Current Terminology Note: This course is not recommended for remedial or corrective driving students. Special Needs: Computer with a USP port. . The curriculum mirrors instruction of the basic academy program. This three-day course is the first of a three-part series on the Precision Rifle System. Students will be required to pass the state qualification to enter the class, perform student presentations, achieve 100% on the state qualification to exit the class, and pass a written exam. Law enforcement officers will learn to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving crashes. Shoes or boots which lace and completely cover the entire foot are mandatory. SPECIAL NEEDS/EQUIPMENT/COMMENTS: Officers must provide a laptop computer with Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader installed for use in the course. The course highlights instructional techniques, leadership, ethics and role modeling to include discussion of adult learning principles. Liability issues and other relevant topics will be discussed in a classroom setting. marks This one-day class meets the photography course requirements for the Master Criminal Investigator Certificate program. SPECIAL NEEDS/EQUIPMENT/COMMENTS: Students should bring their departmental DSLR camera equipment they use in the course of their job to include camera, flash, and tripod. These standards must be met 120 days prior to an applicant starting any police academy. The class will include a "walk-through" of what a human trafficking investigation looks like, challenges it can present, and corroborative evidence that might exist to support the victim's statements. Equipment: Duty gear (including baton and holder), clothing for physical activity, and any other training gear you may need to train safely. Any questions regarding the schedule can be sent to . Note: This course meets one of the requirements for certification as a Unit Instructor in Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission - approved programs. A pre-course assignment will be sent to students approximately 30 days prior to the start of the course which must be completed and returned to be allowed entrance into the course. This 40-hour Traffic Collision Investigation course will instruct officers on topics including measuring, photographing, recording evidence at crash scenes, and diagramming the scene to scale. The Blue Courage Academy is a four-day class that teaches attendees to deliver Blue Courage to their agencies. This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to teach a traffic stops program to in-service personnel and/or basic academy cadets. The Police Rifle/Carbine Instructor Course is physically demanding and directed at officers seeking instructional certification for the police rifle/carbine. This course requires that students engage in moderate physical activity including but not limited to brief running, lifting and throwing. Other range related equipment includes participant's individual medical needs (e.g., rescue inhalers, EpiPens), hydration, sunscreen, laptop, and LARGE marker. Courtroom testimony - explain/describe analysis and Much of the course will be spent determining advanced acceleration and deceleration factors to determine time/distance relationships for colliding vehicles. Topics to be covered include: marksmanship fundamentals; equipment care and maintenance; realistic shooting positions (conventional and unconventional); optic sight adjustments; deployment considerations; firing techniques; and planning and documenting training. The training will include weapon manipulation, weapon retention, fundamentals of marksmanship, reloads, malfunctions, multiple targets, use of cover/concealment, and alternative shooting positions. Students will be required to pass each Basic Academy event with a minimum score of 80% and complete in-car teachbacks with novice drivers. PREREQUISITE: Traffic Collision Investigation (Level I) or equivalent. It is also recommended that officers bring a three-ring binder for handouts. There will be no weekend training. clothing for weather conditions. No flip flops or backless shoes will be permitted. PREREQUISITE(S): Officer must have had NHTSA SFST training or ADAP. The course will review the theory, history and operation of RADAR and LiDAR devices. Topics will include: legal considerations, weapon retention, transitions to other force options, impact weapon skills, drill and scenario development. This course is not for students who have or are planning to enroll in the Evidence Technician courses. Mr. Molinaro has over twenty-nine years of crime scene investigative experience and has conducted over 3,000 scene investigations to include hundreds of homicides, death scenes and police involved shooting investigations. The course will also cover: Prior to working with the Hunterdon County Prosecutors Office, he retired in December 2008 as a Lieutenant from the New Jersey State Police following a twenty-six-year career. This course is designed to teach the student basic and advanced principles of crime scene processing and evidence collection. Successful completion of the course satisfies part of the OPOTC weapon specific requirements for the Police Rifle/Carbine Requalification Instructor Certification. Eye and hearing protection and brimmed hat. The ARIDE program stresses the importance of the signs and symptoms of the seven drug categories. To successfully complete this course, students must pass a written exam and be able to demonstrate and teach the principles of subject control. Check the course dates. Students will be certified to instruct the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommended Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Ohio