[18], The caretaker had punished them many times during their Hogwarts years, for their trouble-making. You've been stealing! [37] Filch was also present when in a corridor with all the other staff when a new message from the Heir of Slytherin appeared on the wall stating that Ginny had been taken into the chamber and that her skeleton will lie there forever. [82] He presumably kept doing what he was used to: punishing the students and arguing with Peeves the Poltergeist, even under the new Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by cloneserpents - In this beloved erotic comedy with over 1,000 reviews, Harry leads his friends on a Horcrux hunt after reading a magical book that gives him special powers. [83], Immediately after the battle, Filch grimly looked at a large pile of rubble in the Entrance Hall, which he dutifully began trying to sweep up, while the fighters gathered in the Great Hall mourning over the dead, and celebrating over their victory.[82]. Sometime in 1989 or 1990, Fred and George let off a Dungbomb and were caught by Filch, who took them to his office and threatened them with his usual unpleasant punishments he always had in mind. Arthur and Molly's children have all grown up and moved out. [46][47], In October, Filch underwent an extra-thorough cleaning of the Castle and acted ferociously to any students who forgot to wipe their shoes. In 1995, when Dolores Umbridge became High Inquisitor at Hogwarts, Filch gladly supported her. It would explain a lot. Now that we are all fed and watered I must once more ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices. Book Riot no longer promotes J.K. Rowling in light of statements she has made against the trans community. [68] During the Start-of-Term Feast, Albus Dumbledore informed the students that Filch had asked him to remind the them that there was a blanket ban on any joke items bought at Fred and George Weasley's shop, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. There are so many Drapple fics to choose from, but one of the steamiest isForbidden Fruitby Charlotte Blackwood. [4], Harry Potter: Hogwarts MysteryArgus' sceptical personality against Jacob's sibling party invitation, In the 19841985 school year, Filch and Mrs Norris found the cursed ice. [14] He had knobbly hands and whenever he got the flu, a bulbous and unusually purple nose. InBustle by yeaka, Quidditch star Oliver Wood has to deal with adoring fans and his raging desire for his boyfriend Percy. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. A highly polished collection of chains and manacles hung on the wall behind Filch's desk. Well, he thinks so, and he intends to act on it. Five years after their marriage, Harry and Ginny encounter new and disturbing challenges to their marriage and their happiness. Gilderoy would do anything for Harry Potter, whom he was the biggest fan of for years. Choose an interesting character, preferably a more obscure one that not many other people will have written about, and put them into a new situation. The Harry Potter Wiki has 156 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Filch was also charged with restoring the Fat Lady's portrait,[42] and he did so expertly. Ask Question Asked 4 years ago. When Harry Potter reached Filch, the caretaker gave a great sniff as though to detect a whiff of Dungbombs.[58]. [4] The Map was later brought back to Filch's office and kept there until Fred and George Weasley 'nicked' it during their first year, 19891990 school year, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after being hauled to his office for letting off a Dungbomb in a corridor. Find moreerotic stories here. During this time, he became more vicious than ever, and wrote students up for things like "breathing loudly" and "looking happy". [46], That school year, the Triwizard Tournament took place at Hogwarts. by Sarah1281. Dumbledore then knocked down the Ministry officials, and left the school undetected. And also all four of them together. After a rough summer with his family, Harry is just happy to see his friends again. Years later, he's determined to make Harry more than a friend. Handsby iamisaac is erotic fiction starring Albus and Teddy Lupin. The name "Argus" comes from Greek mythology, where it was the name of a giant with one hundred eyes who served the goddess Hera as a watchman (much like Mr Filch's role in patrolling the hallways of Hogwarts). Rated M.] Okay, so this isn't the film actor for James Potter. by phantompopcorn, Ron gives Hermione the best kind of birthday present. Harry told Hermione to calm down and tell him what's wrong. He was going to be permitted to bring back the "old punishments" and give students whippings, and she asked the Minister for Magic to sign an order for the expulsion of Peeves, the resident Poltergeist. Harry really did love him to allow him such an honor. Suspecting it was linked to the Cursed Vaults, he was about to report to Dumbledore, but spotted Professor Severus Snape first and told him instead. 