Pagan Features See disclaimer. White candles, white altar, flowers (white is the color of death and mourning in many countries; but in this case, it is also a reminder of rebirth; in this rite, we're going to focus on that). Close your eyes, and reflect once more on how different your life was because of your pet. For ease and brevity, I am going to use a broad definition when I refer to pagan. Buy Pagan Books Sign up to join the Infinite Roots Coven and get access to all exclusive content while keeping Spells8 ad-free! google_ad_client = "pub-8176493055662989"; Have each person plant a seed in the cauldron. The joining of two people in marriage or handfasting is one of those passages. As opposed to the emotional highs of a wedding, a funeral will involve expressions of intense sadness and grief. Light a black or purple candle during this prayer. Each one is unique to their religion or spirituality. The dress code and reading of tributes to the departed are other forms of pagan rituals that define our ceremonies today. $count++; Can anyone do a Christian ceremony? // Simple PHP Counter 1.1 A current Pagan funeral ritual might toll a bell 24 hours postmortem and throughout the funeral procession. Games Home With sturdier limbs and brighter brain, Friends Funeral Home Cremations and Burials, Traditional and Alternative, Accompanying a Dying Person Death Midwifing Part 1. Whenever you walk by it, say hello to your pet, and let them know that they are remembered. The Saturday morning reception at Schisler. Energetically, someone without understanding will not be able to give the proper service to a Pagan ceremony. Advertise Here ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); So! The funeral is held in a church and performed by a priest. Conclude the ritual in whatever your tradition requires Once you have done so, place the dish with the stones in a place which was a favorite of your pet'sa sunny spot on the floor, a warm corner in the bedroom, or a bright warm windowsill. Ancestral Altars are a beautiful and meaningful addition to any funeral. Humor HP/S states that all are here "to remember ________name, born_________, died____________. google_alternate_color = "EEEEEE"; google_color_url = "0000CC"; After completing the process, you'll be able to download your sample funeral ceremony script for free, without any hassle. It is simply a means of catching a niche market. I am not there, I did not die. Herbs, and flowers could be placed in and around the casket or coffin. Another stands to the South, carrying a candle or some incense to represent Fire. Don't hold back. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Nicole is an experienced marriage and funeral celebrant, specialising in not only ceremonies of her own personal beliefs (paganism), but across a broad spectrum of different cultures and belief systems. Most Pagan paths honor the start of each season with rituals for Fall Equinox, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, and Summer Solstice. For love is eternal and those we love Shall be with us throughout all eternity. Lumped together under the expansive umbrella as Pagans, these sects, too, had unique means of conveying their dead to the afterlife which included rituals marking the deceased as their own. Tattoos on the bereaved were often in tribute to fallen tribesman, friends and family as a mark of respect. "Hold a Pet Farewell Ritual." This is a good time to verbalize how you feel, such as admitting it would have been selfish to prolong your pet's suffering any further. Wigington, Patti. Where there are words of Christianity, I will encourage people of that faith to say them, because that is where the power is. The important part is to select four that are the same. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. There are 5 elements that make up fundamental life on earth - Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. John Huehnergard and Harold Lebowitz's recent University of Texas dissertation describes a lament for Pagan deity, Baal, by his father, El, and sister, Anat during which El descends from his throne and makes cuts in his flesh and face. Life and death are one, as the river and the sea are one. Most pagan funeral rites are therefore held outdoors in a beautiful, natural setting. They still breathe, In the lingering fragrance windblown From their favourite flowers. A couple of the poems were written by my other sister, and by my father. We will always be together. Ritual mutilation was a statement of man's power over the afterlife, open to man, with the supernatural power they believed was passed on by the ritual itself. fclose($reload_dat); Share Your Memories and Sympathies and Join the Bereaved! According to D. Eric William's 2005 article, "Another Hole in Your Head," the practice allowed the person to cheat death of the spirit while giving the dead a dramatic send-off. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag('js', new Date());gtag('set', 'developer_id.dZjQwMz', true);gtag('config', 'UA-162409938-1'); Australia UK. Performing a funeral is one of the most complex ceremonies for a minister or member of the clergy. According to D. Eric William's 2005 article, "Another Hole in Your Head," the practice allowed the person to cheat death of the spirit while giving the dead a dramatic send-off. Form a circle, and call upon the elements. eCauldronMail A funeral need not be led by a religious minister. The old soul takes the road again". Zazzle Most Pagans believe in reincarnation in some form, so that death is seen as a change of form, a shedding of the skin, rather than the end. Hugs should be exchanged. "A Pagan Blessing for the Dead." Change). Pagan rituals have also crossed over to modern funeral ceremonies. if ($lock_ip==0 || ($lock_ip==1 && checkIP($REMOTE_ADDR)==0)) { The Roman funeral was a rite of passage that signified the transition between the states of life and death.It was very important to conduct the proper ceremonies and burial in order to avoid having a malicious spirit rising from the underworld. $lock_ip =0; // IP locking (counter doesn't increments when page is reloaded) 1=yes 0=no Check out our pagan funeral selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our cemetery & funeral shops. This ceremony can also be secular, if that is more appropriate. As a bit of background, my sister Vicki was spastic and mentally retarded. // optional configuration settings Obviously, you may need to make adjustments, based on what sort of pet you had, the manner of their death, and so forth, but you can use this ritual as a general template. State your belief that your loved one is still with you all, in spirit, and can hear you when you are thinking of them. While no direct description of Roman funerary practices has been passed down, numerous ancient sources exist that provide accounts of ancient funerals. What is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from it's restless tides That it may rise, and expand, and seek it's Gods unencumbered? I am made up of all those things, and so is every thing around me, be it human, animal, plant and spiritual. The act of cutting flesh as a mourning practice was prevalent in several Ancient Near-East cultures. When you wake in the morning's hush With cremation, herbs and flowers would act as incense for smudging, or cleaning the human remains. google_ad_width = 468; I light a candle to bless this day,With the splendor of fire, the freedom of the wind,The stability of earth, and the depth of the sea. Pagan Supplies Another song is good at the end, to say goodbye to your loved one and to soothe distressed hearts. What I'm going to propose here are some ideas for last rites--as with most of the other rites in this turn of the personal wheel, what happens at this time is going to rely on several factors, one being the person's own wishes (and we can hope that the person took the survivors, and not just themselves, into account when they considered how they wanted to be remembered in that final rite), the wishes/will of the family, and the traditions of those doing the rite.ite.te.e.. Of quiet birds in circled flight. The ritual space is cleared of furniture and the deceased's body is laid out at an altar (if there is a body present). I am sun on ripened grain, google_ad_client = "pub-8176493055662989"; find a celebrant loved venue. All copyrighted items mentioned are the property of their respective owners, and no form of ownership or endorsement is implied. Read over our collection of prayers for deceased pets: By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. if ($ip_addr == $rem_addr) { Static.COOKIE_BANNER_CAPABLE = true; google_color_border = "E2E8E9"; But I am sure with time you will show me how to be whole again. Wiccan funerals usually involve a ceremony created to help the deceased in their journey and to help the family and loved ones heal through the grieving process. There is great healing in shared grief and shared memories. // end configuration Take me now, take me nowfor to face the Summerlands*.By the earth and wind and the fire and rainI'm on my way, remember me. Having at long last got my act together, here it is. Da de los Muertos ("Day of the Dead") is also a really good example of this kind of thing. See more ideas about condolences, grief quotes, grieving quotes. Jar Spells & Witch Bottles Join the Challenge! Norse funerals, or the burial customs of Viking Age North Germanic Norsemen (early medieval Scandinavians), are known both from archaeology and from historical accounts such as the Icelandic sagas and Old Norse poetry.. Pagan Sabbat rituals mark the cycle of Sun and Seasons, also known as the Wheel of the Year. Starting with a meditation or a song is always good at such times. In the new world you'll call your home, They still live in our hearts, In the happiness we knew, In the dreams we shared. People like myself; who were pagan first, became celebrants because we saw a need in the Australian Pagan Scene. We come from the elements, and it is back to the elements we go once our physical body has done its job. Let everyone gather and get quiet, after the memorial is made. google_ad_format = "160x600_as"; As you do so, tell your pet how much you will miss him, and how thankful you are that you were allowed to be part of his life. In many cases we will have a main altar candle that will also serve as a memorial candle for the family each year on the anniversary, or whenever they feel the need to light it. This short pagan prayer can help your deceased loved one walk into Summerland, get divine peace and rest. Pagan or Wiccan funerals may take place in the open, to appreciate the importance of nature in Paganism. 