OVI enforcement course. This two-day hands-on course provides the latest instruction in various methods of latent print development. The State of Ohio implemented new physical fitness standards on January 1, 2017. Classroom time will be devoted to an overview of tactics and discussion of current case law and the Ohio Revised Code as it pertains to common traffic stop encounters. Participants must pass the OPOTC Shotgun Qualification course of fire the morning of day one to continue the class. He has testified numerous times as an expert witness in bloodstain pattern analysis, crime scene reconstruction and investigation, shooting analysis, scene processing and friction ridge processing and identification in New Jersey, Kentucky and Texas State Superior Courts. It also includes applications of environmental impact weapons (e.g., flashlight, handcuffs). Students must also bring a coat, jacket, sweatshirt, or other long sleeve shirt for use during scenarios. 1.5 Mile Run . Students should dress appropriately for handling fingerprint powders and chemicals. Those that attend are given the necessary supporting materials to successfully teach Blue Courage and positively impact other law enforcement professionals. Students can expect to engage targets from 21 feet to beyond 300 yards. - Learn More, Police Applicant Study Skills (P.A.S.S.) This course will utilize Simunition. ), movement principles, room entries, officer link-ups, and post incident concerns. Officers will prepare and present instruction in the operation of RADAR and LiDAR devices. The Death Investigation course has been re-designed and updated. Semi-auto Pistol Instructor or 2 week Firearms Instructor or Firearms Instructor: The Big Three Flight path reconstruction, description and documentation All course materials will be provided on flash drives. This class will be useful to crime scene investigators, laboratory personnel who analyze bloodstained evidence, detectives who interview individuals involved in scenes of bloodshed and prosecutors who should have an understanding of the discipline before presenting BPA evidence in court. PREREQUISITE(S): Students will learn how to control light as it affects proper exposure and how to overcome lighting and weather conditions that officers encounter at traffic crashes and crime scenes. This course is specifically designed for certified peace officers and corrections officers that have been through an approved basic training academy. Equipment required: Duty gear (body armor, holster, handcuffs & key, etc. Students are required to have a good working knowledge of the semi-auto pistol upon entering this course. Students should bring a laptop to class. PREREQUISITE(S): DSLR Camera Single Officer Response to an Active Threat (SORAT) is an Operator-level course. Eligible participants must pass a written examination prior to certification. Students will need to bring a laptop computer or device capable of reading a usb flash drive. This course meets part of the OPOTC requirements for approval as an in-service Re-qualification and/or Peace Officer Basic Training Firearms Instructor. Experts in the field of entomology, anthropology and archaeology will present the latest information in their respective fields. Course material includes a review of instructor skills, presentation of the OVI curriculum, individual presentation of the material and a written test. PREREQUISITE(S) OPOTC basic semi-auto pistol training Course materials will be distributed via thumb drive. Student must have operator level training with the shotgun - must be able to qualify on Day one. Students need to bring department camera equipment, to include a DSLR camera, tripod and flash. Gunshot residue and range of fire determination It is the participant's responsibility to provide the agency or agencies he/she is testing for with a copy of their . Be advised that the dorms and cafeteria are closed at the London campus. Students should have clothing suitable for all outside weather conditions. This course can also satisfy the prerequisite photography class needed for the 80 hour Evidence Technician course at OPOTA. Students will learn to instruct principles that will increase students' speed, accuracy and confidence with a select fire weapon. Operator level training with the revolver This course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary for the successful termination of a vehicle pursuit. Training will take place on weekdays during the dates listed. Foul weather and hot weather equipment is recommended. Course material will be distributed via flash drive. This three-day course is designed to provide either newly appointed Field Training Officers or veteran FTOs wishing to refresh their skills, insights into training and evaluation principals needed while working with a probationary officer. The students will perform a reconstruction from a case study and present it to the class. No AR style pistols or a conversion of the AR style pistol are permitted, regardless of caliber. reconstruction These standards must be met 120 days prior to an applicant starting any police academy. Each student must provide the following: eye and ear protection, a ballistic vest, a brimmed ball-cap, closed toe shoes, and long pants. The final day of the class will be a 4 hour day. Required equipment: Students are required to bring the following equipment: an AR15, M16, or variant, duty pistol, full metal jacket (FMJ) training ammo: 900 rounds for carbine and 200 rounds for duty pistol, a minimum of three magazines for the carbine and three magazines for the pistol, duty belt, holster, magazine pouches, handheld flashlight, and rifle sling. Cook Road,Mansfield, OH. The cut-off date for reserving rooms in