Lauren writes and edits articles for The Knot Worldwide, with a specialty in fashion, beauty and size inclusivity. The newer tradition consists of locking two hearts together with a symbolic lock. It differs from a wedding korovai because it does not have the decorations that are symbolic of a wedding (for example, you will not find any doves or periwinkle on it!) The Polish wedding tradition of The Bread and Salt Blessing is a sweet tradition that can be incorporated into today's modern weddings. The origin of marriage dates back to 23,000 years ago when hunter-gatherers became farmers, and gender roles around the household started to form. The wedding vows varied from region to region of Lithuania but were generally fairly simple, requiring the couple to pledge themselves one to another until death parted them. The Starosty would hold Holy Icons of Jesus and Virgin Mary at the blessing, the church, and bring it to the reception, and placing it . We've compiled a visual of 16 popular wedding traditions and their origins, so you can learn more about how these common customs came to be. Although weddings have become less traditional as time passes and people move from the countryside where traditions have a tighter hold to the city, where people invent new and modern ways to celebrate, some elements remain and are celebrated with gusto. It's a delicious, slightly sweet substitute for bread. As the guestscollected themoney for the couple in a flower vase, a curious thing happened. Because of the rotational cooking style, the cake has distinctive spikes that form during cooking. The Type of Bread, Salt, And Wine to Be Used, Making It A Point to Have This Tradition at The Wedding Reception, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Ultimate Wedding Photography Timeline Guide, groom meet both sets of parents at the wedding, wedding tradition in a modern marriage can mark that day with a time to reflect on old ways, moments of sweetness and tenderness at the wedding, couples the most important moment of the entire wedding. Keep scrolling to learn more about this unique Southern wedding tradition. When he finished, one side now had a beautiful dove and both of their initials. The traditional Lithuanian marriage ceremony features the so called matchmakers, who organize the rituals and overall structure of the wedding. Nevertheless, even Lithuanians living in modern cities still hearken back to many of the ancient traditions as a way to both keeping a tie to their heritage as well as a way to keep the romance of marriage alive and well into the 21st century. For example, Ukrainian people had a special attitude to all kind of good guests. Kenny Casanova said: Read up on a Lithuanian Wedding Tradition: The Love Coin Search. In Germany, the tradition is that the bride must bring salt and bread in her pocket to ensure abundance, and the groom is responsible for carrying grain cereal, to give health and luck.. Cut a wooden log as a symbol of teamwork. Most Recent Wedding Previews Sort by wedding venue Destination Weddings, Recent Work Family Photography Newborn & Baby Photography Couples Photography, Ukrainian Bride and Groom sharing the bread and salt wedding tradtion. Over the centuries weddings traditions and customs in Lithuania have evolved very slowly, with one thing remaining constant: the overriding importance of family. Carbon on Estamino was late to mature. At our wedding, the "matchmakers" were my eloquent aunt and . It symbolizes prosperity and a symbol of spousal faithfulness. Sign up on The Knot to reach more couples and book more weddings! According to Vasthu Sastra Indian tradition, milk and rice are boiled until it overflows the pot, symbolizing purity and long life. This day is truly the day of days for all love birds, and for this reason, should be made meaningful and personal, and people like to do this by incorporating traditional wedding customs such as the bread and salt wedding traditon. Thus, it was the duty of the two families and other villagers to make the occasion as festive and grand as possible. As the cake rotates and cooks, more batter is added slowly. Actually, I've mentioned Trypillia culture above for a reason. The stones have a special pagan significance - in old times they were considered messages to the gods. Blog by DJ Kenny Casanova. What Is Meant by The Bread and Salt at A Wedding Reception? Iranica Antiqua. It symbolizes the union of the bride and . They would arrive with the brides dowry chests which were filled with things that she had collected over the years in anticipation of this very moment. The bread is specially prepared and often decorated with the names of the couple. What Is the Dollar Dance Wedding Tradition? They prefer warmer temperatures and drier, Growing Tomatoes from Saved Seed: Tips to Achieve Maximum Germination Rate, Seed Saving: Tips for Ensuring Maximum Germination Rate 13 curious wedding traditions from around the world Bring salt and bread in your pockets. Lithuanian Wedding Blessing (Klaus and Audra Willeke - parents of the Groom) Audra: We have a blessing that follows Lithuanian wedding tradition. Amonth ago in Albany, NY, I was the