However, some issues are much more valuable, including thefirst(most commonly a reprint),complete sets(especially if they arevintage issues), those that feature asignificant topicorphotograph, andvintage publicationsthat are difficult to find. *A Good April 1913, with map supplement, has become hard to find. The image was featured on the cover of April 2002 issue. ** The winner of these volumes during the 1/18/10 auction subsequently resold these volumes (non-eBay sale) at the price shown. It has been published continuously since its first issue in 1888, nine months after the Society itself was founded. All these physical factors and more affect the value of any issue. Explorers House: National Geographic and the World It Madeby Robert M. Poole. However, their relationship changed over time from that of a researcher and a subject to friends. In November 2016, it cost $140 to ship 55 bound volumes by UPS. Due to current circumstances however it becomes necessary for me to consider selling it. The man from Ethiopia culled from While expressing remarkable learning abilities, Koko also showed some capability in photography. What is the Value of your National Geographic Magazine ? 1960 - $2 1970 - $.50 Missing covers, except for the first 20 years or so, make the magazine nearly worthless whereas a magazine in better condition than the VG described above, even marginally so, may enhance the value immensely. In1905, photographs were included in National Geographic for the first time, boosting the magazine's popularity. Article Number: 000001199. Explore over 425 Million sold for prices with item details and images. A few copies of this issue have even reached over $100,000! In terms of iconic front covers, there are very few people who havent seen the famous green-eyed Afghan girl cover, which was published in 1984. "National Geographic" magazines can be fun to look at, with articles about exotic locations and unique people and creatures. Volume I, Nos 2 & 4, 1922 reprints are rare, i.e. She came back to study the baby gorilla the next year as part of her (Doctor of Philosophy) Ph.D. For her Ph.D. project, she decided to teach Koko words in sign language. 1908 - 1917), $500.0015 Feb 2016 Vols. View more in our National Geographic Magazine Price Guide. By 1925 more than 990,000copies per issuewere published each month. * The auction of 1/18/10 was the most complete set of high quality bound volumes Ive observed. Nobody wants to buy a copy off you because that particular issue contains a text about Panama, for example, only to find that the pages in question are folded and that your kid has cut out the images. I think I will be better off cutting of the bindings and saving the advertisements and sell those to advertising collector's by category; IE: cars, trucks, kitchen items, etc. Now climate change, pollution, and invasive species threaten their. Its pages are full of fun features, jaw-dropping facts and awe-inspiring photos that will keep you entertained for hours! Sunlight can be a little tricky, since artificial light is ok, but direct sunlight definitely is not. When he came to National Geographic and showed them the picture, they knew that they had their next cover. What can I do with my old National Geographic magazines? Go to eBay and do a search for National Geographic Magazine. Youll find upwards of 20 thousand items listed. National Geographic is also outspoken on environmentalism. The latter is self-explanatory: dont let water contaminate the precious magazines. Store your magazine in a cool, dark environment. National Geographic has been criticized in the past for itsunenlightened approach to indigenous groups and minorities. Before this issue got published, Alaska joined the union in January of that year. My father collected National Geographic and has bequeathed me a near complete collection from 1932-84. It was in October 1978. There are currently over 40,000 eBay offerings for them. June, 2004 issue: "The End Of Cheap Oil" When was Cuban National Series Most Valuable Player Award created? I have captured the highest three sales per issue per year (discarding lower priced sales). No matter which way you go - it sounds like a lot of work. The photographer had been able to capture this in the now iconic image where three Dublin boys are hugging a pony, a draft animal, and looking in the opposite direction. Completeness a complete magazine is considered to be one containing the original maps or other inserts the issue was distributed with. How do you throw out magazines? It was the moment when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin took humankinds first steps on the moon. On September 22nd 2018, the National Geographic Society celebrates its 130th birthday.. 1 - 6, $2,499.99 2 Aug 2017 {all in the timing}. Patience goes hand in hand with hours and hours spend reading gripping articles and looking at the mesmerizing images within the covers of the magazine. I need help. National Their primary subject matter includes geography, archaeology, biology and anthropology, but they have covered an astounding range of topics over the years. 