James Potter stole Regulus brother right out from under him without even a word in his direction. But when they were marked for death they sent Emily away to protect her.When Emily started showing signs of magical abilities, her adopted parents got creeped out and decided to look for any relatives they could find: the Dursleys.Fast forward, Harry and Emily dont know the truth. I only own the Oc's Harry now has to deal with the house being ostracized from with in the one being singled out. Prisoner Of Azkaban: Possibly will be here Thinking Thoughts, the band that everyone saw coming. A quick glimpse at the life of Remus, Sirius, and an overly excited, vegetable throttling Harry. I say so and my word is The Truth. Or: How many different ways can one group of people fall in and out of love? Gods Moony, Sirius moaned and Remus lips latched onto his neck. it just further proves my Weasley to let Harry stay at the Burrow during Christmas. You and your best friend Draco started school at Hogwarts the most prestigious school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you get sorted in Slytherin but that is no surprise, but another annoying wizard does too Aemond Targaryen. His life, his freedom, and every good memory he had ever clung to. Sirius waited until he heard the front door shut before he all but leapt over the table and tackled Remus in a kiss. Everybody has a line in which they will not cross, and will not bend. Request a thing, if you'd like. Now though now I am going to be the end of you., ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. When crippling loss makes it harder and harder to get out of bed each morning, Sirius comes across a man with a guitar and a voice that lightens the grey scrim over life just enough to matter. Por qu todo el poder concentrado en una sola familia? bueno te pregunto Realmente creas que con un Ministerio y Albus Dumbledore, el poder no estaba destinado a unos pocos? Cherry pop rocks, too-tight pants, and a road trip across the U.S. Failure is just a stepping stone to success. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. On a whim, he enters the Great British Bake Off and is swept up in a flurry of curdled custard, shrunken souffle, and under-proved dough. He , After an outraged Professor McGonagall finds out that 3-year-old Harry Potter is being abused, she What if Voldemort's attack on Lily and James was to get his son back? Y/n x Hermione x Bellatrix, I do not own Harry Potter. After spending the holiday attached to one another, the two soon learn that life back at the school is not all they hoped it would be. Remus loves Sirius, and Sirius loves Remus. He is sure he will take the mark, if that means Regulus will get a chance of a better life instead of him. Regulus will do anything to make sure Sirius escapes Grimmauld Place. When his life was torn from him, the need to mend the mistakes made clawed at Remuss mind until he disrupted the meticulous plan for Harry Potter and what is expected of his own self. The Summer has ended, and Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy find themselves back on the Hogwarts Express heading into their Fifth Year. One shot in which the Marauders and friends have a pyjama party and mess around in the common room. Please read SDL before this, or things won't make sense. This is the challenge that Harry Potter and Draco M She was thought to be dead by her father and the whole world. ). Dorcas Meadowes realises that other people dont look at girls the same way she does. James and Regulus are getting married. Work Search: He made the difficult decision to give away his child due to him being an animagus.However, he wanted to keep his child close by so when the time comes he can be a true father to his child. The only person he can trust is himself because its every man for themself in the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Otherwise canon-compliant.1971 - 1995. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. "Quindi maledirai il poveretto con un lupo mannaro come guardiano?". They knew the Black family was bad, but they hadn't realized how bad. Eventually Lily,James and Peter find out and support them. Thats just the way it iscall it a law of the universe or just the way the world worksbut after four years away, Remus gets a call from Sirius asking him if he remembers a promise they made freshman year. She dared to approach Harry the first time she saw him at Kings Cross Station. Harry stood in the doorway, an empty glass in his hand as he blinked owlishly at them. Theyre obscene., Lily laughs. I've spent twelve years in Azkaban and the last year in a cave living off rats! Its his hands. Prompt: Fire (No.52)Characters: Sirius Black, Remus LupinPairing: Remus/SiriusEra: Post-PoAIn which Sirius lives in a cave and Remus gets frustrated. James loves these kinds of days when he can sit and enjoy these little moments of love unfurling in front of him. And they are on their first year at Hogwarts, now lots of questions are being raised after kids find out that The Boy Who Lived has a sister. Or, this is a sequel to 'It's a Potter Thing' and 'It's a Malfoy Thing' that follows Albus and Scorpius as they try to get back into the swing of things at Hogwarts after having the best Summer together. Something like a love story from the summer of 1978, full of Southern Cuts and Old Style, shitty motel rooms, and questionable decisions. Slytherin Skittles/City Hunter(2009 K-Drama)starringbodyguard!evan bodyguard!pandora criminal!barty criminal!dorcas detective!james detective!marlene and chaebol!regulus. "Prongs!" he looked over and smiled. Him, him and his stupid face, his stupid voice, his stupid ability to make Regulus Black fall for him, the same Regulus that is known as the schools local cold hearted bitch, the one no one except Barty and Evan has seen smile, yeah that Regulus. Very much so. A virus is spreading, infecting anything and everything in its path. Chapter titles from the musical, Hadestown. : {Nov 23 Disclaimer: After seeing the devastation of the war and losing those closest to her, Hermione finds herself transported back to 1978 amongst those she admired. Sybil Trelawney realises that not everyone gets glimpses of the future and the past. Regulus lies awake unable to sleep due to everything on his mind and by everything he means everyone, well that is if you can even consider one person everyone. As the band gains success, Remus must navigate his new friendship with Sirius under the public eye. Read at your own risk! Figuring it hurt, for some unknown reason, she let go and simply placed his hand in hers, careful not to touch the back of it. This is the third Harry Potter book (PoA) from the perspective of Remus Lupin. The Dogfather is similar and again, just great. This work's creator has chosen to moderate comments on the work. All the while keeping her deepest darkest secret securely locked away from the world. Chamber Of Secrets: currently rewriting Complete First published Apr 09, 2017 This is a story about Wolfstar (Remus x Sirius). Work Search: Found family is made from pranks, shared secrets and a little bit of trust. Turning Back Time - Wolfstar and D. by Candaice Lace Bright. They loved Harry dearly, but he always seemed to be there when they wanted a moment alone. fanfiction-gruvia-sasusaku. Freya finds herself fighting for own survival in the midst of a conflict she had wanted to stay away from with both the Dark Lord and Dumbledore intent on forcing her participation. . WARNING: UNDER REWRITING AND HEAVY EDITING In which Sirius is paranoid. Remus discovers he honestly can't live without Sirius Black. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The second part of The Old Ways. 330K 10.9K 23. Either he was sleepwalking, miraculously didnt notice us kissing, or somehow already knew we were in a relationship.. Its the kneading. The morning of the day that Harry needs to go get his supplies for Hogwarts, the Dursleys get an interesting letter inviting them to the student-family ball. Maybe hell escape. Sirius doesnt want to hear anything about joining the dark side, until Regulus life is at stake. Remus falling for Sirius, Sirius not being able to communicate feelings. Set in Harry potter's first year, only Bellatrix Black never married Rodolphus L After a particularly wretched beating from his uncle, fifteen-year-old Harry Potter is left to try and clean his gaping wounds. A Mandalorian and a Jedi? left kudos on this work! Sirius and Remus haven't seen each other in six years. James skips into the stables one day and mucks it all up. Odia che sa che far male. But Remus knows he can always count on Sirius to flip his timer back again. SiriusRemus. Otwieraj si dla niego nowe, nieznane dotd cieki i z pewnoci to dowiadczenie ma szans wiele go nauczy. On th Sequel to Son of the Dark Lord. In which Draco has to figure out how he's ended up in the body of his 1995 self (when the people he loves and cares about couldn't stand him, and he's otherwise surrounded by people he hasn't spoken to in decades). SEQUEL TO DUPLICITY. I noticed James waiting outside the door. Remus, ku swojemu zdziwieniu, zostaje nauczycielem Obrony przed Czarn Magi w Hogwarcie. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This is fo Voldemort didn't just give Harry some of his powers that night. I suppose you'll have to find out for yourself. However, he does intrigue Regulus. Tonight was the breaking point. This IS a wolfstar fic, but incredibly slow burn. After successfully managing to gain custody of Harry, Remus and Sirius have raised Harry well. Ferzy_selva, fairlawn_girl, ValeriaR, archie_parchie, heyitslara, A_Little_Finch_Said, dinattee, Galaxcydancer, Avicadi, Snowdropsunshine, perpetually__bored, Neb_113, BobsayshelloZoe, erve, alltimerejects182, AllThemAreTaken, Tes989, Gab98765, Sasha_would_like_to_sleep0, Spanni, Nagani25, mjssilpv, thuyyorang, Basscourt, Itz_darkstar, Gay_Slytherin69, rhys_carrot, kiarathecat, beAlover, noChocolateisnoSolutioneither, Nyvesser, toairythinnessbeat, British_banana_bread, stonethestral, Hsasss8, amateurd18, aaamasing, Larina16, ChiLl_DuDe, brandileigh2003, Ash_Shifting, Aprovost42, genericeboy65, SchrodingersHalfling, athansolo, deamusweasley, Happy_Nonsense, avveenrok, BooksAndCatsAreCool, Nosiddam1, and 289 more users He met McGonagall. Much to Remus' surprise, he didn't expect Black's heir to be as lovely as he is. THIS STORY IS NOT DRARRY OR After Y/N Black's mother was murdered along with the Potter's and her father was wrongfully sent to Harry runs away (Harry Potter fanfic + Wolfstar) AU. So he gave her to Lily and James. This better not go the same way it went telling his father.. A ten-year-old Harry Potter is locked out of the Dursley house and ends up being bitten by an unknown werewolf with unclear motives. The continuation of The Family that Chooses You. But it had been days since theyd even kissed. His life comes caving in on him. dracomalfoy. A collection of AU story snippets about Sirius the Godfather and his sidekick Remus the Werewolf, as they embark on their journey to raise the angsty, trouble ridden, hero of the Wizarding World. McGonagall studied Harry's worried expression for a moment before taking hold of his hand. And soon, even Remus understands that not everything is as it should be with the seemingly happy, extroverted and flirtatious rich guy, ordering drinks under funny names in front of him. Long build up but worth it I promise! Alice Fortescue helps people love their bodies and find a lover along the way. Trigger Warning: This fic will eventually show very dark sides of people, including suicidal thoughts and self harm. Tutto quello che vuole rannicchiarsi sul suo letto. Hermione returns to Hogwarts for her final year, but is not the same girl that she was at the end of her sixth year. Poor excuse for poetry and late night dancing, a trip to Vegas, and one too many honeymoon suites. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,546 - Reviews: 138 - Favs: 389 - Follows: 43 - Published: Jun 26, 2006 - Remus L., Sirius B. wolfstar remius Lily and Remus meet for cream tea, however it was up to James and Sirius to provide the strawberries. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #harrypotterfanfiction, #fanfictionharrypotter, #harrypotterfanfictions, # . [First war / lie low at Lupins. The one shots I am writing now are a lot better Remus Lupin gets hired as the opening act for his favourite band, the Marauders. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Sirius drives a 74 ford 100 and it's black (duh), General dudes being bros but they both wanna kiss so bad, Everyone gets a good punch to the face at some point in life, tagging this again bc im begging to get this girl her own name tag pleaseeee, idk how that would be handled in a magical world so i just did whatever i wanted, vague mentions and references to child abuse (hi sirius), Lily being so girlfriend before she's even girlfriend, Pandora being a mad scientist essentially, basically this is just 50k+ of Lily and Pandora working on a potion together, also myrtle (the ghost) constantly wants lily and pandora to die, the real treasure was the friends he made along the way, arthur is here for a good time not a long time, Alternate Universe - The Great British Bake Off Fusion, mcgonagall is everyone's favourite baking grandma, in this tent we treat vegans with respect, dumbledore is basically paul hollywood chaos n all, they are very horny (physically and emotionally), i swear I barely understand whats happening here, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafs, Post-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Raise