I found a lot of great information to get started. The Law Dictionary is not a law firm, and this page does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. 189A.010 (DUI), 508.032 (domestic assault), or 519.055 (impersonating a peace officer), He received his JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. Then, explain why you support the inmate being granted parole. Always include your name, full address, and phone number, as well as the inmates name and CDCR number. The purpose of a parole letter is to inform the parole board why an offender should be given parole and let out of prison. A letter of parole should be typed on letterhead and include the parole boards address, contact information, and date. She was reviewed after serving 25 years and then again after 30 years incarcerated. The Kentucky Parole Board voted to have Michael Carneal serve out his life sentence. Show that the prisoner will be a responsible and law-abiding citizen once released. I put in a lot of effort to keep the close family together. It should express genuine contrition (being sorry for what you have done) as well as tell your plans for what you want to do with your life upon your release. The Kentucky Parole Board is seeking a dismissal of the lawsuit brought by Attorney General Daniel Cameron over the conversion of life "serve outs" for 45 inmates to 10-year deferrals. With this in mind, keeping the letter concise and to the point is also important. Please call Parole Board to confirm times, dates, locations at 502-564-3620. If you are writing to yourself, you should express regret for the crime and joy and excitement about your future. 96-ORD-201 . All eleven members are appointed to their positions by the Governor of Kentucky and server four-year staggered terms. Learn more [], Explore the application process for U.S immigration. This site will provide both the institution number and the state correctional facility where they are housed for you to use in your letter. Give me another shot with my son is all Im asking. By using our site, you agree to our. Also dont try to blame the crime on drugs or alcohol (although you should certainly state if you were high or drunk during the crime). In 2016, police . If the inmate racks up a long list of . This shows consistency and ongoing support and tells the Parole Board that youll stay by your loved ones side after theyre released. Juvenile Justice Oversight Council Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy Kentucky Law Enforcement Council Parole Board State Corrections Commission Parole Board Board Members Ladeidra N. Jones, Chair Ladeidra N. Jones began her career working at the Woodford County Detention Center. List the prisoners accomplishments before his arrest. Kentucky Board of Pardons Paroles. All institutions have procedures regarding parole board hearings and attendance. The mission of the Division of Probation and Parole is to enhance public safety and promote offender reintegration in the community through proactive supervision and referral to community based resources. . Intelligently written parole letters attesting to the offenders character, reformation and plans to improve his or her life will be read by the parole panel and may make the difference between release and denial. how to write one and found your site and read what I needed to do. Be detailed. The D.C. Board of Parole had the authority to revoke parole for all D.C. Code parolees and mandatory releasees until August 5, 2000. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Support letters must be up to date; even if nothing has changed since you wrote one for an inmate at his or her prior hearing, which was one or more years ago, write a new letter. You might write, I never stop thinking about the people whose lives I ruined. It could be their first step on the road to working in the United States, joining a spouse or [], Class action lawsuits let individuals join together to fight back against harm caused by corporations. The best way to respect Parole Board members is through a salutation. It is evident that the offender is known to and cared about by someone. Begin the letter with "Dear Honorable Members of the Parole Board" and a colon rather than a comma. Ellegood has created an email address for people who have questions about the parole hearing, they. The weight of parole board letters may vary from state to state or between jurisdictions, factored in along with elements such as the nature of the crime, the length of sentence served and any objections from victims and their families. I am confident that I will do a good job as I have managed to get several commendations for the work I have done around the prison. If you are offering a job, then you should include the name of your business, its contact information, the type of work and number of hours, and the name of the supervisor. Stat. We will achieve this important balance by application of our core values of knowledge, experience and integrity. Subject- Sample letter to parole board on behalf of inmate. A parole support letter is a succinct statement of the facts sent to the parole board by friends, family, coworkers, or anyone else who knows the prisoner to show the parole panel that the offender will have a reliable support network upon release and is, therefore, deserving of parole. Regarding (name of prisoner) , inmate (Mention the numbers), I am writing. Michael Carneal is seeking parole 25 years after opening fire on his Heath High School peers. For many people, obtaining a green card is an important milestone. Sample language could include, I have offered Jeffrey a job at my grocery store, Stop and Top, located at 445 Smithson Street, Jonesport, Maine. Candidates are selected from applicants . Because a parole letter is an official communication, you want it to present properly. He put a lot of effort on his own. The parole board received letters and a plan of care from Carneal's legal counsel and family, but nothing from the inmate himself. At night I pray that the family has managed to rebuild their lives. The conditions that all felons must follow include: Parole Board Letters: Their Purpose and How to Write One, How to Prepare for the Immigration Process, about How to Prepare for the Immigration Process, Overview of the Six Types of Bankruptcies, about Overview of the Six Types of Bankruptcies, How to Determine If You Are Eligible for a Green Card, about How to Determine If You Are Eligible for a Green Card, U.S. Immigration: How to Apply and What to Expect, about U.S. Immigration: How to Apply and What to Expect, Writing a Parole Board Letter Seeking Parole, Writing a Parole Board Letter Non-Inmates. For example, they have before them an inmate record card reflecting any disciplinary write-ups or issues suggesting poor institutional adjustment. The following is how you can write your parole support letter. On the back of the envelope, reference the inmate's name, DOC number and hearing date. Bored, I sometimes leafed through magazines but realized I could barely read what was written in them. Typically, a parole board must consider several factors before releasing an inmate back into society, including the inmates age, prior incarceration, committed offence, prison disciplinary history, level of current prison custody, and so forth. Kentucky Department of Corrections. Write your support letter in the comments section. Explain his or her hobbies, hopes for the future, and achievements. Similarly, an assault victim may write a parole letter compelling the court to keep the perpetrator in their case locked up longer, due to the violent nature of the crime and fears they have should the offender be released. This website works best with JavaScript enabled. A parole board letter is just that a letter written to a parole board asking that a specific action be taken in an inmate's case. You could write, I have a support system in place for when I get out. Helping Startups/ It Companies/ and Small Businesses to Enhance Their Business Through Branding and Marketing Ideas. Form letters come off as insincere; use your own words to make your point. A parole letter should be written on letterhead with contact information, date, and address of the parole board. (b) For a felony offense committed prior to December 3, 1980: Identify yourself by name, age, and, if appropriate, by title, job, etc. Dont use the letter to rationalize your crime or to argue your innocence. On the flip side, if you believe the incarcerated individual is a danger to society or to you or a loved one, your parole board letter should spell out definitive reasons that this is the case. Parole letters are letters written either by an incarcerated person or by his or her supporters. For example: My name is Jeffrey Smith, and I am writing in support of my application for parole. This will differ depending on who is writing the letter. Dear [Mention the name of the recipient]. Doctor of Law, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2023 System1 OpCo, LLC. A short summary might read, When I came to jail I had a seventh grade education and no interest in learning about anything or anyone else. Parole boards want to see that you have thought about any supportive services you may require as you make the transition from prison to civilian life, including housing, employment, emotional support and transportation, among others. As his first-cousin, I have offered him an apartment to rent on Rockwell Road, Abilene, Texas. Once youve explained your reasons for supporting their parole, conclude your letter by pledging your support. Friends, family, and coworkerscan send it, or anyone else who knows the prisoner, to show the parole panel that the offender will have a reliable support network upon release and deserves parole. September 19, 1996 . Indicate your name, postal address, and physical address on your address. The prisoner has free world input while in prison. All others can print off their letter on regular paper. This administrative regulation establishes the . March, 2023; February, 2023; January, 2023; December, 2022; November, 2022 Like all of us, he has undergone significant change throughout those (Mention the numbers) years. I will serve as his direct supervisor., You could say, I assure you that, should Jeffrey be granted parole, he has a healthy support system in place. If you have been asked to write a letter of support for someones parole, this article is for you. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Four years after their daughter was murdered in Louisville, two parents are fighting for her killer to stay in prison. LEARN MORE Victim Impact Statements First, you write your address, then the date and the parole board address. FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) The Kentucky Parole Board says a woman convicted of kidnapping and killing her stepson nearly 25 years ago must serve out her life sentence. Additionally, over time I have grown opportunities for ( Mention the name) and I to launch a business together after his release. Another useful strategy is to send parole letters on a regular basis rather than just before a parole hearing, as it will signify that the support is ongoing and real. End the letter with Sincerely, and use your full name. best way to write a professional letter to a judge. Is Professional Services a Good Career Path in 2023? ", http://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/eoir/legacy/2013/09/30/certoftranslation.pdf, http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/bpp/faq/SupportLetters.html, http://thelawdictionary.org/article/how-to-write-a-parole-letter/, http://www.lettersofrecommendation.net/Parole_Board_Character_Reference.php. Also, read:How To Fold A Letter Into An Envelope | Sample Images. You cant plead your innocence or try to minimize your role in the crime. His family and network of allies are there to assist him. Dont be afraid to include emotional expression in your speech. Sample language could be: My name is Melissa Jones. The only thing he wants is a chance in life, and they are eager to offer him a job. Parole boards dont grant parole to inmates who promise to change in the future. For many applicants, the immigration process is overwhelming and difficult to navigate. These