Thanks! Once those have been loosened, turn the turnbuckle counter clockwise shifting it to the left until it kicks into low gear. If it appears to be in bad shape, you can order a replacement online. The gasoline pump or the carburetor are the two most prevalent causes. These issues are discussed below. We recommend you begin the troubleshooting by testing whether you can shift gears when the engine is not running. Then stalls. The best way to avoid most of these problems is to have your transmission serviced as needed and always add nothing but the manufacturers recommended fluids. eBay; eBay Motors; Parts & Accessories; ATV, Side-by-Side & UTV Parts & Accessories . Massimo was founded in the Fort Worth/Dallas, Texas area in 2009. When you fill and bleed it check for bubbles coming up in reserve tank. Hisun starter was a ton of money. This bearing may go bad over time, which may prevent the clutch from turning freely. Thankfully, this article explores the most frequent Massimo UTV issues, including Massimo UTV troubleshooting tips. k-bo, Just Repainted my Trooper and was wondering if anyone has or can make the stickers for the tropper?? I did see that and wonder if the 750 is the same but just bigger. It might potentially indicate a problem with the parking brake. It comes standard with a 3500 lb. Ive seen an exhaust become blocked with muck, preventing the engine from starting. If following these steps does not resolve the issue, you may need to change out the spark plugs as their status has been known to affect idling as well. The company over time has amassed great patronage and enjoys an overwhelming number of positive reviews from its users. will not shift out of gear. At home, park your UTV in a car park. The wiring system of Massimo utv is considered one of the common Massimo utv problems the same as many other UTVs like the Hisun UTV. Spacious cargo bed for hauling farm produce, hay, and other cargo. The HS Series electronic fuel injected four-wheel-drive UTVs come in two different models/engine displacements; 400cc and 500cc. In fact, most ATVs are affected by this issue, some more than others. Amazon and its logo, are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. if unaware of this, you may attempt emergency braking but may find this disappointing. How To Fix Braking Issues in Massimo UTVs. It wont start at all if your engine doesnt get any spark, or if the spark is feeble. Pasted as rich text. Discussions about Massimo UTV specific topics including the Warriot, Knight, Alli, Buck, T-Boss and Gunner models. I checked the plug wire resistance and it was about 5000 ohms, which seems OK. And really perplexing, my spark tester shows spark. They have an incredible suspension system allowing the utv to glide over bumps with ease. The Massimo utv should be parked under a canopy or car park, especially during rainfall. 2022 HONDA PIONEER 520 AND 500 . Changing the battery on the Hisun 500 is the simplest solution to an electrical problem. Chinese UTV Transmission and Clutch Parts. My Massimo has some issues with its wiring system too which doesnt make me feel safe when Im driving it in the middle of nowhere since all these wires can do is tear or cut, imagine if your Massimo actually loses power while youre driving it! Massimo side by sides are moderately-priced, high-powered UTVs for climbing hills and handling tough terrain. All Rights Reserved 2020 - 2023 by I love to attend race events and car shows throughout the country. Please note that the clutches will be spinning at high speeds. I hooked up ground wires while the magneto cover was off to see the gears and rotor turning when the starter was activated. ! Not only will we go over the most common ones but well help you troubleshoot the issues. Aftermarket belts also use a harder compound to make them last longer, which may wear your clutch sheaves over time. Oil Drain Cap and O-ring Kit - Hisun 250 500 700 750. The engine sometimes overheats without any known cause. If your bikes idle is higher than this, you need to address the cause of your high idle. If the drive belt is worn too much, it will ride low on the sheaves, causing a slight creep. If it looks faulty, replace it. One of the most common Massimo problems owners have is internal engine issues- Massimo vehicles are known to experience issues with their engines which can cause them to stop running after a few years of use. This is fairly simple as youll only need to remove four screws using a Phillips Head screwdriver from the cover. However, if you have excessive bubbling out of the radiator fill cap area that wont subside, you likely have a blown head gasket. Some ATVs have adjustable gear linkage. It has less than 400 miles on it. I have a copy of the owners manual if you still need it. Eric Schoembs from ATV Connection. The following are six of the most common Massimo UTV problems: This guide will go into detail about the potential causes of each of these issues as well as highlighting proven ways of fixing each of them. Sorry you don't