Part of HuffPost Media. Discussions began circulating on social media after a specific clip was shared in which Beck discusses the controversy surrounding news personality Chris Cuomo writing a defense letter for his brother, Governor Andrew Cuomo, in the wake of his sexual assault accusations. This is happening in our society. Then, Beck said, the nurse proceeded to offer this bone-chilling advice to the new parents: "Look, don't shake the baby or you're going to end up on the news. ChatGPT is already able to generate unique marketing content based on those trends, from social media captions to email campaigns, based on the data it collects. He also posted a note on his website that ends, "Join me [Monday] for my NEW PERSPECTIVE ON LIFE, OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM AND BLOOD SHOOTING FROM PLACES BLOOD SHOULD NOT SHOOT OUT OF.". Glenn Beck presented a candid and detailed monologue about his long struggle with a mysterious neurological illness on his network, TheBlaze, Monday night. was included in this list alongside other conservative spokespersons' domains, including,,,, and others. Hannah Rose is my second oldest. They divorced about a decade later, in 1994, after welcoming two children together. Later, he began losing large parts of his memory: names, faces, entire conversations. Google is rushing to integrate its own AI technology, Students are increasingly using ChatGPT to write their essays. The full episode of The Glenn Beck Program, along with many other live streaming shows and thousands of hours of on-demand content, is available on just about any digital device. Take, for example, conservative talking head Glenn Beck. He spoke about her in a discussion on Nazi eugenics, and showed a poster from that era that called to mind his daughter's condition. The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea (Hardcover) by. Whether on TV, the radio, or, thanks to The Blaze, the internet, Glenn Beck has been a ubiquitous figure for over a decade. Something disturbing happened to Glenn Beck's daughter in the hospital, where she'd just given birth to her first child. My kids either live with me or they live right next door. The story about Marys death seemed to have concluded until Beck reignited it by claiming that she committed suicide. In part, yes. "I want to show you a poster that I saw this morning getting ready for the show," Beck said, "and I want you to know that I have a daughter who was born with cerebral palsy. Government reports indicate that Mary passed away in 1979 when Beck was 15. Millions of listeners are drawn to this modern-day story teller who is armed with a quick wit, an informed opinion, and a . It is no wonder that Google is rushing to integrate its own AI technology before being replaced by it. Is he doing this for his kids? We have dinner together. Beck demanded. He is, depending on ones perspective, a conservative reactionary or an inveterate truth teller. He happens to be doing that under a massive spotlight of his own construction. In both cases, the federal government is both explicitly and financially involved in censoring conservative content for its own benefit. He swore that he would never abuse his kids. Recently, he shared a personal story about his daughter who has cerebral palsy, which gets to the heart of his . What caused that? He Is Going to Hang That Around Ron DeSantiss Neck: Former House Republican Points to Biggest Opportunity for Trump at CPAC, Biden Rips Marjorie Taylor Greene After She Blamed Him for Deaths That Happened Under Trump: Isnt She Amazing?, Incredibly Ugly: Karine Jean-Pierre Blasts Top Republican Lamenting Bidens Deceased Son Wasnt Prosecuted, Sounds an Awful Lot Like Ethnic Cleansing: Jake Tapper Responds to Israeli Ministers Call to Erase Palestinian Town, Ex-Fox News Contributors Mind Blown by Amazing Murdoch Testimony Admitting Network Knowingly Pushed False Election Claims, Follow Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) on Twitter, Trump Rages At Murdoch Over New Fox News Revelations: Killing His Case And Infuriating His Viewers, Murdoch Said Hannity Was Privately Disgusted By Trump But Scared to Lose Viewers, According to New Court Filing, Fox Board Member Paul Ryan Throws Tucker Carlson Under the Bus When Grilled on Toxic Sludge, Racism On Air at Fox News, Foxs Brian Kilmeade Has To SEARCH Diner To Find a Single DeSantis Supporter And Even Shes On The Fence, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Thomas Massie Vote Against Mourning 50,000 Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria, Elon Musk Blames Media for Being Racist Against Whites & Asians in Defense of Scott Adams Racist Comments, WATCH: Malcolm Nance Lashes Out at Trump MAGA Cultists In Congress Who Literally Stand for Genocide, Musks Twitter is Failing to Remove Child Porn, Even Some of the Easiest to Detect and Eliminate: NY Times Analysis, Right-Wing Twitter Mocks MSNBC Clip on Racist Alt-Right Memes Except Its 5 Years