Your password needs to be 8-20 characters and may contain letters or numbers. For the safety and wellbeing of the passenger and to avoid any delay at check-in the completed Medical Alert form must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled departure time.A medical alert form is only valid for the approved travel date. You are able to get married on board but you will need to organise your own celebrant. If you require a cot, we recommend that you book an Inside Cabin rather than a Porthole Cabin, as the cots are better fitted to the size of an Inside Cabin. Ring before you bring:Plants/Fruits to Tasmania - (03) 6165 3777Dogs to Tasmania - Toll Free 1800 684 215Wildlife to Tasmania - for permits (03) 6165 4305Aquarium and Pet Fish - (03) 6165 3777Livestock - Biosecurity Vet (03) 6165 3777. Ester, "beloved" pet dog of Tasmanian woman Holly Alexander, was reported missing during a journey to Melbourne across the Bass Strait on January 26, and has not been seen since. Yes - dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets*, some birds, chickens and ducks may travel on Spirit of Tasmania. In the event petrol residual is identified inside an empty Jerry Can or Boat Fuel Can the passengers must fill the container with water before being allowed to travel.You can read further information about Carriage of Dangerous Goods here. The length includes the caravan and attachments such as a drawbar, bike racks, gas cylinders etc. In addition to the signed declaration, passengers will need to carry documentary evidence showing that their dog has been treated for hydatid tapeworm within 14 days prior to entering Tasmania. You can keep track of your trips via your own private member page, update your profile and access exclusive members-only offers. Direct bookings made online at, via Spirit of Tasmania's Customer Contact Centre or at Spirit of Tasmania's terminals can be amended online. Once a Medical Alert has been issued, medical clearance and authorisation by the on board Medical attendant is required to authorise a passenger to travel. What power voltage are the power points in the cabins? Yes, in line with the COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Workers) Directions that were announced in Victoria on Thursday 7 October, all Spirit of Tasmania employees who are authorised workers (which includes all our crew on board, shore-based staff and contractors attending Station Pier in Victoria), are fully vaccinated. You will need to provide the full length of your vehicle from end to end. If the animal is injured you can contact the RSPCA on 03 6427 2566 during business hours. Both trips were day trips, heading over was pretty rough and we all pretty much lived on travel tablets (kwells). For more information refer to the Terms and Conditions ofRefundhere. If you are travelling with your own medical equipment, it is your responsibility to check the rating on your equipment to ensure it complies. WEIGHING IN: TT-Line chief executive Bernard Dwyer has released his first public comments following reports of the death of a dog aboard the Spirit of Tasmania. Yes, travel insurance is highly recommend when purchasing a fare that has non-refundable cancellation fee. No, there are no charging facilities or power outlets to charge electric vehicles on board. Are carers entitled to book a pensioner fare? Select {{legOfJourney.toLowerCase()}} date, Select {{legOfJourney.toLowerCase()}} accommodation, {{IbpCms.accommodationSpiritTipCotSoldOut}}. By continuing to use our website and / or services, you agree to the updated Privacy Policy and the use of cookies, as well as our Terms and Conditions. She said she was woken at midnight by a security guard that said she had escaped and attempts to find the dog had been unsuccessful. (b) You agree that we may deal with any such alcohol, whether open or closed, as we reasonably see fit. She has covered a range of areas and issues including crime, health, environmental issues, business . Yes. {{IbpCms.accommodationReclinersBlockedMessage}}, {{IbpCms.accommodationNoDayTicketsForNightSailings}}. On a regular crossing, discharge of vehicles is completed within 90 minutes of the vessel tying up. January 27, 2021 7.12pm. "She is my best friend and I just want her back. Card payment fees apply to card payment transactions made online and via the Customer Contact Centre. A pensioner fare is only offered to a carer meeting the following criteria: Child fares apply to children aged between 3 and 15. ", Meg Powell has been a journalist for the Advocate Newspaper in North-West Tasmania since 2019. If amending travel dates (if still required) a new medical alert form is issued. Vehicle sizes are subject to confirmation on check in and if the wrong details have been provided you may be charged an extra