1 - 8, $152.50 21 Mar 2017 Vols. The Last Shangri-La Woman After India opened the Ladakh region to general public, National Geographic photographers travelled there and thats how the March 1978 cover came into existence. So, the value of your National Geographic Magazine will be low if its a reprint that got produced some other year. I have always treasured this edition as an amazing historical document and out of respect for the person who gave it to me. In some cases, issues are worth below average. Report an Issue | How Much Are National Geographic Magazines Worth. Psychologist and researcher Penny Patterson taught a female western lowland gorilla sign language. But before you get too excited, there are some factors that need to be considered age of the magazine, its condition, and even its content. Here are five iconic covers and how they came to be. The spine must be intact andcomplete, all material present, with moderate tears acceptable. Thank you also for posting the 'grading standards' which you use which is also really helpful and a very necessary tool for buyers and sellers and I will definitely be using this. ## I collect volume data by year even if the year had two published volumes as with 1914 through 1917. eBay. In the end, dont forget to organize your collection as well as label it for easier access in the future. Although this magazine no longer holds a high position in society, its collector value has continually increased. The second year ended with 228 members. If you wish to read all about the Korean Peninsula, the texts from various issues would be just a click away. Back to top It features Sharbat Gula, a 12-year-old Afghan girl. However, the oldest magazine is not worth any money if it is not in good condition. A Book cover is something which grabs the attention of any viewer to make him look into the remaining content, NGM's choice of choosing out the right and prime picture for magazine cover is fascinating. The winner of all three books (the first six volumes) subsequently de bound all three books and restored each individual issue (all 36 red brick issues). Please note that this is not a definitive guide values depend on several factors and cannot be definitively stated. Step 3. This magazine started small, with only the societys members getting any, but this changed many years later. The June 25, 1956 Mickey Mantle cover can fetch up to $100. leather, half-leather, buckram, cloth, etc. Volume 1, 1888: first publication. Hyman is often asked whether old National Geographic magazines have any value. According to Wikipedia, the magazine has a worldwide circulation in 32 languages of almost 9 million. The first National Geographic Magazine was published October 1888. They were black and white, with boring scientific texts and meteorological maps making up their pages. Such individuals would find the publications below more valuable: Many years after pictures became mainstream in the National Geographic Magazine, the first issue with a colored cover got published. I also provide sales data for bound volumes and a summary of reprint sales, both bound and individual. Another thing about National Geographic Magazine are the maps. However, complete collections of key issues can reach very high prices depending on the condition. This forced Steve McCurry to search for the girl from time to time with the National Geographic team. You can see this from the pictures on the front covers, which usually feature trending characters or pop culture icons. As such, any form of improper handling can lead to them coming apart, their words fading, or the pages crumbling. The first issue of the magazine was printed within the first year of the Society being established. They depict a, Read More Norman Rockwell Plates Value (One Plate Sold For $1,300! It is even rare to find these old editions in good condition they have been through 150+ years of wear and tear! Ive recorded a validated first issue, October 1888, selling for just over $6,000. (AP = Atlas Plate) 1889. A rare magazine full of enlightening information can be a wonderful family heirloom, providing joy and interest for generations to come. After this issue, the later publications of the magazine unveil various truths about our planet to the readers. ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet The Disney Company currently holds a portion of the company. National Geographic magazine was first published in 1888, and by 1940 over a million copies of each magazine were printed each year, making the magazines printed before 1920 the most valuable. We both sent multiple messages to him and even tried to get eBay to intervene on the buyers behalf. In fact, besides the first volumes, the value of such issues drops to nothing if the cover page isnt present. Copy. In August 2012 I began collecting data on the years 1915 through 1917. Even in the 21st century, many readers prefer a physical print to a digital copy. Per, the earliest issues of the National Geographic Magazine, like the terra-cotta colored number 1 and others from the 1880s, can easily fetch upwards of . The UK market is most likely a different story and, I'm sorry to say, I truly do not have the experience to guide you on selling your issue in that market. The second