & more, How to get free Bojangles biscuits during ACC tournament, LaMelo Ball fractures right ankle, Hornets say, VIDEO: Elon lacrosse team pushes bus from mud, FOX8/Old Dominion Triad Holiday Concerts, Southside Rides teaches life skills through cars, How to propagate new trees from hardwood stem cuttings, Women to Women invests in stronger communities, Cary house being preserved, moving to new location, The Grinch is getting a sequel, plus other books, Everything you need to know about the Disney California, 13 stylish black tights to wear this winter, TikTok sets new default time limits for minors, LAPD may not send armed officers to these police, Pedestrian hit, seriously hurt, E Wendover Ave closed, China dismisses FBI on COVID-19 lab leak theory, Ship tragically lost in 1894 found in Lake Huron, NC high school assistant principal charged with DWI, 15-mile chase ends in collision, arrest: deputies, Plastics company to bring 118 jobs, invest $32m in, Deadly crash closes W Gate City Blvd at Merritt Dr, NC man wins $1M after buying scratch-off at 7-Eleven, NC housing authority leader facing wire fraud charges, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Guilford County Board of Education. Your email address will not be published. (336) 814-3256 Greensboro, NC 27401 EXHIBIT(S) - R (Motion #003) - Tender - January 11, 2021 October 21, 2022. Oakley is the right person at the right time to lead GCS through our next chapter. Under the leadership of Dr. Contreras, Oakley led academic initiatives. Garrett had also been quoted as saying that there were four votes to fire Contreras on the nine-member school board, but not five. website maker . Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. I apologize to the board, my constituents, our teachers, our school leadership and students for my poor choice of words, Sharpe said. The school district came into possession of the three parcels probably. You want change in the county schools? SHE IS THE FIRST SUPERINTENDENT FROM GUILFORD COUNTY TO LEAD THE DISTRICT. This isn't the first time that Sharpe has been in the hot seat. The post has prompted some local activist groups and community members to call for Sharpe's resignation. Rhino Times GREENSBORO, N.C. Following a nationwide search for the next superintendent, the Guilford County Board of Education has announced its new superintendent. Contreras has been superintendent since August 2016 and in 2020 was reportedly on the short list of those being considered by the Biden administration for secretary of education. In the coming days, we will be launching a series of community conversations to envision our shared future for students, families and community.. More nurses and mental health counselors are needed to help those students deal with their lives and personal issues. Join the movement. I cant stand to look at or listen to this smarmy tax feeder! .>J '^ n.o^ ,Hq, ^oV" -^^0^ /\ '^-, 'oK '^0' ^'-^^^^ ". Learn More. Updated: 8:14 PM EST January 14, 2022 GREENSBORO, N.C. Superintendent Dr. Sharon Contreras announced Friday she will leave her role at the end of the school year to take on a new job in August.. ucla environmental science graduate program; four elements to the doctrinal space superiority construct; woburn police scanner live. Businesses and families are already moving to Guilford County because of the quality of education we provide, said Board Vice Chairperson Winston McGregor. On November 15, 2018, the last printed edition of the Rhino Times came off the presses leaving the world of print journalism behind and moving into the future with an e-paper. Perhaps, they realized the error of their ways with Sharon Contreras. This will spread quickly to the U.S. and everywhere else. Dr. Oakley is the first superintendent from Guilford County. Bill would get rid of the Democratic Party in Fla. Masked Proud Boys spark petition to NC sheriff, Robinson: NC is destination state for death, US warns China not to supply weapons to Russia, Thomas Martens, Molly Corbett trial moved to Forsyth, Some fear Nazi banners, power grid attack connected, Video about NC substation attack shared in Md plot, FBI offering $25k for info for NC substation attacks, NC bill would make substation attacks felony, Arrest warrants issued for projected NFL draft pick, Panthers to meet with QB Derek Carr: Sources, Whats coming to NC in Mar.? They DO NOT need an educator with a PhD to run things, but someone who understands the purpose of a budget, and how to manage a budget without spending all the money, and how to implement change. Ive seen Whitney Oakley on TV while she was acting Super; she comes across as a lady who knows exactly what to do. About double this past year alone. / ^0 ^0 . photo: Creative Commons / Tony Webster https . Take Back Our Schools - GCS is a group of citizens in Guilford County NC who believe in quality public education for ALL and are working to insure that GCS Superintendent and Board of Education are listening and taking action to our concerns. According to Director of Extended interview: GCS Superintendent gives end-of-year update - YouTube Guilford County Schools superintendent Dr. Whitney Oakley sat down with WFMY News 2's Lauren Coleman to discuss her. The only one worth a damn was Mo Green (an attorney who understood how to run a business). The board was expected to vote on an ordinance to use money from a 2008 general obligation bond, transfers from the general fund and other miscellaneous revenues remaining in existing project ordinances to fund the district's Career and Technical Education . AboutPressCopyrightContact. Snap Publications revived the herbivorous beast and in October 2013, the all-new and improved Rhino Times was started. For over 25 years it has been featuring the places, people and pleasures of Tampa Bay Florida, that includes Tampa, California Consumer Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information, California Consumer Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Let her do her job in which she was hired to do. The system says that they have a graduation rate of 91%. Hire a business person and not an educator and try to improve the boards 25% getting it right record. As an educator, parent, and long-time resident of Guilford County, it is an honor to serve our schools and our community in this capacity, Oakley said. The board of education is scheduled to meet again on January 28. Deborah Napper was absent. In 2019, Oakley was named chief academic officer of GCS, where she developed the districts instructional framework and standardized high-quality curriculum across elementary, middle and high schools to ensure equitable access to on-grade level content; led job-embedded professional learning initiatives for teachers; and implemented instructional programming and professional learning programs focused on English learners and students with disabilities. Date: 02/11/2004 Jaydon Young's lessons of sacrifice mix with two-hour transfer, Virginia Tech and 2023 tournament, 'A bizarre case': Greensboro TikTok star found not guilty in fatal 2019 crash, Police: Greensboro woman, 55, dies after being struck in hit-and-run Thursday night, 'A cancer to our community,' large development roundly rejected in Summerfield, Richard Groves: What the 'He Gets Us' media campaign says about the decline of Christianity, Unexplained footsteps haunt new owner as he readies new Lawson Family Murders exhibit at Madison Dry Goods, 'On Patrol: Live' -- Police of this NC town to be featured on TV show, Two Things: Victim's family not surprised by no show; hospital wars in Greensboro and money well spent, Former Page High School teacher arrested on child sex charges, records show, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist proposes community hospital in Greensboro, Guilford County Schools, High School, A Honor Roll, second quarter, Former NFL star Chad Johnson says he saved money by living inside Cincinnati Bengals stadium for 2 years, Greensboro Day wins NCISAA 3-A boys basketball state championship after mad scramble, Guilford's 'school choice zones' would take the home location out of education, In revised bill, computer science would replace one elective in NC graduation requirement, Tutoring, learning hubs, weapons scanners: Guilford schools seek state help to keep some of what they've been paying for with federal relief dollars. 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