fee. {{passenger.passengerDetails.firstName}} {{passenger.passengerDetails.lastName}}, In a {{getAccommodationDisplayName(allocation.categoryCode, allocation.categoryName)}}, Refund due: {{ getSailing().refundableAmount | money }}, Oops, you must be travelling in order to make this booking, Remove {{detail.firstName}} {{detail.lastName}}, {{IbpCms.passengerDetailsInvalidPensionerNumber}}, Vehicle Registrations{{getSailingDisplay(LegOfJourney.Outbound)}}, Vehicle Registrations{{getSailingDisplay(LegOfJourney.Return)}}, {{Utils.convertNameCase(passenger.passengerDetails.title)}} {{Utils.convertNameCase(passenger.passengerDetails.firstName)}} {{Utils.convertNameCase(passenger.passengerDetails.lastName)}}, {{IbpCms.cabinAllocationBookSameForReturn}}. Please fill in the remaining details below. We've rung council who have tried to contact his owners as he has. If I am receiving a refund, how and when will I receive the value owed? Refund payments will be credited back to the original credit card used for the original booking, via an authorised CardGate Credit Card Payment Gateway. The voyage times are comparable to the previous crossing with the new route taking between 9.5 and 11.5 hours. If you are not sure which type of vehicle to book, or if you would like additional information on travelling with a motorhome or caravan, please visit the Caravans and Motorhomes/Campervans section on our Booking Information page. At most times, bookings are open for the next 11 months only. Please fill in your date of birth in the format dd/mm/yyyy. If you have a vehicle, lock it inside. A motorhome is also referred to as a campervan. All job vacancies are advertised at Phone: 03 6243 5177. Yes, photo ID such as a drivers license is required to check in. Do I need to be vaccinated to travel on Spirit of Tasmania? Refund payments will be issued in the form of a new gift voucher; they will not be issued by cash, bank cheque or credit card. Last night I was on the spirit of Tasmania coming from Tasmania. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. {{getSelectedSailingProductName(legOfJourney)}} Terms & Conditions, Move {{Utils.convertNameCase(passenger.passengerDetails.firstName)}}, Conditions of Carriage, Tasmanian Biosecurity Conditions, Privacy Policy, Specific needs and assistance requirement form. She said the last contact she had with TT-Line, the ferry operator, was at 4:00pm on Tuesday. If you are travelling with medical oxygen cylinders, please visit the Specific Needs and Assistance page for more information. They will have your equipment checked by the ships electrician. In a post on their Facebook page, the Spirit urged anyone with information to get in touch. How do I apply for a job at Spirit of Tasmania? Travel Agent, Freight, Group and Special Event bookings will not be available to amend online. The cabin was comfortable (family of 4). Gas Bottles that do not meet the aforementioned conditions will either be confiscated and disposed of if validation has expired, or will be deposited and collected upon disembarkation.You can read further information about Carriage of Dangerous Goods here. -Sealing cap has locking side arms or screwed cap with an effective rubber seal.-All other than Jerry Cans and Boat Fuel Containers must be empty and dry of residual liquid. Can I book a different person each way on a return booking? Do the same quarantine conditions apply when entering Victoria? No. Holly Alexander and her dog Ester were on the ferry on Monday, travelling from the island as part of Ms Alexander's move to Queensland. Meg Powell has been a journalist for the Advocate Newspaper in North-West Tasmania since 2019. If your gas bottle is fixed to your vehicle (fixed via a bracket or compartment) they are permitted to travel in your vehicle. Advertise and Partner with Spirit of Tasmania. Read our Privacy Policy. 'Free' : '$' + getVehiclePrice($index)}}, at {{booking.getDepartureDate(legOfJourney, 'h:mm A')}}, Arriving {{booking.getArrivalDate(legOfJourney, 'dddd D MMMM')}} at {{booking.getArrivalDate(legOfJourney, 'h:mm A')}}, {{selectedAccommodationOption.quantity}} x {{selectedAccommodationOption.displayText}}, ${{getSelectedFareTypeAccommodationOptionPrice(selectedAccommodationOption)}}, ({{getSelectedAccommodationOptionNet(selectedAccommodationOption) | money}}), ({{getSailingTotalNet(legOfJourney) | money}}), {{ getSailingTotalPriceText(LegOfJourney.Outbound) }}, ({{getSailingTotalNet(LegOfJourney.Outbound) | money}}), {{ getSailingTotalPriceText(LegOfJourney.Return) }}, ({{getSailingTotalNet(LegOfJourney.Return) | money}}), {{ booking.getCreditCardFeePrice() | money }}, {{option.quantity}} x {{option.displayText}}, Including: {{vehicleOptions.getExtrasDisplay()}}, ${{getTotalMinimumPriceAdvice().totalMinimumPrice}}, {{Utils.pluralize('Deal', numDealsOnSailing())}} available, {{getSelectedFareTypeOptionUnitPrice(option)}}, Return