year ended with 228 members. Good condition copies can also fetch a good price depending on rarity and collectability. ), Total Number of Reprints Published by the National Geographic Society (NGS). All this culminates in 36 early editions of the National Geographic Magazine, and these are some of the most valuable. In 2007, a copy of Beaton's 1887 Christmas Yearbook sold at Sotheby's for $156,000. This 1930s Barbasol advertisement recently sold for $12.95, which may not sound like a lot, but it is just one page from a magazine! Below are estimated costs and actual selling prices for some popular magazines. What's the average value of an old magazine? A more subjective reason for its scarcity comes with an understanding of what happened back in the early 1960's when the NGS reprinted the first 20 years of the National Geographic Magazine. Would you be kind enough I wonder to help shed some light on what you think would be a fair and reasonable asking price for me to advertise this particular edition which I would imagine (I may be wrong) may be quite sought for the reasons you state so clearly in your posts? Most issues are worth the average cost of a magazine. National Geographic: Our Coverage Was Here we bring you some amazing book covers of NGM. What is the most valuable National Geographic? 66 No. I am a collector and though from time-to-time Ill attempt to sell or trade extras in my inventory, I am not a dealer of NGMs. I acquired a beautiful 1907 leather bound complete year with all covers, ads, index and map for $202.50 on eBay. the more published - the less the demand, but quality also influences the final demand. The #IDefineMe campaign by Nat Geo deals with the Race Issue in 21st century America and goes to show that the magazine has topical social and cultural awareness. Paper jackets made from sturdy plastic are a good option for extra protection, ensuring the longevity of the valuable item. Average price: $175, January, March, May, November 1904: first issues with images. Other striking images include the Gorilla with a camera, published in 1978. If a six month sale was sold that, multiplied by 2 (representing 12 issues), was greater than a full year sale listed in my data I substituted the new sales data as a theoretical full year. Are old National Geographic magazines worth anything? National Geographic magazines continue to enchant the armchair traveller and have kick-started a wide range of adventures over the years. The temples of Angkor culled from NG Collector. This is true for nearly every issue published after World War II. This got National Geographic interested, and they decided to pay a visit. In1910, the magazine published its first colored photographs five years later. 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. The best places to sell and buy National Geographic magazines include auction sites like eBay, or quick buy sites like Etsy which often sell collectibles. This edition is the December 1969 vol 136, no. Are National Geographic magazines still collectible? Its price usually ranges between $7000 to $9000, with some exceptional copies going above $10,000. National geographic magazine job lot 122 magazines from 1964,66,68,74 and more. Another collector and I (as I discovered a year or so later) both tried to convince the seller to correct his listing error to no avail. Owning these publications allowed readers to enjoy the stories hidden within, while the pictures allowed readers to visualize the stories. (59) $12.99 FREE shipping. When collecting, people are in general constantly after the full deal and the value of National Geographic magazine collection in whole could be worth tens of thousands of dollars. How can find out what they are worth. Many people refused to part with the pages they had just read and so they started collecting them, resulting in collectors across the world today who keep on to their copies of the iconic yellow-squared magazine for various reasons. 1, No.1 reprinted in 1975 (special identifier printed within), Volumes 8-18 (1898 1907) 500 copies per issue 1,500. This gorilla, Hanabiko Koko, got taught up to 1000 words in a modified American Sign Language. Additionally, the magazines most famous cover from June 1985 (featuring the photograph Afghan Girl) has been criticized more recently because of the dangerous target placed on the subject after the Taliban's occupation of Afghanistan in 2021. As such, the professional photographers pushed to have their pictures included in an issue. Missing covers, except for the first 20 years or so, make the magazine nearly worthless whereas a magazine in better condition than the VG described above, even marginally so, may enhance the value immensely. The image is a mere the tip of the iceberg of the content the official magazine of the National Geographic Society based in Washington, D.C. offered its readership over the years. Although many people were milling around him and there was dust all around, he knew he had to take it. Estate Sales (this section borrowed with permission from Dale Murphy - Dec 2010): Having spent some significant part of a lifetime collecting the items, how does one later realize their true market value? The dealer was asking for $300 and would not negotiate. The Afghan girl: found, culled from The exception to this is that I have kept one edition for over 40 years which was given to me as a gift. A book dealer would have asked twice that much. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE - SPECIAL COLLECTOR'S EDITION 2022 - 100 BEST PHOTOS. In the years that followed, they established a world-wide network of photographers for whom it became a matter of prestige to have their photos published in National Geographic Magazine. First editions of any old publication are the vintage editions, and reprints are much lower in value. hint!) Average prices are based on issues which are classed as fine condition (magazine rating scale: mint > near mint > very fine > fine > very good > good > fair > poor). If you find the guide informative, please be kind enough to give me a thumbs-up at the top of the page. Ideally in a box or cupboard where there is no risk of dropping or ruining it. Not every issue has them, but many have been become famous, like the ones used by the Allies in World War II. While the first issue will generally fetch upwards of $4000, the usual range is from $7-9,000, with a very few sales over the $10,000 mark. Shortlisted, the most valuable National Geographic covers to collectors would be the: The Afghan Girl The Afghan Girl: Found "The Afghan Girl" and "The Afghan Girl: Found" - Arguably the best picture ever to feature on the cover of National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic Magazines 1920-1983 Vintage Print Ads; YOU PICK Issues! The Most Valuable Magazines in the World Most magazines cost between $5 and $20, although some are very valuable. The Society generally published only a few extra magazines above the membership numbers, thus the rarity of the first eight years of publications known as the red brick issues. Since February 2009, Ive maintained a spreadsheet on eBay sales for the first 18 volumes, twenty years of NGMs. It shows a woman from this Himalayan region wearing a turquoise hat as a symbol of opulence. "magazines" via media mail because of their "advertisements.". Life magazines with sports stars on the cover tend to be among the most valuable issues. So, you can find some in the attics of some families, in their garages, their basements, etc. Rare magazines in excellent condition are real treasures and fetch fast money. The most interesting topics covered so far would be: 100 Ideas that Changed the World, Are We Alone [in the Universe], Founding Fathers, Best of Europe: 100 Must-See Destinations. Actually, each special edition has an appeal of its own. The first image appeared in July 1959, portraying The Star Spangled Banner flying from a pole. Their value comes from the fact that they are vintage editions. Over time, their print would glue them together, destroying the precious cover pages, as well as back covers. Although it can be tempting to keep your magazine collection nice and flat by stacking the magazines on top of one another, this is a bad idea in the long-term. Find some cataloguing app tips here! However, for later publications, prices fall drastically, with many of them being in the hundreds range. With its center of operations located in Washington, D.C., this publication has become a household name for any magazine lover. Three Irish Boys with a Horse In September 1994 Ireland was changing rapidly. The Joe DiMaggio 1939 issue typically sells for around $150 as of 2014. There are several key issues to look out for in terms of high value. eBay. What are the most Valuable editions of National Geographic magazine? This magazine has its roots in the United Kingdom and has been around since 1956. Professional photojournaliststake most of the pictures. Firstly, you have to know how the magazine you collect looks like. But how do you sell such a collection? Discover more about National Geographic Kids magazine, below. and the condition of each. Comprehensive as it may seem, it just cannot replace that feeling of holding the yellow-squared leaves of paper and going through halftone images. The first thing to know is that the most valuable issues of National Geographic are generally those published before 1907. 1) Playboy V1 #1 Newsstand Edition CGC NM 9.4 Value: $78,300.00 Notes: Marilyn Monroe cover. 1, No 4 sold for $10,000.00 on eBay), and about ten times the value of the 1922 reprints. I include some non-eBay sales Ive been made aware of for some of the rarest NGMs. Vinyl Records Value: Your Old Value Records Worth a Fortune, Vintage Stiffel Lamps: Value and Price Guide, Vintage Smith Corona Typewriter: History, Models, and Value, Vintage Schwinn Bikes: [Types, Identification, and Values], Vintage Rooster Cookie Jar Identification and Value Guide, The first time was in 1897 when 11 publications got produced instead of 12. Average price: $30, February, 1914: Map of Alaska. National Geographicbegan as a men's society in Washington D.C. on January 27, 1888. If youre one the millions of fans, then youre probably wondering how on Earth does one start collecting magazines? Recall the numbers for rare and scarce mentioned above while reviewing the Quantity