the group room block is February 1, 2023. Students will be required to provide a semi auto pistol, duty belt, holster, magazine carrier, 3 magazines and 200 rounds of pistol ammunition. No AR style pistols or a conversion of the AR style pistol are permitted, regardless of caliber. This is an advanced course and not designed for beginners. Each student must provide the following: eye and ear protection, a ballistic vest, a brimmed ball-cap, closed toe shoes, and long pants. Students are required to bring the following equipment: shotgun, duty pistol, 750 buckshot rounds, (250 must be duty buckshot, 500 can be any other buck or birdshot target load) 100 slug rounds, 200 pistol rounds, three magazines for the pistol, duty belt, holster, magazine pouches, handheld flashlight, and other range related equipment which includes participant's individual medical equipment (rescue inhalers, EpiPens, etc. carrier, flashlight, body armor, range appropriate clothing, brimmed hat, eye and ear protection. To that end, students should bring the camera they carry in their cruiser and the instruction manual for that camera to the class. Officers will be instructed on topics including yaw and rotation, post-collision complex drag factor determination, hydroplaning, rollovers and occupant kinematics. Do not bring live weapons or ammunition to training. Specially equipped OPOTA training vehicles will be used. words SE, Massillon, OH 44646, Traffic: RADAR and LIDAR (ESMD) Instructor - NHTSA Approved Certification, Traffic: RADAR and LIDAR Operator (ESMD 40-Hour NHTSA Certification), Traffic: Traffic Collision Investigation (Level I). For split schedules, there will be a week of training, a week off, and then return to finish the second week. PREREQUISITE(S): Holly is also the Technical Leader for her agencys Bloodstain Program and is responsible for authoring the BPA Training Manual and SOPs. Student will cover the unique aspect of the semi-automatic pistol and semi-automatic pistol shooting techniques. This class will address the challenges associated with being appointed to the rank of chief and provide an introduction to those critical issues. Rm 202 4314 Mahoning Ave Warren OH 44483, Instructor : Instructional Skills (80 Hours), Hamilton County Coroner's Office 4477 Carver Woods Drive Blue Ash OH 45242, Investigations: Fire and Arson Investigation, Investigations: Human Trafficking Investigations, Investigations: Sexual Assault Investigation, Management and Supervision: Correctional Supervisor for Full-Service Facilities, Management and Supervision: New Chiefs Training, Drury Inn & Suites Polaris 8805 Orion Place Columbus OH 43240, Drury Inn Suites Polaris, 8805 Orion Place, Columbus, OH 43240, Patrol: ARIDE (Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement), Westerville Police Dept., 229 Huber Village Blvd., Westerville, OH 43081, Hocking College The Lodge, Conference Rm 1, 15770 St. RT. It is RECOMMENDED that each student has successfully completed a Police Driving Course within the previous three (3) years. Students will need to bring a laptop. This driving instructor course will allow the student to attend the 8 days of training and become an instructor in all areas of the driving program offered by OPOTA. Topics include: instruction in the theories of adult education, teaching techniques, lesson plan development, student learning objectives, platform teaching skills, facilitative learning, evaluation and measurement, working with problem learners and training aid usage. Students may be asked to assist with movement and placement of cones and events. Instruction focuses on: firearms safety, administrative procedure, operational procedure, fundamentals of marksmanship, instructional concepts, and correcting shooter error. Humans as a target surface You can also log on to OPOTA Portal to view the course catalog and conveniently register online. STUDENTS WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO ATTEND AND VIEW AN AUTOPSY DURING THE COURSE. This 40-hour Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA) course is designed for the student who wants to learn how to correctly identify and document bloodstain patterns. Upon completion, officers will be able to analyze a collision and determine what happened before, during, and after the collision. This course has several practical exercises and a written exam. Note: You must successfully complete a semi-auto pistol instructor course before attending this course. The last day of training will conclude at noon, keeping the course at 64 hours (8 days). ***This course is funded through an OTSO/NHTSA grant and is free for Ohio Law Enforcement Officers only. You can reserve a room by going to and entering the group number 10042491 or calling 1-800-325-0720 and using the group number 10042491. Relevant ORC codes, admissibility of evidence, and how the investigation translates into a court case will be explored. This is an instructor level course. RADAR and LiDAR case law will be presented and reviewed. PREREQUISITE(S): SEMI-AUTO PISTOL INSTRUCTOR OR 2 WEEK FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR OR FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR: THE BIG THREE. Guest instructors provided by the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) will provide instruction for this class. Students will get the opportunity to teach the concepts in practical exercises during the course. You will be given several attempts throughout the class to meet these standards. . > Parks> Golf> Hiking and Biking Trails> Events> Summer Fun Guide, > Events> Things To Do> Neighborhoods> Hotels> Restaurants> Visitor Maps, > Nicholas J. Bankston> Lourdes Barroso de Padilla > Mitchell J. Be prepared for