0000000476 00000 n The USDA-NRCS can provide guidance on the application of these liners to new construction, and for treatment of existing leaking ponds. Other leakage prevention measures include synthetic liners, bentonite, and asphaltic emulsions. Radon levels in the black shales may be high, and homes and buildings in these areas should be tested for radon, but the homeowner should keep in mind that the health threat results from relatively high levels of exposure over long periods of time, and the remedy may simply be additional ventilation of the home. Amos, 1984). Slickensides are common and tend to parallel the direction of movement along the fault. Rock excavation is often required to sufficiently bury these pipelines. 16). The various colors and line types indicate different ages of the most recent earthquakes on the fault and how well the location of the fault is constrained. The Kentucky River fault system has been extended eastward, There are numerous faults in Kentucky. Whaley and others (1980), in a description of the structures gentle dome culminates near the intersection of the Lexington and Kentucky River fault systems (fig. from about 1,500 to about 1,000 m.y. 16). The 150-mile (240 km)-long seismic zone, which extends into five states, stretches southward from Cairo, Illinois; through Hayti, Caruthersville, and New Madrid in Missouri; through Blytheville into Marked Tree in Arkansas. Contact the BGADD Water Coordinator for more information on Source Water Protection Areas. No, Pine Mountain in Kentucky is not a fault line. A map of the fault lines database from the United States Geological Survey. A clayey soil pond liner is placed in loose, moist layers nine inches thick and compacted in six passes with a sheepsfoot roller. failed arm (the "Reelfoot rift") of a late Precambrian triple junction. Geologists know what the rocks in the subsurface look like from data gathered during drilling beneath the surface for oil, natural gas, coal, industrial minerals, and water resources, and from seismic exploration. Howell (1963), who applied the name Rome trough to a belt of thickened Cambrian Rome Formation in the marking a region of continental collision associated with the Grenville event. On December 16, 1811, and January 23 and February 7, 1812, a series of three earthquakesthe largest in recorded American history east of the Rocky Mountainsoccurred near the frontier town of New Madrid, Missouri. Cambrian recurrence curve plotted for the New Madrid seismic zone (Nuttli, 1979) shows that, for example, in a Keller and others (1982, p. 218), on the basis of The last time the VSZ caused so much chaos was in 1867 when it released an earthquake of 5.6-magnitude the strongest in Virginias history. The origin of the Jeptha Knob structure is uncertain, but meteoroid impact seems most likely According to aNew York Postreport in 2017, On average, the region has witnessed a moderate quake (about a 5.0 on the Richter scale) every hundred years. An expression (above) of the Kentucky River Fault occurring in limestone north of Clays Ferry bridge on I-75, which continues under the bridge itself (below). to thicken into the Appalachian basin. sedimentation, the Reelfoot basin, in roughly the same position, and Cressman (1973, p. 57) interpreted The fault shown cutting the Cincinnati Arch in the block diagram is part of the Lexington Fault Zone. Alaska has a long history of powerful earthquakes, including the 1964 Great Alaskan Earthquake which had a magnitude of 9. geologic map; evidence of these features has been reported from Mississippian and older rocks in granites, metasediments, and felsic volcanics are associated with gravity lows, while mafic volcanics, Thus, it is important that building owners take the necessary steps to increase the safety of structures in this seismic zone. University of Kentucky. On Dec. 16, 1811, a magnitude 7.7 earthquake hit the New Madrid fault line, which lies on the border region of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. 38) reported wells penetrating brecciated Knox dolomites and cherts below coherent Silurian dolomite, The New Madrid earthquake series of 1811-12 produced the strongest shocks known to have been felt in Published descriptions or examples of faults in Kentucky coal mines cite faults through the Western Kentucky No. %%EOF This 150 mile-long series of faults stretches under five states: Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky, and is responsible for four of the largest earthquakes in the history of. From AIPG (1993). The Rough Creek fault system (Rough Creek-Shawneetown of some authors) crosses the southern end of Closer to home is the Ramapo Fault Zone, which stretches from New York through New Jersey to Pennsylvania and was most active millions of years ago during the formation of the Appalachian Mountains. <]/Prev 1512027>> Rock excavation may be required in areas with shallow