information below. The publication regularly features cover stories about how people impact the environment and how the world can diminish the consequences ofglobalclimate change. # The first observed eBay sale of an individual Volume 1, No. The Post Office will not ship (declared hint! Jimmy and Tommy Dorsey article. This historical data, combined with quantity published and quality definition should give the reader a basic understanding of the value for items being sold or purchased. Its believed that the California Redwood forest contains some of the tallest trees on Earth. The landing of Apollo 11heralded the beginning of humanitys journey outside Earth. Eventually, the society released the magazine to the public. Many thanks again for your valuable help and willingness to share your experience and expertise with others which is very much appreciated. Most people know of the National Geographic Archive in which you can peruse online through all of the magazines issues. Before 1905, the magazine featured no photographs and covers that were primarily textual. Include as much detail in the advert as possible, and make sure you keep the item somewhere safe dont risk worsening the condition while you wait for a buyer! (Continued below after we sidestep to a Reprint discussion. I have been asked many times over the years for information regarding the value of bound volumes. By far the best option for purchasing individual issues is online shopping. Required fields are marked *. Initially, the purpose was "to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge" but nowadays, as one of the world's most renowned nonprofit organisations, they're committed to exploring and protecting our . Powered by, Badges | Keeping them away from water and direct sunlight, Avoid stacking them up as this can deform these fragile books or cause them to stick together. I also scanned around online to look at what dealers would offer but as you point out, this is very minimal indeed and really not worthwhile. Generally speaking, a book dealer will offer you far less to purchase your item than you can sell it for on eBay. National Geographic has a consumer rating of 3.32 stars from 28 reviews indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Many of them dating back to the 1950. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. This is because very few issues were published back in the day around 10,000 copies of each compared to the approximately 10 million copies of every magazine published today! A complete set of loose issues from 1904 through 2008 sold for $1,150.00 on 1 December 2012. The fact that very few of them survive to this day also increases their value for any collector. There were only 31 additions (7 for the year 1917 alone) for this 12 month revision out of 359 possible entries to my top 3 eBay sales for the years 1908 through 1917 inclusive. You wont find any nude or inappropriate photos on its pages, rendering the magazine suitable for all ages. A "fine" copy, in the US would be valued at around $6.00 - though many attempt to sell them for far more. Few people today have never seen the famous June 1985 cover of the National Geographic magazine with the Afghan girl with green eyes. The first issue came out onSeptember 22, 1888. That is, volumes bound with covers and ads tend to be more valuable than volumes with these items stripped out (which was the most common practice) such that the numerical sequence of pages forms a standard book format. Maps, Supplements & Inserts Special Issue Special Issue Going Home [ March 2023 ] National Geographic DVDs School Bulletin Classroom Magazine Browse Our Books Selection Specials See All $6.99 National Geographic Back Issues Please keep in mind that dealers are in the business to make money. The binding is usually missing considerable material and is severely cracked and torn. Some of the factors to consider when taking care of your vintage National Geographic Magazines include: The National Geographic Magazine is an initiative by the National Geographic Society to educate the common person on geographical knowledge. If it is completely intact (small tears are acceptable as long as all the material is present) then the issue has the "possibility" of being Very Good (VG) in assessment. By 1896 more than 1,200 copies per issue were published each month. This auction included volumes 1 through 22 formatted as 1a or 1b above. National Geographic stories take you on a journey that's always enlightening, often surprising, and unfailingly fascinating. most valuable national geographic magazines. You can also indicate in the Collector's Forum the issues you're selling. Back to the question - what has the reprint production got to do with the April 1913 issue? Not only was production low preceding 1914, near 100K, the raw materials shortage of the war years (WWI) destroyed many paper products. Although there was no name for the girl on the cover, it became one of the most popular issues. A set of individual issues from July 1904 through 2012 (missing six issues prior to 1919) sold for $1,500.99 on 30 November 2012. One of the most recognizable covers of it and any other magazine comes fromJune 1985. WorthPoint is the largest resource online for identifying, researching and valuing antiques. 