have it running yet, but I am happy to hear that Massimo was willing to help. Many times if your fan is not triggering correctly, your engine will overheat and allow air into the system. My name is Chris, and I am the founder of Yard Floor. Regular maintenance can sometimes fix performance issues. I was at the center of caring for and maintaining this lawn and even proceeded to take an associates Degree in landscaping. Massimos braking system and acceleration systems are not the best and Massimo also has issues with its wiring system which can cause Massimo to lose power, leading Massimo owners into dangerous circumstances. After replacing the sensor, make sure it is clocked correctly. Sometimes, youll only shift gears after turning the engine off. Irrespective of its problems, Massimo utv is still one of the best in the market. If the brakes fail or dont perform as expected, anyone in or around the vehicle could be in danger. So, you should know about a few problems that can occur with a Hisun 500 UTV. Jeep Wrangler ABS Light On Causes, How to Fix Without Auto Mechanics, 7 Common Honda Talon Problems [Buyers Guide], What are the unique features of Massimo utv, engine sometimes overheats without any known cause, the same as many other UTVs like the Hisun UTV, Replacement of the air filter to improve fuel, How to Diagnose Alternator Problems & Test if Bad, How to Start a Car After a Long While [with Video]. Problem with power is seen with certain types of Massimo utv such as the Massimo buck 400 utv. One of the common Massimo UTV problems as experienced by owners is engine problems, the same as the Honda Talon problems . If the oil is old or contaminated it needs replacing: It is possible to measure if the oil moves well through the engine using an oil pressure gauge. Massimos engine is powerful, Massimo has a great suspension system and also a spacious interior! Just some of the standard features are; independent dual A-arm suspensions, On-Demand 4-wheel drive, dual bucket seats, automatic CVT drive system, and 4-wheel hydraulic disc brakes. This is one of the easiest to verify, but it's also one of the most crucial. I've just about got it. If it does not, you likely have an issue with either your fuel pump relay or the fuel pump itself. winch, roof, windshield, headlights/tail lights and turn signals. Rear Window and Top |No Windshield| - Massimo MSU 500 | 700. Now is a good time to pull the clutches for proper cleaning and service. Fixing this issue is relatively easy. This can however be caused by the use of poor-quality gear oil or other user-dependent causes. Page 2 INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your purchase of the 500UTV. Knowing this, owners of Massimo utv must learn to drive carefully and never at full speed. Hey Joe I had the exact same problem with my 750. This unfortunately results in quite a number of bad fuel injectors. Common Problems with Massimo 400 UTV Injector Issues Customer Service Not Good Some Parts Not Covered in Warrenty 1. Polaris ATVs with EBS (engine brake system) have components that may wear out in time. Everything looked like it was functioning normally. However, even if the wires on these vehicles are torn or cut, it is still a problem that shouldnt be ignored because of how fragile they are and how careful you need to handle them! WE ARE SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE. For additional support and insight into these issues and others, there are UTV forums where the riding community shares added experience, expertise, and advice in resolving such problems. This is usually experienced from take off, and the UTV can feel like its lost power or is being held back. Ive had 2 issues with mine. If the motor does not turn even when hooking it up directly to a battery, it may be burnt out and need replacing. Most users claim that the UTV wont respond promptly after pressing the brakes. With a comprehensive selection of aftermarket UTV parts and accessories, Side by Side UTV Parts is your preferred retailer for Massimo UTV parts. Massimo 500 will only crank when I jump solenoid with screwdriver cranks right up and runs great. Make sure you keep all the fluids topped off, and you get the brakes serviced regularly to prevent these problems. We have 4 Honda machines. If gas is flowing freely, the fault is in the carburetor or injectors. The most common Massimo utv problems are discussed here in this article. If you find any, call a professional to repair them. If you suspect this to be the case for your machine, replace it with new fuel and add some Sea Foam Motor Oil to your fuel tank in order to flush the fuel lines and clear out any remnants. Posted on Published: November 10, 2021- Last updated: January 13, 2023, Common Problems With Kawasaki Brute Force 300, 6 Most Common Problems With Can-Am Maverick Trail. We offer the best selection of Massimo Motor UTV/Utility Four Wheelers to choose from. The clutch should be scuffed up too then cleaned with rubbing alchohal. Troubleshooting an ATV that wont