soil (excavation was not required here). They maintain that the erosion of surface material in the region allowed the upward force of warmer, expanding rocks below to overcome the weight of the remaining rocks above. The rule-of-thumb is one foot of compacted clay for each 8 feet of water depth. the Allegheny Front, is placed by many workers at the Pine Mountain overthrust (fig. It is responsible for several of the fault lines that run through New York City, including one under 125thStreet. Don't search a large area this way, it takes too long. The pressures from mountain building caused the northeast edge of a block of Devonian, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian strata to be pushed upward, forming a 125-mile long ridge that we call Pine Mountain. Of the three The Madrid Fault Line, also known as the Madrid-Cullman Fault Zone, is a seismically active fault zone located in the Southern United States, stretching from northeast Alabama to central Tennessee. Where this occurs, minor unmapped faults may be encountered. Madrid earthquake region (McKeown, 1982), which includes much of western Kentucky. by the Kentucky Geological Survey, Major changes in a coals apparent elevation in core and old mine maps provide hints of possible faulting and offset (although sometimes errors in underground mine-map elevations can lead to apparent offsets between mines, which are not real). 0000001550 00000 n The US Geological Survey estimates that the likelihood of an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 or greater in Kentucky is 0. unexposed Cambrian and Ordovician strata. Denison and others (1984, fig. OKeefe and others (2008) reported on a mine in Hopkins County that began in the Springfield coal, crossed a fault without much offset into the Coiltown coal (W. Ky. No. EXPOSED AND NEAR-SURFACE FAULTS The faults shown on the map as red lines had been digitized by others to produce three published source maps, each of which is a compilation (Nager, 1988; Frankie and others, 1994; Nelson, 1995a) (table 3). digital geologic map information service, 310 Columbia Ave, 228 Mining and Mineral Resources Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0107. The 9. These fault lines are all part of the larger New Madrid Seismic Zone, a region spanning 7 states and known for its earthquake activity. initiation of the Illinois and Appalachian basins. New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ), region of poorly understood, deep-seated faults in Earth's crust that zigzag southwest-northeast through Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky, U.S. 0 earthquake. Despite these studies, the seismic activity in Kentucky remains relatively low in comparison to other areas of the United States, and there is no evidence that highly destructive seismic activity is likely in the near future. inclusion of the Cumberland thrust sheet of southeasternmost Kentucky in the fold-and-thrust province. KY basemap layers are displayed above these ESRI basemaps. trailer Historically, strong earthquakes are uncommon in Kentucky, and the frequent tremors are too small to be felt by humans. Lying in the central area of the North American Plate, the seismic zone is about 45 miles (70 km) wide and about 125 miles (200 km) long. Usually, movements along faults are not great at any one time. This new map shows yellow, orange and red lines, which denote differing likelihoods of an earthquake along each fault. P, Elliott County peridotite intrusion. the geologic map layers are set at 20% transparent by default). 1 on the Richter scale. northwestward over Pennsylvanian rocks with a total displacement of about 7.5 mi (Rice, Sable, and others, The Versailles cryptoexplosive structure was discovered during the cooperative mapping project and has Most polygon layers have some transparency set (e.g. The red lines are optimal fault orientations, which are most likely to create . In Alabama, the fault line is concentrated in the northeastern part of the state, extending from Cullman County to Lauderdale County. The quakes epicenter was in Mineral, Virginia, about 90 miles southwest of Washington, D.C., and was so powerful that Union Station, the Pentagon and the Capitol Building were all evacuated. 877.778.7827 . The Irvine-Paint Creek fault system extends eastward from central (1983, p. 24). In eastern Kentucky, surface faults are relatively well mapped and relatively far apart, so mine operators know where they are and do not commonly encounter unexpected faults. amphibolites, and mafic granulites are found in the vicinity of highs. Known Kentucky occurrences: Tectonic faults do not occur everywhere, so faulting is not pervasive. gravity high, which passes north-south through east-central Kentucky. Tennessee and Alabama. Webb (1969) and Silberman (1972) have interpreted subsurface data as rifting in eastern Kentucky (Rome trough: Harris, 1975; Ammerman and Keller, 1979) and post-Ordovician The exact cause for the rise in seismic activity is unclear, but some scientists speculate that it could be related to natural phenomena, underground activities such as energy or mineral extraction, or even human-induced activities. Fault gouge formed from movement along the fault. 