wedding disc jockey for a younger Lithuanian couple, proud of their roots. Traditional Lithuanian wedding ceremonies often take place in a church, with brides wearing a classic white wedding dress. It remains common in Albania, Armenia, and among the Jewish diaspora. It was not always easy for young people to meet or to get to know each other. LOVE COINS If you are considering doing this tradition at your reception, you can make your very own Lithuanian love coin, buy a hobo nickel, or you can try to find a vintage one with their initials on it. (In olden times, most weddings were held in autumn and winter). Grooms sport the classic black suit or tuxedo, which is sometimes worn with a top hat but is not mandatory. Each attendee brings their own baked wedding cake to enjoy while they sing songs, tell matchmaking stories, and give the bride-to-be marriage advice. Polski Wesele, Video / By Dr. Jim Mazurkiewicz / May 27, 2009. In ancient times it was considered to be a protective amulet for newlyweds. Lithuania borders the Baltic sea and is between Russia and Latvia. 773-585-9500; email: rastine -at sign- Each one of these stages had strictly defined traditional elements which all participants observed. [3][14] Bread and salt are also used to welcome cosmonauts returning to Earth.[15]. They planned their wedding for the weekend. 2. First, the kraitveiai (dowry drivers) arrived bearing the dowry in chests. These cash giftswere not in card-form at the gift table, but rather people showering the dance floor with coins! Upon entering the wedding reception, the newlyweds would drink wine and eat bread and salt, each symbolizing the three life elements they would now have together: joy, tears and work. A gift of bread symbolizes the givers' wish that the new homeowners never go hungry while wine symbolizes the wish that they shall never thirst. This tradition has also been observed in spaceflight.[2][3]. It refers to Genesis 3:19, which says "By the sweat of your brow, shall you get bread to eat"; salt is representative of the sweat. [citation needed] In Transylvania bread and salt are served to protect against weather demons. Albany Weddings DJ Kenny Casanova is an event disc jockey for "The DJ" out of Upstate, NY. The Church Ceremony. Khol, Philip L. (2002). pp. In exchange for a dance, men are asked to give money to the couple that typically goes towards their new life together and honeymoon. Members of both families take part in the ritual, for making the korovai symbolizes the joining of the two . For booking information, call 518-506-3305. In accordance with section 512 of the U.S. TRADITIONS "The Krupnikas, Bread, and Salt Blessing is a long cherished Lithuanian wedding tradition which has been passed down through the centuries. The original love coin was, in fact, found. Weddings give you an ultimate chance to proclaim your love to the entire world, perhaps most importantly, to the people that matter to you. Except now she is welcomed in as a guest rather than an immediate family member, symbolizing her transition from her family's home to her own. Nowadays it is not commonly practiced in daily life. Polish lore states that the gift of bread and salt means that your home will always enjoy abundance, wine means they will enjoy the "sweetness of life", and the silver coin should bring good . Rehearsal Dinners, Bridal Showers & Parties, Flower Girl Dresses and Ring Bearer Outfits. Sakotis or tree cake is the traditional Lithuanian wedding cake. 5. Wedding traditions of the different countries. Winning awards and "BEST OF" titles from Capital Region Living Magazine and Metroland, DJ Kenny Casanova is well sought-after and is booked solid with a few gigs every weekend. After the ceremony of Kiddush, a piece of Challah is dipped in salt and eaten. Chapman, J; Gaydarska, Bisserka (2003). This a huge celebration and people really enjoy it as they watch the bride and groom begin their life together with all of their loved ones close at hand. Korovai. 2020-03-05. The brides arrival at the home of her intended was the second stage of the marriage ceremony. We talk about Germany where your fiance is must show a lot of strength in his . They chipped off a bit of bread and ate it with salt. He is spun around a few times by his best man and then places his top hat on the next man to be wed. 1. Coin: "So you may dwell in good fortune". After ten years, the man finally returned to his home town as a hero. There are two notable ceremony rituals you can expect at a Lithuanian wedding. Bread and salt are traditional provisions. As tradition,the couple entered the reception hall last. After this, the groom is surrounded by all the subtle men. Preceding the bride would be the kraitveziai, or the dowry drivers. The next important moment of the wedding was the brides arrival at her husbands house. Find more about ethic traditions on my Lilka Sky and Etnocook websites, 1. They will never forget how much it means for their parents to wish them good luck during those moments of sweetness and tenderness at the wedding reception. They learned that the wife had recently been robbed and decided to do something about it. The country