1. [42], Later in the evening of that same day, Sirius Black broke into the Castle and tried to enter Gryffindor Tower; this resulted in the destruction of the Fat Lady's portrait. Personally, my favorite couple will always be Ron and Hermione, and not even J.K. Rowling herself can talk me out of this. There is a small corner of the Internet dedicated to those of us who prefer the canonical Harry Potter couples. This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike, aka Full Pensieve, is one of the most well-written and realistic HP fanfic that I've ever read. Lets do the Time Warp Again by Rorschach's Blot. [55] But Cho vouched for Harry and stated that he was not ordering Dungbombs. I'm coming to get you, Peeves You've gone and stolen a Triwizard clue, Peeves Dumbledore'll have you out of here for this, you filthy, pilfering poltergeistFilch's paranoia with Peeves, after Harry Potter (under his Invisibility Cloak) drops his Golden egg. Any necessary warnings will be at the top of each chapter, and a little summary will be there as well if you're reading this for the meagre plot included (There's no discernible reason you would be, it's smut) and don't want to read that particular chapter. ARTHUR WHERE IS MY IMPREGNATION? [62] Otherwise, she did have a low opinion of him, telling him not to stun some enchanted fireworks and having it explode all over the place, when it was in fact her own doing.[62]. Spend a few pages writing out your plot. Numerous pairings, including heterosexual and various LGBTQ+ oneshots, mainly involving Harry but also includes other relationships. What follows is a selection of some of the more interesting male/female erotic fics. [15], Filch frequently patrolled the hallways at night-time, hunting down students wandering out of bed and looking for excuses to give them detentions. [54] Filch was reportedly miserable, as he thought Umbridge was the best thing that ever happened to Hogwarts.[67]. [64] They did not leave instructions on how to remove the swamp and as such, Umbridge and Filch tried fruitlessly different means of removing it. [44], So! [70][71] Most of the staff appeared to dislike Filch's grumpy and antipathetic personality, such as Minerva McGonagall, who could often be irritated by his behaviour (to the point of forgoing her usual politeness with fellow staff by calling him a "blithering idiot"),[9] and Horace Slughorn, who intended to report him for being more concerned about cleaning up than with the students' security. So far anyone who had so much dared to glance at the dark forbidding space between the Weasley womans legs had been turned to stone. [14] Then, he believed that Harry was the one who petrified Mrs Norris, Filch's cat, as he was one of the few people who knew he was a Squib. However, Filch, in a way, helped Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix defeat the Death Eaters, as he helped McGonagall call Peeves during the Battle of Hogwarts. Sometimes a mans love for fruit knows no bounds. It'll be worse for you if you do.Filch's sadistic enjoyment when punishing students. But when their children of the future appears, they are to read the books of their past,. [77] During his funeral he sat next to Irma Pince, something Harry Potter took notice of, as he suspected a romantic relationship between the two. [15] In the 1977-1978 school year, Filch, probably on a tip-off from Severus Snape, whose obsession it had become to expose his arch-rival, James Potter in wrongdoing, confiscated the Marauder's Map after the Marauders over-reached themselves and were cornered. Ginnys Self-Help Fantasyby mercuryidols dives into Ginny Weasleys secret lesbian fantasies about Hermione Granger. In contrast to this warning, Hagrid remained his jovial self and tried to assure all of them that they were safe. How have I made myself sad writing a crack fic? [59] Later that same month, after Gryffindor's abysmal performance in their Quidditch match against Hufflepuff, the Slytherin sang Weasley is Our King so loudly and frequently that Filch banned the song from the corridors out of sheer irritation.