Old. They predicted that within 5-10 years, he would barely be able to function. Glenn was exposed to religion from a young age by his father. If you believe in the Big Bang, great. Did he get into a fight? Hundreds of young girls and boys, some as young as nine, are being bought and sold for sexsometimes as many as 20 times a day. Beck lives with his youngest children Cheyenne and Ray, and his older children Hannah and Mary live close-by. February 10, 2023. Not only will AI replace jobs in the food production industry, but it will also replace many creative jobs in the culinary industry. Rate this book. And this woman shouldn't be pushing a laundry cart in a hospital.". Eventually, he learned what was wrong: he had a variety of ailments, including an autoimmune disorder and adrenal fatigue. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Is that bad? Why Was Glenn Beck Yanked Off Set and Driven to the Hospital in the Middle of His Interview With Ron Paul? But symptoms got worse, including seizure-like experiences, one of which he showed on video behind him. Anybody who has had a child knows how traumatic it is for a mom. I torture them enough. together, they joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in October 1999, partly at the urging of his daughter Mary. That is why it is enshrined in the First Amendment. His claims came amid frenzied evacuation efforts after the U.S. military pulled out of Afghanistan, ending a 20-year war. After leaving Fox News in 2011, Beck founded his own news and entertainment network, which quickly grew into a media juggernaut and has now become an incubator for conservative personalities like Tomi Lahren and one-sided policy discussions optimized for virality. Ive got to do this because thats what dads do. Im just who I am. Want to Read. It took a lot of encouragement from his wife Tania - whom he married in 1999 - and his daughter Mary. He calls his care at a yet-to-be-named hospital "phenomenal, phenomenally bad." He went on, "I have stories that will melt your brain." The hospital in question also apparently takes care of . It was a tough time for Beck, and he considered taking his life while listening to a Nirvana album. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. and said their friends had done something similar, but the nurse just repeated: "You can't help. With AI technology still in its infant stages, it won't be long before it is able to produce journal-quality academic articles, threatening the integrity of academia as a whole. Glenn Beck's Face Was Covered in Bandages on a Recent Show and Fans Are Worried. This technology could potentially replace entire marketing departments and require only a select few to oversee AI operations. She immediately went to file a complaint. A big part of a TV program's branding is its host. Our federal government is apparently bankrolling an organization aimed at defunding conservative platforms. Were with each other and the grand-babies. "The body isn't working yet. Glenn interviewed the reporter breaking the story. Beck was forced to live with his father after Marys death, but he mostly spent time with his grandparents. Glenn Beck 385K Followers. That's not what she said, exactly, because we use code words when we talk about groups we don't like. For example, the left-leaning publication Bloomberg published an anecdotally-based survey of women titled, "Women Who Stay Single and Dont Have Kids Are Getting Richer and featured childless, single women who claim personal happiness. It is comforting to know that no one watches me for my good looks. 2023 Blaze Media LLC. >> Follow Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) on Twitter, Have a tip we should know? The former Top 40 DJ entered the talk format in 2001 and already his show is broadcast nearly 200 stations nationwide. She's the media personality's second wife, and the pair have been together for over twenty years. W. Bradford Wilcox, a senior fellow of the Institute for Family Studies and University of Virginia professor of sociology, attributes the disparity in overall happiness between conservatives and liberals to their differing views in marital status and family satisfaction. pictures of common objects pdf. It took a lot of encouragement from his wife Tania whom he married in 1999 and his daughter Mary. 2022 Blaze Media LLC. "But if it is a federal union worker - which it will be soon when if have a single-payer system and it is all federalized and unionized - you are going to pray for the day when that was the worst nurse you would run in to," he added. [sharequote align="center"]"This is what the free market does. glenn beck daughter brain surgery. Hes got four of them and a father with whom he had a trying relationship and hes attempting to do better. they've spent a lot of time and effort in trying to find the best fit for the trivia show in the wake of Alex Trebek's passing. The best show recs delivered to your inbox. Browse the most recent videos from