1 : 0; The Ashes for burial if this is a burial rite as well. Part 1 We have for a while lost one who is dear to us, And we all feel the loss. However it was my push into funerals that really sparked a passion in me. Yet from you so much love was spread Likewise, Wiccan funerals are typically held in an open, natural setting so that the departed loved one can feel at peace. Viking burial methods could vary depending on the geographical area, but there was one thing that united them. Usually there will be people in the know who can recommend well respected, experienced pagan people who can work with large crowds. google_ad_height = 600; Last modified: August 19 2018 14:58:52. They should be side by side, touching each other, as you and your pet touched each other in life. '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= It was for my beloved eldest sister-the first born of eight children and the first to die. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at Everywhere you were seen to tread. As they enter a dream from which rebirth will arise,I give thanks for the time spent together And invoke their protective light to guide me. Paganism involves the spiritual but non-religious worshipping of people, animals, plants, energies and the earth. Most of the time, the deceased is the centre focus for grieving. Fortunately Funeral Directors like Carly from Greenhaven Funerals ( ) are open minded and willing to accommodate changes to traditional methods. The following sample rituals have been collected from many sources (inculding old Pagan BBS files and submissions from our members and friends). It invokes the powers of the earth, air, fire, and water to send the departed off to their next destination. This is when the Priestess or celebrant will do the cleanup of the area, collection of rubbish and anything else required to look after the family. You gave so much, and asked very little in return. It is a painful reality that devout pagans often end up being buried in a Christian (or other religious) service, because the family is the one legally entitled to bury them. Similar rituals were found in Mesopotamian texts as well. One is you, and one is your pet. Oftentimes, a Wiccan funeral will be held in a forest, garden or seaside . She can also create a ceremony based on the dharma, in line with your own tradition and practice. $padding =6; // How many digits to show Sheep and oxen were slain and their fat was placed on the body, their carcasses around it. Take a moment to meditate quietly, and focus on the two stones in the center. Wicca. Don't worry about the words that you usespeak from your heart, just as you would if your pet were in front of you. People may wish to say good-bye. Return from Using the medicine of the dreaming wheel or medicine wheel, ancestor veneration, the natural elements and more, Kimba can create ceremony that is intensely personal yet welcoming to those not accustomed to such rituals. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. h._hjSettings={hjid:1867407,hjsv:6}; However, bodies themselves must be kept care of in a particular way, since if they are mishandled miasma . Nor forced to endure a heavily religious ceremony of some other religion, An Online Ritual Celebration of Peace in Community of Wiccans for this Special Season, Gaia Arising book! Forgive us if today we're sad, Pass the stones over the candle, and say:, with the energies of Fire, I am with you in spirit. Only family, Wiccan friends, and fellow coven members are invited to attend the funeral ceremony. a=o.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; As a celebrant and member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, I am trained in both Traditional and Ancient Celtic Ceremony whether it be a Naming, Handfasting, Home Blessing or Farewells. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. a.appendChild(r); I am the swift uplifting rush You came and touched so many hearts Viking Funeral & Burial Rituals. The dead hold an incredibly high importance in Hellenism. A vase of flowers, enough for all. However there are also a number of highly experienced pagan celebrants who do this calling as well. Simply, by performing the . Lessons We may invoke Gods and Goddesses, the watchtowers or quarters, the elements, ancestors, have incense, flowers and candles, create and cast circle/sacred space - or by request, none of the above. It is always good to sing a song or say a blessing or something that will bring everyone together. . Being an Eclectic Witch Challenge Use Many Areas of Magick! If they are not able to do this for themselves, they might appreciate someone lighting a candle for them, smudging them, or something. If you are a pagan, and you have certain wishes as to your last rites, it's time to arrange things legally, so that those who will respect your wishes will be in charge. Therefore, the wise weep not. } // - chmod this document to 755! Funeral and mourning procedures in contemporary Pagan culture have taken a turn towards the symbolic in modern society. There is a reason for being here, and a reason for going. Pagan Funerals; Memorial Service/Rite of Passage; Pagan Book of Living and Dying Presbyterianism Belief about death Presbyterian Christians believe that whether the reward of heaven or the . They still move, In the rhythm of waving grasses, In the dance of the tossing branches. Vicki, although severely retarded (mentally she was about 3-4, could not read etc.) He/She has gone on to Summerland and now awaits rebirth.". Invite the powers of the four directions to come to watch over you. - Pagan funerals are generally spiritual and about respecting the natural world and all living things. Many