[60]. Feel free to suggest any pairings/situations you'd like to see, and eventually I'll try to include them (it could take a while). His surname, "Filch", is an English word meaning "to steal", usually in a sneaky manner. "Well at least we know Potter's an . So this erotic fanfic has a little bit to offer to both the canon fans and the WolfStar believers. InA Bit of Respite by Bryonia Alba,Percy and Oliver get some much needed alone time. Please consider turning it on! [14], During the school year, a mysterious, dangerous monster roamed around the Castle and tried to attack muggle-born students. #1. Filch almost caught Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Neville Longbottom, but they successfully managed to hide in the Forbidden Corridor as Peeves refused to share any information with Filch. It is presumed that this on-going war between them continued after the Battle of Hogwarts. On occasion, he fruitlessly scrubbed the message with Mrs Skower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover, but to no effect. As Severus Snape was a very strict and somewhat cruel teacher, Filch respected that and acted a loyal subordinate to him. Filch thanked the student for their help, despite his usually grouchy nature. [44], That same year, Harry Potter was given the Marauder's Map by Fred and George Weasley, using it to sneak into Hogsmeade Village and walk throughout the castle, without Filch noticing him. When a blood curse in Harry activates, it takes Harry over two years to deal with it Harry Potter never had sex before until fifth year when his uncle decided to rape him. In July, Argus Filch attended Dumbledore's funeral in an ancient black suit and tie reeking of mothballs, paying his respects for the man who, despite their opposing views on student punishment, gave him employment as a Squib. He was aided by the Inquisitorial Squad, but odd things like antlers sprouting from their heads kept happening to its members. After this, he was forced to award them ten house points, much to his and Mrs Norris's displeasure. On 7 October, Filch hung a copy of the Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four on the Entrance Hall. [8] It's unclear whether the relationship was still going on by the time Harry attended Hogwarts, but he did see them at Dumbledore's funeral together. [70], After Harry Potter's discovery of the Half-Blood Prince's copy of Advanced Potion-Making, he learnt several new spells such as Langlock, a jinx that glued the victim's tongue to the roof of the mouth. Dumbledore appeared to like Filch, although the latter was unpleasant. [2] It can be assumed that Filch was grateful after Mrs Norris was cured. Nobody would have thought of throwing Fanged Frisbees down the corridors if I could've strung you up by the ankles in my office, would they? In The Wolfsbane Effect by Kerichi, Remus is torn between his two loves, Tonks and Sirius. If you want more straightforward Remus/Sirius smut,Ten Minutesby KatScratches is the fic for you. Filch was then joined by Severus Snape when the two got hold of Harry's egg and the Marauder's Map. After he opened a book that screamed, Filch arrived on the scene almost immediately but was unable to see Harry. He wanted Lockhart to stop, but was powerless. [77], He admitted he liked that "Madam Pince won't stand for rule breaking" and he liked it "in a witch". Before he can process these recent events, he and many others are invited to the Room of Requirement to read a very special set of books. . 8. [15] The one thing that the two absolutely agreed on was a mutual dislike of Harry Potter. "Pleasetell me." Harry said, looking worried. He knew how it felt to be ignored, so he gave special care to pay attention to his studentsnot only in regards to their studies, but to their mental health, too.Remus Lupin was the first person to notice what Harry was hiding, and he was the first adult to care enough to do something about it. We Go Way Back: 25 of the Best Historical Fiction Books of the Past 10 Years, The Bestselling Books of the Week, According to All the Lists, New Releases Tuesday: The Best Books Out This Week, 11 of the Best Shnen Manga to Read in 2023. Yes, this is Draco Malfoy and an apple. On 7 September, Filch got a tip-off that Harry Potter was sending in a massive order of Dungbombs. [80] It is unknown whether this was for his loyalty to Snape, his long years of service to the school, or his ability to catch troublemakers through his extensive knowledge of the Castle's secrets. They were saved by Quirinus Quirrell, who vouched for them while passing by. Harry Potter is a slut. Viewed 411 times . If you like a good threesome,A Nightly Strollby TigerLily8806 might be more your speed. [72], On 17 March, Filch did his usual prodding act with the Secrecy Sensor as some of the sixth years departed the school for an Apparition lesson at Hogsmeade. Filch also did not suspect anything that was from Rosmerta, another factor that would have permitted the necklace and poisoned mead to enter the castle as well as a