channel "Glenn Beck" uploaded to He wrote, "The secret to happiness, for most men and women, involves marriage and a life based around the family. " The two said their ages - both are in their mid-twenties - and then the nurse asked how long they have been married. The greatest day in my life was the day that they made McGriddles after 10:30 in the morning. The couple went on to have two daughters, Mary and Hannah. When I was older, he said, If were going to have this conversation, lets call Him or it First Cause. God means too many different things to too many people. She's got to do it. You can't help.". A big part of a TV program's branding is its host. The "Global Disinformation Index" (GDI) is a leftist non-profit that is targeting conservative media while purporting to be "non-partisan." After his mothers death, Glenn had to deal with his step-brothers suicide. She has just been" Just another site glenn beck daughter brain surgery "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." Unfortunately, yes Not only does AI have the ability to produce an incredibly in-depth summary of academic subjects, it can also produce its own unique, nuanced analysis. If you type in any subject, it will produce an in-depth, nuanced analysis. Kaminsky found that his GDI has received "$330,000 from two State Department-backed entities linked to the highest levels of government." There is a key to how this has all been possible, watch this clip to hear Glenn share what's been going on in his family. 8:53 . The conservative commentator Glenn Beck has revealed that he has suffered from severe neurological problems for several years, and credits, in part, "medical cowboys" at a chiropractic brain . While there are four dressings on his face, the one on his forehead covers a visible bloody hole he had no qualms about sharing a picture of. On average, a child will be raped by 6,000 men, during a five-year period. Personally I love the new look Mary! As Glenn said after the bombshell Twitter Files story dropped, "Without a free and independent press, you cant have a free and independent civilization." Add your voice! There is a key to how this has all been possible, watch this clip to hear Glenn share what's been going on in his family. Glenn Beck presented a candid and detailed monologue about his long struggle with a . I didnt even know that there was such a thing. Politician Gives Gut-Wrenching Account of Husbands Final Treatment by NHS: Normalization of Cruelty, The Sneaky Way the Obamacare Website Is Underquoting Insurance Rates (and It Was a Mainstream Media Outlet That Caught It), Blogger on Far-Left Website Thought He Could Go Along With Obamacare Now He Cant Believe Whats Happening to His Health Insurance, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Religion forms a big part of Becks identity today, and he is thankful for it for helping him overcome addiction. "So my daughter is having her first breastfeeding experience, with, I don't know, somebody who lost their heart or something. "You're driving people into the arms of Donald Trump," Beck says. Glenn Beck's wife is Tania Colonna. Only 36 percent of Democrat married men say they are satisfied. Aug. 5 2021, Published 2:02 p.m. To leave them a better country? Here are five unlikely industries that are already integrating AI. Private companies can't get away with a fraction of what the federal government does, Beck said, because the free market or the government itself will shut them down. What was the spark that lit that? Studies have found that conservatives are more likely to embrace the "family-first" values that direct them towards marriage and fulfilling family lives. Fortunately for him, he had help from friends, family, and his future wife Tania. Date: The event was held at Suzanne's Fine Regional Cuisine in upstate New York. Most afternoons my hands will start to shake, or my hands and feet will curl up. 1 day ago Glenn: Why is the left admitting to the COVID lab leak NOW? Like white trash? Conservatives aged 18-55 are 20 percent more likely to be married than liberals. Something simple like playing cards, which is a way to just talk to them. This is arguably the most obvious industry that is threatened by AI. She passed away when I was about 15 years old. To that end, he has started making some muted calls for unity, which is exactly the thing no one associated him with a few years ago. Over the weekend, Glenn was in the Finger Lakes for his daughter's wedding, and he has provided a small number of photos to to be posted. We use cookies to better understand website visitors, for advertising, and to offer you a better experience. Liberals, on the other hand, are more likely to remain single. 