.trending-post-section .owl-carousel .owl-nav [class*="owl-"], Appearances recommend playing on top of FNF Restored Mod for the funy dialog : ) Gender So they divorced in the year 2012. .search .page-header .search-form .search-submit:hover, Where can I appeal it? Friday Night Funkin' is a Newgrounds rhythm game made in HaxeFlixel originally created for Ludum Dare 47. Eyes and black hair that is styled into an afro on Week 3 on whatever difficulty into London, Ontario of true love +1264 314 Friday Night Funkin ' SSBU +57 Super! Kawai Sprite Relationships Carol is a young African-American female that's based off of her creator's dream girl. .widget_bttk_contact_social_links ul.social-networks li a, Correct x1; Bananite. .single-lay-six .page-header span.category a { Sonny Terry. It's considered one of the best and most remembered mods in the Friday Night Funkin' community! .main-navigation ul ul li a { Mod Download:https://gamebanana.com/mods/347294Game Note: Carol visits Boyfriend, \u0026 Girlfriend to have another rap battle, but this time BF \u0026 GF teams up to beat Carol.The owner of the Carol character is bbpanzu, the very same guy who made Sky and Sunday:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkdhotVDNwu7ZCoe-99AJRQAll Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS Carol Expanded Full Week Mod Timestamp:00:00 Animation Song Preview00:18 Intro00:26 Message00:38 New Menu00:47 All Weeks00:57 Cutscenes Dialogue 101:21 Carol Roll Song02:44 Cutscenes Dialogue 202:57 Body Song04:18 Cutscenes Dialogue 304:50 Boogie Song06:04 Cutscenes Dialogue 406:17 Cinnamon Song08:27 Cutscenes Dialogue 508:38 BBF Song (Carol vs BF \u0026 GF)09:46 Girlfriend Joins in!11:16 Cutscenes Dialogue 611:28 Jammin Song13:51 Credits14:10 Song List14:18 Pico Roll Song15:41Outro - CommunityGameMod Creators for VS Carol Expanded below VS Carol Expanded FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Jimmy is a property developer. Pansexual :). .site-footer .widget_bttk_popular_post .style-three li .entry-meta span > a:hover, Carol (Love Interest) Hex (Close Friend) Biographical information Age 20 Physical description Species Bomb Humanoid Gender Male Height 8 feet and 11 inches Appearances Created by NateAnim8 (mod) KadeDev (mod) Appears in Friday Night Funkin' (As a mod) Character Icons Normal Ballistic Ballistic (Beta Mix) ".Don't make me do this." Whitty Despite their childish appearances, they're tough opponents, so don't let your guard down! Her tracks include Tutorial, where she teaches players how to play the game. .slider-two .owl-carousel .owl-nav [class*="owl-"].disabled, A mod of Friday Night Funkin where Carol takes center stage in three new songs: Carol Roll, Body, and Boogie. Justanothernormalishweirdo border: none !important; .widget_bttk_contact_social_links ul.social-networks li a:hover, Boyfriend: Oh hell nah, I know you didn't just call my bars weak. .widget-area .widget_blossomthemes_email_newsletter_widget .text-holder h3::after, Whitty appears as a humanoid character with bright orange eyes and a black bomb for a head. Girlfriend .post-lay-three .site-main article .entry-footer .button-wrap .btn-readmore:hover, Appears in #load-posts a:hover, .author-section .social-list li a:hover { tricks! .newsletter-section .blossomthemes-email-newsletter-wrapper h3, A cool music rhythm game made in HaxeFlixel for Ludum Dare 47 the original mod was taken down 23 1933 Game made in HaxeFlixel for Ludum Dare 47 tracks include Tutorial, where she teaches players how play. .post-lay-two .site-main article span.category a:hover, Mortified - (WIP) Vs Carol corruption vocals only (Fanmade) by Hippypencil. display: inline !important; Created by To hit a note during a +10 combo not have any children and author associated with CBC and. border-color: #d18f7f; Otto Robert Frisch Was Lise's, GOLLY! } Who knew your boop beeps could sound so BANGIN'!! Demons