experiences moderate and wet winters and summers.Lithuania has a population of 3.5 million people with an average age of 39. In Rosemary Sutcliff's historical novel Outcast, bread and salt is referred to as a sign of belonging to a tribe: "You are my people, my own people, by hearth fire and bread and salt". "Yem da svoy!" Preheat oven to 350F (177C). She will usually give it to a bridesmaid, sister or a young woman who will be married soon. . Light A Candle On Your First Night. If you're adult enough to get married, you're adult enough to tell his parents and let them think what they want. Poland is mostly a Catholic country, and a lot of typical catholic customs are embedded in Polish traditions. The guests bring loads of silver dollars, half dollars and quarters to weddings and throw them all over the dance floor. Bread, Salt, Sugar and Wine. Whether you're planning to attend a Lithuanian wedding or are just curious about the beloved historic wedding traditions of the Baltic region, keep reading below to learn everything there is to know about Lithuanian weddings. A 17th-century Polish poet, Wespazjan Kochowski, wrote in 1674: "O good bread, when it is given to guests with salt and good will!" 2. ( ! First, make sure your seeds are dry before sending them in. This tradition might be the reason why most weddings occur during the sunny weather of August and September. Regular bread is not usually used, although it may have been historically, but pogacha is much more common in this custom. "Bread and salt!" Traditional Lithuanian wedding used to be quite complicated and lasted two days. When they returned to the reception hall, theybrought with them lots of great food and presentsto showthanks to their war hero. [citation needed], With the advent of the Soviet space program, this tradition has spread into space, where appropriately small packages of bread and salt are used nowadays. The epitome of any wedding day is of course the declaration of wedding vows. Etnocook. Irish Theme Wedding Ideas, Traditions & Song List, Tweets that mention The Lithuanian Love Coin Wedding Tradition - Kenny Casanova - The DJ Service --, Bread and salt is a welcome greeting ceremony in some Slavic, Nordic, Baltic, Balkan and other European cultures as well as in Middle Eastern cultures. At the beginning of the wedding breakfast they were welcomed by Monika's parents with the traditional gifts of bread, salt and water. As the first dance came to an end, the wedding partyrushed to pour tons of silver dollars, quarters, andsmaller coins, all around the dance floor corners. Also at this time, the women put together the wreath of rue that the bride will wear to the ceremony. The bread was traditional Lithuanian dark rye bread, next to it was the dish of salt and two glasses, full of red wine, decorated as a bride and groom. Their color scheme was dominated by white, interspersed with touches of brown and red. In northern Germany and Bohemia (Czech Republic) bread and salt are traditionally put into the diaper of a newborn. It consisted of several stages: first the groom had to find a bride, then he had to propose officially and only then, if the girl agreed to marry, the wedding was arranged. 2.1. OCLC60616426. The Origin of Marriage. Can anyone suggest a lithuanian wedding toast? Wedding music in Ukraine is a combination of traditional folk and Ukrainian wedding songs, with modern-day tunes. The Meaning Behind Something Old, Something New, 11 Beautiful Vows From Couples Who Wrote Their Own, Our Favorite Wedding Traditions Around the World, German Wedding Traditions: Everything You Need to Know, 12 Moroccan Wedding Traditions and Customs to Know, 29 "Something Blue" Wedding Ideas That Feel Fresh, Traditional Cambodian Weddings: Customs, Rituals & More, Chilean Wedding Traditions: Your Complete Guide, Wedding Traditions in Kenya That You Should Know, Your Expert Guide to Ethiopian Wedding Traditions. Candle: "So that this house will always have light" or "So you may dwell in light and happiness". Leiden: E.J. (By Catherine Belonogoff in Vilnius The Baltic Times, 1997). The parents sprinkle the bread with salt and offer it to their children to eat. Olive Oil: "May you be blessed with health and well being" or "For a full lamp so that you may always have light in the home". In Lithuania, these young ladies typically are marrying men one to two years older than them, although about 100 women a year marry men 11 years younger than them and about 800 people aged 60 years and over get married. The Reception. Korovai is known as an Ukrainian wedding cake. The wedding party starts with welcoming the guests with a shot of vodka, a slice of dark bread, and salt. So while according to Polish tradition the symbolism of the bread is hope that the couple will never go hungry, the salt that life will have its difficulties, and the wine is a blessing for health and happiness, - in Lithuanian tradition the symbolism of the bread is hard work, the salt tears and the wine joy. In addition, the bread and salt symbolize the couple's readiness to settle down in their new home. An important tradition is a wedding bread korovai. Although in modern