long days on the range including an adjusted schedule on one of the days to accommodate live fire during low-level light conditions. holder, eye protection, hearing protection, ball cap, handheld flashlight/holder, and body armor. Additional topics include rifle/carbine maintenance and sight calibration/zero. This two-day course will introduce participants to the systematic methodology utilized by fire investigators conducting a scientific analysis of both fire and explosion incidents. Protocols and tactics when encountering IED's will also be addressed. Mr. Ryan has over twenty years of crime scene investigative experience and has conducted over 2,000 scene investigations to include hundreds of homicides, death scenes and shooting investigations. Students should have appropriate clothing for multiple outdoor exercises. All students must bring a current driver's/operator's license. Students need to bring a gun belt/holster for the Stops and Approaches practical's. This course is not a pre-requisite for more advanced OPOTA photography courses. PREREQUISITE(S): This course is restricted to sworn law enforcement that are School Resource Officers or whose primary job responsibility is working in schools. By the end of the training the student will feel comfortable analyzing a scene and be able to understand the actions that could or could not have occurred. Course material will be provided on a USB flash drive. * Students must provide a quality Precision Rifle System, sling, and at least 250 rounds of MATCH grade ammunition. Officers attending this course will receive an update/refresher of Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFSTs) and must successfully pass an SFST proficiency evaluation. Report writing - putting analysis and conclusions into Laptop computer capable of reading a USB drive with pdf and/or Doc files, markers Students should bring appropriate clothing for multiple outdoor exercises. Topics to be covered include: marksmanship fundamentals, proper gear / equipment, shooters checklist, log books, care and maintenance, realistic shooting positions (conventional and unconventional), optic sight adjustments, operational deployment, firing techniques, development of rifle DOPE, development of hides, camouflage, and the use of cover and concealment. Note: This course is broken up into 6 days over multiple weeks. THESE COURSES WILL ONLY APPLY FOR 2022 CPT IF TAKEN DURING THE 2022 CALENDAR YEAR. Course materials will be provided on a USB flash drive. Bring clothing for physical activities each day. This is an academically challenging course merging theory and practice. Instruction covers firearms safety, operational procedure, correction of shooting errors, shooting skills, and instructional concepts. Identifying, detecting, measuring and describing bullet OUT OF STATE OFFICER COST: $250.00. Students will be working outside and should be prepared for all types of weather conditions. Instructors: James Molinaro retired from the Hunterdon County Prosecutors Office in September 2016 where he served as a detective with the Major Crimes Crime Scene Unit. Brown > Rob Dorans > Shayla Favor > Shannon G. Hardin> Emmanuel V. Remy, .style1 { text-align: center; }, Columbus Public Safety Police Recruitment Become An Officer Selection Process Step 6 - OPOTA Standards, Recruiting Unit This course prepares students to function as semi-automatic pistol instructors. Students should bring a laptop to the class in order to access the course material which will be given on a flash drive. Topics covered in the class include: Basic fundamentals, care and maintenance, zeroing, shooting positions, MOA concepts, MIL concepts and basic optic adjustments. Skills practiced will include basic events and skills, braking and steering methods, vehicle dynamics and handling at speed, cornering and apexing, skid control, collision avoidance, intersection clearing, proper radio communication techniques, emergency response and pursuit driving, etc. This two-day course meets the requirements described in Section 109:2-1-12 (D) of the Ohio Administrative Code and is OPOTC regulated. PREREQUISITE(S): There is a pre-course assignment that is required for this course. SPECIAL NEEDS/EQUIPMENT/COMMENTS: Students must bring a laptop or other device capable of reading a usb thumb drive. This scenario based training will expose Officers to different real life situations and structural layouts that they will have to navigate when responding to an active shooting. d o np r q d i m sd tp x h b w q h u v u d y n z p b u i d z z m [ l. d c b a i h h g f e i t sd v u i a g wi xd z p c y d a b i x p h The course will focus on camera familiarization and improving the quality of crime scene photographs for investigators with minimal or no prior photography knowledge. PREREQUISITE(S): Crime Scene Photography I NOTE: In order to take this course, you must have a Letter of Determination from OPOTA and be sworn in with an agency. This is a vendor-neutral course that offers concepts that apply to expandable, straight, short, and side handle batons. Helmets will be provided; however, students may bring their own DOT-certified helmet if desired. SPECIAL NEEDS/EQUIPMENT/COMMENTS: Students must bring a laptop or device capable of reading a USB flash drive to class. Students are taught how to enhance evidence photographs through lighting choices, lens choices, and through the use of alternate light sources. When a shooting or any active threat takes place at a School, the SRO is likely the first and probable sole responder who must take action immediately. Instructing tips will be gained through hands-on breakout sessions throughout the week. Successful completion of the course satisfies part of the OPOTC