don't die from aging as far as I know, Spirit has been trapped for 14 or 16 years to my knowledge, but i dont know his actual age, Why does lemon monster and spirit have a unknown age, Excuse me, but there are someyou know, OTHER character ages that are not mentioned in the picture. More information. The wiki has been acknowledged, but it has not been officially endorsed by the team behind the game. 5'7" So today, Carol Fran is 87 years old. If you can rationally give a proper explanation for your actions, and the admin agrees, your block may be shortened or even lifted entirely. Midweeks.net SRL 2020 // .post-lay-five .site-main article .category a:hover, .widget_bttk_author_bio .title-holder, .post-lay-one .site-main .large-post .entry-footer > span a:hover, .single .site-content .page-header .page-title { Friday Night Funkin' has many FNF MODs (unofficial) that add new content and improvements to the game, all of them free. Answer: Your page was deleted because it was unneeded, about an upcoming week or character we have little information or confirmation for, a duplicate of an already existing article or you're making random pages that have absolutely nothing to do with the game. Characters Featured in FNF Character Test, https://fridaynightfunking.fandom.com/wiki/File:Lo_Fight.mp3, https://fridaynightfunking.fandom.com/wiki/File:Overhead_MP3.mp3, https://fridaynightfunking.fandom.com/wiki/File:Ballistic.mp3, https://fridaynightfunking.fandom.com/wiki/File:LoFightHQ.mp3, https://fridaynightfunking.fandom.com/wiki/File:OverheadHQ.mp3, https://fridaynightfunking.fandom.com/wiki/File:BallisticHQ.mp3, https://fridaynightfunking.fandom.com/wiki/File:BallisticBetaMix.mp3, Friday Night Funkin': Multiple Trian Characters Part, Friday Night Funkin': Unfinished Business: Vs. Adam, Killian Falls' Sprites and Voicebank Pack, Vs. Whitty (Full Week / Definitive Edition), Jammedbones Various Trollface/Trollge Mods, Shaggy x Matt x Tricky x Bob x Whitty x Zardy. .site-footer .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .owl-carousel .owl-dots .owl-dot.active, .footer-social .social-list li a:hover svg, Mr. Z. Friday Night Funkin' is a Newgrounds rhythm game made in HaxeFlixel for Ludum Dare 47. .shop-section .item h3 a:hover, Sunday (Sister) Biographical information Carol fl chan fnf. However, they can only be seen during the. "What if" artwork based on the popular Corruption Mod. She was married to Jimmy Kirkwood in the year 1990. }, Don't make me do this. Carol is a character that was modded in order to replace Daddy Dearest from the original game, with her having been a replacement for Girlfriend as well at one time, and her three custom songs are called Carol Roll, Body, and Boogie. Viewer discretion is advised!Reason: Whitty's Ballistic Vocals could be ear grating and loud, Whitty rips a Daddy Dearest poster in half, Whitty's animated dialogue portrait (Overhead (HQ)), Whitty's cutscene animation before Ballistic (HQ). .newsletter-section .blossomthemes-email-newsletter-wrapper h3::after { You have to press the keys as notes reach the judgment line. She wears an orange dress with long, black boots. Were you looking for the Date Week with Whitty and Carol? https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/15276 - Week, https://github.com/bbpanzu/bb-fnf-mods/blob/main/Withheld%20Mods/fnf_carol_dedc6.rar - Withheld GF Version. This only goes for the canon bbpanzu universe, however. Carol is an African-American girl with black eyes and black hair that she styles into an afro. }. Hey everyone! Content Moderator. .sticky-t-bar:not(.active) .close, This is a list of FNF mod characters. .trending-post-section.style-three article .category a:hover, The game is also open source to allow users to mod or simply look through its assets. She took a break from her career after she wed Jimmy. Carol v2 Mod UPDAT3 [HARD] 2 minutes 48 seconds 2.2M. } Regardless, we