Look for the signs of jewelry rejection or dislodgement and infection during the healing process. Youll also need to factor in a tip for your piercer at least 20 percent is standard. Of course, you can also avoid the real pain of piercings by using alternatives.Magnetic piercings and clip-on piercings are available, and both of these alternatives are permitted for women to use in Islam. Body branding, mutilation, and imitating other religions are all examples of changing Allahs creation. If your frenulum is too thin, your piercer may be able to suggest another piercing that youll be happier with in the long run. If the piercing is free of all the reservations mentioned above, then the ruling is that it is permissible in any part of the body, if adorning that part is a well-known custom in that society, because the basic principle is that it is permissible for women to adorn themselves, and there is some evidence to indicate that it is permissible to pierce the ears of a little girl to put earrings, and by analogy it is permissible to pierce other parts so long as they do not include the reservations mentioned above. "Rinse your mouth with saline solution twice daily, and brush your teeth with a mild toothpaste twice daily," King explains. In more recent years, we have seen body piercing and modification becoming more mainstream as one of the most common attractive trends when it comes to altering our bodies. Piercings on the tongue are forbidden due to the harmful effects they cause to the human body, remember your body is a gift from Allah. This, however, is not for the same reasons as the aforementioned haram piercings. It says in Radd al-Muhtar (6/420), quoting from some books: If it meaning the ring in the nose is something with which women adorn themselves, as is the case in some countries, then it is like piercing the ears i.e., in terms of it being permissible. Whether youre a piercing enthusiast looking for information on different types of piercings or a first-time piercer in search of tips and advice, weve got you covered. Once youve cleaned your mouth thoroughly, the piercer will gently pull back your upper lip to stretch out the frenulum. Women from the time of the Prophet often wore jewelry. The Smiley, unlike most piercings with a narrative, has a simple name. It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) cursed effeminate men and women who imitate men and he said: "Expel them from your houses." Narrated by al-Bukhari, 5885. These scholars agree that piercings can be painful and cause pain. Smiley piercings are in an extremely sensitive area. If the piercing will have an adverse effect on ones health, whether immediately or in the future, then it is haraam and it is not permissible to do it on any part of the body. The good news is that the needle portion of the procedure only lasts a few seconds, so it should be over after a deep inhale and exhale. Which Side Of The Nose Should Women Pierce In Islam? "However, it may be uncomfortable to prepare for as the client has to be more active during the procedure than some other piercings, often washing their hands, wearing gloves, and holding up their upper lip so the piercer can access the piercing area with both hands.". The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. So what happens if you want to get rid of your smiley piercing? Moreover, if the piercing of a specific part of the body is a custom among kafirs, evildoers, promiscuous people and sinners, it is not permissible to imitate them. This can mess with the jewelry and introduce new bacteria into the wound. youngwomenshealth.org/2013/08/07/body-piercing/, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3204433/, safepiercing.org/docs/APP_Initial_Web.pdf, girlshealth.gov/body/grooming/tattoo_pierce.html, How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Piercing Aftercare, Dominique Fontaine, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, HWNC-BC, What to Expect During Each Stage of Your Tongue Piercing Healing Process, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT. Piercing is also forbidden for promiscuous and immoral people. Often, it is the small size gauge that is used as smiley piercing jewelry. Dr. Hadley King, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist specializing in medical andcosmeticdermatology. Women: Piercings for women are allowed, on places like ears and nose, to wear jewellery, As gold and adornment are allowed for women. A smiley piercing, it's first time I hear of it, but if it has same affect like the tongue, or if it can damage you etc. The types of jewelry used are horseshoe barbell, circular barbell, curved barbell, and captive bead ring. 2. That she should not show this adornment to any non-mahrams and should show it only to her husband or mahrams if it is in places where it is permissible for them to see it, such as the ear and nose for example. They also agree with the Quran and hadiths that ear piercings should not be allowed. Perforating males is also forbidden. (2011). According to Thompson, "Nickel is not going to kill you. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". For boys and men of all ages, it is Haram to get any type of piercing unless it is somehow for a medical reason. While your piercing is healing, you'll need to be extra diligent about oral care. If your piercing is incorrectly placed, it may cause gum recession over time. You'll also want to plan on tipping your piercer: 20% is standard. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Like with any piercing or other modification, it's best not to scrimp on cost. Therefore, it has become more and more important for those who practice Islam to know their rights to their body. Summary of answer It is proven that tongue piercing is harmful and causes some diseases. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The smiley piercing, which earned its nickname because it's most visible when you smile, is inside your mouth. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You can get Ear, nose piercings. It is permissible to poke a womans ears, and it is considered an act of adornment. Piercing of body parts is forbidden due to the harm it will do to the body. Despite being popular among many Muslims, nose piercing is not a permissible act in Islam. There are a lot of things to consider in this topic, so let us look over the different body areas that could be pierced and find out whether or not they are halal or haram. Hi, my name is Max Peters, and I am a tattoo artist. Scholars go back to this quote and unanimously have agreed that it is permissible for women to use all kinds of gold and silver ornaments such as necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets, amulets and all what they like to wear as long as it does not reach the degree of extravagance or imitating men. Allah Ta'ala has created us in the. This is especially true in and around the Indian Subcontinent, which includes India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and so on. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Open nose rings Using Bioflex Open, There are many options for you, whether you are looking for a flexible bioplast belly band with dangling jeweled babies or another type of belly ring. Piercing is Halal in Islam. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. "Use a non-alcohol mouthwash and rinse your mouth with water after eating. Your piercer can confirm whether its safe to swap out your jewelry. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The piercing goes through the frenulum, which is the thin flap of tissue connecting your upper lip with your gum. Some anecdotal reports online say that the piercing may last about a year, while others have had far longer success. When Im not writing or blogging, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, practicing yoga, and exploring new places. [CDATA[ This type of jewelry is commonly used for a brand-new smiley piercing. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. He also said that Zalehas parents would have to be strict in enforcing Islamic rules. It is allowed for women to use adornments for beautification. Ibn Abideen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Piercing the ear in order to wear earrings is part of the adornment of women and it is not permissible for males. If pierced incorrectly or improperly cared for, you may end up with some dangerous and uncomfortable side effects. A smiley piercing goes through your frenulum, the small piece of skin connecting your upper lip to your upper gum. You will likely be charged separately for the jewelry you choose, which is a common practice. After your mouth is clean, theyll pull your upper lip back to expose the frenulum. Those who believe that ear piercings are haram include Ibn al-Jawzi and Ibn Aqil. Piercings may seem like a fairly simple body modification, but creating holes in your body doesn't come without risk. Your piercer will give you an antibacterial solution to rinse out your mouth. Most fuqaha accept this hadith. You might want to stick to soft foods for a few days, just until you're used to where the jewelry is in your mouth, and any swelling has subsided a little. Generally speaking, the fleshier the area, the less the piercing will hurt. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. "Rinse with salt water first and always ensure your hands are clean," she says. This is reflecting in our modern society in which many Muslims have body piercings which are false desires and against Allahs will. BSCDDC LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. There are some unique rulings on piercings in Islam, and different piercings are considered haram and halal. In some cases, the body treats the new jewelry as an invader, fighting it off by creating more skin tissue which eventually pushes the jewelry out. Scholars also state that if the nose ring is something which women adorn themselves, as is the case in some countries, then it is much like piercing the ears in the way that it is permissible. In addition, piercing the tongue is a violation of Islamic law. This piercing is relatively invisible until you smile hence the name smiley piercing.. What this means is, that if this is the cultural look for women in your region, then it is also permissible for you as well. Per DailyHawker UK, smiley piercings tend to only last for a year or so before the body eventually rejects the jewelry, although it can sometimes last for a few years. In fact there are only a few exceptions to altering your body, one example being if you must have surgery for a medical reason. However, it's one that many people like, so it might be an option for you. If anything does go wrong, call your dentist and book an appointment. Body piercings are a controversial topic in modern times. This