The club did poorly under his management and he discovered that he had a mild but dangerous form of depression that his mother suffered from, which he successfully dealt with via therapy and reducing his drinking. Stuart Carson appeared in seven episodes. She initially blames Valerie for her husband's death and threatens to turn her in after Val confesses to killing him (in self-defense, while he was trying to molest her); when she initially decides not to go to the cops, she tells her daughter she doesn't forgive her, basically claims that Valerie was dating her father rather than being raped by him, and simply wants to keep the secret. However, Kelly eventually found out that John only wanted to sleep with her. Mark Kiely plays Gil Meyers (recurring, season 3; guest, season 4 and 5), an AP English teacher and journalism advisor during the gang's senior year at West Beverly in Season 3. Many of Gillespies parishioners are excited about the buzz that their priest is on a television show, she said. Down-to-earth Cindy is a loving and sympathetic mother to her children, but also to her children's often-troubled friends, especially Dylan and Kelly. After a rocky start, Kelly and David eventually grew to be almost as close as blood relatives, each one helping the other through their respective drug problems. Later, after she ended this relationship, she got the lead role in a production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and a subsequent spot in a London summer acting program. Later on, Kelly decided she loved Dylan most of all, and Matt decided their connection was real, so he ended the engagement and left town. David was supposed to be taking care of her, but he was passed out due to his drug addiction. She comes to L.A. to live with the Wilson family while her mother is in rehab. Gillespie portrays Jackie Taylor on Beverly Hills, 90210. He got a weapons charge against her dismissed after she shot and killed the rapist in self-defense, and they drifted apart for a while, until Matt's handling of a death penalty appeal helped bring them back together. Unfortunately, Dylan's substance abuse problem returned with him and it would take an injury to Donna caused by himself to get him to kick his habit again. Jackie Taylor appeared in 55 episodes. After his father Mel and Kelly's mom Jackie married and welcomed their daughter Erin, David was fully part of the gang. View Mobile Site She was beaten and almost raped by Garrett Slan and was held hostage at the CU television studio by a deranged stalker. Contents 1 Career 2 Private life 3 Trivia 4 Notes and references Career Gillespie turned in a memorable performance as Kelly's mother Jackie Taylor on Beverly Hills, 90210, spanning the show's 10-year run. Ann Gillespie . Gillespie is married to Jeff Allin, with whom she has a son, Spencer, and a daughter. It was later revealed that Gina had found new professional success after leaving L.A., working as a skating commentator. [1] She has acted in several films beginning with Cooley High (1975), as well as on television and stage. Andrea got accepted and he shaved his beard. Below, she speaks on what will unravel over the next few weeks. My own desire was to have the character become healthier because, of course, thats what Im devoting my life to.. He had various relationships with Brenda and Kelly in high school. You've read 0 of 5 of todays most popular posts. He thought his ex was in trouble and he owed it to her to be there for her, but now he knows they really need to be apart. When Kelly breaks to news to her mother she worries that her mother's insecurity may lead her back to drugs after an old friend of Jackie offers her cocaine but she rejects the offers and goes back to her room where Kelly tells her that she is proud of her choice, before they leave the spa Cindy gives Jackie some support to confront Mel. He almost married Valerie's mother Abby but stood her up at the altar. 90210 Jackie Taylor TV Series 2008-2009 6 episodes Judging Amy Mrs. Finch TV Series 2001 1 episode First Years Riley's Mother TV Series 2001 1 episode Gilmore Girls Mrs. Geller TV Series 2001 1 episode Beverly Hills, 90210 Jackie Taylor TV Series 1990-2000 55 episodes Diagnosis Murder Lily Andrews (uncredited) TV Series 1999 1 episode Katie Joplin [13][14] Brenda, Brandon, and Valerie grew up together in Minnesota until she and her parents moved to Buffalo, New York, when she was around ten years old, and she lived there for most of her teenage years. Stuck up and conceited as can be, Jackie used to be a model. Friends . Jackie seeks full custody of Erin while Kelly & David try to keep their sister's spirits up. During Season 2, Scott develops an odd fascination with guns and country music after spending the summer in between Seasons 1 and 2 visiting his grandparents in Oklahoma. She has given up on reconciliation and doesnt want to deal with her moms condition. She became romantically involved with, and eventually married to, Dylan, after he initially tried to use her to get to her father. . Ann Gillespie, the actress who played Jackie Taylor-Silver on the 1990s teen soap "Beverly Hills, 90210," has signed up to appear in its spin-off "90210." Top News U.S. News David respected her decision to abstain from premarital sex, until he cheated on her with Ariel. Im so proud of the decisions shes made in her life. She flirted with David while Donna was in Paris, until she learned he had a girlfriend. Felice makes snide remarks about the pre-prom incident from four years earlier, the fact that Jackie and Mel are not married. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Hell realize that maybe he misses her as more than just a friend. Dylan had lost all his money. Andrea accuses him of sexism when he decides Brandon should be editor-in-chief of the Blaze. Michael Durrell & Katherine Cannon played John & Felice Martin (recurring, season 210), Donna's parents who generally personified wealthy, conservative, social-climbing Beverly Hills socialites and appeared occasionally through the series entire run. Luke Perry portrays Dylan Michael McKay (main, seasons 16; special guest star, seasons 910), a loner in high school until he found "the gang." These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. She managed to come to peace with both her daughters before her death. He and Kelly then reunited, but Matt was thrown at first by Kelly's one-night stand with Dylan (when they went to Mexico to illegally buy drugs that would have helped Matt's then-wife) and then by not knowing at first that Kelly was raped. But after Scott's death, and filled with remorse for the way she treated him, Denise admits it to Donna at a memorial to Scott on campus two days after the tragedy. When Kelly turns 18th Jackie helps David and the gang to make Kelly a surprise birthday party while she is continuous to make an effort to get the house sold, at the Peach Pit Kelly faints for starvation and is taken to the hospital, Jackie spend her time with her after the incident, at home Jackie tries to convince Kelly not to leave the group support for girl with eating disorders but she refuses, Kelly is also furious because Jackie is selling the house, when Jackie tries to talk with her, Kelly has a melt-down accusing Jackie of being a terrible mother and leaves, when she comes back Jackie apologize to Kelly for her mistakes she made in the past, Kelly also ask for her forgiveness and then hugs her mother. Dylan convinces Kelly and her family to help out with the charity Thanksgiving dinner that he's organized. In the later seasons, following a brief music career where he had a hit song, but quit in disgust when he learned that only happened because of record company payoffs. Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990-2000) Ann Gillespie: Jackie Taylor Showing all 2 items Jump to: Photos (2) Photos See also Release Dates | Official Sites | Company Credits | Filming & Production | Technical Specs Details Full Cast and Crew Official Sites Company Credits Filming & Production Technical Specs Storyline Taglines Synopsis Did You Know? Brenda returns to Beverly Hills to star in a play and takes the opportunity to spend time with Kelly after gaining success as a theater actress and stage director in London. She was friends with Jim and Cindy Walsh before the Malone family moved to Buffalo. When she turned both him and Brandon down, he decided to avenge his father's murder. From Kelly's cobweb knits to Donna's crop tops, we've got it all here in one handy guide. Life and career [ edit] Abbie Cobb was born in Papillion, Nebraska. Nikki later became friends with the group, due to being partnered with Donna for the Senior Buddy project. Brian Austin Green portrays David Silver. I felt my values crystallize in me as I was raising my children, and I wasnt crazy that I was giving myself to a business that wasnt putting out the best values, particularly when it came to film and TV images of young girls as thin and oversexualized, Gillespie said. They divorced when Mel was caught cheating, but later got back together and broke up again. It was revealed that Jackie was again abusing alcohol, and Kelly steps in to take Erin away from her. She was raped in an alley and later shot the rapist, with the police clearing her on grounds of self-defense. Donna forgave/overlooked this violence, but broke up with him when she learned he cheated on her with Valerie, and Ray nearly attacked her again before Joe Bradley defended her. They later mended their problems and moved away to Connecticut, where she attended Yale. Valerie tells Colin that Kelly spent the night with Brandon. Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. She later tells Kelly that she slept with Ryan. In the season finale Jackie tells Kelly and David that the house has been sold and they need to move out in two weeks, before Kelly graduation she has mother and daughter talk, later that day at the ceremony Jackie can be seen talking to Kelly's father, Bill Taylor. They broke up and Steve was heartsick for a while, though he later decided that he would have joined her in Montana if he was truly in love with her. Ann Gillespie, the actress who played Jackie Taylor-Silver on the 1990s teen soap "Beverly Hills, 90210," has signed up to appear in its spin-off "90210." Quotes Quite honestly I don't. After high school, she was in an abusive relationship with Ray Pruit, who was mean and manipulative, almost from the start. In 2012, she starred in her own reality show, Jennie Garth: A Little Bit Country on CMT. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Brenda had adopted a baby girl from China. He later truly fell in love with her. LOS ANGELES, Aug. 5 (UPI) -- Ann Gillespie, the actress who played Jackie Taylor-Silver on the 1990s teen soap "Beverly Hills, 90210," has signed up to appear in its spin-off "90210." She was almost burned alive at a rave, and later developed a coke habit from her boyfriend, which she went to rehab for, then was stalked and almost killed by her roommate. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. She later found out he was a law student at Berkeley. Ann Gillespie is an American priest and former actor. Brandon breaks the news to Jackie who takes to a rehab center after she hit bottom. Kathleen Robertson portrays Clare Arnold (main, season 67; recurring, season 45), who met the group while she was a senior in high school and they were college freshman. Jackies upset that she got so invested in something that isnt going to last. Jesse and Andrea had romantic sparks immediately and Andrea soon dumped Dan and began going out with Jesse, later becoming pregnant with his child and eventually accepting Jesse's marriage proposal before they welcomed daughter Hannah. Jackie ask Kelly to help her with the wedding. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+. His father later committed suicide in the next episode, unable to bear the thought of living in poverty or going to prison for income tax evasion. In the spin-off 90210 it is revealed that Donna continued as a fashion designer, working internationally after closing her boutique in Los Angeles. Celeste, Brenda and Donna then assist Steve in humiliating John. Rebecca Gayheart plays Antonia "Toni" Elizabeth Marchette (recurring, season 6), daughter of Dylan's father's supposed killer, mobster Tony Marchette introduced in Season 6. At first, Abby denies knowing that Valerie was molested by her father, but later admits that she knew and that he had promised to get help, not seeming that concerned that he lied to her and continued to sexually assault Valerie. In Season 10, he married Janet and they had a child. Her husband, Corey, took their divorce badly, and attempted to take it out on Brandon, and later on Steve Sanders, who tried to pass off an essay of Brandon's as his own. After this, the IRS then confiscated all of his family's assets (including Noah's yacht, his parents house, cars, bank accounts and his father's entire life insurance policy) and leaving his widowed mother in destitute. The baby, born premature, was named Hannah and required time in the hospital after birth. She almost ends up marrying Kelly's father Bill, but is left at the altar. Following the stroke, the Martins' marriage deteriorates to the point where John asks for a separation from Felice, but he reconsiders after talking with Noah at Donna's request. After having been passed out drunk at her house and making a scene in front of Kelly's friends at the mother/daughter fashion show, Jackie decides to return to rehab and Kelly drives her mother back to Timber Hill[3]. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. As the founder of the Black Ensemble Theater, she has created a strong institution. 55 This wakes her up and makes her realize she has to say goodbye. Jackie is rehearsing for it when Donna tells everybody that pipe burst in the living room, Jackie is ready to cancel the wedding, but the Walshes offer to host the wedding at their house. The character seemed to bounce between being treated badly by people for valid reasons (Donna due to her fake fling with Noah and later her cruel comments on Kelly's self-defense shooting, the ice show manager she was rude to) and being treated badly for no valid reason (preppy snobs in a bar who insulted her, Oksana Baiul's rude manager, and even Noah when he blamed her for a mistake the bakery made with Donna's birthday cake). Lindsay Price portrays Janet Sosna (main, season 910; recurring, season 8), who joined the Beverly Beat as the new editor after her predecessor got married and left without notice. Ann Gillespie plays Jackie Taylor, Kelly's mother (recurring, season 110). He and Gina, a new friend within the group, became romantically involved for a time. He asks her out and reveals that he is Mel Silver, David's father. She is expected to appear in several installments of the show in Season 2, as well, said. Family. Their daughter Madeline was born after a protracted struggle around Thanksgiving, and Steve later brought Janet's parents back into their lives as well. Gabrielle Carteris portrays Andrea Zuckerman (main, season 15; guest, season 6, 8, and 10). In Season One, after one of his drinks was spiked at a party, he briefly experienced a drinking problem which led to the demise of his first car and a night in jail. He returned several years later in Season 9 and spent time living with David until he found a place. Later in the season Jackie decides to forgive Mel and they get back together. He failed both times, and was fired after his attempt to get Steve and Brandon thrown out of California University. At the end of the semester, John and Steve met again at a carnival, engaging in a joust match over a mud pit. He also hosted a radio show broadcast from the Peach Pit. David's mother Sheila (Caroline Lagerfelt) was shown as sweet and loving but suffers from manic depression. In Season 5, she became Kelly and Donna's roommate in the beach apartment and started CU as a college freshman. He often serves as a moral compass for the gang, particularly after Jim and Cindy Walsh leave the show. Vincent Young portrays Noah Hunter (main, season 810), who met the gang during their Hawaiian vacation in Season 8. In season 4, it is revealed that Nat has a brother, Joey, who helps Brandon run the Peach Pit while Nat recovers from a heart attack and surgery. Romances He kicked his drug habit and managed to avoid becoming an alcoholic. Though Jim has a strong sense of morality, he is very committed to his work and loyal to his employersso much that he finds himself at odds with Brandon, who often defends causes important to him, even at the expense of his father's business interests. Initially presented as a "spoiled teen vixen",[1] the role was gradually expanded by producers. Toni Marchette appeared in eight episodes. It is unknown what happens after she leaves. When David told Camille his true feelings about Donna, Donna sold a share of the boutique to Camille so she wouldn't have to face the torment of seeing David and Donna together again. Gillespie played the mother of Kelly Taylor on the original series. She is later seen at Kelly's wedding. He loves the main cast, and often comes to the rescue of the characters. She later dated Joe Bradley, a quarterback at CU. You may have seen our weekly 10 minutes with feature on the Rev. In the next episode, Law and Disorder, Noah finds her passed out on her living room floor. Sue Scanlon accuses him of molesting her, but she later reveals that Gil is innocent and that her uncle is the molester. First seen After Erin was born, Kelly decided to stay in Beverly Hills instead of going to Paris with Donna because she wanted to help her mother care for her newborn sister. Valerie later breaks up her mother's relationship with a cop to punish her for not stopping her father from molesting her. [citation needed]. Jackie Taylor (born August 10, 1951) is an American actress, director and theater producer. "90210" Lucky Strike (TV Episode 2008) Ann Gillespie as Jackie Taylor. The Walshes' house is often used for holidays and celebrations (like Mel and Jackie's wedding). She began taking multiple pills a day after she injured her back in a car accident with David; Noah's brother Josh gave her the pills. Abby Malone appeared in nine episodes. ): On the November 17 episode, an original Beverly Hills, 90210 cast member will pass away, as Jackie Taylor succumbs to breast cancer. Jacqueline (last name n/a) On the November 17 episode, an original Beverly Hills, 90210 cast member will pass away, as Jackie Taylor succumbs to breast cancer. She is the founder and CEO of the Black Ensemble Theater in Chicago . Played by Cress Williams (recurring, season 45), D'Shawn is a talented basketball player for CU. Mel shows up and tells Jackie he and David cant come to dinner Davids mother, who Mel is in the process of divorcing, wants them at home for Christmas. He seemed to be on top of his life by taking a double load of classes to graduate with the gang, dating Donna, working as the school DJ and trying to have a social life, while he and the socially handicapped Scott grew apart. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It is the first show of the Beverly Hills, 90210 franchise. Ian Ziering portrays Steven "Steve" Sanders. She is the founder and CEO of the Black Ensemble Theater in Chicago. Garth departed the spin-off following the second season. [10] He drove a Corvette, had money, girls, and popularity. March 1 (UPI) -- Netflix has announced the upcoming film "Chupa," staring Christian Slater and Evan Whitten. Portrayed by The two eventually reconcile. The show became a global pop culture phenomenon with its cast members, particularly Jason Priestley and Luke Perry, who became teen idols; the series also made actresses Shannen Doherty and Jennie Garth household names in the United States. To celebrate the show's 25 th anniversary (it debuted on October 4, 1990), I enlisted FASHION 's senior fashion news editor and fellow OG fan Sarah Casselman to recount the signature styles of 90210 's top gals. She became the temporary caretaker for younger sister Erin and a guidance counselor at her alma mater, West Beverly Hills High School. Tiffani-Amber Thiessen plays Valerie Malone, (main, season 59; special guest, season 10) an unwholesome and emotionally troubled family friend of the Walshes back in Minnesota. A model agency offered Jackie a chance to model with her baby daughter Silver, but disapproves her choice because it involves Silver and she doesn't want her to have a bad childhood, later Kelly and Jackie talk about the modeling were Jackie confess to Kelly that she is feeling old and she really wanted that photo-shoot, but felt her time for that was over. She also suffered from bulimia, and bonded with David Silver over his efforts to help her through her problems. Tracy Clark is a recurring character on 90210, portrayed by Christina Moore. Gillespie's father, David, is a retired priest[3] Gillespie was pregnant with her daughter while her character had a pregnancy storyline on the show.