accommodation price is {{ getReturnPriceForSameSelection() | money }}, ${{getSelectedFareTypeAccommodationOptionPrice(option)}}, ({{getSelectedAccommodationOptionNet(option) | money}}), {{getSailing().selectedAccommodation.getExtra(ExtrasCode.Kennel).quantity}} x {{Utils.pluralize("Pet", getSailing().selectedAccommodation.getExtra(ExtrasCode.Kennel).quantity)}} with {{Utils.pluralize("kennel", getSailing().selectedAccommodation.getExtra(ExtrasCode.Kennel).quantity)}}, ${{getSelectedFareTypeAccommodationOptionPrice(getSailing().selectedAccommodation.getExtra(ExtrasCode.Kennel))}}, {{getSailingTotalPriceDisplay(legOfJourney)}}, With Extras: {{vehicle.getExtrasDisplay()}}, Your {{legOfJourney.toLowerCase()}} accommodation, Leave {{Utils.convertNameCase(passenger.passengerDetails.firstName)}} here, Swap with {{Utils.convertNameCase(passenger.passengerDetails.firstName)}}, Move {{Utils.convertNameCase(getActiveSwapPassenger().passengerDetails.firstName)}} here. Nice! If you are travelling with an infant, please be sure to book a cabin that displays a 'cot provided' icon and a cot will be placed in your cabin free of charge. Amendments are subject to availability. "They couldn't find her, they didn't raise any alarms when they were trying to get people to disembark or check their cars as they seem to think that she might of jumped in the utes or trailers.". "This demonstrates ZERO care on the part of the TT-Line. Does Spirit of Tasmania still sail from Sydney? Holly Alexander's trip on the Spirit with her dog, Ester, turned into a nightmare when she was alerted Ester was no longer in her cage. Weve compiled a list of commonly asked questions covering just about everything under the sun to ensure youre well prepared for your journey. A distraught dog owner is desperately searching for her beloved pet who went missing on the Spirit of Tasmania ferry. "They would only let me look for an hour and I waited in the bar as they kept looking.". {{booking.getArrivalDate(legOfJourney, 'dddd D MMMM, YYYY')}} at
You can change your booking online at My booking. This eliminates any booking errors related to confusing travel dates. Passengers entering Victoria No, there are currently no vaccination requirements for passengers arriving into Victoria on Spirit of Tasmania. Your policy number is {{getInsurancePolicyNumber()}}. A woman is devastated and fearing the worst after her beloved dog disappeared onboard the Spirit of Tasmania. Review tags are currently only available for English language reviews. TikTok announced it was banning dangerous tanning content so why didn't it? Is there parking facilities at the new location? No Spirit of Tasmania no longer operates sailings from Station Pier, Port Melbourne. Multiple payment options are available online. For more information visit Sail Safe. She said staff told her "hopefully when everyone starts their cars up, it will scare her enough to come out" which did not eventuate. No, you must book same number of people over and back. When a passenger with mobility impairment is travelling with us and is attaching their wheelchair, scooter or gopher to the rear of their vehicle, we will not charge for the additional length. Processed foods including dried, cooked and canned fruit, vegetables and honey, Meat for human/personal consumption including salami, hams and meat sticks, Tanned skins and hides (all) including antlers and horns, Noodles, pasta, rice, bread, cereals and sauces, Departing {{booking.getDepartureDate(legOfJourney, 'dddd D MMMM')}}, {{ getSailingTotalPriceText(legOfJourney) }}, Departing
On Wednesday, Ms Alexander told ABC Hobart she walked around the cars parked in the ship's hold calling out the dog's name until early morning to no avail and while she was doing so vehicle alarms were going off and she "doubted [Ester] could hear me". When is Spirit of Tasmania relocating to Geelong? This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in Australia. However if you are not a passenger on the ship, you will need to book through our Freight department. What is the maximum number of vehicles I can have on my booking? -Sealing cap has locking side arms or screwed cap with an effective rubber seal.-All other than Jerry Cans and Boat Fuel Containers must be empty and dry of residual liquid.