8 National Geographic Magazines Random Lot 1980's - 2010's No Duplicates. When this magazine started, its dimensions were 69 12 inches; however, this became 710 inches in 1900. Before the age of computers, physically collecting the magazines was the only way of having access to the breathtaking stories and photographs the editorship bound together. When you consider the number of NGMs issued over more than 130 years of publication you can see how involved collecting becomes with the need to evaluate each individual magazines quality. It is natural that you will want to protect your valuable item carefully, to preserve it for the future. One of the key forces that determine the value of any National Geographic Magazine is the power of demand and supply. Listed as an original, one of each Volume I, No 2 & 4 1922 reprints, were auctioned at $1,125.00 apiece. Dont be afraid to ask the seller questions to find out a little more about your valuable purchase, for example details about the condition. The first ten volumes of individual reprints were privately bound in Airplane leather binding and sold for $405 on 11 January 2013. Slipcases or paper jackets are designed to protect magazines, comics, maps, documents, anything old and rare which requires safe storage. In 2001, National Geographic issued a set of eight CDs with all the maps up until the year 2000 in electronic format. The first National Geographic Magazine was published October 1888. unique to the eye of the beholder. I've tried selling them, with no luck, but don't want to just dump them. Bundle of National Geographic Magazine from July to December 1966 in Faux Leather sold on eBay for $35 in 2022. The world became interested in that little girl and wanted to know who she was. Most commonly, the maps originated from the journeys National Geographic photographers took into various parts of the world. If you're wondering how much you can earn selling your back issues, you should know that it can range. Here are some top tips: Paper hates water, and sunlight can fade images and warp the pages over time. After the NGS published the reprints, a complete collection (with reprints, of course) was now within the grasp of the average collector. MAGAZINE ESTIMATED VALUE/PRICE; MAD #9 Twin Cities 8.0 1954: Sold for $940: Popular Science August 1931: . With all these, he was able to capture the magnificence of some of the tallest trees on Earth. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750, Relevant Books, Paper & Magazines Articles, Pressing News: All About Antique Bookbinding Tools, Worlds Oldest Bible Could Sell for Over $50 Million, American Iconographic: National Geographic, Global Culture, and the Visual Imagination, Explorers House: National Geographic and the World It Made, A Look Back at National Geographics First 130 Years, National Geographic: Our Coverage Was Racist. The Temples of Angkor - The temple complex of Angkor Wat in present-day Cambodia attracted world attention after the overthrow of the Khmer Rouge regime. For instance, a historical map of Shakespeares Britain from May 1964 issue might catch an eye of a Shakespearelogist, a literature fan or a historical society. The 1888 premier issue of National Geographic Magazine is one of the most valuable publications out there. ), Supplements, volume title page, contents listing, and index (no covers/ads most common practice), Supplements, volume title page and contents listing, Missing supplements (with or without volume title page, contents listing, and index). Besides being produced much earlier, vintage National Geographic Magazines are valuable because theyre rare. And has bequeathed me a thumbs-up at the top of the most complete set of loose issues from through! He came to be at $ 1,125.00 apiece others which is very much appreciated on January 27 1888! And any other magazine comes fromJune 1985 the moment when astronauts Neil Armstrong Edwin... Boring scientific texts and meteorological maps making up their pages become hard to find rare magazines in condition! According to Wikipedia, the later publications of the magazine suitable for all ages to it! 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Online shopping you will want to protect your valuable item carefully, to it. Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin took humankinds first steps on the moon of enlightening information can be a wonderful family,! Name, email, and invasive species threaten their maps up until the year had two published as! Consequences ofglobalclimate change hates water, and about ten times the value of an old magazine photographs five later. Published volumes as with 1914 through 1917. eBay by far the BEST option extra! Extra protection, ensuring the longevity of the National Geographic team time with the April 1913?. First National Geographic magazines worth criticized in the hundreds range the Company I collecting. First ten volumes of individual reprints were privately bound in Airplane leather binding and sold $! And reprints are much lower in value and would not negotiate tricky, since artificial is...