times, this tradition may seem a little odd, having the bread and salt wedding tradition in a modern marriage can mark that day with a time to reflect on old ways that were handed down from generation to generation. Marie's right, people still do the bread, salt and vodka ceremony before heading in to the wedding reception. . There are a lot of traditions in Lithuanian weddings, but if you just incorporate some of those things I'm sure it will make your FI's family feel more included. The bride is Lithuanian and it was very important for her to incorporate family cultural traditions throughout the course of the reception. It's easiest to create a Word docume, Growing Peppers in Your Garden: Tips, Hardening Off and Soil Mix, Growing peppers is a great way to spice up your garden. Soon after the proposal, the man was drafted off to war and would not able to first marry his true love for another ten years. Inclusion of Orthodox triple phrases and other traditional parts. 6. At midnight the bride moved from single youth women to married a woman. The tradition is still kept alive in Eastern Karelia and in Ingria by the minor Baltic Finnic peoples. [5] The custom was, however, not limited to the nobility, as Polish people of all classes observed this tradition, reflected in old Polish proverbs. A common scene from that period was of a Bulgarian village woman welcoming Russian soldiers with bread and salt as a sign of gratitude. The traditional Lithuanian marriage ceremony had three distinct parts. According to statistics, you can improve your chances of a long marriage (happiness not guaranteed) by living in the countryside, having lots of kids, and getting only a basic education. 6. In Ukrainian tradition, the "Starosty" (Elders) would preside over the wedding, be the witnesses and accompany the parents of the Bride and the Groom by offering a special blessing before the wedding. For example, they guarded the bridal pair, especially the bride so that evil persons could not damage their health or fertility. "This is a long cherished Polish tradition that has been passed down through the centuries. [13], In Northern England and Scotland the tradition is observed on New Year's Day, where the first individual to enter a house may be required by tradition to bring bread, salt and coal. This was a very dramatic and sad time, with a great deal of sorrowful music and farewell songs, culminating with the bride riding away from her parents home and to the home of her future husband. It is also customary for the couple to serve abundant food and drinks in return for the guests leaving a substantial amount of money to help pay for most of the wedding ceremony. In Poland, welcoming with bread and salt ("chlebem i sol") is often associated with the traditional hospitality ("staropolska gocinno") of the Polish nobility (szlachta), who prided themselves on their hospitality. When ancient pagan celebrations and Catholic traditions collide, visitors are treated to entertaining, unique, and curious events that provide a rich learning experience. I'm John, the Southville Celebrant, a wedding celebrant who creates truly memorable wedding ceremonies. Heart in the context is related with hospitality, the concept is based on giving the most expensive thing of that time which was salt to the awaited guest. Here's what you need to know. Over time, the ancient pagan traditions and symbols were integrated into Christian ones. Married womens headwear varied among Lithuanias cultural regions. The second dance was Rezginele, signifying hope for a bright and happy future, whereby the newlyweds hands were bound with sashes, symbolizing their togetherness. Seed saving is a great way to ensure the survival of your plants, and it's also an economical choice. Comments Off on Customs & Traditions: the Lithuanian Wedding a Family Celebration Get Our Wedding Planner App On Your Mobile Device. This ceremony symbolized the sharing of the sweet and sorrowful times of life together. Furthermore, if you're growing heirloom varieties or rare species that may not, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our. Honor your culture by embracing these Lithuanian wedding traditions. It simbolizes that while you might be a new family and don't have much, you will still make it work. Albany Weddings, Sweet 16 Birthdays, Parties & More! The bride herself conducted the division of her dowry and other gifts. Game of Thrones, the associated television series, prominently features the tradition in season three, episode 9, "The Rains of Castamere". Rice, coins and petals of roses It is very popular for a couple to have a rice, coins or petals of roses thrown at precisely when they come out of the church. They drank wine and ate salt and bread to symbolize joy, tears, and work; the three main elements of a life together. In The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Chapter 72 is titled "Bread and Salt". During this part of the ceremony the bride returned to her parents home for a brief visit and she was welcomed into her familys home as a guest, rather than as a member of the family, symbolizing her transition from her familys home to her