\nIn the event petrol residual is identified inside an empty Jerry Can or Boat Fuel Can the passengers must fill the container with water before being allowed to, can read further information about Carriage of Dangerous Goods here. {{option.displayText}}s not available with this deal. {{IbpCms.accommodationDayTicketsFlavourText}}, {{IbpCms.accommodationPetKennelsFlavourText}}, {{getOptionQuantity(option)}} or fewer {{Utils.pluralize(option.unitText, getOptionQuantity(option))}} available. Or for timetables and other information before your sailing, please contact TassieLink Coaches. For Passengers under the age of 18 photo ID is not required. While Ester remains missing, a petition directed at TT-Line CEO Bernard Dwyer has reached nearly 4000 signatures in a couple of days. If you're travelling from Tasmania to Victoria there may be some restrictions on selected plants, plant products, animals (including honey bees) and weeds. View our Privacy Statement regarding the personal information we have collected. Holly Alexander and her dog Ester were on the ferry on Monday, travelling from the island as part of Ms Alexander's move to Queensland. The petition appears to have been authored by a woman named Diane Caney without the knowledge of Ms Alexander, but the pet owner has since added her name to the list of signatories. If you have a dog that is old or anxious or simply does not like to be put in a cage, you should definitely read this review before you travel on the Spirit of Tas. The trip was fine both ways. Address: 101 Scotts Road, Risdon Vale . Our kennels are located on ventilated decks. Please try again later. "People will boycott your ship and Tasmania over this disgraceful, archaic attitude towards people's pets. Can I access the vehicle deck throughout the voyage? If you book a sailing on a pensioner fare, please have your Australian Pensioner Concession Card ready at time of check in. Bass Strait Passenger Vehicle Equalisation Scheme. Oops, looks like you haven't told us where you're going. Vehicle sizes are subject to confirmation on check-in and if the incorrect details have been provided you may be charged an extra fee. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and JCB credit cards. The contact name is displayed under the payment details on your itinerary/e-ticket. Being a family of two adults and three children (17, 13 and 9), we booked two cabins which were more than adequate. Youcan read further information about Carriage of Dangerous Goods here. Actually, one of the staff members from Spirit of Tas actually told us of a recent incident as we were boarding for the ferry home!!! These items must be declared prior to boarding and consumed or disposed of on board. What time can I bring my car onto the pier? A maximum of 14 vehicles are allowed per booking, provided there is an eligible passenger for each vehicle. Alternatively you can pay via EFTPOS at Spirit of Tasmania Terminals. A young woman is claiming the Spirit of Tasmania lost her dog after her Doberman cross Rottweiler went missing on the ship. Online bookings can be paid with internet banking (via POLi), Spirit of Tasmania gift voucher or credit card. Our experienced wharf crew will also secure the bikes. For safety reasons, passengers are not allowed on the vehicle deck during the voyage. I need to use medical equipment while on board, is there anything I need to do? Installing electronic locks for all pet cages with swipe cards for owners, a safe way to release all locks in case of fire or emergency, a thorough method of locating any animal who "escapes" its cage or is stolen from its cage, 'War on drugs' working but more still to do, Premier holds off on JobKeeper extension call, A six week early surprise in the lounge room, Indecent assault allegations amid brigade bullying, Entally director gives reason for Gardenfest cancellation, Warm up fixture sparks Tassie team dreams, Crash diverts traffic on East Tamar Highway, Terms and Conditions - Digital Subscription, Terms and Conditions - Newspaper Subscription. Check-in opens between 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours prior to departure and closes strictly 45 minutes before the scheduled departure time. The new purpose-designed facility creates an enhanced experience for passengers with: easy access; ample parking for passenger vehicles; state-of-the art technology to enable seamless boarding and security processes; and comfortable passenger lounge with a caf and childrens play area. The total length of your vehicle including towed items (caravan, camper trailer or trailer) and attachments (drawbar, bike racks, gas cylinders etc.) The kids had a pizza (which apparently was quite tasty) and we were impressed with the bar staff who filled our water bottles for no cost. Ms Alexander said she hopes someone has found Ester and she is in a pound somewhere. Request a freight quote using our form. Who is NOT entitled to book a pensioner fare? Higher rates apply as the advertised fare only applies to cars accompanying passengers. As he has commonly asked questions covering just about everything under the sun to youre! 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Dog after her Doberman cross Rottweiler went missing on the Spirit urged with... A regular crossing, discharge of vehicles I can have on my?.