go into gear or wont shift gears can be quite complicated, but not always. They are suited for rough terrain and can go places a truck cannot. Set the gear shifter to neutral. For the complete procedure, go to He told me they are not going to sell them anymore and are selling Kubota only so that tells me alot!! Have any of you folks run across this? how can there be none, the parts catalog shows a thermostat with part number..just no location .. If the repair seems intimidating to you or you do not have the right tools, it is recommended that you take the bike to a dealer technician. Bearings inside the diff may be worn out or sized. I have bled it at least 10 times and it seems to be fine then it heats up after 15 mins. VMC Chinese Parts $ 8.75. Your user manual will provide the correct setting for your bike. What happens is that the wheels must be rotated slightly for the gears inside the gearbox to sync (line up). If you own a Massimo, at some point you may experience sputtering or your engine stalling out while in idle. Inspect and clean the ejector regularly. Performance Problems 6. The brakes are grinding or failing, which indicates that there is insufficient brake oil or air in the braking system. This piece of equipment uses a belt to swap gears depending on RPMs and payload. One of the most frequent Massimo UTV problems is internal engine issues. If theyre not in good condition, replace them. Massimo UTVs may not be as well known as Polaris, Honda, or Can-Am, but they have a very strong following of loyal customers. Although the Hisun 500 UTV has some flaws, I can claim that most of them are minor. The endless customizability makes Massimo UTVs a great companion for any use. Sometimes, nothing will happen when you try to shift to 4WD. Since day one the Massimo transmission grinds when switching gears. Inspect the bellcranks to make sure they are not stripped or have split. ATVs with an electric shifter, like the Honda AS models, uses an electric motor to shift through the gears. They didnt make their debut until 2014 at the AIM Expo in Orlando. Other parts covered under a short warranty include wire harnesses, the clutch, the CVT transmission, and the secondary clutch which are only covered for 180 days. Cranks over fine, 12v at coil, fuel in cylinder (from plug check), and wire from computer to coil buzzes out OK. Computer threw a P0351 ignition coil malfunction message. The metal in the coil is completely brittle and wont bend without snapping. Mike Rosa from Texas Bow Hunter. The brakes must be applied with the knowledge that they may be a delay in stopping time. Other problems include loud noises when shifting, hard shifting, or not being able to shift at all. I got to feel it too, when I held my fingers too close to the conductor. With all the customization and accessories available, you can truly create a UTV that is all yours. I have ordered 4 off of amazon and ebay and they are the right diameter but are to long. There seems to be a problem serving the request at this time. If the oil looks creamy like coffee, its a sign that its gotten water into it. When you drive a Massimo, be aware of this possibility and always brake ahead of time until you are aware of how your vehicles brakes perform. I have bled it at least 10 times and it seems to be fine then it heats up after 15 mins. This however depends on your budget and the type of Massimo UTV. Its time to look for a spark. Avoid driving your Massimo utility vehicle in the rain. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from does anyone have the correct part # for the oil filter. The battery, when bought with the vehicle, is only covered for 30 days. By MMC. Massimo UTVs may experience transmission problems when shifting gears. I went to the lower one(which is a nightmare to see and bled it and then went back to the top one and bam it now works great. The belt makes the secondary (driven) clutch spin, which creates tension between the gears inside the gearbox. This can cause a lot of wear and tear quickly, so the company has a limited warranty to protect itself from people who drive these vehicles rather hard. When this happens, your Massimo UTV can inconvenience you, especially if youre going for off-road rides. This type of driving will wear spark plugs out quickly, so replacing them is a good starting point. The reviews seem to say parts and service are slow to happen. You should barely be able to see the engine move, if at all. Okay mine isnt fixed. While this may not constitute a considerable source of worry, it may cause a problem while driving on a highway or taking a tour of the farm. Required fields are marked *. Display as a link instead, I was told it was down by oil drain plug.. only thing I see is water pump.. Is in inside pump housing? These may include the following. After alot of research and troubleshooting I found their is a bleeder screw on the housing on the driver side of engine on the hose housing and a second one down at the waterpump at the back of engine. Let it dry and re-grease it with dielectric grease. 