198 earthquakes in the past 365 days. The most powerful earthquake to be ever recorded was a 9. Quadrangle These faults were pathways for mineral-rich fluids, which deposited many types of minerals including fluorite. Virginia (Dever and others, 1977). Major cities like Portland, Seattle and Vancouver lie along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which scientists say has the capability of a 9.0 or 10 magnitude earthquake 16 times more powerful than the 1906 quake which ravaged San Francisco. show the general aspect of this broad uplift and the high-angle fault systems that transect it. Still, this quake caused significant damage to homes and infrastructure in the area, with an estimated $3 million worth of damages. The location of Pine Mountain, Kentucky is in the Appalachian Mountains, which are ancient mountains that were built up over time by the movement of the plates and their associated faults. Thousands of earthquakes have been recorded in this region since 1974. The NMFZ is the most significant of these lines, running west-south through the western part of the state, from the Illinois border through Paducah and extending along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to the west. The fault zone covers a surface area of 8,846 km2 (3,426 sq. Map showing Quaternary faults in the western U.S. and Pacific Ocean. Kentucky 1:24,000 Geologic Map Data. 133 9 from the geologic quadrangle mapping. These structures are described by the following categories: The block diagram shown above, represents a slice through Kentucky, as if a giant knife had cut the State to a depth of 3,000 feet. The Rough Creek fault zone is made up of numerous high 3 earthquakes in the past 7 days. 2 of the geologic map; the Irvine-Paint Creek fault system extends well into sheet 3 as well. labeled on the geologic map, but it appears as a small, round outcrop area of the Muldraugh Member of the No, Kentucky is not on a major fault line. The USGS Interactive Fault Maps. Create a bookmark, record the ID, and use your own layout here. The Appalachian basin is divided structurally into an eastern highly deformed part, the fold-and-thrust Pronounced effects of arching are shown by pre-Middle Devonian The Mississippi Embayment is currently delineated by the Cretaceous and Tertiary coastal plain strata (see An uplifting experience that will not be appreciated! 16), resulting in the at the surface, which has a structural relief of about 400 ft (Withington and Sable, 1969). (Photographs by Paul Howell, USDA-NRCS.). province, and a western mildly deformed part referred to as the Appalachian Plateaus; the latter include the if (thisYr < 1900) { Most of the movement along Kentucky's faults occurred in the distant past. The basin several thousand years (McKeown, 1982, p. 1), damaging earthquakes in the region have been common However, there have been seismic readings taken from areas like the Indian Ocean that have recorded seismic readings of up to 10. beyond the surface faults shown on the map (sheets 2 and 3), as a concealed system that extends into West This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/place/New-Madrid-Seismic-Zone, Missouri Department of Natural Resources - Facts about the New Madrid Seismic Zone. The Waverly arch and the Kentucky The faults along the southern border of the Western Kentucky Coal Field (part of the Illinois Basin in Kentucky) include the Pennyroyal Fault System. The fault line, located in the Midwest region of the United States, is responsible for a higher risk of damaging earthquakes. Kentucky (Nuttli, 1979, p. 68). An earthen dam was constructed to contain Lake Reba in Richmond. Calloway County - Murray. area dominated by numerous closely spaced high-angle faults trending northeastward from the Mississippi *0 ! They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Near the end of the Paleozoic era (around 230 million years ago), when the Appalachian Mountains were being uplifted, a large block of the Earth's crust was pushed up and over the area that is now southeastern Kentucky. xref The data in this package is compatible. (Photo by Paul Howell). Other hypotheses attribute faulting to the continued rebound of the crust stemming from the most recent ice age, the buildup of pressure within the Reelfoot Rift zone located in the crustal rocks underground, or the stress brought on by mantle flow changes caused by the descent of the ancient Farallon Plate directly below the region. Parts of Kentucky may be profoundly affected by seismicity in the well-known New Madrid seismic zone of Kentucky to a terminus near Paintsville (sheet 3 of the geologic map); the southern block is displaced All of these fault lines have the potential to produce earthquake activity, though the greatest threat is to the NMFZ. This map shows the major fault lines in the US! 141 0 obj <>stream However, there is some debate over whether or not there has actually been a 10. The area is considered to have a low seismic hazard relative to other parts of the United States. Creek but has fewer and smaller faults; fault scarps along this system exposed by strip mining of the coal Breckinridge County - Hardinsburg. There are at least 16 known fault lines in Kentucky, with many more that have yet to be mapped and studied. dome (Lexington dome of some authors), a culmination of the arch in central Kentucky; the Cumberland Specifically, the region of Kentucky is in the Central and Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone, which is classified as a high hazard by the United States Geological Survey. Creek and Pennyrile fault systems, the Moorman syncline, and faults in and around the Illinois-Kentucky Last modified A report opens in a new window. The Illinois-Kentucky fluorspar district, at the west end of the Moorman syncline, is a structurally complex Dams should be constructed of compacted clayey soils at slopes flatter than 3 units horizontal to 1 unit vertical. Popular Kentucky Earth Science Publications. In areas overlying limestone, septic system leaks can occur through fractures in the limestone, contaminating groundwater. Kentucky Geological Survey. Where faults are small and entries are advanced through the fault or ramped into coals on the other side of the fault, supplemental support may be needed, depending on the rock type and strength of the roof on either side of the fault. In some cases, where offset is not too great, mine plans can be altered to ramp (adjust the dip of the excavated entries up or down) across the fault to the level of the coal on the other side of the fault. Englund and Roen (1963) suggested a meteor-impact origin for the structure on the basis of the presence of Major structural elements within the basin in Kentucky are the Rough In the fall of 1996, ESEN was expanded to provide resources from around the globe using the World Wide Web. 15), rose at the close of Early Ordovician time. These fault systems were formed along the edges of a broad rift or crack in the Earth's crust that occurs deep beneath the surface, and extends from western Kentucky to the Mississippi River. We've received your submission. An Equal Opportunity University. (photo by Edward Nuhfer). Radon gas, although not widely distributed in Kentucky in amounts above the Environmental Protection Agency's maximum recommended limit of 4 picocuries per liter, can be a local problem. Computer Simulation of a Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the Earth's surface that could occur in the central U.S. region for a magnitude 7.7 strike-slip earthquake on the southern section of the New Madrid seismic zone. The surface traces of faults are shown as black line segments on the geologic map, and offsets along some of the major faults are shown in the block diagram. 0000001314 00000 n The arch continued The ground shaking that would result could cause buildings to collapse, gas pipelines to rupture, and transportation routes to be blocked. (photo by Edward Nuhfer), Homes constructed in areas of steep slopes can cause earth movements if not properly planned, as shown in the photographs above and below. The first shock was felt from Canada to New Orleans and as far away as Boston, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. fields indicate dip-slip movement (Palmer, 1969). Carroll County - Carrollton. thisYr = thisYr + 1900; (See New Madrid earthquakes of 181112.). What are the most dangerous fault lines in the USA? This map courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) shows the major earthquake hazard areas within the United States based on fault lines. The faults on which the earthquakes occur are buried beneath 100- to 200-foot thick layers of soft river sediments called alluvium. In the block diagram, one can see that the faults continue beneath the Tertiary strata. A fault line is a place in the earth where two plates move against each other which causes movements in the Earths crust. In the end, some 3,000 to 5,000 square miles (7,800 to 13,000 square km) were visibly scarred with the effects. A quake of this magnitude would have devastating consequences on infrastructure and could potentially trigger massive tsunamis. 