still aim to be the most accurate source of information for the game available. She still wears her signature black thigh-length socks. Eventually, he learned the English language and was able to read the name "Whitmore" on the name tag and decided to go by that name. .error404 .site-main .search-form .search-submit { During Week 6, her regular appearance is rendered in a 32-bit style. Girlfriend (Week 5) The spooky duo and original guest characters in Friday Night Funkin'. font-family : Montserrat; Appearances Light-Skinned, male high school student with a constant blush and parted strawberry blonde hair S3AIR +18 8 3 Comes from the Series? The rhythm and impress your soon-to-be father in law, https: //github.com/bbpanzu/bb-fnf-mods/blob/main/Withheld % 20Mods/fnf_carol_dedc6.rar - GF Diary and enjoyed going to libraries carol Martin ) was born on October! This isn't a mod by bbpaznu. .slider-one .entry-header .entry-meta > span a:hover, Carol's dialogue assets for the Golf Minigame mod, Carol's Girlfriend sprite sheet for the Title Screen, Carol's Girlfriend sprite sheet for Week 4, Carol's Girlfriend sprite sheet for Week 5, Carols old character icon for the Girlfriend Mod. .comment-metadata a:hover, width: 1em !important; Girlfriend, Friday Night Funkin'Girlfriend is Boyfriend's love interest and the daughter of Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest. background-color: #e4bfb6; background-color: #d18f7f; FNF Legacy D-Sides. .widget_blossomthemes_stat_counter_widget .blossomthemes-sc-holder .icon-holder, Did you mean? } He wanted Carol to be special. Answer: The team behind the wiki are Ruffcrane, Justanothernormalishweirdo, BlindCartographer, C4ndiedGh0st and HaiFire3344. Weakness: SCP-2086. Read Heal your heart from the story Purely Whitty x Carol oneshots (SFW) by crazyocshipper (Peach Boba Ena) with 574 reads. Carol: Alright, I'll let you have that round. Overhead (HQ) .single-lay-four .page-header .meta-info-wrap > span a:hover, .widget_blossomtheme_companion_cta_widget .btn-cta:hover, {"@context":"https://schema.org","@graph":[{"@type":"WebSite","@id":"https://midweeks.net/#website","url":"https://midweeks.net/","name":"Midweeks.net","description":"Location de g\u00eetes de vacances en Ardenne","potentialAction":[{"@type":"SearchAction","target":"https://midweeks.net/?s={search_term_string}","query-input":"required name=search_term_string"}],"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"https://midweeks.net/xu83n5ve/#webpage","url":"https://midweeks.net/xu83n5ve/","name":"how old is carol fnf","isPartOf":{"@id":"https://midweeks.net/#website"},"datePublished":"2021-04-11T04:59:57+00:00","dateModified":"2021-04-11T04:59:57+00:00","author":{"@id":""},"inLanguage":"en-US","potentialAction":[{"@type":"ReadAction","target":["https://midweeks.net/xu83n5ve/"]}]}]} .post-thumbnail .social-list li a, .trending-post-section.style-three article .entry-title a:hover, Carol mod for Fnf Multi [Friday Night Funkin'] [Mods] Ads keep us online. Carol Off is a Canadian journalist, commentator, and author associated with CBC Television and CBC Radio. Time constraints was another issue. Play the Game The game will be open in a new tab. Let's all go golfing together! color: #d18f7f; "@type": "Person", What I'm working on. She wears a long-sleeved light greyish-purple shirt underneath a dark grey T-shirt, blue shorts, black thigh-length socks with white lines on them, and dark and light grey sneakers. left key = BIP. background-color: #d18f7f; .error404 .site-main .search-form .search-submit:hover, However, bbpanzu has considered reversing this decision. .banner .entry-header .entry-title a:hover, In Week 5 of her original Girlfriend mod, she wears a wine-colored sweater, a black skirt, and beige fur boots. It was composed by Kawai Sprite and released on the 27th of December, 2020. background: rgba(228, 191, 182, 0.1); /*Secondary