Three Words Describe Me in The Best Way. He may merely be a number in your system, and I understand that you might not be aware of this, but he truly has a good heart. See this:How To Ask A Professor For Letter Of Recommendation | Full Guide. Cover letters and eligibility lists will open in a new tab or window. The phone number to his unit is XXX-XXXX. Regarding ( Mention the inmate), inmate number (Mention the numbers), I am writing. "I'm writing a letter of recommendation for my son, and didn't know how or what to say. For more information about writing letters, check out the best way to write a professional letter to a judge. Nine members serve in a full-time employment capacity and the remaining two members are part-time. According to Wisconsins parole statutes, (inmate) has satisfied all requirements for eligibility for a parole grant. You must express heartfelt sorrow at the pain you have caused the victim and the victims family. But I have suffered emotionally and physically for a long time since then. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. 4. New Yorks system, however, severely limits the length of any letter and might be best used by members of the general public. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. For more tips from our Legal co-author, including how to write a parole letter for yourself, read on. Im writing to ask that you grant release to (inmate), who has been behind bars for more than (Mention the numbers) years for attempted armed robberies in which no one was wounded physically. He was also arrested for a Kentucky Parole Board warrant for absconding parole supervision and failing to report to a parole officer as directed. A nonviolent offender convicted of a Class D felony with an aggregate sentence of one (1) to five (5) years shall have his or her case reviewed by the Parole Board upon reaching his or her parole eligibility date as established in KRS 439.340(3)(a). NOT TO BE PUBLISHED . Learn what steps to take when preparing for your personal interview, naturalization test and medical exam. The role of the parole letter is to convince the parole board otherwise. Make sure the parole board members receive the letter at least two to four weeks before the hearing to ensure plenty of time for them to read and . Basically, the Parole Board (and ultimately the Governor) will look at your entire background. Is Investment Banking a Good Career Path? Please avoid calling the Board on the day an inmate is considered for parole as it often takes several days for the Board to notify the inmate. Read on to learn more about what they are and whether you can write one. Virtually anyone with interest in the offenders case can write a letter to the parole board overseeing the persons potential release. At the final hearing, the Board will determine, by majority vote, whether the parolee violated a parole condition and whether the violation warrants parole revocation. I started researching on. For example, a GED instructor in a federal institution may write a letter about a student in their class seeking parole, testifying to the individuals improved moral character and work done seeking out an equivalency diploma. For example, you could write: I support Jeffrey Smiths application for parole. I'm writing to support the release of prisoners (Mention the numbers), as stated in the subject line of this letter. Parole board letters may come from: If you are the potential parolee, you have a lot riding on an effective parole board letter. Something went wrong. Take responsibility. When asked why on Tuesday, he said he thought everything had. "I believe that the victims' pain today is probably felt as profoundly each. Kentucky Parole Board via AP. How to Get Small Business Grants for Felons, How to Expunge Your Record: Guide and FAQ, How to Bail Someone Out of Jail: Guide and FAQ. The fact that Jeffrey was locked up provided little comfort. Mark Humphrey/AP. I am an entrepreneur who has run businesses in (Mention the name) and am laying the foundation for a new venture. Updated: 10:25 PM EST January 28, 2020. It implies that someone will be there to help the offender after his release. How to start Affiliate Marketing with no money in 2023, Is Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries a Good Career Path In 2023, Is Food Distributor a Good Career Path in 2023. He could possibly be a father now. Follow these guidelines to create an effective support letter: Your letter should end with a brief statement that expresses your faith in your loved one and provides contact information in case of inquiries. Two lines beneath the address, include your salutation: Dear Parole Board. You may also submit a support letter by using the Contact Us icon below. Please try again later. Describe the prisoners regret and guilt. A man who killed three students when he was 14 years old will wait a bit longer to learn whether he will be released on parole. All hearings begin at 8:30am local time unless otherwise noted. Every day, deceptive business practices and outright on the part of corporations and other institutions cause physical and financial harm to individuals. The ( Mention the last name) family is quite close-knit, and even though ( Mention the name) has been behind bars for (Mention the numbers) years, they have stayed in touch and helped one another. When writing a parole support letter, ensure that your data is up-to-date. Want to try writing a letter in Spanish? Regarding parole Board to confirm ky parole board letters, dates, locations at 502-564-3620 the! Your address respect parole Board overseeing the persons potential release to the point is also important through. More Victim Impact Statements First, you should express regret for the future the,. When this question is answered joy and excitement about your future are writing to yourself, read on learn., explain why you support the inmate racks up a long time since then D.C. Code and! Mention the name ) and am laying the foundation for a long of. Probably felt as profoundly each role in the offenders case can write a professional letter the. 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