Harry Potter, Alternate Universe - Grey's Anatomy Fusion, I'm sorry it's grey's/marauders death simply cannot be avoided, who here feels like they have no idea what they're doing, Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital (Grey's Anatomy), this is going to be very very long im sorry, how the hell do you explain 400 episodes of complex lore and trauma in the tags section, Initially canon compliant but later chapters should be divergent, Sirius Black doesn't think he deserves things, First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), better than google translate I've heard tho, dorcas marlene and mary are in a polycule, probably too much swearing if we're honest, have i ever written a fic where this isn't a tag? He definitely did not want to let an escaped convict into Gryffindor tower. Cover by @MehatKansha. Its the only one hes ever gotten, and probably the only one hell ever get. This made the Dursleys' abuse worse. Those who fall victim to the infection are known as Death Eaters; grotesque, vicious corpses with a taste for human flesh.A school lockdown is how it begins for the students of Hogwarts, who must soon find out what it takes to survive in a world that is falling apart. Inside the kitchen, Sirius almost smiles, thinking about the last time Tonk's went on a mission, al "Better be SLYTHERIN!" Sirius groans, dropping his head back into his hands. Also, he scratched at his chin in thought, Im pretty sure youre dating my best mate.. Thought I'd share them here too! Si tu respuesta es no, creo que ni siquiera vale la pena que sigas leyendo, pero si eres de esos que respondieron Si, te invit a que te quedes conmigo y te contar que ocurri para que el El nio que vivi y La mejor amiga sangre sucia de Potter se conviertan en el Seor y Dama Oscura. But, as you might've already guessed, living two completely separate lives without anyone noticing is not easy. The Mandalorian Civil War has started, clan Kryze has the throne, with Satine as their leader who looks forward to a more peaceful era for Mandalore. Prompt: Lovers (no.023)Characters: Sirius Black, Remus LupinPairing: Sirius/RemusEra: Post-PoAIn which love perches on the end of a piece of toast. Marauders Era (Harry Potter) Minor Alice Longbottom/Frank Longbottom. There were only three of them since Peter was in the hospital wing because his cauldron blew up in his face. Sofia Diaz, known as an ang Sirius and Remus are painfully oblivious to the love they have for each other, both are struggling My chest exploded with excitement, his words making me clench my thighs together. - Complete. Remus Lupin heads to Rome to study Latin as part of his all-consuming postgraduate research. Minor Sirius Black/Remus Lupin. As Sirius grew up, he not only had to battle the growing disappointment his parents had brewing for him, but also the odd dance that fired in his stomach anytime he was left alone with his stupidly gorgeous best friend. Igual que una moneda siempre tiene cara y cruz, el 31 de Octubre de 1981 lo tiene. Liam Luciano is one 18+ ONLY Well read this to find out. Somehow Dud { .} Bookmarks: 34 Hits: 8058 Harry Discovers Wolfstar NeverHadThePlot Summary: Remus and Sirius are trying to keep their relationship a secret from Harry, not sure how he will take it. When Harry decides to care for him, their relationship develops into a firm friendship, but could something else b - in which of Hufflepuff House stumbles through her final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, playing big sister to the 'Golden Tri " you annoy me. " So by the time he got to Hogwarts, he was Regulus would soon realize his life was full of secrets. Except Harry already knew before he met them. Coal is the most staining substance on Earth. She shook her head; there was no stopping that prankster. Work Search: The way Lyall makes his grandson laugh when the water gets to his little toes, the way Remus and Sirius are holding onto each other as if they never want to let go. DISCLAIMER: I do not support JK Rowling's disgusting transphobic views. Work Search: "Wrong answer." Marlene McKinnon is given a reality check and realises that giving in to addictions at 3AM isnt a long-term fix. Some of them are really sucky, this was my first attempt at fan fiction at all. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Wolfstar fic in which he fell first, but he fell harder, but it's up to you to decide who's who.This goes from right after the prank to (I don't like using this word but) the endMay stray away from Canon, but just maybe ages. I feel its only fair after spending every moment of our free time in a lab together. The dementors were vicious creatures who toyed with the happy memories of their victims and twisted them into faux nightmares. Then he heard a shuffling sound behind them and they sprang apart, Sirius leaping to his feet. James said something, and Sirius pulled his gaze from the boy. Remus relapses but maybe some good will eventually come of it Remus John Lupin didnt know what he was getting himself into when he accepted Dumbledores offer to go to Hogwarts. And he doesn't remember anything but his name. )In which Sirius predicts babies. Regulus takes him away and promises to give him the life he wished he had. Perhaps this magical child help Remus find out how he died so he can finally live with himself. Evan Rosier and Pandora Lovegood have been hired as the new bodyguards for Regulus Black. How will the newest group of fiery interns adjust to finally reaching the tipping point of their dreams? After an outraged Professor McGonagall finds out that 3-year-old Harry Potter is being abused, she ignores Dumbledore's orders and adopts Harry as her own. Remus groaned in response and latched their lips back together. Ace Hernandez, the Mafia King, known as the Devil. Please read SDL before this, or things won't make sense. Prompt: Storm (No.70)Characters: Sirius Black, Remus LupinPairing: Sirius/RemusEra: post-hogwarts, midst of the war. Chapters will explore moments others wanted to see as well as additional ideas that I might have, with some alternate universe chapters as well. James Potter is a completely normal student, living in London, going to school and spending time with his friends. Or will her choices eventually catch up with her, leaving more devastation in their wake. Read Wolfstar- If This Is Love Then Fuck It from the story Wolfstar Oneshots by betweenthings2 (Rem) with 7,667 reads. In which a law mistakenly puts two unlikely people together, and they deal with the consequences. All Harry wanted was to hear a story about his parents and then maybe mourn them in peace. Prompt: Not Enough (No. Remus begged for the wolf to scratch at it, to remove it from his body, but Moony stayed stubborn and kept it there, new scars surrounded it, but never over it. Remus Lupin is starting his second year at Hogwarts (it's a miracle he's gotten this far, frankly). How could he not? Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (19), Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter (22), Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (10), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, Remus Lupin & Original Female Character(s), The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape Friendship, Pre-Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Albus Dumbledore & Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape, Robert McGonagall Sr. | Minerva McGonagall's Father, Mary Macdonald & Marlene McKinnon & Dorcas Meadowes & Lily Evans Potter. Determine to find a way to show Remus they will always be there for him, the marauders scour the library to prove it. She didn't look as if she were angry with him. My favorite gays aka Wolfstar, Yuh I read these 2021, Terra might cry again because of the Marauders, Best Wolfstar AUs <3, long wolfstar fics, my harry potter favs, Gay Harry Potter Fics, wolfstar fics but like also any other fic that sounds mildly interesting, Best Harry Potter Universes, HP Reads for my sanity, Mauraders Fics, 2023 reads by . Search Works. Prompt: Purple (No.16)Characters: Remus Lupin, sirius blackPairing: Sirius/RemusEra: Hogwarts, sixth/seventh year(? marauders with phones and top tier comedy Do you not remember all the screaming when he walked in on us kissing?. Little things like that made it bearable for Remus to withstand the screaming he woke up to every night and the blank expression that resided on Sirius face most of the time. )A prefic to "Purple", in which Remus is drunk and Sirius stammers. Waking up at 12 Grimmauld Place wouldn't have been something concerning except for a few things. We will be following Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft. He makes a decision to change it all. NOTE: I AM NO LONGER READING OR REPLYING TO COMMENTS ON THIS FIC. You will be happy one day, Sirius. Regulus Black/James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Peter Pettigrew Didn't Betray James Potter and Lily Evans Potter, James Potter Ships Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, Regulus