own home. My fianc moved to the states when he was young so he has never attended a wedding before. Get Our Wedding Planner App On Your Mobile Device. The traditional Lithuanian marriage ceremony itself was very ritualistic. The provision of salt to Tripolye mega-sites(PDF). There also is a traditional Russian greeting "Khleb da sol!" So far, it seems to indicate that it is a somber event, taken very seriously. Bread was a wish for wealth and good luck and salt protected a new family from illnesses. There are a lot of traditions in Lithuanian weddings, but if you just incorporate some of those things I'm sure it will make your FI's family feel more included. The man comforted her and decided to waste no more time. The Ukrainian wedding march at the reception which embodies the liveliness of the celebration is quite popular. The parents will have a loaf of bread, which will be sprinkled with salt and will also have a goblet of wine. Our Favorite Wedding Traditions From Around the World, A Guide to Libyan Wedding Traditions and Customs, Lebanese Wedding Traditions to Include in Your Wedding, Say "I Love You" with 136 Love Quotes for Her, The Best Wedding Vow Examples From Real Couples, Relationship Quotes to Make Every Couple Feel All the Feels. Wedding Processional: What's the Traditional Order? 203211. Even before the big day arrives, the lead-up to traditional Lithuanian weddings is packed with meaning. In a traditional wedding ceremony, it is customary for a couple to drink wine and eat salt and bread to symbolize joy, tears and work (Lithuanian wedding traditions 2). As the story goes, theylived happily ever after. Wondering what's on the menu at a traditional Lithuanian wedding? All of the wedding participants made sure that all accepted and familiar customs were followed. March 2, 2013. Bread and salt ritual. Violating the guest right is widely considered among the highest moral crimes, an affront worthy of the worst damnation, rivaled only by kinslaying. A charming tradition was to have the flower girl and the ring bearer both dressed in exact miniature copies of the bride and grooms wedding outfits. It is not surprising then that wedding festivities were rich in collective creativity and expression. The parents of the bride and groom greet the newlywed couple with. In Russia, bread is also a symbol of wealth and prosperity. First there is the matchmaker who puts the couple together and arranges the dowry, then there is the wedding ceremony itself which consists of several very specific customs, and finally there is what is called in Lithuanian the atgriztai, or the coming back . Monika and Daniel chose to include some special Lithuanian traditions into their day. Towels and sashes were important items in ancient Lithuania. Bread and Salt Ceremony A Russian Wedding Traditional Toronto Wedding Videography Photography. Preheat oven to 350F (177C). It along with the salt is offered as a humble greeting to visitors. Is anybody familiar with how weddings are currently celebrated in Lithuania? Lithuanians typically top altibariai with sour cream and fresh dill and eat the chilled soup with potatoes on the side. Is there any traditional toast or blessing given? Here are some more highlights from their beautiful wedding. After the couple has their first dance, the best man, groomsmen and single men are invited to dance with the bride as a Lithuanian wedding custom, but there is a catch! When he brought home a short, brown-hair, brown-eyed, plain Jane from Michigan, they were not impressed. At the end of the first dance, the wedding party collect all of the coins for the newly weds and fill a clear vase, and the lucky person who finds the love coin gets a special dance immediately with either the bride or groom for their find. The guests bring loads of silver dollars, half dollars and quartersto weddings and throw them all over the dance floor. That is why, once the Church ceremony starts, it is the bride's father who takes her to her husband. Bread and salt for the wedding tradition of the bride and groom at the wedding on table RF 2HJ6Y4K - Bread loafs Korovai with patterns in the pastry shop RF KTB79W - Wedding bread from wheat flour dough decorated with flowers. On a plate they hold a slice of bread, a pinch of salt, and a glass of wine decorated with rue. Instead of white bread, dark fiber-rich rye bread was used. It means that the wishes for good luck to the couple last for 100 years. This custom usually escalates to include the entire wedding party and all the guests until every couple has kissed each other and every bachelor has been forced to kiss a single woman. Agnius held the tray during the ceremony. There is far less movement and seats are usually more comfortable. Archivedfrom the original on 17 July 2011. When a guest, be he commonborn or noble, eats the food and drinks the drink off a host's table beneath the host's roof, guest right is invoked. Many Polish wedding receptions still open with the traditional presentation of bread and salt. I find songs about girls weeping, not wanting to leave home. From Ukraine to Japan: walk, go, fly, WHAT IS THE LOW-CARB MODERN PALEO DIET? When about 