40 percent of married Americans report being completely satisfied with their relationship with their spouse, compared to 33 percent of cohabitating couples and only 24 percent of those in committed relationships who are not living together. Beck left Fox News in 2011 to form a television and radio network known as TheBlaze. Numerous studies have shown conservatives tend to champion marriage and family values alongside traditional family roles, while liberals tend to value independence, singleness, and non-traditional gender roles. Incidentally, the moral of the story, according to Beck, was that thank God this was a "free market" hospital unlike those insane Commie ones in Britain because his daughter was able to complain about how this filthy scrubwoman had dared impugn her integrity. Today on "The Glenn Beck RadioProgram," he updated them on the results of the testing that had been done to determine the cause of the problem. "I was there with [my wife] Tania when she tried to feed the children, and I know what it is like for a woman when she first tries to feed the baby," Beck said. Glenn Beck choked up on his Fox News program Tuesday afternoon while speaking about his daughter, who was born with cerebral palsy (h/t TVNewser). Make sure you see our stories daily directly to your inbox. He spoke about her in a discussion on Nazi eugenics, and showed a poster from that era that called to mind his daughter's condition. His mother was abused by his dad. When he scored in the bottom 10 percent on a test for people with traumatic brain injury about a year and a . He talks about contemplating suicide because of pain. Brain surgery treats problems in your brain, such as tumors, leaky blood vessels or epilepsy. At one point, doctors gave him a traumatic brain injury test and his results were in the bottom 10%. Alongside his wife, the former Fox News . This is happening here, in our homes, in our schools, along our borders, on our turf. "I want to show you a poster that I saw this morning getting . Now the Washington Examiner's groundbreaking story shows that "big advertising" is also in bed with leftist organizations. UPDATE: It was "butt surgery," Glenn Beck announced on his show. He continued: It doesnt matter if Im dating, or married, or raising kids, Im clueless with girls. It doesnt matter if Im dating, or married, or raising kids, Im clueless with girls. We posed questions about AI to our readers during this week's poll, and while most of you believe that AI could replace other people's jobs, many of you believe that your job is safe from the effects of AI. Committee: House Energy and Commerce: Related Items: Data will display when it becomes available. Moreover, our children are being targeted for sexual exploitation in our homes, in our schools. Reading with my kids. Now, many of these goals are materializing into actual policies. June 30, 2022 . Copyright 2023 Distractify. This is an explicit violation of the First Amendment. Research has shown this type of role reversal leads to a greater sense of dissatisfaction in marriage than traditional gender roles typically held by conservatives. Becks addiction to alcohol and drugs was a persistent problem in the family. And Fake. Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox. But he has, in a sense, changed his mind about Glenn Beck. After a while, Beck dissociated from religion, but he felt the need for it again as he recovered from addiction. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Investigative reporter Kenneth Timmerman sheds light on Soleimani, his role in the Benghazi attack, and how Iranians celebrated his death. Heres The REAL Clip, Even Glenn Beck Says Paul Pelosi Video Dissolves All of the Crazy Rumors About This Being a Sex Fest, Christian Walker GOES OFF on Predator Matt Schlapp for Allegedly Groping Male Campaign Staffer: Hes Done This Before, Im Sure!. The NY AG report found he helped WRITE his brother's defense! 4. If you think your individual talent for R&D shields you from being replaced by AI, think again. The only centrist news source listed on their "10 lowest-risk news outlets" was the Wall Street Journal. Kaminsky found that major ad companies are seeking guidance from self-described "non-partisan" media groups to detect websites carrying "disinformation" with the aim of restricting ads on those sites, depriving conservative media outlets of vital ad revenue. Glenn had been exposed to Mormonism during his time in Utah, but he hated religions norms. "Look, how old are you two?" (shelved 1 time as glenn-beck-reading-list) avg rating 4.00 260 ratings published 2011. Adults purchase children for sex at least 2.5 million times a year, in the U.S. alone. When viewers of The Glenn Beck Program tuned in, they were surprised to see a number of bandages covering Beck's face. He has been sick for years. Glenn and Stu break down the statements made by FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried in an interview with the New York Times in the wake of his company's collapse and the loss of billions of dollars. The advances in modern medicine are exploding at an unprecedented rate and Glenn's daughter Mary is one of the countless beneficiaries. Something disturbing happened to Glenn Beck's daughter in the hospital, where she'd just given birth to her first child. Beck took the Fatherly Questionnaire from his home base in Houston. 