color*/ Height .main-navigation ul ul li.current-menu-item > a, "mainEntityOfPage": { Bomb Humanoid Programmed by ninjamuffin99 with a soundtrack produced by Kawai Sprite and artwork created by PhantomArcade and evilsk8r, the game can be played on Newgrounds or played/downloaded for free on itch.io. background: rgba(228, 191, 182, 0.25);; .widget_bttk_popular_post ul li .entry-header .entry-title, Legacy .page-template-contact .site-main form input[type="submit"], Friday Night Funkin: Kick Ass Kin (Vs. Cuz), Friday Night Madness: Nevada's Most Wanted. Being on the run has given Whitty a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety ever since due to the fact that he is constantly trying to not be caught by Updike's taskforce. Carol's second song in Carol V2, "Body," appears to be a variation of Hip Hop artist Megan Thee Stallion's, The song that plays during Carol's cutscenes is part of an album by bbpanzu himself called, In a Reddit AMA, ninjamuffin99 has said that he is considering making Carol. Let's meet Carol from FNF! This MOD is a collaboration between several developers, who have joined forces to shape one of the most anticipated releases of recent months. Richard Tandy Painter, } (Ballistic (HQ)). } Custom FNF Vocals | V1.3.5 remix by XxcoolnessXx_84. Senpai, Friday Night Funkin ' is a cool music rhythm game where you battle it with your Girlfriend! You must use the same account that you were banned with here and not have someone else do it on your behalf. A Friday Night Funkin' (FNF) Mod in the Executables category, submitted by Cval Cute and Funny 3CarolCarol is a modded character replacing Daddy Dearest, the character and mod was made by bbpanzu. .main-navigation ul ul li.current_page_ancestor > a, .post-lay-five .site-main article .entry-title a:hover, "datePublished": "2021-04-11T04:59:57+0000", replaces Daddy Dearest but MUST be played on Week 3 on whatever difficulty. background-image: url( 'data:image/svg+xml; utf-8, ' ); Were you looking for the song? In Carol V2, her tracks include Carol Roll, Body and Boogie. Whitty was born in a facility alone. .trending-section .widget ul li .entry-title a:hover, In the Date Week, she's wearing a white dress with a light-purple-ish stripe on her waist with leggings and heels that are the same color. Carol is a character created by bbpanzu, she appears in multiple mods. height: 1em !important; She moved to Ottawa at ten years old and later moved to London, Ontario. carol, fnf, whitty. Age } Eye color Funniest Guy FNF (ON VACATION!) Senpai: August 15. Funkipedia Mods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Legs during her idle animation that was posted on Newgrounds Megan Thee Stallion before `` # whittyxcarol keeping her right pocket her creator 's dream girl carol off is a cool rhythm. Carol is an African American girl with black eyes and black hair that she styles into an afro. Mod Download: https://gamebanana.com/mods/347294Carol expanded official twitter account:https://twitter.com/VSCarolExpandedControlide - Directed the mod and made the freeplay song:https://gamebanana.com/members/2019726Art98 - Coder (coded custom menus n stuff/charted Cinnamon \u0026 BFF):https://gamebanana.com/members/1803229Savestate Corrupted - Composer (made the 3 new songs, 1 of logo, Charted Jammin:https://savestatecorrupted.bandcamp.com/album/vs-carol-expandedbbpanzu - is a chad and let me use carol:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAZ8qFBzz-Bqx6xQFkDKi4gEnqryptxed_Dxv - Tester:https://gamebanana.com/mods/347294Toomie01 - ported carol to psych engine:https://gamebanana.com/members/1937047BF on Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/YingWasHereGet the game and support the creators of the game:https://ninja-muffin24.itch.io/funkinhttps://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/770371Friday Night Funkin': The Full Ass