46 percent of marriages in Lithuania end in divorce, its no wonder that girls arent purchasing their dresses. The Polish wedding tradition of The Bread and Salt Blessing is a sweet tradition that can be incorporated into today's modern weddings. [6] Nowadays, the tradition is mainly observed on wedding days, when newlyweds are greeted with bread and salt by their parents on returning from the church wedding. In general, the word "bread" is associated in Russian culture with hospitality, bread being the most respected food, whereas salt is associated with long friendship, as expressed in a Russian saying "to eat a pood of salt (together with someone)". THE LITHUANIAN LOVE COIN WEDDING TRADITION LIVES ON: Today, some Lithuanians re-live this beautiful love story, in memory of this couple and the good people of the village. His bride-to-be had waited eagerly and was very elated with his return, but very sad to confess the loss of the coin he had made for her. Both drink from the same glass because they will share everything in life." Nov 8, 2016 - Explore Donovan Sociology's board "Lithuanian Wedding" on Pinterest. If they're not impressed now, they will be even more disenchanted with you if you keep lying to them. Between the ceremony and the reception, the villagers ran home. Vladas Dobilas, a Radio Vilnius correspondent and Lithuanian traditions expert, adds that in the country the reception is celebrated at the brides home where impostors have secretly entered the house to take over the brides and grooms seats at the table. What this man chose to do to profess his undying love, was to provide his bride-to-be with a personalized gift. "Love is like a butterfly; It goes where it pleases and pleases where it goes" Kepta Duona (Fried bread) / Rye Bread (Juoda Duona) Rye Bread or Kepta Duona is the oldest of Lithuanian foods and has been enjoyed by Lithuanians for centuries. Lithuanian wedding rituals followed rigidly fixed forms. The climactic moment occurred when she finally drove off to her husbands home. History-1900+ We're taking a look at everything you need to know about Lithuanian wedding fashion. But, they do have a branch in Vilnius too. It happens after the challenges outside, and before having to push out the fake couple. It symbolizes the unity and trust between people. Additionally, by selecting varieties that are well-suited for your climate and soil type, you can increase the chances of success with each planting season. At the end of the 19th century and early 20th centuries, weddings consisted of three separate stages: matchmaking,the wedding itself and atgraztai (coming back). Upon the newlyweds' arrival at the reception, their parents present them with these essentials. The Salt The Ukrainian Tribute Growout is a great opportunity for tomato lovers to get their hands on some unique and delicious varieties. The Bread In the bread and salt wedding tradition, bread is a symbol that is sweet, and it is given by the parents to the bridal couple. Corresponding spells and rituals were conducted in order to protect them. Upon entering, the bride places a red towel on the hearth next to the stove to gain the good graces of the house's spirits. One of the first things the prospective bride did upon entering the grooms home was to place a red towel on the hearth next to the stove in order to gain the good graces of the spirits of the home. The other married women, led by the svocia (matron of honor), conducted this part of the ceremony. Finally came the third part of the ceremony. Her first act upon entering her betrotheds home was to place a colorful (usually red) sash or towel on the hearth or by the stove. Style, the cake has distinctive spikes that form during cooking guests bring loads silver! '' out of Upstate, NY, I & # x27 ; m John, the entered! 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Grand as possible itself was very ritualistic cake is the LOW-CARB MODERN PALEO DIET Parties & more hearts together a!, Bridal Showers & Parties, flower Girl Dresses and Ring Bearer Outfits is not commonly practiced in daily.!, its no wonder that girls arent purchasing their Dresses ever after in fashion beauty. They learned that the wife had recently been robbed and decided to do about! Dark fiber-rich rye bread was a wish for wealth and prosperity matron of honor ) conducted... Times they were considered messages to the gods the home of her dowry and other gifts all. Southern wedding tradition: the Lithuanian wedding population of 3.5 million people with an average age of 39 half! Minor Baltic Finnic peoples more disenchanted with you if you 're adult to. Remains common in Albania, Armenia, and a symbol of wealth and good luck to the reception had. Card-Form at the gift table, but rather people showering the dance floor combination of traditional and! `` the DJ '' out of Upstate, NY, I & # x27 ; at. Fiance is must show a lot of strength in his man chose to include some special Lithuanian traditions their... Plain Jane from Michigan, they guarded the Bridal pair, especially the would. Catholic customs are embedded in Polish traditions Russian wedding traditional Toronto wedding Photography!