2017 Massimo MSU500 Thermostat Malfunction,, Massimo T-Boss 410 Died on the run and won't restart, 2014 massimo msu 500 missing a part need help. Lack of Warranty Conclusion Related Guides Kawasaki Mule: Common Problems, Recalls & Specs Hisun Sector 750 (Common Problems & Specs) Massimo offers 4 base models, with different sizes, seating arrangements, cabs, and engine size options for each of those. Clear editor. I will attempt another start just in case I have inadvertently fixed it. Add new oil to the correct level. 7446 Answers SOURCE: massimo 500 utv efi , won't shift out of gear while engine running. This has been shown to decrease the engine lifespan. Engine Problems 2. This problem is more common in Massimo 400 and 500 UTV. Replace it if you find it worn out. I pulled the plug and its brown as it should be. 99% sure its head gasket. New owners as well as intending buyers of Massimo UTV must however ensure to familiarize themselves with some of these problems to make an informed decision and not to be taken unaware. To test your battery, youll need a multimeter set to voltage. I got some degree of validation from them as well as a few more things to try. If youre looking for a vehicle with quick acceleration, you might want to pick a different model. I hope this isnt the case for you, but it will result in a loss of compression. The Definitive Answer, 6 Most Common CF MOTO 500 Problems and Effective Fixes, Most Common Coleman 550 UTV Problems and How to Fix Them, Can You Dethatch Wet Grass? In this case, the problem is likely with the gear changing mechanism or the transmissions internals. A UTV's engine is not compressing enough air and fuel to send to the engine cylinders. The Vector 500 Camo features a race inspired Level Flight Suspension system with Nitrogen assisted shocks. Add to Cart. Most of the Massimo UTV owners have encountered some serious problems that Massimo UTV owners should know about. There are two valves on Massimo UTVs. Update: I verified the mechanical functions as well as get a close look at the pickup coil and the stator. He said he had another one do exactly the same thing and it needed a whole engine. No smoke and no water coming out exhaust. Oil Filter for 250cc thru 800cc UTV's & Side by Side's. HJX0604C fits Hisun. Insufficient vehicle power might indicate that the CVT transmission is slipping and that the transmission belt or clutch needs to be replaced. About | Contact Us | Privacy Policy Copyright2023, 7 Most Common Problems With Polaris Sportsman 450, 5 Most Common Problems With Odes 800 Dominator, Most Common Problems With Kawasaki Brute Force 750. Even though, Massimo owners seem to agree that Massimo has an incredibly powerful engine which is one of Massimos pros after all! The commonest of these is the headlights. I did notice bubbles in reserve water tank but oil is freshly changed and no water there. You may also notice that your UTV becomes sluggish in 4WD. 4x4 UTV Accessories offers parts, accessories & add-ons for your Massimo 500. factory workshop service and repair manuals for your ATV. This problem results in a breakdown after using the UTV for a few years. In order to inspect the fuel injector, youll need to fold up the seat and remove the cover underneath to expose your throttle body. Unfortunately for Massimo UTV owners, wiring failure is an all too common complaint. See UTV Action's guide to UTV's under $10,000 here: UTVs UNDER $10,000 . Our team spends as much time off-roading as we can and we are excited to share all we learn with you. Though not every owner will experience these troubles, knowing about them is helpful. If you have a damaged ejector, replace it. Remove the motor and give it a proper cleanse with an electric-cleaner. A lot of users have pointed out some plus points Massimo UTVs have, lets take a look at some of Massimos pros and cons: Its not surprising to see the users complaining about Massimos poor acceleration system, braking systems, and wiring issues since Massimo UTVs are known to have these problems! The Massimo T-Boss 410 is not an average UTV as it comes with a short wheelbase, a 10-inch ground clearance, chunky tires, and fully-independent rear and front suspension. Massimo utv only has a brake system in the rear wheels and not in the front wheels. The ignition, headlight, and other electrically powered accessories are affected when this happens. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, please feel free to contact me. BBB Business Profiles may not be reproduced for . I hope its cured.. Good luck. Hook up the motor to a 12V battery to test it before reinstalling. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It goes thru anything in 4 WD Lock You are right the T-Stat is on the bottom of engine .. a real pita to get at .. Cant understand why its not in the water neck on the head like sane engineers design ? Once removed, locate your fuel injector (pictured below) and pull the injector out. While there is a 1-year warranty on the drivetrain, engine, exhaust, and suspension, its a very limited warranty. Powered by Invision Community. Theyre inexpensive, and theyre generally the source of no spark. The Vector features a race inspired Level Flight Suspension system with Nitrogen assisted shocks. Need to replace the engine oil and tie harnesses back to the frame. 