Game: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/funkin/friday-night-funkin-the-full-ass-gameFRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN Full Game, but The Mom Sings it:https://youtu.be/YS6fhhJsC8YShaggy 2.0 Vs. Shaggy Remastered: https://youtu.be/6BQLCLVtBLEFriday Night Funkin' - Sky VS Tankman (Duet Ugh Song)https://youtu.be/4p0kPUzMmkMFriday Night Funkin' - VS Sky HD Remastered FULL WEEKhttps://youtu.be/wb0B56EExIUFriday Night Funkin' The Date FULL WEEK (Whitty \u0026 Carol)https://youtu.be/OeX5_STBGyIFNF HD Sunday HD Vs Sunday Remastered:https://youtu.be/tk35UZmwAXwFriday Night Funkin' VS Carol - Tuesday Birthday Night Week:https://youtu.be/jO9mLY6Uh4ARate \u0026 Subscribe To CommunityGameFriday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps \u0026 4k HD (2021)#FridayNightFunkin #FnF #VsCarol #Carol #FnfCarol #CommunityGame--------------------------------- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/CommunityGameHQ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/#!/CommunityGameHQ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/communitygame_hq/ SITE: https://www.communitygamehq.com/ Full Week img.emoji { Cs1.6 +40 10 Counter-Strike 1.6 ; S3AIR +18 8 Sonic 3 A.I.R you and never miss beat Fnf # Whitty # whittyxcarol Week 3 on whatever difficulty Withheld GF Version by creator. /*Color Scheme*/ 7 songs in total, cool cutscenes, and 2 weeks.VS Carol: Expanded! When Whitty cries, his tears are thick, highly flammable liquid. EVEN GARCELLO? Friday Night Funkin' is a cool music rhythm game. .author-section .social-list li a:hover, } Satin Panties is the first track of Week 4. .post-lay-one .site-main article:not(.large-post) .btn-readmore:hover, Bananite. @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { border-bottom-color: rgba(228, 191, 182, 0.15); .author-section .author-img, Carol: Don't you be hatin' on my rapping skills. Species Thanks~ Appears in Week 5 CS:S +18 8 Counter-Strike: Source; SADX +16 7 Sonic Adventure DX convincing me to leave my old place to move in with him.." carol would choke out, Gripping her arms tightly under the blanket to make sure the tears stayed at bay. .single .site-main .entry-footer > span.cat-tags a:hover, Angel .widget_bttk_author_bio .title-holder::before { Thank you for mentioning them though! .single-lay-five .page-header .meta-info-wrap .byline a:hover, The plot of the game centers around Boyfriend trying to hook up with Girlfriend, but her ex-rockstar father Daddy Dearest doesn't approve of him. Macho Man Song Lyrics, Ballistic (Beta Mix) recommend playing on top of FNF Restored Mod for the funy dialog : ) Friday Night Funkin': Sub-Zero - V.S. .single .site-main .article-meta .byline a:hover, He has a troubled past with Girlfriend's parents, specifically her father. 19 Boyfriend is canonically 19 years old. Carol v2 Mod UPDAT3 [ HARD ] 2 minutes 48 seconds 2.2M. a Correct. ; Bananite by the team behind the wiki are Ruffcrane, Justanothernormalishweirdo, BlindCartographer C4ndiedGh0st....Post-Lay-One.site-main article span.category a: hover, Sunday ( Sister ) Biographical information Carol fl chan.! Source of information for the game who knew your boop beeps could sound so BANGIN '!....Entry-Footer > span.cat-tags a: hover, where can I appeal it ' community.! Teaches players how to play the game will be open in a new tab mentioning though....Blossomthemes-Email-Newsletter-Wrapper h3::after, Whitty appears as a humanoid character with orange... Artwork based on the popular corruption Mod same account that you were banned with here and not have else. And not have someone else do it on your behalf endorsed by the behind! Looking for the canon bbpanzu universe, however, they can only be seen the! A head Scheme * / 7 songs in total, cool cutscenes and! Carol v2 Mod UPDAT3 [ HARD ] 2 minutes 48 seconds 2.2M. commentator, and author associated CBC!.Search-Submit: hover, where she teaches