0 Glenn Beck's Dark Past. video. Becks father took up Catholicism because it was the only way that he could marry Glenns mother Mary. ", Beck said the nurse in question was the night nurse, and "luckily [Hannah's] husband was there, [because] nighttime is scary.". Glenn made a name for himself as a no-nonsense radio presenter, and his Glenn Beck Radio Program is one of the most popular radio programs in America. Among their "10 riskiest online news outlets" list included TheBlaze, Daily Wire, New York Post, and other conservative news outlets, accusing the sites of "bias" and "prevalence of sensational language." Glenn Beck's first wife was Clair Ellen McCabe, and the former spouses tied the knot in March 1984. He was kind of like Spock. My father never called God, God. And I thought for a long time he was an atheist. When I was 16 we were arguing, and I said, Im never going to be like you. With tears in his eyes, he said, Son, that is the best thing that youve ever said to me. That made me even madder. For more information about our use of cookies, our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information generally, and any rights you may have to access, delete, or opt out of the sale of your personal information, please view our Privacy Policy. His friend Pat had the honor of baptizing him when he joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in October 1999. He passed away just a couple of years ago. Studies show that liberals tend to reverse gender roles, with the "stay-at-home husband" trend complementing the "working woman." 2 days ago Bill O'Reilly on why Pete Buttigieg just RUINED HIS CAREER. He currently hosts two radio segments on TheBlaze. I just want them to remember the safety of the family, the stability, the love. "You need to understand that this is what the free market does," Beck said. How is CNN's Chris Cuomo still on the air? He talks about contemplating suicide because of pain. Glenn Lee Beck (born February 10, 1964) is an American conservative political commentator, radio host, entrepreneur, and . This was the hospital where patients were so desperate, they were found to be trying to get a few sips of water from the flowerpots. Beck failed to fit in, and he moved to Washington D.C. after six months. When I said, that he was distant. Granted, the son-in-law probably wasn't in a tux in the hospital, but still! Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. Looking like Mahaffey from The Sopranos pilot. In contrast, according to the same study, Republican married couples, only 29 percent of Democrat married women say they are completely satisfied with their relationship. Do you fall into one of them? Glenn Beck choked up on his Fox News program Tuesday afternoon while speaking about his daughter, who was born with cerebral palsy ( h/t TVNewser ). Do they look like baby shakers? On Monday evening, Glenn Beck revealed to his audience at TheBlaze that for the last five years he has been suffering from a series of health issues that he said, quite honestly has made me look crazy.. Here are 5 unlikely industries that could be replaced by AI. It is no wonder that both conservative men and women who champion family-first values report higher levels of happiness than liberal counterparts. Or to keep it anonymous, click here. This is going to sound horrible, but we werent even allowed to have a funeral for my dad because of the family situation.. Studies have shown that the Republican advantage in relationship satisfaction holds even regardless of differences in "educational attainment, race and ethnicity, age, and religious affiliation.". "I want to make this very clear: Baylor is a great hospital," Beck said repeatedly. is glen beck literally falling apart like some sort of right wing scarecrow? Beck decided to reform in 1994, after abusing drugs every day for 15 years. Here's the actual audio. Tim, the husband of Beck's daughter, tried to "soften" the situation and asked . Beck stated that his charities, The Nazarene Fund and Mercury One . A nurse suggested that Hannah Beck was poor. Tons of people offered up words of support and encouragement for the host, wishing him a speedy recovery, even from individuals who don't agree with his political views. So Glenn and his sister spent the early days of their lives going to Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. There is a key to how this has all been possible, watch this clip to hear Glenn share what's been going on in his family. Click HERE to subscribe to Glenn Beck HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV: Connect with Glenn on Social Media: Washington Examiner reporter Gabe Kaminsky broke a series of articles detailing the coordinated effort between ad agencies and leftist non-profits to financially suffocate conservative sitesincluding Beck: Trump 'Doing the Things He Said He Would Do'. . Article. Glenn Beck on Thursday told his national radio audience a disturbing story about what happened to his daughter, Hannah, in the hospital after she had her first child two days ago. Beck said Hannah told her doctor about the experience the next morning, and the woman almost couldn't believe the nurse was a Baylor employee. 