weapon specific requirements for the Police Rifle/Carbine Requalification Instructor Certification. There is one evening exercise that will be conducted on Wednesday of the training week. A passing score must be fired on the Pistol Qualification Course on Day 1 to remain in the course. Physical Fitness Specialist trains personnel to establish a fitness/wellness program for their agency. Introductions to specialty evidence areas such as bloodstain documentation, shooting scene documentation, and pathology/entomology are also included. This course covers the principles of searching buildings for a warrant service, missing persons, check welfare, business and residential alarms, and active threat situations. This 80 hour course builds on the concepts learned in Traffic Collision Investigation (Level I). This includes Basic Academy Driving (Basic Academy Driving Instructor (Unit 5) certification is included with this course if already a certified instructor or can be added once BAS certified), Pursuit Termination Techniques Instructor, Sport Utility Vehicle, and Tactical/ Dynamic Vehicle Operations. Note: Ammunition will be provided. This training also promotes interaction with representatives from the state's prosecution community who are encouraged to attend. Officers will apply empirical testing techniques and mathematical formulas to determine energy, speed and velocity. Students must bring a laptop capable of using a USB external drive, read PDF and Word files, and create PowerPoint's. Students should be proficient with their firearm and related equipment. SPECIAL NEEDS/EQUIPMENT/COMMENTS: Bring duty equipment (duty belt, vest, flashlight, etc.). Instruction focuses on: firearms safety, administrative procedure, operational procedure, fundamentals of marksmanship, instructional concepts, and correcting shooter error. OPOTA will provide the Simunition weapons, ammo and basic protective equipment (masks, neck, groin and gloves). This course will also include a night driving portion. This one day, driving intensive course will focus on advanced vehicle operations, skid avoidance and recovery, emergency response, vehicle dynamics, and decision making. Holly is the Executive Secretary of the Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Subcommittee for Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC), is a member of the Bloodstain Certification Board for the International Association for Identification (IAI), and serves on the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Forensic Identification. This is an academically challenging course merging theory and practice. PREREQUISITE(S): *STUDENTS MUST HAVE PASSED A 40-HOUR BASIC SHOOTING INCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION COURSE PRIOR TO ATTENDING. - Tuscarawas; Room 209, 330 University Dr NE, Philadelphia, Ohio, Delaware License Agency 2079 U.S. Hwy 23 N, Delaware, OH 43015, Patrol: Field Training Officer (FTO) Program (Ohio Model), Kent State Reg Academ Cntr Twinsburg Rm. Helmets may be required at times and will be provided unless the student wishes to bring their own. This training is required for persons appointed as peace officers on, or after, January 1, 1989 and have been assigned Peace Officer Refresher training by OPOTC. Students will need to bring a laptop or tablet capable of reading a USB thumb drive. Blue Courage covers nine topics, including modules on police culture, the nobility of policing, respect, and positive psychology. Mr. Molinaro has over twenty-nine years of crime scene investigative experience and has conducted over 3,000 scene investigations to include hundreds of homicides, death scenes and police involved shooting investigations. This is not a beginner's course. Basic Precision Rifle Skills (OPOTA) In-person enrollment and invoicing: OPOTA Online: General OPOTA and OPTC: Make a Payment All course registration and payments, whether self-pay or agency pay, should be made via the OPOTA Portal. PREREQUISITE(S): Exercises include collection of insect specimens and excavation of mock grave sites along with collection of other related evidence. This course has been updated to give the investigator the basic skill set to use a DSLR camera and take the necessary photographs at a crime scene. Students will not be permitted to drive with sandal type footwear. This course assists report writers and reviewers in preparing accurate, concise, and complete investigative reports. Prior to working with the Hunterdon County Prosecutors Office, he retired in December 2008 as a Lieutenant from the New Jersey State Police following a twenty-six-year career. The course now also includes police utilities (SUV) for those officers driving them on duty. Students are required to bring the following equipment: an AR15, M16, or variant, duty pistol, full metal jacket (FMJ) training ammo: 900 rounds for carbine and 200 rounds for duty pistol, a minimum of three magazines for the carbine and three magazines for the pistol, duty belt, holster, magazine pouches, handheld flashlight, and rifle sling. Officers should be familiar with Ohio crash reporting forms and procedures before attending this course. Note: This course is a prerequisite for all firearms instructor courses. The courses included in this catalog are those that will fulfill the 2022 requirements for 24 hours of CPT within the broad categories approved by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission (OPOTC). This course will provide law enforcement officers with a working knowledge of the wide variety of behaviors people with disabilities, specifically adult Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), can exhibit in emergency situations. 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