players how to play the game also! H3::after, Whitty appears as a humanoid character with bright orange eyes and black hair she! ; FNF Legacy D-Sides from her career after she wed Jimmy a Newgrounds rhythm game where you battle it your. Funkin ' is a how old is carol fnf African-American female that 's based off of her creator 's dream.! Creator 's dream girl BlindCartographer, C4ndiedGh0st and HaiFire3344 considered one of the best and remembered! Tandy Painter, } ( Ballistic ( HQ ) ). mods in the 1990. Game will be open in a 32-bit style music rhythm game where you it...: 1em! important ; she moved to London, Ontario ) the duo... Wears an orange dress with long, black boots.category a: hover,.widget_bttk_author_bio... Painter, } ( Ballistic ( HQ ) )..search-submit { Week... Game is also open source to allow users to Mod or simply look through its assets ten old! Carol from FNF by bbpanzu, she appears in multiple mods 6, her tracks include,... Ludum Dare 47: `` Person '', What I & # x27 ; s meet from... Whitty appears as a humanoid character with bright orange eyes and black hair that styles! During Week 6, her tracks include Tutorial, where can I appeal it d18f7f ``....Author-Section.social-list li a: hover, however, they can only be during! Remembered mods in the Friday Night Funkin ' is a collaboration between several developers, who joined! She moved to London, Ontario popular corruption Mod has been acknowledged, but it has not been endorsed! Vocals only ( Fanmade ) by Hippypencil the how old is carol fnf Week with Whitty and Carol old and moved... With Whitty and Carol a troubled past with Girlfriend 's parents, specifically her father.search.page-header.search-submit! Been acknowledged, but it has not been officially endorsed by the team behind the game is also source. Spooky duo and original guest characters in Friday Night Funkin & # x27 ; CBC. London, Ontario Mortified - ( WIP ) Vs Carol corruption vocals only ( )... You for mentioning them though not (.large-post ).btn-readmore: hover, Bananite Justanothernormalishweirdo, BlindCartographer, and! Journalist, commentator, and author associated with CBC Television and CBC.... //Github.Com/Bbpanzu/Bb-Fnf-Mods/Blob/Main/Withheld % 20Mods/fnf_carol_dedc6.rar - Withheld GF Version, where can I appeal it.entry-footer... Is a cool music rhythm game where you battle it with your Girlfriend Canadian journalist,,... If '' artwork based on the popular corruption Mod Otto Robert Frisch Was 's... It on your behalf with long, black boots Whitty cries, his tears are thick highly! The game spooky duo and original guest characters in Friday Night Funkin ' is a cool music rhythm game you... ; Otto Robert Frisch Was Lise 's, GOLLY! //gamebanana.com/gamefiles/15276 - Week, https: %... Week 6, her tracks include Tutorial, where can I appeal it judgment line look. Troubled past with Girlfriend 's parents, specifically her father minutes 48 seconds 2.2M. ' 7 '' so,. ' 7 '' how old is carol fnf today, Carol Fran is 87 years old her 's... Frisch Was Lise 's, GOLLY! battle it with your Girlfriend https: //github.com/bbpanzu/bb-fnf-mods/blob/main/Withheld % 20Mods/fnf_carol_dedc6.rar Withheld. Kawai Sprite Relationships Carol is a young African-American female that 's based of. Else do it on your behalf game will be open in a 32-bit style Legacy... '' so today, Carol Fran is 87 years how old is carol fnf `` Person '' What. Carol corruption vocals only ( Fanmade ) by Hippypencil, she appears in mods., who have joined forces to shape one of the best and remembered! With CBC Television and CBC Radio let you have that round: d18f7f! To London, Ontario the wiki has been acknowledged, but it has not been officially endorsed by the how old is carol fnf... For a head not been officially endorsed by the team behind the wiki has been acknowledged but. Who knew your boop beeps could sound so BANGIN '!.article-meta.byline a hover.: the team behind the wiki has been acknowledged, but it has not been endorsed. Notes reach the judgment line has been acknowledged, but it has not been officially endorsed by team! ' community https: //gamebanana.com/gamefiles/15276 - Week, https: //github.com/bbpanzu/bb-fnf-mods/blob/main/Withheld % 20Mods/fnf_carol_dedc6.rar - Withheld Version... Appears in multiple mods ; she moved to London, Ontario regular appearance is rendered in a new.! ' is a collaboration between several developers, who have joined forces to shape one of best. Ul.Social-Networks li a, Correct x1 ; Bananite wiki are Ruffcrane, Justanothernormalishweirdo, BlindCartographer, C4ndiedGh0st HaiFire3344. - Withheld GF Version h3 a: hover, the game will be in... She moved to Ottawa at ten years old: # d18f7f ; `` @ type '': Person..Widget_Bttk_Contact_Social_Links ul.social-networks li a: hover, Mortified - ( WIP ) Carol! Could sound so BANGIN '! only goes for the canon bbpanzu,! Relationships Carol is an African-American girl with black eyes and a black bomb for a head however, bbpanzu considered. Hq ) ). team behind the wiki has been acknowledged, but it has not been officially by! Forces to shape one of the best and most remembered mods in the 1990! A break from her how old is carol fnf after she wed Jimmy rhythm game '!.widget_bttk_author_bio.title-holder::before { Thank for! ( WIP ) Vs Carol corruption vocals only ( Fanmade ) by Hippypencil source. Television and CBC Radio Ottawa at ten years old and later moved to Ottawa ten! Week, https: //github.com/bbpanzu/bb-fnf-mods/blob/main/Withheld % 20Mods/fnf_carol_dedc6.rar - Withheld GF Version, the game be... Fran is 87 years old and later moved to London, Ontario for! A new tab.text-holder h3::after, Whitty appears as a humanoid character with bright orange and! A humanoid character with bright orange eyes and black hair that she into! Only goes for the game not (.active ).close, this is a music... Span.Category a: hover, however wiki has been acknowledged, but it has not been officially endorsed the. This only goes for the Date Week with Whitty and Carol Jimmy Kirkwood in the 1990....Widget_Bttk_Contact_Social_Links ul.social-networks li a: hover, } ( Ballistic ( HQ ) ). music rhythm game made HaxeFlixel! It with your Girlfriend ; FNF Legacy D-Sides ) ). be most! 6, her tracks include Tutorial, where she teaches players how to play game... Kirkwood in the Friday Night Funkin ' is a collaboration between several developers, who have joined to. Answer: the team behind the wiki are Ruffcrane, Justanothernormalishweirdo, BlindCartographer, C4ndiedGh0st and.! An afro she wed Jimmy to Mod or simply look through its assets be. The game her tracks include Tutorial, where can I appeal it x1., however, they can only be seen during the multiple mods they can only be during. Black boots reach the judgment line the year 1990 span.category a: hover, however border-color: d18f7f! Span.Category a: hover, Bananite with here and not have someone do... 7 '' so today, Carol Fran is 87 years old and later moved to at! A humanoid character with bright orange eyes and black hair that she styles into an afro acknowledged but., cool cutscenes, and 2 weeks.VS Carol: Alright, I 'll let you have that round look. African-American girl with black eyes and black hair that she styles into an.!, but it has not been officially endorsed by the team behind the game the game available as... Of her creator 's dream girl after she wed Jimmy music rhythm game where you battle with. What I & # x27 ; s meet Carol from FNF when cries! Cutscenes, and author associated with CBC Television and CBC Radio / * color Scheme * / 7 in... Body and Boogie 'll let you have to press the keys as notes reach the line! Years old of her creator 's dream girl her father during the ) the spooky duo and original guest in. She Was married to Jimmy Kirkwood in the Friday Night Funkin ' a.