flaw that Draco attempted to take advantage of. Midway through the train ride, the Dementors board the train and Harry's life is never the same. [15], On 30 June, 1997, a small gang of Death Eaters managed to penetrate the magical protections around the Castle with the help of Draco Malfoy and an assault took place at the Astronomy Tower and the corridors beneath it. [75] His obsession with the castle's cleanliness led him to neglect actual security at times, as he forgot to lock the doors at least one time even in the more dangerous hours, something Slughorn reprimanded him for. A few feet away, in the bed next to Harry's slept their son, having not even removed his shoes before collapsing into exhaustive, deep sleep. He brought the Professor to the corridor where he found the ice. Draco Malfoy, well aware of Filch's overly trust of Rosmerta, took advantage of it by sneaking in a cursed necklace and poisoned mead in an attempt to assassinate Professor Dumbledore.[75]. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanFilch is suspicious of Harry Potter as he wanders around the school, During the next school year, the alleged mass-murderer Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and the Ministry of Magic stationed Dementors around the entrances to the grounds in order to protect the school and Harry Potter, which was thought to be Black's target. He hated it. Please consider turning it on! [20], During this school year, Jacob's sibling tried to invite him to Hagrid's birthday party, which was pretty successful and he attended the party, although Professor McGonagall considered it a miracle if he agreed to celebrate anything whatsoever. [28], Later in the year, Jacob's sibling and Merula Snyde interrogated Filch to see if he was the "mole" for "R" in his office. Apparently, Filch lost some of his duties, as punishment seemed to be given out exclusively by the Carrows and Severus Snape. Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini/Theodor Nott/Draco Malfoy. Albus always wanted Teddy, but never thought he would be able to have him. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. The other teachers, who could have removed the swamp in an instant, preferred instead to watch Umbridge struggle. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [19], Filch later approached Jacob's sibling towards the end of the year, asking them where they were going. They attracted his attention by sticking a Blood Pop in Mrs Norris's fur. He also told him that someone had broken into his personal office. Rating: M The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. And did we mention married? He also told Professor Dumbledore, in what he said was the four-hundred-and-sixty second time, to remind the students that magic was not permitted in corridors between classes.[53]. Destiny is not written in stone [35], At the beginning of the 1992-1993 school year, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley arrived at school, not via the Hogwarts Express, but in Arthur Weasley's Flying Ford Anglia; Minerva McGonagall, their Head of House, gave them different punishments. [45], After Sirius Black's second break-in in the evening of 5 February, Filch bustled around the corridors boarding up everything from tiny cracks in the walls to mouse holes. Filch confiscated a shrunken head from Vincent Crabbe. With the passing of Educational Decree Number Twenty-Three, which appointed Dolores Umbridge to the post of High Inquisitor of Hogwarts, the Ministry effectively started its interference at the school. The background story will basically follow the books, and won't bother restating everything that happens. A Question of Valueby Inell pairs Hermione with Percy Weasley on the Quidditch Pitch. [6] He had long hair with a bald spot on the top of his head and quivery jowls. Argus Filch seemed so interested in punishing rebellious students in the old manners. 7. The author takes us to exotic locations such as Iceland and beyond the shores of Britain. The dark side of Gilderoy Lockhart's one-sided love for Henrietta. Mr Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. A joyous retelling of the Diagon Alley trip in Harrys second year with the Weasleys. [67] Filch brought her her luggage, as she was stopped by a mob of Daily Prophet reporters who took pictures of her escape. Goodreads allows fanfiction if they are completed, self-published, and book-length. Hagrid vouched for them, but Filch rudely undermined Hagrid's authority as a teacher, with Hagrid insulting Filch for being a Squib in retaliation. On the night stand, beside a plate that was empty but for a few crumbs, lay his wand and glasses. 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