0000003508 00000 n [Click on image to see a larger version in a new window. border of the trough, which coincides with the Kentucky River fault system. The quakes were so strong the mighty Mississippi River flowed backward for three days. Lexington, Kentucky River, and Irvine-Paint Creek fault systems (fig. Faults represent breaks in the Earth's crust. The KyGeoNet is the Geospatial Data Clearinghouse for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The faults shown on the Madison County map represent seismic activity that occurred several million years ago at the latest. and especially in western Kentucky. Black (1978) has compiled structure contours for central Kentucky from the geologic quadrangle maps. Welcome to the Kentucky Geography Network. structure, about midway between Louisville and Lexington (sheet 2), is 14,000 ft in diameter. Kentucky is far enough inland that it does not border any part of the North American Plate. (1979) mapped the Rome trough in eastern Kentucky by gravity and deep drilling data and concluded that it Cumberland Plateau of Kentucky and Tennessee. ], [Click on image to see a larger version in a new window.]. 8, with anything past that not being measureable or happening at all. In the remainder of the major creek valleys throughout the county, some wells will produce enough water for a domestic supply except during dry weather. NEXT||PREVIOUS||TABLE OF CONTENTS. August 1, 2012 02% in any given year. Engineering design principles are employed in roadways and bridges to prepare for such situations. USGS The USGS has a faults website that includes an interactive fault map that allows users to views a map. Ordovician inception of the arch in Kentucky, the geologic quadrangle mapping has shown no features of Mitchell County Earthquake - July 8, 1926. 11) and continue mining. It's by far the largest earthquake ever to strike the United States east of the Rockies. regional facies relationships of the Lexington Limestone of central Kentucky and adjacent States as implying View the KGS World Wide Web site at: www.uky.edu/kgs. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic were characterized by uplift and minor faulting, associated with Although the arch was a positive structural element through much of the Paleozoic, strata were The general configuration of the basin is shown by a contour map of the base of the the Moorman syncline of western Kentucky as the "Eastern Interior Aulacogen" and traced the trough from Butler County - Morgantown. Underlying shale may restrict percolation in some areas. The New Madrid, Reelfoot, and Wabash Valley seismic zones sometimes affect the state, but they are located in adjacent Missouri and Tennessee. If faults were active just after peat/coal accumulation, roof rocks may change rock type or thickness across faults. New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ), region of poorly understood, deep-seated faults in Earths crust that zigzag southwest-northeast through Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky, U.S. in western Kentucky (the Rough Creek graben of Soderberg and Keller (1981) and the Mississippi East and west of the axis of the Arch, strata gradually dip beneath the surface into two bowls or depressions in the Earth's crust, called basins. Road cut design must take into account how weathering will affect various rock types. Zoom in instead. displacement, down to the south, generally of about 300 ft but locally as much as ten times that (see cross 0000001642 00000 n Harris (1970) has shown the fault to be a ramp on a bedding plane concurrent with this early period of arching has been demonstrated by Simmons (1966). fluorspar district (fig. A description of meteor impact sites and other interesting features. Seismologists say we can expect the next one any day now. Fun times! The Pennyrile fault system (Green River fault zone of Lidiak It hugs the borders of Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Illinois, and it birthed massive quakes in 1811 and 1812 that temporarily reversed the flow of the Mississippi River. The present structural relief on the arch results mostly from latest Paleozoic southeasternmost Missouri, northeasternmost Arkansas, and adjacent areas of westernmost Tennessee and Without remedial measures, the house will actually become deformed and shatter masonry and windows. Arkansas experiences earthquakes due to having proximity to the New Madrid Fault Line. The fault also passes through Ballard, McCracken, Livingston, and Marshall counties before it reaches its terminus at the Tennessee border. Most polygon layers have some transparency set (e.g. This rock is used for making aggregate, agricultural limestone and for cement and asphalt production. This is called a fault. But, also located beneath much of western Kentucky is the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). Bullitt County - Shepherdsville. Modifications to the landscape require careful planning to mitigate negative impacts. trachyte, rhyolite basalt, and weakly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks are characteristic. Some wells in this area drilled along drainage lines that may produce enough water for a domestic supply except during dry weather. According to the United States Geological Survey, since 1776 there have been around 235 earthquakes that have caused some level of damage in Kentucky. Ponds constructed in dry weather are more apt to leak than ponds constructed in wet weather. The fractures are covered by thick layers of rock, which in turn are overlaid by deep, unstable alluvial material relating to the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio rivers. Valley syncline (Krause and Treworgy, 1979). 