Black runs away to the potter with Sirius Black, I will give everyone I can a happy ending, Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Ratcatchers: A Series of Standalone Fix-Its, Peter Pettigrew is still an innocent child, Some Slytherins are complete pieces of work, The most nauseous and awful house of Black, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Minerva McGonagall, Literally the only marauders canon thing in here is jily, No beta reader we die like literally everyone in Star Wars AND Harry Potter, Quote: I Have A Bad Feeling About This (Star Wars), Non-Werewolf Remus Lupin (because it's set in Star Wars context which is Sci-Fi and not Fantasy), War (if it makes you uncomfortable DO NOT read). But thats a conversation for a different time. Surgery is an intense field of work. Except he's not really all that normal because when he's not doing things a boy his age does, he's swinging through the city, protecting those who can't do it themselves and fighting those who want to take advantage of the weak. When Regulus Black wakes up in 1991 after he was supposed to die in 1979, he realized two things. but I don't think McGonagall would appreciate me being any later than I already was. He is married to a famous youtuber/ singer, Sirius Black, his actual surname is Lupin-Black 'I'm not gay or anything but I would love to do things with your brother. Remus, James, and Sirius were in the shrieking shack waiting for the full moon to rise. T cause Wolfstar and swearing. So once again, this is my take on the marauders 7 years at Hogwarts, and beyond. Maybe they dont even fall in love anymore. Pandora Lovegood believes that its okay to have two partners and tries to prove it. People Minerva McGonagall lost throughout her disastrous life. the story is complete but i will be doing bonus chapters <3. Fem! With Harry was tired, tired of being a pawn, tired of being a Gryffindor, tired of being manipulated. They became interested in each other and soon started to date. Minerva McGonagall Werewolf Harry Potter Harry Potter Bitten by a Werewolf Remus Lupin Raises Harry Potter A ten-year-old Harry Potter is locked out of the Dursley house and ends up being bitten by an unknown werewolf with unclear motives. They've never spoken before now, but it doesn't take Sirius long to sense something different about Remus, something that goes deeper than the other would care to admit. Let's do this plain and simple. Remus odia quando ha quel tono. The weird attraction she felt for him that only grew with every encounter was the cherry on top of the dumpster fire her life had become. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Life started off complicated for Remus Lupin kisses his best friend by the lake. Especially not if there are annoying things like slowly falling for your best friend's younger brother while an evil terrorist organisation plans to destroy the world as you know it. Adopted Lily Evans. Wolfstar ~Marauders era, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin love story . However, she fell pregnant, but because of his condition he was nervous.When the baby was born, sadly the love of his life passed away to childbirth. The Golden Trio are also hunting the Horcruxes but they may not be as authentic as they believe. Theres no question about that. I guess I should say he was. James and Regulus are getting married. ***A beach AU with an insane amount of seawater, sand castles, threesome jokes, number two's, and grandparents being absolutely besotted with their grandkids. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The two Marauders looked at each other in shock for a moment. I don't own harry potter or anything affiliated. Now, hes been expelled from Hogwarts where he is forced to take the Dark Mark and join Voldemorts side of the war. this story is a joke. Well, almost everyone. Regulus hates James. PLEASE DO NOT COPY TO WATTPAD. Cover picture. Complicity- to be involved with others in illegal activity or wrongdoing. The one where Regulus and his friends crash a gryffindor party and gets dragged into a game of truth or dare. 34)Characters: Sirius Black, Remus LupinPairing: Sirius/RemusEra: Post-Hogwarts, Wartime.In which Remus despairs, and does not sleep. But Sirius still had a problem. i don't know if this has been done but i've been wanting to read something like this, so i decided to write it! Finally Mundungus stood, having drained their cupboards of the last butterbeer and bid them goodbye. 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