Traditions believed that the otherworld was towards the west, so having the casket in the west would be ideal. Born into a Scottish Catholic family, she had been a Wiccan and witch for the past fourteen years. } This short pagan prayer can help your deceased loved one walk into Summerland, get divine peace and rest. After time has passed, put the stones in a safe place somewhere, perhaps in a drawstring pouch, or in a special box, so that whenever you begin thinking of your pet you can see the stones again, and remember him. Learn How! This is radically different from the way in which most modern Americans die, and is probably a lot closer to the way our ancestors dealt with death. Shall you indeed sing. After the ceremony the coffin is either taken to the cemetery to be buried or the crematorium to be cremated. Wonderful people like Cassandra Carter, Buddhi Eldridge and other dedicated people have been out there working hard to have handfastings and other pagan rites of passage available as a choice. Eron the Wizard - real name Ian Wilson - died of cancer aged 62 and his last wish was for a Wiccan funeral. Do not stand at my grave and cry, google_color_url = "0000CC"; The Pagan ritual of cutting and tattooing at funerals was believed to assist in passage to the realm of the dead. Greeting Cards Learn Religions. It is a painful reality that devout pagans often end up being buried in a Christian (or other religious) service, because the family is the one legally entitled to bury them. Throughout Scandinavia, there are many remaining tumuli in honour of Viking kings and chieftains, in addition to runestones and other memorials. With everyone holding hands, she should speak to/of the Goddess, of the turning of the Wheel, of rebirth, of this person now gone, and how we will all meet them again to enjoy, once again, their many wonderful qualities. Thank Goddess for bringing the pet into your life. . She also has longstanding personal practices with roots in Wiccan, Ancestor veneration and other earth-based rituals. Light the incense and the candle. global $fpt_ip,$ip_lock_timeout; Your memory will always remain with me. Family members and close friends are allowed into the circle after they have been energetically purified with the smoke of sage. If we know someone is speaking words they dont believe in their heart, the audience can tell, and the words fall flat. All-Faith funerals Pagan Ceremony Paganism is a widespread religion with varied beliefs and practices. A Year & A Day: Wiccan Mystery School Training, Pre-Yule: Celebrating the light By Honouring the Sacred Dark, Bridgid / Imbolc: : Planting the Seeds of Intention, Mabon: Balancing the Wheel at Autumnal Equinox, Introduction to Wicca: Tips for Beginners, Wicca Jewelry For The Power Centers of the Body, Akhilandeshvari: Goddess Never-Not-Broken, Invoking Quan Yin and Tara To Relieve Anger * Because of respect. $fpt = "/usr/home/"; // path to log file - chmod it to 666 They are not apart from us but a part of us. I'd like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. Witchcraft Course Subscribe A long while ago, I said I would post the funeral service that I had put together for my sister. One of the most extravagant boat burials honored two women, who likely died around 834 A.D. Pagan Book Browser Wiccan funeral and burial rites are perhaps the least codified part of the practice. Place the stones representing you and your pet in the dish in the center of the work area. Finally, take the dish with all the stones in it, and pass it to everyone involved in the ritual. Take a moment to meditate quietly, and focus on the two stones in the center. With this task finished, be sure you visit the Minister's Catalog to confirm that you have everything else you need for the occasion, and remember to become ordained if you have not done so already. In the ancient Celtic religion, there was a belief in an afterlife in the Otherworld which was perhaps considered like this life but without all the negative elements like disease, pain, and sorrow.In this sense, there was little to fear from death when one's soul departed one's physical body, or more specifically for the Celts, one's head. *There are a number of crystals associated with animal magic, and you can use any of these. We must all journey beyond to pause, to rest, and to wait for those who are loved, In a place far from the cares of this world, with happiness and strength renewed. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Traditionally pagans have celebrated life's journey with rites of passage. A person may stand at each compass point to invoke these elements and give thanks to the element. Leave the dish there for several days. Pass the stones over the salt, and say:, with the energies of Earth, I am with you in spirit. File Library (LogOut/ The acts of cutting and tattooing, both of the corpses in preparation for the afterlife and the bereaved as a mourning practice, were widespread across these Pagan subcultures and had special significance in the conference of the departed. Be ideal that will bring everyone together around the casket in the center did die... It was my push into funerals that really sparked a passion in me most of most... Highly experienced pagan people who can recommend well respected, experienced pagan who... Passed down, numerous ancient sources exist that provide accounts of ancient funerals owners, and one you... 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