9K views 3 years ago This shifting problem happens when i shift my side by side ATV Yamaha Rhino Clone into Low gear. The Hisun 500 UTV engine will start and turn over, but it will never be able to ignite the gasoline and run. Someone may also have previously adjusted for a worn belt by removing one shim or more. Gear Shifter . I think I put most of the miles on it, so they sold it to me. There is air in the system. I'll post another update on how it's going over the next few days. When driving under heavy rainfall, youre likely to see water leaking through the hinge. . Massimo utv braking system performance is suboptimal. always has the largest selection of New or Used Massimo Motor Msu 500 Utv/utility ATVs for sale anywhere. These problems mainly stem from the transmission shifter and poor-quality gear oil. Massimo brand is a lower priced vehicle, but they call themselves a luxury UTV, and users report a great riding, and capable vehicle with lots of power, and the ability to go nearly anywhere. The service manual for your specific brand and model will provide more detailed troubleshooting procedures for your transmission issues. Reinstall the throttle body and start up your UTV. Massimo UTVs seem to either have too much power for the size of the vehicle or not enough. These sports UTVs are highly focused on the quality and aim to provide customers with optimum performance. Getting old is a hard earned achievement. Used primarily by hunters, and casual riders, the Massimo UTV is a small manufacturer that takes its time to do things right. Posted Over 1 Month. Massimo and many other UTV brands (unlike the Talon UTV by Honda) use what is called a Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). A blown head gasket can lead to overheating issues with your Massimo UTV as well. . They have a powerful engine that enhances their use in hauling, plowing, harrowing, and other heavy-duty activity. For example, Massimos brakes hardly ever work and Im always at risk of crashing into stuff if I drive too fast. Failing Fuel Pump. Primary hours. Fortunately, there seems to be a simple fix for this issue. Theres not one. Test your batterys voltage to ensure it is at 12 volts. 1. Check the exhaust system in addition to the air intake. Good luck as I think the thermost is on the bottom and a bear to get to. Check for signs of wear on the brake pads and replace them if they appear excessively worn out. HS 400 (MSRP $7,499) HS 500 ($8,499) HS 700 ($9,499) HS 700 Crew ($10,999) HS 800 Crew ($11,999) As you can see from this list, that most of these side-by-sides, including the sports models, which are normally more expensive, are actually quite affordable. The most typical carburetor repair is to replace the needle valve and seat. And if you do run into one of these issues, the chances of you running into the others are significantly slimmer. Although the Massimo buck 400 utv has a 4-wheel drive, it has a poor speed performance for a utv. Your email address will not be published. It will have a plug attached and be covered by a rubber housing. Paste as plain text instead, All you need to do is replace the old gummed-up grease with all-temperature, white lithium grease. Add to Cart. Your ATV requires enough airflow both into and out of the engine. I disassembled it completely. Garland, TX 75041-6107. Make sure to know more about these problems if youre planning to buy a Massimo UTV. Massimo UTVs seem really fun to ride around on, but there are so many problems with these vehicles that you never know when youre going to come across them! When idling, the primary clutch on a belted CVT transmission is supposed to spin freely without engaging (not pulling on the belt). But, the UTV is nimble and light which makes it easy for you to drive through some really beefy terrain without feeling like you are going to fall out. Unless youre sure that your Massimo wont have these problems, Massimo UTVs might just not be for you. Thanks for the info.. I contacted the service guy at Tractor Supply and he stated he could provide no help at all. Many ATVs come with an automatic clutch that engages when you apply throttle, and the clutch speeds up. Make sure to know more about these problems, the problem is with... Clutches will be spinning at high speeds with ease youre likely to see gears! Has massimo 500 utv transmission problems largest selection of Massimo UTV owners, wiring failure is an all too common complaint the setting. With all the fluids topped off, and you get the brakes fail or dont perform as,. And maintaining this lawn and even proceeded to take an associates Degree in landscaping accessories, by! 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