is true, as he actually states to expel them from your houses. It is permissible for a woman to have one or both ears pierced. Placement: Inside the mouth, through the flap of skin between your upper lip and gums, Pricing: Between $30 to $90, depending on the piercer, Healing time:3-4 weeks for complete healing, Aftercare: Rinse with mouthwash after eating or drinking for 2-4 weeks; apply ice outside the lip if swelling occurs. Im also a huge advocate for safe body modification practices and believe everyone should be able to make informed decisions about their bodies. You may experience mild to moderate pain and swelling in your smiley piercing site in the first few . Instead, use plain or mild flavors like bubblegum. Allah granted this privilege to women because jewelry is seen as a customary form of adornment for women and Allah says that women are allowed the privilege of beautification, which men are not. Women may still pierce their ears. Your individual pain tolerance is also a factor. But how can you know if youre allowed to get them? Ear piercings that look like non-Muslims are something to avoid. Jewelry is recommended to be worn in the piercing for a short period of time . In some cultures, nose and ear piercings are common. Use alcohol-containing rinses or toothpastes. Others may see them as part of the Christian idea of our bodies being a temple. Infection is possible if bacteria becomes trapped in the piercing site. If you dont follow your piercers aftercare recommendations, your piercing may take longer to heal. Pictures and symptoms of the red, scaly rash. Jewelry types you can use for this type of piercing include a: Captive bead ring. Another prohibited piercing is the belly button piercing. A Complete Guide To Everything You Need To Know About Smiley Jacob's Ladder Piercings Ideas . There are many things that are permissible for women but are forbidden for men, one of those being piercings. Many cultures have a tradition of piercing the ears. This practice came about as science discovered that the roof of the nasal cavity has many nerve endings and the left (outside) part of the nose is associated with female reproductive organs. Most people consider it a hidden gem that only comes out when you dash out a playful smile. You might not think there's any harm in getting a cheaper piece of jewelry installed and then swapping it out for a pricier one later, but, as piercing expert Brian Keith Thompson told Byrdie, you get what you pay for. Aside from traditional nose and ear piercings, it has been discovered by some scholar in Islam that some body piercings are haram. This tradition has since continued on particularly in the Middle East and South Asian regions. Your piercer can determine whether youre a candidate for this type of piercing. The most important thing after you get any oral piercing is following the aftercare guide. What Is This Nose Piercing Bump and How Can I Get Rid of It? Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) ruled that if the piercing will have any adverse effect on ones health, be it immediately or in the future, then this potential for harm makes it haram, and it is not permissible to have this piercing on any body part. Besides people with too small of a frenulum, according to Healthline, other people who shouldn't get a smiley piercing include those with braces, those with gum disease, and those with dental sealants. The imam advised Zaleha not to pierce her nose. This seamless ring connects without using a bead to hold it in place. Your piercer should be your go-to authority for questions about healing time, unusual side effects, and any other concerns you may have. It's worth paying extra if it means the experience will be more pleasant and comfortable. End quote from Radd al-Muhtar, 6/420. They should also be done with good care. If having the piercing done involves uncovering the awrah and having a stranger or non-mahram, male or female, look at it, which is bound to happen, as all piercings must be done by a professional, then this is undoubtedly a haraam action. It, The article below will help you choose from a variety of titanium rings, whether you are looking to buy titanium navel rings or titanium floating stomach button rings. They should not wear adornments in private areas. If the individual does not take care of the site of action after the smiley piercing process, healing time can increase. However, piercing the ear and nose were not common. Art has always been a passion of mine, and when I had my first tattoo at 18, I was instantly hooked. When you grin, the Smiley piercing emerges. And, of course, you'll have to pay for the jewelry for your new piercing if it's not already included in the price from your piercer. Be sure to continue brushing your teeth normally and rinse your mouth thoroughly with . Studies show that tongue piercings can cause the spread of cancer in the tongue, gum disease, and can also cause a loss of teeth among women, and therefore, in Islam it is not permissible to do it. Your mouth with water after eating that tongue piercing is healing, you may up! Men, one of those being piercings pleasant and comfortable seamless ring without! To avoid have the option to opt-out of these cookies teeth with a narrative, a. Enforcing Islamic rules pictures and symptoms of the site of action after the smiley, unlike most with. 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