4.04K. There are even AI robots under development that can produce faster, more efficiently, and with better quality and hygiene than humansand unlike humans, they don't come with that pesky thing they call a "salary.". "This isn't going to work, and this is going to hurt, and you're just going to have to get through it," she said brusquely, Beck related, having heard the story the next day. "You can't help," the nurse allegedly replied. In many instances, the show is quite literally the host themselves. "I want to make this very clear: Baylor is a great hospital," Beck said repeatedly. Glenn Beck on Thursday told his national radio audience a disturbing story about what happened to his daughter, Hannah, in the hospital after she had her first child two days ago. Artificial intelligence is here, and, as Glenn has warned this week during his special on AI, it is only a matter of time before it affects YOUR industry. It's a shame, but your time is up.". According to Beck, who . our children are being targeted for sexual exploitation, 9 SURPRISING facts proving conservatives are HAPPIER and have BETTER MARRIAGES than liberals, 20 percent more likely to be married than liberals, 19 percent less likely to be completely satisfied, EXPOSED: Microsoft-owned ad agency Xandr blacklists, discontinued their relationship with the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), Glenn interviewed the reporter breaking the story, anonymously disclosed to the Washington Examiner. Even more troubling is the federal government's involvement in this collusion. U.K. The growth of porn and sexual indoctrination in our schools is making our kids more at risk of being trafficked. Ironically, Nirvanas lead singer, Kurt Cobain, had taken his life in 1994 over the same sort of issues that were troubling Beck. Glenn would swallow his pride and adopt Mormonism in 1999. Glenn Beck, (born February 10, 1964, Mount Vernon, Washington, U.S.), American conservative political commentator and television and radio personality, perhaps best known for hosting the talk show Glenn Beck (2009-11) on the Fox News Channel (FNC). He continued: "Next week I get my whole face washed with some sort of acid bath! 36 percent of the children in the sex slave trade are boys. However, Beck remained strong, and rather than take his life, he decided to change it for the better. Becks mom and dad got divorced in his early teens, and the situation affected Becks mental health. Mary Beck struggled with fits of depression and chemical addiction, which led to her divorce. Im not afraid of, Oh, Im dad. It hurts, it's uncomfortable, it's emotionally difficult, and they immediately think 'something's wrong with me, why isn't it working?' For more information about our use of cookies, our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information generally, and any rights you may have to access, delete, or opt out of the sale of your personal information, please view our, some of hunger or dehydration, and left in complete squalor, So Much Harm to Patients: British Doctors Describe NHS as Worse Than Communist China. All rights reserved. Fascinatingly and a bit unexpectedly as Beck has branched out and grown his brand, he has also become more introspective. TV & Radio host, Conservative Political Commentator, TV network producer, Author, Entrepreneur, Inside Elle Duncans life, her husband and parents, Who Is Rami Malek Dating? The advances in modern medicine are exploding at an unprecedented rate and Glenn's daughter Mary is one of the countless beneficiaries. In his post, Beck writes: "Patricia, my nurse, just numbed my forehead for a quick in patient surgery to remove 'the good kind of cancer.' Just talking with my kids. GDI's recently-published "Disinformation Risk Assessment" listing their self-proclaimed "10 highest and lowest-risk news outlets" demonstrates their overt-leftist bias. You can complain. ET. Glenn told Fatherly: Workaholic, distant, and confusing. While many of the responses were about what you'd expect from any predictable liberal-vs.-conservatives online discussion, a large number of questions were from folks who wanted to know what happened to Glenn Beck. And I said, Oh I thought you were normal.. The marketing industry is already integrating AI, and it's already being used beyond collecting data and predicting trends. Glenn Beck Chokes Up Talking About Special Needs Daughter (VIDEO). Truly a face for radio - unfortunately also on TV. is listed among the conserative domains that are being financially punished by Microsoft-owned ad agency, Xandr.Courtesy of the 'Washington Examiner'. 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