[4]. Eventually, marital problems arose, and they both cheated on each other with someone else. Her mom actually recreates all the birthdays and special moments that she missed because of her alcoholism. Jackie is also there to support for Kelly after Tara attempts to kill Kelly. She was strict, but compassionate, and became a respected administrator among the students who interacted with her most often. He was arrested for embezzlement at Kelly's lavish college graduation party, which he threw for her. Birthday Gina's manipulative ways made her Kelly's new post-Valerie enemy, and drove a wedge between Donna and Noah, as well. Do you wanna see Silver end up with Dixon? [1] After Walsh's initial difficulties fitting into Beverly Hills, he soon settles down. [2][3][4][5][6][7], "How 'Cooley High' changed the landscape for black films in 1975", "Chicagoans of the Year 2011: Jackie Taylor", "The Jackie Taylor Story: How a Girl from the Projects Grew Up and Made Her Theater Dreams Come True", "Jackie Taylor Named Winner of Rosetta LeNoire Award", "Celebrating Black History Month: The legacy of Chicago's Black Ensemble Theater",, This page was last edited on 16 October 2022, at 08:51. Camille worked as a fashion magazine writer, and later worked for Donna at the boutique. He was not close to his unhappy, workaholic father (Ray Wise), who revealed in the Season 9 premiere that the family-owned company, Hunter Oil & Chemical, was bankrupt resulting from Noah's father's many years of mismanagement and underpayment of federal and corporate income taxes. | I'd send for you About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us, Jessica Stroup Spills 90210 Death Details. Famous birthdays for March 2: Nathalie Emmanuel, Luke Combs. He jumps bail after Valerie (who he began sleeping with after Kelly cut ties to him) posts her club assets for his bond but was tracked down and sent to prison to serve his sentence of at least two years in prison for drug possession and fleeing arrest, with Valerie breaking up with him when he's brought to justice. She spent time at a mental hospital after threatening to torch herself, along with a parade float, and writing threatening letters to West Beverly and leaving obscene phone messages on the Walshes' answering machine. Kelly Marlene Taylor, portrayed by Jennie Garth, is the lead female character of Beverly Hills, 90210 for the majority of the show's duration. Joy Taylor is a character in Season 7 of Beverly Hills, 90210. Jackie is seen again at the Walsh's 20 wedding anniversary and after David told her that Mel left Silver with him she gets mad and even more after noticing that Erin has fever and accuses Mel of being and irresponsible father. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He keeps Brandon's affair with Lucinda a secret and they later become friends after he studies and earns his own grades. Emily Valentine appeared in 12 episodes. Kelly became unexpectedly pregnant before having a miscarriage and told she may never carry a child to term. Janet learned she was pregnant in Season 10, and refused to be with Steve at first, but he won her over and she accepted his marriage proposal. She was romantically involved with Dan Rubin, her resident adviser, and met Jesse Vasquez at the Walshes' 20th anniversary, where he was tending bar. She was almost raped by an ex-boyfriend, and Brandon came to her aid. Contents 1 Early life 2 WBHH 3 College 4 Oz 5 Family 6 Relationships 7 Quotes 8 Trivia 9 Photos Early life Erin Silver is a blunt, jaded and cynical teen, with bipolar disorder who feels like an outcast in high school. The actress also played the part in Melrose . She briefly returned during Season 5 and almost had an affair with Brandon on the same night Kelly Taylor was burned in a fire. Jackie continued to make appearances throughout all 10 seasons of the show. She later met up with the gang during their trip to Hawaii and learned that she is happy, engaged, and has no ill feelings toward Brandon or Kelly. While Brandon and the rest of his friends usually gave Valerie the benefit of the doubt, and ultimately remained friends with her (particularly when Valerie ceased her malicious ways or appeared to atone for them), she and Kelly remained constant enemies throughout the entire series, save for a few instances where both women were to be cordial with each other. All rights reserved. Valerie subsequently joins her mother in Buffalo. In Season 3, Brandon developed a serious gambling problem, which led to Nat, his boss at the Peach Pit, bailing him out of after he got into trouble with a mobster bookmaker. They both lied about John being Gina Kincaid's real father and covered it up out of embarrassment, only admitting the truth when Donna found out and angrily shamed them into being honest. She was born in Mexico City, Mexico before Bill sent her to school in Virginia. The show decided to take Scott's exit as a chance to address gun violence that was occurring in LA at the time. article ul li { list-style: disc; padding: 5px 0; } Romantic interest in Valerie came quick, often, and usually all at once, leading to many situations where male members of the series became contentious over their similar affections for her. Erin is seen at the apartment where Kelly used to live. Law and Disorder, Noah finds her passed out on her living room floor as Jackie Taylor ( born 10... First show of the Black Ensemble Theater, she said have seen weekly... Well as on television and stage stuck up and conceited as can be Jackie. Abbie Cobb was born in Mexico City, Mexico before Bill sent jackie taylor 90210 actress school. Her alma mater, West Beverly Hills, 90210 franchise Us, Jessica Stroup Spills death... For the Senior Buddy project actress, director and Theater producer is to... 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