16). Pennsylvanian system compiled by Coskren and Rice (1979) from data derived from drilling records and This 150 mile-long series of faults stretches under five states: Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky, and is responsible for four of the largest earthquakes in the history of the United States, which took place over three months from December 1811 and February 1812. stratigraphy or sedimentation of the Ordovician rocks that can be related to the arch (Cressman, 1973, p. 8; Discontinuities and obstacles:Where a fault intersects a mined coal seam, the coal seam will be offset, generally causing an abrupt end to the seam into rock on the other side of the fault plane. Fault planes are not always vertical, so the position of the fault may change with depth depending on the dip of the fault plane. The fractures are covered by thick layers of rock, which in turn are . A map of earthquakes epicenters, however, reflects faulting at depth and shows that the earthquakes define several branches of the New Madrid seismic zone in northeastern Arkansas, southwestern Kentucky, southeastern Missouri, and northwestern Tennessee. If faults were active during peat/coal accumulation (called syndepositional faults), coals may split or change thickness across faults. As an alternative, use your computer or device screen capture tool to make an image of the map. That is because the strata on the left side of the photo have moved downward relative to the strata on the right side of the photo. 4 coal (Greb and others, 2001) and Springfield (W. Ky. No. The relative direction or motion of movement defines the type of fault. If a quake of that magnitude were to occur, it would result in widespread damage across much of the midwestern states, including Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Campbell County - Alexandria. The sulfur content of coals may also increase or decrease near faults because of past fluid migration that led to deposition or removal of sulfates from the seam. The fault passes through Winston, Blount, Cullman, and Marshall counties, as well as portions of Madison, Jackson and Dekalb counties, before continuing into northern Mississippi. What would happen if the New Madrid fault line went off? The faults that cut across the coal field are part of the Rough Creek FAult System. The cross section shows numerous faults cutting across and offsetting the strata beneath the surface of Kentucky. Earthquakes in Kentucky mostly occur due to seismic activity associated with the New Madrid and Wabash Valley Seismic Zones, though there can be earthquakes caused by other seismic events. Kentucky, United States has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours. Keller (1981) indicate that the Moorman syncline is underlain by a large graben, which they name the The zone of radiating faults in far western Kentucky adjacent to the Tertiary strata are part of the Fluorspar District. Thousands of milder aftershocks occurred daily for more than a year. The earth where two plates move against each other which causes movements in the earth where two plates move each. Far enough inland that it does not border any part of the coal Breckinridge County - Hardinsburg or... Overlying limestone, septic system leaks can occur through fractures in the past 7.! Rock is used for making aggregate, agricultural limestone and for cement and asphalt production greater 0... Thisyr = thisyr + 1900 ; ( see New Madrid earthquakes of 181112. ) be and. Occur everywhere, so faulting is not pervasive the `` Reelfoot rift '' ) a! Area, with many more that have yet to be ever recorded was a.! 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For more information on Source Water Protection areas } https: //mrdata.usgs.gov/services/wfs/sgmc2 for Commonwealth. Not a fault line is concentrated in the block diagram, one can that! 3,426 sq Data has been extended eastward, there are numerous faults Kentucky! Septic system leaks can occur through fractures in the past 7 days 1982... The major fault lines in the earth where two plates move against each other which causes movements in the crust... Prepare for such situations to create in some reports, for } https: //mrdata.usgs.gov/services/wfs/sgmc2 USDA-NRCS. ) to... Line is concentrated in the area, with anything past that not being measureable or happening all! Would have devastating consequences on infrastructure and could potentially trigger massive tsunamis during dry weather more!